Lunar Eclipse 11. Astrology of lovers of Life

The lunar eclipse on February 10, 2017 occurs at 22 degrees Leo. There are many positive aspects to the eclipse horoscope, so you can be optimistic about the coming months. The harmonious relationships of the Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus are the real magic of the stars, promising us the fulfillment of desires and practical results.

Beginning of the eclipse: February 10, 2017 at 23:34 UTC (Greenwich time) or February 11, 2017 at 01:34 Moscow time (Moscow time)

Maximum phase: February 11, 2017 at 00:43 UTC or 03:43 Moscow time

End: February 11, 2017 at 02:53 UTC or 05:53 Moscow time

It can be observed in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America. In Russia, weather permitting, it is available for observation in most of the territory, with the exception of the Far East. Since this is a penumbral eclipse, it is not easy to see because the Moon will not darken, but will only change its brightness slightly.

The meaning of an eclipse from an astrological point of view

The properties of a lunar eclipse are to draw attention to the topic of relationships. Like a spotlight, it
illuminates everything that was not previously obvious. Thanks to this, you can take an objective look at your personal relationships and identify sources of imbalance and disharmony in them.

Perhaps the influence of lunar energies will push you to look for ways to solve problems in relationships with loved ones. You will alienate some from your environment, and bring others closer.

The harmonious relationship of the eclipse axis with Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries portends changes for the better. Existing relationships will blossom, and perhaps the birth of a new amazing love story.

The impact of beneficial planetary aspects extends not only to personal life, but also to social activities. Contribute to the common cause, be kinder to people, then you can count on the favor of the stars and good luck for yourself.

Saturn in the chart of the eclipse on February 11, 2017 is very strong, this planet collects many positive aspects. Saturn gives patience and inner strength, which allows you to cope with any difficult situation, achieve practical results and not make mistakes.

If in doubt about anything, use your common sense. Relying on traditional values ​​will help solve problems.

However, along with positive influences, there are also negative planetary influences. The opposition of Jupiter and Uranus complicates personal problems by exaggerating the need for freedom. You will feel a strong desire to rebel against the restrictions and rules imposed on you. Sudden events may occur that will lead to significant changes.

If you decide to let go of an exhausted relationship, it will be easier to do this, because lunar eclipses are associated in astrology with completion.

But it's not all about relationships. Unexpected opportunities may appear along your path, both in your career and in your finances. Be open to the world, allow yourself to try something new and interesting, then you have a greater chance of success. We look forward to pleasant events, interesting meetings and surprises.

The lunar eclipse on February 11 will take place in the Zodiac Sign Leo. Thus, the darkened Moon opposes the Sun in Aquarius: the Moon and Leo will gravitate towards the emotional, personal, and the Sun and Aquarius - towards the collective and rational.

Despite the opposition of the Sun-Moon and Leo-Aquarius, astrologers consider this position of the celestial bodies to be favorable. Especially if you plan the next few days wisely.

The Lunar Eclipse will coincide with the Full Moon. The Full Moon will significantly enhance the influence of the zodiac Leo, which will not decrease even during an eclipse. Ambition, the desire to show oneself, to stand out, and to some extent even to amuse the ego, will come to the fore.

On days like February 11, it’s good to improve your self-esteem and impress others: you will demonstrate those qualities of yours that can safely be considered your strengths. An excellent chance to perform, to appear before the eyes of the public, to express yourself.

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On the other hand, the influence of Aquarius will require you to interact with those around you, and they will not always want to become the retinue of the King of Beasts. What can be done to prevent the day from being overshadowed by conflicts? First of all, think about how you will spend the next day after the eclipse. It's better not to cross paths with unpleasant people. If a meeting cannot be avoided, do not strive for conflicts or quarrels.

Focus on yourself and try to be your best self. You will prove more by actions and deeds than by words. Astrologers advise being more careful with loved ones and loved ones.

It is important to remember that the lunar eclipse on February 11 coincides with Full moon. Energy is at its peak, at such a time you can master a task that seemed difficult and even impossible to you, and also emerge victorious from a difficult situation. But you should not create new problems or obstacles for yourself, since, having received the charge of the Full Moon, they can grow to significant proportions.

