Symbols that give magical power. Symbols of Satanism (12 photos)

The article provides answers to the most current issues, which are directly related to magical symbols and their possible interpretations today.

Magically protecting your home from thieves

One of the powerful conspiracies that will last for a year. Place a candle in each corner of the room, as soon as they burn down to half read “Sword, fire, spear, pitchfork, stab, burn, chop the enemy, my envious one, the thief who comes into the house. It’s better not for a thief to come into my house, so that I don’t know trouble, so that my health doesn’t get worse, so that my life doesn’t become bad. The road to my house is guarded by angels, these angels stand in the corners. Angel Michael, angel Gabriel, angel Uriel, angel Jehudiel. No one will be allowed into the house if they come with evil intentions and leave. Amen".

Magic protection, what is it?

A method of protecting a person using magic, spells, and rituals from various harms.

Magical symbols of white magic and their meaning

In white magic great amount various symbols. The main ones:

- Pentagram. One of the main protective signs. A shield that reflects evil spells, turning them towards the one who wished evil. Helps white magicians cope with black ones, trapping their powers. Allows you to gain the strongest power.

— Talisman of Venus. With its help in white magic, it is possible to achieve harmony and love in relationships. It gives women beauty to attract men.

- Yin Yang. The oldest symbol. A symbol of harmony, the existence of which can be maintained thanks to two elements, Yin and Yang. The masculine and feminine principles are found in this sign.

Celtic cross. Helps connect worlds, in difficult situation will help you cope with trouble.

- Crystal ball. Used by magicians as a guide to another world.

- Circle. Symbol of unity and integrity. For many white magicians, this sign represents the forces of Mother Earth.

Magic signs of Enoch, symbols and their meaning

The Seal of Enoch can hide people from demons.

Magic signs of the Celts and their characteristics

- Valknut. A symbol in the form of an interlacing of three triangles. Symbolizes transitions between worlds.

— Celtic knot of protection. The name speaks for itself, it protects from evil spirits and black magic on all sides.

— Brigid's knot. Brigid is considered the main female deity of Ireland. First of all, it is a female talisman. Carries a powerful charge of positive energy.

- Thor's Hammer. Symbolizes a lightning strike, the sun wheel. Used for protective purposes.

Magic signs that are drawn on the body, hand and their meaning

The dolphin will bring good luck to its owner.

The spider will protect against diseases and improve health.

Lotus helps to reach great heights.

The infinity sign will bring financial independence to its owner.

The star will help make life more favorable and bring good luck.

The all-seeing eye is painted by those who want to have power over the whole world.

Barhomet is a satanic sign.

Magic signs of love, good luck, amulets, black magic items and their meaning

The Christian symbol of the Trinity, the Sign of Perun, the Seal of Lao Tzu will bring good luck.

The Venus talisman will bring true love into the owner’s life.

Lunnitsa is a talisman symbol of life and fertility.

The wedding dress is a talisman for the newlyweds for a long and happy life.

In black magic, natural parts are most often used, such as hair, clothes, nails, photography.

Magical protection for home and yourself, children, witches

Such protection is placed on the threshold, near the windows. Speak to the water " Pure water, protect, save from evil eyes, languages. Let all evil be reflected from you. Amen". Spray the threshold, door, windows with this water.

Magic signs for attracting money and good luck, losing weight, bringing wealth

The Fehu rune, a frog with a coin in its mouth, will bring wealth and good luck.

The Isa-Kano-Dagaz rune will help you lose weight and stick to a diet.

Magical protection after removing damage

Magic signs of protection from evil, dark forces and in the form of a swastika: how to put it, make it and how it works

A circle containing the heads of two wolves.

The symbols Algiz and Nautiz have protection from evil.

You can make amulets that will always be nearby.

Or choose the option with a tattoo, these include: catcher again, eye of Horus, black sun.

Magical symbols of the moon angels

Every day has its own angel, every angel has its own symbol.

Avdala, Valsar, Cardo, Fupres, Rapel, Lovkor, Fezhala, Dytola, Yumas, Yanas, Norot, Dorol, Pagrus, Musaf, Covas, Zenor, Nedo, Fel, Somen, Malara, Fersas, Gibera, Tiba, Rosalya, Anvar, Saden, Mater, Vashet, Vydash.

Magic protection reiki sign

The Cho Kurei sign has magical power protection. This is the first Reiki symbol. With the help of this symbol you can both clear space and pump it up with strength.

Magic symbols of the ancient Slavs, Slavic Aryans

The altar boy is a symbol of the unity of the Light clans.

Belobog is a symbol of luck, goodness, unity.

Veles is a symbol of prosperity and wealth.

The star of the cross is a symbol of good luck, the path to success, the intended goal.

Magic protection bottle with iron

The so-called Witch bottle is a bottle filled with various ingredients, including an option filled with iron. With the help of various spells you can achieve some success.

Magic protection with impenetrability

Take a candle and light it from both sides. Rotate around its axis along with a lit candle, wax will drip onto the floor. Say 5 times “I close my enemy’s eyes, I take cover, I close myself.” I impose a blanket of impenetrability against any enemy, evil man I'm closing myself off. Amen".

Magical protection for pets

To protect the animal from the evil eye, cut off hair from the head and hair from the tail. Roll into melted wax. Hide this ball in the house so that no one finds it.

Magic signs triangle in a circle

Triple Tau - represents the line beyond which holiness ends, and within which lies the spiritual center.

The Seal of Solomon is a symbol of power over matter, Gives you the opportunity to dominate the genies.

Barhomet - an inverted pictogram symbolizes involvement in Satanism.

Magic workplace protection

Best done on a Sunday evening. Fill a clear glass with water and add a little salt. “Angel, save my soul, save my body. I urge you to help me, take the evil eye and damage away from me. So that in this place there is only a career. Amen".

40 mysterious symbols
Occult, mystical, magical and similar symbols (signs) can be found on notebooks, decorations, walls, clothing and other objects. It is important to know magical signs and symbols and their meaning.

