Is it possible to take other people's things? The energy of things: is it dangerous to wear someone else’s clothes?

Now I'm real

I have been studying at boarding school for seven years. All these years I dreamed of having my own family, my own, and not the school one. Although during this time I made many friends. I like the teachers, educators, and guests who come to our boarding school very often.

I felt especially sad and lonely when the holidays came. My friends always looked forward to them, and I thought with a sinking heart: “Well, here I am alone again.” When I was studying at elementary school, one more girl, Vera Tsvetkova, remained in the boarding school throughout the holidays. She was in high school. She also had no one to go to. Vera was like an older sister to me. She taught me how to weave baubles, draw, and make friends. And still dream! Whatever we talked about! I especially remember the story about Assol, when we were drawing together scarlet sails; I even cried listening to this story. Only Vera did I tell about my biggest dream - to live in a family. Vera knew how to listen, and, most importantly, she assured me that my dream would definitely come true, I just had to learn to wait and believe.

Vera learned to make films. She once invited me to star in her film “Smile to the Dream,” which was about how one of my classmates was sent on vacation to St. Petersburg, and when I learned about this, I had to say: “I’m happy for you.” How difficult it was for me to say this! Faith taught me this too - to be happy for others.

I especially loved listening to Vera’s stories during the winter holidays about good angels who flew to earth on Christmas night and brought people happiness, joy, and health. She convinced me that you just need to believe in a miracle, then any dream will definitely come true. And on Christmas, your most cherished dreams come true.

How sad and difficult it was for me to part with my older friend when she graduated from school! But I remembered her words: “Believe in your dream!” When I went to bed, I closed my eyes and dreamed that someday I would meet New Year and Christmas in a real family, for festive table, there will be under the tree beautiful gifts, I will also prepare gifts for my family. I asked the good angels not to forget about me. At times I despaired and cried, thinking that the angels would never remember me.

But the miracle happened! It was on Christmas night that I started a family. I only remember how the teacher said: “Lucy, go pack your things, now you have your own family.” How glad I was! I cried and laughed!

Now I am real, “at home”. In the evenings at home we all get together for tea, laugh, talk, play board games, we plan our affairs, discuss what didn’t work out and why. Going to bed, I know that he will definitely kiss me good night and wish me good night. Good night my adoptive mother. How wonderful and magic word"Mother". True, I pronounce it only in a whisper for now. But every day, waking up in the morning, out of habit I repeat: “Believe in your dream! Just really believe it, and it will definitely come true.”

Lyudmila Furchikova, 13 years old,

village Mednoe, Tver region

One star is burning

Last year the day before happy holiday I got sick. I was very upset because I couldn’t go to church for the festive Christmas service.

But my mother told me about , which must definitely appear in the sky on Christmas Eve. I really wanted to see her. I ran to the window, but there was not a single star in the sky.

When I once again approached the window, I saw dark sky one single, small star. She was small, but she shone very brightly. It burned and shone in the vast dark sky.

It was a real miracle!

When I remember this star, my soul is light and joyful!

If you ever get sick on the eve of Christmas, don't despair. Wait for a miracle, and it will definitely happen to you on this bright Christmas night!

Masha Ivanova, 9 years old,

Where is the real joy

We usually celebrate Christmas with our family, but that year we went far from home with our parents. I remember how we drove for a long time along a dark, unfamiliar road in Belarus. The parents did not know what was best to do: drive home without stopping or spend the night in a hotel in unfamiliar city. Finally they decided it would be better to stop. We took our things to the room where we were to spend the night. Then we went to look for a place where we could have dinner. It was Christmas Eve and there was no holiday spirit. There was a Christmas tree in the central square with confetti scattered around it. It was a reminder of the New Year. The only place where we could have dinner was a cafe on the ground floor of our hotel. There was music roaring and a merry company dancing. We carefully entered and sat down at a free table. We ate our modest dinner and watched the wild merriment of the people. Then they went up to their room and went to bed. Everything around was alien: people, music, food, furniture in the room, the smell.

When my brother and I were woken up, it seemed to us that it was still deep night outside. We got into the cold car and again drove along the dark road. Neither the lanterns nor the windows in the houses were on. It seemed that people had left these places. Finally the car stopped in a parking lot near the monastery wall. We went outside and saw living people. They were in a hurry to go where we were. We entered the temple and were amazed at how many people were there. The service has already begun. We heard and the parents sang familiar words. The atmosphere in the temple was unusual, and the people around were strangers, but there was a joyful feeling of celebration in my soul. It seemed to unite everyone in this unfamiliar place. And when after the service we received fresh prosphora, it seemed to us the most delicious treat.

I realized that real joy is not where there is dancing and noisy fun, but where there is quiet Divine singing and the flickering of candles.

