Bishop Hilarion Alpheus. Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) is a Jew! Meet us! Hilarion Alfeev - Honorary Prelate and Secret Uniate Cardinal-Archbishop for Crypto-Catholics of the Byzantine Rite in Russia

From the first minute of communication, the Orthodox clergyman and theologian Metropolitan Hilarion attracts attention with his piercing and very deep gaze. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that he is a man of complex thinking, who knows something more, true and hidden, and who is trying in every possible way to convey his knowledge and thoughts to people and thereby make the world in their souls brighter and kinder.

The Metropolitan (his photo is presented just below) is a patrolologist and Doctor of Philosophy and the Theological Institute in Paris. He is also a member of the Synodal Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church, head of the Moscow Patriarchate Secretariat for Inter-Christian Relations of the Department of External Church Relations and the author of musical epic oratorios and suites for chamber performance. In this article we will trace life path this man, let's get acquainted with his biography, which contains many interesting facts.

Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk: biography

In the world Alfeev Grigory Valerievich was born on June 24, 1966. He was destined for a good musical career, since, having graduated from the Gnesin music school, he then studied at the Moscow State Conservatory. Then he served the required two years in the Soviet army, after which he immediately decided to become a novice at the Vilna Holy Spirit Monastery.


The future Metropolitan Hilarion was born in the capital of Russia, into a very intelligent family. His date of birth is July 24, 1966. His grandfather, Markovic, was a historian who wrote a number of books about the Spanish Civil War. Unfortunately, he died in 1944 in the war against the Nazis. The Metropolitan's father, Dashevsky Valery Grigorievich, was a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and wrote scientific works. He is the author of monographs on organic chemistry. But Valery Grigorievich left the family and then died in an accident. Gregory's mother was a writer who had the bitter fate of raising her son alone. He was baptized at age 11.

From 1973 to 1984, Hilarion studied violin and composition at the Moscow Gnessin Secondary Special Music School. At the age of 15, he entered the Church of the Resurrection of the Word on Uspensky Vrazhek (Moscow) as a reader. After graduating from school, in 1984, he entered the composition department of the Moscow State Conservatory. In January 1987, he left his studies and entered the Vilna Holy Spirit Monastery as a novice.


In 1990 he became rector of Blagoveshchensk cathedral in the city of Kaunas (Lithuania). In 1989, Hilarion graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary in absentia, then studied at the Moscow Theological Academy, where he received a candidate's degree in theology. After a while he becomes a teacher at the St. Tikhon's Theological Institute and the University of St. Apostle John the Theologian.

In 1993, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Theological Academy and was sent to Oxford University, where in 1995 he received a Ph.D. Then for six years he worked in the department of external church relations. Afterwards he becomes a clergyman at the Church of St. Catherine on Vspolye in Moscow.

In 1999, he was awarded the title of Doctor of Theology by the Orthodox St. Sergius Institute in Paris.

In 2002, Archimandrite Hilarion became Bishop of Kerchin. And at the beginning of January 2002, in the Smolensk Cathedral, he took the rank of archimandrite and literally a week later he was consecrated bishop in the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Work abroad

In 2002 he was sent to serve in Diocese of Sourozh, headed by Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom, Russian Orthodox Church of Great Britain and Ireland), but soon the entire episcopate, led by Bishop Vasily (Osborne, who in 2010 would be deprived of the priesthood and monasticism, because he expressed a desire to get married), took up arms against him. All this happened because Hilarion spoke somewhat accusatoryly about this diocese, and for this he received critical remarks from Bishop Anthony, in which he pointed out that they were unlikely to work together. But Hilarion is still that “tough nut to crack”; he gave a speech where he absolved himself of all accusations and insisted on the correctness of his opinion.

As a result, he was recalled from this diocese and appointed the main representative of the Russian Orthodox Church for work with international European organizations. The Metropolitan has always advocated in his speeches that a Europe tolerant of all religions should not forget its Christian roots, since this is one of the most important spiritual and moral components that determines European identity.


