Mia is an Orthodox name. The meaning of the name Miya, character traits and the fate of its owner

In many Persian sources, one can find information that the name Tamerlane was originally used only in offensive forms in relation to the great Khan Timur, for example, Timur-e Lang, which means Timur the Lame. Later it began to be used in other countries, and the negative meaning came to naught. So now the translation of the name Tamerlane is associated with, which translates as "iron".

It is difficult to determine exactly what nationality the name Tamerlane is, but it is attributed to many Turkic peoples: Kazakhs, Turks, Turkmens, Uzbeks, Azerbaijanis and others.

The meaning of the name Tamerlane for character and fate

The meaning of the name Tamerlane for a boy, both in Islam and in Christianity, is the same, because a man with that name has his own character traits. From childhood, the child grows up kind and complaisant, he never shows anger, he is always balanced and never starts a conflict, and even more so, does not get into fights. He likes to pay attention to small things, be reasonable and do only those things that seem logical to him.

Praise is extremely important for little Tamerlane

Tamerlane has a good memory and a developed imagination, so it is easy for him to study. In addition, both for a boy and for an adult man named Tamerlane, praise is very important: it stimulates him and makes him work with double perseverance.

From the first years of his life, Tamerlane shows non-standard thinking and the ability to cope with non-standard situations. He often participates in various events and competitions. He is self-confident and always optimistic, has courage in his undertakings and always brings the matter to the end.

He does not tolerate when someone is put as an example to him., because he manifests himself as strong personality, often stubborn and a bit conceited.


For many, it is important to know what the name Tamerlane means for the health of a boy and an adult man. In this case, you don't have to worry usually the boy's health is good, he practically does not get sick, and if it happens to catch the flu or a cold, the child quickly recovers.

The only thing that can negatively affect health is allergic reactions who had never shown themselves before. This can come from stress, a change in climate or environment, or eating new foods or changing brands. In such cases, you should visit a doctor, stick to a diet and not overload the nervous system.

Marriage and family

Tamerlane's love relationship is always serious and for a long time they have for him great value. He takes care of his chosen one for a long time and beautifully, does not rush things and is very selective when it comes to marriage and family.

In love, Tamerlane is very inventive, knows how to beautifully look after and highly appreciates his chosen one.

It is important for him that the future wife is not only beautiful and smart, but also takes into account his order of life. For him, comfort in relationships is important, so he will be demanding of his wife, although for his part he will give everything he needs. He will never change and will not tolerate change., for him respect and fidelity are the main qualities in marriage. Often quarrels can arise because of Tamerlane's principles, and this means that it will no longer be possible to convince him. But he always admits his guilt and tries to correct the situation.

Tamerlane loves children very much, and although he is also demanding of them, yet love surpasses strictness.


Tamerlan is one of those people for whom work is an opportunity to prove themselves. He loves to work, especially if he sees the results of his work and the positive assessment of others. He has an analytical mind, but intuition is not very well developed, therefore own business and investment is not his sphere. He can achieve great success in leadership positions, because he knows how to analyze, shows strictness and respect for his subordinates.

Tamerlan can realize himself in engineering, personnel management and even IT

Since childhood, Tamerlane has a predisposition to sports and he can attend several sections, achieving excellent results everywhere. Therefore, he can choose a profession based on his hobbies. But even if Tamerlane does not want to go headlong into big sport, he will not forget about it and will get involved at the hobby level. He excels in positions that require a lot of responsibility and attention to detail, and he can excel in IT, HR, engineering and development.

Famous name bearers

  • Tamerlane (Timur) ibn Taragay Barlas - Persian commander, great khan, emir.

Tamerlane (Central Asian commander and conqueror)

  • Tamerlan Thorell is a Swedish zoologist who discovered over 1,000 different species of spiders.
  • Tamerlan Dzudtsov - head of the drama theater in South Ossetia, Minister of Culture.

Tamerlan Dzudtsov (artistic director of the South Ossetian State Drama Theater named after Kosta Khetagurov, Minister of Culture of South Ossetia)

name day

The name Tamerlane, as well as, is not recorded in the Christian calendar church holidays. Many baptize children under, which is similar in sound, and celebrate name days one or more times a year: January 17, March 12, February 6, May 16, April 29, June 23, August 14, September 2, December 11, November 11.

Write in the comments, under what name did you baptize the child? What is your short or affectionate name for him? Share with us your options.

The name Tamerlane appeared in various Persian sources, where it was mentioned as an ironic nickname of the great Khan Timur, namely Timur-e Lang, which meant "Timur the Lame". It is possible that this name was considered at that time as contemptuously derogatory.

Reasonable, stubborn great importance pays attention to the little things. It is not uncommon to become a leader in a company. As early as school years, they begin to appear organizational skills boy, he is happy to participate in all events and holidays. Has iron authority among peers.