Nikita Kukharenko, 10 years old,

Krasnogorsk, Moscow region

Tanks on the Christmas tree

In our family, we decorate the tree for Christmas, not New Year. One day my parents put up a Christmas tree, but told me not to decorate it yet. After all, there were still five days before Christmas. But we were really impatient to decorate the Christmas tree, and we decided to hang on it ordinary children's toys that we played with our brothers. The garland was multi-colored railway. The tree turned out beautiful.

For Christmas we had to take down the regular toys and hang up the Christmas ones. We have a variety of Christmas tree decorations; the tree for every Christmas turns out to be very festive. But I still remember that Christmas tree, decorated with tanks, planes, trains and rails for them.

Danya Gerasimov, 9 years old,

Krasnogorsk, Moscow region

First meeting

I don’t remember how old I was then. But I was very little. So short that all the adults seemed like giants to me, because I barely reached their knees. And then this happened.

In our Znamensky Church they usually install it along with the Christmas tree. Now I know what it is like, what is in it. And then I was a little girl and for the first time I realized that there was something special in the left aisle of the temple. How I wanted to see THIS!!! I grabbed my mother’s hand, forgetting about everything, and, carefully walking, made my way forward. And there were quite a few people at the Christmas service, although it was the second one, not at night. Mom, in my opinion, couldn’t keep up with me, she stayed somewhere behind, and I slipped (really, really leaked!) forward between the closely standing people... and here a miracle awaited me!

Under the lower paws of the Christmas tree there was a not very large nativity scene: a cave in which, under the light of the Star of Bethlehem, the Infant Christ lay in a manger. She was kneeling in front of him, a little further away, and surrounded by the Magi, animals lay and stood. Everything shone, as it seemed to me then, with a wondrous, extraordinary light. What I felt at that moment cannot be expressed in words. This was not a childhood dream come true or beautiful picture from a familiar fairy tale. This is completely different! As I understand now, it was then that I experienced my first personal encounter with God.

Yes, my parents brought me to church from infancy, I looked at the icons, stood on my feet, ran up to them, they took me in their arms, and I kissed the icons. But the face of the Lord on the icon is one thing, and another thing for me, then just babies, the Holy Infant, lying in a cradle and stretching out his hands, as I then felt, right to me.

I also remember that the parishioners forgave me for my stubborn desire to get to the nativity scene at any cost. Save them, Lord, for their leniency. They freed up some space for me, and I squatted down and carefully looked at all the figures. For me they were alive. I also remember that the light that came from a light bulb hidden somewhere inside seemed to me to be a real light, which showed the whole world the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. I still often remember this incident. And it seemed like nothing special happened outwardly, but I will never forget that joy of a wonderful meeting. She settled in my heart.

Now, as a teenager, I so want the warmth of God’s communication to always be present in my heart, but it often hurts me that it rarely happens. Why? Reflecting on this, I come to the conclusion that TV and the Internet are to blame, although I don’t watch any vulgar things. Immersing myself in all this, unfortunately, I forget about God. What helps me return to Him is studying in an Orthodox gymnasium, talking with my parents, singing in the choir, good books. How joyful it is in my soul when I return... But the Scripture says: “Be like children.”

Panya Bobacheva, 13 years old,

Krasnogorsk, Moscow region

Soul of Christmas

When I was five years old, I really wanted to become a military man. I had little soldiers that I loved to play with, and when a Christmas tree was brought to us on Christmas Eve, the idea came to me that we could hide the soldiers in the tree.

At night, all the children fell asleep, and I got out of bed, took the soldiers and went to the tree. Flashlights were shining on it, and under their light I began to hide the soldiers. When they ended, I started yawning and went to bed.

The next morning everyone went to the temple, and I forgot about everything because I was only thinking about gifts. After the service we arrived home and ran to the Christmas tree. Everyone began to look for gifts, I found mine and began to unwrap it - there lay a new set of large soldiers. And then I remembered everything - about the Christmas tree and about the night adventure! I immediately started looking for the little soldiers that I hid among the branches. They were all there! I decided that the new soldiers would be the commanders of the old ones, and immediately began to play. I remember that the Christmas tree is big, and you can hide in it, and no one will notice, because it is shaggy, and its thorny branches hide everything from others, outside world. And the tree itself is like another, invisible, kind world, as if the tree is the soul of Christmas.

Pasha Osipov, 11 years old,


Waiting for a star

The first time I learned about Christmas was when I was little. Although even now I’m not very big. They put me to bed, and before bedtime my mother told me a wonderful Gospel story: there were shepherds, angels, Joseph and Mary and, of course, the wise men. The story itself about the Child God was very interesting, but what I remember most about it then was the description of the appearance of a new star. When they saw a new star in the sky, they realized that the Messiah had been born.

I asked my mother: “If a new star appeared then, does that mean it still exists?” Mom answered me: “Tomorrow, you can’t eat anything until the star appears - this is the same Christmas star that all Christians are waiting for, it is the brightest, most beautiful and mysterious. Tomorrow evening you will look out the window and see HER.”

