Bag full of money. Feng Shui and women's bag

Straight position

The Four of Coins is like a Teutonic knight - well armed, protected by the armor of his armor. It symbolizes clear boundaries (permissible, required, permitted), a sense of reality, stability, security, and a significant margin of safety. Describing a person, this card indicates his pragmatism, law-abidingness and respect for private property. To describe the situation, the Four of Coins is interpreted as a justified confidence that everything will go according to plan, and also that it (the situation) is under complete control. And if the question concerns something new (ideas, plans, etc.), then such an Arkan advises emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach and attentiveness in order to understand all the details, have the correct understanding and see the limits of the possibilities of what is planned.

In addition, the Four of Coins in combination with a Knight of the same suit indicates a useful gift that has been given (or will be given) to a fortuneteller, with a Priestess - about the ability to keep secrets, with Temperance - that a person spends money wisely.

Inverted position

Inverted, the Four of Coins represents disorganization, excessive workload, too much rigid frames restrictions.

On the other hand, such a card can describe the side of life that concerns money and material goods. In this regard, it means stinginess or, on the contrary, wastefulness, that is, extremes that do not allow a person to have consistently satisfactory material security. This is especially accurately depicted by the combination of the reversed Four of Coins with the Fool.

Another quite characteristic interpretation for such an Arcanum concerns certain traits of nature inherent in a person. IN in this case we should be talking about Chekhov's man in a case. That is, the inverted Four of Coins speaks of conservative people, retrogrades, who do not want (or are unable) to find themselves and are hiding from everyone and everything in their own little world, boring, unpromising, dull, but understandable and safe from their point of view. It should be noted here that if in a scenario such a Four of Coins fell along with the Tower, then this predicts very unpleasant consequences of such an attitude towards life.

Love and relationships

Straight position

For personal relationships, the Four of Coins symbolizes a reliable rear, stability and confidence that there will be no betrayal either today or tomorrow, as well as complete clarity and understanding of the partner’s character and desires.

But often in relationship scenarios this Arcanum does not manifest itself in the best way. It denotes a long period of swing, when a person thinks and thinks about whether he should marry or not, confess his love to him or be careful for now, etc.

Another aspect of this Arcana is the feeling of ownership. This in itself is not bad, but a person is a diverse creature and can show his possessive instinct in different ways. Neighboring cards can tell you this quite accurately. For example, the Chariot with the Four of Coins will tell you that in fear of losing a loved one (beloved), a person is capable of rash acts, and the Star - that a person will try to surround his partner with a maximum of benefits and pleasures, so that he does not even have the thought of leaving him.

Inverted position

The inverted Four of Coins in relationship scenarios indicates conflicts that arise due to lack of money, disorder in everyday life, etc. And in this situation, it is quite possible to talk about the “clogging” of relationships, which are overshadowed and then completely worsened due to purely materialistic aspects.

In addition, it is the inverted Four of Coins that foreshadows quarrels with relatives over the division of inheritance or with spouses over the distribution of the family budget.

Together with the Emperor, the inverted Four of Coins indicates an attempt to total control over the spending of all family members, with Justice - a frivolous attitude towards obligations to one’s partner, while paired with the Devil, such a card indicates that money is more valuable to a person than any feelings and relationships.


Straight position

In this aspect, the Four of Swords is considered a very good card. She foretells that many problems will soon be resolved, that order will be restored and business (or work) will return to normal. This Arcana, if it appears as a characteristic of a person, indicates that he is an excellent organizer, knows how to clearly formulate his thoughts, and generates promising ideas. At the same time, the Four of Coins points to the fact that a person will “burn” at work only if he sees in it a certain (and satisfactory) personal benefit. He will not worry about the company (or team) out of a sense of prestige, solidarity or other altruistic motives.

The Four of Coins does not carry broad professionalism, but it does imply high professionalism. That is, in this case we can talk about a narrow specialization, but thoroughly mastered in all its subtleties.

Among other things, it is advisable for a tarot reader to always pay attention in career or business readings to certain combinations of the Four of Coins with neighboring Arcana. So, in combination with the Emperor, this card should be interpreted as a desire to keep money in the family and, as a result, organize a family business; with the Magician - as a real opportunity to mobilize resources and open own business; with Strength - as a need to gather strength.

