Predictions for the year for fish. Predictions from Russian astrologers

Pisces will enter the 2018 Year of the Yellow Earth Dog on a positive wave. The achievements of the past will stimulate and inspire them. These people will set a high standard for themselves and work hard to achieve it. They will overcome laziness, absent-mindedness, slowness and complete all planned tasks. Their superiors will note their diligence and hard work and at the end of winter offer them a high-ranking position.

In the spring, representatives of this zodiac sign will plunge headlong into the atmosphere of romance. They will take the relationship with their other half to new level. Partners will be united common interests and hobbies.

Summer will be filled with travel and business trips. Pisces will decide to visit distant relatives and friends from other cities. Travel will bring positive emotions.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Pisces woman

For Pisces women, the Year of the Dog will be a successful period. All the things they undertake will bring success and recognition.

These ladies will become feminine and open. They will want to be the center of attention and be popular among people of the opposite sex. To do this, they will decide to change their image. They will go to a beauty salon and radically change their hairstyle. Bright, stylish clothes will give you self-confidence and emphasize your individuality. Those around you will notice external changes and lull them with compliments.

In 2018, these women will have old friend or a fan from the past. Such a meeting will bring back warm memories.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Pisces man

Pisces men will be obsessed with career growth. They activate their creativity. Colleagues and management will appreciate their creative ideas.

Representatives of this zodiac sign will have a high chance of establishing partnerships with foreign companies and concluding a profitable deal. The path to success will not be as smooth as you would like. The horoscope advises to take failures and minor troubles calmly. Perseverance and self-confidence will help you overcome obstacles.

In the first half of the year, these men should not forget about close people and friends. If they throw themselves into work, they will find themselves in the center of a family drama. Household members will declare them indifferent and callous.

Love horoscope

In 2018, free Pisces will bask in the attention of the opposite sex. A series of dates, romantic trips and surprises will inspire and stimulate new achievements.

Those in relationships will face tests of their strength. The other half may receive news of a long business trip, which will separate the couple for a while. There will be a temptation to have an affair on the side. Representatives of this zodiac sign will be burdened by the thought of betrayal, but they will not be able to refuse flirting and satisfying sexual needs.

Business horoscope

2018 will be a favorable period for the career growth of Pisces. To achieve success, they will need to overcome their emotionality and inner fears. The risks will be justified and will give the long-awaited result.

Representatives of this zodiac sign will think about opening their own business. The middle of the year will be a favorable time for new beginnings. The support of influential and experienced people will allow you to realize your potential in a profitable industry.

Financial horoscope

The material well-being of Pisces in the year of the Dog will depend on their determination and dedication. The horoscope advises maintaining prudence and being guided in decision-making by reason and not by emotions. Decisions driven by feelings can result in ruin. IN difficult situations close friends will support you financially.

Health horoscope

In 2018, Pisces will be concerned about health problems. Frequent colds will lead to loss of strength, weakness and will knock you out of your working rut for a while.

The mental state will become a vulnerable point. It is recommended to avoid emotional shocks and overstrain due to the risk of falling into prolonged depression.

Particular attention should be paid to the prevention of chronic diseases. You should not ignore symptoms that bother you for a long time. They can be the beginning of a serious pathology.

Last year was somewhat problematic; it could not be called calm and absolutely easy. In many ways, all the unpleasant trends were associated with the difficult character of the obstinate owner of 2017. Now the quarrelsome Rooster is being replaced by the affectionate and friendly dog, but she, however, can show her teeth if you stroke her against the grain.

According to astrologers, he will become reliable and calm; dangers and surprises will not be expected from him. Horoscope for Pisces for 2018 will clearly show all representatives of this sign what awaits them ahead and how to act in emerging situations, based on useful and necessary information from leading astrologers.

The beginning of the year will be pleasant in all respects for active Pisces. What can I say - the whole of 2018 will be a relatively calm period in almost all life spheres each of the representatives of this zodiac sign. Particular success awaits Pisces in the business field. The personal front will also face a lot of key events and powerful emotions.

