The magnification of the Apostle James Alpheus. Electronic magazine "Orthodox worshiper on the Holy Land"

Series "LLC"
Jacob Thaddeus Alfeev (12.09.)
My dear contemporary, I am opening for you a historical series of articles “THE BEST PEOPLE OF HUMANITY” about the most respectable human destinies of people chosen by the Creator, who dedicated their lives to the triumph of the truth of the Author of life and Love on planet Earth. Any self-respecting person considers knowledge of history to be one of the most important in his unique life in order to really know the high price of life itself and the heroes who gave this priceless gift - life on the altar of sacrifice for the sake of our happy future.

Jacob Thaddeus Alfeev (12.09.) - apostle of the 12 supreme ones.
(memory - July 13/June 30 (April 12), October 22/October 9)
Brother of the Apostle and Evangelist Matthew (+ 60; November 16/29), who was formerly a tax collector. He was called by the Lord Himself to be one of the 12 apostles and, along with the others, was sent to preach.
After the descent of the Holy Spirit, he preached first in Judea, then accompanied St. to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called (+ 62; commemorated November 30/December 13) to Edessa. He spread the gospel gospel in Gaza, Eleutheropolis and neighboring places, and from there he went to Egypt. Here, in the city of Ostratsina (a seaside town on the border with Palestine), he was crucified on the cross. ___________________________________
Jacob Alfeev is an apostle of Jesus Christ, a contemporary of the New Testament. In all four gospels his name is given in the list of apostles (Matt. 10:3; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:15), but no other information about him is reported.
According to his life, Jacob was a publican, preached in Judea, and then, together with the Apostle Andrew, went to Edessa. Afterwards he independently preached in Gaza and Eleutheropolis (Southern Palestine). Accepted martyrdom(was crucified on the cross) on the road to Egypt in the city of Ostratsina.
James Alphaeus should be distinguished from the apostle James Zebedee or James the Elder, as well as from James, “brother of the Lord,” an apostle from among the second Paul’s 70 apostles, the first bishop of Jerusalem, called James the Younger. Contributing to the confusion among some writers in the past is the fact that James the Younger is also sometimes called James the Younger.
Apostles James and Judas Alpheus (Thaddeus, Levvey)
El Greco. Saint Bartholomew The twins James and Judas, sons of Alpheus, were fishermen and lived near Jerez; James and John Zebedee brought them as the ninth and tenth apostles. They were twenty-six years old and married; Jacob had three children, Judah two.
Little can be said about these simple fishermen. They loved their Master, and Jesus loved them, but they never interrupted His discourse with questions. They had little understanding of the philosophical conversations and theological debates of the other apostles, but they rejoiced at being among such powerful people. Both of them were almost identical in their appearance, mental abilities and spiritual perception. What can be said about one is true for the other.

The first missionary journey of the six first active apostle candidates was a success. Each of them discovered the enormous value of direct, personal communication with people. They returned to Jesus with a better understanding that, ultimately, lived worship, unlike religion, is an entirely personal experience. They began to feel how much ordinary people yearn to hear words of spiritual support and consolation. And when the first active candidates for the apostles gathered around Jesus, everyone wanted to speak at the same time, but Andrew took upon himself the duties of the leader, and, receiving from Him the right to vote, they duly reported to the Master and presented the new six candidates for the apostles.
Each of the current six apostle candidates presented his chosen one, after which Jesus asked the others to vote for the newly nominated candidate; so all six new candidates for active disciple apostles were officially accepted by all six (senior) active disciples for apostleship. Jesus then announced that they would all visit these new candidates together and call them to ministry.
The following apostle candidates were called again:
1. Matthew Levi, a customs collector from Capernaum, whose customs house was located just east of the city, near the border with Bethany. He was brought by Andrey.
2. Thomas Didymus, a fisherman from Tarichea, who formerly worked as a carpenter and mason in Gadara. He was brought by Philip.
3. Jacob Alphaeus, fisherman and farmer from Jerez, brought by Jacob Zebedee.
4. Judas Alpheus, twin brother of James Alpheus, also a fisherman, was brought by John Zebedee.
5. Simon the Zealot, who held a high position in the patriotic party organization of the Zealots, gave it up to join the apostles of Jesus. Before becoming a Zealot, Simon was a merchant. He was brought by Peter.
6. Judas Iscariot was the only son of wealthy Jewish parents from Jericho. After he became a follower of John the Baptist, his parents from the then party group of the Sadducees (opponents of the Pharisees) disowned him. He was looking for work in these places when Jesus' apostles found him, and Nathanael invited Judas to join them mainly because of his experience in financial matters. Judas Iscariot was the only Jew among the twelve apostles.
7. Jacob and Judas - the twin sons of Alphaeus - were supposed to keep order. Their duties included appointing a sufficient number of attendants to maintain order in the crowd during sermons.

8. Simon Zelotes was responsible for restoring strength and spending leisure time. He organized days off on Wednesdays and tried to find a few hours every day for relaxation and entertainment.

9. Judas Iscariot was appointed treasurer. He carried the treasury. Judas paid all expenses and kept accounting records. He prepared weekly estimates of income and expenses for Matthew and reported to Andrew every week. Judas paid the money with the approval of Andrew.

