Prayer to the Guardian Angel in Russian. Simple prayers to the guardian angel for help

Trinity Parents' Saturday is one of the Christian Orthodox holidays set aside for the remembrance of the dead. It falls on the last Saturday before Trinity. There are several such days in our tradition, but each has serious significance for a believer.

history of the holiday

Just as it is said about the establishment of meat-free Parental Saturday that “the Divine Fathers received it from the holy apostles,” so one can say about the origin of Trinity Saturday. In the words of St. ap. Peter, spoken by him on the day of Pentecost, is an important indication of the beginning of the custom of remembering the dead on the day of Pentecost.

The history of this celebration is directly related to the Trinity Day. This big day is also called Pentecost. The Holy Trinity is considered the birthday of the Ecumenical Apostolic Church, that is, the tradition that is well known to all of us. But Trinity Saturday is the last milestone in the life of the Old Testament Church.

This crucial moment, the most important stage in the development of religion. That is why the ministers of Orthodoxy believe that this celebration must be taken very seriously, and be sure to remember all the departed. Among other parental Saturdays, it is customary to highlight Myasopustnaya, Dmitrievskaya, Radunitsa and others. Special meaning This holiday is for families in which someone has recently passed away.

Trinity or Ecumenical Parental Saturday is the day of remembrance of the dead, one of the four all-Russian calendar days of remembrance of the dead. It falls on the Saturday before Trinity. In 2018 it falls on May 26th. Trinity Parents' Saturday is a special day in the church calendar, when a pan-church commemoration of the departed is performed. It is believed that in Trinity parent's Saturday Even suicides can be commemorated in church.

What is Trinity Parents' Saturday?

Trinity Parents' Saturday is a day of remembrance and honor for the dead. This is very important date for believers, on the eve of the great Orthodox holiday of Trinity. The history of Trinity Saturday goes back to the tradition of celebrating the holiday of Trinity (Pentecost). Trinity Saturday represents the last day of the Old Testament Church before the opening of the Church of Christ in its entirety. Therefore, the Orthodox Church considers it important to remember before the day Holy Trinity all those who have died from eternity.

What traditions should be observed on this day?

On Trinity Parents' Saturday it is customary to remember deceased relatives. To do this, you need to come to church for a service on Friday evening before parental Saturday. At this time a great funeral service is celebrated. The most important part of the commemoration takes place on Saturday morning. Divine Liturgy, after which a general memorial service is served.

When praying for the deceased, candles are placed at the Crucifixion, and not at the icons. In order for deceased loved ones to be remembered at a liturgy or memorial service, you need to submit notes with their names. The notes contain only the names of those who were baptized; Everyone can prayerfully remember the rest themselves.

What should you take with you to the cemetery?

IN funeral Saturday After a morning trip to the temple, it is customary to visit the graves of departed relatives and friends. Arriving at the cemetery, you need to light a candle, remain silent, remember the deceased, and pray for the repose of the souls of your loved ones. Then people clean up the graves. On this day, graves are decorated with flowers and greenery and ritual meals are held. The main dishes are kutia, pancakes, eggs, painted with fresh green birch leaves.

For the deceased, eggs were crumbled at the crosshairs or at the foot of the cross, grain and kutya were sprinkled. It is necessary that the cross on the grave is not askew, is always painted, clean and well-groomed.

As the clergy note, the tradition of leaving Easter eggs and Easter cakes on graves is paganism. There is no need to leave food on the grave; it is better to give it to the beggar or the hungry so that they remember your relative. The church also disapproves of drinking alcohol in a cemetery.

What should you not do on Trinity Parents' Saturday?

There is an opinion among the people that on Trinity Parents' Saturday in the church, those who have taken their own lives can submit a note for the repose of their souls. This opinion is wrong - the church never prays for suicides. But you can pray for their souls yourself.

It is believed that on this day you cannot do housework: cook, wash and clean. In fact, this can be done. Trinity Parents' Saturday is a day of remembrance and honor for the dead, therefore various entertainments are prohibited on this day. We need to think more about life and death and pray.

Trinity Memorial, or as it is also called, parental Saturday is the day before the holiday of the Holy Trinity, when deceased relatives are usually remembered. Orthodox churches celebrate Holy Trinity Day on Pentecost Sunday - the 50th day after Easter.

In 2018, Trinity is celebrated on May 27, and, in accordance with this, parental Saturday is May 26.

There are many customs in the Orthodox Church. One of them has special memorial days- parental Saturdays - Meat Saturday, 2nd week of Great Lent, 4th week of Great Lent, Radonitsa, Trinity and Dmitrievskaya.

These days it is necessary to remember the dead relatives, parents, including those who are not related to you.

According to the information of our ancestors, it is on these days that the border between the living and the dead is erased, since, according to Orthodox faith, in the Kingdom of God everyone is alive.

