Tattoo against envy and the evil eye. Evil eye tattoo

The evil eye, negativity and negative energy flows from ill-wishers can be countered by pictures from the evil eye. Anyone can suffer from a negative energy attack, regardless of age, gender, or nationality. Both in ancient times and in modern world many people continue to wish others harm out of envy, misunderstanding and resentment. To stop the negativity coming from the crowd, to prevent ill-wishers from influencing personal life, to avoid the influence of the evil eye and to prevent damage, a person has effective tools for protecting the energy field. One of these means is the use of special images against damage and the evil eye. Pictures will help you protect yourself from negative energy, if you know how to use them correctly and understand how they work.

What is it and which pictures are better to choose?

Pictures of damage and other extraneous evil intentions are mainly images of traditional amulets. All nationalities have preserved signs and symbols since ancient times, which are traditionally used as amulets. Representatives of each religious group have their own symbols that protect their adherents from energy attacks. They are designed to repel negative energy flows and prevent the effects of the evil eye, and also give strength, confidence and mood etheric bodies for success.

Images of security symbols can be used in different formats. There are no restrictions on the use of magical drawings. Pictures can be applied to different surfaces, simply printed on paper, or stored on your phone. They can be embodied in material jewelry in the form of amulets and worn directly on the body, hanging around the neck or tied on the wrists.

Modern technologies have allowed people to use pictures from the evil eye and damage in a new way. Now they can be applied directly to your body in the form of tattoos, although drawings on the body must be treated with great caution, because the images have their own sacred meaning. An incorrectly chosen pattern can itself harm the energy potential. This refers to the depiction of predatory animals, whose energy can change a person’s character for the worse. The right approach would be to consciously choose a permanent tattoo through testing images in the form of temporary designs on the body. You need to thoroughly study the meaning that the chosen amulet carries.

Girls often carry images of protective symbols in their purses, in their pockets, and on gadgets to spoil ill-wishers. This is a completely acceptable use of pictures in everyday life. They work close to the human body. You can hang mandalas that protect your home from negativity on the eastern wall of your home and say:

“God is the Almighty Power protecting me and my loved ones.”

Then all the negativity coming from outside will be stopped by this image. Then not a single person entering the apartment will be able to cause harm and spoil the energy. People who store a large amount of personal information on their phone are advised to put a picture of the evil eye on their screensaver so that anyone who picks it up cannot penetrate the energy field with their evil intentions.

Protecting information going to a tablet or laptop from the World Wide Web can also be done with the help of pictures. You can choose the symbol you like the most and set it as wallpaper on your desktop. The most popular for protection against damage were pictures depicting an eye, a horseshoe or the text of a prayer. People often choose runes as reliable protection against damage and the evil eye. In this case, it is important to understand their meaning well, and not just use the first symbols that come across.

How to protect personal information on the Internet

The computer era has not only made our lives easier and provided us with unlimited access to information, but also brought with it many dangers. Today, many people post their personal information and photos on social networks, and after a while they become public domain. Ill-wishers can cast the evil eye or cause damage through a photo, without ever meeting their victim in person. Therefore, there is a need to protect personal photographs in social networks.

This is especially true for those photographs in which facial features and eyes are clearly visible. Through such pictures, it is easiest for ill-wishers to bring negativity to the energy field. To protect your photos that are posted on the Internet from the evil eye, you can choose some of the protective “rituals”. The simplest option, although not very aesthetically pleasing, would be to simply apply a sticker over the eyes in your photo. Closed or shaded eyes in a photo are a great way to protect your photo from the evil eye or damage. It is especially recommended to use this method in relation to photographs of young children.

If you are embarrassed by such radical measures, then you can cheat a little. For example, process a photo in a graphics editor: change the eye color a little, apply an effect, insert a decolorized picture to protect against the evil eye. This action can create a certain barrier between the eyes, which are called the mirror of a person’s soul, and an ill-wisher who wants to cause harm or is simply jealous of a high-quality photo.

