Rituals and signs on January 22. Love spell for smoke

Meaning and origin: pearl (Latin).

Energy and Karma: Margarita- the name is straightforward and harsh, maybe even intolerant. It’s just a pity that such qualities are not very compatible with the concept of femininity, and this, by the way, can quite upset Margarita herself, especially at an older age.

Usually, from childhood, Rita has a groovy character. She is active, sociable, strives for leadership and loves to provide protection to the weaker. Often not only girls, but also boys are afraid of her harshness, to the point that Rita can give the impression of a sort of hooligan boy in a skirt. In a word, it is difficult to expect her to become a good girl.

Secrets of communication: very often Margarita’s logic is somewhat one-sided. This is not surprising, since usually its logic is brought to life by some strong desire or even passion, due to which her mind begins to work in one direction. Most likely, Rita will carry out her speculations with the main goal of proving that she is right, and not of finding the truth. At the same time, if you manage to ignore her harshness and try to look into her soul, you may find in her a rather fragile and tender woman in need of human warmth and participation. So, rather than arguing with Rita in vain, it’s better to just talk to her like a human being and - who knows - maybe this flower will open in front of you?

  • Zodiac sign: Aries.
  • Planet: Mars.
  • Name colors: steel, red, yellow.
  • Talisman stone: lapis lazuli, jade.

Meaning of the name Margarita option 2

The name comes from the Latin word " Margarita" - pearl. A very independent girl. He has his own view on everything. She is very straightforward and expresses her impressions regardless of faces, which often leads to terrible confusion for parents and guests.

Straightforwardness and categoricalness, characteristic of childhood, will make themselves felt in adult life, although with skillful upbringing these unpleasant traits of Margarita can be significantly softened. Otherwise, they will be perceived as inability to behave, rudeness and lead to conflicts with others, although somewhat eccentric Margarita not selfish at all.

Already in school years Margarita stands out, good logical thinking, can achieve success in the game of chess. She is quite smart, quick-witted and cunning, but her inner insecurity makes her not a very reliable friend. And although Margarita’s relationships with her classmates are normal and she will never refuse to help them, she still does not have close friends. He devotes a lot of time to sports and loves biology.

They are practical people; such women make good leaders.

Margarita doesn't like to wait long. She is impatient, she needs to get everything at once. Maybe that’s why she, without much hesitation, marries the first person she likes and is almost always unlucky in her first love. She is very worried about the collapse of her hopes, and after a divorce, as a rule, she quickly remarries, and does so inappropriately. great love, but guided mainly by considerations of a different nature (to prove something to someone, to get rid of the feeling of uselessness). Margarita loves male company, adores fans, and with her behavior often gives her husband grounds for jealousy. A garden, vegetable garden, dacha, where you need to work and not relax, is not for Margarita and makes her despondent. Kitchen is also not Margarita’s element, but when guests arrive she can prepare such a wonderful dinner that it will shock people who know her well.

They treat children with care. They are rarely happy with their marriage. Capricious.

Margarita’s family life should be happy with Albert, Efim, Semyon, Gennady, Ruslan, Eduard, Savely, Roman. Failures await her with Ivan, Kirill, Vitaly, Vladimir.

Meaning of the name Margarita option 3

Margarita- “pearl” (lat.).

A very independent girl. He expresses his impressions regardless of their faces, which often confuses distinguished guests. Straightforwardness and categoricalness, characteristic of childhood, will make themselves felt in adulthood, although Margarita’s proper upbringing can significantly soften these traits, veiling them under eccentric forms of behavior.

Already in school years Margarita excels in logical thinking and, with appropriate training, is capable of achieving success in the game of chess. She is quite smart, quick-witted and cunning, but selfishness and internal insecurity make her not a very reliable friend. And although her relationship with her classmates is normal and she will never refuse to help them with their requests, she still has no close friends. He devotes a lot of time to sports and loves biology.

She is a practical person; Margarita makes good leaders.

She is impatient, she needs everything at once. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t hesitate to marry the first person she likes and is almost always unhappy in her first love. He is very worried about this event. After a divorce, as a rule, she immediately remarries, and she does this not out of great love, but guided mainly by considerations of a different nature (to prove something to someone, to get rid of the feeling of uselessness). Margarita loves male company, adores fans, which causes attacks of jealousy in her husband. She is rarely satisfied with her marriage. Capricious. Treats children with care. A garden, vegetable garden, dacha, where you need to work and not relax, bring her to bad location spirit. The kitchen is also not Margarita’s element, but when guests arrive she can prepare such a wonderful dinner that everyone will be amazed.

