Runic standing on the dismissal of an objectionable person. Runes for work and career

21.2.2009, 23:59

1. Four Hagalaz
2. Turisaz Hagalaz Yera Isa
3. Evaz Hagalaz Laguz transl.

6. Hagalaz Laguz transl. Dagaz
7. Hagalaz Yera Nautiz Dagaz

Oleg Shaposhnikov

Quote(Irbis @ 21.2.2009, 23:59)

Please advise! It is very necessary to remove one person from work at least completely academic year(and then, as it turns out). This is a teacher at school. I racked my brains for a long time. There are many options, but you need to choose the optimal one, because “it can’t be more urgent” and there is no time to experiment.
1. Four Hagalaz
2. Turisaz Hagalaz Yera Isa
3. Evaz Hagalaz Laguz transl.
4. Nautiz Uruz Kenaz Hagalaz Yera Isa
5. Nautiz Turisaz Kenaz Hagalaz Yera Isa
6. Hagalaz Laguz transl. Dagaz
7. Hagalaz Yera Nautiz Dagaz
This list can be continued... I ask respected magicians to suggest the best option, or maybe someone else will recommend something else?

22.2.2009, 10:28

Quote(Oleg Shaposhnikov @ 22.2.2009, 8:49)

Please note that this is a public place (school), and also associated with children. Naturally, no combat or destructive runes. You can ruin a lady's partnership. But then the children will suffer. It is quite possible that this teacher is very active and has exhausted everyone. This happens. Four Wunjo. It’s good for her and for those around her.

Thank you for your answer! I read from you before about 4 Vunyo in dialogues about Runes. She denied complete extinction.
I don't think children will be harmed. After all, the formula will be directed. And I’ll figure out how and where to attach it. At school it will not be clearly outlined. And in any case, the children will not suffer if they lose her as a teacher. They will not be left without a teacher, and it will not be worse than her. The whole class groans from her.

25.2.2009, 15:40

And I’ll figure out how and where to attach it

Oleg Shaposhnikov

Quote (tumbler @ 25.2.2009, 15:40)

Sorry for the stupid question - but WHERE can I attach the formula?? ...

The photo shows the person involved.

Quote(Oleg Shaposhnikov @ 27.2.2009, 6:51)

The photo shows the person involved.

27.2.2009, 11:59

Quote (tumbler @ 2/27/2009, 7:30)

So maybe it would be even better to place the formula on the projection of the corresponding chakra?...

what chakra is in in this case- appropriate?

I have the same problem... I don’t know what to do with the teacher at the university. Either just try to shut her mouth, or fire her, or undermine her health!...

The “killing rune,” for example, can cause injury. Modify it a little and apply it. If you have enough strength, of course.

Quote(Izuminka @ 3.4.2009, 16:25)

I have the same problem... I don’t know what to do with the teacher at the university. Either just try to shut her mouth, or fire her, or undermine her health!...

Haven’t you tried studying properly? They say it helps))

I completely agree with Hertik.

There are knitted runes Mannaz - Ansuz, very good for learning.

From an astrological point of view, the teacher, whatever he may be, represents the house of luck, father and travel abroad (many more different meanings has), and if you even rightly try to somehow do something negative to a person (teacher), then by doing so you are harming yourself and those aspects of your life that I wrote about.
I advise you to use positive formulas whenever possible. A bad peace is better than a good war.

Quote(Hertik @ 3.4.2009, 16:47)

Haven’t you tried studying properly? They say it helps))

No, well, I knew it!!!
That's how you know how I study in order to advise this??? If it were me, then I wouldn’t even twitch. This teacher is a complete clinic. Sometimes it seems to me that there is something wrong with her psyche. If it’s not clear to anyone, here’s an oil painting:
I attend classes great. I try to do everything well. But when, because of one missed pair, they begin to compare you with a classmate who is no match for me in my studies, then patience runs out, you know! This creature still has the nerve to scare me with exams!!=((Everywhere I have 4 and 5, but here you see I’m dumber than everyone else!
And about the teacher = "home of luck, father, travel abroad." Perhaps this happened when the teacher was much closer to his student and really replaced the father in many ways. In the 21st century this is no longer the case. Unfortunately, student-teacher relationships like this are a thing of the past. Gone forever.