The beauty of such actions is that the person will not even know that the photo is protected, so he will not look for other ways to jinx it or cause damage. You can feel confident with such photos on social networks. To protect your photo, you can add a small amulet image directly to the photo. This could be a line from a prayer, a protective formula, a sign. This can also be done using a graphic editor: you need to download any program for processing photos and images, insert your photo there, put a reduced drawing of the security mark of your choice on top and (if desired) discolor it.

Often, runes are used for such purposes, which work to protect the human energy shell. Inscriptions of individual runes Soulu, Nautiz, Teyvaz or formulas are suitable. Another way is to add frames to the photo. Any graphic effects act as a distraction and distract the attention of the ill-wisher. When posting a photo on the Internet, you can protect it by writing on it in colorless ink a special conspiracy against the evil eye and damage, for example:

"The shadow is not mine,
it's not me
not my sadness,
not my identity.
You can't see me in the mirror,
You can’t grab water in things!
The word was spoken, but not thrown at me,
He opened the door and went out the window!”

If you need to protect yours from the evil eye or damage paper photos, then it is better to conduct a special traditional ceremony. It is recommended that at midnight, lay out in front of you the photographs that need to be protected, light two wax candles and say the following words:

“I speak these images from an evil tongue, from a heavy eye, from a witch’s order, from being touched, from all kinds of denunciations. From an old man and a young man, from an old woman and a young woman, from a sorcerer and a sorceress. It will be of no use to them, they will not cause any trouble. Key. Lock. Language".

If symptoms of damage or the evil eye still appear in your life, you need to consult a specialist. The contacts presented on our website allow anyone who wants to get access to magical help. When contacting a specialist, describe your problem and receive a professional answer.

Tattoo amulets - effective protective symbol or a newfangled trend? Everyone decides for themselves. Protective signs is in different cultures ah, it’s not easy to understand their diversity. The main thing is that before choosing one or another design to apply to the skin, you need to find out its meaning. Some images are suitable only for women, others only for men. This is especially true for ancient symbols associated with deities.

Types of tattoo amulets, their meaning

Nowadays tattoos have become something of a stylish accessory. In ancient times, drawings were applied to the body to indicate belonging to one or another clan or tribe, to protect against the forces of darkness and the evil eye.

In the modern world, the following are used as tattoo amulets:

  • images of animals;
  • ancient symbols, runes, crosses;
  • images of pagan gods.

When choosing a symbol, special attention is paid to what meaning it carries. Some signs protect against the evil eye, others help attract good luck. There are also designs that are only for men and only for women. As a rule, these are ancient Slavic symbols. For example, Bereginya transmits powerful feminine energy, and the Svarog square transmits aggressive masculine energy.

Video: image maker Tamara Glebova about tattoo amulets

Animal Tattoos

From ancient times to the present day, tattoos depicting animals have been very common. Each of these symbols has its own special meaning:

  • grasshopper - a talisman for artists, musicians, writers, poets; can bring success to representatives of other professions, along with material well-being and longevity;
  • elk improves health, allows you to implement plans with virtually no problems;
  • the spider serves as protection from evil and disease, drives away laziness; those who are connected with the world of creativity attract the attention of muses; it is better to choose a pattern with a cobweb - a symbol of a guiding thread, order;
  • pelican - a tattoo suitable for volunteers, dreamers seeking to change their better life on Earth; helps to improve, makes it possible to implement the most daring projects;
  • bee - powerful symbol, bestower long life and hard work, contributes to the acquisition of important knowledge and wisdom;
  • scarab in Ancient Egypt symbolized the immortality of the soul; A tattoo helps you understand yourself, cope with depression, stress, and anxiety.

Photo gallery: animal tattoos

A pelican tattoo will help make your dreams come true.
Some peoples believed that the bee brings divine blessings. It is believed that the image of the scarab contains the wisdom of the Universe. A tattoo amulet that brings success to representatives of creative professions. The image of a moose is suitable for strong, purposeful individuals. The spider will help maintain creative concentration.

