Description of the 4th lunar day. Influence of the day of the week

The 4th lunar day is a period when you will have access to information not only about the world around you, but also about yourself. Everything hidden becomes clear and understandable. This is a day of knowledge, revelation of secrets and important decisions. It was on this lunar day that our ancestors Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and were expelled from Eden. On these days, a person should be especially careful...

Description of the 4th lunar day

Main characteristics of the 4th lunar day- obtaining important and previously hidden information. It is important to be able to adequately perceive it, analyze and draw conclusions. It is necessary to understand the flow of news that “suddenly” becomes available. Best time for introspection.

Features and properties of 4 lunar days

Talismans and symbols:

  • the symbol of this period is the Tree of Knowledge;
  • green jades, amazonites, and sardonyx are considered talisman stones;
  • element - tree;
  • The main colors of this day are all shades of green.

On this day, the veil that hides the inner “I” is lifted. You will be able to understand what drives your actions, desires, and aspirations. This is the day of self-awareness. And it’s up to you whether to try to deceive yourself or to really assess your position in this world. This is probably why this day evokes positive emotions and a thirst for knowledge in some, while it plunges others into despondency. It all depends on the person, on what lifestyle he has chosen for himself, what his attitude is to the world around him, to his friends and loved ones. This lunar day is a turning point. What to choose? Self-improvement or self-destruction? All these questions, one way or another, will haunt you during this period. The previous lunar day was full of vigorous activity, this one was given to consolidate the results obtained. We need to continue to move forward, while carefully studying the upcoming prospects and analyzing our actions. If a mistake was made, it can still be easily corrected. Information that literally floats around will help you find the right decision. Esotericists believe that on this day the Universe will help you adjust to its rhythms and make it clear whether you are able to maintain its unity and harmony. You may suddenly see the path along which you should move further, understand which solution will be the most successful to resolve a particular problem. IN mystical teachings In the East, it was believed that on this day it was possible to transmit secret knowledge and sacred experience. Those who use spiritual practices believe that on the 4th lunar day you can connect to the information channels of the universe.

Lunar relations on the fourth day

Prince Gofus is considered the guardian angel of this day. It helps lovers, gives spouses a chance to respect each other and revive love. This patron of the day gives his “wards” a special sexuality and attractiveness, which helps to “refresh” fading feelings, revive the intensity of passion and the flame of love. Despite the favor and protection of Gofus, the fourth lunar day is a bad time for marriage. Those who decide to take such a step will constantly feel an ambivalent and uncertain state. The spouses will not find agreement among themselves, they will argue and sort things out. Considering that on this day everything hidden becomes obvious, with a high degree of probability adultery will lead to a scandal and a break in relations. Even an ordinary “affair” can be fatal for a marriage. If it is not possible to postpone the wedding, it is necessary to take “insurance” measures. Perform a special ritual and make an agreement with the Moon. Bring it up heavenly body gifts. It doesn't have to be things and offerings. Try to give up bad habit or promise to do something or achieve something. It goes without saying that what was promised must be fulfilled in the future, so weigh your words and actions. Sex on this lunar day should not be aggressive or too violent. Arrange your other half a romantic date, spend the day together, enjoy each other's company.

Conceiving a child

The best day for conception is considered to be the 4th lunar day, which is called the day of birth. Children conceived on this day will continue the traditions of their family, respect its foundations, and take care of elderly relatives. Mystics believe that the soul of a distant or close ancestor can inhabit a child. The baby who begins his journey to life on this day will become the support and pride of the family. He will attract the love and affection of others. His calm and affectionate disposition will earn him the respect of his classmates and teachers. It will not be difficult for such a child to make many friends. Parents must make an effort to develop hard work, perseverance, and determination in their child. You can send your child to a sports section, theater or music studio. The main thing is to eliminate passivity. The most dangerous enemies for children born on the 4th day lunar cycle- laziness, lack of will, fear.

