Semi-precious stone chrysolite. Unique chrysolite stone

Symbols of the day: a leopard preparing to leap; leopard

Stones of the day: ruby, pyrite, aventurine

Description of the day

According to occult tradition, the third lunar day is the day of Cain. If in the first we were engaged in planning, in the second we took the first steps, then in the third we can already begin active actions. And it’s not just possible, it’s necessary! The third lunar day is literally overflowing with energy. Today it will be enough for everything. Whatever you do, if you undertake it with full dedication, you will get a successful result. But just don’t waste your valuable energy in vain. Do what really matters to you.

During the 3rd lunar day remember that its first half has a general unfavorable background. At this time, various kinds of troubles may occur, mainly related to communication. People exhibit an aggressive mood, which leads to possible conflicts. If you allow negative emotions to spill out, they can ruin your mood for the rest of the day. If you contain the negativity*, then the second half of the lunar day will bring much more worthy fruits. This is the time when you are highly productive and are able to accidentally meet the right person, make useful contacts. If you are offered something during this period, you may not agree immediately, but be sure to think about the offer. It might be very profitable.

On this lunar day, you will notice how what you started or conceived is gradually taking shape. If some thought has been bothering you, today it may finally take shape. If you have been waiting for a long time for the fruits of your efforts to appear, this day can please you.

Haircut on this day

Today is a good day for a haircut. Haircut on this day will increase the influx material goods, the waxing moon will provide good growth hair. It is recommended to dye your hair with natural dyes. The energy of nature will improve your well-being and increase your performance. Today is a very active day, time for new ideas and impressions. To increase internal energy, comb your hair as many times as you are old. This will help you focus on the tasks at hand and not lose energy.

Gardening on this day

On the 3rd lunar day you can celebrate strong influence the gravitational force of the Moon on the Earth, which increases the flow of moisture from the roots to the upper parts of the plant. Therefore, on this day it is recommended to water the plants more often and abundantly. All moisture and nutrients rise to the top, leaves, flowers or fruits, strengthening them and promoting the growth of new growth.

Since the 3rd lunar day is very strong, it promises various dangers. This is primarily the threat of inept use of energy. If you start acting correctly, you will turn the powerful energy of the day to your advantage. And if you make a mistake, it will only bring destruction. Ultimately, this impact will affect you personally. Therefore, try to use your powers for peaceful purposes. Avoid aggression - and not only in the first half of the day - do not allow suspiciousness, pessimism, cynicism.

Keep in mind that on this lunar day we are in some way carriers of a huge charge of energy. And whatever we do will be like its explosion. Not a single action or word today will remain neutral, everything will have consequences: good deeds - good results, and bad deeds - accordingly.

Do not wish harm upon anyone, and especially do not do anything that will harm another. You will succeed, but you will only redirect the negative charge in your direction, and the fee will be too high. Do you know why? Because negative emotions, and primarily feelings of hatred and desires for revenge, are associated with the work of the liver. When we flavor our own black thoughts with the powerful energy of the Moon, the body finds itself under the blow of enormous force. The latter is so strong that it will cause the body to suffer for the entire remaining lunar month.

If you don’t have any important things planned for today, still find a way out to avoid energy stagnation (this is very harmful!). For example, play sports or give yourself physical activity. If you're into fitness, spend more time at the gym than usual. You can do household chores that require effort: spring cleaning, big wash, etc.

Features of the day

When you are given power, it is a sin not to use it. After all, energy seeks a way out and application, and if it does not find it, it turns against its owner. Therefore, be sure to do some labor-intensive work. Well, if you are absorbed in work and strive to get it done as quickly as possible, on this day you can completely devote yourself to your work, with minimal breaks for food and sleep.

If you have a lot of things to do and don’t know which one to take on, take on the most difficult one.

Even if you don’t complete it in one fell swoop, at least you will change something in this frozen situation. Feel free to take on difficult tasks, do not give in to difficulties. After all, it’s a pity to miss a rare opportunity: today you can get so much done!

