Determine the soul number by date of birth. How to calculate your soul number based on your date of birth

When it seems to you that you are definitely at a higher level, do not get angry, but count your parents, relatives, brothers, friends, sisters, girlfriends and make sure of the flawless logic of the test.

The numerology test involves sequentially adding all the numbers of your date of birth: for example, April 6, 1972 = 6+4+1+9+7+2 = 29 .

Or this example: October 10, 1976. = 10+10+1+9+7+6 = 43 . Please note that when calculating, the date or month of birth is not divided into units and tens. A two-digit date or month of birth must be added in its entirety.

You must get a two-digit number no higher than 59. If the two-digit number is greater than 59, then add it again. A two-digit number is your destiny, the influence of hidden forces that come from outside, and the result of what the future will bring you.

Look at which group double digit numbers you get there. This shows the level of development of your soul.

From 1 to 9

Absence as such karmic tasks(except for tasks of this kind). People of this level are not given any goals and do not require self-development. You can do anything. The only condition: these people must live in accordance with their own conscience.

From 10 to 19
First level. This means that you should focus on developing your personality, cultivating your will, and improving your body and spirit. Earthly affairs await you, but lofty matters are not for you.

From 20 to 29
Level two. A person who is here must work off earthly karma, while relying on his origins and the experience of his ancestors. You should develop your intuition, learn to manage your own subconscious.

From 30 to 39
This is the level of people who are able to influence the consciousness of others. If you are on the third level of incarnation, then know that your calling in this life is to teach others philosophical view to life, the fundamentals of existence. Therefore, you yourself have to study a lot in order to later pass on your knowledge to others.

From 40 to 49
Highest level of consciousness. Intellectual, philosopher, teacher. You must strive to understand the highest meaning of existence, the foundations of the universe. Your goal in life is to reach new level consciousness.

From 50 to 59
A person of the fifth level is an observer, a mediator between the Higher Mind and people. You are a carrier of secret information. Your goal is self-improvement in solitude. But this does not mean that people belonging to this level are always bright and pure. Very often these are the darlings of fate who receive all the benefits more easily than others. You can often observe how these people stop taking care of themselves, educating themselves, their souls, and they give up. They begin to live only by consuming. Of course, in future life they will face retribution and fall to a lower level.

At this level, people become intermediaries between people and the Universe. They have access to information about past lives, other dimensions and everything unknown. They know how to receive information from invisible and intangible sources. They are often lucky because they are not like everyone else.

This level obliges one to lead a lifestyle that would enrich the soul and ennoble the family.

What does the number 29 and the number 43 mean in life? specific people, can be seen in the interpretation below. It only remains to add that every 29 years for one and every 43 years for the other, important events will occur in fate.

10 lucky number. A sign of honor and self-confidence. It's a rise and take off. Very favorable for the future.

11 - a complex number. Warns of hidden danger, trials and betrayal. A person can engage in occult sciences, but with great caution.

12 - a symbol of suffering and anxiety. The number 12 person may become a victim of intrigue. He should not get into trouble, join all kinds of unions and organizations that oppose anyone.

13 - symbolizes a change in plans, place of stay, warns of danger. The ancients said that whoever understands the number 13 receives strength and power. Sign serious changes in life, both positive and negative.

14 - warns a person about the danger from natural disasters: wind, water, fire and air. Along with this, it favors transactions and business, but with a certain risk. If the number 14 comes up when counting future events, you should be very careful.

15 - people of this number have enormous temperament combined with personal magnetism, which they use to achieve their goals. 15 promotes oratory and music. It promises good luck, but sometimes forces people to resort to magic for their own selfish interests.

16 - a harbinger of future disasters or collapse of plans. This number warns of evil fate that can befall a person, and that decisions must be made very carefully to avoid fatal tendencies.

17 - a highly spiritual number. Brings the owner happiness, freedom and changes in life.

18 - the number of destruction of the spiritual side of the world. People of “eighteen” can be cruel - they are family brawlers and despots, fighters, participants in various kinds of covens and antisocial revolutions. In some cases, the number denotes a business, and a “black” one at that. This sign is associated with deception and betrayal on the part of others. It also warns of hazards from water, fire and explosives.

19 - symbolizes the Sun. Extremely auspicious number which brings happiness, success, respect and recognition.