Quote(Svaty @ 3.4.2009, 18:52)

Oleg Shaposhnikov has a good knitted formula for passing exams, if you are interested, I can draw it.

I would be very grateful! Please draw)

Quote(Izuminka @ 3.4.2009, 19:50)

And I’ll also add that the whole stream groans from her. She offends and finds fault with many!

Remembering your student years, I can recommend using an ordinary Thurisaz in the form of a button on a chair. Sometimes it had a good effect - the couple broke down at the very beginning. If Isa was planted in the upholstery of a chair in the form of a needle, it would turn out even cooler, but tougher.

I had a comical incident in the past. I experimented with gently asking one lady to move to another work area. Yes, of course, I don’t want to fly into space with her, I don’t want to hang out on the ISS for a year, but it was completely unbearable to work next to her, they didn’t get along in character. Even her smell depressed me, and mine depressed her. It happens, unfortunately. It’s clear, I knew that her personal life was not going well (as, by the way, this often happens with teachers who torment young people), so I just wanted to force her to move to another place without a scandal. Well, I cut out three runes on a beech block - a pair of Nautiz + Raido, formulated what I wished and that I do not wish her harm, attached it to her chair... And here it is - a mistake, the cleaning lady rearranged our chairs, I didn’t pay attention. This morning, for no apparent reason, I received an offer from my boss to switch to another workplace. The option doesn't suit me. When I realized what was going on, I attached the plate to her table. Here the effect has already turned out! She quarreled with everyone, caused a scandal and still left.
But treat her kindly, show her attention or create an amulet for her to eliminate the causes of her bad mood, maybe it would be more correct.

Quote(Ingwar @ 3.4.2009, 22:00)

And be kinder, show her attention

So the formula is: Nautiz-Nautiz-Raido, right?

Izuminka, I wouldn’t put runes in the photo. Otherwise I’ll tell you another tragicomic incident.
I somehow trust wood, stone, bone more. I understand that it may not be convenient for you to cut out a die with runes, but it would be advisable. And attach it to the place from which you would “like to ask” to leave. What will be the effect? In my case (oh, I acted like a bully in my youth instead of normalizing relations) it turned out that after the scandal that my ward caused, she herself began to look for an opportunity to leave. What played a role? I don’t presume to say anything. I considered Nautiz’s two persistent requests and Raido’s greased wheel sufficient.
And vampirism... Easily. Here we need to psychologically consider what is the cause of the “teacher’s anger.” Envy of young girls who are cheerfully walking into life? Anything else? If there is a conscious element of wrongness on her part, I think she will get it in the nuts.

Ingwar, many teachers sit on her chair, among them very good ones. This time. If someone sees me attaching pieces of wood to chairs with some kind of signs, they will at least twist their finger at my temple. That's two. And they will definitely see it - we have a lot of people. So the photo of her face comes in handy for me. Or I’ll draw Isa-Ansuz for her. I’ve already hesitated, it’s just terrible, for the life of me

Quote(Izuminka @ 3.4.2009, 22:46)

If someone sees me attaching pieces of wood to chairs with some kind of signs, they will at least twist their finger at my temple. Or I’ll draw Isa-Ansuz for her.

Yes, it's funny - fussing with pieces of wood near the chairs. Where are you going to store the photo from Isa-Ansuz? On a computer? In my opinion, this is the very thing that will help shut up the computer too.

Quote(Ingwar @ 3.4.2009, 23:33)

Where are you going to store the photo from Isa-Ansuz? On a computer? In my opinion, this is the very thing that will help shut up the computer too.
Or maybe it’s better to wish her well-being and a joyful mood? Say, Fehu + Vunyo?
Draw them in a photo and then not be afraid of negativity directed at you? It might be interesting if you suddenly become kinder to each other. We need to experiment.

