Kazakh predictions. Vera Lyon: who is she, what is she famous for? Details about the Kazakhstan Vanga, the brightest predictions

The new Vanga appeared in Kazakhstan. The fortuneteller Vera Lyon has already gained fame not only in her homeland, but also far beyond its borders.

Vera Lyon predicted that next year will be restless. And although serious cataclysms will bypass the Earth, many serious changes and upheavals will still occur on the planet. The United States faces real problems related to global citizen discontent. This will lead to the fact that America will soon split into several parts. China's progress, according to Vera Lyon, will noticeably weaken. This will be especially noticeable against the background of the power of Russia. A new terrible disease will appear in the world that will affect exclusively men (similar to HIV). Various mutations and changes in people's bodies due to modified products and poor ecology will become clearly visible. At the same time, faith in God will strengthen, and the number of believers will increase noticeably.

Prediction about the USA

Over time, Vera Lyon's predictions become more stunning and louder.

In her latest predictions, Vera Lyon foretells a difficult fate for America. According to the prophetess, the United States will pay for all its actions. In the near future, due to the fault of America, a very bloody war may begin, but it will not take place in Ukraine or Russia.

“While Russia will increase its territories with parts of Central and Northern Kazakhstan and eastern Ukraine, the United States will face collapse and chaos. This year will also be marked by the strengthening of the ruble and the abandonment of the dollar. Because of this, America will suffer great damage, after which the United States will face a deep crisis,” says Vera Lyon.

She also reports that she does not see that there will be a revolution in Russia or that it will lose its integrity; most likely, such a fate awaits America.

Prediction about Ukraine

The latest predictions of the Kazakh Vanga about Ukraine are becoming more and more interesting, because it is she who has already become famous throughout the world for her accurate forecasts about the events taking place in Ukraine. New predictions will open the door to what is happening today and to the mysterious future.

All latest predictions Lyon's beliefs relate to the events that are taking place in Ukraine. This is not surprising, since the clairvoyant was never indifferent to the tragic events of the civil war. Even before the first coups happened on the Maidan and the government passed into the hands of the opposition, Kazakh Vanga already knew that this would happen.

She also predicted down to the smallest detail that Alexander Muzychko would die. In addition, in her predictions she spoke about the division of Ukraine and the gravitational pull of the eastern part of the country towards Russia.

The entire fate of Ukraine has always been before the Kazakh clairvoyant like an open book. In her latest predictions, she says that a young politician will become the head of Novorossiya. She thinks either his name or his zodiac sign will be Leo. According to her, the lion will be, perhaps an insignificant, but obligatory attribute of the new ruler. Vera Lyon also claims that Kolomoisky died on April 20 and does not believe that he was seen alive. She considers this a hoax, but the truth cannot explain who benefits from such a deception.

Clairvoyant Vera Lyon

“Kazakh Vanga” Vera Lyon voiced her predictions on the Internet about the situation in Ukraine and spoke about the expected fate of its current leaders. Lyon predicted the imminent death of Yulia Tymoshenko and Vitali Klitschko. The sorceress also predicts troubles, disappointments and tragic deaths for almost all Maidan residents.

« Kazakhstan Vanga“Vera Lyon voiced her predictions on the Internet about the situation in Ukraine and spoke about the expected fate of its current leaders. Lyon predicted the imminent death of Yulia Tymoshenko and Vitali Klitschko. The sorceress also predicts troubles, disappointments and tragic deaths for almost all Maidan residents.

“Kazakh Vanga” Vera Lyon posted her predictions for Ukraine and its current leaders on YouTube. According to her, such prophecies were given to her by higher powers. Lyon talks about the tragic deaths of Yulia Tymoshenko and Vitali Klitschko and argues that “many Euromaidanists will either die or have their lives ruined because they are not pleasing to higher powers.”

About the fate of Ukraine.

“The EU will exist, but somehow it won’t be like that at all,” says the prophetess.