20 - has a double interpretation. On the one hand, a call to action, the implementation of new plans, but these plans must be truly grandiose. On the other hand, these are obstacles to achieving a goal that can be overcome by developing the spiritual principle in a person.

21 - symbolizes the Universe. This is the number of honor, upliftment and success. It signifies victory after a battle. A very lucky number in terms of future events.

22 , 58 - this is the number of a kind, trusting person with a bag of mistakes behind him. Warns people about delusions, that they live in captivity of their illusions and awaken only in a moment of danger. In relation to the future, the number requires caution in everything.

23 , 59 - has magical influence, portends success, help in business and career. In relation to the future this good sign, promising success in all endeavors.

6 , 24 , 33 , 42 - lucky number: success and support in all new endeavors, good luck in love. A favorable sign in relation to the future.

25 , 34 - the ability to comprehend through one's own experience. The number cannot be called lucky. Its owner at the beginning of life, due to his character, is subjected to serious tests. In relation to the future, this is a favorable number, since a person, guided by his life experience, will not make the same mistake twice.

26 , 35 , 44 , 53 - warns about mortal danger in the future. Such a person has a heightened premonition of disasters. Over the years, there are more and more disappointments and deceptions in life. You need to be as careful as possible.

27 , 36 , 45 , 54 - a good sign. It means that a person receives rewards due to productive thinking, creative work and high intellectual abilities. The number is favorable in relation to the future.

Since ancient times, people have believed that the date of birth of a person determines his entire life. future fate, endowing a person with a set of specific qualities. IN Vedic numerology this concept is called the number of the soul and plays a big role in self-knowledge and esotericism.

The soul number determines our life goals and tasks, reflects the internal well-being of the individual, reveals a person’s attitude towards inner world, surrounding people, friendly, sexual and family relationships.

By the number of the soul you can determine the character, strengths and weaknesses any person, knowing only his birthday. This number is a unique soul code that reflects the personality and preferences of the person of interest.

How to calculate?

Finding out your soul number is quite simple. To calculate it, you only need to know the day on which the person was born. All numbers in a significant date (not taking into account the month and year) must be added in the traditional way for numerology.

  • For example, your date of birth: June 29, 1982. We do not take into account June and 1982, only the day.
  • Add up the numbers of the day: 2+9=11; then 1+1= 2 – this value is the number of the soul.

Personality characteristics

Each soul number has its own personal characteristic, all possible meanings can be found below. Let us take a closer look at how the resulting soul number affects a person’s character and his entire destiny.


People whose destinies are controlled by one set clear goals and objectives for themselves. Their governing cosmic body is the Sun. It determines assertiveness and violent disposition in a person’s character. “Ones” are difficult to change or convince. They think quickly and express their own opinions.

Easy to start friendly relations, find it difficult to part with them. They are caring and require the same attention. People whose soul number is one are creative, inventive, positive and optimistic. They love comfort and luxury, they are big spenders.

They cannot stand criticism, but they themselves criticize everyone. Activists join various public and religious organizations, they can quickly abandon them if they are not appreciated. They have excellent manners and taste.

Individuals with soul number one love something new and are attracted to innovative technologies. Full of energy, they are capable of any physical labor. Productivity, honesty, integrity and acceptance are valued at work right decisions. Sobriety, solidity, punctuality are business traits of their character. Easily climb up career ladder. If this does not happen, then they become depressed.


The cosmic body that rules people with this birth number is the Moon. It affects “twos” on a subconscious level and brings them prosperity, respect from others, and wide fame.

Such people have strong traits character, they express justice, tenderness, sensuality, aristocracy, and romance. Women look very attractive and feminine.

Romanticism, sentimentality, originality - these character traits are characteristic of “sevens”. They create new life for an old thing new interpretation old ideas. They can easily lure opponents to their side. They show friendliness to everyone, without dividing people into belonging to different layers of society.

They communicate very actively, but do not impose themselves on people. They know how to plan their life. They are big spenders, but they sell their knowledge well. When traveling, the goal is self-development and making a profit.


The governing cosmic body is Saturn. Gloominess and suspicion are inherent in people with an 8th by date of birth. In life, such individuals are somewhat pessimistic.

At the same time, they are wise, distinguish between good and evil, are good organizers, sincere, honest, fair, do not become attached to material things. They live for a long time with fame and power, but often become violators of discipline and law and order.