Such were the functions of the twelve apostles from the beginning of this organization until the time when the betrayal of Judas forced them to reorganize. The teacher and his disciples-apostles continued their unassuming work until Sunday, January 12, 27 AD. BC, when Jesus called the apostles and officially dedicated them as ambassadors of the kingdom and preachers of its good news. And soon they were ready to go to Jerusalem and Judea - on their first journey with the public preaching of the kingdom.

Jesus spent the entire day with the six active disciples, answering their questions and listening to their detailed reports, for they had a lot to tell - they had accumulated many interesting and useful impressions. Now they saw all the wisdom of the Master's plan, who had sent them into the world to gain experience of quiet personal labor before embarking on more serious social activities.

© Copyright: Apostle Baaz, 2011
Certificate of publication No. 11107097569

Apostles Jacob Alpheus (12.9) and Judas Alpheus (70.1.1)

El Greco. Saint Bartholomew The twins James and Judas, sons of Alpheus, were fishermen and lived near Jerez; James and John Zebedee called them James Alpheus the ninth of the chief twelve, and Judas Alpheus subsequently one of the first 70 (Andreev) apostles.
They were twenty-six years old and married; Jacob had three children, Judah two.
Little can be said about these simple fishermen. They loved their Master, and Jesus loved them, but they never interrupted his discourse with questions. They had little understanding of the philosophical conversations and theological debates of the other apostles, but they rejoiced at being among such powerful people. Both of them were almost identical in their appearance, mental abilities and spiritual perception. What can be said about one is true for the other.

Apostles Alfeyev
Election of the Alfeev twins
The first missionary journey of the six apostles was a success. Each of them discovered the enormous value of direct, personal communication with people. They returned to Jesus, better understanding that religion is ultimately an entirely personal experience. They began to feel how much ordinary people yearned to hear words of religious support and spiritual consolation. And when the apostles gathered around Jesus, everyone wanted to speak at the same time, but Andrew took upon himself the duties of the leader, and, receiving from him the right to vote, they duly reported to the Teacher and presented the six candidates for the new apostles.
Each of the apostles introduced his chosen one, after which Jesus asked the others to vote for the candidate; so all six new apostles were officially accepted by all six senior disciples. Jesus then announced that they would all visit these candidates together and call them to ministry.

Among the newly elected were the apostles:
Jacob Alphaeus, fisherman and farmer from Jerez, chosen by Jacob Zebedee.
Judas Alpheus, the twin brother of James Alpheus, also a fisherman, was chosen by John Zebedee. (p. 1539)
The next morning, all nine sailed to Jerez to properly call the next two apostles - James and Judas, twin brothers, sons of Alphaeus, called by James and John Zebedee. The twin fishermen knew about the visit of Jesus and his apostles and were waiting for them on the shore. James Zebedee introduced the Master to the fishermen of Jerez, and Jesus, looking intently at them, nodded his head and said: “Follow Me.”
During the afternoon they spent together, Jesus gave them detailed instructions regarding the holiday gatherings, concluding his remarks in the following words: “All people are my brothers. My heavenly Father does not despise any creature we have created. The kingdom of heaven is open to all men and women. No one has the right to close the door of mercy to a thirsty soul seeking to enter the kingdom. We will share a meal with everyone who wants to hear about the kingdom. When our heavenly Father looks from heaven at people, they are all the same for him. Therefore, do not refuse to break bread with Pharisee or sinner, Sadducee or publican, Roman or Jew, rich or poor, free or slave. The gates of the kingdom are wide open to all who desire to know the truth and find God.”
That evening, during a modest dinner in the house of Alpheus, the twin brothers were received into the apostolic family. Later in the evening, Jesus gave his apostles the first lesson, the topic of which was the origin, nature and fate of unclean spirits. However, they could not understand the meaning of what he was talking about. They found it very easy to love and admire Jesus, but very difficult to understand many of his teachings. (p. 1541)

Jacob (12.9) and Jude (70.1.1) Alpheus
All the apostles, with the exception of the Alpheus twins, were graduates of synagogue schools, knew the scriptures of the Jews well, and possessed much of the most modern knowledge of that era. (p. 1548)