The moon this night helps to awaken creative and creative energy, so on the morning of the 11th, many may wake up with new ideas or bold decisions.

After an eclipse, it is much easier to leave unpleasant memories, difficult thoughts, bad habits or other negative events and emotions in the past. The phase of the Moon also favors this: after the Full Moon it will begin to wane, and on the aging Moon they traditionally get rid of any negativity.

The day when the lunar eclipse occurs, as well as the week before and after this date, can bring emotional events. Sensitivity and irritability are growing, so it is undesirable to make fateful decisions on such days. Leave them for another time. It is better not to plan anything important for this period, to continue doing your usual things. But this good time for spiritual practices, meditation and reflection.

Intuition and imagination are sharpened; you can use these abilities for creativity, or, if you wish, for magic. A lunar eclipse is a particularly powerful full moon; all magical actions are greatly enhanced by the energy of the full moon.

This is a really good time for magic, you can perform rituals to attract love, money or to fulfill a wish.

For three days before the eclipse, it is recommended not to eat meat, nuts and seeds, and to take a contrast shower for 5-10 minutes in the morning and evening (men alternate cold-hot-cold water, and women start and end with hot water).

An hour before the eclipse, you need to drink a glass of clean water in slow sips and take a contrast shower. Then sit by a lit candle and think again about what you want to get rid of and what you want to get in return.

10 minutes before the eclipse, lie with your head facing north, before looking in the mirror and remembering your reflection. Looking at your mirror double in your mind, endow it with all your complexes, problems and illnesses.

Then squeeze your reflection to a point and, as you exhale, move it away from you and dissolve it. Imagine yourself renewed. You should finish the meditation again with a contrast shower and a glass of water, performing the steps in the reverse order.

You should not tell anyone about this so as not to waste the energy received. The results will not keep you waiting.

I continue the topic related to eclipses. Most people tend to think that an eclipse is a very rare phenomenon that can only be seen a few times in a lifetime. There is some truth here, if we mean visual observation, then not in all parts of the planet we can see this or that eclipse.

As you already know, during periods of eclipses we become the most receptive, vulnerable and irritable, especially for those people who were born near one or another eclipse. During eclipses, it is useful to engage in spiritual practice. It is not recommended to start new things during an eclipse, since the mind is clouded during this period, there is a possibility of making a mistake, and it will be almost impossible to correct it, since the events that occurred during an eclipse become fatal.

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The moon symbolizes our mind or subconscious. Therefore, any lunar eclipse, first of all, has an impact on the deep layers of the psyche (subconscious and instincts), causing mood swings, sometimes hysteria, irritability, tearfulness, concentration is lost, attention is scattered, our fears come to life, we react inadequately to situations that at other times would not have caused such a reaction.

At the moment of an eclipse, we may be overcome by subconscious experiences and a feeling of vulnerability. The intensity of these feelings varies from person to person. Sometimes it's difficult to understand what exactly you want. There is background anxiety. Headaches, dizziness, pressure changes, loss of activity or, conversely, hyperactivity, weakness and lethargy are possible.

For people with high or low blood pressure, it is better to spend the day of the eclipse in a calm atmosphere and not overexert yourself. Reduce mental stress.

How does an eclipse affect our lives?

In order to understand exactly how an eclipse affects our body and mind, imagine a stone thrown into water. Circles will appear on the surface of the water. Continuing our analogy, we can say that the vibration of the surface of the water (the effect on our mind and body) is most pronounced in the visible part of the eclipse.

The eclipse can be observed in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America. In Russia, weather permitting, it is available for observation in most of the territory, with the exception of the Far East. Therefore, we are in the zone of direct influence of this event.

Sutak is a particularly unfavorable time
In astrology, there is the concept of Sutak - a particularly unfavorable time before an eclipse. At this moment, the destructive energy of the eclipse accumulates in the Earth's atmosphere. Sutak is the period of nine hours before a lunar eclipse. This time is considered even more unfavorable than the eclipse itself.

Do not schedule any important activities during this time. Keep a vigorous fast to mitigate the effects of the eclipse. It would be a bad idea to give in to your mood and have a showdown. If you feel your emotions are getting out of control: drink soothing tea.

The impact of an eclipse is most noticeable three days before and three days after its exact date.