On this day, it is recommended to go on long and long trips: in this case, the power of the Moon will be able to manifest itself to the maximum. However, the energy of our thoughts shows itself very strongly - not only in relation to travel, but also to everything that happens. It is today that insights and insights are possible; the mind on this day is very sharp and clear.

The 3rd lunar day has a sign. If you spilled oil today, it means you have lost your way. You need to look for a new path to implement your plans.

Symbolic correspondence: 25th degree of Aries - 6th degree of Taurus.
The symbol is a leopard or leopard preparing to jump. From this day neomenia (new moon) begins, a crescent moon appears in the sky (the days of Hecate are over).
Anatomical compliance: back of the head, ears.
Action: fight.
Titles: leopard, warrior, Revati.
This is a period of active struggle, pressure and aggression, an astral warrior clad in armor. All passive people on the third day of the Moon are vulnerable, as various astral attacks are made on them. A person, if he is not a fighter, simply “ferments” his energy, becomes suspicious, suspicious and insidious. You should concentrate and use your astral energy for self-defense. This is the best day to practice martial arts - tai chi, karate and others.
On this day they work with metals, sharpen knives, and in ancient times they cast silver things.
Social influence: Bad for passive and weak people. Aggression increases. Day of struggle. Don't get married.
Household influence: Things are going well. A sauna is recommended.
It is bad to spill oil on the third day of the Moon (this means that you slipped, went out of your way).
It is advisable to go to the sauna and take a steam bath. It is recommended to work with all energies of the biofield.
Mystical influence: Day of practicing martial arts, turning and making weapons, declaring war. It's generally good to work with metals. Signs are possible.
Medical influence: injuries, acute diseases requiring immediate action. Getting sick is dangerous.
If there is pain in the back of the head or ears, it is necessary to clean the bones (boil 1 packet of bay leaf per 1 liter of boiling water to a volume of 0.5 cups and take the decoction as an internal remedy). On the third day, these parts of the body should be given increased attention.
Impact on those born: Active people, military men, strategists are born. Often there is magical or athletic potential.
Effect on conception: Good for conceiving a warrior or a bully. Passion and activity will always possess a person conceived on this day.
Stones - jaspilite, ruby, pyrite, aventurine.
Meditations: Weapon.
Signatures: ruby, pyrite, aventurine.

A. Zaraev. "Interpretation of Lunar Days

The first half of this day is unfavorable and can bring a number of troubles. Ambition and aggressiveness increase, so conflicts between spouses, partners, parents and children are possible. Showing anger negative emotions can cause a bad mood for a long time. The second half of the day is more favorable, efficiency increases, scientific and practical activities, favorable contacts are possible. You should pay attention to any suggestions, since they can very often have a positive effect.

"Days from the Birth" of the Moon according to Albertus Magnus

It's an unlucky day. Diseases are dangerous. Neither sow nor plant. Dreams are significant. Babies don't last long.

Zyurnyaeva T.N. "30 lunar days. Everything about every day. Lunar calendar."