Kabbalistic tetragram
Kabbalistic tetragram. The Kabbalistic tetragram (hexagram) or the Masonic “Solomon’s Seal” therefore depicts the devil as an equilateral triangle, equal to the first, but only with its apex facing downwards and not upwards, thereby denoting the complete opposite of Satan - God. Used to summon evil spirits to the center of a hexagon drawn on the ground.

Kabbalistic Tetragram 2
Kabbalistic tetragram. The symbol below is a type of hexagram and is listed as the great state seal of world Freemasonry. This seal reveals the number 666. There are three angles in a triangle. Three corners - three sixes.

Masonic "Solomon's Seal"
Masonic "Solomon's Seal". The Masons and their branches of all kinds: theosophists, spiritualists, occultists and many others. etc., this symbol is most often called the seal of Solomon. The first is Alpha, i.e. The One who came first is the second - Omega, i.e. the one after.

Heartgram. A symbol intended to promote the opposite of love and hate. Often used as a tattoo. The symbol below is a type of hexagram and is listed as the great state seal of world Freemasonry.

Church of Satan
Church of Satan. This is the symbol of the Church of Satan in San Francisco. It is also found in The Satanic Bible under the Nine Satanic Commandments. This symbol always speaks of involvement in Satanism.

Cross of Confusion
Cross of confusion. This symbol was first used by the Romans, who disputed the truth of Christianity. A symbol meaning the denial of Christian values ​​and the Divine essence of Christ.

Swastika. The swastika sign itself dates back to ancient times, when this sign was a symbol of the god of fire - Agni. Its priests worshiped the sun at sunrise, greeting it with the raising of their right hands. In China it is known as "Wangzi" - the mystical sign of "Buddha's heart", "virtue" or "ten thousand".

Pentagram. Five pointed star This is the most important symbol in magic. It is commonly used by Witches and Warlocks (WICCA) for "White Magic". For Kabbalists, it becomes a symbol of the power, omnipotence and autocracy of Reason. Rock bands love to use this symbol.

Letter G
Letter G. The invariable affiliation of each Masonic lodge is the letter G, inscribed on the wall or in the center of a flaming star. She was a symbol of a person radiating from himself mysterious light, and thus installed this wonderful emblem.

Scout sign lily
The Scout symbol - a lily decorated with two pentagrams - Scouting arose on the initiative of Baden-Powell, a member of the Scottish Ritual Lodge. In addition, the so-called full scout badge contains the Masonic motto " Be ready“, and the ribbon on which these sacramental words are depicted is decorated with a Masonic knot.

Barhomet. An inverted pictogram forming the head of a goat. It is on the cover of The Satanic Bible. This is a fairly serious symbol and almost always indicates involvement in Satanism.

Barhomet 2
Another symbol of Baphomet. Aleister Crowley wore this symbol and it was also worn by 33 degree founder Albert Pike of the Freemasons. The sign of Baphomet, as a symbol of Satanism, began to be used only after the emergence of the Church of Satan and the release satanic bible. Visually this symbol looks simple, but spiritually it has a special meaning.

Eye of Horus
Eye of Horus - all-seeing eye. One of the few symbols related to Lucifer (as his followers also call him - the king of hell). What is shown in the picture? A tear flows below the eye because he mourns those beyond his influence. In addition to the image of one eye, there is an amulet of the eyes of Horus with hands holding a bow of life or a papyrus-shaped staff.

All-seeing eye
All-seeing eye. It is believed to be the eye of Lucifer and those who claim to have control over world finances. Used in fortune telling. Witches and all similar magicians worked through this emblem. It is also a symbol of the Illuminati. Look at the US dollar bill and you will find this mountain with an eye on it. This is the basis of the New World Order.

Symbol of St. Andrew's Freemasonry
In the symbols of St. Andrew's Freemasonry, the eagle means the fearlessness of free masons and the royalty of their art, and the sword means war. The crown means a symbol of royal power, and the sword means strength and justice. This is the Russian coat of arms converted into the Masonic style.

Compass and square
The compass and square are one of the most common Masonic symbols. The compass is a symbol of the universality of the Masonic society. The square is a symbol of law and conscience. This is the interpretation of the symbols in Johannine Freemasonry, but already in St. Andrew's - the compass symbolizes eternity, and the entire sign - a hexagram. This symbol can be found often in modern society.

Sign of medieval Masonic lodges
Sign of medieval Masonic lodges. The next symbol represents the sign of medieval Masonic lodges, the number 4 is the symbol of the lodge. On the sides of the sign are the letters I and B, i.e. Joachim and Boaz. This symbol is practically not found in modern Freemasonry.

Graphic representation of the word "lodge"
Graphic representation of the word "lodge". “The lodge is a symbol of the universe and at the same time perfect human life. By entering into it, the layman must die to the world and rise again in Freemasonry.” In Lenoir’s interpretation, which he applied to the legend of Hiram, “... the lodge is a symbol of the earth, and its member is the son of Osiris and Isis.”

BINDU - Point in a circle
This symbol is used in occultism, magic (as perfect completeness), and Freemasonry. The circle with a dot in the center represents the full cycle and renewed perfection, the resolution of all possibilities in existence. This is also the symbol of BINDU. Bindu is the subtle center from which this structure grows. Bindu is the original source from which the chakras manifest themselves.

Black mass
The Black Mass is a satanic rite, the antipode of Christian liturgy, first of all, a profanation of the Eucharist. The Black Mass differs in that it is performed in full, or in parts, in the reverse order.

Symbol of modern Templars
The symbol of the modern Templars and the new sect of scientists that appeared in America at the end of the last century. The crown is a symbol of highest enlightenment and wisdom. Another unique symbol of the Knights Templar is the red cross.

Oriflamme - we see the mentioned symbol in Roerich’s creativity and works. We see the same sign in Papus’ book “Genesis and Development of Masonic Symbols.” Such a symbol, as a rule, is drawn not separately, but as a part or element of some symbolic picture or collage.