Women's tattoo amulets

In addition to universal amulets, there is a division into exclusively male and female. For representatives of the fair sex, symbols associated with ancient Slavic goddesses are primarily suitable.

Bereginya is an image with enormous feminine energy. If you live in harmony with your conscience and do not forget your roots, fate will favor you, and your home will become a full cup.

Bereginya is a patron spirit who protects from troubles and evil spirits

The ladybug represents motherhood and fertility. In Scandinavia they believed that a talisman with this charming insect would help one find true love.

Tattoo in the form ladybug protects the owner from the evil eye

The Lada Star protects the health of the mother and her child, making pregnancy and childbirth easier. It influences character, a woman becomes more cordial, peaceful, and wise.

Lada star tattoo amulet grants long life

Ladinets is a talisman of love and happiness, drives away troubles and all sorts of misfortunes from home and family. The rays should be directed to the right and rotate to the left: our ancestors considered this direction to be feminine and emotional. A tattoo helps a girl blossom and gain femininity.

Ladinets was considered in Rus' a symbol of love and harmony in the family

A tattoo in the form of the Moon is recommended for girls and young women, because most often they are trying to cause damage, for example, infertility. The amulet will also protect against a love spell on an unpleasant man whose advances were rejected.

A tattoo in the form of the Moonlight protects against damage and love spells

Men's protective tattoos

TO male symbols include:

  • Valkyrie is one of the most ancient amulets, often applied to armor, helping not to lose military honor;
  • The Svarog Square is intended for men engaged in physical labor; gives ingenuity, helps to correctly distribute available resources;
  • The caroler bestows wisdom and good luck in the right battle;
  • Solar (Celtic) cross - the tattoo imparts courage, fortitude, and faith in one’s cause; in ancient times it was carved on shields and swords to help in battles.

With rare exceptions, the above signs could also be worn by women, although this was not encouraged, since such amulets are considered traditionally male.

Photo gallery: samples of men's tattoos

The Valkyrie tattoo is recommended to be applied to bullies - it extinguishes vain anger. The Square of Svarog helps men engaged in physical labor. The Kolyadnik tattoo imparts wisdom and brings good luck. Tattoo Celtic cross adds strength of spirit and courage

From the evil eye and damage

The black sun is a talisman often found among the Slavs and residents of Scandinavia. Initially, only priests could wear such a tattoo. The symbol strengthens the connection with the spirits of ancestors, who protect their descendants from any negativity from the outside.

Before you apply such a tattoo, think carefully: in exchange for protection, the Black Sun requires a person to act in accordance with honor and conscience, and not in pursuit of momentary pleasures. If you lead a disorderly or dishonest lifestyle, the amulet will no longer protect the wearer.

The Black Sun tattoo provides powerful protection from enemies and induced damage.

Fern flower (Perunov color) embodies the power of light, vital energy, capable of resisting the evil eye and any ailment. A tattoo will help your desires come true, cleanse your soul, and find the strength hidden in it.

The Fern Flower tattoo is designed to reveal the inner potential of a person.

It is recommended to fill the cross in the back or on the chest. This tattoo is an ideal choice for the “iron ladies”. It helps protect against the envy and machinations of many ill-wishers.

A tattoo in the form of a cross is an effective amulet against the evil eye

An eye in a pyramid - a tattoo depicting this Egyptian symbol imparts wisdom, strength, and illuminates the future path. It was believed that all seeing eye belongs to a deity who tirelessly watches over man and protects him from darkness and evil.

The eye in the pyramid is an Egyptian amulet against the evil eye and negativity

Eye of Horus - symbol ancient egyptian god Ra, who gives insight, vigilance, and the ability to “read” people. A tattoo protects you from troubles and does not allow you to influence a person’s energy negative emotions and the thoughts of others.