The symbol is "Leopard" or "Leopard". Day of astral struggle. On the 1st and 2nd lunar days, the soul and body were cleansed, and now the time has come to cleanse the astral plane.
On this day, a person himself can evaluate his astral energy by concentrating on it. It is necessary to carry out cleansing exercises for the astral plane, as well as practices for accumulating astral energy.
In every joint we have energy center as an exit to one of the levels astral body, so it's good to do physical exercise. You need to stretch your fingers, move your shoulders, do good exercises to improve joint mobility. If the joints are not in order, stagnation of astral energy occurs. On this day it is also good to work with energy fields, i.e. with the biofield. The astral body represents not only our energetic frame, but also our emotions. Therefore, on the 3rd lunar day, you need to free yourself from negative emotions, be attentive to your reactions during contacts.
On the 3rd lunar day, we can determine where negative energy accumulates in us, transfer it to Manipura and burn it.
As a rule, this is a day of provocations, you need to remember this and try not to transfer negative energies into any other types of energy, to give free rein to your hands. Spilled oil on this day is a sign that you do not control astral energies.
On this day it is not recommended to cast metal, silver items or sharpen knives. It is good to massage the ears and the back of the head and carry out procedures for these organs. You can put a mustard plaster on the back of your head.
The Vishuddha chakra, the throat center, is associated with the 3rd lunar day. If you feel suffocated, that too bad sign. You need to concentrate on Vishuddha and do cleansing exercises for this chakra.
Violations of the requirements of the 3rd lunar day lead to the fact that a person becomes available for astral attack, and he may experience breakdowns at the level of the astral body (larvae, evil eye and damage). The person becomes vindictive and malicious. If you catch yourself doing this on the 3rd lunar day and do not stop yourself, bronchial disease or asthma may occur.
A person born on the 3rd lunar day must learn to control astral energies and treat them consciously. Otherwise, this may be fraught for himself, since, having the ability to influence people in the astral plane, he can cast damage and the evil eye on them. This happens due to emotional reactions. If a person allows himself not to restrain himself and shows vindictiveness, he thereby aggravates his own karma.
You can and should do and eat:
- Astral cleansing
- Construction of astral protection
- Ablution, sauna visit
- Be independent
You cannot do or you must abstain, do not eat:
- Spill oil

Symbol: leopard, leopard

Stones: pyrite, jaspilite, ruby, aventurine, carnelian

The 3rd lunar day is a time of active action. It is recommended to get up early so as not to miss this day and do as many useful things as possible. Two days passed after the new moon, and the crescent of the new moon first appeared in the sky, which indicates that the time has come to act.

3 lunar day very energetic. This is the day of Mars, the day of the warrior. There is already enough energy to take on any job. If in, dreamed, in, laid the foundation for upcoming events, then the third lunar day is the day of turning the dream into reality. What was inside begins to sprout and manifest itself in the material plane. Sensitive people in this one in the air, and even some aggressiveness. This state is similar to what in nature is called “the calm before the storm.”

Being passive on the 3rd lunar day is dangerous to your health. If energy is not realized externally to accomplish some task, then it begins to act from the inside, destroying the body. The third lunar day is a day of will, risk, pressure, bold decisive actions. Goethe’s phrase “Wanting is not enough, you must act” is very suitable for this day.

The 3rd lunar day can be dangerous for indecisive, passive, melancholic people. All their unrealized energy will burst out in the form of causeless quarrels, swearing, claims out of nowhere, resentment and dissatisfaction with the entire world around them. But the most destructive energy of the third lunar day is fear. It easily destroys and physical health and mental.

All undertakings of the 3rd lunar day carry elements of risk, and they can only be carried out when you have no doubts about the correctness of what you are doing. Any thought that carries uncertainty can destroy everything that you have created for so long. The third lunar day brings changes for the better, but only a strong-willed, purposeful person who is optimistic about the future can get a “start in life”.

On the 3rd lunar day, you can safely go to your boss or other superior person, on whom the implementation of your plans depends, you can openly publish your ideas, ask for sponsorship. Success will come to those who are ready for unexpected turns of fate.

The main task of the third lunar day is to learn to master your power, given by nature to every person.

On the 3rd lunar day, you begin to notice how gradually what you started or conceived takes shape. If some thought has been bothering you, today it may finally take shape. If you've been waiting a long time for the fruits of your efforts to appear, today may please you. On the third lunar day, our mind is especially clear and precise. Insights and discoveries may appear, and a way to solve a long-standing problem can easily be found.

The third lunar day is a day of high performance; you can accidentally meet the right person and make a useful acquaintance. If you are offered something during this period, you may not agree immediately, but be sure to think about the offer. It can be very profitable.

