The Sun in the 12th house is famous people. Planets or zodiac sign in the twelfth house

Tendency to withdraw into oneself, often lonely and alienated from normal contacts. They find self-affirmation by working in hospitals, shelters, and places of physical and spiritual solitude. Secret activities. Can be very strong secret enemies or unknowingly be your own enemies.
You are interested in professions related to helping or activities where your efforts are not visible, where you can act behind the scenes. Having to assert yourself or stand in front of an audience can make you very uncomfortable.

B. Israelite. Planets in houses

A person’s task is to pay off the debts of the collective. Karma of the collective or society in which you were born. "Hostage of the system." He hides his pride, ambition, desire to dominate, drives it into the subconscious. Has an internal feeling of loss of self. Circumstances conducive to self-analysis are associated with praise and glorification. He looks at this world as if from the outside. Likes to play alone. This is a game with yourself - good, good-natured, graceful.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in houses

God the creator.
The will of this person (karmicically) should be directed towards impersonal service to the Absolute, and if the person does not do this, karma takes its unequivocal measures to direct him along this path.
In the harmonious version, the pressure of fate does not cause a person any particular inconvenience; he completely voluntarily does what she suggests to him and is not inclined to complain; The only thing is that he sometimes lacks conscientiousness, firstly, due to the general relaxing effect of harmonious aspects, and secondly, because the responsibility of serving the XII house becomes obvious only at a high level of human development. Nevertheless, even with a completely harmonious Sun, a person feels his difference and distance from all other people and from the world as a whole, as if he were covered by a thin but quite noticeable shell. The meaning of this shell, permanent imprisonment, is not to separate a person from the world, but to separate him from his own lower manifestations, so that he can perform his service at a sufficiently high level.
However, a person rarely correctly understands his position and purpose, especially in his youth, and often strives to destroy this shell and be like everyone else, sometimes trying specifically for this purpose to indulge in debauchery, which still will not satisfy him and will not provide the desired result.
The defeat of the Sun gives a strict karmic program - outside world leads a person along a complex but clearly defined path, and he must learn to adjust his will to the imperative dictates of the Absolute, accurately guessing them, which is given only by long practice and the complete abolition of arrogance and personal attitude towards his life.
This person is a hostage of the Absolute, and he is allowed to realize only inner freedom: External restrictions must be respected. Volitional rebellion here leads to disaster (for example, hospitalization).
Processing requires the ability to calm and humble one’s lower will, and then a person’s own and partly the world’s karma is revealed, and within its framework - the freedom of life’s creativity.
This position of the Sun predetermines the need for sacrifices, mainly in the form of restrictions on external free will, and one must learn to see these restrictions and voluntarily follow them, perceiving them as indications on the right path.
At a low level - the fate of a prisoner of circumstances or a jailer of his loved ones.
The main hidden enemy is one’s own voluntarism, the imperatives of the ego, perceived as absolute or as instructions from the higher self.
This person understands the outcasts, the unfortunate and the lonely very well, and feels his duty to them, but will begin to selflessly help them only with significant elaboration of this position of the Sun: at a low level he will hope for a reward, at an average level he will secretly wait for a feeling of unity, reverse sympathy, or even though admiration and fleeting power over those he helped.
In general, there are many secrets, riddles, mystical coincidences in life, the meaning of which should be sought more in inner life than in the external one.

Indubala. Planets in houses. (Indian tradition)

This person may have spiritual knowledge and little interest in material name and fame. Such people have weak eyesight, they separate early from their father and show weakness or indecisiveness if they become a leader in any business. They change their activities frequently, may lose a child, love to travel, visit foreign countries, and often live in secluded or unusual places.