For me, the word “Christmas Eve” meant something very juicy and tasty, and it was not clear why they didn’t eat anything that day. Now I understand that in the run-up to the birth of the Baby, everything around you freezes and waits, and you forget about food and games. And sochivo is a really tasty dish made from wheat, raisins, nuts and honey, eaten to maintain strength before the Mystery, which will happen soon.

And so in the evening I sat impatiently by the window and waited for the appearance of the Christmas star. He sat and sat and fell asleep. And I woke up when my mother woke me up with the words: “Oh, sleepyhead, you overslept the Star. Look, here she is, shining!

Since then for me Gospel story: Nativity of Jesus Christ, appearance of the Star of Bethlehem - associated with real life, which is around and can simply be seen in the sky and on the earth.

Look! Here she is shining!

Petya Pushkin, 10 years old,

Krasnogorsk, Moscow region

Instead of sister

I want to tell my Christmas story. The year two thousand and fifteen has arrived! The fireworks died down, we sorted out all our gifts, visited and congratulated relatives and friends, it ended... I have two wonderful brothers: the elder Nikita and the younger - Pal Palych. And I really wanted a sister!

And so on Christmas day I asked God to give me a sister: small, beautiful, wonderful. I wanted to dress her up, braid her hair and play our girly games. I didn't have to wait long. In the spring, my mother said that we would have a baby. God heard me! I was very happy!

Several months passed, and then, on December thirtieth, a baby was born. It was a boy, Fedya. At first I was upset, because I asked for my sister! But then, when mom and dad brought him home, I saw how funny and cute he was. I was happy! Now we are friends. Now I already have three brothers.

So, if you believe with all your heart and soul and ask God for what you really want, for something important and beautiful, then the Lord will definitely hear you! Listen to God and listen to your soul! Be happy!

Merry Christmas!

Masha Vychuzhanina, 9 years old,

Krasnogorsk, Moscow region

Give joy

On Christmas Eve I always re-read the story of the appearance of the Son of God on earth. Your heart skips a beat and your eyes fill with tears. Every time I expect a miracle with trepidation and excitement. And it seems that the whole world is waiting for him with me.

I'm going with night service with my family, the voices of the Christmas choir still ring in my soul. Snow swirls in the light of the lanterns. And I'm sure something wonderful will happen in the morning. But one day I realized that I could create it myself small miracle for children.

This happened in 2015. I studied in the second grade of the Orthodox St. George's Gymnasium in the city of Krasnogorsk. For the second year I studied at the theater studio “Coast of Childhood” of the Municipal Center for Spiritual Culture of the city of Krasnogorsk under the direction of Vladimir Anatolyevich Zharkov. Back in September we started preparing for the Christmas tree. Rehearsal after rehearsal, we worked hard and hard, and were very tired.

I had a small role as a bear cub in the play “Little Red Riding Hood”. Before the start, everyone was very worried. From behind the scenes I looked into the audience. The spectators had already gathered, there were many children. They were noisy and talking excitedly. And suddenly everything became quiet. Many little faces froze in anticipation...

The performance was amazing. The audience thanked the artists and clapped loudly. I stood on stage and thought that we, too, had now created a small Christmas miracle. WITH God's help and for the Glory of God, we all together gave people joy, which will become part of the joy of Christmas, will enliven and warm hearts.

This year we are again preparing a performance for the Christmas tree. This will be a story about the friendship of a little fox and a chicken. I hope that young children and their parents will enjoy it. And they will take with them memories of happy moments, as part of the Mystery of Christmas. After all, now the Lord is creating the Miracle of Christmas with the hands of people.

Egor Gurov, 10 years old,

Krasnogorsk, Moscow region

Mysterious shadow

What I remember most is last Christmas. The winter was unusual then: snow did not fall for a long time, and only under new year holidays the whole earth was covered with a white veil, as if winter had given us such a Christmas gift.

I was with my younger brother and sister in the village with my grandmother. It's so cool there! We fed the rabbits, the cow and our beloved goat Dunya, caressed the cat Vaska, and made snowmen. At Christmas, my grandmother and I all went to church for a festive service, and in the evening we caroled, and the following story happened: we were singing a Christmas song that we had learned, and suddenly for some reason I forgot the words and stopped singing. Then the kids fell silent. There was silence, but the sister was not at a loss: she began to sing the song further with words invented on the fly. It sounded something like this:

The Christmas tree is standing, the gifts are lying, we are going, the snow is falling!

And then even the owner of the house couldn’t help but smile: my sister looked as if she was singing an opera aria at a music school’s reporting concert. But she wasn't the least bit offended that my brother and I were laughing when she finished her speech. My sister laughed too. And they gave us as many treats as we had never seen in our lives!

When we returned home, we had to go to bed. Grandmother put us to bed, blew out the candle and left. My sister was already sniffling, and my brother and I spent at least half an hour whispering about the gifts that would be under the tree in the morning. We couldn't sleep, and we decided to leave the room. Grandma was already asleep, and the cat Vaska was wandering with us.

