Russian world in Orthodox culture Olympiad. School tour of the Olympiad in defense industry

The school tour of the XI All-Russian Olympiad “Fundamentals” has started Orthodox culture", reports

The “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” Olympiad is annually included in the list of subject Olympiads for RSOS schoolchildren in the subjects “History” and “Theology”. Based on the results of the examination of materials from the first Olympiad, which was carried out by the All-Russian Council of Olympiads, the Orthodox Olympiad was assigned the second level. This is the only confessional Olympiad among subject Olympiads.

The Olympiad “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture: “Holy Rus', keep the Orthodox Faith!”” has been held since 2008 by the Orthodox St. Tikhon’s Humanitarian University. The event is held with the blessing His Holiness Patriarch Moscow and All Rus' Kirill with the support Synodal Department religious education and catechesis, Ministry of Education Russian Federation, Russian Union of Rectors, Russian Council of School Olympiads, Presidential Grants Foundation.

Students of grades 4-11 of state, municipal and non-state educational organizations implementing general education programs, including educational organizations of the Russian Federation located outside its borders, can take part in the Olympiad on a voluntary basis.

The Olympiad is held in a set of subjects related to the study of the history and culture of Orthodoxy. Every year, more than 350 thousand participants from 10 thousand schools (every fifth school) in Russia, representing 80 regions, take part in it.

The school tour takes place in person on site. The teacher responsible for the school registers on the website, submits an application, downloads assignments in his personal account and, after the school tour, posts the results on the website.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, tasks for the school tour Olympiad will be distributed for the following categories of students: 1) for students in grades 4-5, 2) for students in grades 6-7, 3) for students in grades 8-9, 4) for students in grades 10-9. 11 classes.

Students in grades 4 in the module “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” will be able to take part in the Municipal Tour along with students in grades 5-11 in accordance with the Olympiad schedule.

Students in grades 4-5 in the module “Secular Ethics” are invited to take two tours: a school (autumn) tour from September 2018 to January 2019 and a municipal (spring) tour in March 2019.

Topics of the Olympiad for the 2018-2019 academic year:

  • “Speculation in stone”: stone church architecture of Ancient Rus'

The topic draws attention to the history of the appearance of temples and monasteries during the period of stone construction, their architecture, initiators and architects, the painting system, as well as memories of temples, reflection of the images and fate of these temples in painting and literature.

The topic allows you to delve into the mission of the holy brothers, better understand their feat, consider the fruits of the mission in Slavic countries - primarily in Bulgaria and Serbia, in which their works contributed to the final establishment of Christianity, see the cultural ties of Russia with other Slavic countries and the significance of the mission for the spread and statements Christian faith on Russian soil.

  • "Youth: freedom and responsibility."

More information is available at

On April 12, the federal round of the second All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren on the fundamentals of Orthodox culture is taking place at the Orthodox St. Tikhon’s Theological University.

Here are some of the questions and tasks of the Olympiad:

  1. This holiday originated in Russia back in the 17th century, but began to be solemnly celebrated only in the 20th century. Local cathedral 1917-1918 decided to celebrate it exactly one week after All Saints' Day(i.e. on the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost). In 1941, the beginning of the Great Patriotic War coincided with this holiday.
  2. In what year was the first metro line put into operation in the USSR, and the New Year tree was also allowed?
  3. The Psalter, a book written by King and Prophet David, begins with the words “ Blessed is the man who does not follow the counsel of the wicked..." What words does it end with?
  4. This pious girl married the Byzantine Emperor Theophilus, who was a convinced iconoclast. After the death of her husband, she had to manage an entire empire until her son Mikhail grew up. During her reign, a number of military victories were won, the state treasury was replenished, and most importantly, church cathedral, who restored icon veneration in the empire. A special holiday was established in memory of this event.
  5. Who is this saint and what is the name of the holiday?
  6. What does the word have in common? metamorphosis with the name of one of the twelve holidays?
  7. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky, Semyon Marmeladov, when meeting Rodion Raskolnikov, exclaims: “Behold the man!” Where did this phrase come from and who does it belong to?
  8. In parentheses indicate Orthodox holiday, on the day of celebration of which events related to the Great Patriotic War occurred (you only need to indicate the number under which the holiday is recorded).

9. Here is a fragment of the “Sermon on the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus'”, compiled by the great ascetic of piety of the twentieth century, Archimandrite John (Krestyankin). April 11 marked the 100th anniversary of his birth. Which newly glorified saints are we talking about?

“Now, in the year of jubilee, the Lord has given Russia new intercessors, filled with God's grace. IN different time they lived and walked along different roads along the path of God to the Kingdom of Heaven, but their hearts burned so brightly with love for God that this light did not fade away in time, but reached us and now shines for us on our path to God...