After an easy and calm January, a not entirely simple, but incredibly interesting time awaits you, which will last until the beginning of March. Here you will need all the knowledge and experience stored in advance. By making decisions based on carefully considered conclusions, you can avoid many mistakes. Avoid rash steps. Pay special attention to your family and friends.

If you act in this way, Pisces will be able to understand why relationships are darkened and what problems are dragging down and preventing harmonious relationships.

At the very beginning of April, representatives of the sign will feel irresistible. You will win the sympathy of the opposite sex without any problems and give the general impression of a confident person. This will prove to be very useful professionally.

Ease and simplicity in everything will accompany Pisces until the middle of the last spring month. At this time, completely unexpectedly, you will receive offers for a promotion or a change of job to another, more profitable position, or a wonderful chance will present itself to start your own business. The end of spring will be an excellent time for beneficial communication with others.

The next key moment will be in early October. Pisces will have to concentrate all their attention, throw all their strength into solving financial and professional problems and issues. At this pace, you will need to work until the end of 2018. At this time, there will be a unique chance to show your initiative and show yourself from a new side, taking absolutely everything into your own hands.

December will be a good period, full of interesting news, after which representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces will be under pressure for a long time. pleasant impression. Charged with positive emotions, you will be in a great mood until the end of the year. However, at the same time, December will not bring any special successes in the business or personal sphere.

Horoscope for Pisces man

The stars insist that this will be a turning point for the courageous representatives of the sign. Do not be afraid to follow your spiritual impulses, as your desires may find a response in the heart of the opposite sex. Intuition can suggest the right action at the right moment, which will certainly bring you closer to happiness.

Pisces will have to show purely masculine qualities, achieving their goals clearly and persistently. To ensure that big and small victories follow each other in an even sequence, try to be as calm as possible about small troubles and possible difficulties. Tiny steps will ultimately lead to the accomplishment of grandiose undertakings.

The male part of the representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign should appreciate their health and, if necessary, consult a doctor in a timely manner. It would be best not to develop chronic diseases and to engage in disease prevention. In order to protect your body from illness in any of its manifestations, you need to switch to a balanced diet and maintain a sleep-wake schedule. You can also join a gym.

Horoscope for Pisces woman

On the personal front wonderful representatives sign everything will work out in the most successful way. Heavenly bodies will contribute in every possible way to your success. Remember: if you pay attention to a person you care about, become imbued with his problems and desires, and enter his environment, a romantic relationship may begin between you, which promises to be quite long-lasting.

Those Pisces who have not yet acquired a strong man's shoulder next to you, should not be discouraged, because spring promises to be hot in terms of dates, acquaintances and flirting. It is likely that you will develop strong feelings for your new acquaintance. And they will not be unrequited.

Marriage in 2018 is unlikely. Pisces women simply will not want to build a relationship in which increased responsibilities and greater responsibility will be required of them. Existing relationships will go through good hardening.

What will Pisces' health be like in 2018?

Problems with the body may arise among those representatives of the sign who are overweight. Try to direct all your strength to a measured but confident fight against those that interfere with normal and happy life kilograms. At the end of a difficult path, many Pisces will become unusually prettier, which the admiring people around them will not be able to help but notice.

Throughout 2018, you will be exposed to viral diseases, so take care of maintaining your immune system at the proper level. Factors such as poor and irregular nutrition, overwork and lack of sleep can have a negative impact on the body. In spring, all representatives of their sign need to have a good rest. Treatment in a sanatorium will also be beneficial.

Regular walking and infusions of medicinal herbs can work wonders! And massage and meditation will relieve accumulated tension. The stars recommend Pisces to be active, not to be exposed to hypothermia, to take care of the spine and to play sports.