What you need to know on Trinity Parents' Saturday: traditions for the holiday

On Trinity Saturday Orthodox churches conduct a special memorial service - “Memory, performed by all from time immemorial dead orthodox Christians, father and our brothers,” which all people who believe in God are obliged to adhere to.

In addition, on this day, after the morning service in the church, you must visit the cemeteries where loved ones and comrades are buried. At the cemetery you need to take greenery and flowers and decorate the graves of your relatives with them.

What you need to know on Trinity Parents' Saturday: what you can do for the holiday

Sometimes you can hear that on Trinity Saturday it is forbidden to work, clean up the house, cook food, and even wash the dishes. Such a superstition was invented by lazy housewives and it has practically nothing to do with Orthodox customs.

Restrictions on work and household chores in Orthodoxy are initially in place so that people have the opportunity to devote time to prayers and morning services in church. And after attending a service and commemorating the dead, it is not forbidden to engage in business as usual or devote time to work.

Also, just before Trinity, it is necessary to restore order in the house and make it clean, decorate your home with herbs and flowers according to the customs of the celebration.

What you need to know on Trinity Parents' Saturday: prohibitions on the holiday

If on a given Saturday a person was unable to attend morning service, then, if desired, he can read a prayer for the dead at home.

There are people who believe that on this parental Saturday it is necessary to submit notes for the repose of suicides, as well as the dead who were not baptized.

But this is a misconception - it is forbidden to do this, since priests do not read prayers for those who independently took their own lives and those who were not baptized, reports 1rre.

What you need to know on Trinity Parents' Saturday: how to remember the dead on this day

The Church calls dead people not dead, but departed. Since the spirit of a person is eternal, and, therefore, it simply left, and the body of a person fell asleep. That is why we can and must remember our relatives and loved ones.

Therefore, you need to understand who and how is commemorated on Parental Saturday before Trinity.

A person who believes in God must come to church. It's good that Saturday is a day off, and there are many opportunities to go to church. Worship always begins in the morning, usually at 08:30.

By the way, in the evening before parents' Saturday, it is better to hand over a note to the church on which the names of the deceased are written. In this note they simply write down the names of people in Old Church Slavonic, for example, “Tatiana”, “Boris”, “Theodore”, etc.

There is no need to drink alcohol after the service. Similar customs date back partly to pagan, partly to Russian times.

Trinity is celebrated 50 days after . Hence the second name of the holiday -. In 2018.

The day before, on Trinity Saturday, they visit cemeteries and commemorate the dead, leaving treats.

What is Parents' Saturday

This special days in Orthodoxy for the remembrance of the dead. Translated from Greek, Saturday means “intercession,” which is why on such days it is customary to remember one’s deceased parents and loved ones.

They remember those who have departed into the world with a different prayer and memorial service.

Memorial days 2018 in Ukraineafter Easter

On the 49th day after Easter passes Trinity Parents' Saturday. It precedes the revelation of the Kingdom of Christ in all its power on the day of Pentecost, as well as the beginning of the Apostolic Fast.

It is also called ecumenical, since on this day ecumenical memorial services are served in all Orthodox churches; they are dedicated to the remembrance of all deceased Orthodox Christians without exception.

Other dates for parenting Saturdays in 2018:

  • September 11, 2018, Tuesday – Day of Remembrance of Deceased Orthodox Soldiers;
  • November 3, 2018 – Dimitrievskaya Parents’ Saturday.

The latter is no less significant than Trinity. This is the Saturday before November 8 - the day of remembrance of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki. If the day of remembrance of this saint also falls on a Saturday, then the Saturday that was before the day of remembrance is still considered the parent's day.

Parents' Saturday: what to do

These days it is customary to remember relatives - with prayer and funeral dinner. On Trinity Parental Saturday they pray especially earnestly for those who died untimely and in a foreign country, far from their relatives, for those who did not have time to repent before death, and for whom no funeral rites were performed.

Believers go to church, ordering services there for the repose of deceased relatives. It is better to submit notes on the eve of the liturgy for a registered magpie with the names of relatives. At the same time, notes are submitted only to people baptized in the Orthodox faith.

If possible, you can visit the cemetery on this day, visiting the graves of relatives and friends. But in no case should you visit a cemetery instead of a memorial service - priests insist that going to a cemetery is more desirable than mandatory, but attending a service or at least reading funeral prayers at home - required. According to them, it is more important to defend the divine service in the temple than to go to the cemetery, because the dead people are much more prayer is more important than visiting a grave.

Parents' Saturday: what not to do

According to folk traditions, on parental Saturday before Trinity, you can’t do housework, including even washing dishes.

The clergy, in turn, do not insist on a work ban. According to them, it is enough that household chores do not interfere with prayer and visiting temple.