Since 2006, he has been actively involved in music and has written many musical works: “Divine Liturgy”, “All-Night Vigil”, “Matthew Passion”, “Christmas Oratorio”, etc. This work of his was highly appreciated, and with the blessing of the second work it has been performed at many concerts in Europe, the United States, Australia and, of course, Russia. The audience stood and applauded these successful performances.

In 2011, Metropolitan Hilarion and Vladimir Spivakov became the creators and leaders of the Christmas Festival of Sacred Music (Moscow), which takes place during the January holidays.

Serving according to conscience

Between 2003 and 2009 he was already Bishop of Vienna and Austria. Then he is elected Bishop of Volokalamsk, a permanent member of the Synod, vicar of the Moscow Patriarchate and rector of the temple Mother of God on in the capital.

At the same time, Patriarch Kirill elevated him to the rank of archbishop for his faithful and diligent service to the Russian Orthodox Church. A year later, he elevated him to the rank of metropolitan.

Metropolitan Hilarion: Orthodoxy

It should be noted that in different years he always represented the Russian Orthodox Church. Hilarion zealously defended its interests at various inter-Christian conferences, international forums and commissions.

Sermons of Hilarion

Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeev's sermons are very complete and well-constructed. It is very interesting to listen and read him, because he has enormous experience, which he conveys to us among a huge number of theological literary works that are extraordinary in their content. They advance us to great knowledge Christian faith her followers.

Books on theology

One of his books is “The Sacred Secret of the Church. Introduction". In it, the reader becomes acquainted with the thoughts of some fathers and teachers of the church on invoking the name of God in practice and in worship. Here we're talking about about understanding church experience and its correct expression. For this, the author was awarded the Makariev Prize in 2005.

In his book " Reverend Simeon New Theologian and Orthodox Tradition,” Metropolitan Hilarion presented a translation of his doctoral dissertation defended at Oxford University, Faculty of Theology. In it he explores the attitude of the 11th century theologian St. Simeon to Orthodox service, Holy Scripture, ascetic and mystical theological literature, etc.

Metropolitan Hilarion did not ignore Isaac the Syrian and dedicated the book “ Spiritual world Isaac the Syrian." This great Syrian saint, like no one else, was able to convey the spirit of gospel love and compassion, so he prayed not only for people, but also for animals and demons. According to his teaching, even hell is the love of God, which is perceived by sinners as suffering and pain, because they do not accept it and have hatred for this love.

Among his books is the work “The Life and Teachings of St. Gregory the Theologian.” Here he describes the life of the great father and saint and his teachings, which coined the dogma of the Most Holy Trinity.

Awards and titles

His activities did not go unnoticed, and therefore this priest has in his arsenal huge amount awards - all kinds of certificates, medals and titles, among which is the Order of St. Innocent of Moscow, II class. (2009, America, Russian Orthodox Church), Order of the Holy Martyr Isidore Yuryevsky, II class. (2010, Estonia, Russian Orthodox Church MP), Order of the Holy Voivode Stephen the Great, II class. (2010, Moldova, Russian Orthodox Church), gold medal of the University of Bologna (2010, Italy), Order of Serbian Falcons (2011) and other awards.

Films of Metropolitan Hilarion

Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeev of Volokolamsk became the author and presenter of the following films: “Man Before God” - a cycle of 10 episodes (2011), introducing the world of Orthodoxy, “The Path of the Shepherd”, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Patriarch Kirill (2011), “ The Church in History" - the history of Christianity, "Byzantium and the Baptism of Rus'" - series (2012), "Unity of the Faithful" - a film dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the unity of the Moscow Patriarch and the Russian Orthodox Church abroad (2012), "Journey to Athos "(2012), "Orthodoxy in China" (2013), "Pilgrimage to the Holy Land" (2013), "With the Patriarch on Mount Athos" (2014), "Orthodoxy on Mount Athos" (2014 .), “Orthodoxy in Serbian lands” (2014).

They represent a real base for those who want to know what icons are, how to understand holy works, films, the author of which was Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeev. Orthodoxy in them appears as a world that fills a person’s life with depth. Through his eyes we will see holy pilgrimage places and how Christianity is preached in other places alien to Orthodox people places.