Forecast for family life

Pisces who are married should not worry - everything will be fine with their spouses. And minor quarrels will not be able to bring resonance into a harmonious life. You will return home from work in a great mood, looking forward to a good time with your family. From the support and love of your other half, wings can grow behind your back. You will be bathed in care and attention. You, in turn, also need to give your loved ones all your warmth. Surround them with attention, arrange surprises and joint outings on vacation.

Lonely Pisces will be able to find their love, they just need to get serious about organizing their personal life. You will be gentle and caring towards your chosen one.

Love horoscope for Pisces for 2018

From the first days of January, all representatives of this sign will be swirled in a whirlwind of romance. We can say that spring will come for Pisces a little earlier than usual. A thaw in relationships and new acquaintances will not keep you waiting. You will radiate charm and charm. No one will be able to resist your charms! Pisces in a couple will demand more attention from their partner, for which they will receive an additional portion of care and tender words about love.

If you are single, rest assured that you will find love in 2018. If the chosen one meets all your “fads”, we can assume that your personal life is arranged.

Career and business

At the beginning of the year, hardworking Pisces will have a lot of work to do. Quite a few representatives of the sign will achieve promotion. Some will find exactly the job they have long dreamed of. You shouldn’t forget about rest either - a good break will be the key to increased performance in the future.

The machinations of competitors will not be scary for self-confident Pisces. You will be persistent and firm in your goals. The chances of unconditional success will skyrocket. Pisces leaders will have to make a lot of efforts to ensure that their projects come to life. If you have a creative profession, make every effort, and you can achieve a lot. In the race for material benefits don't forget about family.

No matter how much Pisces asked the stars for good luck in the past period, they always had to limit themselves to what they had and count only on own strength. Representatives of this zodiac sign will face amazing changes in life in the year of the Dog. The 2018 horoscope will tell you whether the stars' innovations will be favorable. People born under this sign will have the opportunity to foresee all negative events by reading the forecasts for the year of the Earth Dog. Pisces will be fully armed by reading their horoscope about love, career, finances and health.

Horoscope for 2018 for Pisces

The New Year 2018 will start favorably for Pisces. The horoscope promises representatives of this sign several pleasant events that will affect almost all areas of life. In 2018, they will face the injustice of fate only in late autumn. People born under this sign are at risk of betrayal by those they trusted and considered honest and decent. The horoscope for 2018 specifies that this will be almost the only time when Pisces will be let down by their natural intuition. By the end of the year, Pisces will be able to feel happy again. People of this zodiac sign will find themselves in the center of events and become role models. At the end of the year, Pisces, despite being busy and tired, will find time for family, friends, and themselves. The horoscope for 2018 recommends that Pisces take a more objective approach to solving all kinds of problems. In the Year of the Dog, rash conclusions made under the influence of emotions are quite common. This year Pisces will have practically no days that they would like to live again in order to change their destiny. But the horoscope predicts many pleasant moments for Neptune’s wards, and the memories of them will warm the soul for many years.

Romantic horoscope for 2018 for Pisces

The romantic horoscope for 2018 predicts many chances for a successful acquaintance for single Pisces. The least fortunate during the period of the Earth Dog's dominance will be those who have long experienced unrequited love. It will still not be possible to be with your loved one, which is why representatives of the sign better start working on getting rid of unpromising feelings.
The year will be successful for Pisces, who are already in romantic relationships. Despite the length of the romance, the horoscope for 2018 predicts a repeat bouquet and candy period for people of this sign. Representatives of the Pisces sign cannot help but rejoice at such encouraging forecasts, because many of them had intractable problems in relationships just recently. In the year of the Earth Dog, Pisces will face only one difficulty - overcoming the jealousy of their partner. The chosen ones will literally torment the representatives of the water sign with their suspicions and groundless guesses. The horoscope advises maintaining sober thinking and exercising restraint so as not to fuel emerging conflicts. The year will pass relatively calmly for married Pisces. They will only have to face everyday difficulties. It will not be difficult for Pisces and their other halves to overcome them.