People whose soul number is 8 are very secretive from birth, because of this they encounter misunderstanding from friends and close relatives. Patience, thoughtfulness, seriousness, calmness, poise, hard work - these are the qualities of “eights”.

They are faithful to their duty and fulfill their obligations. They do everything on their own, since people do not always agree to come to their aid. Energy vampires. Great willpower, seriousness, with the help of these qualities strong “” people successfully achieve their goals.

The path to fame for such individuals is thorny; only with the help of will and patience can they reach the top. They think they are lonely because of their pessimism and gloomy nature. There are very few close friends, but “eights” are loyal to them and are ready to make any sacrifices. They do not spare their enemies and pursue them until complete triumph over them.


The controlling space object is Mars. Those with soul number 9 consciously set goals for themselves. Faithful to their duty and honor, disciplined, courageous, courageous, patient, confident in their abilities.

People with a nine in their date of birth are selfish, believe that their desires are higher than everything else, and sometimes show cruelty. Fighting, impulsive, can enter into love affair prohibited by the authorities or society, they easily break the law.

“Nines” always find something to do in their own hands and will not begin to rest until they have completed all the tasks they have set for themselves. They are athletes in spirit, they achieve everything by force, but they respect a fair fight. With the help of determination and willpower, they quickly make their way. Straightforwardness, explosive character, optimism, independence, energy are the character traits of people with nine in their soul number.

People whose soul number is 9 have a great sense of responsibility. They do not listen to advice, they always act at their own discretion. They always wait to be appreciated and spend large number strength and energy. They have good organizational and administrative skills. If they use their full potential, then the organization in which the “nines” work will make a good profit.

Knowing your personal soul number and the basics of numerology helps you better understand yourself, determine your strengths and learn to confront your shortcomings. You can easily find out your soul number by adding up the numbers of your date of birth, and the clues you receive can lead to the most unexpected discoveries.
Author: Valentina Levadnaya

Numerology considers a person’s birthday as magic number, on which depends how a person’s path will develop, as well as what character traits he will have. Each number has its own meaning. The Soul Number is the sacred numbers of ancient Indian scriptures.

Features of numbers

Numerology interprets the mysteries of fate using numbers. This way of seeing the future and past was popular in ancient times.

The Vedic system of prediction is closely related to astrology and reflects the influence celestial bodies for a person's life. All numbers (from 1 to 9) are assigned the name of the corresponding planet solar system. The Vedas take into account dreams and omens throughout a person's life. According to the ancient Hindus, the number of the Soul is moon sign. They believe that in a person’s life there are two more defining numbers - the number of Destiny and Name. IN Western countries a different approach is used: there numerology equates the number to the Sun.

According to the Vedas, each number has an energy unique to it, which is transferred to a person at the moment of birth. By recognizing these vibrations, you can see what fate has in store for the individual. The Soul number guides us through life: it symbolizes aspirations and goals, determination and the ability to move forward. This figure reveals secret desires, hobbies and creativity, emotional experiences and dreams.

By calculating the number by date of birth, you can find out true path which a person should follow through life.

This figure influences the decisions made, the choice of a partner to start a family, professional aspirations and goals, the ability to communicate and make friends. The influence of the number can be felt especially strongly at the age of 35-45, because at this age a person radically changes his destiny, committing actions that are unusual for him. Then, according to Indian numerologists, the number of Destiny begins to control the personality.

As in mathematics, even and odd numbers have different meanings in numerology:

  • An even number is characteristic of very impulsive people who know how to achieve their goals and decisively bring their plans to life. These are individuals who boldly and loudly declare their desires.
  • An odd birth number is easy to calculate. Such people constantly strive for change, love to travel, easily change their place of residence, parting with the past without regret and rushing into the future. They know how to draw conclusions from their mistakes, guiding them when making decisions. important decisions the experience gained.

The ability to determine a number will help to understand a person’s character, identifying his weaknesses and strengths, will provide an opportunity to correct mistakes made and change the future.

Way to calculate the number

If a person was born on June 24, 1981, in order to continue fortune telling, he needs to add a two and a four, getting a six as a result, he will determine his code number. Then you should find out what it means.

The Vedas compiled by the ancient Hindus will help you calculate the number of the Soul by date and interpret it correctly. These letters are still used to interpret the future and predict the fate of an individual. Each number is individual and gives a person special, unique character traits.

