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Inflammation of the paraanal glands in cats: treatment
If a cat rides on the floor on its butt, licks or scratches it, then the cat may have inflammation of the paraanal glands.

Anal glands in cats

The paranal glands are two small sacs located on either side of the anus. These are sebaceous glands that produce an unpleasant-smelling fluid called " secret".

Why do cats need paraanal glands?

Cats use the secretions of their paraanal glands to mark their territory. A small amount of secretion is released when the cat goes to the toilet, adding a personal odor to the feces.

Causes of inflammation of the paraanal glands of cats

Inflammation and/or infection of the glands can be caused by a number of reasons. If the anal glands become full, the secretion becomes darker and the consistency becomes denser.

Bacteria that are normally found in stool can penetrate the glands. Typically, these bacteria are flushed back into the rectum during bowel movements. But if secretion is disrupted, bacteria can begin to multiply in the gland, causing inflammation. In this case, the discharge becomes bloody, and the cat's anal glands become filled with pus. An abscess develops. It looks like a swelling on one or both sides of the cat's anus. This swelling causes pain in the cat when pressed. If the abscess is left untreated, pressure in the anal gland will build up until the abscess ruptures through the skin, causing the anal gland to rupture. Pus can also spread to surrounding tissues, causing severe damage to surrounding tissues.

Symptoms of inflammation of the paraanal glands in cats

Symptoms depend on the severity and cause of the disease.

  • The cat crawls its butt on the floor
  • Cat licks/bites butt
  • Discharge from the anal glands
  • Seals on one or both sides around the anus
  • With an abscess – purulent or bloody discharge from the opened “abscess”, next to the anus (see photo below)

Inflammation of the glands is painful and even a normally affectionate cat may scratch and bite when trying to examine the affected area under the tail.

In some cases, indigestion or diarrhea is observed 1-2 weeks before signs of inflammation of the paraanal glands appear in the cat.

If you notice similar symptoms in your cat, we recommend that you contact a veterinary clinic. 24-hour veterinary clinic Constellation in North-East Administrative Okrug, next to the VDNKh metro station.

Treatment of inflammation of the paraanal glands in a cat

Treatment usually involves cleaning the anal glands by emptying them. If there is an infection, antibiotics are prescribed. If an abscess or rupture occurs, surgery will be required. Most cats are given painkillers and antibiotics for a few days to relieve swelling and inflammation.

Can inflammation of the anal glands in cats be cured?

Recurrent disease of the paraanal glands is uncommon in cats. However, some overweight cats develop chronic inflammation. Obese cats have difficulty emptying their anal glands. For these cats, increasing the fiber content in their diet may be a solution. If a cat has inflammation of the glands several times, the diet does not help, the paraanal glands are removed surgically. Since domestic cats do not need to mark their territory, removing the anal glands will not have a negative impact on the cat's life.

Inflammation of the paraanal glands in cats is an unpleasant disease that can occur not only in females, but also in males. Many owners of uncastrated cats know firsthand about washing the “fat tail”, since this is a rather labor-intensive task. What do the anal glands look like in cats and what problems can arise from them?

Some information about the disease

In common parlance they are called anal sacs. Two glands are located near the anus, and the substance secreted from these sacs is very viscous and thick, with an unpleasant odor. For this reason, very often veterinarians do not offer owners to clean the animal. Most cats can independently release the glands from this substance in self-defense or when marking territory. Also, in a healthy animal, this secretion comes out during defecation. In the wild, cats easily cope with the task, but domestic pets have practically lost the ability to get rid of the harmful substance on their own. That's why owners have to help their pets.

If the animal cannot control this process, then an inflammatory reaction occurs, in which the anal sacs increase in size and cause many problems: cats cannot move normally and go to the toilet. The paraanal glands in cats cause behavior that is unusual for them: the animal begins to fidget with its butt on the floor and strongly lick the anal area.