It is worth noting that on the third lunar day a lot of aggression, claims and deceit are manifested. As stated above, this is how unrealized energy breaks out. Therefore, carefully communicate with people and extinguish all manifestations of this negativity, both in yourself and in others. Avoid communicating with pushy people, they can drag you into a scandal. In esoteric teachings, spilled oil is considered a bad sign on the third lunar day. This means that you have gone down a “slippery slope” and have turned away from your “true path.” Pain and aching in the back of your head indicate that you have not worked through your negative emotions and thoughts.

It is very good to go on long journeys and long trips on the 3rd lunar day. The power of the Moon will help you all the way.

The third lunar day is a day of activity and increased performance, therefore, physical education classes, mental and physical labor on this day will come in handy. A wonderful day for martial arts and strenuous exercise. You can practice yoga, karate and judo. Wushu and qigong practices will also be appropriate. In addition, it is very good to do water procedures on the 3rd lunar day, take a steam bath. If it just so happens that you have nothing special to do on this day, be sure to come up with an activity for yourself, go to the store, help a neighbor. With all this, it should be borne in mind that the third lunar day is somewhat aggressive. You should always be on guard so as not to “break the woods,” but if you fall into the “stream”, then things will go relatively easily for you all month.

If a person has very little vital energy(money is hard to earn, business is not going well, relationships are not going well), then the 3rd lunar day is a great time for accumulating energy, which gives mental and physical capabilities. There are many esoteric techniques dedicated to this, in particular, communication with living nature. Go to the forest, breathe in the fresh air, communicate with the trees (in ancient times, people knew about the magical giant power of trees and even worshiped them), if this is not possible, then at least go out to the garden, or, as a last resort, communicate with an indoor flower.

Let's take a closer look at the influence of the 3rd lunar day on our lives.


On the 3rd lunar day, you should show good feelings and not cling to words. On this day there is often a desire to sort things out. Try not to get irritated with your loved ones and your loved one, even if, in your opinion, they deserve it a thousand times over. Don’t start arguments and quarrels, don’t say bad words to anyone (and if possible, don’t even think bad). This is especially true for women. Your man may come home from work somewhat aggressive, tired, and your complaints and reproaches will only worsen the situation. Remember: a man can hear complaints, swearing, dissatisfaction from anyone, but he wants affection, tenderness and care from the woman he loves. Otherwise, she may either cease to be loved, or simply not become it.


On the 3rd lunar day, you can begin building a house; it is also good to start building a well and other round structures. As for matters inside the house, on the third lunar day everything that involves a heavy load is successful. Today you can do everything that you should have given up on the first lunar day.


The third lunar day is ideal for saying goodbye to bad habits. Quitting smoking on this day will be much easier than on other days of the lunar month.

Diseases that arise on the 3rd lunar day manifest themselves sharply and can last quite a long time, but the symptoms are very clear and unambiguous, and therefore it is not difficult to make a diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. The ears, throat, and back of the head are especially sensitive. Treatment of these organs is strictly contraindicated. If you are bothered by pain in the ears and back of the head, this is a signal from the body that it is time to cleanse the bones and joints. The third lunar day is suitable for physical activity and martial arts (from martial arts to boxing). If possible, you should visit a sauna or steam room today.


On the 3rd lunar day, it is worth implementing risky projects. “He who doesn’t take risks doesn’t drink champagne” - this phrase can easily be attributed to the 3rd lunar day. But don't make decisions out of fear. If your business partners tell you: “today or never,” take your time, think it over. You are more likely to win if you say you are willing to consider the offer and sign the papers tomorrow.

In your work you need to show determination and perseverance, otherwise you risk getting into trouble. The third lunar day is literally oversaturated with energy, and in business you are truly capable of demonstrating the most fighting qualities. The only problem is that other people have the same militant attitude. No one intends to give up positions or make concessions. On this day, the boss, clients, and partners will not be in a good mood.