Work on this lunar day

4th lunar day are well suited for analyzing projects that have been started, identifying errors in the developed strategy, and processing the information received. Good time for financial transactions. The only condition is that before you start, think carefully about everything and weigh it in order to eliminate possible risks. The day is especially good for trade workers and large businessmen. The first is guaranteed good income, the second - promising and successful projects. Get a job new job on the fourth day of the lunar cycle is not recommended. You may “not fit into the team,” your superiors may not like you, or you may be disappointed in choosing a new type of activity. This day is also not suitable for either quitting or changing jobs. On the 4th lunar day it is better not to take any decisive action in this direction. It will be good to go out into nature on this day.

Health on a lunar day

On the fourth lunar day, pay increased attention to your neck and throat. Do a neck massage or muscle relaxation exercises. This is especially true for those people who spend most of their working time at the computer. If possible, spend a few hours in a park, forest, or garden. A few recommendations from an astrologer:

  1. On the 4th lunar day, listen to how you feel - today is a very useful and important day for your health. If you have the opportunity to undergo an examination, do it, the diagnosis will be the most accurate.
  2. Refrain from overeating, excessive consumption of fatty and sweet foods. It is also useful to limit yourself from eating foods that are too high in calories. Avoid mayonnaise, spreads and sauces.
  3. If possible, carry out a mono diet on this day - eat only vegetables or only fruits. You can completely refuse food for a day.
  4. It is not advisable to drink alcohol.

On this day it is good to start replanting flowers, bushes or trees. Caring for plants will bring peace and positive emotions, and this is one of the components of good health.

Hair cutting

It would be a bad decision to start cutting your hair on the fourth lunar day; today it can lead to troubles in the family, disagreements and quarrels. Cutting your hair will have a positive effect on its growth and thickness, but will negatively affect your relationship with your significant other. If you want to save your family and not ruin your existing love relationship, the 4th lunar day is a bad time for cutting your hair. It may happen that going to the hairdresser on the fourth day will harm your health - you will feel a sore throat or a “jammed” neck. To avoid financial losses, do not visit the hairdresser and refuse to have your hair done on this lunar day. A haircut on the 4th day of the lunar cycle can negatively affect the wealth of the family.

Characteristics of people born on the fourth lunar day

Children born on the 4th lunar day are noticeably different from their peers. They are calm, do not demand anything, do not become hysterical, but remember the insult well. “Fours” are not vindictive, they just have an overly keen sense of justice. Those born on the fourth day of the lunar calendar have some mystical secret. They are able to attract attention and easily charm the opposite sex. IN family life these people are almost always happy. Sometimes they can be overly demanding of their significant other. People born on the fourth lunar day are persistent and stubborn. They are firmly moving towards their goal. They make excellent bosses and businessmen. And also:

  • writers;
  • scientists;
  • researchers;
  • programmers;
  • politics;
  • archaeologists;
  • historians;
  • analysts.

If your child's birthday falls on the fourth lunar day, be prepared for the fact that his later life directly depends on your upbringing. To prevent your child from growing into an inveterate egoist or slacker, teach him independence, discipline and responsibility, and instill hard work.

What do dreams mean on the 4th lunar day

At night during these lunar days you can see prophetic dreams which will definitely come true. However, don't take them too seriously. Sometimes dreams on the 4th lunar day can come in the form of a difficult riddle or puzzle. The interpretation of such dreams may not be unambiguous. In this case, it is better to seek advice from specialists. Sometimes a dream can quite clearly indicate an event:

  • the flame of a candle or fire - a long-awaited meeting with your soulmate;
  • a walk through a flower meadow - success in business awaits ahead;
  • a nightmare seen in a dream warns of imminent unpleasant events.

Do not despair if you think that the dream promises only terrible troubles and misfortunes. Sometimes the Moon tries to warn and push you to make the right choice.

Rituals of the fourth lunar day

The symbol of this time is the Tree of Knowledge. Therefore, rituals aimed at obtaining information will be most appropriate during this period.