As mentioned above, the anal glands in cats can become inflamed at any time if excessive accumulation of secretions occurs. In turn, the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms leads to serious consequences and even sepsis if not treated in a timely manner.

Stages of the disease

If the paraanal glands in cats are not treated, the disease will progress and your animal will remain crippled. To make it clear what this pathology is, we will talk about its stages and how they proceed.

  1. First stage. Severe itching is observed, the animal behaves restlessly, and a yellowish secretion may be released in small quantities.
  2. The second stage - pustular rashes are observed on the animal’s body. inside hips, sometimes there is stiffness in the pelvic area. The secretion comes out thicker and in larger quantities.
  3. The third stage is very dangerous for the animal. The secretion begins to be released in small quantities and has a creamy consistency of a dark color.
  4. The fourth stage is the most dangerous. With it, the animal often stops walking due to paralysis of the pelvic girdle. The secretion is granular in nature and has the consistency of clay.


As mentioned above, you should identify the problem from the moment it occurs. Therefore, it is extremely important to read the information below in order to have basic concept about this disease.

The symptoms are as follows:

  • tenesmus;
  • changing habits;
  • aggression towards others;
  • oppression;
  • hair loss;
  • refusal to eat;
  • wool that is wet to the touch;
  • rash;
  • skin sinuses;
  • pain in the tail area;
  • skin ulcers;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • pruritus (itching);
  • fever;
  • hyperpigmentation.

How does the disease progress?

As you already understand, this disease begins with a disruption in the release of secretions from the anal sacs. Simply put, they become clogged. Outwardly, the cat may look completely healthy and active, and will only periodically show increased attention to its tail. After a short period of time, the secretion changes its consistency and becomes thicker, so-called flakes appear in it. After this, the animal changes its behavior and does not allow it to be stroked in the area of ​​its hind legs and tail, as before. Due to the overflow of the glands, the secretion seeps into the blood, and the animal feels an unbearable itching that cannot be stopped. Accordingly, the cat begins to intensively lick the area under the tail.

If the animal does not receive timely help, then the microorganisms located in the anal sacs cause an inflammatory process. An abscess of the paraanal gland in a cat occurs in blocked ducts. After this, purulent accumulations come out, and a fistula forms in the anus. This period is considered extremely dangerous for the animal: cats, as a rule, develop a temperature within 40 degrees, they refuse to eat and become very lethargic. If nothing is done, the cat will most likely die.

Treatment at home

Inflammation of the anal glands in cats, which can be treated at home, is not very difficult to eliminate in the initial stages. Before this procedure, it is advisable to wear clothes that you would not mind throwing away. It’s good if your household helps you, because this way you will complete the task faster.

First, prepare as many sterile gauze pads, Vaseline and rubber gloves as possible. It is necessary to secure the animal so that it cannot move. With your left hand, wrap the tail over your back and, using a gauze pad, squeeze the area under the tail just below the anus, while you need to grab two glands at once. If you did everything correctly, a foul-smelling liquid should appear from the anal sacs. This treatment option will help if the animal has the first or second stage of the disease; in other situations you need to act differently.

If the secretion has acquired a viscous consistency, then it is very difficult to get rid of it. This will require internal cleaning of the anal glands in cats. To do this, put on gloves and lubricate index finger Vaseline, then it must be injected into the animal and forcefully squeeze the gland from the inside: this substance must be squeezed out until it comes out completely.

More humane treatments

There are more humane ways to solve this problem. For example, you can use To do this, apply the ointment to the inflamed area and do not let the cat lick the product for an hour. You can buy suppositories at the pharmacy that contain ichthyol - they must be placed in ¼ halves for 10 days.

But it is best, of course, to seek qualified help from a veterinarian. Do not allow your pets to develop such a disease; systematically monitor their health status, in particular the anal glands. By these actions you will save yourself from problems, and the animal from suffering.