Bishop Hilarion (in the world - Grigory Valerievich Alfeev; b. July 24, 1966 Moscow) - Bishop of Vienna and Austria, representative of the Russian Orthodox Church at European international organizations in Brussels, theologian, patrolologist, church historian, composer.

Author of monographs on the life and teaching of the Church Fathers, translations from Greek and Syriac, works on dogmatic theology, and numerous publications in periodicals. Author of musical works of chamber and oratorio genres.

Books (14)

What Orthodox Christians Believe

This collection of catechetical conversations is an abbreviated and simplified version of the book “The Sacrament of Faith. Introduction to Orthodox Dogmatic Theology,” which was published in 1996 and has since been published several times in Russian and other languages.

The collection is addressed to a wide range of readers, primarily those who are embarking on the path of Christian life.

You are the light of the world

The author addresses his book primarily to those who have recently come to the Church or are just preparing for baptism and would like to learn more about Orthodoxy from a reliable, authoritative source, and not from dubious brochures full of superstitions, dubious recommendations and pseudo-Orthodox statements. Bishop of Vienna and Austria Hilarion (Alfeev) considers all components of life Orthodox man and gives practical recommendations about how a Christian can live in the 21st century.

He exhaustively and clearly explains, in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the teachings of the Holy Fathers, what faith, fasting, Christian marriage, salvation of the soul are, afterlife, monasticism, spiritual life in Orthodox understanding, why the Church and clergy are needed, how to pray correctly, and so on.

The spiritual world of St. Isaac the Syrian

Book Orthodox theologian and patrolologist, Doctor of Philosophy from Oxford University, Doctor of Theology of the St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris, Bishop Hilarion (Alfeev), is the first monograph in modern theological science dedicated to the great Father of the Church of the 7th century.

Based on the material of the well-known “Words of the Ascetic”, as well as the recently discovered Conversations “On the Divine Mysteries and the Spiritual Life” of Isaac the Syrian, the author reconstructs the theological system of the Syrian writer-hermit, analyzes his ascetic and mystical teaching. The book is about God's love for man and man's love for God, about temptations and abandonment by God, about humility and tears of repentance, about prayer and mystical insights, about life after death and about the last times.

Life and teaching of St. Gregory the Theologian

The book is the first monograph in Russian science dedicated to the great Father of the Church of the 4th century, whose works for ten centuries Byzantine history second only to the Bible in popularity.

The book is written on the basis of the author's doctoral dissertation, defended at the St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris. Despite its scientific nature, the book is addressed to a general reader. In simple and accessible language, the author speaks about the main aspects of the moral, theological and mystical teaching of St. Gregory.

Based on the works of the saint, such topics as philosophy and theology, marriage and monasticism, priesthood and episcopacy are revealed. God and man, the Trinity, Christ, contemplation of the Divine light, prayer and vision of God.

About prayer

This small book contains a recording of a series of television programs aired in the spring of 1999 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Moscow and All Rus' ALEXIY II under the general title “Peace to your home.” The cycle consists of 32 programs and is dedicated to the topic of prayer.

What is prayer? Why do you need to pray? How to learn prayer? Prayer is like a conversation with God. Prayer as overcoming the distance between God and man. The Lord's Prayer. Jesus Prayer Prayers to the Mother of God and the saints. Prayer for the living and the dead. These are the main themes revealed by the author.

Using simple and accessible language, Abbot Hilarion addresses first of all those who have just embarked on the path to God and to the temple and who are taking their first steps on this path.

Sacred mystery of the church

The monograph of the famous Russian theologian and patrolologist is the first systematic study in Russian science of disputes about the veneration of the name of God, which arose at the beginning of the 20th century on Mount Athos and spread to Russia, where prominent church and public figures, theologians and philosophers.

Restoring in detail the historical outline of the controversy on the basis of previously unknown archival data, the author focuses on the theological understanding of the problems of the disputes. Separate chapters are devoted to the teaching about the name of God in the Old and New Testaments, in Byzantine and Syriac patristics, in the liturgical tradition of the Orthodox Church, in the Russian theological tradition. Particular attention is paid to the theory and practice of the Jesus Prayer in Byzantine and Russian monasticism. Consistently analyzing the main works of supporters and opponents of imyaslaviya, the author critically evaluates the positions of both sides in the light of Church Tradition.