Oriflamme 2
Another version of the Oriflamme symbol. The Star of David is one of the most powerful magical symbols in mystical teachings antiquities. However, the real oriflamme was one in which the three points were not enclosed in a Star of David, but in a simple circle.

Bonfire Brothers
Bonfire Brothers are scouts who work only under the flag of H.S.M.L. The Roerich cross in the center of our attention is a sign of the approaching, according to the teachings of theosophists, the era or era of Agni, the era of cosmic fire. No wonder Vel. East France already has a lodge “Agni”, founded on May 14, 1920 in Paris (“Mysteries of Freemasonry”, p. 53), the symbol of which is the swastika, and the ends of the Roerich cross are reminiscent of flames. In the center of the cross are the letters K.B. - Bonfire Brothers

Trident Symbol - Trident symbol
The Trident is a symbol of execution among occult groups. There are many options. The word "trident" comes from the French word trident, which in turn comes from the Latin word tridens or tridentis: tri "three" and dents "teeth". The Trident in the Coat of Arms of Ukraine is known as Tryzub, the literal translation of "Trident". In Greek, Roman and Hindu mythology, it means power and control over the ocean.

Zodiac - Zodiac
The zodiac sign is used in satanic and occult worship. Zodiac signs - 12 sectors of 30° each, into which the zodiac belt is divided in astrology; each of these sections is assigned certain metaphysical properties that play a role in the analysis of horoscopes. This sign can be found on many horoscope calendars.

Ankh. As a symbol of inexhaustible vitality, the ankh sign was applied to the walls of temples, monuments and utensils. The Ankh, the Coptic cross, is a symbol that originates from ancient egypt. It was used as an amulet to prolong life. The sign was used when burying the dead, because they believed that the dead would continue to live, only in another world. E.P. Blavatsky, in her book The Secret Doctrine, described the ANKH symbol as a sign of oath, life and covenant. Gods and pharaohs in images often held the ankh in their hand or passed it to people. The sign was given to those who were acquitted in the Courtroom, which meant they received life for “one hundred thousand million years.”

Tetragram - Kabbalistic cross. The inscription of this symbol was applied in Masonic lodges to the forehead of an initiated student by the Master of this lodge, who initiated the neophyte into the next step of the Masonic pyramid. This is a symbolic blessing on the thorny path of a newly initiated Mason into a new secret.

Anarchy. Symbolizes the denial of all laws. Originally a "punk rock" symbol, it is now also used in Satanism. This image can be seen on the walls of almost every city.

Neuron Cross
Neuron Cross. Also known as the “symbol of peace” (pacifism). This is a symbol of the inverted and then broken cross of Jesus Christ. Denotes hatred and contempt for Christianity. Some people wear this symbol without even knowing what it means.

Aquarian Star - Aquarius Star
Aquarius Star. Symbol Star of Aquarius (Unicursal Hexogram) - coat of arms of the Guardians of Knowledge, symbol greatest magic and strength. The symbol is represented in the shape of a six-pointed star, in some cases surrounded by two circles. The symbol is a little reminiscent of the head of a goat - Satan, which performers of heavy rock music like to draw.

Triscele (Trisili)
Triscele (Trisili). This symbol is the Celtic version of the Chinese Yin-Yang (TAO) symbol. It was believed that this was a symbol of the "Celtic goddess" which showed her three faces.

TAO (Yin and Yang)
TAO. The ancient Chinese symbol was originally used to represent polarity, holism and magic. Chinese symbol TAO: Yin and Yang are two opposites that are present in all creatures, substances, and natural phenomena.

Mark of the Beast 666
Mark of the Beast. Represents the sign of the beast and the number of the Antichrist (666) according to the book of Revelation. “This requires wisdom! Let him who is endowed with understanding calculate the number of the beast, because it is the number of man. And his number is six hundred and sixty-six. (Rev. 13:18)"

Mark of the Beast FFF
Another version of the mark of the beast 666. The letter F is the sixth letter of the English alphabet. This is a veiled version of the number of the beast and the sign of the Antichrist. There is little information about this symbol.

Number 23
23 is the number of the secret society of the Illuminati. This is the number of members of the Sanhedrin. The number 23 is a Kabbalistic symbol of completion. There are 23 visible characters (letters and numbers) on US coins. In I-Ching, 23 means “to break.” There is probably some other hidden meaning of this symbol that we do not know about.

Inverted cross
Origin of this symbol is associated with the church tradition that the Apostle Peter was crucified on the cross upside down at his own request, because he considered himself unworthy to die the same death that Jesus Christ died. Inverted cross. Often called the "Southern Cross". Symbolizes hatred and mockery of the cross of Jesus Christ.

Lightning. Means Satan according to Ev. Luke 10:18, “He said to them, “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning.” Also known as the Satanic letter "S". An attribute of all blacksmith gods, such as Hephaestus, Vulcan and Thor. Thunder is a voice heavenly gods, and lightning is their weapon, destroying snakes and spiritual opponents and symbolizing divine wrath.

Skull and Bones
Skull and Bones - secret society. The human skull and the crossed bones underneath/ Is both a symbol of death and fearlessness in the face of it. Skull and crossbones symbolism was used by ancient priests and priestesses around the world, from the Mayans to Central America to the Etruscans in Europe. On some icons, the crucifix is ​​depicted with a skull and crossbones at the base and serves as a reminder of death on the cross.

Two fingers up gesture
The gesture has many meanings. a) An alternative gesture forming the head of a goat, general symbol Satanism. If you point down with two fingers, it means that Satan is imprisoned in hell and will not be able to bring harm to people. But if two fingers are raised up, this is a symbol of the triumph of the devil, the victory of evil over good. b)

During World War II, Winston Churchill popularized this sign to indicate victory, but it involves the back of the hand facing the speaker. If during this gesture the hand is turned with the palm towards the speaker, then the gesture takes on an offensive meaning - “shut up.” c) During the Hundred Years' War, the French cut off two fingers of captured archers, with which they pulled the bow string. And the lucky owners of a full set of fingers teased their enemies by showing a “V” with their hand, palm turned towards themselves. The French considered this gesture offensive to themselves. So this sign is still considered indecent in England, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand...