Inverted position

The Reversed Four of Coins for career readings signifies several points. Firstly, it may be the wrong organization of your activities, for example, the arrangement of a luxurious office, the respectability of which does not hide any serious, respectable business. Secondly, we can talk about overexertion of physical effort, which, however, can again arise due to the inability to organize oneself or subordinates. In this regard, the combination of such a Four with Death is especially dangerous, which predicts that what was planned may simply go to waste due to stress or apathy. Thirdly, the inverted Four of Coins sometimes speaks of external obstacles that can have a non-fatal, but still noticeable and rather unpleasant effect on the professional activity of the fortuneteller. In particular, the combination of the inverted Four of Coins with the Hermit predicts stagnation, the inability to move on due to any obstacles.

Putting everything in its place, pointing out fools to their stupidity is possible and necessary. And protect yourself - your soul or property - from attacks too. But remember to learn from what happens, especially if it is a destructive experience.

Among the tarot cards, the four of pentacles is considered symbol of power and possession. In her astrological houses, Mercury is in Cancer and Saturn is in the second house of the horoscope. This indicates that the person is in an anxious state, excessively worrying about the state of affairs in his own future.

Perhaps, at present, everything in his life is not going in the most favorable way, and due to his anxiety, he may become a victim of hasty and fundamentally wrong decisions.

4 of pentacles

The Four of Pentacles symbolizes all the efforts you have made to achieve a particular goal. It indicates that everything you own in at the moment your life is the result of a lot of work and your willpower.

This applies to almost all aspects of life, be it health, career, love or relationships with others. Arcanum indicates that fate has not spoiled you and you have achieved everything in your life through your own labor.

This card tells us that the time has come to stop and pay more attention to preserving what has already been achieved. Don't take on new projects and don't try to jump over your head.

Your ambitions and partly selfishness may become the root cause of a possible crisis that you are so afraid of. Intuitively, you feel that you are doing something wrong, which is why life can go downhill at any moment.

Calm down, sit down and think about how best to redistribute your life potential. It is likely that in given time you spend too much energy on something you don't need at all.

Meaning in relationships

A storm of emotions is just boiling inside you. Are you constantly experiencing distrust of other people, in most cases completely unfounded. Don't worry so much about preserving your own reputation.

Don't forget that your loved ones are next to you, loving people, which will help you accept this or that situation at any time. There is no need to play it safe so much; at the right moment, you may miss the chance that fate has already prepared for you.

The Four of Pentacles indicates that you spend too much energy on maintaining your own social status. This is partly the reason why for some time now you are standing in the same place in self-realization and self-development. You are so afraid of losing what you already own that you have stopped thinking about what else you can achieve in your life.

IN present moment it may be typical for you lack of compassion for others. You are so concerned about your own well-being that you are completely oblivious to the fact that life around you continues to move forward.

There are those who desperately want your attention, so give yourself the opportunity to distract yourself and relax a little.


Arkan suggests that you may have serious health problems. For the most part, this may be due to weakened immunity and psychological disorders.

Yours vital energy stopped circulating, due to which a situation of stagnation arose. This can be expressed in the form of blockage of blood vessels or severe slagging in the body. You've been taking from your life for too long, it's time to give something back. In this case, it is your energy.

For people with serious chronic diseases, the four of pentacles symbolizes aggravations and complications in the course of the disease. They can occur unexpectedly, so try to eat right and healthy image life to minimize risks.

In love

In love, the Four of Pentacles carries a negative meaning. It falls to people who are indifferent, those who don't want to change and develop together with your partner. Often these are lonely people who do not know how to maintain long-term stable relationships.

If a person has a soulmate, he torments her in every possible way with jealousy and sarcasm, thus expressing the fear of losing his loved one.

The Four of Pentacles is symbol of your individuality. You value your personal space and worldview. However, you should be more flexible in your relationship with your partner.

If you get the Four of Pentacles lasso, think about the fact that lately you become too suspicious. You should not demand any guarantees from your companion and impose obligations on him. You yourself are not yet ready for what you so passionately dream of receiving.


The Four of Pentacles is considered a symbol of the incomprehensible union of rationality and fortitude with intuition. The person who got this card is so obsessed with his own safety that he is ready to resort to various rituals and fortune telling, even if he does not believe in their power.

Perhaps you need to ask yourself what exactly you want from your own life. Now in your world order it is too great place occupy various things and material values.

Remember that it is we who determine how dear this or that thing is to us by giving it part of our energy, when in fact it is just a mere trifle.

This card can also be a sign that if you can correctly reconsider the system of your own life values, then you will soon have an excellent opportunity to increase what you already own. Don't refuse to help your loved ones people if they need you.