Very soon we got tired of tiptoeing around so as not to wake up our grandmother and sister. And suddenly it occurred to me to go outside. We got dressed, quietly went out and somehow made it to the bathhouse, which stood about twenty meters from the house. Where else could we go in such darkness? And then it seemed to me that a small shadow was moving behind us, which stood out slightly against the white snow. She wasn't ours! We slammed the door of the bathhouse, and the shadow did not have time to follow us. I sighed with relief and sat down on the small sofa next to my brother. Suddenly we heard footsteps right above our heads. Someone must have been walking on the roof. Who could it be? Unless that same “shadow”... This someone jumped from the roof, and his steps became louder. We held our breath. He walked straight to the door of the bathhouse. And suddenly a loud and piercing sound was heard... “Meow!!!” It turned out that it was Vaska the cat. He probably also got bored at home, and Vaska decided to come with us. He was that same mysterious shadow! Then Vaska climbed onto the roof, walked around there, jumped off again and went to the door of the bathhouse. Now we let him into our bathhouse and laughed at ourselves. Suddenly sleep fell on all three of us at the same time, and we collapsed right on the sofa. The whole night passed like this.

And in the morning such a commotion began! Grandma didn’t find us in bed and began looking all over the yard until she went into the bathhouse.

We're sleeping here! - the brother answered cheerfully.

Grandmother laughed and did not scold us. We remembered about the gifts and immediately ran to look under the tree. My sister got a big beautiful doll, my brother got a car, and I got a book with Christmas stories.

This Christmas was so unusual and interesting!

Sveta Sudnishikova, 11 years old,

Krasnogorsk, Moscow region

First magic

Christmas is something magical, like a fairy tale. If you believe in a fairy tale, something can happen, and you will preserve this miracle for many years.

On Christmas Day, when I was seven years old, I wanted to see Father Christmas and thank him for all the previous gifts, so I went to my room and pretended to be asleep.

When the clock struck twelve, I quietly crept into the hall and saw my parents putting something under the Christmas tree. I was terribly upset because I thought that Santa Claus was bringing the gifts.

We left the hall. Dad gave me a gift and began to console me. The gift was magnificent: a large folding pirate ship and pirate figures. I said "Thank you!" and went into the hall to light the garland.

Suddenly I saw a beautiful red box under the Christmas tree. I opened it and saw a remote control toy car and chocolates.

We were very surprised: my mom and dad had already given me a gift! At that moment I realized that this was something magical!

Egor Tsarev, 13 years old,

Semenov, Nizhny Novgorod region

Candle for old people

The most memorable Christmas for me was when I was a preschooler. My sisters staged the musical fairy tale “The Christmas Candle.” Olga played the main role - the role of a candle. They sang so wonderfully!

And with this fairy tale, we went to a boarding house for the elderly and disabled to congratulate them. And I took part in this! We walked through the rooms where patients who could not walk lived, congratulated them and gave them gifts. And they sang the troparion of the Nativity with us. It was very touching. And I will remember this Christmas forever.

Boris Chugunov, 10 years old,

Semenov town, Nizhny Novgorod region

Two bags

It was 11 years ago... I remember this morning snowfall... I remember looking out the window and waiting for something. Probably some kind of miracle... I remember my dad telling me: “Let’s go, Nastyushka!”

We get into the car. Naturally, I'm in the back seat. I was still very young (five years old), but even then I was a completely independent and smart child. We are driving, the lights are on, the road is very hard to see because of the snow.

Luckily we got there without incident. Dad says to wait for him in the car. A few minutes later he returns with a bouquet of red roses. We are going somewhere again, it smells like a hospital. At this point, for some reason, everything is blurry; I don’t remember the hospital itself well. Maybe the intoxicating smell of bleach and some drugs drove me crazy.

And then my parents appear. Mom is with a bouquet of flowers, and dad is carrying two weighty bags tied with a blue and blue ribbon. I didn’t even notice how dad left. But I remember how happy I was about these bags. These were my brothers, born on the day of the Nativity of Christ.

Anastasia Chernyshova, 16 years old,


Prepared by Vitaly Kaplan

The evening on Christmas Eve is the most magical and unusual of the year. Outside the window covered with frost, dusk gradually thickens, a dense sheet of snow warms the ground and plunges it into deep sleep. There is unreal silence all around. But as soon as the shine of the first star appears in the gloomy sky, everyone is happy to realize that the holiday has begun! The closest and dearest people gather around one table, in the center of which is traditional kutia. Single girls Before the meal begins, they run out into the frosty courtyard to tell their fortunes, and hospitable housewives drive away evil spirits from the house and attract prosperity with ancient rituals. But the most interesting thing begins after the feast. A wonderful Christmas night is coming. Not a trace remains of the former silence: cheerful laughter, poems and songs of carolers in costumes can be heard from everywhere. A tradition with a long history dating back to Aryan times is being revived with renewed vigor. Both children and adults throughout the wide country know how to correctly carol on January 6 and 7, what to say on the Old New Year, what symbolic costumes and words to prepare for caroling and generosity. And you still don’t know? It's time to plunge into reality, go deeper to the roots Slavic traditions, get a feel for the past and present by watching a couple of educational videos.