The twins Jacob and Judas, sons of Alpheus, were fishermen and lived near Jerez; James and John Zebedee chose them as the ninth and tenth apostles. They were twenty-six years old and married; Jacob had three children, Judah two.
Little can be said about these simple fishermen. They loved their Master, and Jesus loved them, but they never interrupted his discourse with questions. They had little understanding of the philosophical conversations and theological debates of the other apostles, but they rejoiced at being among such powerful people. Both of them were almost identical in their appearance, mental abilities and spiritual perception. What can be said about one is true for the other.
Andrei instructed them to maintain order. They were the main guardians of order during sermons and, in fact, were widely used by the apostles as servants and messengers. They helped Philip with supplies, took money to families instead of Nathanael, and were always ready to help any of the apostles.
Crowds of ordinary people experienced great enthusiasm when they saw among the apostles people like them, commoners who had been awarded such a high honor. The very fact of accepting these narrow-minded twins as apostles was a means of attracting many undecided believers into the kingdom. And, besides, ordinary people were more accepting of being led and governed by official guardians of order who were in many ways similar to themselves.
James and Judas, who were also called Thaddeus and Levway, had neither strong nor weaknesses. The nicknames given to them by the apostles were good-natured denotations of mediocrity. They were "the least of all the apostles." They knew this and were not upset.
Jacob Alpheus especially loved Jesus because of his simplicity. These twins could not comprehend the mind of Jesus, but they did feel that they were bound to the heart of the Master by bonds of benevolence. They didn't have much intelligence; With all due respect to them, they could even be called stupid, but in their spiritual essence they had real experience. They believed in Jesus; they were sons of God and brothers in the kingdom.
Judas Alfeev was attracted to Jesus by the unostentatious modesty of the Teacher. Such modesty, combined with such personal dignity, extremely impressed Judas. The fact that Jesus always kept silent about his unusual deeds made a huge impression on this simple-minded child of nature.
The twins were good-natured and simple-minded helpers, and everyone loved them. Jesus invited these young men of one talent to take an honored place in the kingdom - to enter into his personal circle - because in the space-time worlds there are countless millions of the same simple-minded and fear-stricken souls to whom he also offers active religious fellowship with him and his poured out by the Spirit of Truth. Jesus does not despise insignificance, but evil and sin. Jacob and Judas were insignificant, but they were faithful. They were simple and ignorant people, but they had big hearts, kindness and generosity.
And how filled with grateful pride were these humble people that day when the Master refused to accept a certain rich man as a preacher of the gospel until he sold his property and helped the poor! When the poor heard this and saw the twins among his advisers, they knew for certain that Jesus was no respecter of persons. Only a divine institution - the kingdom of heaven - could be built on such an ordinary human foundation!
Only once or twice during their entire association with Jesus did the twins decide to ask a question in the presence of others. Judas's awakened interest prompted him to ask a question after the Teacher spoke about publicly revealing himself to the world. Judas was somewhat disappointed that the twelve apostles would have no secrets left, and decided to ask: “But Teacher, when you reveal yourself to the world in this way, how will you distinguish us with a special manifestation of your virtue?”
The twins served conscientiously until the very end - until the dark days of trial, crucifixion and despair. They never lost faith in Jesus in their hearts and (apart from John) were the first to believe in the resurrection. But they could not understand the establishment of the kingdom. Soon after their Master was crucified, they returned to their families and networks; their work was completed. They did not have the abilities needed to fight more difficult battles in the name of the kingdom. However, they lived and died with the knowledge that they had been honored and blessed with four years of close and personal connection with the Son of God, the sovereign creator of the universe. (pp. 1563-1564)

Responsibilities in the Apostolic Family. Characteristics
Jacob and Judas - the twin sons of Alphaeus - were supposed to keep order. Their duties included appointing a sufficient number of attendants to maintain order in the crowd during sermons. (p. 1547)

Not far from Zebedee's home, a gigantic camp was maintained, greatly enlarged to accommodate Jesus' growing apostolic family. This constantly renewed coastal camp, inhabited by seekers of truth, the sick and curious, awaiting healing, numbered from five hundred to one and a half thousand people. The tent city was under the general supervision of David Zebedee, who was assisted by the Alpheus twins. (p. 1657)

The Alfeev twins hardly participated in deep conversations, busy with their usual duties. One of them expressed their common opinion when, in answer to Philip's question, he said: "We understand nothing about the resurrection, but our mother says that she talked with the Teacher, and we believe her." (page 2038)

For a moment, Peter was overcome with the realization that he had just spoken with the resurrected Master and that he could rest assured that he remained a messenger of the Kingdom. He had just heard the illustrious Teacher calling him to continue preaching the Gospel. Overwhelmed by all these feelings, Peter rushed into the upper hall to his fellow apostles and, breathless, exclaimed: “I saw the Teacher, He was in the garden! I spoke to Him and He forgave me!”
Peter's announcement that he had seen Jesus had a huge impact on the other apostles. They were about to give up their doubts, but then Andrei stood up and warned them not to trust his brother’s message too much. Andrei hinted that in the past Peter had already seen things that were not true. Although Andrew did not directly say that he was referring to the night vision on the Sea of ​​​​Galilee - when Peter claimed to have seen the Teacher walking towards them on the water - his words were enough for everyone present to understand that this particular incident was meant. Simon Peter was greatly offended by his brother's hints and fell silent offended. The twins felt sorry for Peter, and they approached him to express their sympathy, and also to say that they believed him, and to repeat that their own mother had also seen the Teacher. (page 2040)