Bill Herbst. Horoscope Houses

Imagination. Fantasy occupies a central place in your life. No dreams - no vital energy. Fantasies are created around two groups of images: monumental conceit, where you command the entire universe, or total sacrifice, liberation from the self and dissolution into space. The difference is that one image expands the ego and the other evaporates it, but the end result is identical: reunification with everything. The trap is not distinguishing between what is real and what is only possible; what is really happening and what is happening in your imagination. Don't get lost in the Twilight Zone; you may become crazy. The task is not to resist any of the spaces. Let your dreams influence yours real life and vice versa, and let your fantasies gently guide your development and not cloud reality.
Unfocused intuition. Give in to intuitive perception important place in your life, without controlling the specifics of what you accept, and your life will be filled with energy and sound. Throw away your intuition, and you will block access to cosmic energy. Don't strain yourself trying to understand why you are entering streams of images, feelings, bits of information. Don't try to figure out what they mean or what you should do with them. Your task is to remain radiantly calm, vibratingly quiet. The trap is misinterpretation, creating complex forms but missing the truth. The task is to become a clear channel through which the universe can send messages; become a prism for invisible light.
Withdrawal or solitude. You need to move away from everyday life very often. You need privacy to recharge. Yours life goal reveals itself when you are most isolated from life. You return to the world full of renewed enthusiasm. You are everywhere and nowhere at the same time real person and simply a vessel into which divine revelations are poured. The balance of this paradox, the simultaneous existence of both poles, gives you strength. Meditation in some form is a basic necessity.
Selfless help. When you give your all with complete compassion, you connect directly to your divinity. When you act by forgiving, you are absorbing vitality. When you give of yourself, you fulfill what is destined by fate. But such dedication does not mean martyrdom for you. You shouldn't sacrifice yourself completely. Instead, you need to make people understand that we are all passengers on the same ship. Don’t try to be a saint, because quite often such behavior boomerangs on the growth of your egoism. Respond with your whole being, with your whole life, to that power that comes not from the ordinary human self, but from above. "Not my will, but Yours."
"Past Lives" Your past lives are pressing on you, pushing you to feel and understand them. You need to bring together the entire set of past lives in the current incarnation if you want the whole evolutionary pattern to be filled with spiritual meaning. The exact nature of these lives cannot be assessed based solely on the position of the Sun. However, we can assume that their basis is the development of the effectiveness of the individual’s existence with the help of the fullness of individual power. In addition, it can be said that your relationship with your father or other authority figures is karmic in nature. A fairly natural trap is to repeat the mistakes of the past without freeing yourself from attachment to it, which allows these patterns to play a major role in your life. The goal is to see each event as a sign of the past and adjust your behavior accordingly. As a result, you can achieve true spontaneity rather than being destroyed by repetitive cycles of unconscious response.

Universal interpretation. Planets in houses

Although such a person lacks self-confidence and likes to spend significant time alone, he is still able to understand the subconscious part of his own nature. Until the age of 30, he is subject to many restrictions. He is attracted to work in organizations, charities and research centers, although more often he likes to stay away from human gaze. This aspect is great for acting, as playing a certain role helps to hide your true feelings. If planetary energy is used incorrectly, such a person becomes a great enemy to himself. He must learn to serve others and in no case allow himself to indulge in self-pity. Such people like to go into their own depths in order to explore the sources of their subconscious. They often live alone and avoid active social contacts. Even if they occupy a leadership position, they prefer to act “from behind the scenes.” They show an active interest in psychology and esotericism. They assert themselves in work in hospitals, shelters, church institutions and prisons. Improper use of energy enhances neurasthenic tendencies, creates extreme shyness and even unsociability. There is a desire to guide others in secret ways and by hidden means. Such people are unconsciously selfish and openly strive for power, although they don’t show it, because their lust for power is hidden in the depths of the psyche. And the leadership style itself is discreet and bright, but behind-the-scenes and mysterious. Such a person often has many strong secret enemies. The tastes and inclinations of such a person are very rare and unusual. They can achieve success in medicine, chemistry and esotericism. They need quiet, safe and solitary activities, as solitude allows them to assert themselves and avoid disturbing conflicts. Their life passes far from their native places, help and mercy come immediately after they realize the need and need. They are prone to self-sacrifice, love invisibility, tolerate solitude patiently, and are often busy looking for exciting situations that could awaken their perceptions and “tickle their nerves.” They achieve success in life through honest, selfless work, overcoming significant obstacles on the way to it. There is a tendency towards a mystical perception of the world, which leads to alienation from people. The bosses treat such employees with poorly concealed hostility, since rumors and gossip give such a person a bad reputation. If energy is used incorrectly, health turns out to be poor. There is a tendency to unwittingly create conditions for limiting one’s own freedom. Often such people are interested in naturopathy, herbal medicine, astrology, hypnosis and extrasensory perception. Their life is full of trips and travels. The premature death of the father is not excluded, especially if the Sun is affected.

>> Sun in the 12th house

A person born under is characterized by self-doubt and spending time alone, but can understand the subconscious half of his own soul. Until his thirties, he is subject to many restrictions.

Communication with a person with the Sun in the 12th house

He is attracted to work in public organizations, charitable foundations and research firms, but he does not like to work in public view. He will be successful in acting because stage acting gives him the opportunity to hide own feelings and experiences.