How to properly carol for children at Christmas on January 6 and 7, 2017 and Old New Year

Caroling is not just an ancient custom, deeply rooted among the people, it is a whole set of traditions that have survived to this day through the space of dozens of generations. In different regions they sing carols in different ways: in some places they visit guests and sing songs on Holy Eve, and in others they do it exclusively at noon. The most desirable carolers are boys, guys and men in suits. Women are not allowed into the house before lunch on Christmas Day so that happiness and prosperity are not taken away.

The deep history of the Christmas tradition of caroling begins at the time of the celebration of an ancient pagan celebration winter solstice. Great Goddess Fertility Kolyada at that time gave birth to a new sun - Bozhich, which the ancestors sang in ritual carols. But even at the time of the introduction of Christianity, caroling did not disappear completely, but temporarily lost its relevance. Over the decades, the tradition of caroling was revived again, and the pagan meaning of the texts was carefully replaced by the church.

Today, the rules of caroling have completely different outlines than thousands of years ago. Firstly, you should be well versed in the dates:

  • January 6 (Holy Evening) – caroling
  • January 7 (Christmas) – celebrate Christmas
  • January 13 ( Reverend Melania) - to be generous
  • January 14 (Old New Year) – sowing

Secondly, it would not be superfluous to know traditional carols and songs, as well as prepare suitable costumes. A group of carolers must consist of at least three people:

  • The first is the Starman, carrying an eight-pointed star - a symbol of the birth of Jesus;
  • The second is the Bell Ringer, who notifies with a ringing bell of the approach fun company carolers;
  • The third is Mekhonosha, carrying a bright bag with caroled wealth, embroidered with stars and other elements;
  • The fourth and subsequent ones are everyone who wants to carol and sing songs in traditional costumes, the number of which will only make the company louder, more active and more fun;

Of course, in order not to offend the hospitable hosts and not make a mistake, you need to know how to properly carol for children on January 6 and 7 for Christmas and the Old New Year. According to all customs, a man or a boy is the first to enter the yard and house. Before starting caroling, guests must certainly ask permission from the hosts, and then bow and thank them for the gifts. Sweets, gingerbread and other gifts cannot be passed from hand to hand. Generous donors are obliged to put them straight into the carolers’ bag, no less!

How to carol for Christmas 2017: beautiful poems and songs for children

In the old days, pagan motifs and Christian overtones were closely intertwined in beautiful poems and songs for children at Christmas. Each stanza in carols or Christmas songs glorified the birth of Jesus, thanked the Lord and invited goodness, peace, love, respect, a rich harvest, and prosperity into the home of the owners. Inhospitable and rude gentlemen were punished with shame and ridicule. After all, carolers are an integral part of the winter holidays, and refusal to them, according to folk beliefs- equal to sin. In turn, everyone who wanted to carol was required to know many beautiful poems and songs in order to honor every home they met at Christmas and earn traditional gifts.

On a holy night on a fat field,

Without knowing rest and dreams,

Herds roaming free

A family of shepherds was grazing.

At this moment from the heights of heaven

In shining, wonderful clothes

An angel came down and said:

“Don’t be afraid, God sent me!”

In the holy city of Bethlehem

Born now, at this time,

Savior of the world and people!

Happy holiday to you! Merry Christmas!

Today an Angel has descended upon us

And he sang: “Christ is born!”

We came to glorify Christ,

And congratulate you on the holiday.

Here we go, shepherds,

All our sins are forgiven.

We make our way to home,

We glorify Christ God.

Heaven and earth, heaven and earth

Now they are celebrating.

Angels, people, Angels, people

They rejoice merrily.

The angels sing and give glory.

A miracle, a miracle is announced.

In Bethlehem, in Bethlehem,

Joy has arrived!

Pure Virgin, pure Virgin,

She gave birth to a son!

Christ was born, God became incarnate,

The angels sing and give glory.

Shepherds play, Shepherds meet,

A miracle, a miracle is announced.

Today, caroling and giving correctly are as popular among the people as before, although the ritual has lost its original meaning. In addition to the birth of Jesus, Christmas songs also glorify all members of the family into whose home the carolers came. Mummers in costumes perform church and folk songs, for which they receive treats and coins as a reward. According to old customs, all the sweets remained with the carolers, and the money was transferred to the temple or to a poor village family.

How to carol at Christmas: which costumes to choose

The ancient folk custom of caroling is especially popular with children. But adults are not averse to participating in the fun process. After all, caroling is not just a collection of poems and songs. This is a truly sacred action, aimed at correctly setting the festive mood and encouraging higher powers for help in all your endeavors next year. And in order for carols not to turn into ordinary chants, it is necessary to prepare the necessary costumes and traditional attributes.