The apostles assembled in the same upper hall, and each of them - with the exception of Thomas, Simon Zelotes and the Alpheus twins - solemnly vowed to go on a journey of public preaching of the gospel of the risen Lord. (page 2051)
Shortly after Pentecost, the twins returned home to Galilee. (page 2058)
Good disposition, equanimity and calmness
When Thomas was in a gloomy mood, sometimes Nathanael helped him come to his senses, sometimes Peter, and often one of the Alfeev twins. (p. 1562)
Only the twins saved normal condition spirit and equanimity. (p. 1611)
The twins were blissfully unaware of their differences (p. 1618)
Once again, twelve disappointed, embarrassed and saddened men went to rest. That night, with the exception of the twins, they hardly slept a wink. (p. 1634)
…It was precisely this group of dejected and disconsolate followers that Jesus left behind as he headed to the synagogue of Capernaum that fine Sabbath day to deliver his epoch-making sermon. The only one from whom He heard words of good parting words was one of the unsuspecting Alpheus twins, who joyfully greeted Jesus as He left the house and headed to the synagogue: “We will pray that the Father will help You and that more people will come to us.” than ever before." (p. 1707)
As they returned to Bethany, Jesus walked ahead of the apostles. They walked in silence; So they parted, arriving at Simon's house. Never have twelve or seventy human creatures experienced such different and inexpressible feelings as those that tormented the minds and souls of the future messengers of the Kingdom. These strong Galileans were confused and discouraged; they did not know what to expect now; they were so amazed that they did not even feel afraid. The future apostles knew nothing about the Master's plans for the next day, and they did not ask. They went home, although everyone except the twins slept poorly. (p. 1884)
It was a wonderful day for the Alfeev twins. They truly enjoyed everything that was happening and, being absent during a quiet walk around the temple, they hardly saw a decline in popular enthusiasm. They completely did not understand the despondency of the apostles who returned to Bethany in the evening. The twins remembered that day as the highest embodiment of heaven on earth. He brought them the greatest satisfaction during their service as apostles. And the memory of the delight that gripped them that Sunday helped them get through the whole tragedy of that eventful week until the hour of the crucifixion. In the minds of the twins, such an introduction was most worthy of a King; they enjoyed every moment of the procession. They fully approved of everything they saw and kept it in their memory for a long time. (p. 1886)
Seeing that they were going to stay awake all night and ask questions, Jesus said to them: “My brothers, you are material vessels; you had better retire to be ready for tomorrow’s work.” But they had no time to sleep anymore. Peter dared to turn to his Teacher with a request to “talk a little in private. Not because I have any secrets from my brothers, but because my spirit is confused, and if I deserve reproach from my Teacher, it would be easier for me to bear it alone with You.” And Jesus said, “Come with me, Peter,” and he was the first to enter the house. When Peter returned from the Teacher cheerful and extremely inspired, Jacob decided to enter the house and talk with Jesus. So, in the pre-dawn morning hours, the rest of the disciples, the apostles, took turns entering the house to talk with the Teacher. After everyone except the twins, who had fallen asleep, had spoken with Jesus alone, Andrew came in to Him and said: “Teacher, the twins fell asleep in the garden near the fire; Should I raise them up to ask if they also want to talk to You? Smiling, Jesus replied, “They are well—don’t bother them.” The night was coming to an end. It was a new day. (p1578)

Parting words of Jesus
To the Alfeyev twins he said: “Don’t let what you don’t understand crush you. Be faithful to the love that lives in your hearts, and do not rely on great people or changeable things. human attitude. Stay with your brothers." (p. 1897)
Judas Alfeev decided to ask one of those rare questions that he or his brother had ever asked Jesus in public. Judas asked: “Teacher, you have always lived among us as a friend; how will we recognize you when you show yourself to us only through this spirit? If the world doesn't see you, how can we have confidence in you? How will you show yourself to us?
Jesus looked at everyone, smiled and said: “My little children, I am leaving, returning to my Father. Soon you will no longer see me as I am now, flesh and blood. Very little time will pass and I will send to you my spirit, which will be like me in everything, with the exception of this material body. This new teacher is the Spirit of Truth, who will live in each of you in the heart, and all the children of light will become united and will be drawn to each other. This is how the Father and I can live in the soul of each of you, as well as in the hearts of all other people who love us and who embody this love when they love each other - just as I love you now.
Judas Alpheus did not quite understand what Jesus said, but he understood the promise to send a new teacher, and from the expression on Andrew's face he felt that he had received a good answer to his question. (pp. 1948-1949)
Jesus approached the Alpheus twins and, standing between them, said: “My little children, you are one of three pairs of brothers who have decided to follow Me. All six worked successfully in peace with their relatives, but none did it better than you. Hard times await us. You may not understand all that is in store for you and your brothers, but never doubt that you have one day been called to work for the Kingdom. For a while you will not have to deal with crowds of people, but do not lose heart: when your life's work is completed, I will receive you in heaven, where, in glory, you will tell the story of your salvation to the seraphic host and the multitude of the high Sons of God. Dedicate your life to the upliftment of everyday work. Show all men on earth and angels in heaven how joyfully and courageously mortal man, called for a time to the special service of God, is able to return to his former occupations. If it happens that your work in the external affairs of the kingdom is temporarily terminated, return to your former occupations with a new enlightenment acquired in the experience of sonship with God, and with the sublime consciousness that for the God-knowing person there is no such thing as everyday occupation or worldly work. For you - those who worked with Me - all things became sacred, and every earthly work became a service to God the Father himself. And when you hear of the deeds of your former fellow apostles, rejoice with them and continue your daily work as those who accompany God and, following him, serve Him. You have been My apostles and you will always be, and I will remember you in the kingdom to come.” (pp. 1959-1960)
Jesus went for a walk with the Alpheus twins, James and Jude, and addressing them both, he asked, “James and Jude, do you believe in Me?” And when they both answered: “Yes, Master, we believe,” He said: “Soon I will leave you. You see that I have already left you in the flesh. Only for a short time will I stay here in this form before I go to the Father. You believe in Me - you are My apostles, and you will remain so forever. Continue to believe and remember your connection with Me when I am gone, after you may have returned to the work you were doing before you came to live with Me. Do not allow any external change in your work to affect your devotion. Until the end of your earthly days, believe in God. Always remember that when a person is a son of God in faith, all honest work in this world is holy, no matter what the son of God does. Therefore, from now on, do your work as if you were doing it for God. And when you complete your earthly path, I will show you other, even more beautiful worlds, where you will also work for Me. And in all your work, in this world and in others, I will work with you, and My Spirit will dwell in you.” (page 2049)