Satanic salute
Satanic greeting. Hand with curled fingers in the shape of a goat's horns: The greeting sign among Satanists is known as the "Satanic salute." Young people thus raise their hands during rock concerts. Forms the head of a goat, a common symbol of Satanism. He is on back side"WITH
Atanian Bible."

There is information that this gesture is not only among Satanists, this gesture is also found in Orthodox faith, found in the east (in Buddhism), and is a gesture against the evil eye (you can jinx someone in the same way).

They can be presented in the form of ordinary plants: rose, orchid, clover leaf. Or, for example, act in the form of mythical animals: a dragon, a unicorn. Can be signs: magic knot of luck, infinity sign. It doesn’t matter in what form he appears before us magical power symbol, what is important is the impact that the symbol has on a person’s life. Let's get to know some of them.


Turtles are the most popular in the practice of using Feng Shui symbols. It is believed that the turtle gives strength, endurance, and longevity. She is a symbol of stability and constancy. The turtle is a traditional family talisman protecting peace and tranquility in the house.

In order to protect their child from the evil eye and the negative influence of others, mothers put a talisman in the form of a turtle on him. Thus, they seem to give the child under the protection and patronage of their family. There can be one turtle, or the talisman can consist of three turtles representing three generations of the genus together. For a children's talisman, it is best to use, first of all, eye quartz, which is traditionally considered a talisman stone. Falcon, Tiger, Bull and cat eye, will be reliable protectors of your child. You can also use: rose quartz, amethyst, jasper, turquoise. A talisman can be a figurine carved from stone, or a product made from natural stones decorated with a metal pendant in the shape of a turtle.


In Feng Shui, fish symbolize wealth. They are used to attract prosperity and abundance in the home or office. A fish looking up promotes movement along career ladder, guarantees high achievements, recognition and glory.

Most often, carp, goldfish, and also dragon fish are used as a talisman. A goldfish with a coin in its mouth brings good luck in business and is a symbol of wealth. A fish jumping out of the water symbolizes the growth of prosperity.

A figurine of a fish carved from stone is good to place in the house in the area responsible for finances. These figures can also be used as a keychain. Traditionally, rhodonite is considered a stone for attracting money, helping a person gain self-confidence and giving the ability to focus on the main thing. Whoever wears it becomes more purposeful and, as a result, his financial situation increases. The bull's eye will be your assistant in a labor-intensive and lengthy project. He will give you the strength to complete the job you started and make a profit, despite the difficulties. A tiger eye amulet will help you defeat ill-wishers, and carnelian will give you the opportunity to clearly assess the current situation.

The Dragon

The dragon is one of the four celestial animals and is an important and powerful symbol in Feng Shui. The dragon creates positive chi energy, which brings good fortune to the home of its owner. The dragon figurine is a symbol of success, power and high social status. The dragon sector is located in the eastern direction, a talisman placed in this zone brings good health and longevity. Usually, to attract good luck when making dragon figurines, stones such as aventurine, agate, carnelian, and jasper are used.


Dolphin is a symbol of health. Whoever wears a dolphin pendant around his neck will always be protected from evil spirits and deadly illnesses. Since ancient times, the dolphin has been the personification of selfless love for man, so it has become a symbol of friendship.

The dolphin represents the power of the sea, speed, devoted love, salvation, transformation. The meaning of this symbol is directly based on the natural kindness, intelligence and playfulness of this mammal. It is a symbol of the sea element. In some religions, this cute mammal signifies joy, unpredictability and playfulness. A creature that lives in two elements, sea and air, is the link between the earthly and the heavenly, the king of fish, the savior of shipwrecked people. He is an allegory of salvation, inspired by ancient legends that depict him as a friend of man.


In Feng Shui, the horse symbolizes success, loyalty, courage, speed and endurance. A symbol of life, optimism, diversity of feelings and perpetual motion. The horse carries the wind of change, forces that renew nature, eliminate cold, stagnation and bring positive changes to human life. In the East, the Horse is considered a friend of man and a protector from evil spirits. It is also considered a manifestation of the spiritual principle and patronizes gifted people - artists, poets, musicians. The horse helps to reach the heights of spirit and immortality. The horse represents quickness of thought, brightness of imagination, talent and creativity.

A talisman made in the shape of a horse figurine brings success in career and business, and helps create the image of a powerful and dynamic person. It is not for nothing that horse figurines carved from stone are presented as gifts to business managers, thus emphasizing the status and high position of the boss. Onyx, sardonyx, and jasper are often used as materials for making talisman.


In Feng Shui, a cat attracts money luck, prosperity and new opportunities. A cat's raised paw to money means an increase in wealth and profit. A sacred animal among many peoples, the cat symbolizes cunning, developed intuition, clairvoyance, sensual beauty, the ability to transform. The cat figurine is a symbol of independence, grace and strength.


In Feng Shui, the rooster is a symbol of good luck and large monetary profits. A figurine in the shape of a rooster helps to gain wealth. Typically, such figurines, carved from stone or made from metal, are presented as gifts to people to fulfill wishes related to large sums money. To attract wealth, you can also wear a talisman in the form of a pendant in jewelry.


In Feng Shui, the elephant is a symbol of wisdom, strength, longevity, and stability. A talisman in the form of an elephant figurine helps you make the right decisions and emerge victorious from a difficult situation with dignity. The elephant personifies support and protection, teaches patience and worldly wisdom, which says that every difficult task in life is given to us along with the strength to implement it. The elephant is also considered good family amulet. He keeps peace in the family by preserving and increasing the love of spouses for each other. For these purposes, it is best to purchase a figurine of an elephant made of carnelian or jasper.