Now at the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, dedicated to the anniversary of the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus'... His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Pimen proclaimed: “It has pleased the Holy Spirit and us to number among the holy saints of God:

The blessed Grand Duke of Moscow ________________________________ (1350-1389), who showed the feat of a righteous and pious life... who gave his soul for his friends (John 15:13). He defended the faith of Christ, founded many monasteries, built churches and gave charity to the poor.

Venerable ___________________________________ (1360-1st half. XVc.), faster and ascetic, famous icon painter, theologian, who perfectly expressed the dogma of Triune God in his icon _______________________.

Rev. _________________________________ (1470-1556), locally revered Radonezh saint, wonderworker, ascetic monk and teacher of monastic life. He's like spiritual teacher deepened the patristic tradition.

Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus' ____________________________ (1482-1563), who showed a feat of virtuous and fasting life, for which he was awarded the gift of clairvoyance and miracle-working. His church activities are marked by the fight against heresies, as well as the collection of spiritual treasures of the Russian Church.

Schema-Archimandrite ___________________(__________________________) (1722-1794). He revived the school of eldership in Rus'.

Blessed _________________________________________________(XVIII– beginningXIXc.) She carried the feats of love for her neighbors throughout her long-suffering life, received the love of God in the gift of clairvoyance and miracles, and human love, which has not faded for the second century.

Bishop _________________________(_________________________) (1807-1867), devotee of piety, teacher Christian life and spiritual writer.

Hieroschemamonk _____________________________________ (1812-1891) - an elder, shepherd and preacher, a worker of love for God through people.

Bishop ________________________________________________(1815-1894). He demonstrated the height and holiness of life, preserving Orthodox purity and divine enlightenment in his fruitful service to the Church.”

We will ask the Lord for blessings, and from all Russian saints - prayers for the entry into the second millennium, so that their prayers will not become scarce in Rus' Orthodox faith in all its purity, so that neither we nor our descendants will forget God's commandments and covenants. And we will also thank the Lord for the millennium that has passed into eternity.

Our God, glory to You for everything and for everything forever and ever! Amen".

10. Describe the first photograph: what is captured on it, in what time interval could it have been taken? What connects these two photographs?

Indicative topics for the next five years (2016–2021)

The main theme of each academic year is related to anniversary dates of the calendar year in which academic year ends. The main theme coincides (in whole or in part) with the theme of the upcoming Christmas readings and is approved after the official announcement of the theme of the readings.
In addition to the main topic, each year’s assignments are related to a local topic that has a geographical feature. A geographically limited topic allows you to become more familiar with the history, persons, artistic and literary monuments of the selected region.
Topics for 2016/2017 were finalized on May 6, 2016.
Topics for Fall 2017 and beyond are approximate; subsequently, it is possible for the Olympiad methodologists to make adjustments and additions.

2016/2017 academic year
“Rus' is leaving”: Russian culture in the face of persecution
2017 marks the 100th anniversary Local Council Russian Church, which restored the Patriarchate. The cathedral took place in 1917/1918, which gives special grounds for dedicating the 2017/2018 academic year, first of all, to the memory of this historical cathedral, its participants and contemporaries. Some of the participants in the Council were glorified as new martyrs and confessors. These are people raised during the Synodal period; their lives, cultural and intellectual values ​​and worldviews are worth studying.
Anniversaries related to the topic:
Crash Russian Empire(February and October coups) – 2017
Restoration of the Patriarchate in the Russian Church – 2017

"Russian Presence in the Holy Land"
The theme is dedicated to the anniversaries of 2017:
200th anniversary of the birth of Archimandrite Antonin (Kapustin; 1817–1894) - the most famous head of the spiritual mission in Jerusalem, an outstanding pastor, Byzantine scholar, head of the Russian spiritual mission in Jerusalem, under whom its activities reached their greatest flourishing in the pre-revolutionary period.
170th anniversary of the founding of the Russian mission in Jerusalem (1847)

2017/2018 academic year

"The feat of the last Romanovs"
The topic, first of all, is connected with the main – tragic – anniversary of 2018: the murder Royal family and the great princes who became a symbol Orthodox Russia, who was brutally dealt with new government. This page in the life of the last Romanovs and people associated with them is characterized by the words “passion-bearing” and “martyrdom.” But, in addition to attention to the last Christian feat they accomplished, the topic implies the study of the “feat of everyday life” - attention to those years of the life of the Royal Family that preceded the persecution, the study of the spiritual baggage and experience of social service with which the representatives of the royal house approached the era of persecution.
in 2018 the 150th anniversary of the birth of St. imp. Nicholas II
2018 is the centenary of the death of the Royal Family, book. Elizabeth Feodorovna and other Grand Dukes

“Tsarist Crimea” (Crimea under the Romanovs)
Crimea was the favorite place of residence of the last Royal family. It was there that they wanted to spend the rest of their days after the overthrow of the monarchy. The rich and, as usual, difficult history of the peninsula was decorated with this deep affection of the royal house. The topic allows us to take an absentee trip to the Tsarist Crimea and try to understand what exactly aroused the royal sympathies and what Crimea itself received as a legacy from the kings who loved it.