Prayers on Parents' Saturday

Prayer for the departed

Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

Prayer for a deceased Christian

Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the eternal life of Your departed servant, our brother (name), and as Good and Lover of mankind, forgiving sins and consuming untruths, weaken, forsake and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, deliver him eternal torment and fire of Gehenna, and grant him the communion and enjoyment of Your eternal good things, prepared for those who love You: even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Your glorified God in the Trinity, Faith, and Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity, Orthodox even until his last breath of confession. Be merciful to him, and faith, even in You instead of deeds, and with Your saints, as You give generous rest: for there is no man who will live and not sin. But You are the One besides all sin, and Your righteousness is righteousness forever, and You are the One God of mercies and generosity, and love for mankind, and to You we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Trinity Saturday: signs

  • From Trinity Saturday they don’t sweep for three days, on the fourth they clean the house;
  • Rain on Trinity brings a harvest of mushrooms and berries, and there will be no frost all summer;
  • On Trinity Saturday, this barley and hemp will produce well.

Remembering those people who have passed on to another world is not only the duty of all those who follow Orthodox canons and their religious duty, but also the moral need of the soul. Honoring the memory of those who are no longer in our world is an expression of love for them and concern for their souls. If we talk specifically about Orthodoxy, then in this religion there are certain dates when we need to pray and remember the departed, and they are called parental Saturdays.

Despite the fact that during church year There are several parental Saturdays, two of them have a universal character. One parent Saturday is called Meat Parent Saturday, the second is Trinity Parent Saturday. And if Meat-Free Parents’ Saturday has already passed, then we are yet to celebrate Trinity Parents’ Saturday in 2019. When will the holiday be?

  • The meaning of parents' Saturday

What date is Trinity Parents Saturday?

Trinity Parents' Saturday is always celebrated before the great feast of the Holy Trinity. Therefore, this memorial day is always timed to coincide with the date of the Holy Trinity holiday. Trinity Parents' Saturday in 2019 will be held on June 15, because, according to church calendar, the feast of the Holy Trinity is celebrated by Orthodox believers on June 16th. It's important to remember that Orthodox holidays have unstable dates and change every year. Therefore, June 15 is the date when Trinity Parents' Saturday will take place in 2019. The date of the holiday in other years should be clarified, depending on when Great Easter is celebrated.

Trinity Parents' Saturday is a mournful day, a day of remembrance of the dead. And given that this is an Ecumenical day of remembrance, every believer should not ignore it. On this day, you must definitely devote prayers for the souls of the dead, and also go to the temple to listen to the requiem service. On June 15, which is Trinity Parents' Saturday in 2019, memorial services are held in every church, even in the smallest churches. In addition, priests accept notes asking for prayer for the souls of those who have left the world of the living and moved to world of the dead. The only exceptions are those prayer services that are served for the souls of those who took their own lives and for those who were not baptized. Priests do not pray for such souls; they do not even perform posthumous funeral services in churches.

The meaning of parents' Saturday

Yes, Ecumenical Parents' Saturday on the eve of the holiday is, first of all, a day of remembrance of the dead. But this holy day has a slightly deeper meaning.

Trinity Parents' Saturday is a day of love, without dividing it into friends and strangers. These days, everyone who is connected to us is under attention. highest degree kinship - kinship in Christ. It is especially important to remember that there are those who have no one to remember on this day. In other words, prayers for parental Saturday are read both for relatives and for all other souls who have left the kingdom of the living.

Also, Ecumenical Trinity Parent Saturday in 2019 is the day of Church unity. And the church includes the saints, the parishioners, the deceased, and the clergy.

Why is the Day of Remembrance of the Dead called “Parents’ Saturday”

Some people wonder why on Memorial Day it is customary to remember all the deceased, regardless of the degree of relationship, but the day is still called “parents’ Saturday”? There are various reasons for this.

The first of them lies not in the fact that parents, a priori, pass away before their children (although this can also be included in the list of why the day is called that way), but in the fact that our primary religious duty is to read prayers for our parents. Of all the people whose worldly life By various reasons has come to an end, first of all, we owe our memory and care precisely to our parents and forefathers, who gave us the most valuable thing - life itself, the opportunity to live it on this earth.

The memory of those who are no longer around should live forever in the hearts of the laity. They should always remember them. That is why you cannot reduce all your prayers for the souls of the departed only to parental Saturdays. Parents' Saturdays, including Trinity Parents' Saturday in 2019, call on all laity to unite in their prayers for the dead. IN modern world When life picks up an incredibly fast pace, there is not always an extra minute to pray for the dead. This is why Trinity Parents' Saturday exists in 2019, a day when there is not only nowhere to put it off, but it is also impossible.

On Trinity Parent Saturday, you must definitely go to church for a memorial service, and then visit the graves of loved ones. The graves need to be put in order if weeds suddenly appear on them or garbage accumulates. And also bring spit flowers and greens to the grave, and arrange a memorial meal. Only after all this can one consider that the duty to the dead has been fulfilled. There is an opinion that you cannot do household chores on parental Saturday, but this is not true.

You can do household chores after visiting the temple and cemetery. Also, on Trinity Parents' Saturday in 2019, it is recommended to refrain from entertainment events, watching entertainment programs, celebrating weddings, name days and other holidays.