Learn fortune telling with cards. How to learn to tell fortunes using regular cards. Love for business

Very ancient custom- this is fortune telling, the great-grandmothers of our great-grandmothers did it, and they did it with fear and excitement, and with great pleasure. How to be able to correctly interpret what has been predicted and how to correctly predict it? What is fortune telling? This is information received from subtle plans, received from above from information fields, from your subconscious. You can call it whatever you want, a hint, a warning, a sign, good news. Analysis of possibilities created on existing data: our mood, thoughts, external influences and actions. In fact, this is just one of the options for shaping your future.

A calm and very simple game. If you don't have them, then this should happen. Whoever runs out of cards wins. To give you more excitement, you can give points, for example, every time you pass you bet beans, or when the game ends you count the cards that remain in your hand.

Do you need a special gift to tell fortunes?

The second idea is based on the famous "Donkey". Played with as many conjugations as the participants. Conjugations are shuffled and processed. If there are only 4 players, 24 cards are dealt. Once everyone has their 6 cards in hand, they must try to complete the pairing. Each one is given a signal so often, and they must give the letter away, discarding their partner on the right and receiving another from the one on the left. Here we are including an option to make the game more positive and peaceful while still being exciting.

You need to be able to guess correctly in order to find out your destiny.

The prediction comes true if all circumstances remain unchanged. Therefore, it’s worth making a choice; if you don’t like the prediction, try to change it radically. Everything is always in your hands, and you should not believe those who say otherwise. Almost any prediction can be changed. Don't give up, you should at least try. Most often, disappointed people come to fortune tellers who dream of getting everything on a plate without doing anything.

In the classic game, when you have a whole series, you have to put your hand on the table and say "donkey", then the last one who puts his hand in the center loses and adds the first letter of the word "donkey" to his marker when he adds 5 he loses the letters of the word “donkey” completely. It's a funny dynamic, but it has obvious disadvantages in the classroom, firstly because, although we say that you have to put your hand without letters, many times, unconsciously, you end up getting crushed between a bunch of hands; and secondly, because the word "donkey" is derogatory, and even if it is a game, we should always convey positive values in class.

Fortune telling is advice you receive to further think about or take certain actions or further inactions. It is fortune telling that gives you a chance to see different possibilities development of situations. People very often cannot resolve the difficulties and problems that have arisen, and think only about them all the time. The opportunity to look at what is happening from the outside, to abstract ourselves, to see what you sometimes don’t notice - fortune telling gives us this opportunity. The most important thing is to learn how to guess correctly, and then it will be easier for you to get the right answers to all questions.

The first idea is based on the game Jungle Speed ​​and was told and helped by Matias Hidalgo Gallardo, co-author of this blog. Basically, each student produces infinitives at random, and when the verb matches the category shown, they must jump to catch the object.

They receive as many conjugations as there are players. The cards are shuffled and dealt. In turn, each person must ask for a letter to complete the pairing. For example: "Laura, do you have your name?" If you do, you should answer yes and give it to her, and she will ask for another letter to whoever she wants; if he doesn't have it, he goes to next person. When a person collects a complete pairing, he discards it and scores points.

Basic rules for correct fortune telling.

There are very important rules, which will help to achieve optimal results in fortune-telling, and which must be followed.

1. Fortune telling is a very serious and responsible matter, even if you decide to do fortune telling as a joke. There are a huge variety of different fortune telling, and each of them requires certain conditions and observances, basic rules. This matter should not be treated with disdain. Fortune telling requires calm and concentration from the one who decided to do it. Not when you can’t guess in a hurry, or on the run. Before fortune-telling, it is recommended to rest for at least some time before, relax, just sit, try not to think about anything.

Preparation tips: The best option is to visit a print shop and ask them to print it front and back on a hard material such as thick cardboard. You can then ask them to cut it and if you want to last a long time, ask them to laminate it for you. If, on the other hand, you don't want to spend too much money, but you want acceptable material, you can print yourself in gray and color.

The traditional layout is done like this

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2. Your divination attributes are, for example: coins, dice, runes, paper, and much more. This is your working tool. It only belongs to you. It cannot be used by other people. You can’t even let me see it, only from your hands. You can only allow runes or cards to be removed during fortune telling. It is strictly prohibited to play fortune telling cards or indulge in them. Your fortune-telling tools should have their own separate place, for example: a piece of fabric, a box or a casket.

We'll soon be publishing dice, boards, and other games to turn our students into verb junkies. If you enjoy doing mentalism magic that involves the audience from start to finish, always with a surprising ending, this course is for you. There are 15 amazing and magical classes you can make with materials you have at home.

Fortune telling: how to turn a hobby into a profession

Know the complete syllabus content of this course. Duration: about 100 min. Now is your chance to do something shocking, something magical, something different, something different, something interesting? How about having knowledge that will make you read people's minds?

4. There should be perfect silence during fortune telling. Turn off the music, TV (or at least turn down the volume).

5. In the process of interpretation, be guided only by the meaning of one or another attribute of fortune telling. Be sure to listen to your feelings and sensations, to the thoughts that unexpectedly come to mind. But you shouldn’t weave your own experience into the resulting scenario. This is not conscious vanity, but a hindrance, and the most important thing in such a matter is the subconscious. It is because of the vanity that people turn to fortune telling. And you are just a mirror that reflects the information received, and nothing more. Don't forget this.

Watch the video below and feel the emotions of the mentalist

You can learn the art of mind reading, learn to be a mentalist and this book will teach you various secrets and the best almost all the effects you will learn suddenly. List of effects you will learn in this book. Today I have a new game for gypsy cards!