The four of pentacles can take on different meanings depending on the adjacent tarot arcana in the layout:

  • Near With "Tower" it symbolizes unexpected losses due to one’s own stinginess and short-sightedness.
  • If the fortuneteller gets the four of pentacles together With card "Moon", then there is a high probability that there is a person next to you with negative energy, which does not have the best effect on your life.
  • Seven and nine of swords side by side with this lasso means that in the near future you should expect pleasant and unexpected gifts from loved ones.
  • Reversed Four of Pentacles together with four of swords says now is not the best time to take the initiative. Try not to attract too much attention from others.
  • Knight of Pentacles nearby with a four promises useful purchases.
  • And if this lasso goes following the inverted king of cups- be careful when dealing with strangers, there is a risk of becoming a victim of fraud.

In progress

Four of Pentacles in professional activities symbolizes hostile relationships with colleagues at work, alienation and reluctance to share their knowledge and experience.

Most often, it falls to a person when the situation has become so tense that something urgently needs to be changed. Be careful and don't miss this hint of fate.

Don't expect any progress career ladder. Currently, you are not putting in enough effort to satisfy your own ambitions.

Try to deviate a little from the rules and trust your sixth sense. Don't be afraid to work as a team. People will change their opinion of you if only you allow them to. Distribute correctly own strength and opportunities.

As you know, signs are usually followed either by people who are too suspicious or simply gullible. But, when it comes to signs relating to money or its companions, the percentage of “suspicious” people jumps sharply. After all, almost every person still tries, often unconsciously, to adhere to these unspoken rules.

One of the very first and important satellites money is a purse (purse, wallet). That is why we have collected for you the most famous and popular signs for a wallet.

Of course, in our modern world there is no place for prejudices and superstitions, but it is still worth knowing and trying to observe some simple customs to protect yourself and your loved ones from sudden financial losses and ensure your financial well-being in the future. Note that this is not full list existing signs for wallets and purses - it is constantly supplemented and updated.

1. If money has spilled out of your wallet, then you just need to collect it right hand, otherwise even more may be lost. At the same time, in order not to lose everything else, they give away part of the scattered coin, leaving one coin in place, saying: “I’ll leave one, I’ll get the rest!” If someone picks it up in front of you, then your day promises to be successful.

2. Lending money in the evening, especially on Sunday, is considered bad omen- you won’t have money either.

3. Put it in your new wallet a small coin for cheating or a piece of snake or fish skin, they will attract money to you. Moreover, the larger the scales, the larger denominations of money will be found in the wallet.

4. If you drive your car under a bridge where a train is traveling, put your wallet with money out of your head (if you don’t have time to get it out of your purse, you can put it with your bag).

5. The money in the wallet should be folded face up in order - first large, and then small.

6. Never spend all your money, don’t leave your wallet empty, let at least one coin remain in it.

7. Do not keep many small coins in your wallet or purse. It’s better to get rid of this little thing on Sunday.

8. Do not store heavily wrinkled, dirty or torn bills in your wallet. As well as old bills, checks, used tickets and similar rubbish.

9. Constantly count your money (don't let the energy stagnate), they love it. Just don’t do this after sunset, so as not to worsen your financial condition. It’s better if at any given time you know how much money is in your wallet.

10. You should always have some fiat money in your wallet. It is better if it is a bill or coin with the number “5”.

11. If you come across a bill whose serial number has the same letters as your initials, put it in your wallet and never spend it - it will attract money.

12. Place a chestnut in the box in which you keep money, or in your purse next to your wallet - this is a good money talisman.

13. Never place your wallet or bag with it on the floor, otherwise the money will no longer be in it.

14. If you write the number “seven” on a small red piece of paper and put it in your wallet or purse, then it will not only bring money luck, but also happiness.

The signs presented here are the result of observations accumulated over many centuries by the Russian people of the patterns associated with their purse, wallet, purse, purse, etc. and their influence on a person’s life and on his financial well-being.

Adepts of the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui will tell you something similar. Some scientific justification Specialists in astrology and numerology are trying to give such cause-and-effect relationships. There are many theories connecting an ordinary wallet and a person’s well-being, but they all agree that it is very important to choose and buy wallets or purses correctly.

A bag is one of the important and necessary things for any woman. Most men, looking at women's bags, are perplexed: what is inside them, and how do women manage to fit so many things in there? Most likely, this mystery will remain unsolved for the strong half of humanity. Feng Shui experts say that using a bag can attract good luck, money, love and health. It turns out that a woman’s success depends on her handbag. Let's find out how to attract good luck according to Feng Shui using a bag.

How to choose a bag according to Feng Shui

When choosing your lucky bag, the first thing you need to pay attention to is its shape.

If you want to attract good luck at work, then you should choose a bag with a strict square or rectangular shape. Its corners should be sharp and the handle should be short.