During the period of the eclipse and for another month after, refrain from starting any transactions such as the purchase and sale of property, contacting judicial and executive authorities, refrain from vacations and long-distance travel associated with them, and if this does not work out, then you can only make trips if absolutely necessary.

Be very abstinent in food, and it is better to avoid alcohol altogether. Make sure that all the products you eat are not expired, and that fruits and vegetables are not spoiled.

If possible, during periods of illness, try to use a natural pharmacy and the achievements of traditional medicine. Infusions of fruits and herbs, tea and kefir mushrooms, mineral waters, acupressure and general massages (including using oils and stones of your Zodiac sign), baths with sea salt, or milk, or essential oils will help you.

All of the above only seems difficult, but in fact our recommendations are quite feasible! If you try, you will survive both the lunar eclipse itself and its trail without loss.

"Directory of the Eclipse Corridor"

You will discover:

Pros and cons of eclipses;

Lunar and solar eclipses - what is their difference;

Two eclipses in a row. What does this mean?

What precautions should be taken;

The practice of performing rituals during any eclipse;

The most important: several of the most effective rituals for lunar and solar eclipses, including:

Ritual for fundamental changes in fate on the day of the eclipse

(This ritual is aimed at accelerating the burning of karma and fundamental changes in fate).

Practice of Repentance.

A ritual for liberation from negative character traits.

A ritual to get rid of unwanted people in your life, etc.

Don't miss this wonderful time!

Astrologer's recommendations
During the days of the eclipse, children may find it difficult to cope with their fears. Don't ignore them before bed.

Make sure your child is not exposed to moonlight while sleeping.

On this day, intimate relationships and especially conception are not recommended.

Tendency to unrealistic ideas, so during the eclipse it is better not to engage in planning.

If your child and loved ones are passionate about astronomy and are going to look at the moon, invite them to take a shower after watching.

You should not burden your psyche by watching exciting films and working at the computer for long periods of time.

Ablution. Water is a powerful cleanser that can resist the destructive energy of an eclipse. It is recommended to take a shower, do a wet cleaning and be sure to wash the altar, if there is one in your home, on the morning of February 11th.

We receive the result of the eclipse with a delay, so these days it is important to monitor your thoughts and desires; the results of what you thought about, planned or what you passionately did not want can be obtained, unfortunately, in a distorted form, 6 or 18 months after the eclipse .

The time of the eclipse is not suitable for replanting and pruning plants.

If you experience severe mood swings, fasting is recommended - drink more water.

Shower more often.

Drivers should not ignore traffic rules and exceed the speed limit.

Possible inappropriate behavior of pets.

Pregnant women are advised to take a shower on the evening of February 10th.

On September 11, it is not recommended to visit shopping centers and events involving large crowds of people.

In order to take a break, the best way is to wash the floors of the entire apartment.

We strongly recommend:
do not look at the eclipse;
do not leave the premises (and especially not travel or travel) and stay indoors;
do not eat 3 hours before and after the eclipse;
do not drive, or at least do it carefully;
avoid financial transactions;
do not contact the crowd;
It is recommended to engage in spiritual practices (or just relax).

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the most effective remedy against an eclipse is fasting, prayer and spiritual practice.

“Practical course “Eclipse Magic””

The time of eclipses and the corridor between them (from February 11 to 26) is called a dangerous period. At this moment, logic and consciousness work poorly, wrong decisions are made, intuition ceases to help in situations that are important to a person.

To avoid this, you should follow a number of rules that you will learn from practical course “Eclipse Magic”
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Eclipse corridor

And I repeat, about eclipses. Eclipses usually occur twice a year. And between the sun and a two-week corridor of eclipses is formed by the lunar period. Like now. February 11 will be lunar, and February 26 will be solar. The period from 11 to 26 is that same corridor. Plus a week at both ends.

We can talk about what a difficult emotional period this is, how complex and difficult it all is. Yes, emotions these days are usually not easy to live through. But let's look from the other side.

The role of an eclipse is very clear - to bring out everything that is hidden. What is hidden by us, but not lived. Why do some people experience eclipses easier? In their lives there are fewer unresolved and latent conflicts and problems that are waiting in the wings. They are more sincere with themselves and try to solve problems rather than accumulate.