Financial horoscope for Pisces for 2018

Most of all, Pisces will be lucky in money in 2018. The horoscope predicts good luck in financial affairs representatives of this sign. For the first time in a long time, Pisces will feel wealthy and will not feel an urgent need for money. Financial horoscope for 2018, he recommends not to be afraid to borrow funds in order to realize your long-standing plans. The stars will protect Pisces from failures, but Neptune’s wards themselves should approach the implementation of plans that require financial investments, with a huge share of responsibility.
People of the Pisces sign are destined to receive a large sum money at your disposal in the first half of the year. The horoscope advises you to decide in advance on what purposes you need to spend your sudden profit. The year will also be favorable due to numerous rewards. At work, employees of this sign should expect bonuses and salary increases. The horoscope for 2018 even predicts Pisces winning the lottery.

Pisces career in 2018

Pisces, who have never been distinguished by their desire to become bosses, will feel strong desire start leading. The horoscope for 2018 contains forecasts for good luck in a career for a certain category of Neptune’s wards. Pisces will get a promotion if they work in the service sector. People of this sign can count on career growth and in the event that they have recently taken a new position. Contrary to pessimistic expectations, Pisces in the period of dominance Yellow Dog They will find a lot of advantages in their work and see prospects for development.
The horoscope for 2018 advises Pisces working in law enforcement agencies, medical institutions and the banking sector not to strive to become bosses. Nothing good will happen if Neptune's wards ask for a promotion ahead of time. Representatives of the Pisces sign, despite the horoscope for 2018, can successfully build their progress in career ladder if they work hard and responsibly. The business horoscope for 2018 advises paying more attention to your qualifications. You will be interested in taking all kinds of courses, gaining new knowledge and skills. You might even be able to learn a foreign language. The horoscope recommends not to miss such a rare opportunity and start learning English or, for example, Arabic. Knowledge of the language will help Pisces become even more respected and sought-after employees.

Pisces health in 2018

No matter how the stars accompany Neptune’s wards in almost all areas of life, representatives of the sign will have to take care of their health themselves. The year will be dangerous for Pisces. The horoscope recommends avoiding long trips if possible. In 2018, stars do not even advise Pisces to go ice skating. Caution should be exercised when crossing the road. Cars and other equipment pose a particular danger to Pisces.
The health horoscope for 2018 advises stabilizing your diet by diversifying it with vegetables and fruits. It certainly wouldn’t hurt for Neptune’s wards to eat less sweets and fried foods. The horoscope also recommends starting to play sports or at least spending more time in the fresh air and sun. If Pisces gets sick in 2018, they will have to undergo treatment for a long time. The horoscope predicts for them numerous medical procedures, sometimes not the most pleasant, but extremely necessary. Pisces should approach the issue of choosing a doctor with special care. This year's horoscope indicates the risk of error when making a diagnosis.

Horoscope for 2018 for Pisces women

The women's horoscope for 2018 does not advise Pisces to plan trips to distant countries and cities. It is better for representatives of this sign to spend vacations and holidays with their family. A great time for women is the summer of 2018. During this period, surprises and unexpected, but very pleasant meetings await them.
Women can truly start in 2018 new life. To do this, they just need to work with their feelings. A reboot in relationships won’t hurt representatives of the sign either. The horoscope for Pisces women for 2018 advises devoting more time to children. They definitely won’t disappoint Neptune’s charges. For those Pisces who do not have children or younger sisters and brothers, the horoscope recommends doing charity work, giving gifts and organizing holidays for children in orphanages and boarding schools.