To prevent the disease, it is necessary to clean the anal sacs as often as possible. The timing of their cleaning is set individually, since everything depends on the breed of the cat and the characteristics of its body. Among other things, you should know that this procedure cannot be performed at every age - this point is also individual. If you have identified this problem in your pet, you can help him yourself. It would also be a good idea to contact a veterinary clinic - they will prescribe the necessary course of therapy to cure the paraanal glands in cats. Treatment prescribed on time will definitely bring a positive effect.

Everyone wants to have an animal, but people do not always understand the responsibility that falls on them. Although many cat breeds are completely unpretentious, they still require some care. Therefore, if you decide to get a pet, you must approach this responsibly, and not only play with the pet, but also treat it if necessary. If you don’t have time for this, then you need to think about whether it’s worth getting a pet.

In cats, like other mammals, diseases that in one way or another relate to the functioning of the excretory system are relatively common. As a rule, such pathologies are quite dangerous, as they cause significant harm to the health of the animal. These include paraanal sinusitis in cats.

First you need to make a short excursion into anatomy. The fact is that on both sides of the outlet of the rectum there are special glands that are derivatives of the sebaceous ducts. They secrete a liquid of an oily consistency, brown or yellowish-brown in color, which has an extremely unpleasant, disgusting odor. The natural purpose of such a secret is quite simple: with the help of such a “scent”, animals simply mark their territory, scaring away and warning competitors about their presence.

With each bowel movement, these “bags” dump their contents into the feces. More precisely, this should happen normally, but in practice everything happens differently. For some reason, the caustic contents of the glands stagnate, causing painful and extremely unpleasant inflammation. An abscess forms, which sometimes reaches very impressive sizes.

What are the reasons?

Firstly, the predisposing factor is. If a cat empties its bowels rarely and with effort, the gland ducts will inevitably become clogged. On the contrary, profuse diarrhea may well lead to exactly the same result, since the channels for removing secretions will be constantly irritated and contaminated with pathogenic microflora. Of course, sooner or later this will still cause an inflammatory process. Very often, such a nuisance happens to cats, whose owners from time to time “make happy” their pet with fish or chicken bones. Such a “delicacy” can cause not only inflammation of the paraanal glands, but also perforation of the stomach and/or intestines.

Read also: Roundworms in cats: diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Finally, there are real “fighting” cats that constantly fight. This is fraught not only with torn ears and torn skin, but also with bites in the most tender places. Take a closer look at your fighting pet after every squabble! In rare cases, stagnation of secretion is caused by insufficient tone of the local muscles: during the act of defecation, the muscles are simply not able to adequately compress the glands, and therefore no fluid is released from them.

Clinical signs

What are the symptoms of this pathology? At first, until an abscess the size of an orange develops under the cat's tail, there are few visible signs. But some time passes, after which terrible itching begins. The cat constantly licks its “lower regions” and then begins to “roll” on the floor, using its butt as a sled. Contrary to popular belief, this behavior does not indicate a helminthic infestation, but rather a problem with the secretion of the paraanal glands!

The pain reaction gradually increases, the cat meows often and hoarsely, sometimes biting itself in the “causal” places. As a rule, during this period he completely refuses food. Often at the same time, a sudden “healing” occurs: the accumulated volume of secretion and pus creates such pressure that all this disgusting-smelling mass simply bursts out of the anus. However, this does not increase happiness for the cat himself, since this pathology, once it has manifested itself, tends to recur. A couple of weeks pass, and the unfortunate animal is again vigorously rolling on the carpets.

FUNCTIONS OF PARAANAL GLANDS They are small in size and located near the anus of the animal. Thanks to the paraanal glands, the part of the tail located closer to the anus in cats becomes fat. Their main function is to release a substance that has an unpleasant, pungent odor and thick consistency. In nature, many animals use this secretion to mark their territory. They need this action for self-defense, to protect their habitat. When an animal defecates, there is a natural cleaning of the pouches in which the secretions are collected. Today, many domestic cats do not clean these bags on their own, so owners should pay attention to the condition of their pets and, if necessary, help them get rid of this problem.