Most people store emotions for later, bury conflicts, and have never even heard of being sincere with themselves. So in such cases, astrology comes to the rescue. Using tools such as eclipses, phases of the moon, periods of Saturn, retrograde movement of planets, it reveals our problems, taking us out of a stable emotional state.

Eclipses and their corridor are, in a way, days of absolute honesty with yourself, when you suddenly see yourself and your life as it is. No illusions. Nude. And frankly, disgustingly, in every detail. So be prepared for this.

If you have problems in your relationship with your partner, places where you didn't agree, that you find difficult to accept, be prepared to face them again. And understand what other work remains to be done in the relationship.

If you are not completely open to your children, if your heart is filled with something incomprehensible, be prepared for their hysterics, whims and your own disgusting breakdowns.

If in your relationship with your parents you are still small children with pretensions, get ready to see yourself in all your glory.

For what? To be horrified by what you see and begin to change something. To finally quit the hated job that sucks all the juice out of you. Or start in your relationship with your husband not only to consume, but also to give - with love.

Or stop putting yourself on the back burner and take care of yourself, finally take care of your self-esteem, self-esteem, and find an outlet. Unload your heart from old grievances and emotions - drop by drop, step by step. .
Yes, the eclipse corridor is a difficult period. It is better to pray more and not make any fateful decisions. This is the ideal time to cleanse your life and your soul, to move to new level. And whether you succeed in this transition, you will definitely see the next corridor.

Recording a flash mob for the Lunar Eclipse “PUZZLE NAMED “I” OR BLOODY LUNAR ECLIPSE”

You may find yourself:

  • - at a broken trough;

  • - lose prospects;

  • - in quarrels and conflicts;

  • - lose success;

  • - in anxiety and worry;

  • - in a tense situation in the family;

  • - loss of image and status;

  • - hostage to negative people and goals.

A lunar eclipse is a particularly powerful full moon, when all magical effects are intensified many times over.

It's a really good time:

  • - for rituals for love;

  • - attracting money in a special way;

  • - to trigger the fulfillment of a wish;

  • - to transform the “shadow” side of personality;

  • - curb idleness and apathy;

  • - complete the unfinished;

  • - get rid of bad habits;

  • - for radical changes in personal life;

We invite you to turn on the green light with us and launch the right spiral of life.

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The day when the lunar eclipse occurs, as well as the week before and after this date, can bring emotional events. Sensitivity and irritability are growing, so it is undesirable to make fateful decisions on such days. Leave them for another time.

It is better not to plan anything important for this period, to continue doing your usual things. But this is a good time for spiritual practices, meditation and reflection.

Emotions can reach their peak. A lunar eclipse in Leo makes the expression of feelings too demonstrative, even theatrical - these are the properties of this zodiac sign. But by expressing your emotions, you will feel liberated and shine with your own light.

On such a day it is easy to free yourself from the past. It’s good to do meditation, it will help ease the burden of negative memories. By looking into the depths of your soul, you will identify hidden fears and become aware of what creates anxiety.

The Full Moon highlights what we don't want to see in ourselves, other people and the world around us. Such discoveries can generate emotional reactions. If you feel irritated or angry, try to translate your emotions into physical activity.

Strengthen your inner strength, do something creative, because Leo is the most creative among the zodiac signs.

The day of the lunar eclipse is a great time for magic, when cosmic energies strengthen your intentions. For example, you can perform a simple magical ritual on this day to fulfill a wish. Light a yellow or orange candle (these are the colors of the zodiac sign Leo), then take paper of the same color and write your wish on it.

Spend some time thinking about what you want to attract into your life and visualize a positive outcome. After this, extinguish the candle, fold the paper and put it in a secluded place. Your dream can come true within six and a half months, by August 2017.

To sum up the astrological forecasts and the expectations of astrologers, we can say that a promising day awaits us all, on which we can change our fate, get rid of negativity, or perform a couple of suitable rituals for the occasion.

Lunar eclipse– it’s time to say goodbye to bad habits, complexes, fears, illnesses, old problems or outdated relationships; this is a time of change and transformation.


Correcting past life mistakes and working through karmic programs.

