In a dream I saw my ex-love. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Ex-girlfriend

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Summer is kind of strange, more like autumn. And seasonal diseases are right here! It's easy to catch a cold, but how to cure it correctly and quickly?

A runny nose has started

A cold, as a rule, begins with a runny nose: the nose is running, the eyes are watery, we are constantly sneezing and experiencing severe discomfort. How I wish my runny nose would disappear immediately! Therefore, we immediately run to the pharmacy to buy a spray for a runny nose. But is it worth the rush?

Suppressing a runny nose dries out the nasal mucosa, prevents the body from getting rid of viruses and leads to the development of inflammation of the deeper respiratory tract, sinusitis, headaches, cough and prolonged illness.

How to treat a runny nose?

First of all, you need to understand that a runny nose is a normal reaction of the body to a viral infection. If a runny nose really bothers you, you can relieve the discomfort with natural remedies. But you shouldn’t completely suppress it; it’s enough to rinse your nose several times a day. sea ​​water with aloe to slightly reduce discharge.

Tea with ginger, cinnamon and cloves will soften a runny nose. Brew a teaspoon of ground ginger, 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon and 1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves with a glass of boiling water and strain the tea after 5 minutes. Drink ginger tea very hot - it is an exceptionally strong warming agent.

At the next stage of the disease, nasal discharge becomes thick, the mucous membrane swells and the nose becomes blocked, and later sinusitis may develop, especially in people with a weak immune system, destroyed by frequent use of antibiotics or chronic diseases.

A feeling of pressure at the root of the nose, in the forehead or in the area of ​​the cheekbones and headache may indicate that the inflammatory process has spread to the sinuses.

Chronic sinusitis responds well to treatment, and one-time inflammation can be dealt with on your own.

For an adult healthy person For this, it is recommended to take 200 mg of vitamin C every two hours and inhale with thyme essential oil four times a day. Add two drops of oil to a liter of boiling water, cover your head and breathe in the steam for 10 minutes. If there is no relief within 24 hours, you may need professional help.

How to treat a cough?

Inhalations with thyme oil can also help if you suffer from a cough, especially the most unpleasant form of it - a dry, suffocating cough that makes it difficult to fall asleep at night.

Nutrition for colds

If you have a cold, as with any inflammatory disease, avoid dairy and soy products, sweets, wheat and any artificial additives in food. Eat light, high-calorie dishes with spices - almost all natural seasonings have antiviral and antibacterial properties, warm and strengthen the immune system.

Onions, garlic, ginger and pepper are especially useful for colds. Drink as much fluid as possible and ventilate the room regularly.

Pregnant and lactating women and children under one year of age need special recommendations, since many natural remedies are prohibited for them.

A runny nose (rhinitis) is one of the most unpleasant signs of a cold. It deprives the sense of smell and appetite, interferes with sleep, thereby creating a lot of inconvenience. And any woman or girl who suffers from this disease cannot be called attractive: a swollen nose, red eyes and bruises from sleepless nights.

What kind of romance and personal life can we even talk about in this case? But what then? How to cure this annoying disease?

Today we will tell you how to treat a runny nose with folk remedies.


Rhinitis should be treated when:

  • nasal congestion;
  • burning in the nose;
  • headache;
  • sneezing;
  • sore throat.

If you already feel any of the listed symptoms, then it’s time for you to start treatment.
The main thing is not to start this seemingly harmless illness, since complications after it can be very unpleasant - sore throats, bronchitis or other more serious diseases of the respiratory tract.

First, let's take a hot foot bath. Water in in this case let's dial it up to the knees, its temperature should be about 45 degrees. Add mustard to the water and soak your feet for ten minutes. Next, make tea with raspberries or lemon.

A decoction of rosehip or blackcurrant is perfect. The feet must be warm, so we put on warm socks, into which we first pour mustard. If you have vitamin C, do not neglect it, but be sure to take it, as it has an anti-cold effect and perfectly stimulates the immune system.