“The next president of Ukraine will be a young and energetic man, not a boxer, he will be associated with a lion, a lion is not Europe, but I don’t know who it is yet. I don’t see reconciliation in Ukraine between east and west, hatred will intensify, there will be clashes,” Lyonne said.

About Tymoshenko and Klitschko.

“Yulia Tymoshenko has very little time left to live. The vision of Tymoshenko - her hands are covered in blood, several corpses lie nearby - this is her past. Next, her hands are in huge chains and the angel of death stands next to her and holds these chains. In all the predictions that I give about the fate of some oppositionists, it is that they are not very good destinies. Something difficult will happen in their lives - these are tragic deaths, this is a hard life,” predicts the Kazakh Vanga.

“Vitali Klitschko will die a tragic death, I don’t know what year, but not in old age, young. I see his car speeding down the slope and exploding. Klitschko will never be the president of Ukraine. Not only that, he will also experience some kind of shame. He has even bigger chains on his hands than Timshenko. In visions I see chains on the murderers,” a fortune teller spoke about Klitschko’s possible terrible fate.

Lyon also “traveled” through other people who came from Euromaidan and entered the high politics of Ukraine. All predictions are also extremely unpleasant for those involved.

“Many Euromaidanites will also die tragic deaths or be broken in their lives, because they are not pleasing to higher powers,”- Lyon said.

Let us add that, according to the data onofficial website of Vera Lyon , her real name is Vera Visic. She is a psychic, clairvoyant, psychologist, photographer, writer and poet. She has three pseudonyms: literary - Veranika Zima. Children's writer - Nika Vil. Psychic, clairvoyant, psychologist - soothsayer Vera Lion.

Note that the clairvoyant’s website contains mainly weather predictions and events that happened in the world, which, according to Lyon, “came true” for her.

Clairvoyant Vera Lyon has been engaged in esotericism for more than 20 years. She predicts the fate of not only people, but also entire countries. According to customer reviews, some prophecies have already come true, despite their fantastic nature.

Vera's name according to her passport is Vera Vitalievna Visich (maiden name is Zhikhareva). The fortuneteller was born in Sverdlovsk (Ekaterinburg) on ​​February 14, 1962. Vera was the eldest child in the family. The younger sisters Lyubov and Nadezhda were twins. Lyubov lives in Chelyabinsk. Nadezhda died at the age of 38. Vera does not maintain a relationship with her son. The sisters were left early without their father, who suffered from alcohol addiction and died at 36 years old.

To help her family, Vera was forced to start early labor activity. The future seer received a specialty as a telephone operator, but worked as a duty officer at the Sverdlovsk Koltsovo airport and as a laboratory assistant at the Railway Institute. In 1984, the clairvoyant first married Dmitry Visich and moved to Kazakhstan. From her first husband, Vera gave birth to sons Daniel and Artem. The marriage with her second husband Valery did not last long due to the constant presence of her husband in prison.

Lyon claims that she has been special since childhood. She saw prophetic dreams. The girl was often awakened by an unfamiliar voice or cough, despite the fact that there was no one in the room. At the age of 14, Vera, according to her, opened her third eye. The girl suffered from headaches and tachycardia. Closing her eyes, she saw in front of her a black screen on which unrelated stories appeared. After seeing a doctor and a thorough examination, Vera was declared healthy, and the visions soon stopped.

The gift of clairvoyance returned a few years later. Being pregnant for the first and second time, Vera knew what gender the child would be and what it would look like. The ability to “see” was restored. The woman became seriously ill. She was diagnosed with asthma.

Since traditional medicine could not help Vera, she turned to a psychic. From an esoteric specialist, the woman learned about her destiny - to heal and predict the future. If the soothsayer refuses to fulfill her mission, the energy accumulated in her will cause her harm. Vera began to heal people and make predictions, which is why she was nicknamed Kazakhstan’s Vanga.

Today Lyon lives alone. Children live separately. The clairvoyant does not intend to enter into either intimate or friendly relations. She does not like to travel or attend social events. The prophetess considers herself happy man. Loneliness does not bother the clairvoyant. It helps her develop spiritually.