Eclipses always evoke in a person the need to change something. Using the experience of the past and the circumstances of the present, it is possible and necessary to find creative strength for the future and get rid of factors limiting personal freedom.

Lunar eclipses occur during the full moon, when emotions reach a climax and yearn for release. During the lunar eclipse, you can eliminate the psychosomatic causes of many diseases, get rid of bad habits(smoking, alcohol, gambling and other types of addiction), as well as complexes and weaknesses.

Catch this wonderful time and get the maximum benefit!

The impact of the February 11 eclipse will be most pronounced in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America and Russia. The peak of the eclipse occurs on February 11, 3:33 (Moscow time).

The first lunar eclipse of 2017 will take place on February 11th. The unconstructive influence of the Moon on our psyche and well-being takes place from February 9 to 12. The moon has a particularly strong impact on the body and psyche of a woman, so representatives of the fair sex are more susceptible to the influence of lunar eclipses. Reducing activity, getting good sleep and not making important decisions is recommended for Cancers and Capricorns. If your Moon is located in the constellation Pisces, be sure to take sedatives and wear a hat.

Since in Jyotish the Moon acts as a significator of the mind ( manasa) and subconscious - any lunar eclipse affects the human psyche, disrupting the usual biorhythms, which leads to unstable emotional state and health problems - during this eclipse, do not put stress on the gastrointestinal tract and knee joints.

The result of the eclipse appears late and in distorted form 6 or 18 months after the eclipse. Therefore, it is important to monitor your thoughts and desires at the moment of the eclipse itself.

Particularly unfavorable time “Sutak”

Sutak lasts nine hours before the lunar eclipse. At this moment, the destructive energy of the eclipse accumulates in the Earth's atmosphere.

Count 9 hours from the start of the eclipse in your region - this is the beginning of the unfavorable interval. This time is even more unfavorable than the eclipse itself. At this moment, the destructive energy of the eclipse accumulates in the Earth's atmosphere.

Do not schedule any important activities during this time. Keep a vigorous fast to mitigate the effects of the eclipse. This is especially true for women and people born in the constellation Cancer and Capricorn (these two constellations will be the “place of the eclipse”).

It would be a bad idea to give in to your mood and have a showdown. If you feel your emotions are getting out of control: drink soothing tea.

  • From February 9 to February 12, conception is not recommended.
  • During the days of the eclipse, children may find it difficult to cope with their fears. Don't ignore them before bed. Make sure your child is not exposed to moonlight while sleeping.
  • There is a tendency to make unrealistic estimates, so it is better not to plan during the eclipse period.
  • You should not burden your psyche by watching exciting films and working at the computer for long periods of time.
  • The eclipse period (February 10−12) is not suitable for replanting and pruning indoor plants.
  • If you experience severe mood swings, fasting on February 11th is recommended.
  • Shower more often.
  • Drivers should not ignore the rules traffic and speeding.
  • Maybe inappropriate behavior pets.
  • Water is a powerful cleanser that can resist the destructive energy of an eclipse. It is recommended to take a shower, do a wet cleaning and be sure to wash the altar, if there is one in your home, on the morning of February 11th.
  • If you dry your laundry on the balcony (in the open air), then do not leave it under open air starting from the moment day(that is, 9 hours before the eclipse and on the night of the eclipse - laundry should not be left under the Moon).
  • Protective mantra on the day of eclipse: “OM SRI DURGAYE NAMAHA”
  • Pregnant women are advised to take a shower in the evening of February 10 and in the morning of February 11.
  • It is not recommended to go outside starting from 18:00 on February 10. These recommendations are also relevant for women whose female cycle falls on these days.
  • When you sleep, curtain the window to moonlight did not come into contact with your body.
  • Do not buy things for your baby between the 9th and the 13th.
  • Watch your diet
  • Do not allow sad thoughts, set yourself in a positive mood.

Lunar eclipse February 10, 2017 occurs at 22 degrees Leo. There are many positive aspects to the eclipse horoscope, so you can be optimistic about the coming months. The harmonious relationships of the Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus are real magic stars, promising us the fulfillment of desires and practical results.