The Chinese believe that the unicorn has a sacred power with which it brings good to people. The Chinese unicorn or Qi Lin symbolizes longevity, luxury, celebration, splendor, happiness and joy. In Chinese mythology, the unicorn is believed to love being alone. And he always appears at the moment when a sage is born or when an outstanding ruler rules the country.

The unicorn talisman in Feng Shui has two strong functions - attracting wealth and eliminating negative influences.

There are no special rules for placing a unicorn. The main thing is to place it so that it faces the door, no matter where it is standing, in a room or in a corridor.


The eagle in Feng Shui represents wisdom, knowledge, freedom and power. This majestic bird symbolizes the path of enlightenment and enlightenment. A figurine in the shape of an eagle carved from stone will help its owner in revealing spiritual powers, will influence clarity of thinking, and will help to more clearly understand one’s true goals and intentions. Such a talisman is worth purchasing and wearing to activate your creative, intellectual and physical potential when you start a new business or project. Recommended stones: falcon, bull's and tiger's eye, onyx, sardonyx, rock crystal, serpentine, agate, jasper.


The butterfly is a symbol of the soul, immortality, rebirth and resurrection. It symbolizes the ability to transform, to transform, since this beautiful winged creature is born, transforming from a small crawling caterpillar. The butterfly carries creativity within itself, helps to easily perceive the surrounding reality, coloring gray everyday life with its rainbow colors. Figures in the shape of a butterfly help to gain lightness, independence, and creativity. This is a symbol creative people: artists, writers, poets, musicians. This talisman will also help those who want bright changes in their lives.


In all traditions, the ladybug acts as a symbol of good luck and good news, as well as a symbol of grace, kindness and forgiveness.

It is believed that the Ladybug acts as a messenger between people and God between the world of the living and the dead. That's why different nations there is a custom of asking the most intimate questions about life and death, about the weather and the harvest, about marriage to this insect.

For the Dutch, a ladybug landing on a person is considered a good omen. The Czechs believe that finding a ladybug brings good luck. The French believe that a talisman with her image will protect children from misfortune and warn of danger. For these purposes, you can use pendants in the form ladybug placing them in a bracelet or wearing them as a pendant on a chain.


This exquisite and beautiful flower is considered in Feng Shui a symbol of the desire for perfection in everything. Orchids are the personification of calm, beauty and inner harmony. In China, they are also symbols of luxury, elegance, patronage and fertility. The living flower itself, its images or pendants made in its shape have become a symbol of abundance, spiritual growth, beauty and purity. It's no wonder that orchids are such popular houseplants.


Roses are a very ancient symbol. In Feng Shui practice, the rose symbolizes love and beauty, romance and passion. According to Feng Shui, Roses are considered good choice for the bedroom, as they promote harmony and tenderness, creating an atmosphere of romance. Rose brings good luck and promotes love in the family.


In Feng Shui, the lotus is considered one of the most powerful talismans for attracting happiness and romance into your life. An image or carved stone figurine in the form of this flower placed in the southwest of the room will provide favorable luck for the home and its inhabitants.

four leaf clover

As you know, clover has a leaf consisting of three parts (trefoil). Quatrefoil is very rare in nature. Therefore, it is considered a symbol of good luck. At the same time, the first leaf means faith, the second – hope, the third – love, and the fourth – luck. In Irish culture, a clover with 3 parts (shamrock) symbolizes the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If you come across a four-leaf clover, then the 4th leaf signifies God's grace.


An acorn is just the fruit of an oak tree. However, it is a symbol of prosperity, youth, strength and good luck. The Scandinavians believed that oak protected from lightning, therefore, in order to protect yourself from lightning entering the house, you should put an acorn on the windowsill. Even during the time of the Norman conquest of England in 1066, the English carried dried acorns in their pockets, hoping that trouble would pass them by. And nowadays the acorn is given as protective properties, and the ability to attract good luck and long life.

The acorn symbolizes strength, power and energy. An acorn-shaped talisman can help in implementing long-term projects. Promotes the correct and harmonious distribution of one’s forces on the way to the goal, helps to see true position business It is good for these purposes to use it in the form of a keychain, or to wear it as jewelry on the body.


Orange symbolizes fertility, splendor, love. Orange blossoms are an ancient symbol of abundance, used in brides' wreaths. This tradition existed for a long time in Christian countries, but it meant chastity. The orange color of oranges is associated with fire and luxury, except in Buddhist countries, where the orange robes of monks symbolize humility. It is customary to eat oranges on the second day of Chinese New Year as a guarantee of wealth and success.


One of the three trees that bloom in winter - an oriental symbol resilience, longevity, happiness and spiritual truth. Bamboo was an attribute of the compassionate bodhisattva Guan-ying and noble people in general. Its tubular, ringed stem was associated in the East with the stages of initiation; it could also symbolize the Buddha himself.

Tree of Happiness

The tree of happiness in Feng Shui is considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth. The talisman is an artificial tree with leaves made of semi-precious stones. The tree of happiness is a family talisman; its roots actively absorb negative Sha energy, and its branched crown saturates the atmosphere of the house with positive Qi energy.

For each individual or his seven tree leaves are made from certain type stones, depending on the tasks of the talisman. You can use a tree of happiness talisman made in the form of a pendant, then the stones are selected according to the owner’s horoscope.


The pyramid is a powerful tool for creating and balancing positive energy. By using pyramid crystals, we harness our own hidden powers to achieve a better future and create good feng shui.

The pyramid in Feng Shui is a practical tool for harmonizing the mind, body and spirit with the environment.

Magic knots

Magic or mystical knots are knots connected in this way, when neither the beginning nor the end of this figure is visible, therefore the main idea of ​​​​such knots is that they symbolize the infinity of the process. The number of elements or knots that make up the figure itself can be different, and the knot itself can be knitted from thread, ribbon, metal wire, or simply drawn on paper. The mystical knot is a popular element of carving, embroidery, door patterns, vases, and furniture.