Number 1

Ones are under the influence of the Sun sign. These are people who always know how to do the right thing, have strong beliefs and very rarely change them.

This number is characteristic of individuals who stand out among others with a non-standard way of thinking. They care what others think about them. These are 100% leaders who know how to achieve their goals and lead people. Those around them easily fall under their charm, becoming infected with optimism and positive energy.

The number one gives a person an active life position. Such people constantly improve their knowledge, skills and abilities, and never make promises that they cannot fulfill. They make reliable friends, faithful spouses and wonderful colleagues. Like the Sun, such individuals are filled with love for the world around them. Most active period in life, only a few are over 35 years old.

Number 2

People born under the number two are influenced by the Moon. These are born peacemakers who can always agree and find common language with the most different people. This compatibility is easily explained - these are individuals who prefer a harmonious life, and therefore rarely enter into conflicts.

Numerology believes that two is the number of romantics and dreamers who value new impressions and positive emotions above all else, so in life they strive to see and learn as much as possible. These are people who value friendship; they are sociable and sociable. A person born under the number two does not tolerate loneliness well, trying to be in society all the time.

Vedic soothsayers advise such individuals to increase self-confidence, determination and independence from other people’s opinions. For people with Soul number two, it is recommended:

  • be more courageous and assertive;
  • do not forget about yourself for the sake of other people;
  • do not sacrifice your interests for the sake of others;
  • rely more on yourself;
  • believe in your own strength.

They should pay special attention to their health issues, engage in active physical activity, go for walks as often as possible and take a break from work.

Number 3

Triples by date of birth are bright personalities. They have natural charm and charm. A person with such a Soul number does not have strong intellectual abilities; he is characterized by innate intuition.

Such individuals are guided in life by ambitions, they always love to be leaders and are active in any business. Their life credo is to become famous and leave a good memory of themselves.

Three-piece women are attracted by their appearance and character

Number 3 pushes the personality to constant action. These are sociable people who rarely relax, preferring to do something useful all the time. They easily get along with others and are always the center of attention of the opposite sex. These are faithful spouses and good parents who value family ties and paying great attention to their children. Family priorities for such people come first.

Number 4

These are people of their word, honest, decent and dedicated to their work. An individual with a four in the Soul number does not have many close friends, but he does not feel lonely, preferring quality to quantity.

Before doing anything, they will weigh and think about everything a hundred times, not wanting to take risks. They never intrigue or envy others. These are excellent managers who enjoy authority and know how to unite those around them with a common goal.

Such people are accustomed to leading a closed lifestyle, rarely expressing their emotions in public. From the outside they may seem hidden and withdrawn, but this is not so. It’s just that individuals with Soul number 4 need time to let them into their inner world strangers. These individuals do not know how to save and part with money easily and without regret.

Personalities whose date falls on this Soul number appear from the outside to be arrogant, aggressive and overly self-confident. However, this behavior is a protective mask. Such people are not confident in themselves and try with all their might not to make a bad impression.

They have strong intrinsic motivation. They are excellent role models; they put a lot of effort into developing and not stopping there. A person with Soul number 5 does not show due patience and calmness, therefore he does not always receive decent payment for his work. Often such people are exposed to destructive gambling and completely succumb to such harmful addictions as gambling and betting for money.

Fives easily get along with others, but such relationships can be short-lived. Thanks to their innate intuition, they accept right decisions in life, winning in the professional sphere.

Number 6

These are individuals who are open to new things, accustomed to clearly expressing their thoughts and experiences. It comes from them positive energy, to which others are drawn. Their cheerful character and easy-going disposition make them a favorite among colleagues and friends. They pay great attention in life to the state of comfort, creating coziness in the home and office, decorating the interior in such a way that it is functional and reflects their rich inner world.

Vedic numerology emphasizes that people with this number of Souls must follow the following recommendations:

  • do not harbor and forgive grievances;
  • avoid overload and rest as much as possible;
  • don't have bad habits, otherwise it will lead to health problems;
  • be careful in financial matters.

Such people never pursue selfish goals, without hesitation, they help others, generously share their knowledge, and easily lend money. They pay great attention to their appearance, striving to make a good impression always and everywhere. These are individuals who value time, so they do not tolerate being late. In relation to their relatives, people with the number 6 show increased care and attention, being excellent family men.