Beginning of the eclipse: February 10, 2017 at 23:34 UTC (Greenwich time) or February 11, 2017 at 01:34 Moscow time (Moscow time)

It can be observed in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America. In Russia, weather permitting, it is available for observation in most of the territory, with the exception of the Far East. Since this is a penumbral eclipse, it is not easy to see because the Moon will not darken, but will only change its brightness slightly.

Impact of the lunar eclipse February 11, 2017

The Sun at 22 degrees Aquarius opposes the Moon at 22 degrees Leo, emphasizing the polarity of these signs. The Moon is associated with our emotional needs, and in Leo these needs relate to creative expression, hobbies, relationships with children, love and passion. Aquarius is associated with universal human values and collective efforts, his way is to work in a group, together. However, Leo's energy pulls in the opposite direction, as if saying, "I want to make a statement." For Fire Lion to be in the spotlight is his inalienable right.

Most likely, some kind of compromise is needed, a reasonable combination of opposing tendencies. It's time to demonstrate to the world the uniqueness of your personality, express yourself in a new environment, and attract interest. Lunar energies will help you express your creativity, and there will be many opportunities for this.

The influence of a lunar eclipse will most affect representatives of fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), however, other signs of the Zodiac will also feel its impact. For those who have personal planets and important points (Asc, MC) in their natal chart at 17 - 27 degrees of fixed signs, the effect will also be noticeable.

The meaning of an eclipse from an astrological point of view

The properties of a lunar eclipse are to draw attention to the topic of relationships. Like a spotlight, it illuminates everything that was not previously obvious. Thanks to this, you can take an objective look at your personal relationships and identify sources of imbalance and disharmony in them. Perhaps the influence of lunar energies will push you to look for ways to solve problems in relationships with loved ones. You will alienate some from your environment, and bring others closer.

The harmonious relationship of the eclipse axis with Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries portends changes for the better. Existing relationships will blossom, and perhaps the birth of a new amazing one. love story. The impact of beneficial planetary aspects extends not only to personal life, but also to social activities. Contribute to the common cause, be kinder to people, then you can count on the favor of the stars and good luck for yourself.

Saturn in the chart of the eclipse on February 11, 2017 is very strong, this planet collects many positive aspects. Saturn gives patience and inner strength, which allows you to cope with any difficult situation, achieve practical results and avoid making mistakes. If in doubt about anything, use your common sense. Relying on traditional values ​​will help solve problems.

However, along with positive influences, there are also negative planetary influences. The opposition of Jupiter and Uranus complicates personal problems by exaggerating the need for freedom. you will feel strong desire rebel against the restrictions and rules imposed on you. Sudden events may occur that will lead to significant changes. If you decide to let go of an exhausted relationship, it will be easier to do this, because lunar eclipses are associated in astrology with completion.

But it's not all about relationships. Unexpected opportunities may appear along your path, both in your career and in your finances. Be open to the world, allow yourself to try something new and interesting, then you have a greater chance of success. We look forward to pleasant events, interesting meetings and surprises.

Emotions can reach their peak. A lunar eclipse in Leo makes the expression of feelings too demonstrative, even theatrical - these are the properties of this zodiac sign. But by expressing your emotions, you will feel liberated and shine with your own light.

On such a day it is easy to free yourself from the past. It’s good to do meditation, it will help ease the burden of negative memories. By looking into the depths of your soul, you will identify hidden fears and become aware of what creates anxiety.

The Full Moon highlights what we don't want to see in ourselves, other people and the world around us. Such discoveries can generate emotional reactions. If you feel irritated or angry, try to translate your emotions into physical activity. Strengthen your inner strength, do something creative, because Leo is the most creative among the zodiac signs.

The day of the Moon eclipse is a great time for magic, when cosmic energies strengthen your intentions. For example, you can spend a simple day on this day magic ritual to fulfill a wish. Light a yellow or orange candle (these colors zodiac sign Leo), then take paper of the same color and write your wish on it. Spend some time thinking about what you want to attract into your life and visualize a positive outcome. After this, extinguish the candle, fold the paper and put it in a secluded place. Your dream can come true within six and a half months, by August 2017.

Unlike ancient times, modern astrologers do not view eclipses as impending disasters, although they generally underestimate their impact. Since what happens at the moment of eclipses has a fateful influence, and can manifest itself both two to three weeks before the eclipse itself, and after. But the consequences of eclipses affecting a person’s astrological chart sometimes last much longer; it happens that decades can pass.