I already printed the photo. I’ll keep it at home right away) Where else??) By the way, the printout turned out to be of poor quality - very stretched. It was originally given in a small size
If I suddenly feel that the so-called is on me. I'm done with the "rollback", then I'll just burn the photo along with the inscription. Surely this should stop the action? And I’ll build a defense for myself, oh

If I suddenly feel that the so-called is on me. I'm done with the "rollback", then I'll just burn the photo along with the inscription. Surely this should stop the action?

Maybe, or maybe vice versa, intensify. So it's better to bury it. Burying a photo of an enemy is always useful! It won’t be worse, but it could very well be better!

Quote(Izuminka @ 3.4.2009, 22:05)

I tried to approach her kindly, though. It didn't help. She's like energy vampire, by golly! By the way... maybe that’s exactly who she is?!...
Thank you for the formula (you had the cat on the chair). I'll try to draw her on the photo. I hope they don't kick me out of university
So the formula is: Nautiz-Nautiz-Raido, right?

If you want a teacher to leave the University, then it is better to use the Nautiz-Raido-Nautiz formula!!!

Quote (Runika @ 4.4.2009, 16:11)

If you want a teacher to leave the University, then it is better to use the Nautiz-Raido-Nautiz formula!!!

Runika, thank you!!

21.5.2009, 11:28

Thank you in advance

21.5.2009, 11:46

Quote (Rozza @ 21.5.2009, 12:28)

but I have a different situation. I need the person to leave the apartment and leave it to me (it’s rented, I’m just fine with the price). where he will go and what will happen to this person is the least of my worries. I’m sure that he, too, is of little interest in my fate. What would you advise me, dear masters?

Thank you in advance

Dichlorvos it!!! Do you think cockroaches are poisoned by dichlorvos?
No, they are just proud and offended when they are not loved, and dichlorvos is a symbol of dislike for cockroaches, there is a special word on it. the sign is drawn: a cockroach is crossed out (this is ancient rune).
So you will be happy with dichlorvos.

author Tony Montana
Working runes: Mannaz, Perth, Vunye, Naud, Isa, Turizaz, Hagalaz and Laguzy
Core: Mannaz, Perth, Wounier, Naud is an operator in whom everyone around them sees an ideal, perfect person who attracts them to themselves.
On the sides: Isa- prevents gossip and intrigue from breaking through, T urizaz– destroys all intrigue and gossip around the operator.
Top: protected and also destruction of the very intention to create problems for the operator.
Bottom: Hagalaz and Laguzy- removes all negativity directed at him from the operator and destroys it.

Quote: Espy:

Given runic becoming I tried it on myself and the rabbit on duty.
Applied on myself - left hand and to be on the safe side, on the desktop, I drew so that it would not be visible to strangers.

I stipulated that the formula ensures my ideality and perfection, makes me a professional in the eyes of others and attractive to colleagues, management, visitors, etc.... Moreover, becoming does not allow me to be drawn into intrigues and gossip at work, and also takes away negativity and other rubbish from me, destroys it and provides my protection from such dirty tricks, destroying not only the intrigues themselves, but also situations, the possibility of such situations occurring etc.

What I got as a result: when people come to my workplace on edge, they really forget about the negative. The subjects do not allow themselves to make harsh statements, as if something were holding them back. Moreover, a few minutes are enough for the tension to disappear and they, in good health, resolve all issues and go to good mood plow "in the field". Visitors have really stopped stuttering and muttering; there is no aggression or misunderstanding on their part. In general, I am a friend, comrade and brother to everyone, as well as an object of care. Moreover, disagreements usually arise with our offices scattered throughout the Russian Federation, but in ICQ people stopped being hysterical and nervous, the complaints somehow immediately ended and all discussions are carried out in a businesslike manner.
Moreover, people who used to bother me stopped calling me on my landline number. Well, the last trick is that the general director called me on the carpet, we calmly and kindly discussed all the matters and situations. Moreover, my boss uttered a heartfelt phrase: “Don’t think about it, no one here is weaving intrigues against you, you are a valuable employee and it is important for us that everything goes well...”. And now the crowning number from the boss - he asked: “Nobody offends you?” I didn’t expect such flourishes, since the management really cares about the workers, it believes that it will get a lot of people outside the gates. Oh, I forgot, one of the deputies brought me souvenirs from vacation. I'm under the table))))

Last edited

Becoming" Goldfish"
Complete subjugation of the enemy with reading his thoughts and plans, confusion, coercion to change actions in the direction we need, until the task is completely completed, etc., as punishment or resistance.