Holy Apostle Jacob came from the Galilean city of Capernaum. He was the son of Alpheus and the brother of the holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew, who was formerly a tax collector. When the Lord Jesus Christ began to preach His Divine teaching, Jacob, having heard him, himself followed the Lord. The Lord numbered him, as worthy, among the 12 apostles.

Not a single evangelist mentions the name of Jacob Alpheus in his gospel, and therefore we know practically nothing about his life. In addition, among the 12 disciples of Christ, three apostles bore the name James, plus there was another apostle James from among the 70. And therefore, in some sources there is such a colossal confusion of episodes in the lives of the four apostles James that it is sometimes difficult to understand about whom this is written.

According to legend, one can only say that the Apostle James, having accepted the gift of the Holy Spirit with the other apostles on the day of Pentecost, went preaching the word of God to the pagans. He zealously guided the lost on the path of salvation. Like a burning and consuming fire, there was divine jealousy that declared the holy Apostle James. He fearlessly denounced godlessness, crushed idols, and destroyed idol temples. He preached the teachings of Christ with inspiration, healed the sick and demon-possessed, and performed various miracles. He converted many infidels to Christ. Through his zealous apostolic labors, the word of God quickly spread and strengthened in the countries where he preached.

Saint James received from the converts the name " divine seed“, because by sowing the word of God in people’s hearts, he planted faith and cultivated piety. The main places of his preaching work were the cities of Gaza and Eleutheropolis with their surroundings. Having traveled through many countries and diligently sowing everywhere the seed of the word of God, the holy apostle came to Egypt, to the local Ostratsyn town, lying on the seashore, on the border with Palestine. Here he preached the name of Christ. Embittered pagans grabbed Saint James and nailed him to the cross. So, suffering, he departed from this life into Eternal Life. The day of his repose, October 22, is dedicated by the Holy Church to the celebration of his memory.

The relics of the Apostle James Alpheus are in Rome in catholic church 12 apostles. In the same temple are the relics of the apostles Philip,Apostle James of the 70th, Apostle James the brother of the Lord (part of the relics), martyrs Marian Deacon, Diorosius, Eutropius, X Risanthos and Darius, the relics of the holy martyrs Eugenia and Claudia; "Greek" icon of the Mother of God.

This church was originally dedicated to St. Jacob Alfeev and St. Philip (later all 12 apostles) and served as the church of the noble Roman dynasty of the Colonna family. Possibly built in 560 under Pope Pelagius I on the occasion of the liberation of Rome from the Ostrogoths and the victory over the Arian heresy.To the right of the main altar is the count's grave Giraud de Caprier and Cardinal Raffaele Riario probably the work of Michelangelo himself. And next to the first chapel there is a shrine in which keeps the heart of Maria Clementina Sobieska, granddaughter of the Polish king John III Sobieski(e e tomb is located in St. Peter's Basilica). There is a grave in the temple Pope Clement XIV in neoclassical style.

However, in Rome there are not complete relics of the holy Apostle James Alpheus. A particle of the relics of the holy apostle rests in Bari, in the Church of St. Nicholas. And his head resides in Vinice in the Cathedral of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark ,

A particle of relics from the head of the holy apostle is also located on Mount Athos in Greek Orthodox monastery Esphigmen.

Thisone of the Athos monasteries, occupying 18th place in the Svyatogorsk hierarchy. Located in the eastern part of the Athos Peninsula; approved by Kinot in the 10th-11th centuries. The monastery is illuminated in honor of the Ascension of the Lord.

The fate of this monastery is very long-suffering.

In the early 1960s, when the Pope met with the Patriarch of Constantinople Athenagoras (Spirou) for joint prayer. In response to this, the monks of the Esphigmenou monastery in their Appeal openly accused the Patriarchate of connections with the Vatican and ecumenism.

Since 1974, the brethren of the monastery refused to raise the name Patriarch of Constantinople Demtrius (the ruling bishop of all Athonite monasteries), accusing him of ecumenism (primarily meetings with the Roman pontiffs) and the absence of his representative in Kinot (the government of Athos).