It was believed that the right eye was related to the masculine principle, to the daylight. The left one is a symbol of the moon and the feminine principle.

This tattoo can be given to anyone: age, gender, character traits, profession do not matter. It is recommended to choose colors from the blue-green range; they are associated with harmony and peace.

The Eye of Horus tattoo is best applied to the back, lower back, wrists or ankles

Tattoos in the form of runic symbols

Any runic symbol consists of, in fact, a rune, a sign-shape and a sound. The effect will be if all three parts are available, and not just one. It is not recommended to combine them into words, because each has own strength and energy, and they are not always harmoniously combined.

Slavic amulets-runes

The following Slavic runes are most often applied in the form of tattoos:

  • Krada is the rune of creative fire, the divine spark; designed to clear your thoughts of all unnecessary things and help you focus on the most important;
  • Peace - will help you get out of creative stagnation, realize your talent, reveal your full potential, and put your inner world in order;
  • Overcome-grass - double sign of fire, best Slavic amulet from ailments that, according to popular belief, were caused by dark forces;
  • Rainbow is the road of reconciliation between the forces of order and chaos, the search for the “golden mean”; helps during trips, travel, especially for those people who live for today, without looking back;
  • Wind - a person with such a tattoo concentrates on self-knowledge and the search for truth;
  • Lelya is a symbol of the energy of spring water, spring, joy and prosperity; the image on the skin sharpens intuition.

Although runes have incredible magical power, only a specialist who knows even secret meanings these ancient symbols. An incorrectly filled formula will do more harm to the tattoo owner than help.

Photo gallery: tattoos in the form of Slavic runes

A tattoo in the form of a rune Peace helps to realize creative potential A tattoo in the form of a Rainbow rune is especially helpful when traveling A tattoo in the form of a runic symbol Overcome grass protects against diseases It is better to draw up a runic formula for a tattoo with a specialist
Tattoos in the form Slavic runes help to connect to the powerful energy of the family

Scandinavian runes

Tattoos in the form of Scandinavian runes are also popular in the modern world:

  • Ken - serves as a shield from any troubles, can ease the course of the disease, heal; protects love and friendship from quarrels; is considered a wonderful amulet for artists, as it awakens creative powers;
  • Maine - helps those who have not yet decided which path in life to follow; a tattoo helps to reveal the abilities of its owner, he becomes friendlier, more peaceful, and those around him begin to respond in kind;
  • Jera is a sign of fulfillment of desires, harvest; gives a wonderful mood and strength for the successful completion of the work or project started;
  • Horn (Thurisaz) - attracts good luck in love and work, protects against damage; if you have many enemies, this rune is for you; the symbol seems to direct you to the right place and at the right time;
  • Ur (Uruz) - promises good changes in fate, improves health; even if you have lost everything, the rune helps, like a phoenix, to rise from the ashes.

Photo gallery: tattoos in the form of Scandinavian runes

A tattoo in the form of the Man rune reveals the abilities of the wearer. A tattoo in the form of the Uruz rune helps change fate for the better. A tattoo in the form of the Horn rune attracts good luck.

Tattoos of different cultures

Every culture has its own sacred symbols. They are also used as tattoos.

Buddhism symbols

Om is the sound that marked the beginning of the creation of the world. The amulet is designed to help you find balance, peace of mind, save you from problems, and find a solution in a hopeless situation. Such a tattoo cannot be applied to the lower part of the body.

Om tattoo with lotus helps to find peace and imparts wisdom

Lotus is a symbol of purity and spirituality. These qualities are in the bearer of the tattoo and the image of this is preserved beautiful flower. The symbol also imparts wisdom, teaches one to harmoniously combine one’s strengths and weaknesses, and clears the way to self-knowledge and high goals.

The mandala represents the structure of the universe. The symbol serves to protect the soul from worldly temptations, helps not to become scattered, maintain internal integrity and loyalty to one’s ideals.