Vanga from Kazakhstan deals not only with esotericism. She is interested in photography, psychology and writing poetry. For your literary activity the prophetess uses the pseudonyms Nika Vil and VerAnika Zima. Vera is an animal rights activist and does charity work. Lyon claims to have his own path and does not need a leader. The fortuneteller believes in God, but does not consider herself a follower of any religion. The clairvoyant advocates a philosophical rather than a religious worldview.

You can find detailed information about Vera and the services she offers on the clairvoyant’s official website. Here you can also order photographs charged with the healing energy of Lyon: pictures for good luck in business, for getting a job, for happy marriage, therapeutic photos, etc. On the site, the clairvoyant posts her prophecies, presented in the form of quatrains (quatrains) and tales (texts, the plot of which is presented in the form of unrelated images). The clairvoyant avoids making long-term predictions.

Brief biography on video:

Predictions that came true

Some predictions made by Vera Lyon have already come true:

  1. Due to the deterioration of relations with Western countries, Russia will become closer to Eastern states. In particular, rapprochement will occur with Latin American countries and China. The prediction was made in 2013, before the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the introduction of Western sanctions.
  2. A year before the Olympics in Sochi, Lyon predicted Russia greatest number medals.
  3. Shortly before the 2 terrorist attacks in Volgograd, the Kazakh prophetess “saw” explosions in the territory Russian Federation.
  4. Korea faced terrorist attacks during Olympic Games. However, the terrorists failed to carry out their plans. According to the prophetess, they should have been hampered by weather conditions.
  5. In 2014, a crisis will begin in Russia. After the sanctions came into force, the clairvoyant predicted that the Russian Federation would not suffer from them. The country should expect economic growth, development of industry and agriculture, and the emergence of new jobs.
  6. In 2014, an event will occur, after which Russia will have an increase in the number of enemies. At the same time, Lyon emphasizes that those whom the Russian Federation has always considered its friends and reliable partners will also turn out to be enemies. Under important event 2014 Vera may have been referring to the annexation of Crimea.
  7. In 2018, Putin will be re-elected for another presidential term. But if in 2012 Vladimir Vladimirovich was supported by a smaller number of Russians, then in 2018 almost all residents of the Russian Federation will vote for Putin. Medvedev will remain chairman of the government. Shoigu will not leave his post.
  8. The soothsayer claims that she foresaw the collapse of the Soviet Union, the separation of Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova and other republics from Russia. Gorbachev will resign.
  9. In Ukraine, Yanukovych will become president. However, soon after this there will be a change of power in the country. The post of president will be taken by Petro Poroshenko. The prediction was made before 2014.

Latest predictions

The latest predictions of Vera Lyon relate to events on a global scale:

  1. In the eastern hemisphere the soothsayer did not see global changes climate. Troubles await residents of the United States after the awakening of the Yellowstone volcano. In 2018, the volcano will become active, and in 2019 it will completely get out of control.
  2. There will be a shift in the north and south poles. Glaciers will continue to melt. Faced with the threat of a global catastrophe, many competing countries will have to join forces. Humanity will be forced to look for alternative energy sources that would cause less harm to the ecology of the planet. The Earth's resources will be used more wisely.
  3. The incidence of cancer will increase. The reason for the high incidence will be the active use of GMOs.
  4. People will not be implanted with chips that can be used to track a person’s movements, obtain information about him, etc. In the next few months, interest in chipping will decrease.
  5. Many Catholics will become disillusioned with Catholicism. Mass unrest and pogroms on religious grounds are possible. In Europe, statues of popes and religious buildings will be destroyed. People will begin to move away from the faith of their ancestors, and many new movements will appear. People will search true faith and proof of the existence of God.
  6. In the near future, China will face problems caused by internal factors. However, this will not lead to any fundamental changes in the country.
  7. The United States is expecting color revolutions.
  8. Yulia Skripal will have a double who will appear in front of the press and speak on behalf of Yulia herself. The girl will not return to Russia. She will be given British citizenship. Sergei Skripal is already dead and is in the morgue.
  9. The Russian ship "Nord", captured by Ukraine, will be sunk. The team will be allowed to return home on the orders of Donald Trump.