Christ is the conqueror of hell

Christ is the conqueror of hell. The theme of the descent into hell in the Eastern Christian tradition.

The book by the famous Russian theologian and patrolologist is the first systematic study in Russian science of the topic of Christ’s descent into hell based on numerous monuments of Byzantine, Syriac, Coptic and Latin literature.

Many of the texts included in the book have never been translated into Russian before. Particular attention is paid liturgical texts, which the author considers as a rich source of dogmatic Tradition.

How to come to Church

In this book I would like to talk about Holy Baptism as the beginning of spiritual life, introduce the reader to the history of this Sacrament and modern practice its implementation in the Church on the basis of the works of the Fathers of the Church, research modern theologians and his own many years of experience in performing the sacrament of Baptism.

Separately, it will be said about Confirmation - a Sacrament that in the Orthodox Church is performed, as a rule, simultaneously with Baptism. Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev).

The End of Times: Orthodox Teaching

The book contains summary Orthodox teaching about life after death, about the end of human history, about general resurrection, Last Judgment and posthumous reward based on the Holy Scriptures and the works of the Holy Fathers of the Church. Book recommended Publishing Council Russian Orthodox Church.

Orthodox theology at the turn of the century

This book is a collection of articles and reports written in 1997-99 and dedicated to one general theme- Orthodox theology at the turn of the century. “Will there be a revival of Russian theological science?” This question, posed in the title of one of the articles, is the leitmotif of the entire book.

The first part of the collection is devoted to the problems of theological education in the Russian Orthodox Church. The second part of the book contains materials dedicated to outstanding theologians of the outgoing 20th century - Archimandrite Cyprian (Kern), Protopresbyter John Meyendorff, Bishop Callistus of Diokleia, Archimandrite Sophronius (Sakharov) and Metropolitan Anthony Surozhsky. Finally, the third part, which gives the title to the entire collection, is an attempt to holistically comprehend the complex of tasks facing Russian Orthodox theology on the eve of the 21st century, sums up the author’s many years of reflection on this topic.

Venerable Simeon the New Theologian and Orthodox Tradition

The teachings of the great theologian, poet and mystic of the 11th century. is considered in the context of the entire diversity of the Tradition of the Eastern Church.

The author explores the attitude of St. Simeon to the Holy Scriptures and Orthodox worship, to the studio monastic tradition, to hagiographical, theological, ascetic and mystical literature, reveals the main themes of his theology: tears and repentance, vision of God, divine light, ecstasy, dispassion, deification. The personality and teaching of St. Petersburg are examined separately. Simeon the Studite, spiritual father of St. Simeon the New Theologian.

The relationship between the personal spiritual experience of a Christian and the Tradition of the Church is the main theme of the book.

The collection now published contains sixty-two sermons, including twenty-two previously published. Almost all of the sermons now published were delivered by Father Hilarion in the Church of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine in Vspolye, where he carries out his pastoral ministry.

Hegumen Hilarion is the author of more than ten books, including monographs dedicated to the Fathers of the Church, translations of patristic texts from Greek and Syriac. Father Hilarion's books enjoy well-deserved recognition from readers. They are highly appreciated by the hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Date of birth: July 24, 1966 Country: Russia Biography:

Permanent member of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church

In 1973-1984. studied at the Moscow Secondary Special Music School named after. Gnessins in violin and composition class.

At the age of 15, he entered the Church of the Resurrection of the Word as a reader at the Assumption Vrazhek (Moscow). Since 1983, he was a subdeacon and worked as a freelance employee of the Publishing Department of the Moscow Patriarchate.

In 1984, after graduating from school, he entered the composition department of the Moscow State Conservatory. In 1984-86. served in the army.

In January 1987, of his own free will, he left his studies at the Moscow Conservatory and entered the Vilna Holy Spirit Monastery as a novice.