Number 7

Sevens are people who are concerned with questions of existence rather than solving specific everyday tasks and problems. These are philosophers with little interest real life. It is important for them to penetrate into the essence of the universe. Such individuals have excellent developed intuition and innate paranormal abilities for healing or fortune telling. They prefer a secluded lifestyle and love loneliness.

They value privacy above all else, which is why many people think that they are unfriendly and reserved individuals. In the circle of those closest to them, these people allow only selected and trustworthy individuals who share their views on life. They rarely listen to other people's advice. They have a rich inner world and enormous creative abilities. They make talented actors, writers, musicians, dancers and artists. Sevens often become scientists and inventors who drive progress.

The favorite pastime of such people is communicating with nature, during which they rest, relax and are inspired. Despite the sublimity and sophistication of their nature, Sevens confidently move forward, having a clear life plan.

Number 8

Holders of a similar number of Souls have a changeable character. Like the infinity sign that the number 8 resembles, they often change their views, easily abandoning old beliefs, do not cling to their principles and do not hesitate to admit that they were wrong.

Such people attract others, they are fun and interesting. They do everything possible to make their dreams come true. They love money. A person born under Soul number 8 does not need to make any effort to earn money. He always has lucrative financial offers.

The only drawback of such people is that they do not know how to forgive insults. Eights accumulate negative experiences within themselves, preferring to break off any relationship with the offender rather than forgive. Accumulated anger and irritation deprive Eights of a sense of calm and harmony.

The Vedas advise these individuals to learn to get rid of accumulated negative experiences, so their life will become much simpler and easier.

Number 9

These are selfless people, accustomed to putting all their effort into achieving their goals, carefully ensuring that those around them are happy and satisfied. Nines love to dream. Their vivid fantasies could easily form the basis of adventure novels.

They perceive criticism painfully, but they themselves prefer not to use impartial assessments when communicating with others. Success comes to such people after 45 years. At this age, they usually occupy a stable place in society, a high career position, and have a strong family. For this, a person with number 9 puts in a lot of effort, diligence and patience.

For such people, the support and understanding of their relatives is important. IN family relationships They value the love and care of loved ones most of all. In their careers, they are purposeful leaders who stubbornly translate their plans into reality and boldly lead the team. Nines are not shy about showing emotions; they are open and friendly.


Calculating the value of the Soul number is simple. Knowing the code number, you can not only determine the characteristics of a person’s character, but also predict his fate and look into the past. Vedic numerology will help you find answers to your questions and tell you how to change your life in order to find health, happiness and love.

Since ancient times, people have believed that the date of birth of a person determines his entire future destiny, endowing the individual with a set of specific qualities. In Vedic numerology, this concept is called the number of the soul and plays a large role in self-knowledge and esotericism.

The soul number determines our life goals and objectives, reflects the individual’s inner well-being, reveals a person’s attitude to the inner world, people around him, friendships, sexual and family relationships.

By the number of the soul, you can determine the character, strengths and weaknesses of any person, knowing only his birthday. This number is a unique soul code that reflects the personality and preferences of the person of interest.

How to calculate?

Finding out your soul number is quite simple. To calculate it, you only need to know the day on which the person was born. All numbers in a significant date (not taking into account the month and year) must be added in the traditional way for numerology.

  • For example, your date of birth: June 29, 1982. We do not take into account June and 1982, only the day.
  • Add up the numbers of the day: 2+9=11; then 1+1= 2 – this value is the number of the soul.

Personality characteristics

Each soul number has its own personal characteristic, all possible meanings can be found below. Let us take a closer look at how the resulting soul number affects a person’s character and his entire destiny.


People whose destinies are controlled by one set clear goals and objectives for themselves. Their governing cosmic body is the Sun. It determines assertiveness and violent disposition in a person’s character. “Ones” are difficult to change or convince. They think quickly and express their own opinions.

They easily form friendships and find it difficult to part with them. They are caring and require the same attention. People whose soul number is one are creative, inventive, positive and optimistic. They love comfort and luxury, they are big spenders.

They cannot stand criticism, but they themselves criticize everyone. Activists who join various public and religious organizations can quickly leave them if they are not appreciated. They have excellent manners and taste.