A bag worn over your shoulder will bring success in creativity. This is the so-called “postwoman”. It must be large and roomy. Such a thing will inspire you to new ideas and attract success.

If you want to improve your personal life, then you should pay attention to clutches and small, neat handbags. Despite its modest size, such a bag can contain all your desires, attract love and will help you create relationships.

If you want to make new acquaintances, then you should choose a round or oval shaped bag. It will help you establish contacts and gain trust in the people around you.

Feng Shui and the color of your bag

Color plays too great value when choosing a bag. When choosing a color, you will need to be guided only by your priorities in life and the desire to achieve success in one or another area of ​​life.

  • A red bag attracts love and also makes a woman confident and decisive. It can bring good luck to a powerful person with clearly defined leadership qualities.
  • According to Feng Shui, a black bag is powerful amulet and protects the woman from negative energy surrounding people.
  • A green bag attracts money and makes a woman more balanced and calm.
  • Blue color in Feng Shui symbolizes wisdom and intuition. With a bag of this color, a woman can subtly feel any person, learn to predict events and become more prudent.
  • Yellow and orange colors have a beneficial effect on women's health.
  • White color attracts kind and sympathetic people and protects against damage and the evil eye.

How to take care of your bag according to Feng Shui

In order for your bag to attract good luck, you should follow the Feng Shui rules for caring for this item:

  • Your bag should always be in order. If it turns into a bottomless monster that “eats” your keys or phone every time, then it will definitely not bring you luck. Designate each item in its own section in your bag and always follow this order. You shouldn't carry a lot of things in your bag. Be content with only what you really need.
  • Never place your bag on the floor. According to Feng Shui, negative energy can be transmitted from the floor through a bag, which can harm you.
  • If you are going on an important date or meeting, always hold your bag in your left hand. This will energize you and increase your self-confidence.
  • Never put other people's things in your bag - this can negatively affect your health and bring bad luck to you.

Choosing and caring for your bag correctly will definitely bring you good luck. Follow the advice of Feng Shui and then money, luck and love will never leave you. Be happy and don't forget to click and

28.03.2014 16:55

According to Feng Shui, each color emits certain vibrations that affect a person's health and mood. ...

We girls cannot imagine our life without a handbag - after all, this important attribute of our wardrobe is like a lifesaver for us, giving us the opportunity to always have everything we need at hand. And besides all this, our handbag can help us in money matters, you just need to choose it correctly and charge it.

1. Form. When shopping for a handbag, choose a bag that is square or rectangular with four corners (not round or rounded at the bottom). Four corners are support for the four sides of the world, stability. People see owners of handbags with this shape as a more reliable person and business transactions are more successful.

2. The length of the handbag handles. When buying a handbag, pay attention to the length of the handles - the handles should not be long. Bags whose handles are designed to be worn on the shoulder are not suitable for us. The fact is that the bag is an energetic extension of ourselves (since we take it with us everywhere, it is saturated with our energy), and all magical power To attract money, we give the bag our hands. Therefore, a bag to attract money should have short handles, so that it is always carried in the hands and so that the energy from the hands quickly transfers to our handbag (after all, the longer the handles, the longer and less energy will reach the very base of the bag).

3. Elements of metal and wood. To make our bag attractive, we need to make sure that it has metal elements on the outside and wood elements on the inside. Therefore, buy a bag with metal elements placed on it - various decorations, pendants, chains that decorate your bag, make it stylish, and also help to attract. Like attracts like - since our coins are made of metal, there should be metal parts on the bag that will help us attract. And we will put a chestnut inside the bag. Even the ancient Chinese used chestnut to protect against financial losses. A chestnut in your purse will protect your money and prevent you from misusing your capital.

4. Inscription. Tell your bag what you want and it will help you achieve your goal. Program your handbag to by writing on the bottom “ Money bag". So you will set a program for your handbag, it will begin to attract attention and literally become a money bag. Even the ancient Scythians wrote inscriptions on the bottom of their loot bags so that they would always return with a bag full of loot.

5. Greens. For some reason, people subconsciously associate greens with money. Therefore, having bought a new handbag, let's use it to attract money. buy all kinds of greens (cabbage, parsley, green salad, etc.) and put them in your purse and walk around with them all day, visiting many different stores and boutiques. Walk around the shops as if your bag is full of money, not greens. Just imagine that you have a bag full of money. And believe me, it works! So why don't we take advantage of this?

That's it, friends - 5 easy steps and your bag will turn into a programmed bag for attracting money. But just don’t think that having bought and programmed your bag, you will lie there doing nothing, and it will attract money to you. All these little money tricks simply help us find new opportunities for enrichment easier and make it easier for money to flow to us.