On June 19, 1987, in the cathedral of the Vilna Holy Spiritual Monastery, Archbishop Victorinus of Vilna and Lithuania (Belyaev, †1990) was tonsured a monk with the name Hilarion in honor of the Venerable Hilarion the New, and on June 21, in the same cathedral, by the same bishop, he was ordained a hierodeacon.

On August 19, 1987, in the Prechistensky Cathedral of Vilnius, with the blessing of Archbishop of Vilna and Lithuania, Victorin was ordained hieromonk.

In 1988-1990 served as rector of churches in the city of Telšiai and the villages of Kolainiai and Tituvenai. In 1990 he was appointed rector of the Annunciation Cathedral in Kaunas.

In 1990, as a delegate from the clergy of the Vilna diocese, he participated in Local Council Russian Orthodox Church.

In 1989 he graduated in absentia from the Moscow Theological Seminary, and in 1991 - with a candidate of theology degree. In 1993 he graduated from the MDA graduate school.

In 1993, he was sent on an internship to the University of Oxford, where, under the guidance of (), he worked on his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Reverend Simeon the New Theologian and Orthodox Tradition,” combining his studies with service in parishes. In 1995 he graduated from Oxford University with a PhD.

By the determination of the Holy Synod of May 7, 2003, he was appointed Bishop of Vienna and Austria with the assignment of temporary administration and retaining the position of representative of the Russian Orthodox Church at European international organizations in Brussels.

On February 1, 2005, he was elected as a private assistant professor of the Faculty of Theology at the University of Friborg (Switzerland) in the department of dogmatic theology.

On August 24, 2005, he was awarded the Makariev Prize for his work “The Sacred Secret of the Church. Introduction to the history and problems of the Imiaslav disputes.”

By the determination of the Holy Synod of March 31, 2009 () he was released from the administration of the Vienna-Austrian and Hungarian dioceses and appointed Bishop of Volokolamsk, vicar of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', chairman of the Department for External Church Relations and a permanent member of the Holy Synod ex officio.

By decree of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' dated April 9, 2009, rector in Moscow.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of May 27, 2009, the Chairman of the Commission for the Affairs of Old Believer Parishes and for Interaction with the Old Believers under the Department for External Church Relations ().

Since May 28, 2009 - Member of the Council for Cooperation with religious associations under the President of the Russian Federation.

Since July 27, 2009 - included in the Russian Orthodox Church and its presidium. Chairman of the Commission of the Inter-Council Presence on issues of attitude towards heterodoxy and other religions, Deputy Chairman of the Commission on issues of counteraction church schisms and overcoming them, member of the commissions on issues of theology and on issues of worship and church art.

In consideration of his diligent service to the Church of God and in connection with his appointment as chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate - a permanent member of the Holy Synod on February 1, 2010 to the rank of metropolitan.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of December 25, 2012 () he was appointed chairman of the interdepartmental department for teaching theology in universities.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of December 25-26, 2013 () he was appointed head (ex officio).

By the decision of the Holy Synod of December 24, 2015 () he was appointed representative of the Russian Orthodox Church in.

Musical works

Author of a number of musical works, including “Divine Liturgy” and “ All-night vigil"for unaccompanied choir, the symphony "Song of the Ascension" for choir and orchestra, the oratorio "St. Matthew Passion" for soloists, choir and orchestra, "Christmas Oratorio" for soloists, boys' choir, mixed choir and symphony orchestra.



  • 1996, 1999 - certificates of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus';
  • 2003 - medal of the book. Konstantin Ostrozhsky (Polish Orthodox Church);
  • 2009 - Silver Order of St. Innocent (Orthodox Church in America);
  • 2010 - Order of the Sschmch. Isidore Yuryevsky II Art. (EPC MP);
  • 2010 - Order of St. blgv. voivode Stephen the Great II Art. (Orthodox Church of Moldova);
  • 2010 - Order of St. ap. and ev. Mark II Art. (Alexandrian Orthodox Church);
  • 2011 - Order of St. App. Peter and Paul II Art. (Antiochian Orthodox Church);
  • 2011 - Order of St. equal to app. Cyril and Methodius with a gold star (Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia);
  • 2012 - Order of St. equal to Mary Magdalene (Polish Orthodox Church);
  • 2013 -

4 (80%) 4 votes

We cannot ignore the extremely interesting news published yesterday on the website of the Russian Orthodox Church parish in Alchevsk, as well as the second - less emotional and more theologically verified - from the RusFront website.

Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeev, a specialist in ancient Russian worship, love for Catholicism, and the ideological inspirer of a number of educational initiatives about the Russian faith, well known to Old Believers, has published a new manual for Russian-speaking laity. We'll talk about the one he created. "cover version" basics Orthodox teaching.

Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev), an extremely multifaceted personality, decided to try himself as an interpreter (translator)

Take note for those who think and seek, and we pass the floor to the attentive readers of this work, designed for an audience of 100,000 people.


Several years ago, the Metropolitan already touched on interfaith topics “not very” in the style of Orthodox teaching. Now they are writing books...

QUESTION RUSSIA-24: Can Catholics receive communion in the Orthodox Church or Orthodox from Catholics?

Orthodox Christians should not receive communion from Catholics, and Catholics should not receive Holy Communion from Orthodox Christians. This is due to the fact that since the 11th century the Eucharistic communion between the Orthodox and Catholic churches has been disrupted.

The problem here is that we did not create this schism, and it is not in our power now to restore Eucharistic communion if it is not restored at the highest church level. Another thing is that there are exceptional cases when, for example, a Catholic dies somewhere in a city where there is no Catholic priest nearby at all, he invites an Orthodox priest. In this case, I think Orthodox priest must come and give the sacrament to this man.

Question RUSSIA-24: So, Vladyka, it turns out that mutual recognition of the Eucharist still makes this schism healable?

Metropolitan's answer Ilarion Alfeev: We actually have mutual recognition of the sacraments. We do not have communion in the sacraments, but we recognize the sacraments. Because, for example, if catholic priest converts to Orthodoxy, we accept him as a priest, we do not ordain him again. This means that de facto we recognize the sacraments of the Catholic Church.


350 years after the schism, leading theologians have again turned to the topic of translating our cornerstone - Creed. Any attempt to change it was a priori classified by the holy fathers as heresy. As luck would have it, the rethinking again touched upon the very place from which Patriarch Nikon began his bloody reforms.

Strictly speaking, the current official symbol of the Nikonian faith (in which the Lord is not named “True”) leaves much to be desired, but here new horizons for creativity are opening up...

Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) reinterpreted the 9th article of the Creed in the manual he published for the laity

On the bright Easter days in Moscow churches, in particular, in the church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” where the chairman of the DECR MP, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev), serves, the brochure “The Divine Liturgy of St. John”, published in 110,000 copies, was distributed free of charge Chrysostom with a parallel translation into Russian”, compiled by Bishop Hilarion himself[ 1 ].

In the brochure he published, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) made an amendment to traditional definition Churches in the Creed.

First of all, it would be strange, of course, if such a zealous philo-Catholic as a permanent member of the Holy Synod, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev), did not distort the Dogma of the Holy Spirit - the Achilles heel of papism. And so it happened. His “free” translation, where the “Life-giving” Spirit is called “reviving” (and with a small letter!) is extremely revealing. But this is at least a gag.

Translation of the Symbol of the New Believer Faith as edited by Metropolitan Hilarion

Greater confusion among the Orthodox was caused by the change made by Metropolitan Hilarion to the 9th article of the Creed, which in his translation reads as follows: “I believe... in one Holy, universal and Apostolic Church» . Most commentators draw attention to the difference between the Orthodox and Catholic understandings of the Greek term καθολικὴν (catholic, conciliar, universal, ecumenical): if the Orthodox emphasize the conciliar character of the Church, then Catholics - on its universality, globality.