Tamerlane's Angel Day: not celebrated, since the name Tamerlane is not included in the list of church holidays.

  • Zodiac of Tamerlane - Virgo, Gemini
  • Planet - Mercury
  • The color of the name Tamerlane is mixed
  • Auspicious tree - walnut
  • The treasured plant of Tamerlane - parsley
  • Patron named after Tamerlane - weasel, stork
  • Stone-talisman of Tamerlane - agate, porphyry

Origin and meaning of the name

The origin of the name Tamerlane is determined by Turkic, Mongolian, Kazakh and Muslim roots, each of which has its own meaning and history. The Turkic roots of the name Tamerlane indicate a modified form from the name Timur-leng, which is etymologically translated as "Iron Lame".

According to the Kazakh meaning, Tamerlane, whose name comes from two Kazakh words "Temir" and "Lan", is translated as "Iron Lion".

IN Muslim meaning, the secret of the name Tamerlane is revealed as a persistent, warlike, super-strong and iron man.

The male name Tamerlane, given where it came from, for a long time was considered humiliating and contemptuous for the owner, however, as soon as the naming entered the name book Western countries, it lost its negative connotation, and began to be used along with other names, such as Timur,

Usually this name is common among oriental men, it gives its owner many positive qualities. This man has a complaisant character, natural kindness and poise. He is not at all aggressive or malicious, and he is unlikely to be the first to get involved in conflicts and disputes, he will not get into a fight, preferring to resolve the issue by diplomacy.

Physically strong and strong, very fond of physical activity and employment in the port, is distinguished by great success in studies. An excellent memory and a very well-developed imagination help the owner of this name to achieve such success. Tamerlan always pays attention to the little things in any business, so that the work is completed completely and absolutely successfully. This is a very reasonable and rather stubborn person, endowed with a special analytical mind, has a very solid character, which allows him to maintain his impeccable reputation.

Tamerlane can outwardly resemble his mother, although usually his father inherits his character, he is flexible from childhood, a little indecisive and very kind. However, even from childhood, even in boyish games, he can show extraordinary ingenuity, is able to navigate in any non-standard situation and get out of it with honor.

During his school years, Tamerlane begins to show himself to be a good organizer, which attracts people to him. He actively participates in many competitions and events, among his friends he is known as an indisputable authority.

The boy makes great progress in sports, can receive high awards, especially in power competitions, if his parents support his aspirations and help him in his endeavors. But parents should always understand that Tamerlane's nature is very strong, he will not tolerate comparing himself with anyone, and there is no need to set anyone as an example to him.

He is trustful of people, his friends can tell all the secrets and thoughts. However, with others he is laconic. He is very true friend, partner and husband, for his family will do everything, treats a woman with great respect and patience. In conflicts, he always solves everything without unnecessary emotions and passions.

Characteristics of the name Tamerlane

The characteristic of the name Tamerlane allows parents to focus on the pros and cons of the character of their unborn child, which allows them to properly raise their own child.

The boy has innate kindness and poise, he himself will never be the first to get into a fight, but he will not let himself be offended either. A father for a child is an authority on which he will equal and copy the manner of behavior. The attitude of the boy to the mother directly depends on how the father treats the woman.

Communicative, responsible, punctual. He does not tolerate the manifestation of strong emotions and raised tones, he solves all problems calmly and with restraint. He does not like being compared with others or trying to set someone as an example. Stubborn and independent.

The fate and character trait of Tamerlane

Little Tamerlanchik is bold and serious. He grows up as a wonderful boy and does not argue with his elders, provided that they respect him. He can be convinced, but he will desperately resist any pressure.

Study is given to Tamerlane easily. He likes to be praised and does everything he can for this. Tamerlane has good inclinations to become a great athlete, and his willpower is simply amazing. Since childhood, he sets goals for himself and stubbornly moves towards them.

The temperament of an adult Tamerlane is almost the same as a little Tamik. He, as before, with all his seriousness and courage goes to achieve his goals. At the same time, he does not go ahead, but carefully considers all his actions and decisions. Of course, this does not protect him from mistakes, but he still makes them less than other people.

Tamerlane never loses heart and does not give up. Little things mean a lot to him. A person like Tamerlane is always liked by people and is an authority among friends and acquaintances. But not everyone can become his friend, as he carefully chooses friends and looks at them, based on their inner world.

He always thinks soberly, especially in non-standard situations. He has ingenuity and insight. Always ready to help, even if you don't expect it. He has developed creativity and not bad taste. Appearance is not the main thing for him, although he always looks good and hates sloppiness and slovenliness.

Love and family of Tamerlane

A man is extremely popular with the opposite sex, even if outwardly young man far from Brad Pitt. This means that the extraordinary charm and attractiveness of a young man can conquer any woman's heart, but a man is very selective and not every young lady will be happy with his own attention.