We climb into the enemy’s head, clearly reading his thoughts, our knowledge is clear.
Ansuz + Evaz + Manaz + Hagalaz + Dagaz - we delve into the enemy’s brains, getting necessary information us and transforming what we put into his head. Evaz-binding, we create direction of action and the enemy has nowhere to go. Manaz + Hagalaz - we completely break the will and, if there is any, we demolish the defenses. Dagaz - we transform his thoughts and actions. Breakthrough.
Below Raido+Naut is a hassle, forcing us to do what we need. On the surface - Io + Sol - inevitability for the enemy, we break even the most persistent, fool and hide our work.
Laguzy is our clairvoyance of the enemy’s thoughts, confusion and changing the flow as we need it. Hiding the work + Stunginn Is
- the enemy will not get to the bottom of our actions, while we stop things, close the roads, forcing them to follow ours. We provoke mistakes. Darkness and negativity.
All secondary nauts work to subdue and enhance the effect of the runes with which it is formed.
Two Isa came from Peort - with which we make the enemy a complete idiot. Our trap. We slow down his consciousness.
Above and below Kenaz + Yera + Sol + Ellikhvild.
Kenaz - clairvoyance, thoughts of the enemy. Yera is under our constant control, working until our problem is completely solved. Sol is an illusion for the enemy, he takes our confusion for his will.
Ellikhvild - we weaken the enemy. Every attempt to break free or not obey us is a terrible negative. Imprisonment, paralysis, destruction of all life, death.
Up and down peort-Ir- will enhance the effect of each rune embedded in the stave, until it is completely refracted and the situation changes in our favor. Breaks down all possible obstacles to our work and negativity!
From the Kenaz - Sovilo - we get our way. We highlight the machinations and thoughts of the enemy. The energy of the stave.
Tail: Isa go into Gebo-clairvoyance. Our connection with the enemy, he cannot hide. Teyvaz - we break through his brain. Let's find out his thoughts and plans. We destroy our defenses and deeds, we weaken our will. And the secondary Teyvaz - impotence of the creature from the nerves!!!
Algiz from the tail to the inside. Help us in everything, punish the enemy.
Ear - hidden negativity, complete destruction. The inevitable end to the machinations of the enemy.
Calculation - we break the enemy’s affairs, completely reset the situation and change it in our favor. With Teyvaz our protection!
Additional tyvazas on the tail are an undoubted achievement of our goal, protection of work.

Sample clause.

By the power of this position, and by the power of the Armed Forces (or the Gods who help you), I.... name.... understand, read, recognize from various sources, signs of thoughts, plans and intentions. ...the name of someone... in relation (or such and such a situation). I receive the information I need and by the power of this position, I completely block and break the against me, transforming thoughts and and force him to think and act as I need (or we say specifically how to act and think).
By the power of this cannot resist my suggestions and commands, not daring to act against my will (or we stipulate the situation), becoming stops his actions against me (or we describe the situation), completely closes the roads, pushes me to make mistakes, slows down his consciousness, completely forcing him to act and act only according to my will. This becoming with his power he breaks affairs, intrigues and me, completely nullifies the situation and changes it in my favor.
This position completely hides me and my work from all kinds of views and diagnostics, and also to accept my will as his own.
For every attempt to break free, he either does not obey me, becomes weak and with negatives, destroying his life.
Becoming begins his work right now, working until the task assigned to him is completely completed.
Stav works without the slightest physical or mental harm to me and my family........
Well, etc.

This is an example, edit to suit your situation.