To gain knowledge

If you want to receive some information important to you, contact the patroness of the night, the Moon, for it. To carry out the ritual of the fourth lunar day, you need to stay alone, light a yellow candle and draw on clean slate paper is an even and large circle. In this circle, write down briefly what you want to know about. You cannot write verbosely or ask many questions. This will only create confusion. Then speak the written text three times. Place the request sheet in a secluded place. Ask the Moon to send the necessary information within three days and thank her in advance. In the following days, carefully monitor all the information you receive. It could be news on TV, a song you accidentally heard, or a book you came across. The main thing is to be alert and carefully analyze what is happening around you.

How to make the right choice

Sometimes people are faced with a choice, and it causes them almost physical suffering. The fourth day of the lunar cycle has a special magic. Rituals today will help you gain confidence and make your choice. During this period, secret knowledge literally envelops us. You just need to manage this moment correctly and take from the information flows what is needed. Go outside before bed. Try to find the new month in the sky and turn to it for help. Ask him to give you advice on what to do in a difficult and difficult situation. Be sure to thank Luna in advance. When you return home, go straight to bed. If you were sincere in your desire, then you will definitely receive a hint on how best to do it in your dream.

If you rely in your life not only on solar calendar, but also on the lunar one, then it will completely open before you new world, full of interesting information and useful tips.

So, today we will talk about the 4th lunar day. This day has to a greater extent passive energy. The main symbol, image and essence of the day is the tree of knowledge or the tree of good and evil. The same tree whose fruits Adam and Eve tasted in the Garden of Eden. This tree in all cultures and religions is endowed with incredible power, so the fourth lunar day is filled with magical energy.

The stones that will benefit you on this day are sardonyx and green jade. The guardian angel on the 4th lunar day is Gofus - dark side goddess of love. He protects and patronizes those who despair of love. He reveals ancient secrets love spells, love spells and potions.

Since the image on the fourth lunar day is the tree of knowledge, this day is excellent for receiving and using any information. On the 4th day lunar month long-hidden information becomes apparent, you may encounter something new both in the people around you and with something new within yourself. Everything will depend on the degree of your awareness.

The 4th lunar day will allow you to see the real you, without embellishment and social masks. Perhaps what you see will scare you, but perhaps it will delight you. For this reason, no one can call the fourth lunar day unambiguous. Some people will be lucky enough to learn something good about themselves, while others will be lucky enough to learn something good about themselves. This characteristic of this day should not confuse you: this day can either be remembered by you or pass unnoticed.

The fourth lunar day is a moment of choice, information will be presented to you, and how you use it is up to you to decide. It must be said that in many ways the 4th lunar day is still the beginning of the month: how this day goes for you, the entire next month will pass under such a banner.

Also, many recommend studying the family tree of your family on this day; perhaps you will learn something new for yourself. In general, it is better to spend this day alone and avoid group work, because the more time you spend alone with yourself, the more hidden information you will learn.


It must be said that on the 4th lunar day, many astrologers promise prophetic things, prophetic dreams. But if you dreamed of anything at all that night, it was great luck, Means, higher powers they want to convey important information to you.

On the eve of this day, dreams often appear with biblical scenes, which are based on the theme of the Fall or temptation. These dreams are extremely figurative and filled with many meanings, so a correct analysis of the symbols will help you better know yourself and your weaknesses. The main thing to remember is that in these dreams you are studying your inner world.

Dreams will help you understand which side you choose in your life - dark or light.

  • If you have a nightmare, this means that you will face minor difficulties on the path to knowing yourself, but if you want, you can find out absolutely everything and overcome any obstacles.
  • If you dreamed about your relatives, then this good sign, it means you have a strong connection with your ancestors and family.

On this day it is worth paying attention to the throat and neck, because on the 4th lunar day these parts of the body are most defenseless. It’s good to massage the cervical-collar region on this day, as well as stretch your neck every two hours, especially if you work at the computer. On this day it is good to walk in the fresh air, for example, in a forest or park.