2018/2019 academic year
“Speculation in stone”: stone church architecture of Ancient Rus'
The topic draws attention to the history of the appearance of temples and monasteries during the period of stone construction, their architecture, initiators and architects, the painting system, as well as memories of temples, reflection of the images and fate of these temples in painting and literature.
In 2019 - 540 years since the completion of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin (1479)
In 2019 - 1030 years since the beginning of construction of the first known stone temple ancient Rus'– Tithe Church (989)
In 2018 - 1030 years of the Baptism of Rus'.

“The Slavic world in the era of St. Cyril and Methodius"
2019 dates:
1250 years since his death Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril, one of the brothers (869)
800th anniversary of the Serbian Orthodox Church receiving autocephaly (1219)
1100 years of the proclamation of autocephaly of the Bulgarian Church (919)
The topic allows you to delve into the mission of the holy brothers, better understand their feat, and consider the fruits of the mission in Slavic countries - primarily in Bulgaria and Serbia, where their labors contributed to the final establishment of Christianity. The topic allows you to see the cultural ties of Russia with other Slavic countries and the significance of the mission for the spread and establishment of the Christian faith on Russian soil.

2019/2020 academic year

"The Age of St. Alexander Nevsky"
in 2020 - the 800th anniversary of the birth of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky
Approximate content of the topic: military feat (of the prince himself and in general), defense of the faith, holy and unholy contemporaries of the prince from princes, laity and clergy; princely family; veneration and temples associated with his name.

LOCAL THEME (two options):
I. “Solovki: past and present”
in 2020 - the 300th anniversary of the repose of St. Job of Anzersky.
The topic is connected with the new martyrs and, in general, the host of those who suffered for Christ on the archipelago: St. Job was from Mother of God revelation that Solovki will become the Russian Golgotha. But the history of the monastery is interesting even before the terrible twentieth century.

II. "Orthodoxy in America"
The American Orthodox Church is a daughter Church of the Russian Church. The theme of the year includes the following aspects: the history of the American mission, the emergence and spread of Orthodoxy in America, the feat of Russian missionaries and saints, Russian monasteries in America, etc.
Anniversary dates:
in 2020 - the 50th anniversary of the autocephaly of the American Orthodox Church (1970).
In 2019 - 225 years since the appearance of the first Russian missionaries in Alaska (1794), St. Herman of Alaska.

2020/2021 academic year

“Russian school in modern times (from Peter the Great to 1917)”
2021 will mark the 300th anniversary of the establishment of the Slavic school under Peter I at the Alexander Nevsky Monastery.
The topic allows you to get acquainted with the types of schools and ways of obtaining education in the 18th–19th centuries, the duration, levels and quality of education, the level of knowledge of graduates, and the teacher training system. Related to this topic is the general question of Christian attitudes toward education.

"Orthodoxy in Japan"
2021 marks 160 years since the Russian missionary Archimandrite Nicholas (Kasatkin) arrived in Japan in 1869.
And the second date is 2021: 120 years since the release of the complete translation of the New Testament into Japanese, prepared by St. Nicholas (1901).

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'

with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Russian Union of Rectors, the Russian Council of School Olympiads, the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Russian Orthodox Church, the META Educational Foundation, the St. Basil the Great Foundation

Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University

Olympiad on the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture:

“Holy Rus', keep the Orthodox Faith!”

School tour,IVclasses, 2015 2016 academic year

Read the text and complete the tasks. Time to complete the work is 30 minutes.

Athos (or simply the Holy Mountain) is the world's largest center of male Orthodox monasticism, located in the northeastern part of Greece on the peninsula of the same name (part of a larger peninsula called Chalkidiki), washed by the waters of the Aegean Sea. According to legend, Christianity was preached on Mount Athos by Sama herself. Holy Mother of God, who accepted this land as a “sustainment” - a place of Her special care. From the very beginning of the history of Athos monasticism, women were prohibited from entering the peninsula.

There is no reliable information about the time of the appearance of the first monks on Mount Athos. The first known Athonite ascetic is Reverend Peter(beginning of the 9th century), who led a hermit’s lifestyle, like most of Athonite monks of that time. By the end of the 10th century, cenobitic monasticism had already predominated on Athos. It was started by the Monk Athanasius of Athos. He built a monastery, which was later called the Great Lavra and became the main monastery of Mount Athos.