CAUSES AND SIGNS OF ILLNESS When the pet fails to cleanse these glands on his own, they stagnate in the pouches, interfering with the animal’s normal bowel movements. This leads to inflammation developing, causing the pet not only discomfort, but also pain, as the pouches become larger. This phenomenon can lead to more serious health problems. It becomes difficult for the animal to move, its appetite is weakened, and in some cases there is an increased temperature. If the resulting inflammation is not treated promptly, an abscess may occur, requiring surgical intervention. An abscess that is not surgically removed may burst over time, and this will result in contamination of the pet’s blood. Symptoms of inflammation: The pet constantly licks the area around the anus; The pet presses its tail tightly against the area around the anus all the time; You may notice an unpleasant odor from the cat; In order to release the bags, the animal may begin to rub its butt against sofas, carpets, etc.; Swellings appear near the anus, sometimes accompanied by redness. To diagnose an animal, press on the sacs, which, when inflamed, can be felt with your fingers. If during manipulation an unpleasant-smelling dark-brown substance appears, it means that your pet requires help in freeing the pouches. Having noticed symptoms of inflammation of the paraanal glands in your cat, you can help her yourself, but only if the secretion has not yet hardened. It is better to take your pet to the veterinarian.

TREATMENT OF THE DISEASE If the animal itself is not able to cope with the problem, one of two methods of getting rid of the disease is used: Internal cleaning. To carry out treatment using this method, you need to wear rubber gloves and lubricate your index finger with Vaseline. Next, insert it into your pet’s anus and pinch the gland with your thumb. With the help of these manipulations you will be able to rid your pet of the secret; External cleaning. If the substance is still liquid, press the bags with your fingers, squeezing them. This method of treating inflammation of the paraanal glands in animals, including cats, is simpler and you can use it yourself, but to carry out the procedure described above, it is better to contact a specialist so as not to harm the animal. What needs to be taken into account in order to carry out the procedure correctly? Be sure to wear gloves before the event; Prepare towels or napkins with which you will wipe the secretion; It is better to place the cat in a bathtub or lay an oilcloth over the place where the manipulations are performed so that the substance does not remain on your sofa or floor when cleaning the anal glands; Take a position so that you are on the side of the animal. With one hand, lift his tail, and with the other, hold a napkin or towel at the ready; The fingers must be placed correctly. Imagine a dial, your fingers should be in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe numbers 4 and 8. The discomfort and pain will go away in a couple of days after the blockage of your cat's anal glands is eliminated. However, the procedure may not completely clear the bags the first time, so a second and sometimes a third manipulation may be necessary. After eliminating the main problem, you need to give your pet warm baths with manganese. Levomycetin rectal suppositories are also used to speed up recovery. If inflammation of the paraanal glands in a cat leads to an abscess, after providing assistance to the animal, antibiotics may be prescribed. If your cat has had a similar problem at least once, monitor its condition in the future; perhaps after some time the disease will return and it will need your help again. If the blockage of the pouches does not lead to an improvement in your pet's condition, he may also have other diseases, such as helminthiasis or allergies. In some cases, the disease is caused by more serious processes than blockage of the bags. Sometimes we're talking about about neoplasms. Veterinarians note that cats that were neutered as adults most often encounter this problem. As a rule, we are talking about a process developing in one sac, and in this case its removal is indicated. Due to the characteristics of the body or the influence of some other factors (sometimes this is due to the age of the pet), inflammation plagues the animal very often. Even if the secretion does not have time to harden and you empty the glands on your own, it is worth taking your cat to the veterinarian. Firstly, remember that this procedure is painful for her, and secondly, frequent inflammation worsens her quality of life. The specialist will advise what to do in such a situation. In some cases, removal of the anal glands is also indicated if the cat experiences frequent relapses. After surgery, your pet will need special care, which a specialist will tell you in more detail.