Mandala tattoo bestows inner integrity


Dream catcher catches bad dreams and does not allow evil spirits to come. It is better to get this tattoo close to the head: on the shoulder, back or neck.

It is better to get a Dreamcatcher tattoo close to the head.

Kokopelli is one of the main deities revered by Indian tribes. It was believed that Kokopelli travels in human form with a flute when one season gives way to another. This creature is extremely positive, it brings people financial wealth and protects them during childbirth. Especially favored by people prone to adventurism.

Kokopelli tattoo brings good luck and material well-being

Totem animals were a fairly common motif that told others about a person’s personal qualities:

  • the wolf symbolizes loyalty, good intuition and perseverance;
  • coyote is the embodiment of cunning;
  • bull - willingness to take risks;
  • bear - courage and strength;
  • eagle - power and the ability to notice everything.

A wolf tattoo symbolizes loyalty and good intuition.

Feather is a symbol of rebirth, eternal life. Tattoos of eagle feathers give this bird of prey courage, power and quick reaction.

A feather tattoo gives power and quick response.

Tattoos in the form of an Indian's face were initially applied to the body by the representatives of these tribes themselves, mainly the leaders. There is still debate about what such an image used to mean. Most researchers are inclined to think that this is a talisman in matters of the heart and financial.

Video: tattoo amulets, Udmurt theme


In Rus' they believed that the image of the Slavic god protected from any misfortunes. Each deity is endowed with its own power.

Veles is the patron of artisans and poets, knowledge, witchcraft and animal husbandry, the lord of the elements. The amulet is designed to improve creative talent. You can choose for a tattoo not the symbol of Veles himself, but his seal in the form of a bear paw print. With such a symbol, failure will bypass you. For business people, a tattoo brings good luck in business.

A bear paw tattoo will protect you from failure.

Dazhdbog - solar deity. A tattoo carries bright energy and helps to do right choice.

Svarog - if your life resembles chaos, a tattoo with the image of this god will suit you. Creator firmament rewards with endurance, courage, helps to organize affairs, personal life, and bestows peace of mind.

Perun is the god of princes and warriors. A tattoo with his appearance gives strength and courage.

A tattoo in the form of Perun’s image is especially relevant for defenders of his native country and law and order.

Makosh is the wife of the blacksmith god Svarog, creates fate and luck, patronizes fortune telling and magic. Tattoo amulet takes care of family happiness carriers (the sign is best applied to women).

Stribog is the deity of the wind. A tattoo helps protect against the forces of evil.

Yarilo is the son of Veles, responsible for spring warmth and harvest. As a talisman, it bestows vital energy that helps you change for the better and learn to keep your too violent temperament in check.

Video: how to charge a tattoo

The tradition of applying tattoo amulets originated in ancient times. Previously, people believed that a special body design would protect them from evil, damage, disease, bring success in love and business, and bestow wisdom. The belief in this has not faded to this day. For a tattoo to be more than just a decoration, you need to choose an image that suits you, apply it to the desired part of the body and charge it.

Since ancient times, people have protected themselves with generally accepted or personal amulets and amulets. One of the oldest protective symbols is considered to be a tattoo against the evil eye. Previously, drawings on the body were a sign of a select few or a narrow circle of people. Today tattoo has become an art, but has retained its ancient functions.

Features of body graphics

Tattoo - powerful amulet from the evil eye for several reasons.

  1. The image absorbs the power of the object that it means. This belief is associated with ancient ideas about the inseparability of words and objects, pictures and phenomena. That is, an ax in life and the same drawing have the same magical potential.
  2. Always with the owner. High-quality ink fades a little after 5-7 years, but does not disappear or lose its shape, and can also be corrected. In contrast, the drawing cannot be lost; no magical effect can be made through it.
  3. The image can be hidden under clothes, leaving it unnoticed, or, on the contrary, shown - it all depends on your desire.

The most popular security symbols

Tattoos against the evil eye and damage do not have clearly defined boundaries of meaning. Some stuff symbols known to everyone, others - something personal that has meaning only for them.