Horoscope for 2018 for Pisces men

Pisces men expect many positive events in their lives. Although the horoscope also does not recommend them to travel, Neptune's wards will have the chance to fulfill many of their dreams. For this, Pisces won’t even have to try hard. The horoscope for 2018 advises Pisces men to prepare for a streak of luck and come up with new desires for themselves until Earth Dog ready to fulfill their various whims. 2018 will not be without its troubles. The horoscope warns Pisces men: never trust your friends. In this case, the likelihood is too high that loved ones will turn out to be real traitors. That is why the horoscope advises men of the Pisces sign to rely only on themselves, especially since luck will accompany them in almost everything.

Pisces will meet 2018 on a wave of success. Representatives of the sign will devote the coming 12 months to the implementation of Napoleonic plans, which will bring them income and fame. But career success will not allow you to forget about health and family responsibilities. In general, Pisces will remember the Year of the Dog as bright and good period, passed under the sign of creativity.

Famous Pisces

  • Elena Yakovleva
  • Valentina Tereshkova
  • Tatiana Bulanova
  • Anna Semenovich
  • Oleg Yankovsky
  • Jon Bon Jovi
  • Daniel Craig
  • Antonio Vivaldi
  • Victor Hugo

Forecast for the zodiac sign Pisces for 2018

You will celebrate the New Year in high spirits. 2017 will end favorably, and you will devote January to work and communicating with friends. Difficult tasks will quickly be completed by energetic Pisces. At the beginning of winter, management may notice your diligence and promote you. At the same time, you will do many services to others and achieve harmony with your loved one. You will be brought together by a common hobby or the news of pregnancy. Cheating Pisces will reconsider their views on marriage and swear allegiance to their soulmate.

In 2018, Pisces will shine with creativity and fresh ideas!

In the second half of March, minor troubles await you. But April has prepared a wonderful chance for you, and if you use it, you will change your destiny for the better. May is a time for new beginnings. Innate intuition and the ability to empathize guarantee Pisces success in creativity. You will easily learn new information and improve your skills. Summer will swirl you in a whirlpool of assignments, trips and meetings. By devoting maximum effort to your work, you will climb the career ladder. But are you capable of such a sacrifice?

June and July have prepared for you interesting acquaintances and meetings with distant relatives who will play an important role in the future. You will travel a lot. Whether it's a business trip or a tourist trip, Pisces will enjoy new places. Men will be fascinated by history and culture, girls - shopping. A trip to Greece, Turkey or Crimea will allow you to combine interesting activities. The thirst for adventure will lead the most adventurous Pisces to the beaches of Brazil, where they will enjoy parties and carnivals.

The beginning of autumn will bring new career achievements. Luck favors Pisces who are involved in art. Your work can bring deafening fame, which will force you to leave your boring office to serve the muses. Do not be afraid - you are not in danger of the fate of a poor artist, because by November and December creativity will bring a solid profit.

Once you have your financial affairs in order, be sure to spend time with your family (especially your children) and yourself. September and October may darken your peace with the illness of a relative who will need care. You will be alone with yourself, take a break from work and love affairs, think about the past months and make plans for the future. The desired purchase will be a reward for your efforts. Well, on the eve of the winter holidays you will receive good news.

In the new year, your creativity may well become a source of income
  • Forecast for women. Pisces women will build happy relationship with your loved one. You will display an innate ability to empathize, which will bring you closer to your boyfriend or spouse. Single representatives of the sign can meet their soulmate in the spring. The feelings that arise for this person will amaze with their strength, but will not necessarily end in marriage. Perhaps you are not yet ready to take such a serious step.
  • Forecast for men. Pisces men will trust their intuition, which will push them to make changes in their personal lives. As for work, here you should show firmness and consistency. Small but confident steps will lead to a big goal. The second half of the year may intensify chronic diseases that will interfere with your work. To prevent this from happening, take action to prevent them: exercise regularly and eat right.
  • Children's prognosis. Kind, but sensitive Pisces-babies will become tightly attached to their parents. They will feel uncomfortable around their peers, they may cry often and demand the attention of their elders. It will not be easy to influence a child. In the first half of the year, Rybka will experience difficulties with her studies, and in the second half she runs the risk of becoming very ill and ending up in the hospital. Advises parents to abandon the “greenhouse” conditions of upbringing, but monitor the child’s condition.