Previously, people went to caroling exclusively in masks and symbolic outfits. This part of the ritual has come from time immemorial. At that time, the Slavs dressed up as buffoons, bears, goats, etc. To create a suitable costume for Christmas or Old New Year in our time, you will have to use your imagination. For example, glue horns and masks, sew an outfit from a casing turned inside out, make a beard correctly.

We must not forget about important attributes - a twinkling star on a long pole, bells, an elegant bag and a nativity scene. The star, as a rule, is made with your own hands from cardboard and foil, and then placed on a mop handle or similar element. Making a small nativity scene correctly is much more difficult. So as not to create a whole puppet theater biblical characters, you can simply purchase small porcelain figurines and attach them to a portable wooden pallet.

How to carol correctly for the Old New Year - what can I say?

Unlike the Holy Evening and Christmas, on the Old New Year it is customary not to carol, but to be generous. On the evening of January 13, youth and children go around all the houses, sing schedrovki, wish prosperity to the owners of the house, health to the livestock and a bountiful harvest in the garden. As dusk fell, hospitable homeowners opened their doors to women and girls. It was believed that it was the fairer sex who were able to attract prosperity, comfort and complete harmony into the house by correctly reciting ritual poems and singing songs. And on the morning of January 14, boys, boys and men set out to give generously for the Old New Year. They took over what they had started, sowing grain and small coins in welcoming homes.

If you know how to sing carols correctly, learn beautiful poems and songs, make suitable costumes, rest assured: the residents of the houses you meet will certainly feel your good energy and generously reward you. But in the most popular ritual of caroling and giving generously at Christmas and the Old New Year, the main thing is not the gifts received. And the festive mood and the realization that you are continuing a great work - preserving deep ancient traditions.

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The cross is the greatest shrine Orthodox. It is a clear sign that a person belongs to Orthodoxy. For the church it does not matter whether it is made of metal or wood, jewelry or an ordinary alloy.

The main thing for an Orthodox should be its form and correctness in relation to religion. It is necessary to remember important points when choosing a cross:

  • The cross can be 4-, 6-, 8 final shapes.
  • If you choose a cross for your baby, then there should be no sharp corners on it.
  • The size, like the material of the cross, does not matter.
  • The Church recommends choosing not decorative crosses, but ones with the inscription “Save and Preserve” on the reverse side.
  • Crosses purchased in the church are already consecrated, but store-bought ones should be consecrated.

Basically, we receive the attribute at baptism, but it also happens when we lose the cross. What to do? You need to buy a new one and consecrate it. What to do if you find someone else's cross? There are many superstitions about this, saying that if you take someone else’s cross and wear it, then it is the same as if you take on someone else’s cross.

Is it possible to wear someone else's cross?

The cross is considered a symbol of everyone’s faith Orthodox man. The clergy say that going to church without it is not encouraged. It is also common to consider the cross to be the most a strong talisman from all sorts of troubles. If your cross turns black, or the thread or chain on which it is located breaks, this may be evidence that you are being subjected to powerful energy attacks.

There is an opinion that wearing someone else's pectoral cross forbidden. It is a kind of vessel in which, after baptism, all information about a person is collected: about his past, present and future.

Some people say that if you find someone else's cross at home , then this may be a sign that you have been damaged. After all, crosses can often be used in various magical rituals. But believers consider such statements to be nothing more than superstition.

Useful articles:

What to do with someone else's cross in the house? If you do find a cross at home, then take it to church and give it to those in need. Only before this it needs to be consecrated.

Is it possible to wear someone else’s cross - the priest’s answer

Often, priests consider all superstitions around someone else’s cross to be unfounded. In their opinion, wearing someone else’s pectoral cross is possible and even necessary. After all, there were cases when even clergy took off their crosses and gave them to ordinary people.

IN in this case They explain this by saying that the priest wanted to show how important the cross is in Orthodoxy and that every Christian should wear it. Many people often ask priests this question: why can’t you wear someone else’s cross? They say they heard different opinions that this is tantamount to taking on someone else’s cross.

So they answer that we receive our cross ourselves throughout our lives through our actions and we also carry it ourselves, and someone else’s cross in this case has no role. They also advise that if you lose your own cross, buy a new one and consecrate it. And if you find someone else’s, then this may be a gift from the Lord for you. Maybe they wanted to scold this shrine, trample it into the dirt. But you found her and didn’t let her do it.

There is no point in looking for any hidden unfavorable intentions in this. Saint Basil has words that can be attributed to superstitions: “If you don’t believe, it won’t come true!” They say that if a person is pure in his actions and thoughts, then negative influence there's nothing to grab onto.

  • Bless and wear it yourself
  • Bless and give to the godson
  • Give to a person who does not have a cross and cannot buy one, but sincerely believes in the Lord
  • You can leave it in the church to decorate some miraculous icon
  • Donate to the temple to fulfill this vow.