Change of attitude and partly worldview

Make it clear: this edition is intended for loving relationships with couples, as well as friendships or families. And after this stage, you and he enter the past, present and future. It will tell you how you feel, how you act, your personality. Basically: that you are in a relationship.

6. If you refuse to guess on your own and decide to seek the help of a professional fortune teller, do not rush to believe diplomas, titles and beautiful words. This does not always correspond to reality and reality. There are many charlatans who make money from other people’s problems, and therefore there is no need to completely trust the first person you meet. If you want to choose correctly a real fortune teller, it is recommended to ask about her capabilities to those people whom she helped and who contacted her. Reputation must be earned; it is not created just like that and not in one day. It must be earned by people's trust.

For example, in love relationships in a couple, if you leave the 9th letter of the bouquet, and you are a woman, you will immediately know that it represents both for the card and for the mystery in the middle, lady of spades: woman of relationships, cheerful and happy man. For example, if you receive card 32 from the Moon, you may already know that there is an active sexuality or something hidden, and depending on other cards in the game, you can transfer it to a positive or negative side occultism.

Where to start when starting fortune telling with cards

The future of your relationship. And people, don't tell me it didn't work or that it's not a good shot, because it's worked for me a few times and friends. If it didn't work, that's a personal matter and it's not my fault, nor is it Raquel's fault for posting the knowledge for you.

And you also need to be able to believe in yourself and in yourself, and then the basic rules of fortune telling will only help you. If you want to learn how to guess for real, the road forward is always open. Fortune telling is not only knowledge for especially dedicated people.

With concentration, perseverance, good intuition and intelligence, you will definitely learn to guess. Good luck in your endeavors!

One more thing: don't stick to the readings or symbols associated with other people's cards, study, meditate with the cards, transfer your energy to the deck and start interpreting according to your intuition, your magicians! To use this text, contact the author.

If you have purchased a tarot or oracle card, here are some tips to help you make your first reading of fortune cards. Clairvoyance is open to everyone, it requires work and practice: don’t despair, you will get there! It's simply not possible to do cards on the corner of a table, in the middle of a crowded restaurant, or with your kids screaming nearby and bothering you every 5 minutes. It is important to find room and time for good concentration. A bedroom, a corner of the living room, everything can agree when everything is quiet.

Fortune telling is an ancient custom that helps to accept correct solution with difficulties and problems in life. There are quite a lot of ways to find out your future, but before you learn to guess the future or love, you should find out general rules fortune telling.

How to learn to guess: basic rules

To achieve a truthful answer to your questions, learn to guess according to the rules. Firstly, never guess for fun or in a hurry. This is a serious activity that requires a special attitude, concentration and calm. Before fortune telling, you should sit in and tune in to it. It is contraindicated to guess while on drugs or drunkenness, with the TV on and music playing.

Do not lean on the ground, out of respect for your tarot, but also for the energies you will be calling.

  • If possible, be alone.
  • The coffee table is ideal when sitting on a sofa or a comfortable chair.
Know what's yours main enemy during fortune telling - your mind and parasitic thoughts.

Have the things you need at your fingertips

Small incense Candles Tablecloth Items that inspire you Very light background music. Of course, you don't need to use all of these things to do a proper session. Once you have started your session, all you have to do is think about the giveaway. Avoid unnecessary travel. Think before you start anything you might need in the next hour.

Fortune telling attributes (cards, runes, coins, etc.) are your working tools that must be treated with respect. You cannot transfer them to other people or use them for any other purposes, for example, play with them. Store fortune telling tools in a separate place, in a box or bag.

Interpretation of fortune telling results

In the process of fortune telling, answers come to a person from the information layers of the Universe, from his subconscious. Everything predicted is just one of the options for the development of events, and they come true only if the existing conditions are preserved, i.e. they are only relevant for this moment time.

Spend some time meditating

Your tarot or oracle book you bought What to note What to drink. . Goal: Clear your mind and be more receptive. If you have never meditated, simply lay your back on a chair or sofa, feet on the floor, and breathe deeply. Let the thoughts come to you, but don't hold on to it.

Like clouds, they will eventually pass. Once you are relaxed and your mind is calm, you can begin. Here is the golden rule for any clairvoyant or energy work: get to know you and listen to you. Card fortune telling isn't supposed to be fun, and you should never do it to entertain a gallery or when you know you don't want to draw cards. Because if you cannot achieve a state of mental calm during meditation, it is because the overall timing is poor. Your being knows when the moment is right for serious work.

Second important point- interpretation of what was predicted. There are many decodings of symbols when fortune telling by coffee, layouts - when card fortune telling etc. However, ready-made answers should only be partially believed, because the Universe is in in this case speaks specifically to you, and not to the compiler of the interpretation. For example, queen of spades almost always associated with misfortune. But if it doesn't cause you negative emotions, you need to listen to your subconscious.

Be free to choose your card layout

If you are distracted, anxious, exhausted from your day's work, angry or sad, it is wiser to postpone the meeting. Trust me on one thing: if you need to make a draw and get a useful and useful information for your personal evolution will eventually appear good time, and you will recognize it instinctively. Your Being knows what is good for you, trust it. Don't lock yourself into a predetermined craving structure. If you are more inspired by a sudden idea or intuition that the layout that appears in your mind is adaptable, use it.

There is only one conclusion from all of the above: you can learn to guess according to the rules, but your heart will help you interpret the results. Believe in yourself and your strengths, develop your intuition and ability to concentrate, and you will definitely learn to tell fortunes!