Archimandrite Evdokim and Abbot Xenophon were subject to deposition and expulsion from their monastery, but with permission to live in some other Athonite monastery. The abbots of the other two brotherhoods - Archimandrites Dionysius Grigoriatsky and Andrei Svyatopaulsky - were subject to deposition if they did not resume the commemoration of the patriarchal name within two months. Upon receipt of the patriarch's letter, the police cut the telephone line to Esphigmenou and set up a cordon outside the monastery. Meanwhile, the monks locked the monastery gates and hung a large black banner from the wall with the inscription “ Orthodoxy or death" They warned the civil governor of Athos that they would resist any attempt to enter the monastery by force. In your declaration to the outside world they stated that they continue to consider themselves a canonical subject of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, but do not recognize the current occupant of the patriarchal throne, since “he is an enemy of Orthodoxy.” To the offensive Holy Week the monastery was completely cut off from the world: no one entered or left it."

The conflict escalated sharply at the end of 2002, when the Patriarchate of Constantinople officially declared the rebellious brethren (then 117 monks) Schismatics, which, according to Greek law, entails expulsion from Mount Athos, a decision about which was made by the Thessaloniki court, and then Supreme Court Greece.

In 2005, a canonically recognized monastery community was created, which was recognized as having the right to own the monastery. Archimandrite Chrysostomos (Katsoulieris) was confirmed as the rector of the legitimate community († October 3, 2013.

In December 2006 there was mass brawl between the rebellious brethren and the monks who tried to occupy the monastery. In June 2008, it was reported that police forces were converging on the monastery.

On September 24, 2009, the Thessaloniki court sentenced 14 monks of the monastery, including the abbot of the monastery Schema-Archimandrite Methodius (Papalambrakopoulo), to a year in prison suspended “for disturbing public peace,” that is, for refusing to comply with the instructions of the authorities and leave the monastery, and on April 6, 2011 the same court sentenced all mentioned monks to 6 months imprisonment"for the illegal occupation of the monastery buildings." Periodically, since 2012, the Greek police have carried out raids to storm or blockade the monastery.

In addition to the head of the Apostle James Alfeev in The monastery carefully preserves many relics of saints, for example, the foot of Mary Magdalene. There are valuable relics such as the Pulcheria cross and a mosaic icon of the Savior from the 7th century.

In the Church of the Deposition of the Robe on Donskaya street in Moscow the icon was kept in which it was inserted forehead bone of the Apostle James. The icon entered the church in 1857 from the Nizhyn Greek K. A. Buba with the blessing of St. Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow.

Every year on November 29th Russian churches an akathist to the Apostle James Alfeev sounds. On this day, the memory of one of the closest disciples and followers of Jesus Christ is celebrated, about whom we learn from the pages written by the three evangelists - Saints Matthew, Mark and Luke. From the little that they considered necessary to tell us, we will try to get an idea about this man who dedicated himself to God.

The Publican of Capernaum

As is commonly believed, the homeland of the Apostle James Alpheus was the city of Capernaum, located on the shores of Lake Tiberias, now called Kinneret. This largely determined his subsequent meeting with Jesus Christ, who chose this city as one of the main places of his preaching.

Before he responded to the call of Jesus Christ to join his twelve closest followers and disciples, the Apostle James Alpheus was a publican, that is, a tax collector. This occupation was considered despicable because the money went to the treasury of Rome, which conquered Judea in those years, and assistance to the occupiers was at all times considered treason. In addition, publicans deliberately inflated the amount of tax and, profiting from this, mercilessly robbed the people.

Brothers who followed Christ

According to the texts of the New Testament, the Apostle James Alpheus was the brother of the Evangelist Matthew, who, like him, served as a tax collector, but then believed in Christ and broke with his sinful past. Together they became one of the twelve chosen ones of God, numbered among the apostles and sent into the world to preach the Gospel. In addition, his other brother was also the closest follower of Jesus Christ and went down in history under the name of the Apostle Thaddeus.

It should be noted that even in the first centuries of Christianity, serious difficulties arose associated with the establishment true history life of the Apostle James Alfeev. The reason was that, according to the Gospel, two more of Christ’s closest followers bore this name - James of Zebedee, who was the brother of John the Theologian, and also the half-brother of Jesus, who was one of the seventy apostles under the name of James, the brother of the Lord. Numerous discrepancies that appeared in the lives of Saint James Alpheus written later were the result of his identification with these personalities.

Sower of God's Word

Apostle James Alpheus is one of those who was given the Grace, having seen with his own eyes the risen Savior, to hear the words of Divine truth coming from his lips for forty days. From the pages of the Holy Gospel we also learn that, being on the tenth day after the ascension of Jesus Christ, together with his other eleven disciples and the Most Pure Virgin Mary in the Upper Room of Zion, he was honored to receive the Holy Spirit, who descended in the form of tongues of fire.

The life of the Apostle James Alpheus tells how, ignited by the fire of Christ’s teaching and diligently instilling faith, during his lifetime he began to be called the “Divine Seed.” The apostle earned such a high name by uprooting the thorns of sin and unbelief and planting in human hearts the shoots of the coming Kingdom of Heaven. His harvest were human souls saved from the depths of hell and eternal death.

The path of apostolic ministry of Jacob Alfeev

It is also known from the pages of the life to which regions the Apostle James Alpheus carried the gospel and where he sowed the word of God. In the first months after the ascension of Jesus Christ, his vast field was Judea itself, but then, together with the Apostle Andrew, he went to Edessa - the most important center early Christianity in Asia Minor, located in the southeast of modern Turkey. This period of his ministry is described in the book “The Acts of the Apostles,” which is included in the texts of the New Testament.