The art of tattoo allows you to create almost any design in different styles. Usually, designs for women and men are distinguished, but today this is more of a convention than a rule.

There are 3 points in the application rules: the tattoo must be of high quality, the owner likes it, and done in a sterile environment. If you are not sure that you are ready to endure pain and wear the design for many years, you do not know what and where to get it done, and you are not ready to pay a decent amount for the work - do not get a tattoo.

Universal tattoos against the evil eye and damage will look equally good on the body of a man and a woman:

  • different inscriptions.

Safety pin

This is a very simple and understandable amulet symbol for protection against the evil eye. It is usually pinned to the inside of the garment. It is better to make such a sign in an inconspicuous place, small in size. The talisman is a fastened pin. Unbuttoned - speaks of the aggressive, decisive character of the wearer. Another image is given:

  • forcefully improve memory;
  • the importance of material well-being;
  • the ability to create positive energy for the owner.

Eye of Horus

The Eye of Ra (Eye of Horus) is an ancient Egyptian symbol. God Ra lost him in a fight with Set, but his sight was returned to him by another god - Thoth. Since then, the image and amulet have been worn and ordinary people, and priests, and pharaohs. The meaning of protection is associated with the writing of the Egyptians: the hieroglyph means “guarding eye.” This is a powerful protection against damage.

dream Catcher

Ancient Indian amulet, designed to protect the sleeper from evil dreams, and let good ones in through the center. Today it is endowed with the property of protection from negativity not only at night, but also in daylight. The image can be supplemented with other elements: totem animals, stones, or painted in a favorite or significant color.

Runes and inscriptions

The Scandinavians used for protection:

  • Shield of Yggdrasil.

The only warning to those who want to protect themselves with runes is not to apply signs of different cultures to their bodies. It is also undesirable to use texts of commandments or quotes from the Bible - most This does not welcome denominations.

Women's protective tattoos

  • thistle;
  • virgin grass;
  • St. John's wort;
  • nettle;
  • lavender;
  • sagebrush;
  • periwinkle;
  • Ivan da Marya.

Men's drawings for protection

Evil eye tattoos for men vary across cultures. Northern peoples prefer elk, sedge, and among the Slavic signs - the Black Sun and Perunov's color. Tattoos for men are larger and more aggressive. If the female protects passively, then the male can resist.

Slavic signs

Previously, only priests wore them. The sign gave protection to a person through connection with ancestors and the spirit of the clan. However, remember that wearing the Sun on the body entails special obligations: you will have to pay something for the protection of the Spirit. If you lead the wrong lifestyle, the amulet will lose its power.

It means vital energy, helps the owner to avoid the evil eye and damage. A symbol of growth - spiritual and physical. The sign helps to gain strength and fulfill your innermost desires. The color of the fern gave the ability to speak with animals and healing abilities.

Scandinavian symbols

The elk was one of the characters in the painting of the World Tree, which was described by the Elder Edda. Found in the same story about the World Spear along with a bear, deer, wolf, and stallion. The image of the elk is closely connected with the shield of Yggdrasil, which gives it a protective function.

Sedge northern peoples– powerful protection against negativity and evil forces. The Algiz rune is often carved from this tree.

Men also paint images of personal totem animals on their bodies. It could be a wolf, spider, bear or exotic lion, tiger, dragon. All animals are associated with strength, aggression, capable of protecting the owner.

When choosing a design that you will have to wear for the rest of your life, it is important to be guided only by your own desires. Each image can be given an individual meaning, different from the generally accepted one. Some drawings and signs in the minds of peoples have magical properties, including protection from bad magical influence.

Tattoos have been used by people since ancient times. Their goal was protection from damage and the evil eye, strengthening existing or acquiring new character traits. There is an opinion that a drawing made on the skin using the tattoo technique can completely change later life person. And both for the better and for the worse. This point must be taken into account when making the final decision to get a tattoo.