In literature you can find different names for this figure: mystical knot, knot of happiness, endless knot, knot of luck, eternal knot. The Mystic Knot is not a symbol invented by Feng Shui, it is simply used in Feng Shui practice to enhance an idea. It is popular in many cultures in both Asia and Europe. In fact, this is a traditional Buddhist symbol of good luck, symbolizing the idea of ​​​​the infinity of life, the idea of ​​​​reincarnation - the idea of ​​​​the continuous rebirth of a person from one body to another. It is one of the eight auspicious symbols of the Buddha.

In Feng Shui, the mystical knot also symbolizes the idea of ​​continuity, but not the process of rebirth, but the processes of obtaining good luck, achieving happiness and well-being. In Feng Shui there are many symbols that bring good luck in one area or another of life. If a mystical knot is tied or simply attached to any symbol or amulet, this symbolizes the endless duration of the process that the amulet itself symbolizes. If the amulet is for money, then the knot means an endless influx of money. If the symbol is for love, then the knot means endless love. If the symbol is for health and longevity, then the knot means a very, very long life.


Horseshoe is one of the ancient symbols Good luck. It is believed that she is able to ward off the “evil eye.” Since a horseshoe protects a horse's hooves, people may have thought that it would protect them too. Horseshoes are forged by blacksmiths, and they, in turn, are considered the creators of happiness, because they work with one of the main elements - fire. Some theories claim that the shape of a horseshoe resembles a horned moon, and this is also a symbol of good luck. If the horseshoe is hung upside down, great luck awaits you. People usually hang horseshoe magnets above their doors, hoping to attract good luck.

Sacred number 7

Number 7 is the number of completeness, completeness, perfection of eternity, infinity, space and time. IN Holy Scripture The number 7 is of extreme importance. It can be considered in two respects: as 6 + 1 or as 4 + 3.

In the first case, its symbolic meaning is determined by the narrative of the creation of the world. In 6 days God created heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested from work. On the other hand, the number 4 is the image of the world: 4 angles, 4 winds, 4 verses and 3 the image of the Holy Trinity. So 4 in conjunction with 3 represents the world united with God, creation reunited with its Creator. Thus, seven is a cherished number expressing harmony, unity, perfection and peace. Seven rays of light, seven colors of the rainbow, seven tones of sound, seven days a week.

Sacred number 9

As a triple triad, the number nine has exceptional significance in most cultures. In China it is considered the most favorable number and the most powerful and effective in the context of the philosophical system “yin - yang”; the number nine was the basis for calculations both in architecture and land use, and in Taoist religious rituals. In mysticism, "nine" is considered a threefold synthesis of mind, body and spirit.

This number was a Jewish symbol of truth and a Christian symbol of order within order, hence perhaps the division of angels into nine orders or choirs. Nine heavens were in many traditional ideas about the structure of heaven.

The number nine was a key element in shamanic rituals in North and Central Asia. Nine days and nights during which norse god One, having pierced himself with a spear, hung nailed to the world tree Yggdrasil, symbolizing the period required for his magical restoration and rejuvenation.

Eye of Horus

An Egyptian symbol, a painted image of an eye with a spiral line underneath, reminiscent of the coloring of some types of falcons - the emblem of the falcon-headed sky god Horus, a symbol of his all-seeing power, the integrity of the universe. The right eye is considered a symbol of the active and solar principle, the left - of the passive and lunar principle. According to ancient Egyptian myth, the lunar eye of Horus was torn out by Set in the battle for supremacy among the gods, but after Horus's victory in this battle it grew again. This myth became the reason for the extreme popularity of the Eye of Horus as an amulet to ward off evil.

The Eye of Horus represents the Sun and Moon, symbols of light and the victory of wisdom over darkness, taking away pain and suffering. This amazing amulet attracts good luck and protects against misfortune.

Eye of God

For Christians, the eye is a symbol of God the Father (triangle with an eye inside - the emblem of the Divine Trinity). Symbolizes omniscience, the all-seeing eye, the ability for intuitive vision.

The mystical third eye, sometimes called the "eye of the heart", symbolizes spiritual vision, which different religions associated with different concepts: in Hinduism with the power of Shiva and the synthesizing power of fire; in Buddhism with inner vision; in Islam with supernatural clairvoyance. The third eye depicted on Shiva's forehead is also called the inner eye.

Medusa Gorgon, whose gaze turned people to stone, was a symbol of the “evil eye.” Perseus used a mirror, reflected in which, Medusa's gaze killed her. This myth is the reason why the eye talisman is considered to ward off evil; its image is still placed above the doors of houses in Turkey.

Infinity sign

On the one hand, it is a simple mathematical symbol, and on the other, it has a deep symbolic and even magical meaning.
The sign of infinity means the eternity of existence, innumerability and the impossibility of knowing this world. The infinity sign is a symbol of man's desire for everything perfect and ideal.
The infinity sign has been used in Tibetan rock engravings. He was depicted as a snake biting its tail. According to legend, this snake, named Ouroboros, tried to eat its tail, but over time it grew back and this went on forever. Therefore, it began to denote the beginning and the end, and their connection in natural cycles.
The meaning of the infinity symbol in paired bracelets and jewelry expresses the desire of lovers to be together forever, and at the same time is a symbol of fidelity to each other.
Also, infinity is the desire to live without boundaries and restrictions, because the infinity sign itself was conceived as a symbol indicating the impossibility of specifying boundaries, numerical or quantitative measures.


Cross with a loop, symbol of immortality - corresponds ancient Egyptian symbol of life, or soul. The most sacred cross of the Egyptians is a sign of a living, oath, covenant, which was held in the hands of their Gods, the pharaohs. Perceived Christian Church as a sign eternal life in Christ. Its shape can be interpreted as rising Sun, as the unity of the male and female principles or other opposites, as well as the key to esoteric knowledge and the immortal life of the spirit.