Then the holy apostle continued his ministry in Gaza - one of the most ancient Philistine cities, located on the border with Judea, and in Gospel times was part of Syria. Returning to Jerusalem, the Apostle James Alpheus also preached to the inhabitants of the city of Eleutheropolis, who gathered in crowds of thousands to hear from his lips the words of the teaching that bestowed eternal life. Their conversion to Christ had a special important, since it was in this city that Saint Ananias, the bishop of Damascus, who once baptized the Apostle Paul, was killed.

Death, which became the beginning of universal veneration

As the life of the Apostle James Alpheus further testifies, his earthly journey ended in the seaside town of Ostratsina, where the saint ended up on his way to preach in Egypt. The apostle's words were met with an outburst of anger on the part of the pagans, as a result of which he was captured and sentenced to crucifixion. Despite the severity of suffering, the closest disciple of Jesus Christ was happy to become like the Teacher in his death.

The veneration of the Apostle James, like the rest of the closest followers of Jesus Christ, was established in the first centuries of Christianity and became widespread in the 4th century, when the new and until then persecuted religion acquired official status. In those years, many Christian communities declared their succession directly from the apostles, thereby proving the right to independence in decision-making on the most important religious issues. This introduced additional difficulties into the compilation of the life of St. John Alpheus, since it was the reason for a number of fictitious testimonies about his stay in a number of cities.

Apostle Andrew on the banks of the Volkhov

Having received light from Byzantium Christ's faith Rus' has fully inherited the tradition of venerating its preachers - the holy apostles. In this regard, it is interesting to note that the Apostle James enjoyed special love among the residents of ancient Novgorod, and it was in its churches that the icon of the Apostle James Alpheus was found more often than anywhere else. This is associated with two legends.

According to one of them, set out in ancient chronicles, the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, converting Gentiles to Christ, made a journey during which he visited the banks of the Dnieper, and then continued his journey north all the way to Novgorod. According to one version, along Volkhov he reached Lake Ladoga and even erected a cross on the island where he was later founded Valaam Monastery. Perhaps this legend was born by the Novgorodians themselves, who wanted to prove apostolic succession its clergy.

Birth of a legend

Without going into speculation about whether it has any real basis, we can only assume that this version gave rise to another legend, according to which, along with the Apostle Andrew, the Apostle James, who once accompanied him to Edessa, also visited Novgorod. A reasonable question: “Why couldn’t he do the same as his closest associate?” In any case, it was from Novgorod that the troparion of the Apostle James Alfeev and translated from Greek language Akathist As mentioned above, today his memory is celebrated annually on November 29.

Let me finish this article short prayer Apostle James Alpheus. In the humility of our hearts, let us utter the words that have been heard for many centuries: “Holy Apostle James, pray to God for us!”

Jacob Alfeev, son of Alpheus (Hebrew: Yaakov Ben Halfai) is one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. Brother of the Apostle Judas Jacob, possibly brother of the Apostle and Evangelist Matthew. In the three Gospels, his name is given in the list of the twelve (Matthew 10:3; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:15), but no other information is reported about him.

According to his life, Jacob was a publican, preached in Judea, and then, together with the Apostle Andrew, went to Edessa. Afterwards he independently preached in Gaza and Eleutheropolis (Southern Palestine).

Due to confusion with other Jacobs, it is rather difficult to trace his path in the Christian tradition. There are several versions about his death and burial. According to some authors, for example, Pseudo-Simeon Logothetes, he died in Marmarik (“stoned by the Jews”), while for others he suffered martyrdom on the road to Egypt in the city of Ostratsina (crucified on the cross).

James Alphaeus is to be distinguished from the apostle James Zebedee or James the Elder, and also from James the “brother of the Lord,” the apostle of the 70, the first bishop of Jerusalem, called James the Younger. Contributing to the confusion among some authors in the past was the fact that James Alpheus is also sometimes called James the Younger. The relics of the apostle are kept in Rome in the Church of Santi Apostoli (Temple of the Twelve Apostles). There is also a particle of the relics of Jacob in Bari, in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas. And his head remains in Venice in the Cathedral of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark. A piece of relics from the head of the holy Apostle is also located on Mount Athos in the Greek Orthodox monastery of Esphigmen.

Memory in Orthodox Church takes place on October 9 (22) Julian calendar and at the Council of the Twelve Apostles on June 30 (July 13); V Catholic Church May 3.

Every year on November 29, an akathist to the Apostle James Alfeev is heard in Russian churches. On this day, the memory of one of the closest disciples and followers of Jesus Christ is celebrated, about whom we learn from the pages written by the three evangelists - Saints Matthew, Mark and Luke. From the little that they considered necessary to tell us, we will try to get an idea about this man who dedicated himself to God.

The Publican of Capernaum

As is commonly believed, the homeland of the Apostle James Alpheus was the city of Capernaum, located on the shore of what is now called the Kinneret. This largely determined his subsequent meeting with Jesus Christ, who chose this city as one of the main places of his preaching.