However, despite the incredible success among women, the interpretation of the name Tamerlane in love reveals its owner not as a conqueror of women's hearts, but as a young man who appreciates in a girl not only external data, but the soul and inner fullness of a young person.

Often marries a woman who does not stand out for her beauty and charm, but who has similar plans and aspirations.

In everyday life, he appreciates coziness and comfort. This means that it requires perfect order and freshly prepared food from the wife. Does not tolerate chaos and disorder. Hospitable and hospitable host.

He does not tolerate quarrels and loud showdowns, tries not to conflict with his wife's relatives and friends, preferring equal and friendly relations with everyone. Become despotic as soon as the wife begins to "go too far."

A good and demanding father. Raising a child often shifts to the shoulders of the spouse.

Health and talents of Tamerlane

Betrayal is not for him. He will not tolerate betrayal, as in his address, and he will not betray. Knows how to keep secrets. He himself does not raise his voice to the interlocutor and will not tolerate this from him.

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that Tamerlane is accompanied by the number seven. This number is already happy and allows you to get much more out of life than other people. Also, this figure defines people who are gifted in many ways. Talents can be very diverse, ranging from painting, ending with a penchant for managerial and leadership qualities of character.

TO business Tamerlane's predisposition is weak. He does not tend to plan ahead, so in business he may fail, which will greatly upset him. It is easier for him to manage people who will make decisions than to make decisions. financial investments on one's own.

In love, he is categorical, and will not tolerate betrayal, so a woman can completely rely on the strong shoulder of her man Tamerlane. But the wrath of Tamerlane should be feared, if he goes on principle, then it is unlikely that he will be able to convince him. There is no point in arguing with him if you do not have good arguments in your defense. At the same time, if he is still wrong, he admits it and apologizes in every possible way so as not to lose self-respect.

The meaning of the letters in the name Tamerlane

  • T - people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative nature. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition, adapt well to different conditions of the world around them. Capable of being generous.
  • A - the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are quite hardworking. They like to take the initiative in everything and do not like routine.
  • M - if you look at people who have the letter "M" in their name, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality everything is not so. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.
  • E - sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. The owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are both simple and charming at the same time. Constantly striving for a good life, which is valued more than friendship. They perform well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.
  • R - people with the letter "R" in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible, you can rely on them in any situation. They have a well-developed intuition, they are extremely negative about lies. Constantly striving for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.
  • L - artistic and inventive personalities. In actions they prefer to be guided logical thinking. They know how to position themselves. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and treat other people with disdain. Parting with loved ones is extremely difficult. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.
  • H - strong, strong-willed and decisive personality. Hardworking enough, but they cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, there is critical thinking. A person chooses a chosen one for a long time, with whom he can live until the end of his days. Likes to take care of loved ones.

Name Tamerlane

Tamerlane - courageous and beautiful name, fanned by the legend of a mighty conqueror. Everyone knows his name, but not everyone knows that the great commander was called Timur, and he received the nickname Tamerlane for his military exploits.
There are a great many versions about the origin of the name, but they all emphasize the strength and courage that it carries. The Kazakh version interprets the meaning of the name as "strong lion", the Turkic one - "iron lame", the Muslim one - "fearless", "iron", "powerful".

The secret of the name Tamerlane
Despite the harsh meaning of the name, the boy, named Tamerlane, grows surprisingly calm and obedient. He is very soft, conflict-free, loves his parents, gets along well with his peers, pities animals.
Tamerlan studies well at school - he is assiduous and very responsible. Maybe, school items are given to him not too easily, but the boy stubbornly achieves success. He is gifted creatively - Tamerlane can have good musical and artistic abilities, compose poetry or shine in a theater studio. In addition, the boy grows athletic and physically developed.
Growing up, he becomes, perhaps, more pragmatic - he is characterized by solidity and prudence. However, these qualities do not prevent him from remaining sympathetic and tolerant of the shortcomings of others. Tamerlane is smart and insightful, his reputation is impeccable, and his personal qualities are respected everywhere. The best human qualities prevail in him - Tamerlane is kind and always ready to help.
Tamerlane is proud, so it is extremely important for him to confirm his own innocence. Not getting the recognition of others, he can be short-tempered and irritable. Throughout his life, he is confident in his own exclusivity, and perhaps this is what makes him strive for a worthy status. However, he somewhat lacks perseverance - Tamerlane does not always achieve his goal.
Tamerlane will always be the undisputed leader in the family. He considers his own opinion to be the only true one, therefore he chooses a life partner who is meek and patient, fully recognizing his authority. In addition, the chosen one of Tamerlane should be very attractive, but modest.