  • On these days it is better to refrain from fatty and fried foods.
  • Fasting at the beginning of the day will be helpful.
  • The consumption of alcohol and tobacco is undesirable.

It is better to avoid active work on these days. It is worth learning new information and doing paperwork. You can also solve any money matters(all money invested on this day will be returned to you in double volume).

On the 4th lunar day, you should not quit your job and it is also better to postpone negotiations with your superiors. Starting new businesses or projects on this day is also not recommended. This day is good for businessmen, because on the fourth lunar day the most successful sales transactions take place.

It is very good to stay at home on this day, do household chores and spend time with your family. It is better to clean the inside of the house at the beginning of the day, and outside the house in the afternoon. It is also good to care for plants, replant flowers, and water. Even trees can be replanted.

It is better not to carry out any body procedures on the 4th lunar day. It is especially not recommended to get a haircut on this day, because a haircut, most likely, will not please you and, instead of relief, will bring anxiety, despondency and, possibly, pain in the throat. In addition, cutting your hair today can lead to hair loss.

The fourth lunar day is not suitable for celebrating a wedding. If the marriage is concluded on this day, then there will be disagreements between the spouses throughout their lives. A marriage concluded on this day often ends in adultery, and subsequently in divorce.

It must be said that children born on this day, under unfavorable circumstances, grow up to be self-centered, narcissistic slackers. Therefore, it is extremely important for parents to help their child understand himself. If you discover the talent of such a child, he will be unique. If your birthday fell on the fourth lunar day, then you should understand yourself and your characteristics more, and if it is your child’s birthday, then try to devote more time and attention to him.

These days are considered the most suitable for conceiving a child. The 4th lunar day is the day of the birth, so children conceived on this day can become worthy successors of their family, family traditions and foundations.

It’s very good to attract money into your home these days by meditating on the voice. It is important to chant certain sounds associated with the main chakras. It is also good to sing mantras and prayers: this will influence the harmonization of the space around you.

Many astrologers suggest performing rituals on this day to attract information flows. It is on the 4th lunar day that you can access the information channel of the Universe. It is good to carry out all rituals in the first half of the day and use live plants or carry out the ceremony in the fresh air, surrounded by trees.

It’s better not to go anywhere during these knocks. Most likely, the trip will not bring you anything good.

  • Or you won't like it in your new place.
  • Or events will develop in such a way that you will not be able to go far.

So, the 4th lunar day is one of the most mystical in lunar calendar, it is important to remember that it helps you first of all get to know yourself, your passions, problems and weaknesses. Be open to new information and you will succeed. Author: Daria Potykan

Symbol: tree of paradise, symbol of the knowledge of good and evil

Stones: sardonyx, green jade

4th lunar day according to its energy. If yesterday it was necessary to be as active as possible, then today you need to spend time quietly, it is best to do quiet, household chores. The fourth lunar day should be devoted to concentration and sublime thoughts. Therefore, it is better to spend it in solitude. It is suitable for walks in the forest, meditation, prayers, commemoration of ancestors, reading holy books, search and acquisition Spiritual teacher. On the 4th lunar day, our intuition, or as some say, the inner voice, stops whispering to us and already speaks out loud. Listen to your soul, and even your wildest dreams will come true.

The fourth lunar day is the most favorable time to start learning.

All undertakings of the fourth lunar day are inevitably associated with receiving and comprehending information. Any new business will be successful if it is conscious and thoughtful.

The 4th lunar day is very good for business related to information technology, telephony and communications, as well as the World Wide Web. It’s a good idea today to think about those projects, deals, contracts in which there is some ambiguity for you. You may well receive information that can clarify everything for you. It is advisable to avoid making decisions. Get information, think it over, and decide the next morning, because it’s not for nothing that they say: “the morning is wiser than the evening.”

It is believed that this year, especially if you dream of deceased relatives. An unfavorable sign on the 4th lunar day is hair tangled during sleep. This means that you confuse the concepts of good and evil, sometimes mistaking white for black and vice versa.