WHEEL- a figure symbolizing the solar path.

The wheel symbolizes perpetual motion. In a spinning wheel, the movement repeats itself. The wheel is a sign of the solstice.

In Buddhism, the wheel symbolizes a continuous chain of rebirths. In addition to the “wheel of life”, the “wheel of law” - karma - was popular in Buddhist semiotics.

The wheel is also a symbol of Fortune, happy occasion, testifying at the same time to the impermanence of life. In a drawing popular in the Middle Ages, the Wheel of Fortune featured four royalty. According to the dynamics of the rotation of the wheel, their mottos are: “I will reign,” “I reign,” “I reigned,” and “I fathered.”

The wheel is a sign of dynamic life, eternal continuous movement. It acts as an emblem of speed.

Ancient symbolism has transformed over time. Images that have a certain meaning today sacred meaning, could initially have had a completely different meaning. We have collected 10 symbols and gestures, the meaning of which has changed significantly over time, and in different cultures they may have different meanings.

1. Star of David

The Star of David is the most common symbol of Judaism. However, unlike symbols such as the menorah or shofar, this star is not uniquely Jewish. Before becoming a Jewish symbol, a similar star appeared in Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. It is unknown whether these characters have common origin or, more likely, were invented independently by different people due to the basic nature of the design. It is simply a hexagram-shaped symbol in which equilateral triangles form a six-pointed star with a hexagon in the middle.

2. Ichthys

Most people know the ichthys symbol not by name, but visually. The "Jesus Fish" is a common Christian symbol. It is often found on bumper stickers on cars. Centuries ago, when Christians were persecuted by the Romans, they often used the ichthys as a secret symbol to identify other Christians. It is assumed that when two strangers first met, one of them drew the first arc of the symbol, and the other, if he was a Christian, completed the second. However, various pagan cults used this symbol long before the rise of Christianity. It had various meanings, but most often symbolized fertility. Now the symbol has somewhat changed its purpose: it is used by Protestants.

3. Cross of St. Peter

Speaking about Christian symbols, one cannot help but recall the cross of the Apostle Peter (an inverted cross), which is now the most powerful anti-Christian symbol in the world. However, previously this cross was one of the main Christian symbols in the world. The story of its origin is as follows: when the Apostle Peter was crucified, he decided that he was not worthy to die in the same way as Jesus Christ, and asked to be crucified upside down. After this, the inverted cross became a symbol of humility and can be found in some churches. This does not mean that people worship Satan there. The inverted cross has only recently come into use as an anti-Christian symbol, after being featured in the horror films The Exorcist and Rosemary's Baby.

4. Skull and crossbones

This symbol today has two well-known meanings. Firstly, it means poison. Secondly, it is associated with pirates. The Jolly Roger - the pirates' flag - is usually depicted with a skull and crossbones on it, although most pirates actually used their own personal images. The Spanish used this symbol much earlier to indicate a cemetery. You can still find old churches and missions with skull and crossbones on them.

5. Hair salon signs

Typically, barbershop signs consisted of posts painted with red and white stripes in a spiral pattern. The red stripe symbolized blood, in particular bloody bandages. For most of history, barbers did more than just cut hair and shave beards. Many of them were also surgeons who often performed bloodletting on clients. People believed that it was possible to get rid of any disease simply by bleeding the “bad blood.” Hairdressers used clean bandages or towels to absorb the released blood. After this, they often hung the bandages on poles in front of their establishments for advertising.

6. OK gesture

For most Americans, the "okay" hand sign means "I'm fine" or "I agree." However, you should avoid using this gesture abroad because in very few other countries it is viewed favorably. In most other countries it will mean nothing. In many European countries this symbol is offensive because it means that the person is a complete zero. In some Mediterranean and South American countries, this sign is a symbol of the anus.

7. Devil's horns

Nowadays, "devil horns" are a gesture that occurs at any heavy music concert. Ronnie James Dio popularized the use of this gesture, after which it became associated with heavy metal. In fact, this gesture came from time immemorial and was not at all associated with Satanism. It was a healing gesture called "Corna".

8. Caduceus

The Caduceus, also known as the Staff of Hermes, is often used by medical organizations. He is depicted as a staff with wings and two snakes that wrap around this staff. The caduceus is very often confused with the “rod of Asclepius” - a staff without wings and only one snake that coils around it in a spiral. It is the second symbol that is truly medical, since Asclepius was ancient Greek god medicine and healing, while Hermes was the patron saint of traders and merchants.

9. Symbol of peace

Most people associate this symbol with the rebel culture and hippie movement of the 1960s. Unlike other known symbols, the peace symbol does not have ancient origin. It was created in 1958 by Gerald Holt as a call to launch a campaign for nuclear disarmament.

“I was desperate. Deep despair. I drew and tried to imagine a man in despair, with the palms of his hands extended outward and downward - approximately in the manner of Goya's peasant before being shot. I formalized the drawing into a line and placed it in a circle"- said Holt himself. According to him, the irregular cross is a gesture of despair and a sign of death, and the circle is the unborn child.

There have been attempts to connect this symbol with Nazi symbolism and the Satanic broken cross, but any similarities are purely coincidental and have no basis in fact.

10. Swastika

Many Europeans associate the swastika exclusively with the Nazis. In fact, the swastika (also known as the gammadion cross) is a universal and one of the most ancient symbols in the world. The swastika appeared in ancient religions, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism, and was also used by ancient civilizations - the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and Celts. Images of the swastika have even been found on pottery that predates the official history of mankind. Some of the older images of the swastika are found in Hinduism: the clockwise swastika is a symbol of the god Vishnu, and the counterclockwise one symbolizes Kali.

Throughout its history, humanity has created many interesting books. But there are among them, at least, that are shrouded in mystery and mysticism.