Always remember that the decision about what to do with the found cross should be made only by you. Listen to what your soul and heart tells you. First of all, you must take it and consecrate it in the church, and then decide: take it for yourself or leave it in the church. And remember that the church does not listen to any superstition in relation to the amulet.

The Lord is always with you!

In this video you will hear the answer to the question whether it is possible to wear a pointed cross, from the lips of a priest:

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Surely many people ask the question: “Is it possible to wear other people’s things?” We are all surrounded by a lot of different things, both favorite and not so favorite, new and old, ancient and modern. We all have clothes that we like and that we don’t want to wear, bought in a store or secondhand; we are often given various things and clothes, but many things are simply inherited.

If you think about it, it turns out, “All that glitters is not gold.” Any thing has its own energy, which can bring both positive and negative into our lives. You should know that other people's things, clothes, furniture, jewelry can cause us a lot of problems.

From an esoteric point of view

Knowledgeable people claim that each of us has our own special energy. And those objects with which we come into contact in everyday life, are involuntarily charged with it. That’s why it’s so easy to convey someone else’s illness, illness, and even unfortunate fate through household items. Our ancestors noticed this. It’s not for nothing that people said: “To put on someone else’s thing is to try on someone else’s troubles.”

You've probably noticed more than once or twice that after borrowing clothes from someone, your well-being changes. Sometimes, for the worse. This is a consequence of the energy conflict between your biofield and the aura of the previous owner of the item.

There is a pattern: if a person experiences strong emotions, this inevitably affects his biofield and, in turn, the surrounding objects. Therefore, the most powerful “energy charge” is present on wedding dresses, mourning dresses, as well as on linen (including bedding) of seriously ill people. Probably for these reasons, in almost all world cultures there is a ban on wearing things of the bride, groom, the sick and the deceased. Like, otherwise you can repeat their fate. Who knows, maybe there is some truth in this!

For the same reason, bioenergy experts do not recommend buying clothes in thrift stores and second-hand stores. After all, who knows who the purchased items served: healthy person or sick, unhappy or happy, evil or good... And the energy field, you understand, is a capricious thing!

From a rational point of view

Other people's things are not entirely hygienic. AND we're talking about not only about wearable and bed linen, but also about outerwear. After all, it, one way or another, comes into contact with the skin. And if you are completely confident in own health, then where is the guarantee that the friend who borrowed your new blouse or dress does not suffer from one or another skin disease? Infections such as scabies, chicken pox, etc. are transmitted through clothing.

Moreover, not every modern girl can boast of caring for clothes, including those of others. There is a high probability that a favorite item in the wrong hands can be hopelessly damaged: torn or stained so that it will be impossible to wash it. And as a result - a bad relationship with a once close friend.

You shouldn’t wear other people’s things in several cases:

  • If the owner of the item is unwell or ill. All things of such a person, as a rule, are filled with heavy, often destructive or simply very negative energy, which can make a normal positive person feel very bad. If you wear something from a dysfunctional or negative person, his problems, illnesses, negative karma, simply destructive energy can have a detrimental effect on you and your destiny.
  • You should not wear things of a deceased person, especially if they were taken from a corpse.
  • There is no need to wear things if you have no idea who wore them before you. But there is a nuance here, because any thing can be made yours by removing the energy of the previous owner from it and connecting it to your energy. Good esotericists and healers always use such techniques, even when they acquire absolutely new thing in the store.

From a medical point of view

Sometimes, through a worn item, the new owner can acquire certain diseases. Most often, this is an infection with mycoses, which occurs through shoes, clothing, household items, and manicure instruments that have been exposed to microparticles of skin and nails containing fungal elements.

To avoid getting a fungal infection, you need to follow the rules of prevention

  1. You cannot wear other people's shoes and clothes, use other people's towels or combs. If you need to wear “official” shoes (for example, rental skates), you should, upon returning home, wash your feet and treat the soles with miramistin or any local antifungal drug.
  2. Shoes can be disinfected with formaldehyde solution, 40% vinegar solution, or chlorhexidine. Household ultraviolet dryers for shoes are effective: after 6–8 hours of irradiation with such a device, they are reliably disinfected from the inside.
  3. If someone in the family has nail or foot fungus, healthy family members should treat their feet with an antifungal cream once a week.
  4. The patient must have his own scissors, nippers, and nail files. If not all nail plates are affected, then separate tools should be used for healthy and diseased nails.
    How to protect yourself from the negativity of other people's things?

For second-hand shop lovers

Second-hand stores have become increasingly popular. For many, these retail outlets are an excellent option for purchasing a high-quality, but inexpensive item, even if it is a little worn. Choosing a second-hand store can damage a person’s energy. Nobody knows who wore these clothes before you. When buying clothes second hand, remember that energy previous owner may affect you.

Second-hand harm: real and minimal

Illusory benefit

The savings mentioned in the pros of thrift store items can be deceiving. Upon purchase large quantity We can spend much more goods in such stores than in the case of standard purchases - more expensive, but rarer.