For information: the correct Creed (read by the Old Believers)

I believe into one God the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, Who was born of the Father before all ages. Light from Light, true God, true from God. Born A not created, consubstantial with the Father, and all things were made by Him. For our sake man, and for our sake of salvation, which came down from heaven and was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary _ becoming human. Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, suffering and buried. And he rose again on the third day according to the scriptures their. And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father. And again the future will be judged with glory by the living and the dead. His own kingdom carry end. And in the Holy Spirit, Lord Istinnago and the Life-Giving One, who proceeds from the Father, who is with the Father and with the Son, is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets. And into one Holy cathedral and the Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. The tea of ​​resurrection is dead th. And the life of the next century, amen.

So why did the word “conciliar” (Church) bother Metropolitan Hilarion? It can be assumed that by introducing the word “ecumenical” into the translation of the Creed, Metropolitan Hilarion wanted to emphasize the fact that in the Church fundamental decisions are made exclusively by the hierarchy, without coordination with the other clergy and laity, who are also part of the fullness of the Church. The whole history testifies to this Ecumenical Councils. In other words, it is easier to push through various kinds of modernist and liberal initiatives, such as: translation of divine services into Russian (Russification of divine services), attempts to “clarify” supposedly inaccurate church calendar, “optimization” of fasts, but in fact their gradual abolition, instilling philocatalic and ecumenical sentiments in the flock, etc. With the word “conciliar” (Church), all such initiatives inevitably encounter sharp rejection and opposition from the clergy and laity, which, of course, is inconvenient for home-grown zealots of renovationism.

Iconographic image. Creed: no need to invent anything! Let us not forget that our ancestors knew...

So, we see here not only a blatant substitution, but in fact, substituting instead of the term “ecumenical”, in fact, such a property of the Church as “ecumenical”, invented by heretics (this is exactly how this term will sound when translated into most European languages).

When people mindlessly pray for Divine Liturgy according to the books of Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev), accepting as the truth the distorted meaning of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, then in reality he professes a faith different from the faith that Orthodox Christians have been professing for 2000 years. In this case, the people publicly confess Orthodox church non-Orthodox teaching and thereby moving away from Christ, Truth and the Church!

The prophecies of the elders about changes in the Creed in pre-Antichrist times will not necessarily be fulfilled to the letter (for example, by adding the “Filioque,” ​​as some expect), but quite Jesuitically - by changing the meaning of the text. After all, this way it will be much easier for the servants of the Antichrist to achieve mass resigned acceptance of these distortions Orthodox people, which is what will happen when the heretical opinion of individual hierarchs is consolidated by church-wide decisions of councils.

Let us recall that Metropolitan Hilarion has long been known for his sympathies for Roman Catholicism and his numerous meetings with the Pope. In a number of interviews, he stated that he did not consider Catholics to be a community separated from the Church and even proposed a moratorium on the patristic term “heresy” in relation to the Roman Catholic Church.

1. “The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom with parallel translation into Russian” (Under the general editorship of Metropolitan Volokolamsky Hilarion(Alfeeva). M., publishing house "Nikea", 2016. Circulation 110 thousand copies)



How the Creed is changed

Analysis by Archpriest Igor Tarasov of the publication “The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom with a parallel translation into Russian” Met. Hilarion.

On these Easter days, in our churches, the book of Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) “The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom with a parallel translation into Russian” (Moscow, Nicaea publishing house, 2016. Circulation 110 thousand copies) is being distributed free of charge.

In the preface we read:

“One of the difficulties that a person faces when coming to church is the difficulty of Orthodox worship for him to perceive. To a person modern culture it is necessary to spend a lot of time and effort to begin to understand the theological depths of the poetic images contained in the liturgical texts of the Orthodox Church... This publication is a guide for those who want to better understand Orthodox worship. The Church Slavonic text... is presented here in parallel with the new verified Russian translation.”

In the book we will not find explanations for the Liturgy, only a translation. Let's see how, according to the author, a new and carefully verified Russian translation allows to modern man understand theological depths.

One or One?

Saint Philaret of Moscow in his Long Catechism wrote: “The Creed is a teaching about what Christians should believe, stated in short but precise words.”

When at the Liturgy the entire church sings the Creed, a person holding the book of Metropolitan Hilarion in his hands can understand that the Church Slavonic words: “I believe in One God the Father...” mean in Russian: “I believe in One God the Father...”