Tattoo is a powerful amulet against damage or the evil eye

Important points

You shouldn’t rush headlong to the artist and fill in the first picture you like. It’s better to think a hundred times and take into account all the subtleties of the process:

  1. It should be remembered that any image carries secret meaning. It is important to make the right choice; for this you need to study the meanings of the symbols so as not to use those that contradict your worldview. When considering the options in the photo, listen carefully to your inner feelings and trust your intuition. Then after a while you won’t have to regret your hasty decision.
  2. Creating a tattoo involves violating the integrity of the skin, which is somewhat similar to surgery. For high-quality performance, you will need a qualified craftsman and a salon. It will be useful to first read customer reviews and look at photos of completed work.
  3. The technique of application and the shade of the tattoo are of great importance. For the amulet to work effectively, every component is important.
  4. A master who not only has high quality workmanship, but also has the necessary knowledge in the field of history and culture different nations and occult sciences can create a unique drawing for each person. This is exactly what our ancestors did. The effectiveness of such a tattoo will be much greater.
  5. It is recommended that before getting a tattoo, make the image with a regular felt-tip pen or henna. If you feel good for some time, you can safely make a permanent drawing. This is especially important when choosing runes.

To enable protective properties you need to believe in the power of the amulet, otherwise you will become the owner of an ordinary tattoo that will remain for life.

Risk group

People under chronic stress are more susceptible to negative influences

  • people who are often ill and, as a result, weakened;
  • representatives of public professions;
  • those whose psyche is easily susceptible to external influence;
  • people who are constantly under stress.

Tattoo amulets can protect the owner at any time of the day. Essentially, they constantly cleanse the aura, but if there is a strong charge of negativity, a malfunction may occur. This becomes clear when the area where the tattoo is tattooed occurs or an irresistible desire to get rid of it occurs.

The choice of patterns for applying to the skin is huge. For a tattoo to become a reliable protector, when looking at a photo, you should trust not your eyes, but your inner sensations. Signs protecting against the evil eye:

  1. Guardian angel. Its image will fill the soul with optimism, protect it from harmful influences, and help you quickly achieve complete harmony.
  2. Phoenix. Like this bird, which has the ability to be reborn from the ashes many times, its owner will receive every opportunity for a long life.
  3. Dream Catcher. Its purpose is to prevent nightmares and drive away bad thoughts.
  4. Eye of Horus. Egyptian symbol will give reliable protection from the evil eye and damage, the opportunity to live in harmony with nature, will protect from various troubles.
  5. Spider. His web will delay all possible misfortunes. Another property is to attract health. For the protection to work reliably, the tattoo is applied in an inconspicuous place.
  6. Black sun. Unusual luminary“hide” it from damage caused and possible enemies.
  7. Patterns of the ancient Celts. You need to be careful with them, as they carry a secret meaning. Some images will provide better protection from the evil eye, while others can bring difficult trials.
  8. Symbols symbolizing Slavic gods. Most often they use the magical fern flower, which is able to heal from diseases, and the Ladin is the keeper of family values.
  9. Eye in the pyramid. This strong amulet from the evil eye. All negativity will bypass a person with such a sign.
  10. Cross. Orthodox beliefs claim that his image on the body will protect from misfortunes and damage, and preserve health for many years. It is applied in the heart area or on the back.
  11. Bee. Winged insect pattern on the heel gives strong defense from external negativity, attracts wealth and develops eloquence.
  12. Martin. The bird will take care of eternal youth, give you success in business, and generously reward you with vital energy.
  13. Ladybug. She will attract the help of the forces of light, and as a result, luck will never turn away. It is also a symbol of fertility and motherhood.
  14. Cricket. Drawing is responsible for awakening creative potential, gives cheerfulness and attracts success.

You can get a tattoo by choosing a photo from a catalog, but the best option would be a sketch from a professional artist who will take into account all your wishes and characteristics. In the future, you will become the owner of a unique amulet, since its photo will not be published anywhere.