Solution financial issues on the third lunar day it is better to postpone it. There may be monetary losses today, so be careful.

Characteristics of the 3rd lunar day: dynamic, full of energy, possibilities and prospects. The 3rd lunar day is intended for decisive action.

3 lunar day - characteristics of the day

Symbols of the day: Leopard, Leopard, preparing to jump.

Bookmark thoughts: I gain inner self-confidence and courage. I believe in a wonderful life for myself. I happily move forward towards my happiness.

3 lunar day is different a huge amount energy and power. The power of this day is in full swing throughout the entire space and in people. Today is the time for active action and assertiveness in all matters.
The danger of 3 lunar days lies in aggression and anger, which is generated by excess energy. Many people cannot cope with such power and become emotionally unstable. Therefore, it is important to avoid conflicts and quarrels and not succumb to provocations.

On the 3rd day of the Moon, it is recommended to direct your energy into active actions and achieve your goals. This day does not tolerate laziness. The symbols of the day Leopard, Leopard before the jump remind you that you need to be extremely focused and concentrated in order to accurately hit the target and not make mistakes.

Today, enormous energy flows through the entire body, which does not like stagnation. Take action, take risks, be persistent. Today it is important to focus on positive thinking, and show kindness and tolerance towards people.


The 3rd lunar day is the time when everything is done according to the principle “if in a whirlpool, then with your head.” Today is the best and brightest period for business. You can perform large transactions and decide big problems. On the 3rd lunar day you need active decisive action, assertiveness and risk. Various types of events can be held.

It is recommended to be especially careful and vigilant when signing contracts and during negotiations. Transactions will bring success in the future, so if you are careful, you can safely sign contracts and negotiate with partners. Show persistence in business, be active, and the Moon will give you good results.

Try not to quarrel with your employees, as today people’s irritability, anger and temper are worsening. This period should bring a lot of fruit, the wheel of fortune has started and we are in the flow vitality and energy.


The 3rd lunar day is dangerous for relationships due to the aggravation of negative emotions. Excessive energy manifests itself in the form of anger and aggression. Try to protect yourself from conflicts and quarrels and do not get into arguments. Communicate softly and to the point. Under no circumstances should you sort things out on the 3rd lunar day. But today you can defend your position in what began long ago conflict situation. Don’t give in to pride and don’t put pressure on your loved ones. Showing kindness and tolerance on this day is the wisest and most correct decision.


To improve health on the 3rd lunar day, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle, play sports, and swim. Anything to do with movement is great today. But you need to be careful and avoid injury. On the 3rd lunar day, various types of competitions are held favorably, the spirit of competition and pursuit of goals intensifies. Physical activity as never before - it passes through the body large number energy and it is better to give it a natural outlet.

You don’t have to limit yourself in any way when it comes to nutrition; today saturation occurs at all levels. This will not affect your figure in any way - activity on the 3rd day of the moon burns a lot of calories. Diseases that begin on the 3rd lunar day are dangerous and promise complications. It is better to postpone surgery if possible. Fresh air, sauna, swimming will be useful. Today, passivity is especially contraindicated - it negatively affects the quality of life and health.


The haircut is favorable. It will help you achieve success, become more self-confident, and strengthen your energy.


Today, dreams give an understanding of how energy moves in your life, in which part of it stagnation has formed. It is best to interpret dreams of the 3rd day of the Moon, paying attention to the dynamics or lack thereof in dreams.

Goal of the day

Act actively, decisively and persistently achieve your goals. Turn everything into motion in order to harmoniously merge with the rhythms of the Universe.

  • Avoid negative emotions and anger.
  • Be persistent and use the day's potential for work and achievement.
  • Lead an active lifestyle and play sports
  • Remember that wisdom manifests itself in kindness and tolerance.