Predictions for 2018

Vera Lyon's predictions for 2018:

  1. Winter will be rainy but warm.
  2. The plane will sink. It is unknown where this will happen and which country the plane will belong to.
  3. The flow of refugees to Europe will increase.
  4. The armed conflict in Syria will enter the end stage. Will move to the country large number refugees from other countries. Turkish tanks will approach the Syrian border, but will be stopped by someone. The country will begin to restore destroyed buildings.
  5. The situation in the Middle East is stabilizing.

Predictions for 2019

Vera Lyon's predictions for 2019:

  1. Humanity will continue to explore space. A new spaceship will be invented.
  2. Engineers will create air transport (not an airplane or a spaceship). Such transport will become an analogue of modern cars, only it will travel by air.
  3. The year will be fertile, but freezing rain should be expected.
  4. Vera was able to “see” the armed conflict. She cannot name the state in which it will take place, but claims that it is a country where there is a lot of sand and stone.
  5. The area of ​​land and oceans will change.
  6. At the beginning of the year, events will move quickly. But then an obstacle will arise that prevents you from moving forward. Lyon does not indicate what events should happen.
  7. The world map will change. Some states will appear, others will disappear. Some countries on the border with Russia will be annexed to the Russian Federation. Despite Japan's claims, the Russian islands will not go to this country.
  8. There will be no third world war. Armed conflicts of varying duration are possible, since some states need to profit from the sale of weapons. However, no one is interested in a large-scale armed conflict. It threatens the death of all life on the planet.

Predictions about Kazakhstan

Prophecy about Kazakhstan:

  1. The state will follow the path of Ukraine, trying to join Western countries. In the near future, persecution of Russians will begin in the country. Not only ethnic Russians, but also representatives of other nationalities will want to leave the state.
  2. In 2018, the country faces a crisis. The number of unemployed will increase and prices will rise. The population will begin to become poor. The crisis will lead to a social explosion.
  3. The Kazakh Vanga foretells a shortage of drinking water in Kazakhstan.
  4. In 2019, an armed conflict will begin in the country.
  5. The authorities will ask the Russian Federation for help.
  6. Despite the economic and social crisis, Kazakhstan will not cease to exist as a state.

Predictions about Russia

Vera Lyon made the following predictions about Russia:

  1. The country has already taken the right path of development. Some states are expecting disaster in 2018. The Russian Federation is reliably protected by higher forces, which will protect it from major tragedies. At the same time, the country will not become a leader.
  2. Western sanctions will soon be lifted. At the same time, Moscow will not lift Russian sanctions against Western manufacturers.
  3. Russia will abandon the dollar. The country does not need foreign currency, but its presence is beneficial to some officials whose activities are related to finance (the prophetess does not mention Nabiullina).
  4. The future of the country will be affected by the death of a Russian politician. Vera does not mention his name.
  5. Igor Strelkov, whom Lyon calls a traitor, will try to seize power in the Russian Federation. The attempt will be made at the end of 2018 or 2019. and it will be unsuccessful.
  6. In Russia they will invent a weapon that will have no analogues in the whole world.
  7. A nuclear explosion is possible. But the consequences of the explosion are minor, and there will be practically no casualties.
  8. New laws will be passed to protect women's rights.
  9. In Russia, the number of people practicing black magic will increase.

Predictions about Ukraine

Vera Lyon says the following about Ukraine:

  1. The country will emerge from the crisis, but with great difficulty. The clairvoyant did not indicate the year of recovery from the crisis.
  2. Ukrainians should prepare for religious wars.
  3. Petro Poroshenko is facing retribution. He will be left alone. Those who supported the Ukrainian president will also suffer.
  4. A new politician will appear in the country, who will be distinguished by justice, mercy, intelligence and others. positive qualities. This person will help the country get out of the crisis.
  5. The DPR and LPR will not return to the state. The division of the country will happen only if the people stop resisting external evil. The 5 western regions will become parts of several Western European countries.
  6. Fascism will be defeated, but only by force of arms.
  7. The Volyn massacre could happen again.
  8. There is a high probability that Trump will refuse to fund Ukraine.