CARING FOR A CAT This problem is common in pets, and their health largely depends on the owner. That is why, if you have a cat, you should know about what diseases can overtake it. Some veterinarians recommend cleaning the anal sacs regularly, every few months. However, not all animals need this, so it is not worth giving the animal these painful sensations solely for the sake of prevention. A more gentle method of prevention is washing the anus with soapy water. It has a stimulating effect, helping the paraanal glands to cleanse themselves. When you bring your cat for a routine examination at the veterinary clinic, remind the specialist to examine the pouches if he himself has overlooked this. This is especially true when you notice symptoms of illness in your pet. At first glance, it may seem that the procedure for emptying the anal sacs is a simple process. However, if you are not a specialist and have never encountered this problem, it will be quite difficult to produce it. The animal experiences pain during manipulation, so it can show aggression. In this regard, to get rid of the problem, it is better to contact a veterinarian.

Inflammation of the paraanal glands is not so common, but can cause a lot of discomfort to your pet. Seeing a doctor and timely detection of the disease will help you begin treatment in the initial stages. An integrated approach will relieve your pet of unpleasant symptoms and eliminate the inflammatory process.

What are paraanal glands in cats?

The paraanal glands are paired exocrine glands. They secrete a thick secretion with a pungent odor. Cats need this to mark their territory. In addition, the specific smell attracts the attention of other individuals. These exocrine glands are also involved in metabolic processes. Self-cleaning of the ducts occurs during bowel movements, but sometimes this process is disrupted. Normally, the glands secrete secretions into the sphincter and are located next to the anus.

Paraanal glands are involved in metabolic processes

Inflammation can occur if your pet is fed improperly. If cartilage and bones predominate in a cat's diet, then digestion may be disrupted, resulting in constipation, which often provokes stagnation of secretions. An additional factor the development of inflammation is obesity. If an animal is overweight, its metabolic processes are disrupted, which affects the functioning of the anal glands.

Obese cats are more likely to experience inflammation of the anal glands

Injury anus is one of the most common causes of inflammation. Less often, helminthic infestations become a provocateur of pathology. Indoor cats are more likely to experience inflammation because they are less mobile than outdoor cats.

The anal glands are located on the anal sacs, which are attached to the rectum. The secreted secretion improves the passage of feces, which facilitates the process of defecation.

What are paraanal glands and why do they become inflamed - video

Symptoms of the inflammatory process

3 main signs indicating inflammation of the anal glands:

  • the pet bites the base of the tail;
  • the cat rides on its butt;
  • The pet always limps or raises its hind leg while walking.

Inflamed paraanal glands in a cat provoke pain

Additional symptoms:

  • the cat constantly presses its tail against the anus;
  • there is an unpleasant odor from the pet that does not go away even after bathing;
  • the animal's anus appears dirty and slightly swollen;
  • general health and appetite worsen.

The inflammatory process may be accompanied by an increase in temperature, but this does not always happen. If alarming symptoms occur, it is important to examine the pet's anal area. If there is swelling, a pungent odor and redness, you should definitely contact a veterinarian.

When the cat had this problem, he constantly rode around the track on his butt. Then we assumed he had worms. They didn’t go to the doctor because they didn’t attach any importance to this problem. They thought it was nothing serious. However, the pet periodically suffered from constipation. When the animal’s diet changed, the stool quickly improved, and at the same time the problem went away. I recommend making sure your pet eats properly. You should not give the animal too hard food, especially bones, which can lead not only to digestion problems, but also get stuck in the pet’s throat, especially if the cat is already old and some teeth are missing.

Symptoms of inflammation - video

Treatment options

Elimination of the inflammatory process is possible only through the use of a complex of means. First of all, mechanical cleaning of the paraanal glands is performed, which helps to release accumulated secretions. At the second stage, disinfection is carried out using local antiseptics. And lastly, antibacterial agents are used that will help relieve the pet from the inflammatory process and complications.