If you want to have a powerful talisman that can turn your life around, then use a symbol of good luck. Exists a large number of figures and drawings that have energy that needs to be directed in the right direction. You need to choose based on your own feelings.

Symbols that bring good luck

People have long used various talismans to protect themselves from negativity, become happier, and... The most popular symbols that bring good luck and wealth:

  1. Acorn– attracts success, gives strength and fulfills desires.
  2. Bee- represents wealth and good luck in all matters.
  3. Butterfly– attracts well-being and helps achieve goals.
  4. Cat– considered a symbol of luck.
  5. Ladybug– denotes luck, prosperity and blessing of the Higher powers.

Symbol of good luck - clover

Many plants have energy that can influence humans. The four-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck that is national to the Irish. People believe that if you can find such a plant, then you can expect positive changes ahead. To turn a clover leaf into a talisman, it must be dried and always carried with you. Magic signs and symbols that bring good luck can be made of gold or other materials. There are several ways you can use clover:

  1. Place the sheet under the insole of your shoe before leaving the house, and then you can attract it to you.
  2. To attract good luck and financial stability, you need to carry clover in your wallet.
  3. To protect your home and attract happiness, you need to place the clover under glass and hang it opposite the front door.

Symbol of good luck - star

To change your life for the better, you can use the Erzgamma star as a talisman. She is able to attract good luck, give success and protect from troubles. This symbol is considered to be a guiding star of the subconscious, which will help you not to stray from the right path. It is recommended to wear it around the neck so that the amulet is closer to the heart. You cannot keep it with you for a long time and it is best to put it on a few days before the event and take it off some time after it.

If a symbol of good luck and luck causes negative sensations when worn, this indicates that it is better not to use such a talisman. There are several opinions about what the presented sign may mean:

  1. Astrologers believe that the 12 rays of a star represent the signs of the zodiac. The symbol denotes the unity of the stars in the sky and infinity.
  2. Numerologists are sure that 12 is the meaning of the Moon and the Sun. The Erzgamma star attracts good luck due to the influence of the most powerful celestial bodies.
  3. Esotericists consider the symbol as the center of the Universe or a powerful chakra that is responsible for life.

Symbol of good luck - key

A powerful ancient talisman is the key, which attracts good luck and protects against negativity. In modern magical practices The amulet is used to gain wisdom and knowledge of existence. There are several ways to use the symbol of good luck and wealth:

  1. It is recommended to wear a key on a chain around your neck as a personal amulet. If it is made of gold, it will be able to protect a person from negativity and attract success.
  2. A talisman in the form of a bundle with three golden keys is a symbol of health, wealth and finding love.
  3. When describing the symbols of good luck, it is worth highlighting the large key of Solomon, which is used in practical Kabbalah. Such a talisman is not suitable for ordinary people, and it is recommended to wear it only if you have a magical gift.
  4. The key, made of silver, is ideal for students, aspiring businessmen and people who want to advance in their career.
  5. You can hang a bunch of keys in a prominent place in your home as a talisman that will attract good luck and protect you from negativity.

Symbol of good luck - horse

The noble animal is used as a talisman in Feng Shui, which will attract success in work and business. There are several types of horses with their own meaning:

  1. An animal rearing is intended to attract recognition and victory to a person.
  2. A bareback and galloping animal is a symbol of good luck, which represents victory over opponents. It is recommended to use a figurine or painting of such a horse to achieve success in your career, business and competitions.
  3. A horse surrounded by jewels is used to attract good luck, improve financial situation and increasing importance in society.

In order for the symbol of good luck to produce results, it is necessary to correctly position the figurine or painting in the house. The horse should be placed in the southwest and south directions. It is important that the figure is not directed towards the window or door. Feng Shui experts do not recommend placing an image of a horse in the bedroom. To achieve success at work, place a horse figure on your desktop.

Symbol of good luck - horseshoe

One of the most popular symbols for attracting good luck is the horseshoe. In ancient times, it was believed that if a person finds such a thing on the street, then success and happiness await him. This is due to the fact that in those days a horse was considered the personification of wealth, since not everyone could afford it. The symbol of happiness and good luck should be made of metal. According to tradition, a horseshoe must be placed above the door.

As for how to hang a talisman correctly, different countries There are differing opinions:

  1. In the East, Latin America and many European countries, it is customary to place a horseshoe with its horns down so that happiness flows from the ergot into the house.
  2. Residents of England and Ireland have the opposite opinion, who believe that the horns should be directed upward, as this will symbolize a full bowl.
  3. A symbol of good luck, a horseshoe in Italy is hung so that every person entering the house touches it. In Mexico, on the contrary, no one is allowed to touch it, so as not to steal their happiness, so they hang it high, decorated with ribbons and coins.

Symbols of good luck of different nations

Many peoples, associations and cultures have their own unique talismans, which have powerful energy that can attract success and change the world for the better. Famous symbols that attract money and luck:

  • in Africa - crocodile teeth;
  • in Asia - bamboo and cricket;
  • the Indians have kachina (special dolls);
  • in Egypt - scarab.

Slavic symbol of good luck

The ancient Slavs made various amulets with their own hands, which have not lost their popularity for a long time. Powerful symbols They were applied to belts, bracelets, headbands, and also made pendants. Slavic symbols good luck and wealth were made from fabrics, embroidered on clothes and painted on dishes or walls. The most popular are the following symbols of good luck and wealth among the Slavs:

Japanese symbol of good luck

To attract success into their lives, Japanese people use figurines of the seven gods of Buddhist syncretism. Each of them is responsible for their own area and the most popular are the following people:

Chinese symbol of good luck

Many talismans popular in China are known to us thanks to the popular teaching of Feng Shui.

Indian symbol of good luck

Many will be surprised, but one of the main symbols of good luck for the people of India is the swastika, which is a cross with curved ends clockwise or counterclockwise. The solar sign is seen as the personification of life, abundance and light. The symbol that brings good luck is carved on the walls of many temples, rocks and monuments spread throughout India.