Suitable for eye diseases.

"Winter" Margarita tyrannical, masculine character.

“Autumn” is too practical, stingy. Loves young men. Can succeed in business. The name is combined with patronymics: Ionovna, Sergeevna, Alekseevna, Guryevna, Gavrilovna, Petrovna, Garikovna.

“Summer” is a little softer in character, but it is difficult for other women to compete with her.

“Spring” - in addition to everything that has been said, it is also extravagant. Can work as a lawyer, accountant, assistant. The name matches patronymics: Kuzminichna, Bronislavovna, Evgenievna, Danilovna, Mirolyubovna, Matveevna, Telmanovna.

Meaning of the name Margarita option 4

Eccentric, straightforward. They have logical thinking and practical acumen. Self-critical. There is no luck in first love. It doesn't end in marriage, or it doesn't last.

Strongly experiencing this failure, they try to prove to themselves and others that they are invulnerable. Random connections, companies... Disappointed, they jump out to get married. Sexy. Unselfish. Husbands and partners who follow their first love are abandoned by themselves. They give birth to several children of different sexes.

Margarita takes care of himself. Loves comfort. Good housewives. They are irresistibly delicate in male society and deliberately rude in female society.

Meaning of the name Margarita option 5

Margarita- from lat. pearl; decomposition Rita.

Derivatives: Daisy, Rita, Ritanya, Ritokha, Ritosha, Ritulya, Ritunya, Ritusya, Tusya, Ritusha, Marga, Margot, Margosha, Margusha, Mara, Marusya, Maga, Maka.

Folk signs.


One word - smart. Margarita logical, sharp, quick-witted. She feels at ease in male society, not only because she knows how to carry on a serious conversation on equal terms, but also “because of purely feminine mischief”: she enjoys charming more fans, and even inciting them to rivalry. Housekeeping doesn't occupy her much. But if she suddenly wants to delight and conquer new fans - Margarita and will prepare and receive no worse than others.

Meaning of the name Margarita option 6

MARGARITA - pearl (lat.).

Name day: March 13 - Reverend Wife Margarita, for more than fifty years she labored in a Syrian cave; died around 450.

July 30 - Holy Great Martyr Margarita, daughter of a pagan priest; at the age of fifteen she was beheaded for her faith in Christ after suffering (III century).

  • Zodiac sign - Pisces.
  • Planet - Venus.
  • Color - lilac.
  • A favorable tree is pine.
  • The treasured plant is the daisy.
  • The patron of the name is the pearl oyster.
  • The talisman stone is pearls.


Margarita very straightforward and categorical. This is a very capricious, eccentric person. She has excellent logical thinking; she is smart, quick-witted and very dexterous. Margarita impatient and sensual, loves male company, loves to quarrel with her fans. Housekeeping is not her element, but by inspiration Margarita sometimes she can shock you with her hospitality.

Meaning of the name Margarita option 7

Margarita distinguished by rare straightforwardness. Always says what he thinks, regardless of faces. And since Margarita has the gift of logical thinking, this straightforwardness is usually perceived without offense.

She expresses herself, albeit harshly, but intelligently and honestly. Margarita self-critical. Somewhat eccentric, but not at all selfish. A very faithful and reliable friend, devoted wife, caring daughter and mother.

Margarita has a strong courageous character. She is decisive in her actions and does not change her opinion until she is convinced for herself that she is wrong. Has wonderful organizational skills, can be a good leader. Talented, but does not always realize her potential. She does not strive for high positions; she is quite satisfied with the work that she likes. If life leads her to the leadership chair, then she fully reveals her capabilities. Amazingly able to work, diligent, original in her approach to business, Margarita has unconventional thinking. She is not devoid of ambition, but she believes that no glory is worth the fuss and unnecessary waste of energy. He does a lot for the prosperity of his enterprise, for his colleagues, and enjoys their respect.

A person's name is an integral part of the culture to which he belongs. Therefore, we are interested in knowing which people created this or that name, how and when it came to Russian culture, who was called by this name...