We treat a runny nose using various inhalations with aromatic oils of lemon, mint, eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender and so on. At elevated temperatures (more than 38.5 degrees), we take antipyretic drugs. In case of allergies, we take antiallergic (antihistamine) medications.

The following groups of drugs can be used to treat rhinitis:

  • vasoconstrictors;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • moisturizing;
  • herbal preparations;
  • bacterial vaccines;
  • complex action drugs;
  • homeopathic remedies.

Treatment of a runny nose with folk remedies

In addition to traditional therapy, there are folk remedies that can quickly cure rhinitis.

Traditional recipes:

  • We will need it, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Pour three to five liters of hot water into a small bowl, add five drops of oil, lower your head over this container, cover yourself with a blanket or a thick large towel and breathe through your nose. This procedure will greatly facilitate our breathing;
  • To relieve swelling of the nose, we warm the bridge of the nose in this way: pour salt into a frying pan and heat it until hot, take a bag, pour hot salt into it and put it on the bridge of the nose. We warm it up, but carefully so as not to get burned;
  • Warm up your feet: pour hot water, add a little salt, stir and lower your feet into it. After this procedure, keep them warm;
  • Place five drops of menthol oil into each nostril;
  • Unusual remedies: lubricate the soles of your feet with kerosene and wrap them with cloth, put on warm socks;
  • Squeeze the beet juice and drop five drops into each nostril twice a day;
  • Take freshly squeezed carrot juice, add vegetable oil and three drops of garlic juice. Place in the nose three times a day;
  • Cut the onion into small cubes and let it brew in sunflower oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the area inside and around the nostrils.

Folk remedies for runny nose

To speed up recovery, you can combine several traditional methods.

The following recipes will help:

  • Rinsing the nasopharynx- the most easily accessible method. You need to suck in liquid from your palm with one nostril, and it should pour out through the other or from your mouth. Then after the procedure you need to blow your nose to clear the nose of viruses in the mucous membrane. This treatment will help you cope with the disease in just two days. Rinsing is done with warm water with a small addition of salt (a teaspoon of salt per glass of water). Can be upgraded medicinal properties such a procedure, using an infusion of propolis, calendula, chlorophyllipt or eucalyptus (half a teaspoon per glass of liquid);
  • Laundry soap. Lather your finger liberally with soap and lubricate the inside of your nose, repeat this procedure three times a day. We try not to damage the nasal mucosa with our finger;
  • Alcohol foot massage. First we massage the feet, and then rub them with alcohol. After the procedure, we put on woolen socks and put a heating pad on our feet;
  • Mustard plasters are widely used for rhinitis.. We apply them to the feet and secure them with cloth (or put on socks) and walk like this for two days. Mustard is often used in the treatment of runny nose with folk remedies. Foot baths are made with it, cleansing the nose and increasing overall tone;
  • Onion - the most popular folk remedy in the treatment of runny nose. Grate the onion and wrap it in a damp cloth. We place it on the wings of the nose and cover it with a dry towel or cloth on top. We lie with this compress for about 20 minutes. For greater effectiveness, repeat this procedure four times a day. A runny nose goes away within two days;
  • We cut the onion into small pieces, put it in a jar with a tight lid and inhale the vapors often. This method is very effective. Even during a flu epidemic, you can avoid illness with it;
  • Aloe or Kalanchoe - we instill the juice of these plants into each nostril three (four) times a day, a few drops;
  • Heat half a glass of vegetable oil in a water bath, add a head of crushed garlic. Let it sit for a day. Lubricate the nasal passages three times a day;
  • Take a third of a teaspoon of liquid honey, stir it in a spoonful of boiled water and add beetroot juice. Instill 8 drops every two hours when heated;
  • Mix a glass of viburnum juice with a glass of honey. We drink a spoon three times a day. We store the miracle remedy in the refrigerator, but only drink it warm.

Take care of yourself, play sports, spend more time outdoors and then you won’t need any folk recipes!