About Russian-Ukrainian relations in 2018 - 2019

Despite anti-Russian propaganda, the Ukrainian people will remain interested in cooperation with the Russian Federation. Ukrainians will make attempts to find employment in Russia. The confrontation between the two countries will continue in 2018 - 2019. However, dangerous collisions can be avoided. Russians and Ukrainians should be careful. The enemies of both countries will fuel conflicts between the fraternal peoples.

What's next for the world?

Predictions for last days 2018:

  1. In a country unknown to Vera, famine will come. In the fortuneteller’s vision, a large pipe was sucking food from store shelves. There were people standing nearby.
  2. Scientists will discover a dinosaur egg with a living baby inside.
  3. Theresa May will resign.
  4. Donald Trump is dismantling NATO. Also, the American president will cause the collapse of the European Union.
  5. The CIS state (the clairvoyant does not know which one) is expecting a tornado.
  6. North and South Korea will become a single state. In this case, one leader will have to be executed.
  7. Nagorno-Karabakh will begin secession from Armenia through armed conflict. Karabakh will become a separate country in 2019.
  8. The Pope will fall ill. His illness will end in disability.
  9. An expedition to the Moon will take place.
  10. In the UK, military equipment will suddenly break down.
  11. Asia is expecting an earthquake.
  12. They will invent a medicine that will completely cure cancer.
  13. Islam will begin to lose its popularity even in Muslim countries due to the aggressive behavior of some radical Muslims.
  14. Kurds in Syria will agree to a peaceful solution to the conflict.
  15. Romania and Poland will begin to gradually eliminate Ukrainian nationalists who could interfere with the division of the territory of Ukraine.
  16. An armed conflict will arise between the United States and China.
  17. Military equipment made in the USA will explode. Other countries will refuse to buy American equipment due to its poor quality.
  18. They will try to deprive Julian Assange of his asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy. But everything will end well for Assange. He will either not lose his refuge, or he will find another one.
  19. A cure for the Ebola virus will be invented in Russia. In the Russian Federation, only 1 person will be infected with the virus.
  20. The United States will try to stay in Syria. Terrorist attacks prepared by the Americans are possible. However, the American army will be forced to leave Syria.
  21. You should not invest money in cryptocurrencies. By the end of the year they will suddenly disappear.
  22. There will be terrorist attacks in the United States.
  23. Artifacts belonging to alien civilizations will be discovered in Antarctica.
  24. Russians and Israelis will be pitted against each other. Lyon assumes that the Americans will do this and advises both peoples not to succumb to provocations.
  25. Russians will discover minerals at the North Pole. Other countries will lay claim to the find.
  26. Turkish President Erdogan will try to withdraw Turkey from NATO.

About Putin

The latest predictions about the Russian president are that Putin is in great danger. The president has many enemies and envious people not only abroad, but also among his subordinates. However, Vladimir Vladimirovich will be able to overcome all obstacles in his path. It is almost impossible to harm the president: Putin is protected higher powers. Lyon has repeatedly asserted that the Russian president will save the country from the Antichrist, without specifying who he is.

About Novorossiya

In her prophecy about Donbass for 2018, Vera assures that the situation should not be expected to improve. However, a peaceful life awaits Novorossiya in the near future. Everything that was destroyed will be restored. A young politician will come to power in Novorossiya. Perhaps he will be Leo by zodiac sign. However, the clairvoyant does not rule out that Leo is the name of a politician.

The ruble and Russian passports will be introduced in Novorossiya. At the same time, Lyon does not promise to join Russia. The border will be maintained. But Russians will be able to visit Novorossiya in a simplified manner. NATO will attempt to send in its troops. However, something will interfere with the military's actions. The fate of Donbass is also favorable in economic terms.

About pension reform

Not a single psychic gives accurate predictions about the reform of the pension system. Lyon assumes that raising the age of pensioners will still happen. However, before passing the law, the government will repeatedly review its decision so as not to cause a social explosion. This part of the prediction has already come true.