Relatively fatality associated with eclipses, it must be said that this inevitability is directly related to the personal choice of a person made earlier, which entailed events - consequences associated with it, and with the implementation of what was planned, what was chosen by us even before incarnation. Therefore, during periods of eclipses, we need to be more attentive to what is happening around us, with us, our friends and loved ones. Because what happens during these periods is more significant than we may at first assume. Projects, events and ideas and people who come to us during periods of eclipses become an important part of our lives for a long time.

But still, it must be remembered that making any decisions during the period between eclipses is NOT worth it , as well as not necessary on days of eclipses:
- start important events, transactions,
- make decisions,
- participate in public events,
- get married,
- make purchases,
- perform operations,
- sign contracts.

Planned events even per week before the eclipse it is rarely possible to reconcile with how they were conceived, planned due to the fact that, as a rule, they tend to acquire a different scope at a much greater speed.

And what's happening on the day of the eclipse , practically uncontrollable at all. Especially during sunny, since at this time information that could be provided to us, but was not perceived by our consciousness objectively and completely. That is why decisions should be made no earlier than a week after the eclipse. That is, solar eclipses dictated by external circumstances and associated with events occurring outside our will, like karmic predestination. While lunar eclipses, on the contrary, are caused by our thoughts and feelings. They point to the area of ​​life where changes associated with the solar eclipse will occur.

When a lunar eclipse precedes a solar eclipse, it means that the situation is approaching a critical point and needs reorganization and new approaches to understanding and searching for meaning in a certain area of ​​life.

In February 2017, two will occur, a penumbral lunar and an annular solar one.

1. The first series of eclipses will begin penumbral lunar eclipse February 11, 2017 year, which will occur at 00:43 UTC ( 03:43 Moscow time). IN 23° Leo saros series 19 S. The eclipse will be visible in the area Europe, Africa, Asia and Pacific Islands.

Saros I9 S Series

This family of eclipses brings with it the element pleasant surprise. Unexpected happiness, joyful event, good opportunity, random win. You can trust the events that happen; they can positively change a person’s life.

2. Will continue the same series of Saros eclipses 19 S To An annular eclipse of the Sun that will occur on February 26, 2017 year at 14:53 UTC ( 17:53 Moscow time) V 9° Pisces. It will be visible in South Africa and South America .

Here we talk about the difference in effects between eclipses, what to do during each eclipse and how to program your life according to the rhythms of the Universe and eclipses.

And this article describes the meanings when the eclipse degree is conjunct with the radix planets.

The Universe calls us to mercy, altruism and love, as well as to knowledge of its secrets. Are you ready for this?

On this site in the comments you have the opportunity to ask the author, astropsychologist Delphi your question about a specific eclipse and where in your horoscope the degree of any of the eclipses falls, indicating:

1. Date (, time (local) And your place of birth.

2. Place of residence and location at the moment of the eclipse.

Event locations- indicate country, region, district and locality, so that I can establish the exact geographical coordinates of this place.

Moreover, no exact time of birth indicate the house natal chart impossible, because even in 4 minutes time the grid of houses shifts by 1 degree , a z a 24 hours does full rotation around its axis.

Lunar eclipse will take place from Friday to Saturday February 11, 2017 at 3:32:49 am Moscow time at 23 degrees of the sign of Leo (Aquarius). By astrological forecasts The lunar eclipse in February 2017 is an amazing and magical phenomenon that will bring many positive aspects to your horoscope, so you can be optimistic about the near future.

The lunar eclipse in February 2017 awakens various hidden talents. A truly beautiful symmetry of the Moon with Saturn can bring out your magical inclination and unusual abilities, which will bring you practical results and long-term achievements.

Lunar eclipse February 11, 2017: astrological aspect

Like any full moon, a lunar eclipse brings focus to all kinds of relationships in your life. When the Sun is opposite the Moon, emotions and instincts reach their peak, which allows you to objectively and soberly evaluate your close personal relationships. The lunar eclipse will allow you to understand exactly what you expect from this relationship, and what your partner expects, and then you can avoid disharmony and achieve optimal balance and understanding.