Tamerlan name compatibility
The fate of Tamerlane is determined not only by his personal qualities, but also by many factors beyond his control. One of them is the combination of the name Tamerlane with various female names.
The union of Tamerlane and Inga is ambiguous, but at the same time it has every chance of success. The character of a woman is complex, she is characterized by uncertainty and dissatisfaction with others, but next to this strong man she acquires inner strength without encroaching on his leadership in the family. The union is possible and long-term.
The relationship between Tamerlane and Tatiana may not be bad. Both partners are bright individuals, but there is a deep mutual understanding in this union. Based on mutual respect, it will exist for a long time.
Also, Tamerlane's relationship with Olga, Sofia, Anastasia, Marika and Oksana can develop successfully.
Can hardly be called successful union Tamerlane and Lyudmila. Perhaps the reason lies in the complex nature of a woman - she does not know how to give in, she is able to create a conflict on the most insignificant occasion, so a man quickly gets tired of such a tense relationship. Constant quarrels are likely to lead to a complete break in their union.
A pair of Tamerlane and Margarita is unsuccessful. A woman is too freedom-loving and independent - not recognizing the leadership of her companion, she provokes frequent conflicts. Relationships are destroyed gradually, but inevitably go to a break.
Tamerlane should not start Serious relationships also with Galina, Larisa, Angela and Ekaterina.

The name Tamerlane has a very interesting story and not all linguists consider it an independent name. Scientists say that the name Tamerlane is one of the nicknames of the great Central Asian conqueror Timur. In Iranian-speaking countries, he was called "Timur lame", which sounded like Timur-e Liang. When transferred to Western European languages, the name underwent a change to Tamerlane(Tamerlan et al.). It was in Western European countries that this name was born, but over time it became popular all over the world. Today, along with the name Timur, it is used by many peoples.

The meaning of the name Tamerlane for a child

If we talk about Tamerlane, then in childhood his courage and seriousness are especially noticeable. He is a wonderful child and rarely argues with adults, unless of course they treat him with respect. The boy is susceptible to reasonable arguments, but he will resist any pressure with everyone. accessible ways. It is worth noting that the analysis of the phonosemantics of the name Tamerlane shows that this name is more dynamic than that of the name Timur.

Tamerlane studies well enough. The boy loves to be praised and is ready to make efforts for this. A child can achieve even more success in sports. Tamerlan has good inclinations for playing sports, and his strong-willed qualities are generally beyond praise. The boy knows how to set goals and achieve them. And all this despite the young age.

Tamerlane's health is usually strong, and there are almost no problems in childhood. The only weak point of his health can be called the immune system. Sometimes he has allergic reactions without visible prerequisites for this. The most effective treatment may be diet (if it is a food allergy) or climate change (if it is a plant allergy).

Abbreviated name Tamerlane

There, Tammy, Tamik.

Diminutive names

Tamerlanchik, Tamerlanochka, Tamerlanushka, Tamushka, Tamochka.

Name Tamerlane in English

IN English language the name Tamerlane is spelled as Tamerlane.

Name Tamerlane for international passport- TAMERLAN.

Translation of the name Tamerlane into other languages

Spanish - Tamerlán
in Italian - Tamerlano
in Chinese - 帖木儿 (tièmùér)
in German - Tamerlane
in Polish - Tamerlane
in French - Tamerlane
in Japanese - 鉄 (Tetsu) - Iron

Characteristics of the name Tamerlane

The adult Tamerlane has the same features as in childhood. He is bold, serious and purposeful. At the same time, his courage is not reckless, as he carefully weighs everything before making a decision. This does not mean that Tamerlane does not make mistakes, but he makes fewer mistakes than others and never despairs. Tamerlane attracts people, which is not surprising. His a strong character visible from afar and many want to become his friend. But becoming a true friend of Tamerlane is quite difficult, because he is cautious and does not like haste in such important matters.

Tamerlane loves and knows how to work, and achieves the greatest success in leadership positions. It is worth noting that for Tamerlane, a positive assessment of others is very important. This is especially noticeable at work. Tamerlane wants praise even for the simple performance of official duties, which is surprising to many. But after the praise, Tamerlane works with redoubled energy, so it’s worth praising him more often.

In family relationships, Tamerlane is a hurricane of emotions. He takes very good care of future wife, and his imagination in this can only be envied. At the same time, he is in no hurry, which is strange for such a temperamental manifestation of feelings. He approaches the choice of a bride very seriously, so if the relationship develops too quickly, then you should think about the seriousness of Tamerlane's intentions. He is a reliable companion in life and does a lot for his family. He loves children, especially his daughters.

The secret of the name Tamerlane

The secret of Tamerlane can be called his vanity. He tries not to show it much, but sometimes it becomes noticeable. He should be careful with the desire for fame and recognition. No wonder in many religions vanity is considered a mortal sin.

Planet- Proserpina.

Zodiac sign- Cancer.

totem animal- Python.

Name color- Black and brown.

Tree- Karagach.

Plant- Black Tulip.

Stone- Obsidian.