If the energy of the planet is not used correctly, then this person becomes an enemy to himself. It will be useful for him to learn to serve others, but it will be extremely harmful to feel sorry for himself. These people love to dive into the depths of the subconscious itself in order to understand and study it. They try to avoid society and prefer to be alone. In a leadership position, people still choose to act quietly and unnoticed.

Character of a person with the Sun in the 12th house

Their interest in esotericism and practical psychology is extremely great. They feel needed if they work in hospitals, religious institutions, shelters and prisons. If vital energy is not used correctly, then neurasthenia, shyness and alienation appear. These people are subconsciously selfish and secretly seek power because dominance is hidden deep in their psyche.

Their leadership style is mysterious and colorful, but not overtly expressed. They are promised success in chemistry and medicine. This person has hidden and influential enemies. They simply need peace, privacy and security, otherwise acute conflicts are possible. Their life usually passes far from their homeland.

They can sacrifice themselves, do not like to be seen, tolerate loneliness well, but are prone to seeking adventures. On the path to success, they encounter many challenges and achieve it through their own hard work. Management does not hide their hostility towards such employees, spreads various gossip and spoils their authority. Health is often poor due to improper use of energy. Their interests include astronomy, herbal medicine and hypnosis. They love to travel. They may lose one of their parents early.



In the 36th year of life, the owner of the horoscope will suffer from inflammation of appendicitis. He will have questionable morals, spend money on ungodly activities and incur loss of wealth. He will be accused of killing a cow and will live far from his homeland. The conjunction of the Sun with a favorable and strong planet or planets bestows the blessing of God on the owner of the horoscope. He will also enjoy sexual relations. When the Sun is in conjunction with an unfavorable planet, the owner of the horoscope will be excessively wasteful and deprived of sexual pleasures. If the Sun is conjunct with the lord of the 6th house, leprosy is possible, but if the aspect is favorable on the Sun, this can be avoided. The presence of the Sun in the 12th house indicates sinful tendencies and large quantities diseases.


The 12th house is the worst of dusthanas, the house of losses and restrictions. When there is a malefic planet in the 12th house, all its negative characteristics are revealed if there are no benefic planets in the 12th house. The owner of the horoscope will have poor eyesight, indecision, weakness of character, inability to lead, wastefulness and extravagance. Like pitri-karaka. The Sun in the 12th house will give early separation from the father.

A person with such a horoscope will love to travel, visit other countries, and strive to live in secluded or unusual places. He can survive the death of his child, since the 12th house is the eighth house (maraka sthana), counting from the 5th house, the house of children, but for this event to happen, a number of factors such as affliction of the 5th house, putra -karakas of Jupiter and the lord of the 5th house, must be present in the horoscope. One of the characteristics of the 12th house is sexual satisfaction and Bhrigu Muni discusses this issue in detail.

The 12th house speaks of future life and, therefore, about the karma that is being accumulated now. The malefic Sun in it can speak of immorality, a tendency to immoral acts, shame and dishonor. Bhrigu Muni writes that the owner of the horoscope "will be accused of killing a cow." IN Vedic tradition killing a cow is equivalent to killing a brahmana (priest), since a cow is considered one of the seven mothers of a person, along with the mother who gave birth, fed, raised, the wife of a brahmana and the wife spiritual teacher. The Earth is considered the seventh mother of man. Crime or negative actions against their mothers, according to scriptures, lead to severe karmic consequences.

In addition to negative characteristics, the Sun in the 12th house endows a person with interest in spiritual knowledge, success in occult practices, renunciation of worldly affairs, indifference to fame and material success. For the manifestation of favorable indicators of the 12th house, the importance of the conjunction of the Sun with good planets is especially emphasized. Moreover, if the Sun is in the sign of Leo, as the lord of the 12th house in the 12th, Viprit Raja Yoga is formed, which gives very favorable results.

Other opinions:

"Brihat-jataka" - degradation of personality.

"Pholadipiki" - the owner of the horoscope will be unfriendly towards his father, deprived of wealth and children and suffer from eye diseases.

"Saravali" - dishonesty, weakness, hostility towards the father and childlessness.

“Chamatkar-chintamani” - the life of the owner of the horoscope will pass in one place in constant concern about earning money. But long trips promise him the acquisition of significant wealth. Possible eye diseases.

(The text is taken from the book: “Houses and Planets in Vedic Astrology.” and is reproduced with the kind permission of the author - Indubala Devi Dasi.)