Individuals with soul number one love something new and are attracted to innovative technologies. Full of energy, they are capable of any physical labor. At work they value productivity, honesty, integrity and making the right decisions. Sobriety, solidity, punctuality are business traits of their character. They easily climb up the career ladder. If this does not happen, then they become depressed.


The cosmic body that rules people with this birth number is the Moon. It affects “twos” on a subconscious level and brings them prosperity, respect from others, and wide fame.

Such people have strong character traits; they express justice, tenderness, sensuality, aristocracy, and romance. Women look very attractive and feminine.

At the same time, people with two in their soul number often lack determination. They require support from the public, especially close friends and relatives. Their mood changes dramatically. They are selfless and offer a helping hand to any person.

It is not advisable to offend these people. If you offend them, cruelty awakens in them. It is difficult to convince them, they are true to their point of view and will defend it to the end.

Those born with soul number 2 are sociable, quickly find a common language with people, have a sacred attitude to the institution of friendship, and sacrifice a lot for the sake of their friends. They can show care and love their neighbors, but do not tolerate their antics. They admit their mistakes, but also easily repeat them. Logic is not their strong point; they are more creative individuals.


People whose date of birth contains the number 3 follow the path indicated by Jupiter, which is the ruling cosmic sign. This is the path of justice, enlightenment, righteousness. It also expands their consciousness.

Jupiter makes “threes” brave, courageous, powerful, hardworking, energetic, educated and gives oratorical abilities. The planet patronizes marriage union, descendants and self-development.

People with soul number three are collectivists, activists, ambitious people with a clear sense of discipline. They are dynamic. They have a clear life position, hard work, independent point of view, love of work.

Character traits: masculinity, reliability, popularity, discipline, confidence. They dream of fame that will be known even to their descendants. They don’t like bosses; they strive to reach the top of the career ladder, working their way there through hard work.

“Triplets” by date of birth want life to be wonderful and positive and feel a sense of responsibility for this. They are quick-witted, observant, endowed with logic, gain a lot of experience over the years and masterfully apply it in practice. They work hard and are always on the job. If they don't like something, they switch their attention to something else. Responsible for their sense of duty.


Power over people whose date of birth contains the soul number 4 was taken by a cosmic force called Rahu. Under its influence, people become lazy, bored, do illogical actions, and are always in search of pleasure. They cannot distinguish between good and evil, they show selfishness, pessimism, aggressiveness, and lack sensitivity.

“Fours” are prone to painting and have creative abilities, which leads them to fame and success. Art critics. They love bohemian life. They are smart, courageous, and can see the essence of things hidden from prying eyes.

Those who have their soul number 4 are quite secretive people, they find it difficult to formulate their thoughts, they easily lose control over themselves, but they have courage and patience. They have a rebellious disposition, but do not show feelings of greed. In any conflict, they choose the minority side, so they have many enemies.

People with the number 4 in their date of birth often fall and rise, as a result of which they are distrustful and seek support from others, while at the same time showing stubbornness and perseverance. They overcome all obstacles with courage, courage and patience. Thanks to their unique way of thinking, they often generate interesting and innovative ideas. They make the leaders of huge holdings.


The date of birth of these people is influenced by Mercury. “Fives” react quickly to changing situations and have a changeable character. They are smart, have a knack for commerce, are restless, and passionate.

Mercury can endow its pets with cunning and suspicion. Such individuals have a sharp mind and oratory skills. They like to joke (sometimes very sharply and evilly), travel, and manipulate.

Those born under the number 5 have a soft, vulnerable character from birth, but in essence they are philosophers and scientists who spend their entire lives engaged in self-development. They love spontaneous changes, do not like to make long-term plans, and are looking for new ways to make money. It's easy to make a friend, but just as easy to lose one.

Individuals with soul number five are able to captivate people, radically changing their point of view. Quickly adapt to environment, using your mind and logic. They are optimists in life with a cheerful and perky character.

They don’t like to save, but they always have some money put aside for a rainy day. They understand the value of time, are reliable business partners, and use multiple sources of income. Through travel, one gains knowledge and experience.


The governing cosmic body of people with soul number 6 is Venus. Venus bestows its wards with sophistication, love, and helps to develop artistry, sensuality, and passion.

People whose date of birth contains a six are seething with vital energy, they are seething with emotionality, playfulness, and love. At the same time, they are able to carefully weigh their actions in a calm environment.