3rd lunar day. Time to draw the energy of abundance from trees

On the third lunar day, the process of accumulating vital energy begins; It is strongly recommended to devote this time to replenishing your energy resource. Energy gives not only physical and mental strength, it gives opportunity. The greater a person’s energy potential, the more vigorously his affairs progress, the happier and more prosperous his life, the more more money is attracted to him. Those who have little energy find it difficult to earn money, and it is completely impossible to run their own business and succeed in their career. So let's get into energy storage. Not forgetting about money dream, Certainly! Today she will become one more step closer.

The day is favorable for communication, truces, making acquaintances, and frank conversations. Today you can confidently defend your principles and beliefs, openly express your feelings and emotions, express your opinion - it will be appropriate, and you will be understood correctly. Passivity is contraindicated and even dangerous: it will provoke suspiciousness and suspiciousness, and distort the perception of reality. So get ready for an active pastime today. But you cannot take on long-term commitments and demand from others, especially if they are related to money. Try not to enter into contracts today, not to borrow or lend money, and not to make purchases on credit. Put it off until tomorrow.

How to recharge yourself with the energy of abundance from a tree

First find suitable tree. It should be healthy and big. Oak, birch, pine, linden and aspen are best suited. After all, these trees, in addition to generously sharing their energy with us, carry monetary potential.

Birch is a tree of abundance. In the old days it was called the tree of life. Birch is gentle and compassionate, its influence is very soft and at the same time strong. Communication with birch is useful for absolutely everyone, especially people with upset nerves. This tree relieves fatigue, neutralizes the effects of everyday stress, and helps restore mental harmony. Moreover, the impact of this tree is long-lasting. The period of maximum energy activity is in the morning from 5 to 9 o’clock.
Oak is an energy donor. When contacting him, a person receives the maximum possible amount of vital energy. Thanks to this property of oak, magical practice In the North, it was used in rituals aimed at protection, increasing strength and endurance, and achieving stable success. It should not be forgotten, however, that this tree is harsh; his aura only responds well to healthy and strong-willed people. To a weak, suffering person chronic diseases, it is better to communicate with the birch tree. The period of maximum activity is from 21 to 23 hours.
Pine - money tree. And not only. If there is a time in your life important point, your fate is being decided, and you need to think about your future actions in a calm atmosphere, ask a pine tree for help. The energy of this tree is very strong. It enhances creative abilities, takes away irritation and anger that accumulate in the soul every day, and relieves nervous disorders, feelings of guilt and the evil eye. The time of maximum energy activity is from 15 to 17 hours.
Aspen absorbs negativity. In the old days, aspen was specially planted near homes so that it would ward off evil spirits (which, in fact, is negative energy). This tree helps well with nervous conditions, obsessive thoughts, and unreasonable fear. The round leaves of aspen resemble coins, so it is also a tree that brings wealth. The energy peak occurs between 2 and 5 p.m.
Linden - extinguishing tree internal contradictions and giving the energy of abundance. The period of maximum activity is from 12 to 15 hours.

You can get enough energy from trees at any time of the year. However, in winter, the energy potential of trees decreases: deciduous trees - by 50-60%, evergreen trees - by 15-20%. The most successful time of day is the period of peak energy.

Energy contact with wood

To recharge your energy, you need to stand under a tree, leaning your back against the trunk or pressing your chest and stomach against it, put your hands on the trunk, and put your feet on either side of it. Close your eyes and mentally open up to the tree, imagine how its energy penetrates you and spreads throughout your body. When communicating with a tree, the emotional component is important; it must be approached with an open heart. Become one with the tree, imagine that you are it, and it is you, and stand leaning against it, without thinking or worrying about anything, until you feel energized: a sign of a quality session are different shades of feelings of tenderness and gratitude to the tree. This usually takes 15–20 minutes, but you can stand longer, but not more than an hour.