It is no coincidence that the symbol of the fourth lunar day is the Tree of Knowledge. Be prepared for the fact that you will receive a lot of news, a lot of fresh information and unexpected information. Today you can learn something new about the state of your affairs, information will come in which direction to move next. If you are tormented by some situation, then on this day you have the opportunity to find out its essence, why it was given to you.

In general, the 4th lunar day is quite suitable for all endeavors (especially for searching for missing people and things), but it should be spent alone and not make hasty decisions. Before you start a new business, think it through carefully. On the 4th lunar day, the Universe shows us the results of our efforts and the reactions of others to our actions.

The first half of the day of the fourth lunar day has a positive background. Everyone becomes friendly, makes contact easily, new perspectives, new opportunities appear, the main thing is to notice them. At this time it is favorable to take risky actions. But, in the second half of the day, the mood already drops, conflict increases, and you can easily succumb to provocations. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your emotions and put out quarrels in time. Don't give in to resentment and don't let anyone make you feel guilty. Then the second half of the day will bring you good luck. On this day you should not make hasty decisions. The energy of 4 lunar days can push you to commit unseemly acts, which you may later regret. The saying “measure twice, cut once” will be especially relevant in this case.

In esoteric terms, this day is responsible for verbal magic. Words spoken on the fourth lunar day have special power. You can use this to significantly improve your life. For example, repeatedly repeating and singing the word “love” to different tunes will help you strengthen and even attract love. It is useful on this day to sing songs that carry the information that you would like to see in your life. In general, we carefully monitor the words and say only the brightest and most pleasant things.

If you are going on a trip, it is best to go to the regions and cities where your ancestors are from. This will help you gain strength and know yourself.

Now let’s take a closer look at the characteristics of the 4th lunar day for the most important areas of our lives.


The fourth lunar day is not the best day for pursuing personal life, but on this day you can analyze it, look for clues in your soul for improvement love relationship, relationships with children and relatives. If it’s difficult to work on your own and you constantly feel the burden of accumulated problems, then you can visit a psychologist, psychoanalyst, or psychotherapist. Of course, no one will solve our problems for us, but experts will help us understand the causes of troubles, and awareness is already 90% of their solution.

Also, the fourth lunar day is completely unsuitable for romantic date, especially if you have high hopes for it. The fact is that on this day people are prone to apathy. Therefore, the inattention of a loved one to your person can cause you irritation and resentment.


On the 4th lunar day, all types of work with wood will be very successful. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all what you do with it: wash the parquet floor, plan, saw, burn, cut or paint a wooden fence. In general, the fourth lunar day is the ideal time to resolve all everyday issues.


On the fourth lunar day, you should not waste time and energy on useless activities and conversations. They will take away your strength. Moreover, today the cervical vertebrae and larynx are the most vulnerable. It is better to remain silent once again or be alone than to treat various diseases later. On the 4th lunar day, emotional and physical fatigue is contraindicated. On this day, an energetic restructuring of our body takes place, requiring large internal costs. Illnesses that begin on this day can be severe and protracted if treatment is not started immediately. The day is ideal for preparing healing herbal infusions and decoctions. In your diet, give preference to raw vegetables and fruits. Under no circumstances should you consume meat or alcoholic beverages on the 4th lunar day.

Business and money

On the 4th lunar day, it is better not to start new things, but to continue those started earlier. Today you can still correct the mistakes you have made; the Universe provides hints and the opportunity to correct things.

Financial receipts on the 4th lunar day, they are most often delayed or the amount may not be what you expected.

General forecast

The symbol is a tree, the tree of knowledge, the choice between good and evil. Eating its fruit, as is known, leads to the fall. According to Albertus Magnus, this day refers to the fall of man.

It is marked by making a choice between good and evil deeds. Unfortunately, such a day is the first among unfavorable ones. But at the same time, it is endowed with a dual characteristic; it is both a positive and a negative day. At this time, you should not make quick decisions; it is better to think about everything ten times, and only then make a decision. Collective work is not recommended; you cannot cut down trees or pick flowers. It is advised to take more walks in the forest on such a day, you can spin and unravel threads. They say that people who were born on this lunar day have some kind of cosmic secret, but at the same time they must know it themselves. Recommended stones for this day: amazonite, green jade, sardonyx.