The name Margarita comes from the Latin word “margaritum” and means “pearl”. “Margarites” was one of the epithets of the Roman pagan goddess Aphrodite, whom sailors considered their patroness and brought pearls to her as a gift.

IN church calendar this name entered the period early Christianity: in the 3rd century, the pious Margaret, the daughter of a pagan priest, lived in Rome. Christian faith the nurse taught her. When the pagan ruler called Margarita and demanded that she renounce the Lord, she showed steadfastness and courage, maintaining her faith in one God, for which she was tortured and executed. The Church canonized her as a martyr. St. Margaret's Memorial Day is celebrated on July 30 (17).

Very fast name Margarita spread to Western Europe, initially among noble citizens. Thus, in every European royal court there was at least one Margaret: stories are known of Margaret of Parma, viceroy of the Spanish king in the Netherlands (16th century); Margaret of Austria, viceroy of the Habsburgs in the historical Netherlands (XVI century); Margaret I, or Margaret of Denmark, Queen of Denmark, Norway and Sweden (late 14th century); Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark in the 70s of the XX century and other bearers of this beautiful name. Nowadays, much more famous than the Queen of Denmark is Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1979 to 1991.

The name Margarita came to Rus' relatively late and was found mainly among monastics for quite a long time. However, in Russia there were carriers of this noble name, who left their mark on the history of the country. In particular, this is Margarita Mikhailovna Tuchkova, born Naryshkina, who, after the death of her beloved husband near Borodino, built a church on the site of the Battle of Borodino, and then founded the Spaso-Borodinsky Monastery there. Subsequently, she took monastic vows in this monastery.

Like other borrowed names, the name Margarita, in the process of functioning, was “tested” with live speech until it began to sound quite Slavic, and at the same time acquired many different “home” forms: Mara, Rita, Ritochka, Ritusya...

The post-revolutionary period in Russia introduced changes to women's names. Many old names began to be used extremely rarely, but, fortunately, not all of them were forgotten. The name Margarita, which had never been popular, began to be perceived as new in the 20-30s; today it is one of the most popular female names in Rus'.

Psychological traits: as a rule, Margarita is very straightforward and categorical. She has excellent logical thinking; she is smart, quick-witted and very dexterous. Margarita loves male company. Housekeeping is not her element, but when inspired, Margarita is sometimes able to amaze with her hospitality.

Sources: Petrovsky N.A. Dictionary of Russian personal names. Historical encyclopedia. Encyclopedia "Great Women". Khigir B.Yu. Encyclopedia of names.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Margarita- pearl (Latin).
In cities the name is found quite often, but in rural areas it is almost unknown.
Zodiac name: Fish.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: lilac.
Talisman stone: pearls.
Auspicious plant: pine, daisy.
Patron name: pearl clam.
Happy day: Thursday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Diminutive forms: Rita, Ritulya, Ritunya, Ritusya, Tusya, Margo, Margosha, Margusha, Mara, Marusya.
Main features: ambition, curiosity.


Margarita, Rev. Wife, March 13 (February 28). She labored in the Syrian cave for more than 50 years and died around 450.


There is always a thaw on this day.
If the icicles are long, there will be long flax.


Usually, from childhood, Rita has a groovy character. She is active, sociable, strives to be a leader in games, and loves to provide protection to the weaker. She is quite sharp; not only girls, but also boys are afraid of her. Rita is very curious, loves other people's secrets, she never turns her knowledge to harm anyone, but loves to speculate about other people's secrets, has her own opinion on any issue. He may even express his opinion, which will confuse parents and guests.

The girl is smart and cunning, has logical thinking, it is necessary to direct her in the right direction - play chess, do mathematics. But Rita is rather cool about her studies. Only in high school does she begin to understand that she needs education and gets down to business seriously, in which her strength of character helps her greatly.

Margarita is smart, ambitious and a little angry at the world, because she is sure that her abilities do not find worthy use here. Margarita is straightforward and categorical, prone to scandals, but the older she gets, the more she tries to restrain her emotions. Her understanding of what is happening around her is admirable, but on the other hand, she is surprised at how down-to-earth and rational she can interpret situations that everyone thought had a righteous aura.

Margarita is most often an engineer; she can be a teacher of mathematics, biology, chemistry, a meticulous, scrupulous lawyer, accountant, or assistant. She could turn out great public figure, always seeking justice.