About the death of Zakharchenko

Lyon made a prediction about Motorola, Givi, Zakharchenko and Plotnitsky. The first two were expected to die through murder. Vera did not give an exact prediction about Zakharchenko and Plotnitsky, explaining that the fate of these people depends on their behavior. They can avoid death if they resign from their posts. Vera made an inaccuracy when she said that Zakharchenko was more likely than Plotnitsky to avoid death. However, the prophecy that the reign of the head of the Donetsk People's Republic would soon end turned out to be true.

Today is full of new events. Political and financial instability is increasingly making people interested in the words of psychics. Vera Lyon is a clairvoyant who was nicknamed modern Vanga, thanks to her predictions that came true.

Vera Lyon is a clairvoyant who was nicknamed the modern Vanga

A little about Vera Lyon

Her real name is Visich. She is a psychologist, psychic, children's writer, poet, photographer. Born in 1962 in Yekaterinburg, and now lives in Kazakhstan. She predicted the following events:

  • collapse of the Soviet Union;
  • Gorbachev's resignation;
  • Yanukovych's victory in the presidential elections;
  • global financial crisis;
  • events in Ukraine: rallies, deaths, change of government.

She claims that about 95 percent of her prophecies come true. Her visions come to her in her sleep, and she shares them on her blog, openly describing dreams and analyzing their meaning. Kazakhstan Vanga touches on the problems of the whole world, individual regions and even specific people. It happens that the prediction does not come true, and Lyon admits his mistake. Today, many are interested in Vera’s prophecies for the last days concerning the fate of the Russian Federation and Novorossiya.

About Putin

This is not the first year that the clairvoyant has been giving accurate predictions about the life of the Russian President. She has already noted the role of Russia in the fate of the whole world, saying that this country will save humanity from the power of the Antichrist. Therefore, the psychic is very concerned about the fate of the Russian leader.

She believes that now Putin is under the protection of Higher powers, but at the same time his environment is full of enemies and envious people who seem to suck the inner power out of the ruler. vital energy. Therefore, Lyon advises him to carefully and carefully choose his friends, assistants and advisers.

Vladimir Vladimirovich will be elected as president for a third term

Her predictions for these days indicate that a conspiracy to change power is being prepared behind the president’s back. Spiteful critics will not be able to carry out their insidious plan, but this could cause a lot of trouble for Vladimir Vladimirovich.

According to Lyon's visions, the President is often in danger. After the dreams, she describes the ground rising sharply under his feet, and how difficult it can be for him to maintain his balance. According to her, this impact dark forces who are trying to lead the ruler astray.

The psychic claims that Vladimir Vladimirovich will be chosen as president for a third term. She saw this in her dreams, where the crowd threw the current leader in their arms three times, people rejoiced and rejoiced.

Russian presidential elections will be held in 2018. The question remains open: is it possible to remain in power for a third term with modern laws constitution? The clairvoyant does not specify how this will happen.

About Novorossiya

Forecasts regarding the future of Novorossiya are quite positive.

Peaceful life in Novorossiya will be established, and destroyed buildings will be restored. The head of Novorossiya will be a young politician. Most likely, his name or zodiac sign will be Leo. He will lead Novorossiya to a bright future.

Lyon is confident that soon their own border troops will be created in this territory and Russian passports will be introduced. Moreover, the border between Novorossiya and Ukraine will be protected, and with Russia it will be more formal.

On the website Vera is asked about the deployment of NATO troops to Novorossiya. The seer replies that such an attempt will happen, but something will interfere with these troops. In her dreams, the army fell into a steep cliff.

Regarding the economy of Novorossiya, in the near future the psychic promises a transition to the Russian ruble, and also predicts a big purge in the government.

Peaceful life in Novorossiya will be established

About world politics and economics

According to Lyon's predictions in recent days, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will not be resolved in the near future. It will take some time to see positive results.