The first half of the day is favorable. You will gain peace of mind and your ability to communicate will increase. This day will also have a positive impact on trading, and the chances of successfully carrying out risky activities will increase. But already in the second half of the day the positive trends may begin to slow down, but if you have sufficient diplomacy, then you will be able to avoid the machinations and conflicts of your rivals.

Love and relationships. The fourth lunar day is not the best day for pursuing your personal life, but on this day you can analyze it, look for clues in your soul to improve love relationships, relationships with children and relatives. If it’s difficult to work on your own, and you constantly feel the burden of accumulated problems, then you can visit a psychologist, psychoanalyst, or psychotherapist. Of course, no one will solve our problems for us, but experts will help us understand the causes of troubles, and awareness is already 90% of their solution. Also, the fourth lunar day is completely unsuitable for a romantic date, especially if you have high hopes for it. The fact is that on this day people are prone to apathy. Therefore, the inattention of a loved one to your person can cause you irritation and resentment.

Housework. All types of work with wood will be very successful. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all what you do with it: wash the parquet floor, plan, saw, burn, cut or paint a wooden fence. In general, the fourth lunar day is the ideal time to resolve all everyday issues.

Business and money. It is better not to start new things, but to continue those started earlier. Today you can still correct the mistakes you have made; the Universe provides hints and the opportunity to correct things. Financial receipts on the 4th lunar day are most often delayed or the amount may not be what you expected.

Dreams. Especially colored ones can become fulfilled. If on the night preceding this day you dreamed that something was getting tangled, for example threads or hair, or the interweaving of roads seemed incomprehensible and confusing to you, then it is advisable to analyze what you had in mind, and either completely abandon the plans, or rethink, re-plan. Your parents or relatives may be present in one way or another in the dreams of these lunar days. This is an indication: you need to analyze what problems you inherited from them and begin solving them. If you dream of some kind of danger, this is a warning that you need to be especially careful and conscious in choosing your line of behavior. The images that appear in your dreams this day can indicate areas of ‘fall from sin’ where you may stumble, but this refers to your inner world, or in other words, your spiritual component. It’s easier to say that at this time you can understand which side of the ‘Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil’ is on at the moment time, accumulated most your energy. If you are clearly aware of this, take it as a direction to action.

Health. Diseases that begin on these lunar days are usually severe. The cervical spine, Adam's apple, and larynx are vulnerable today. Procedures, surgeries and massages cannot be performed on these areas today. It is good today to prepare and treat with infusions, decoctions and other herbal medicines.

  • The beginning of 4 lunar days in 2019 in Moscow:
  • January 8 at 10:19
  • February 7 at 09:30
  • March 9 at 08:24
  • April 8 at 07:24
  • May 7 at 06:20
  • June 6 at 06:42
  • July 5 at 06:58
  • August 4 at 08:57
  • September 2 at 09:26
  • October 1 at 09:51
  • October 30 at 10:11
  • November 29 at 11:23
  • December 28 at 10:46
4th lunar day in other years

Hair cutting

On the 4th lunar day, it is better not to change anything in your life, especially the length of your hair, as this will be followed by anxiety, causeless melancholy and fear of everything, and the appearance of a sore throat or diseases of the oral cavity is also possible.


People born on this day contain some kind of secret, there are many rumors about them, and not everyone is able to understand them. The main danger of people of this day is the power of melancholy, a little apathy. They often delve into introspection and sad memories. These people know a lot about the world and are constantly expanding their knowledge. For an hour they do not realize how deep their knowledge of the hidden is. They are often drawn to reveal secrets. Having started something, they can return to the starting point, and this is their main problem. They need to move on.
It is very important not to lose touch with their parents and ancestors. Alcohol is harmful, but herbal infusions and teas are beneficial. Rest is important: calm, in silence, alone with yourself.
Advice: it is important to control every word you say, as it can quickly come true. You cannot wish harm either on yourself, since your wish will come true, or on other people, because you will have to pay severely for the senseless expenditure of energy.