Coding water and salt

There is another, simpler way - to charge melt (or simply clean) water from the tree. It is convenient for those who are short on time. A bottle of water is placed in a fabric bag or wrapped in a scarf and hung from a branch for an hour or two. It is not necessary to be nearby, everything will happen by itself. Then the water is drunk. The same can be done with salt. When you bring the charged salt home, dissolve a pinch in a glass of water (preferably melt water) and drink. There is no need to imagine anything. The salt has absorbed the energy of the tree, which it will transfer to the water and, finally, to you.

What to do if there are no trees nearby

For those who find the methods described above for charging the energy of trees difficult to implement, I suggest buying oak bark, birch buds or pine needles at the pharmacy, preparing an infusion and drinking it or adding it to the bath. There is less living energy in dry raw materials, but it is still there, and the effect will be there. In the morning or afternoon, prepare an infusion, and in the evening (or the next day - it also promotes energy recharging) fill the bath with water at a temperature of 36–40 °C, pour the infusion into it and immerse yourself in it for 10–20 minutes. After your bath, take a short, cool shower. While preparing the infusion and taking a bath, imagine yourself under a shower of money, and while lying in the bath, imagine yourself swimming in money.

Pine bath

To prepare a bath you will need 1 kg of a mixture of pine needles, finely chopped twigs and crushed cones. It is better to collect raw materials in the forest, away from roads, but pharmaceutical mixtures will also work. Pour the mixture into 7–8 liters of hot water and boil for half an hour. Close the resulting broth tightly and let it brew for 10–12 hours. The finished infusion should be brown in color (if you use pharmaceutical raw materials, it may remain green).
Instead of a bath, you can drink a decoction; it requires less raw materials. The decoction is prepared as follows: pour 5 tbsp. spoons of pine needles 500 ml of hot water, cook over low heat for 5 minutes, let it brew for half an hour, then strain and pour into a thermos. The decoction should be drunk warm during this and the next day.

Bath with birch bud decoction

A decoction of birch buds for a bath is prepared as follows: pour 250 g of raw material with 2 liters of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Let it brew for half an hour, strain. Along with the decoction, you can add fresh birch leaves to the bath.
If you don’t want to take a bath, drink an infusion of birch leaves: 1.5 tbsp. spoons of fresh or dry raw materials, pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink in small portions on the 3rd and 4th lunar days.

Bath with oak bark decoction

For a bath you will need 1 kg of oak bark. Soak the bark in cold water for 3-4 hours, then boil for half an hour, strain and add to a bath with water at a comfortable temperature for you.
Instead of a bath, you can drink a decoction. To prepare it, pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons of bark with a glass of boiling water, then place on low heat for 30 minutes. Then cool, strain and, if necessary, bring the volume to its original state. Drink this amount during the 3-4th lunar days.

Home magnet for money

And today it would be nice to bring into the house or plant some kind of plant with leaves pointing upward: if you work with it properly, it will begin to attract abundance. The most suitable succulents for this role are plants with rounded, fleshy leaves shaped like coins - crassula and Kalanchoe, as well as cypress, jasmine, orange, pomegranate and myrtle. The preferred pot color is green, blue and light blue. If you don’t want to mess with plants, plant herbs in a flower pot - mint, basil, marjoram or oats.
Planting a plant should be accompanied by “money” visualization. Every 3rd lunar day, the plant needs to be watered with melt water charged in any way known to you (on other days you can water it with regular, uncharged water) with the words: “God be with you, my soot. Grow as a sprout, live by the harvest, bloom and prosper, give me wealth.”

It is better to keep the money plant in the southeast. In Feng Shui, the southeast is associated with money and abundance. This teaching has been alive for several thousand years and works all over the world, not only in China, it is worth listening to.

Today we are saturated with the energy of abundance from the trees. It is best to stand by the tree, but if you don’t have time, take baths or tie a bottle of water or a bag of salt to the tree. It is advisable to drink this water two days before the energy dissipates, and charged salt, dissolved in water or added to food, can feed you with the energy of the tree for six months - provided that the salt is stored in a tightly closed opaque vessel.