They are sociable, love company and a comfortable life. They are not conflict-prone and quickly compromise. They are loved for their excellent taste and excellent manners. “Sixes” do not tolerate people poking their nose into their affairs. They hide their mood, you can safely trust them with your secret.

Workers with soul number 6 do not take on leadership positions. Always fulfill all obligations. They don't focus on one thing. They are often under the patronage of higher officials.

Venus affects males and females differently. Men with soul number 6 by date of birth are magnificent seducers, they love beautiful women, often cheat on their wives. Six women have a beautiful physique. In their youth they feel very relaxed, in more mature age pay more attention to their career.


The moment of birth of “sevens” is controlled by the cosmic entity - Ketu. People under her protection are endowed with wisdom, insight and extrasensory perception. They pay a lot of attention to self-knowledge, revealing the secrets of their soul.

They don't pay attention to material goods. They love to argue, following their own logic. They have a great imagination and live in their own irrational world. Often not concerned with their own appearance, so they often strike us with sloppiness.

“Sevens” by date of birth quickly change their mood and do not dare to take courageous actions. In life they are considered losers, but in fact, after every failure, a person with a seven in their soul number becomes one step closer to success. To achieve greater heights, they need a good leader who can push them in the right direction.

Romanticism, sentimentality, originality - these character traits are characteristic of “sevens”. They create new life for an old thing, a new interpretation of old ideas. They can easily lure opponents to their side. They show friendliness to everyone, without dividing people into belonging to different layers of society.

They communicate very actively, but do not impose themselves on people. They know how to plan their life. They are big spenders, but they sell their knowledge well. When traveling, the goal is self-development and making a profit.


The governing cosmic body is Saturn. Gloominess and suspicion are inherent in people with an 8th by date of birth. In life, such individuals are somewhat pessimistic.

At the same time, they are wise, distinguish between good and evil, good organizers, sincere, honest, fair, and do not become attached to material things. They live for a long time with fame and power, but often become violators of discipline and law and order.

People whose soul number is 8 are very secretive from birth, because of this they encounter misunderstanding from friends and close relatives. Patience, thoughtfulness, seriousness, calmness, poise, hard work - these are the qualities of “eights”.

They are faithful to their duty and fulfill their obligations. They do everything on their own, since people do not always agree to come to their aid. Energy vampires. Great willpower, seriousness, with the help of these qualities strong “eights” successfully achieve their goals.

The path to fame for such individuals is thorny; only with the help of will and patience can they reach the top. They think they are lonely because of their pessimism and gloomy nature. There are very few close friends, but “eights” are loyal to them and are ready to make any sacrifices. They do not spare their enemies and pursue them until complete triumph over them.


The controlling space object is Mars. Those with soul number 9 consciously set goals for themselves. Faithful to their duty and honor, disciplined, courageous, courageous, patient, confident in their abilities.

People with a nine in their date of birth are selfish, believe that their desires are higher than everything else, and sometimes show cruelty. They are combative, impulsive, can enter into a love affair that is prohibited by the authorities or society, and easily break the law.

“Nines” always find something to do in their own hands and will not begin to rest until they have completed all the tasks they have set for themselves. They are athletes in spirit, they achieve everything by force, but they respect a fair fight. With the help of determination and willpower, they quickly make their way. Straightforwardness, explosive character, optimism, independence, energy are the character traits of people with nine in their soul number.

People whose soul number is 9 have a great sense of responsibility. They do not listen to advice, they always act at their own discretion. They always wait to be appreciated and spend a lot of effort and energy. They have good organizational and administrative skills. If they use their full potential, then the organization in which the “nines” work will make a good profit.

Knowing your personal soul number and the basics of numerology helps you better understand yourself, determine your strengths and learn to confront your shortcomings. You can easily find out your soul number by adding up the numbers of your date of birth, and the clues you receive can lead to the most unexpected discoveries.

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The soul number is the strongest of human vibrations. Each number from 1 to 9 has its own vibration that cannot be avoided. These vibrations exist regardless of whether we feel them. You can take advantage of their positive properties and curb their negative ones by knowing when they will appear.

The soul number is obtained by simply reducing the date of birth to one digit. These are the vibrations in which visible world. The personal soul number reveals the path that a person chooses for himself. Soul number plays important role in the choice of food, sex, friendship, marriage, in determining individual needs, ambitions and desires.