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Sun in the XII house: (+) - great interest in secret matters of meditation, solitude, contact with nature, asceticism. Loners, who do not like to be noticeable, know how to remain alone with themselves in any society. They prefer an illegal position, are secretive, and do not like to be exposed. They know how to keep other people's secrets entrusted to them. Secret organizers, behind-the-scenes informal rulers. Far from contacts, alone, the spirit of such a person only benefits. Secret work on self-improvement.

(+) Seraphim of Sarov, Catherine de Medici.

(-) Tchaikovsky, Omar Khayyam, Solzhenitsyn, Garshin, Dante

Globa P.P.

Sun in the XII house
Tendency to withdraw into oneself, often lonely and alienated from normal contacts. They find self-affirmation by working in hospitals, shelters, and places of physical and spiritual solitude. Secret activities. They may have very strong secret enemies or unconsciously be their own enemies.

Francis Sakoyan.

Sun in the XII house
God the creator.
The will of this person (karmicically) should be directed towards impersonal service to the Absolute, and if the person does not do this, karma takes its unequivocal measures to direct him along this path.
In the harmonious version, the pressure of fate does not cause a person any particular inconvenience; he completely voluntarily does what she suggests to him and is not inclined to complain; The only thing is that he sometimes lacks conscientiousness, firstly, due to the general relaxing effect of harmonious aspects, and secondly, because the responsibility of serving the XII house becomes obvious only at a high level of human development. Nevertheless, even with a completely harmonious Sun, a person feels his difference and distance from all other people and from the world as a whole, as if he were covered by a thin but quite noticeable shell. The meaning of this shell, permanent imprisonment, is not to separate a person from the world, but to separate him from his own lower manifestations, so that he can perform his service at a sufficiently high level.
However, a person rarely correctly understands his position and purpose, especially in his youth, and often strives to destroy this shell and be like everyone else, sometimes trying specifically for this purpose to indulge in debauchery, which still will not satisfy him and will not provide the desired result.
The defeat of the Sun gives a strict karmic program - the external world leads a person along a complex but clearly defined path, and he must learn to adjust his will to the imperative dictates of the Absolute, accurately guessing them, which can only be achieved by long-term practice and the complete abolition of arrogance and personal attitude towards one’s life .
This person is a hostage of the Absolute, and he is allowed to realize only internal freedom: external restrictions must be observed. Volitional rebellion here leads to disaster (for example, hospitalization).
Processing requires the ability to calm and humble one’s lower will, and then a person’s own and partly the world’s karma is revealed, and within its framework - the freedom of life’s creativity.
This position of the Sun predetermines the need for sacrifices, mainly in the form of restrictions on external free will, and one must learn to see these restrictions and voluntarily follow them, perceiving them as indications on the right path.
At a low level - the fate of a prisoner of circumstances or a jailer of his loved ones.
The main hidden enemy is one’s own voluntarism, the imperatives of the ego, perceived as absolute or as instructions from the higher self.
This person understands the outcasts, the unfortunate and the lonely very well, and feels his duty to them, but will begin to selflessly help them only with significant elaboration of this position of the Sun: at a low level he will hope for a reward, at an average level he will secretly wait for a feeling of unity, reverse sympathy, or even though admiration and fleeting power over those he helped.
In general, there are many secrets, riddles, mystical coincidences in life, the meaning of which should be sought more in the inner life than in the outer.

Absalom the Underwater.

A person’s task is to pay off the debts of the collective. Karma of the collective or society in which you were born. "Hostage of the system." He hides his pride, ambition, desire to dominate, drives it into the subconscious. Has an internal feeling of loss of self. Circumstances conducive to self-analysis are associated with praise and glorification. He looks at this world as if from the outside. Likes to play alone. This is a game with yourself - good, good-natured, graceful.