Many traditions of monastic work were brought to the Russian land precisely from Athos. Founder of the Kiev Pechersk Monastery Reverend Anthony took monastic vows at the Athos monastery of Esphigmen. The abbot of this monastery received a revelation from God that St. Anthony will gather a great host of monastics in Rus', so he said: “Antony! Go back to the Russian land - let those living there prosper through you and become established in the Christian faith; May the blessing of the Holy Mountain be with you!” St. Anthony returned to Kyiv and settled in a cave, where disciples began to gather around him and a great monastery grew, which became the “cradle of Russian monasticism.”

The first written evidence of the existence of a Russian monastery on the Holy Mountain dates back to 1016. One of the documents of the Great Lavra is dated this year, on which there are signatures of all the abbots and, including the abbot of the Russian monastery: “Gerasim the monk, by the grace of God, the presbyter and abbot of the monastery of Rosov, testifying, signed with his own hand.”

This Russian monastery was called Xilurgu (which means “Woodmaker” or “Carpenter”). The name is probably due to the fact that Russian monks built their first temples from wood, unlike the Greeks who preferred stone. The cathedral church of this monastery is consecrated in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God. It dates from the beginning of the 11th century; this is one of the most ancient temples on the Holy Mountain.

When the number of monks in Xylurgu increased, the Russian monastery moved to a new location: in 1169, the main Russian monastery on Mount Athos became the monastery in honor of St. Panteleimon, located high in the mountains. Now this monastery is known as Nagorny or Old Rusik.

Constant raids on Athos by various conquerors mercilessly ruined it. Another disaster that often threatened the monasteries was fires. In one of the severe fires of the 13th century, all the property of Old Rusik and manuscripts telling about the early period of its history burned down. The restoration of the monastery was helped by the Byzantine emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos, who in 1312, with a special charter, secured the rights of the Russian monastery to land in Thessaloniki and the Chalkidiki peninsula.

In subsequent times, the Russian Athos monastery either gained strength again or fell into desolation. But even in difficult times for Russia and Athos itself, Russian monks visited the Holy Mountain, receiving invaluable lessons in asceticism here. Reverend Neil Sorsky (1433–1508), following the Athonite tradition, founded a new type of monastery for Rus' - a monastery - and drew up a special “Charter on the residence of a monastery”. The principles of Svyatogorsk asceticism were preached by a monk of the Athos Vatopedi monastery who came to Russia Rev. Maxim Greek (1470–1556).

The gradual revival of the Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos began in the first half of the 19th century. By this time, the monastery was already in a new location - in the coastal zone. The spiritual revival of Rusik is associated with the works of Elder Gerasim of Athos, who became abbot in 1832 and established ties between the monastery and Russia. Since 1830, after Russia won the war with Turkey and Turkish troops liberated Athos, Russians again began to freely come to the Holy Mountain and take monasticism.

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were about two thousand monks in the St. Panteleimon Monastery and its monasteries (Xylurgu, Stary Rusik, etc.). The monastery's courtyards were established in Constantinople, Thessaloniki, Odessa and Moscow (the first Athos chapel was built in 1873 at the Epiphany Monastery on Nikolskaya Street). In 1875, the New Athos Simon-Kananitsky monastery was founded by the Athonites in Abkhazia.

In 2016, celebrations will be held on Athos in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the Russian presence on the Holy Mountain.

Based on materials from the Russian Athos website

The work was completed by __________________________________________ Class ________________

Task 1. Write a definition.

1.1. - name of the first monastery in Kievan Rus.

1.2. - abbot of the monastery.

1.3. - a monk who leads a solitary lifestyle.

Task 2. Answer the questions.

1. Name of the founder of the first monastery in Kievan Rus

2. To what year does the first written evidence of the existence of a Russian monastery on the Holy Mountain date from?

3. The name of the abbot under whom the revival of the Russian Athos monastery began in the 19th century

4. What century dates back to the Russian Assumption Church in Xylurgu?

5. In what year did the Byzantine emperor secure the right of the Russian Athos monastery to land plots in Thessaloniki and on the Chalkidiki peninsula?

6. What saint is named after the Russian monastery on Athos?

Task 3. Establish correspondences (enter the letters corresponding to the numbers in the table on the right)

1. Great Lavra

2. Athos Chapel on Nikolskaya Street

B. Abkhazia

3. Vatopedi Monastery

V. St. Afanasy

4. New Athos Monastery


5. “Charter on residence in the monastery”

D. St. Maxim Grek

6. Millennium of Russian presence on Mount Athos

E. St. Nil Sorsky

Exercise 1

Task 2

Task 3

Sum of points