Visions of Russia are associated with an illuminated staircase rising high. This indicates the stable position of the country and its strong influence on world politics. The Russian Federation will not lose its integrity, and the position of the ruble will strengthen. In 2017, the number of arrivals from other countries will increase significantly. The government will have to tighten laws on migrants to control their flow.

God's punishment for America will be the Yellowstone volcano. The fortuneteller calls him salvation for Novorossiya and other countries. The years 2020-2030 for the United States will be the peak of the collapse of this power due to the frivolity of the authorities.

The political situation in her native Kazakhstan will resemble the situation in Ukraine. Things may come to the Maidan. Soon, Kazakhstanis will begin to move to Russia en masse.

The psychic considers China a world leader. Lyon's predictions in recent days indicate that by 2017 the Celestial Empire will have major troubles in domestic policy, and she will hand over leadership to Russia.

Regarding the European Union, its fate will not be entirely successful. The seer believes that today the leaders of many member states do not see prospects for being in the EU. There will be countries that want to leave it.

The soothsayer says that there will be no major destruction soon due to natural disasters. But it does not exclude volcanic eruptions, melting glaciers and mountain avalanches.

Lyon pays special attention to the moral education of society. Her predictions indicate that the nation's health situation has become critical these days. Drugs and alcohol, debauchery and gambling addiction are threats of today. The clairvoyant's predictions for the last few days indicate an increase in the consequences of these evils, such as suicides.

Modern Vanga constantly talks about the “Great Transition” that awaits our society. This is a kind of transformation into something more ethical and fair. Vera Lyon's latest predictions inspire confidence in tomorrow, give Russians hope for a bright future for the country. We can only hope that they will come true.

A multifaceted personality: psychic and children's writer, psychologist and photographer, poet and clairvoyant. “Kazakh Vanga” Vera Lyon is able to see our future very accurately. She publishes her predictions about Russia, Donbass, Ukraine and the United States on her own website.

In this article:

Where do people like Vera Lyon come from?

In dark times, fate always sends us something that helps us get rid of despair and see the path to the light. Hope comes to us in different ways. Sometimes it appears thanks to people living next to us and endowed with extraordinary capabilities.

One of these people is “Kazakh Vanga” Vera Lyon, whose predictions are always very accurate and specific. Vera Lyon touches not only on global issues of world politics, but also addresses the problems of small regions, cities and certain people. Without the opportunity to personally communicate with the huge flow of people who want to know the near future and receive warning and guidance, Vera Lyon publishes her predictions on her own website.

Just as an organism infected with an infection itself produces antibodies that make it possible to fight the disease, so human society always finds special people in times of unrest and danger. Perhaps they are sent to us by the Higher Powers, or perhaps we ourselves, with our passionate desire to touch the truth, endow them with this gift.

What awaits Russia

The geopolitical situation will begin to develop more and more favorably for Russia in the coming years. “Vanga Kazakh” Vera Lyon dates the very beginning of this process to 2015. A number of countries will perceive Russia as a world spiritual and economic leader. The will that united many states against Russia will weaken, and it will suddenly become clear that the world is more likely to favor our Motherland, it’s just that until a certain point, many decisions by our neighbors were made under external pressure. In other words, a number of European states did not have the opportunity to conduct their own policies and were submissive toys.

Great things will happen to the USA social problems. They will force this state to concentrate on its own internal affairs. Many US citizens will actively express their dissatisfaction with the socio-economic situation and course of the country's development. There will be a split into the northern and southern parts. There is a great risk of the outbreak of an open intra-American armed confrontation. Such events will weaken negative influence of this country to Europe and our Motherland. NATO will strive to penetrate Russia's zone of influence, but will not be able to. A dark shadow surrounds the Russian borders, grows, but then subsides.

Under the influence of the growing power of Russia, China will weaken. The dragon inspects the eastern territories of Russia, but does not dare to step on them. However, relations between Russia and China will not worsen. In order to understand this prediction, you need to correctly imagine the psychology of the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom. The concepts of friendship and enmity are alien to them, they know how to restrain their emotions and plan their actions in the long term. China is a rational country, and in present moment they will see benefits in cooperation with Russia.