Trying to cure your cat on your own is not recommended. You should contact your veterinarian immediately after discovering a problem.

Mechanical cleaning

This method brings a lot of discomfort to the pet, so it is important to involve another person in helping. Otherwise, you won’t be able to cleanse the glands on your own. At home, you can only use the external method, since the internal one requires the necessary skills. The first step is to put on gloves and restrain the cat.

Using a cotton napkin, try to squeeze out the contents of the glands. To do this, you need to grab the anal area with two fingers on the sides and squeeze slightly. You should not overdo it, because the procedure is already painful. The release of a secretion with a pungent odor indicates that the manipulation is being performed correctly. At the end of the procedure, the anal area should be disinfected with Chlorhexidine.

Cleansing the anal glands should be done with gloves.

It is not recommended to carry out internal cleaning yourself. Such manipulation in advanced stages is carried out by a veterinarian. He puts on gloves and coats his index finger with Vaseline. Then he inserts it into the pet’s anus and presses lightly. Thumb allows you to fix the gland. This type of cleaning is more effective, especially if the secretion has already thickened.

Attention! If during external manipulation at home the secretion is difficult to separate, then do not press too hard. This indicates that the liquid has thickened due to inflammation and in this case You won’t be able to deal with the problem on your own.

How to carry out mechanical cleaning - video

Using Local Remedies

Not all people are mentally prepared for the procedures described above, so at home they also often resort to using local antiseptics. In order to help your pet cope with the inflammatory process, you can use syntomycin ointment. But first you need to purchase a product for your cat that will prevent licking.

A cat collar will prevent licking of medications and make treatment more effective.

Syntomycin ointment should be applied in a thin layer to the anus of the animal. This must be done 2 times a day for 10 days. Syntomycin ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect; the active component is effective against a wide range of pathogenic bacteria.

Syntomycin ointment eliminates inflammation

Another effective remedy that can help with inflammation of the paraanal glands is the drug Levomekol. The ointment has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, accelerating the healing of damaged tissues. This product should be applied 2 times a day to the cat’s anal area. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Levomekol produces an antiseptic effect

Additionally, it is recommended to use rectal suppositories with chloramphenicol, which help eliminate inflammation. They need to be inserted into the pet's rectum once a day. But you should consult your doctor about the possibility of using the latter drug, since in advanced cases, rectal suppositories can be harmful.

To accelerate tissue healing, you can use methyluracil ointment, which stimulates regeneration processes. The same drug can be purchased in the form of suppositories. It is most convenient to use ointment to treat cats. It should be applied to the anal area 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 7–10 days.

Methyluracil ointment accelerates tissue healing

The use of local antiseptics is effective after mechanical cleaning of the paraanal glands.

Washing the anal glands

Washing is carried out only by a specialist in advanced cases when other methods do not bring results. For the procedure, an antiseptic solution of potassium permanganate, Chlorhexidine or Miramistin is used. The cat is fixed in a motionless state. The doctor takes a syringe without a needle and draws up the solution. Then he inserts the tip into the opening of the gland and pours in the antiseptic, then lightly presses on the anus area so that all the liquid flows out.

Chlorhexidine is used to wash the anal glands.

The procedure is repeated several times. This is done until clear liquid flows from the gland, which indicates the absence of pus and thick secretion. After washing, the anal area is lubricated with antiseptic ointments and the pet is sent home.

Washing is often combined with mechanical cleaning of the paraanal glands. This integrated approach allows you to relieve your cat of pain and restore normal secretion flow.

In what cases is surgery necessary?