This number remains in effect throughout human life and especially shows its strength at the age of 35-40 years. After 35 years, another number comes into play, which is called the number of fate. A person begins to feel certain changes in his destiny.

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Since ancient times, people have believed in fate, which determines a person's path. In numerology there is the concept of “soul number”, by calculating which everyone will learn a lot of interesting things about their character and will be able to choose the right way fortunately.

The soul number will help you decide on goals and objectives in life, reveal your true purpose and tell you where to start looking for character strengths. Experts on the site suggest everyone calculate this number to find out what fate has in store for you at birth. The dissection of the soul number is done using the numbers of the date of birth. For example, you were born on July 18, 1985. To calculate, you only need your birthday - the 18th. It needs to be reduced to one number: 1 + 8 = 9.

Number one

People of this number are ruled by the Sun. They are used to setting clear goals for themselves and achieving them thanks to their strong-willed character. They are caring, but require the same attitude. Few people are accustomed to expressing their opinions; they are no strangers to the love of luxury. They are optimistic and often engage in adventures, do not criticize, but often criticize their surroundings. Units have an excellent sense of style, are punctual and honest.

Number two

Twos are ruled by the Moon, and they receive fame and respect from others from their ruler. People with this number are sensual and romantic. They are characterized by determination, but twos often suffer from mood swings. Twos are responsive, but cannot tolerate insults, becoming cruel and painfully principled. They are often guided by emotions, neglecting logic, and because of this they repeat the same mistakes.

Number three

Threes are ruled by Jupiter, endowing them with a sense of justice, an authoritative character, energy and the ability to use oratory. Threes are courageous, accustomed to discipline and mutual assistance. Threes tend to think logically and work for the benefit of a higher goal, which most often lies in winning fame and honor. Over the years, triplets gain experience, which helps them quickly climb the career ladder, find like-minded people and lead them to success under their leadership.

Number four

These people are under the rule of the cosmic force of Rahu, which gives them a tendency to perform illogical actions and search for sources of pleasure. Fours rarely distinguish good from evil, and sometimes suffer from their own selfishness. Despite this, people with the number four have creative talents and have well-developed intuitive abilities. Fours are inherently rebellious and brave, because it is these character traits that compensate for other aspects of the personality.

Number five

Fives are influenced by Mercury, which makes their character changeable and gives them intelligence. Fives, for the most part, are cunning and have a sharp mind that helps them quickly find profitable deals. People with this number are often manipulative, love to travel, and have a sharp tongue. Fives easily adapt to any conditions, are reliable in running a general business and are able to quickly make money using their intelligence and experience gained in travel.

Number six

Sixes are ruled by Venus, giving them an impeccable sense of taste, artistic ability and sensuality. Although the sixes are literally boiling from the overwhelming vital energy, they are able to make informed decisions, refusing to be led by emotions. People of this number are sociable and excellent at keeping other people's secrets. They rarely occupy leadership positions, preferring to be under someone else's protection.

Number seven

Sevens are ruled by the cosmic force Ketu, which gives them wisdom and insight. Sevens rarely think about material values, preferring to choose the path of self-knowledge and spiritual growth. They are mostly dreamers and dreamers, but they know how to think logically. At the beginning of their journey, they are sometimes considered failures, but with each mistake, sevens improve more and more and get closer to success. They need a mentor or leader who will help them move in the right direction.

Number eight

Eights are under the auspices of Saturn. They are suspicious and most often pessimistic, even when life is going well. Eights are characterized by thoughtfulness and seriousness, balance and hard work. They are used to doing everything on their own and achieving their goals through painstaking work. Eights are devoted to loved ones and true to their word. Energy vampires are often born among them, who “feed” on the fears of their ill-wishers.

Number nine

The ruler of nines is Mars, which gives them courage and self-confidence. Nines are accustomed to discipline and independence, have an explosive character and achieve everything on our own. People with this number despise manipulators, cope well with any job, have organizational skills and quickly build a career.

The soul number helps you find your purpose in life and apply the qualities inherent at birth to achieve well-being. In addition to the number of the soul, everyone can calculate the number of their character in order to fight negative traits and get better every day. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.10.2018 07:20

Plants have special energy, so they can influence our lives positively or negatively. Use numerology...