Before he responded to the call of Jesus Christ to join his twelve closest followers and disciples, the Apostle James Alpheus was a publican, that is, a tax collector. This occupation was considered despicable because the money went to the treasury of Rome, which conquered Judea in those years, and assistance to the occupiers was at all times considered treason. In addition, publicans deliberately inflated the amount of tax and, profiting from this, mercilessly robbed the people.

Brothers who followed Christ

According to the texts of the New Testament, the Apostle James Alpheus was the brother of the Evangelist Matthew, who, like him, served as a publican, but then believed in Christ and broke with his sinful past. Together they became one of the twelve chosen ones of God, numbered among the apostles and sent into the world to preach the Gospel. In addition, his other brother was also the closest follower of Jesus Christ and went down in history under the name

It should be noted that even in the first centuries of Christianity, serious difficulties arose related to establishing the true history of the life of the Apostle James Alpheus. The reason was that, according to the Gospel, two more of Christ's closest followers bore this name - James of Zebedee, who was the brother and also the half-brother of Jesus, who was one of the seventy apostles under the name of James, the brother of the Lord. Numerous discrepancies that appeared in the lives of Saint James Alpheus written later were the result of his identification with these personalities.

Sower of God's Word

Apostle James Alpheus is one of those who was given the Grace, having seen with his own eyes the risen Savior, to hear the words of Divine truth coming from his lips for forty days. From the pages of the Holy Gospel we also learn that, being on the tenth day after the ascension of Jesus Christ, together with his other eleven disciples and the Most Pure Virgin Mary in the Upper Room of Zion, he was honored to receive the Holy Spirit, who descended in the form of tongues of fire.

The life of the Apostle James Alpheus tells how, ignited by the fire of Christ’s teaching and diligently instilling faith, during his lifetime he began to be called the “Divine Seed.” The apostle earned such a high name by uprooting the thorns of sin and unbelief and planting in human hearts the shoots of the coming Kingdom of Heaven. His harvest were human souls saved from the depths of hell and eternal death.

The path of apostolic ministry of Jacob Alfeev

It is also known from the pages of the life to which regions the Apostle James Alpheus carried the gospel and where he sowed the word of God. In the first months after the ascension of Jesus Christ, his vast field was Judea itself, but then, together with the Apostle Andrew, he went to Edessa - the most important center of early Christianity in Asia Minor, located in the southeast of modern Turkey. This period of his ministry is described in the book “The Acts of the Apostles,” which is included in the texts of the New Testament.

Then the holy apostle continued his ministry in Gaza - one of the most ancient Philistine cities, located on the border with Judea, and in Gospel times was part of Syria. Returning to Jerusalem, the Apostle James Alpheus also preached to the inhabitants of the city of Eleutheropolis, who gathered in crowds of thousands to hear from his lips the words of the teaching that bestows eternal life. Their conversion to Christ was of particular importance, since it was in this city that Saint Ananias, the Bishop of Damascus, who once baptized

Death, which became the beginning of universal veneration

As the life of the Apostle James Alpheus further testifies, his earthly journey ended in the seaside town of Ostratsina, where the saint ended up on his way to preach in Egypt. The apostle's words were met with an outburst of anger on the part of the pagans, as a result of which he was captured and sentenced to crucifixion. Despite the severity of suffering, the closest disciple of Jesus Christ was happy to become like the Teacher in his death.

The veneration of the Apostle James, like the rest of the closest followers of Jesus Christ, was established in the first centuries of Christianity and became widespread in the 4th century, when the new and until then persecuted religion acquired official status. In those years, many Christian communities declared their succession directly from the apostles, thereby proving the right to independence in decision-making on the most important religious issues. This introduced additional difficulties into the compilation of the life of St. John Alpheus, since it was the reason for a number of fictitious testimonies about his stay in a number of cities.

Apostle Andrew on the banks of the Volkhov

Having received the light of the Christian faith from Byzantium, Rus' fully inherited the tradition of venerating its preachers - the holy apostles. In this regard, it is interesting to note that the Apostle James enjoyed special love among the residents of ancient Novgorod, and it was in its churches that the icon of the Apostle James Alpheus was found more often than anywhere else. This is associated with two legends.

According to one of them, set out in ancient chronicles, the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, converting Gentiles to Christ, made a journey during which he visited the banks of the Dnieper, and then continued his journey north all the way to Novgorod. According to one version, according to Volkhov, he reached Lake Ladoga and even erected a cross on the island where he was later founded. Perhaps this legend was born by the Novgorodians themselves, who wanted to prove the apostolic succession of their clergy.

Birth of a legend

Without going into speculation about whether it has any real basis, we can only assume that this version gave rise to another legend, according to which, along with the Apostle Andrew, the Apostle James, who once accompanied him to Edessa, also visited Novgorod. A reasonable question: “Why couldn’t he do the same as his closest associate?” In any case, it was from Novgorod that the troparion of the Apostle James Alpheus and the akathist translated from Greek began their journey through the churches of boundless Rus'. As mentioned above, today his memory is celebrated annually on November 29.

Let this article conclude with a short prayer to the Apostle James Alpheus. In the humility of our hearts, let us utter the words that have been heard for many centuries: “Holy Apostle James, pray to God for us!”