In some cases, the doctor advises removing the anal glands. The indication is a constant blockage of the ducts, in which the secretion is not released on its own. Constant mechanical cleaning is a lot of stress for the animal, as the procedure is accompanied by severe discomfort. Sometimes removing the glands makes life easier not only for the owner, but also for the cat.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes 2 incisions in the area where the glands are located. Then he excises them along with the ducts and applies sutures. The operation does not take much time. Only a small suture remains at the intervention site, which heals quickly. The animal recovers in the shortest possible time. During this period, the pet should take vitamins for a speedy recovery.

Vitamins for cats will help your pet recover after surgery

The only thing you should watch out for after surgery is that your pet is not constipated. Otherwise, the seams may come apart. Additionally, regular treatment of the intervention site with antiseptics is indicated.

Advantages of the operation:

  • no complications;
  • eliminating the risk of relapse;
  • no unpleasant odor from the pet;
  • minimal risk of infection of the anal sacs.

Surgical intervention is also indicated for the formation of an abscess, which occurs in advanced forms of the inflammatory process. In this case, the abscess is removed along with the glands. This minimizes the risk of life-threatening complications for the animal.

What procedures can you carry out yourself?

At home, you can carry out external cleaning of the glands, but only with full confidence in the presence of an inflammatory process. Under no circumstances should you resort to rinsing or internal cleansing. In this case, you can injure the anus or rectum, which is fraught with consequences. At home, you can also use antiseptic ointments and rectal suppositories. However, you need to take into account that candles should only be used thin and small. Large suppositories will cause pain to your pet and will not provide any benefit.

What to do if your kitten has inflammation

The inflammatory process in kittens occurs in isolated cases and can occur with frequent constipation, which is caused by poor nutrition. The problem may appear in premature and weak animals. If a kitten's paraanal glands are inflamed, it is recommended to show it to a veterinarian.

However, you can try using local remedies. It is recommended to use anti-inflammatory ointments, such as Levomekol, Sintomycin, etc. These drugs should be applied in a thin layer before bedtime for 7 days. In addition, you should not forget about the collar, otherwise the kitten will simply lick the medicine.

In kittens, the paranal glands become inflamed in isolated cases.

  • use suppositories;
  • carry out mechanical cleaning;
  • try to flush the glands.

Rules of prevention and hygiene

To prevent the occurrence of an inflammatory process, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. Monitor your pet's physical activity. If the cat will most of time to remain motionless, there is a high risk of secretion stagnation. It is important to play with your pet more often.
  2. Eliminate bones and cartilage from the diet. Diversify the animal's menu. The diet should be balanced and include plant fiber, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You cannot feed your cat only dry food.
  3. Once every 1–2 months, examine the animal’s anus area for inflammation and other pathological changes.
  4. In case of frequent inflammation of the paraanal glands, resort to their removal. The operation will not affect the pet's health in any way.
  5. Buy only high-quality food.
  6. Strengthen your pet's immunity. The animal must consume special grass and vitamins, which can be purchased at a pet store.
  7. Control your pet's weight. Do not overfeed the cat, but establish a feeding schedule.
  8. Periodically worm the animal. It is recommended to carry out this procedure once every 3 months.

It is important to monitor the hygiene of your pet's anal area. To do this, you need to clean this area with Miramistin solution once every 4–8 weeks. It is enough to moisten a cotton pad in the medicine and carefully treat the anus, paying special attention to the glands. However, if the pet leads an active lifestyle, eats properly and does not suffer from constipation, then this procedure can be performed less frequently. It is advisable to undergo a routine examination by a veterinarian once a year. The doctor will be able to recognize the pathology in the initial stages of development.

Miramistin can be used to treat the anal area

Attention! At the first symptoms of the disease, you should not resort to mechanical cleaning; it is important to immediately consult a doctor, since signs of the inflammatory process can be confused with other more dangerous diseases.

Inflammation of the anal glands can cause dangerous consequences. In this case, abscesses and fistulas can form. To prevent such complications, it is important not to delay treatment and visit a doctor on time. With complex therapy, the pet’s condition quickly improves and he recovers in a short time.