Margarita is freedom-loving and independent. He builds his personal life as he sees fit, does not pay attention; for idle opinions. She is frank in sex, she is characterized by strong emotions and violent hobbies. Her dreams are about rapturous passion and love, in which you will drown, forgetting all the worries of this hectic life.

After getting married, Margarita repeatedly gives her husband reasons for jealousy. She takes care of the children. Housekeeping bores her, but sometimes, inspired; she is able to impress with an unusually laid table with delicious and delicious dishes. IN family life Margarita should learn patience and calmness. Too often, the eccentric Margarita leads things to hysterics and mutual insults. However, she is not at all selfish, seeks justice and, having calmed down, begins to understand that justice does not mean the priority of all her desires. She needs a man who is flexible, without any special ambitions, witty, and able to treat his wife’s emotions with kind irony. Such a man can bear the name Arkady, Gennady, Veniamin, Vsevolod.


Margarita Mikhailovna Tuchkova (1781-1852) - came from an old noble family of the Naryshkins. She loved her second husband Alexander Alekseevich Tuchkov (1777-1812) very much. During Patriotic War He, commanding a brigade, fought near Vitebsk and Smolensk, and was killed near Borodin.

For several days and nights Margarita searched for her husband’s body among the hundreds of thousands of dead who littered the battlefield. She never found a husband and decided to build a church on the site of the battle. In 1820 the temple was consecrated. In 1838, after the sudden death of her only son, Margarita Mikhailovna took monastic vows under the name Melania in the Spaso-Borodinsky Monastery, which she founded. The kindness of Margarita Tuchkova attracted a lot of people to the monastery to venerate the ashes of the defenders of the Fatherland.

Rita is Margarita. Let's try to figure out if this is true.

For many years, in the post-war naming tradition, the name Margarita was considered the full form of a female name, and Rita and Margot were derivatives.

However, everything is not so simple.


Versions of the origin of the name:

  1. From the Greek word µαργαριτης, which means “pearl”.
  2. From the word mañjarī, which translated from Sanskrit means “a servant close to the lady.”
  3. From the Persian word marvârid, which translates as "daughter of light".

Margaret, how female name Western European name book, has become popular since the 11th century and remains so to this day.

In the Eastern European name tradition, the name Margarita is less popular because until 1917 this name was absent in Orthodox calendar. In the early 20th century, the name Margarita was sometimes used as a secular counterpart to the baptismal name Marina.

In the second half of the 20th century, the name became quite common, but not high in frequency, unlike the name.

Characteristics of the name Margarita


Versions of the origin of the name:

  1. The most common. Rita is a shortened form of the name Margaret, as well as Henrietta and Harita.
  2. Less common. Translated from many languages ​​that have become widespread in India, it means “brave”, “honest”, “road of life”. IN in this case we're talking about about a completely independent name.

In the Catholic naming book, Saint Rita of Cascia is known. She is honored on May 22.


In this case, absolutely all sources agree: the name is a shortened form of the name Margarita.

Margarita, Rita, Margot: what is the correct way to say the full name?

Margarita → full name- Margarita.

Rita → full name - Margarita, Henrietta, Rita, Harita.

Margot → full name - Margarita.

What is the difference between the name Margarita and Rita, Margot?

At a minimum, these names differ in the number of sounds (when pronounced) and the number of letters (when written).

In this case, we are interested in the semantic-phonetic analysis of each of the names.

Important: the more forms a name has, the more diverse its influence on its bearer will be.


In this variant of the name there are several sound repetitions, enhancing the vibration effect of the name.

Semantic-phonetic analysis of the name Margarita


Please note. This version of the name has sophistication and sensuality. creative nature gives way to pragmatic money management skills, good intuition and a desire for self-knowledge. Not the worst set of qualities, right?

Semantic-phonetic analysis of the name Margot


Rita loses her desire to help everyone and everything along with the disappearance of the letter “M”. The desire for knowledge and the desire to create, characteristic of “G” and “A”, are also minimized.

Semantic-phonetic analysis of the name Rita

Can Margarita be called Rita, Margot?

Can. However, listen to yourself (if this is your name) or to the one you are calling. After all, a name should evoke positive emotions! Find a naming option that will satisfy all parties.

Video: The meaning of the name Margarita - The secret of the name