Bathing in the sauna


Dreams are warnings, especially if you see danger in a dream. Very often, it is on these lunar days that parents dream of and indications of karmic problems. Such dreams need to be analyzed and solutions sought.

Guardian stones

Green jade, sardonyx, overflowing agate.

Conceiving a child

Conceived on the 4th lunar day is one of the most special and difficult days to conceive. Mystical day. There is an opinion that if you conceive a child on this day, then one of your ancestors returns to your family with him. However, this opinion is not an axiom; you can agree with it or not. But there is also an indisputable fact: a child conceived on this day will be loved by the whole family, and will be favored by those around him. He is one of those to whom people's hearts are drawn. Moreover, for this he does not need to use all sorts of artificial methods, manipulate and weave intrigues. Such a person attracts attention, love and respect thanks to distinctive features your character - affection, kindness, tenderness, calmness.

Weather forecast

If on the fourth day according to the birth of the month it is clear, then the whole month is clear; if it’s stormy, then it’s stormy all month.

Aromatherapy and home fragrances

Removes fears and irritability, relieves tension, helps with depression. Restores energy and mental balance. Encourages spiritual creativity. The aroma of Mandarin is good for productive and elevated intellectual communication. An excellent remedy for obesity and cellulite.



The fourth lunar day is not the best time to register family relations. During this period, it is best to refrain from entering into marriages, otherwise married couple will always remain in a dual state - the spouses will never be able to find a compromise that satisfies both of them, they will constantly quarrel and be at odds with each other. It is even possible that partners in such a marriage will often cheat on each other, and their family happiness will always be on the verge of collapse.

On these lunar days, it is better for lovers to once again weigh the pros and cons of their union.


IN this period It is recommended to refrain from shopping, especially if the desire to purchase a particular product arose spontaneously. Today, hasty decisions do not lead to positive results, and this primarily concerns the purchase of expensive things. It’s better to devote the fourth lunar day to thinking about whether it’s worth spending money or not. The only exceptions to this rule are small purchases related to hygiene items - soap, toothbrushes, washcloths, napkins, towels, and so on.


symbol: tree of knowledge of good and evil
stones: sardonyx, jade, agate
body part: larynx, pharynx

Rituals using dough volts, divination on dough, rituals involving appealing to the spirits of the elements, rituals for obtaining egregorial protection. Personal energy recharge from trees on this day is the most effective.

When doing fortune telling, it is good to ask questions that require only a monosyllabic answer “yes” or “no,” as well as questions related to any choice. In addition, as in the previous lunar day, it is good to study ancient magical texts and obtain theoretical information. During this period, it is good to communicate with your mentor, guru, teacher or with a person who is an authority on the art of magic for you.