No global natural disasters are expected in Russia; only the Altai region is threatened by floods, which will require some effort on the part of the authorities.
In the near future, a powerful spiritual personality like Porfiry Ivanov will appear in Russia. It will bring a harmonious teaching about the influence of morality and spiritual life on human health, and will explain the relationship between various parts human soul. This person is already in Russia, but does not yet have the opportunity to widely disseminate his knowledge. It is his activity that will finally mark the division of society into those who in their lives are guided by moral and spiritual principles and those who rely on permissiveness.

In 2016 the world will come new disease. Outwardly, it will resemble HIV and will become a punishment for fornication. Doctors will not immediately learn to identify it and will not be able to effectively combat it. This disease will also affect Russia, but will serve not only suffering, but also purification.

“Kazakh Vanga” Vera Lyon published new predictions regarding her country. The threat of problems similar to those that Ukraine is experiencing hangs over Kazakhstan. The country faces a split along linguistic and cultural lines. The pressure on the Russian-speaking population will increase and many will leave Kazakhstan, moving to Russia. A major economic and political crisis will break out in society. It is possible that part of the territories of this country will go to Russia.

“Kazakh Vanga” Vera Lyon about Ukraine and Donbass

According to Lyon, Ukraine will take a long time to come to its senses and achieve unity.

The confrontation in Ukraine will not end anytime soon. It will turn into a less bloody vase, but the east and west will still be ready for armed confrontation. There will be no reconciliation. The country's desire to join the EU will not stop, but it will not be possible to achieve a full result. It is possible that Ukrainians will have the opportunity to enter the EU visa-free, but will definitely not become EU members.

The position of current government officials in Ukraine is very precarious. Poroshenko's reign ends. The risk of death looms over Klitschko, and the health condition of Yulia Tymoshenko may also worsen. Kolomoisky, according to Vera Lyon, no longer exists. He is dead and only his double is shown to the public. Others prominent in at the moment politicians will turn out to be dummies who mean something as long as they receive external financial support.

Poroshenko can be replaced as head of state either by a very cruel person who has been prepared for this for a long time, or by a young intellectual. In the first case, it will be a radical Nazi who took part in the war. His reign will become bloody and bring much suffering. Neither Yarosh nor Semenchenko are suitable for this role. The first is a dummy and a populist, the second is much less bad person than it seems now, but it is too simple and stupid. Semenchenko’s efforts will “go to waste.” In the second case, someone who is somehow connected with a lion will come to power. Vision in in this case not very clear. The lion is not a symbol of the EU, Russia, or the USA.

Great misfortunes will befall those who took part in the riot in Kyiv. These people will face illness and disappointment. This is the decision of the Higher Powers.
The DPR and LPR will not become part of Russia in the near future, but they will not lose its support either. Russia is not united on this issue. Some Russian politicians support not so much Novorossiya itself, but its leaders Potnitsky and Zakharchenko and are trying to realize their interests there. The Kremlin sees in Donbass an opportunity to maintain its influence in Ukraine and will strive to preserve these state entities as independent. Girkin and his supporters view Donbass as Russian soil and want to see it as part of Russia. Girkin has great support from higher powers, but his aspirations are not strongly shared by people who have influence on the situation.

There is a risk that Ukraine will again decide to escalate the military conflict, but in this case the militia will be able to fight back and force the Ukrainian army to abandon aggressive plans. The Minsk agreements can be considered a mistake (including a mistake by Russia). They do not make it possible to carry out an attack on Mariupol and Kramatorsk. Ukrainian military personnel will remain in these cities in the near future.

The fate of Zakharchenko and Plotnitsky depends on their decisions and behavior. Not always the right actions, caring rather about their own interests has already led them to illness. In the future, death is also possible. Moreover, she is closer to Potnitsky, and Zakharchenko will most likely be able to escape, although his reign will end.
Vera Lyon foresees an attempt on Givi's life. It will not succeed, but this commander must beware. Givi will most likely be wounded in the arm.