“Physical” purity

Environmentalists say that purchasing such clothing has its advantages: it is not only economical, but also healthy! A child’s skin is 4 times thinner compared to that of an adult – accordingly, various substances penetrate through it much faster and easier. New clothes, only after several washes, get rid of the residues of harmful substances used, for example, in the cultivation of cotton and in the clothing industry (fertilizers, plant protection products, preservatives, dyes).

When we buy second-hand clothes for our children, we are, paradoxically, buying healthier clothes because they have been washed several times. This is very important, especially when buying things for children. The immune system of babies is just developing and does not provide the little body with sufficient protection, so harmful substances in clothes can cause allergies or skin diseases in children.

However, many do not agree with this opinion: clothes sold in second-hand stores are harmful to health because they may contain even more “chemicals” than new ones. Clothing comes to us mainly from abroad. Before reaching the domestic consumer, it is cleaned of dirt and pathogenic bacteria, otherwise the clothing exporter will not receive a certificate allowing the sale of the product. Therefore, in second-hand stores, such a smell is specific (many people say that second-hand items stink), and is difficult to eradicate.

How to wash and remove other people's energy from second-hand items?

If, despite everything, you do not intend to give up cheap shopping for things at second-hand stores, you need to at least do everything in our power. To prevent harm to health, to rid clothes of “chemicals”, of course, one quick wash at 30 degrees will not be enough.

To get rid of disinfectants you need:

  • wash at least 3 times, each time at a relatively high temperature, at least 60 degrees;
  • It is advisable to wash second-hand clothes with the addition of antibacterial powder;
  • put it on double rinse.
  • if the original labels are still on the clothes and shoes, i.e. they are not worn, they still need to be washed due to the location of these items among others that have been used and disinfected;
  • It is often possible to get rid of the specific smell of second-hand items only with subsequent washing.

How to wash second-hand children's clothes?

If clothing is intended for children, then it should be treated as follows:

  • twice with regular powder and only at the end with a product intended for the little ones. In order to treat things for newborns, it will be correct to sprinkle hypoallergenic powder intended for babies: it will cope with contamination, but will not harm the baby’s skin;
  • Second-hand clothes for newborns should be washed at more high temperatures and with a longer wash cycle (no “express”!) But it doesn’t have to be 90°C: experts say that washing clothes at 60°C kills most germs, especially since not all fabrics can safely withstand almost boiling;
  • If there are stains on items purchased second-hand, they should be soaked in hot water with powder an hour before washing - its substances will soften the stains. If you need to use a stain remover, look for one in children's lines, because traditional ones are too strong for delicate skin;
  • You can use a rinse, but it should also be hypoallergenic. The product is added in the last phase of washing: this is important for the safety of the skin;
  • Second-hand clothes should also be rinsed several times. If in washing machine there is no function for washing children's clothes, it is good to turn on an additional rinse to remove any remaining detergent;
  • after washing, items from second-hand stores must be ironed at the maximum temperature allowed for specific fabrics;
  • the same goes for toys. What is possible should be washed carefully, especially teddy bears. Plastic toys also need to be washed thoroughly, if they do not have battery-powered mechanisms - preferably in the dishwasher.

Popular questions

Is it possible to wear the things of the deceased?

Many religions have a positive attitude towards wearing the belongings of a deceased person. There is even a custom according to which the clothes of the deceased are distributed after 40 days from the date of death. But doesn’t this harm a person’s personal energy? All things of deceased people become dead, that is, they are endowed with the energy of death. There is nothing terrible, however, in this energy. Still, it is recommended to dispose of the deceased’s belongings.

Is it possible for children to wear the clothes of their older brothers and sisters?

Many parents see nothing wrong with their youngest child wearing clothes after their older children. This is practiced in many families for the purpose of reasonable savings. On the one hand, a thing that has already been “saturated” with the energy of the family can become a strong amulet for a younger child. But there is also reverse side medals. It is not always safe to wear things. So, if there is a large energetic and psychological gap between the older and younger child (the children do not get along with each other, or they are completely different in character), then you should not save on things for the younger one.

How to remove someone else's energy?

If you answered affirmatively to the question: “ Is it possible to wear other people's things?» are determined to purchase other people’s things, take at least safety measures for yourself or your loved ones, neutralize other people’s energy in the following ways:

  1. When you bring home someone else’s item, if it is clothing, first of all, wash it, if it is furniture, wash it thoroughly, if it is jewelry, keep it under running water.
  2. Move the item over the lit one church candles(fire removes other people’s energy well). If there is furniture, move candles over and around it.
  3. Smudge with incense or wormwood.
  4. Sprinkle with holy water.
  5. It is best to consecrate the decoration in a church.
  6. The apartment was inherited - call a priest and dedicate it, if it was inherited - the same thing, just don’t forget about the things that also passed on to you. The same applies to cars, paintings, trinkets and the like.