Love horoscope for 2018

Most Pisces will meet the Year of the Dog while in a relationship. Winter promises you romantic adventures, including a short trip for two. In spring, external circumstances will affect your personal life. You will be immersed in work and may go on a long business trip, where you will feel lonely. The craving for physical intimacy will push you to cheat. If you give in to temptation, your relationship with your new partner will continue into the summer.

In this union you will play the role of a follower - the strong character of your lover will leave no choice. Soon you will realize that the passion has subsided and you have nothing in common with this person. The longing for spiritual intimacy will force Pisces to move on. In the fall, you will think about your readiness for serious relationship. November and December will bring long-awaited peace, and you will either stay with your beloved person or end an unsuccessful romance.

Loneliness can push Pisces into an unbridled passionate affair

Pisces are not supporters of spontaneous marriage. Before going to the altar, they test their soulmate for a long time. Ideally, a Pisces wife or husband should understand their free views and share an interest in high matters. If you pass the test, do not doubt the fidelity of your future spouse. The second half of spring, the beginning and end of summer, the last month of autumn are a good time to get married. But it’s better to refuse a winter wedding.

Health horoscope for 2018

Fish are easily susceptible to seasonal diseases. Showing off without a hat and scarf in sub-zero temperatures is an unaffordable luxury for you. Be attentive to your health, and if you get sick, follow the doctor’s instructions. Self-treatment, especially with antibiotics, will result in problems with the digestive system. The end of summer is a good time for examination. If you suffer from allergies, try to get rid of them before the beginning of autumn.

Visit your dentist to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Also, 2018 promises injuries for Pisces. Astrologers advise against extreme entertainment. In December you will notice worsening vision. To prevent the development of myopia, limit your time spent on a laptop and balance your diet.

2018 - no best time for your eyes. It's time to go to the ophthalmologist!

Career horoscope for 2018

The Year of the Dog may bring a new position or an interesting project where you will take a leadership position. But not all Pisces will sacrifice their free time on the altar of their career. You will quickly get bored with the new position, and thoughts of freelancing will arise. Many representatives of this sign will choose a stable, easy job with familiar responsibilities.

By doing several projects at the same time, you will move away from your family and you will not complete any of them successfully. Moreover, overwork will affect your health. The exacerbation of chronic diseases will force Pisces to put aside career ambitions and finally rest. The exception is representatives of the sign who are engaged in creativity. This year you will stop writing (drawing, filming) on ​​your desk and put your hobby on a commercial basis.

People around us have long been accustomed to talking about the coldness of representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces. That they are not the funniest, not very emotional and generally boring. In reality, everything is somewhat different and people born under the auspices of this sign can, without much exaggeration, be considered versatile, cheerful personalities and generally the life of the party.

Next year, Pisces should think about what role they play in their own lives. This may sound strange, however, next year Pisces will really face a serious reassessment of life priorities and, as a result, they may want to completely change their lives. To find the strength to fight and search, Pisces should take on their salmon namesakes and swim against the current. The stronger the current and the higher the rapids, the higher you need to jump.

Therefore, if once again you have a desire to hush up a conflict or take the conversation in a different direction, think about whether you need this and whether it’s worth saying here and now everything that you think about those around you. You know, sometimes it helps you feel alive. So, what awaits Pisces in 2018? Let's find out soon!

The astrological forecast for 2018 predicts success in personal achievements for Pisces. The year is very suitable for productive activities and unlocking your own potential, so if somewhere in the back of your mind you have a promising project, the implementation of which you have been postponing for a long time, the stars strongly recommend that you take it out, shake off the accumulated dust and get to work.