A lunar eclipse represents a kind of emotional reset, shedding the emotional baggage of the previous six months. February 16, 2017 the final phase of the lunar eclipse will begin, and its successful “continuation” will be a solar eclipse.

Lunar eclipse February 11, 2017: what awaits us?

The lunar eclipse in February 2017 will be located in the constellation Leo (22°28). The star Rasalas (21°40) located at the head of the constellation Leo (21°40) will have a significant influence on people born under this sign, but it is not a major player among the stars. A lunar eclipse (like a full moon) has a much more powerful influence than the stars and highlights the dynamics of relationships and polarities between partners, home and work, family and friends, etc.

Jupiter opposite Uranus greatly increases your need for personal freedom and thirst for adventure. You will feel a strong urge to overreact or rebel against anyone who gets in the way of having fun and doing what you want. Most likely, some unexpected event will occur that will give a splash to your emotions and energy and lead to significant changes in your life. life circumstances. The stronger your rebellion and negative reactions, the more upset you will be with the result.

Lunar Eclipse: Mystical Rectangle

Two red intersecting lines forming a cross on astrological chart symbolize your internal energy and tension, and the blue rectangle framing them is your talent to restrain negative emotions and the ability to avoid conflict.

Your inner world may be unstable, there will be a desire to throw out dissatisfaction and negative emotions that you usually hide under a mask. You can deceive others, but you don’t need to deceive yourself: just admit that you have “red” tension and internal conflicts in your soul and use your “blue” abilities to resolve them and achieve harmony with yourself.

The Moon sextile Jupiter and the Sun trine Jupiter will bring happiness and good luck in your personal life. If you already have a soulmate, then your relationship will become even stronger; if you are free, then you will definitely meet your love. You will want to do good deeds and help others, do not resist your feelings and then you can expect the favor of the stars. Success in financial affairs can increase your capital, as well as increase your level of satisfaction and satisfaction with yourself. Personal and spiritual growth can be achieved through self-development, travel and everything that is aimed at expanding your horizons and outlook on life.

The Moon in trine with Uranus and the Sun in sextile with Uranus will refresh old relationships and lead to new acquaintances. We look forward to interesting events, pleasant surprises And unexpected meetings. You will need more personal freedom to try something new and unknown, give preference to communication and meeting people, joint activities in a team and then you will have more chances to meet interesting people from different cultural and ethnic groups.

Lunar eclipse February 11, 2017: pyramid of planets

In addition to the mystical rectangle, in the diagram above you can see the so-called three-dimensional structure of a pyramid of three planets: Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus, and in interaction with the Sun and Moon, these celestial bodies on the astrological chart they form a five-pointed star.

Saturn is at the head of the pyramid and under its influence are wisdom and patience, as well as stability and security. Respect for this planet will help you cope with any task more easily and ensure stable results. Saturn will also help to reveal your penchant for magic and unusual abilities.

The Moon trine Saturn and the Sun sextile Saturn provide patience and emotional strength to cope with any relationship problems. Some of your close friends or family may turn to you for advice on a personal issue or simply come for support. Traditional values ​​and old habits can help solve new problems. You can rely on strong inner instincts and common sense when you take important decisions regarding issues arising in your home, family and relationships. You are determined to achieve good results and avoid mistakes.

Jupiter sextile Saturn signifies prudence in decision making. Common sense will help you choose the right path; you will be able to realize yourself in your career by receiving investments or concluding profitable deals, or in your personal life, for example, by choosing a successful relationship option. Remember to use your best judgment when working on serious, long-term projects; patience, perseverance and hard work will definitely help you succeed.

Saturn in trine with Uranus is a stage of change. This is the perfect time to bring something new into your life. At the same time, the changes will not be spontaneous and thoughtless; on the contrary, moving forward, you will calmly, patiently and carefully plan your every step. Teamwork is encouraged during this period of time, where people from different walks of life can be brought together and their efforts can be directed towards achieving a common long-term goal.

The lunar eclipse in February 2017 will directly affect your horoscope, and it is important in which decan (third of the horoscope) you were born. Read more about the upcoming changes in the horoscope for your sign for 2017.

@ Muravyova Lyudmila, astrologer