Description of other lunar days all lunar days → Share

Symbolic correspondence: 7th - 18th degrees of Taurus.
Anatomical compliance: throat, Adam's apple.
Action: memory.
Titles: Tree of knowledge, Adam's apple, AUM.
Symbol - Tree of Knowledge, choice between good and evil. On this day, which is best spent in solitude, you need to think ten times before making a decision. This day is the first of the unfavorable ones. And it carries a dual characteristic: it is positive and negative at the same time, there is evil in it. In Western European astrology, it is considered the day of the fall of man who ate from the Tree of Knowledge - hence the symbol of Adam's apple stuck in the throat.
Social influence: Bad for group affairs. Otherwise neutral.
Household influence: Weakly favorable, provided that everything is thought out. Easy to spin and work with thread. Do flower gardening, walk in nature. Long-lost things are found. Good day for trading, bad for travel.
Medical influence: The illnesses are severe.
Mystical influence: Any activity must be thought out. A day of working with the voice, singing, recitative, etc. are shown. Day of remembrance, prayers. Unfavorable sign tangled hair or threads could be the cause.
It’s better to spend this day in solitude and try not to make hasty decisions: first you need to think it over thoroughly. On this day one is supposed to focus on singing sacred hymns. Group work is contraindicated; you cannot pick flowers or cut down trees. It’s good to spin on this day, walk through the forest, unravel threads. If on the night preceding this day you see threads and your hair gets tangled, then you should abandon your plan.
Impact on those born: Very dependent on upbringing and heredity. Their main drawback is selfishness; it arises primarily in in this case from a feeling of security. People of this day carry some kind of secret within themselves, perhaps incomprehensible to them.
People born on this day are the bearers of some kind of cosmic secret: it is desirable that everyone unravel this secret within themselves on an intuitive level.
Effect on conception: Family birthday. Perhaps one of your ancestors will return to your family. A gentle child will be born, but may grow up to be lazy.
Stones: sardonyx, amazonite (brings joy to the home), green jade.
Meditations: Voice.
Signatures: green jade, sardonyx, amazonite.

A. Zaraev. "Interpretation of Lunar Days

The first half of this L.d. is favorable, and therefore mental balance occurs and the ability to make contacts increases. The day is favorable for trading activities, for any risky enterprises and thus opens up new prospects and good opportunities in life. However, the second half of the day can slow down positive trends, and only through diplomacy and demonstration of good nature can conflicts and intrigues of rivals be avoided.

"Days from the Birth" of the Moon according to Albertus Magnus

A happy day for all sorts of undertakings, for finding missing things. good dreams come true, but bad ones don’t. The baby is evil.

Zyurnyaeva T.N. "30 lunar days. Everything about every day. Lunar calendar."

Symbols - "Tree of Knowledge" and "Aum".
On this day, the process of choosing between good and evil takes place. It is not recommended to be alone.
It’s good to walk through the forest, plant plants, remember traditions. We must do everything that contributes to a conscious choice between evil and good. We make this choice on three levels - at the level of thought, word and action. All these three levels must be controlled. Help make right choice maybe verbal magic, i.e. reciting and singing sacred hymns, mantras and prayers. On this day it is good to spin and unravel threads, thereby helping in untying karmic knots and separation of good from evil.
It is not recommended to make a decision that has not yet been well thought through. It is bad to be in large groups and do group work. You cannot pick flowers or cut down trees on this day.
On the 4th lunar day, a person can receive egregor protection. This happens when we remember our life events and learn lessons. This is how we make our choice, correctly assessing the situation that weighs heavily on us. By transforming, we receive the protection of the egregor.
It is very favorable to be in a family and communicate with the elements (fire, water, earth, air). Magic action 4th lunar day - kneading bread. Bread is a special product. It's invested in large number labor, and huge amount people touched him with their energy. Bread is a symbol of goodness and the unification of people, cheesecake is a symbol of the Sun.
The day is also called "Aum", so making sounds on this day is beneficial, although the sound "Aum" is intended for the mental body. But mental body is dominant over the astral and physical and its good condition is favorable for all other bodies. You can chant sounds and mantras for all three bodies.
The Vishuddha chakra, the larynx, is associated with the 4th lunar day. If a person does not use energy for its intended purpose, he will suffer from osteochondrosis. He didn't make a choice.

People born on the 4th lunar day already initially carry the corresponding energies, and their every word is verbal magic, their every word is significant. Therefore, it is better for people born on the 4th lunar day to remain silent. Their words still carry retribution. Such people are the bearers of a cosmic secret, but they can only discover this secret themselves through internal self-awareness. Their life's task is to unravel this mystery.

You can and should do and eat:
- Physical cleansing
- Be close to nature
- Sing songs, prayers
- Read sacred texts
- Strengthen relationships with family and friends
- Remember the past
You cannot do or you must abstain, do not eat:
- Engage in sexual contact
- Group meetings
- Pick flowers, cut down trees
- Decide rashly