And if it seems to you that you are completely alone, worth nothing and nothing will work out at all, then you are mistaken - on your side is the very symbol of the year, the Yellow Dog, who will support you in any situation and help in the most difficult moments. In order to gain her patronage, you don’t need much - just believe that everything will be fine and then the words from an old, but rather funny song will come true: “Okay, everything will be fine.”

Significant changes will also occur in the personal life of Pisces. Representatives of the sign, who have long and persistently denied the existence of love, will find themselves in a situation where that same non-existent love “unexpectedly appears”, and then the accusatory monologue changes its meaning to the opposite.

If earlier Pisces liked to speculate that “love” lasts for three years, now they will be closer to the work of M.A. Bulgakov and his: “Who told you that there is no real, true, eternal love?. However, it would never even occur to anyone to accuse Pisces of inconsistency, and thereby destroy his happiness.

FAVORABLE COLORS: blue, light blue, green, violet, lilac, lilac, purple, pink, silver, mother-of-pearl.

LUCKY NUMBERS: 6, 7 (and all numbers divisible by 7), 11.

LUCKY DAYS FOR PISCES: Monday, Thursday, Friday. It is on these days that important things should begin.

Love sphere

As already mentioned, in the coming year there is a great chance for Pisces to meet their true love, which will beautifully enter their life and never leave it. And in principle, many could call this the ultimate dream, because it is difficult to think of what could be better than growing old together with a person whose love makes you live on.

Evening walks, a warm hand instead of a cold cane and a loving look, as if you were only 18 years old. If Pisces can see in a crowd of people the one who will make them happy, then the idyllic picture described above will come true, and life will take on completely different colors.

Man, born under the auspices water element, has all the qualities to become good husband, an ideal father and a nice family man, however, first you need to meet the one for whom you want to move mountains.

It will be possible to do this in one summer month of next year and this meeting will look more like a scene from a typical romantic comedy than a part real life: a collision on the subway when scattered notebooks allow hands to touch, coffee spilled on a dress, or an awkward collision during a trip to the bookstore.

Wherever you meet a woman destined for you by fate, you will immediately recognize her, because you saw her once in one of those dreams after which you didn’t want to go to work.

Regarding the beautiful half of humanity, who may attribute herself to this zodiac sign, then everything here is approximately the same: meeting the man of your dreams will happen suddenly and in the most unexpected at the moment. As you understand, the average woman understands “suddenness” differently, so there is a high probability that at the moment of the fateful event you will be without makeup, in an old T-shirt, or without combing your hair at all.

In any case, all this will not matter at all, since your natural magnetism will attract to you such a person who will love you in sorrow and in joy, in sickness and in health, with a cucumber mask on your face and without it.

Family horoscope for Pisces for 2018 indicates that it is worth paying increased attention to your other half. Over the years spent in marriage, feelings may have dulled, but this does not mean that they do not exist and did not exist at all. Therefore, in order not to deviate from the plan and meet old age in the arms of a loved one, try to awaken a forgotten passion.

Take a romantic trip, believe that you are 25 years old again and have just met. Remember that feeling of wild delight from the first hug or the pounding of your heart during the first kiss, when it seemed that all the sounds of the world had disappeared? Nothing has changed, and what does the song say? “The main thing, guys, is not to grow old in your heart.”

Married couples who have recently created a new unit of society are advised by the celestial spheres to think about having children. The coming year is suitable for this like no other, since children born in the year of the Dog promise to grow up to be serious, intelligent and responsible people who will not only become a strong support for their parents, but also wonderful representatives of humanity.