B. Israelite.

Imagination. Fantasy occupies a central place in your life. No dreams - no vital energy. Fantasies are created around two groups of images: monumental conceit, where you command the entire universe, or total sacrifice, liberation from the “I” and dissolution into space. The difference is that one image expands the ego and the other evaporates it, but the end result is identical: reunification with everything. The trap is not distinguishing between what is real and what is only possible; what is really happening and what is happening in your imagination. Don't get lost in the Twilight Zone; you may become crazy. The task is not to resist any of the spaces. Let your dreams influence your real life and vice versa, and let your fantasies gently guide your development rather than cloud your reality.
Unfocused intuition. Give intuitive perception an important place in your life, without controlling the specifics of what you accept, and your life will be filled with energy and sound. Throw away your intuition, and you will block access to cosmic energy. Don't strain yourself trying to understand why you are entering streams of images, feelings, bits of information. Don't try to figure out what they mean or what you should do with them. Your task is to remain radiantly calm, vibratingly quiet. The trap is misinterpretation, creating complex forms but missing the truth. The task is to become a clear channel through which the universe can send messages; become a prism for invisible light.
Withdrawal or solitude. You need to move away from everyday life very often. You need privacy to recharge. Your life purpose is revealed when you are most isolated from life. You return to the world full of renewed enthusiasm. You are everywhere and nowhere at the same time, a real person and just a vessel into which divine revelations are poured. The balance of this paradox, the simultaneous existence of both poles, gives you strength. Meditation in some form is a basic necessity.
Selfless help. When you give your all with complete compassion, you connect directly to your divinity. When you act in forgiveness, you absorb life force. When you give of yourself, you fulfill what is destined by fate. But such dedication does not mean martyrdom for you. You shouldn't sacrifice yourself completely. Instead, you need to make people understand that we are all passengers on the same ship. Don’t try to be a saint, because quite often such behavior boomerangs on the growth of your egoism. Respond with your whole being, with your whole life, to that power that comes not from the ordinary human self, but from above. “Not my will, but Yours.”
“Past Lives.” Your past lives are pressing on you, pushing you to feel and understand them. You need to bring together the entire set of past lives in the current incarnation if you want the whole evolutionary pattern to be filled with spiritual meaning. The exact nature of these lives cannot be assessed based solely on the position of the Sun. However, we can assume that their basis is the development of the effectiveness of the individual’s existence with the help of the fullness of individual power. In addition, it can be said that your relationship with your father or other authority figures is karmic in nature. A fairly natural trap is to repeat the mistakes of the past without freeing yourself from attachment to it, which allows these patterns to play a major role in your life. The goal is to see each event as a sign of the past and adjust your behavior accordingly. As a result, you can achieve true spontaneity rather than being destroyed by repetitive cycles of unconscious response.

Bill Herbst.

Sun in the XII house
You are interested in professions related to helping or activities where your efforts are not visible, where you can act behind the scenes. Having to assert yourself or stand in front of an audience can make you very uncomfortable.

the sun in the xii house - the need and readiness for a religious path. Love for
privacy. Ability for psychological research.

This person may have spiritual knowledge and little interest in material name and fame. Such people have weak eyesight, they separate early from their father and show weakness or indecisiveness if they become a leader in any business. They change their activities frequently, may lose a child, love to travel, visit foreign countries, and often live in secluded or unusual places.


Although such a person lacks self-confidence and likes to spend significant time alone, he is still able to understand the subconscious part of his own nature. Until the age of 30, he is subject to many restrictions. He is attracted to work in organizations, charities and research centers, although more often he likes to stay away from human gaze. This aspect is great for acting, as playing a certain role helps to hide your true feelings. If planetary energy is used incorrectly, such a person becomes a great enemy to himself. He must learn to serve others and in no case allow himself to indulge in self-pity. Such people like to go into their own depths in order to explore the sources of their subconscious. They often live alone and avoid active social contacts. Even if they occupy a leadership position, they prefer to act “from behind the scenes.” They show an active interest in psychology and esotericism. They assert themselves in work in hospitals, shelters, church institutions and prisons. Improper use of energy enhances neurasthenic tendencies, creates extreme shyness and even unsociability. There is a desire to guide others in secret ways and by hidden means. Such people are unconsciously selfish and openly strive for power, although they don’t show it, because their lust for power is hidden in the depths of the psyche. And the leadership style itself is discreet and bright, but behind-the-scenes and mysterious. Such a person often has many strong secret enemies. The tastes and inclinations of such a person are very rare and unusual. They can achieve success in medicine, chemistry and esotericism. They need quiet, safe and solitary activities, as solitude allows them to assert themselves and avoid disturbing conflicts. Their life passes far from their native places, help and mercy come immediately after they realize the need and need. They are prone to self-sacrifice, love invisibility, tolerate solitude patiently, and are often busy looking for exciting situations that could awaken their perceptions and “tickle their nerves.” They achieve success in life through honest, selfless work, overcoming significant obstacles on the way to it. There is a tendency towards a mystical perception of the world, which leads to alienation from people. The bosses treat such employees with poorly concealed hostility, since rumors and gossip give such a person a bad reputation. If energy is used incorrectly, health turns out to be poor. There is a tendency to unwittingly create conditions for limiting one’s own freedom. Often such people are interested in naturopathy, herbal medicine, astrology, hypnosis and extrasensory perception. Their life is full of trips and travels. The premature death of the father is not excluded, especially if the Sun is affected.