One could attribute this interpretation to the realm of humor, or, in extreme cases, illiterate translation (dictionaries clearly translate from the Church Slavonic “Edinago” - as “One” or “Only”), if not for our wariness towards the heresy preached today in our Church ecumenism.

A person of modern culture does not need to toil with the unknown: “In the One God with whom do I believe?” Thanks to the 2006 World Summit, he is already aware that we have One Almighty with Muslims and Jews (see:

The same idea was repeatedly preached by Patriarch Kirill ( and Metropolitan Hilarion (

The same distortion of meaning is committed in the 9th article of the Creed: “Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church” translated not as “Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church” (Greek Εις Μίαν = into one), but: “Into one Holy, universal and Apostolic Church” (in this case, the line below “one baptism” is translated as “one baptism” ).

Ecumenical term « United Church» is the main goal of the painstaking, almost century-long activity of the world ecumenical movement and implies the unification of all churches in the world into the World Church (first all Christian denominations, and then everyone else religious organizations) (

Conciliar or Ecumenical?

In the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, the Greek term καθολικὴν (catholic, universal, ecumenical) is translated and, most importantly, understood differently by the Orthodox and Catholic denominations.

Until 1054, the Church brought the light of the Truth of Christ to the whole world, was truly universal and ecumenical, but after its apostasy and separation, the Vatican appropriated the name of the universal (Catholic) Church and for 10 centuries, with carrots and sticks (sword and dagger), has been trying to subjugate the whole world.

Therefore, the Russian Church, in order to avoid consonance with Latin, adopted the translation καθολικὴν = conciliar, as a synonym for universal.

Today when most Western countries are Protestant and Catholic, the return of the term " universal Church“is a distortion of the dogma about the Church as the Body of Christ, to which neither schismatics (Roman Catholics) nor heretics (Protestants, Copts, Armenians) can belong, and gives the Church in which we believe the ecumenical meaning of the One World Church.

Thus, the Russian translation ancient symbol faith in such a massively published brochure is a crafty preaching of the pan-heresy of ecumenism and shows how Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) understands the theological meaning of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed.

So when you and I pronounce these words at the Divine Liturgy in the same church with the Metropolitan, then in reality we are, perhaps, already professing a different faith...

The prophecies of the elders about changes in the Creed in pre-Antichrist times will not necessarily be fulfilled to the letter (for example, by adding the “Filioque,” ​​as some expect), but quite Jesuitically - by changing the meaning of the text.

This way it is much easier to achieve mass uncomplaining acceptance of these distortions by the Orthodox people, which is what will happen when the heretical opinion of individual hierarchs is consolidated by church-wide decisions of councils, especially the coming Pan-Orthodox (http://pustynnik.rf/otnositelno-predstoyashhego-sobora/)


According to Metropolitan Hilarion of the Russian Orthodox Church MP:

“We do not have an official statement or document on this issue, however, practice shows that the validity of the Sacraments is mutually recognized by Orthodox and Catholics. How is this confirmed? Firstly, in that if a person is baptized in Catholic Church and decides to accept Orthodoxy, we do not baptize him a second time, but we consider him already baptized. Moreover, if a Catholic priest converts to Orthodoxy, we do not ordain him a second time, but accept him as a priest, and he becomes Orthodox clergyman. Even if the Pope wants to convert to Orthodoxy, we will consider him a bishop - we will not re-ordain him to the episcopal rank. What does this mean? That in fact mutual recognition of the Sacraments between Orthodox and Catholics exists.” (from the article “The special course “History of Christian Thought” continued with a lecture by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk on relations with Catholicism and Protestantism at MEPhI”

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Related material:

For information: Pre-schism text of the Creed, preserved by the Old Believers

Blitz analysis of the first part of the declaration on one page from another source

A rich photo report on the installation of bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church and a sketch about modern life true Church.

A scientifically based exposure of the scientific version of world history from specialists from the authorized commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Selected materials:

A selection of materials on the topic of the relationship between religious and secular perceptions of the world, including the headings "", "", materials "", information, as well as readers of the site "Old Believer Thought".