  • Pisces have best compatibility in love and marriage with signs Cancer, Scorpio And Fish. These couples will live happily ever after. They understand each other perfectly, are similar in temperament, lifestyle and sexual needs.
  • Well compatible with Taurus And Capricorn. These are, as a rule, some of the happiest and most durable unions.
  • Union with Sagittarius may be useful for your career. A happy union is possible if the partners love each other deeply and give in.
  • Union with Gemini- for emotional support. The relationship promises to be original and vibrant, which is typical for the period of romance. But if both partners are more attentive and sensitive towards each other, then the union has a greater chance of developing into a long-term relationship.
  • Relationships with Aries can give Pisces an advantage financially. A successful love affair and marriage is possible if partners manage to overcome differences in character.
  • Virgo best suited for marriage and harmonious relationships. There is a natural combination of intelligence and intuition in this union. There is a strong attraction between partners. And the older the partners, the more compatible they are.
  • Relationships with Aquarius will be fruitful for spiritual development. Happy marriage is possible, but it will require the maturity of the partners.
  • The main condition for a long relationship with Leo- mutual trust, which will expand the capabilities of the couple.
  • Union with Libra- middle union. Long-term relationships are possible if Pisces has their own calculations in marriage.


Regarding career, here Pisces are expected serious changes, which should have a positive impact on the entire later life. Thus, many representatives of the sign have long cherished the dream of starting their own business - opening a photo studio, teaching in their own workshop, or becoming a freelance web developer in order to methodically develop their own project.

Prediction on next year suggests that now is the time to pull yourself together and stop putting everything off until tomorrow, Monday or the first of the new month. Yes, it is difficult, but everything is in your hands. And if now you don’t find the strength to decide to change, then you will forever remain where you are.

Workers in the intellectual sphere should think about not just changing their place of work, but also their country of residence - the prospects that the Western side promises significantly exceed the currently available opportunities, and it would be a sin to miss them.

Of course, it’s scary to start life from scratch, but it’s even worse not to start living at all. Most representatives of the sign are depressed by the inability to show their talents and the pointlessness of fighting nepotism, so right now we need to start acting, because in next year Pisces have every chance to reach unprecedented career heights and unleash their full natural potential. But only if they risk everything.


Pisces, as a rule, are naturally endowed good health and strong immunity, so no serious problems are expected in this area.

At the beginning of the year, Pisces should be careful during outdoor activities: relatively warm weather and melted snow can cause trouble in the form of sprains or dislocations.

From spring to the end of the year, special attention should be paid to internal harmony. Those Pisces who risk changing their lives will have to enter into an unequal struggle with those around them who will rush to dissuade them. To win, you need to have a strong spirit, iron will, steely inflexibility and amazing self-confidence.

This can be achieved through meditation (which can also be done at home), relaxing trips to the pool, or long walks around the city.

Some Pisces have a lot of travel ahead of them, so now it doesn’t hurt to start maintaining their immunity. Whatever nature bestows, frequent climate change and long flights can have negative influence on the state of the body, so it is better to prepare in advance: make adjustments to your diet and try to change your lifestyle in favor of a healthier approach.


Next year financial issue for Pisces will not require an immediate solution - everything will remain either as it is in present moment, or it will get better. Here a lot depends on the Pisces themselves - those who are not satisfied with their monetary allowance will work twice as hard to improve their situation.

Creative Pisces should think about developing their own business. The physical need to pass on one’s knowledge to other generations can be an excellent foundation for creating a brainchild that can not only give those around them the opportunity to become better, but also provide for the entire family for many years to come. If you read success stories, it always boils down to the fact that a person simply followed his dream and this path made him not only happy, but also financially independent.

In the middle of the year, you should expect unexpected gifts from distant relatives. It is difficult to call this a full-fledged inheritance, however, an item that will seriously affect future well-being may be donated. This could be an insignificant amount of money that just needs to be used correctly, or a small business that has never brought in much income, but which, however, with due attention, may well become a gold mine.

For Pisces born in the first ten days of the cycle, the stars advise trying to periodically acquire lottery tickets- luck will be on your side next year, which means that the chance to win easy money is also very high.

Thus, we can safely say that the year will be full of events that will become turning points in fate. To find the right decision and choose the right way, Pisces need to trust their inner self and move forward without looking back at other people's opinions and advice. Attitude to life is something that invariably changes throughout life, so wouldn’t it be better to change it here and now?