add to:

The 12th house is the most mysterious house in the natal chart, and perhaps the least studied. When you explore this area, you may find a box containing gold. Or, as you will see later, we can also find dirty laundry, as in the case of John Edwards. For people engaged in self-exploration, thinking about their 12th house can tell them a lot about their shadow. As an astrologer, consultant, and healer, through the study of the 12th house, I can shed light on unconscious compulsive behavior and self-harm. It needs to be explored especially deeply when the client is committed to deep self-healing. But you should never reveal these secrets if you feel that clients are reluctant to do so. Their resistance is the wisdom of the soul, to protect themselves, over time they will definitely mature for this.

The 12th house shows the plans that the Ascendant hides

My mentor Rod Chase, with whom I studied as a young man, used the Full Sign House System. The sign of the 12th house is always before the sign of the Ascendant. For example, a Sagittarius ascendant will have Scorpio in the 12th house. So you can see that manifestations such as morality, preaching, teaching, religious activities, only the external form, but true essence consists of the desire to control other people and oneself. Leo ascendant will have Cancer in the 12th house, behind the outward display of confidence and pride lies great uncertainty and timidity, which is why they are so in need of approval and applause. You can learn a lot of interesting things about the Ascendants thanks to this technique.

12th house - house of secrets

In your natal chart The 12th house shows what you are hiding from the whole world. If you do not have planets in the 12th house, you probably do not have any big or important secrets, but you can explore the sign on the cusp of the house, these will be lesser secrets than if there is a planet there. Any planet in this house, including its sign and aspects, can reveal important sources of difficulty for you. There may be a lot of shame present in this house, you don't want to show it to anyone.

Lies and secrets hidden from oneself

Your secrets can be a source of self-destruction.

When you shoot yourself in the foot, the 12th house should be the first on your list of suspects. Whenever you ask yourself, “Why, why, why do I keep doing this?”, that is the time when you need a wise and experienced astrologer who can look at human nature objectively. We can rarely be objective when we study our 12th house.

The planet is near the Ascendant from the 12th house - the closer it is, the less mysterious

A planet from the side of the 12th house connecting with the Ascendant with an orb of 10 degrees is very clearly visible to the people around you and to the whole world in general than you think about it. You probably won't fool anyone, because... and so everything is visible. For example, you may be a pompous gay man, but an introverted person who believes that if others don't talk about it, then they don't notice that you're gay.

During the transit of planets in the 12th house, the secret comes out...

Usually, when politicians' dirty secrets are discovered, their careers are automatically destroyed. The latest case happened with Senator John Edwards, a promising Democrat in the 2008 presidential campaign - initially, I wanted to vote for him in the primary. AstroDatabank data shows his date of birth. He was born June 10, 1953 in Seneca, SC. His mother gave his birth time to a presidential campaign staffer as 7:02 EST, but his wife later reported the time as 7:23. In any case, in his 12th house there is a stellium of three planets - a conjunction of the Sun and Mars in Gemini in a wide conjunction with Mercury in Cancer.

He withdrew from the presidential race on January 30, 2008. This summer, when the National Enquirer began spreading rumors about the illegitimate child, he finally solved the case (08/08/2008), which happened 2 years ago. The fact that his Sun and Mars are really in the 12th house in Gemini was very clearly noticeable in transits - in this two-year period - Pluto passed the last degrees of Sagittarius, and especially after the squares of Saturn and Uranus. In March 2010, details of his affair began to surface - the media began to talk about it.

Probing your secrets is a useful activity

In 12 step programs they say, “You are only as sick as the secrets you have.” One of the most important sources of healing for a person from addictions is verbalizing internal feelings and talking about them with someone you can trust. Secrets can shape bad habits like nothing else! As we saw in the example of John Edwards, his 12th house conjunction of the Sun and Mars added to his problems. However, working with the mysteries of the 12th house can be very beneficial for a person with a strong 12th house.

Warning: it is not at all wise to confess all your secrets to everyone - you need to choose your interlocutor very carefully. A professional counselor or spiritual advisor who respects confidentiality is the best person to talk to in your quest to begin an internal inventory. And, keep in mind that the Internet is not that private.