In a dream, see the constellation Ursa Major. “Why do you see a constellation in a dream? If you see a Constellation in a dream, what does it mean? Find out what fate has in store for you

At first glance, autumn will begin as always. However, as the horoscope for September 2018 shows, Virgo will receive many new prospects and opportunities during this period that can radically change life in general, as well as their attitude towards it. The first half of the month will give you the opportunity to meet, which will become truly fateful!

Its essence is that you will have a complete change of beliefs and values, which will allow you to look at life with a completely different perspective. The horoscope promises that you will be able to treat various situations, make wiser decisions that will fill life with meaning and allow you to avoid serious mistakes and disappointments in the future.

The first ten days of September 2018 will bring many profitable offers, but you should not be guided only by the desire to make a profit when making decisions. Money can give freedom only in satisfying the needs associated with material things and short-term joy, while they will not bring true happiness and health. Horoscope for September 2018 advises Virgos to take care of their state of mind, listening to what the true values ​​are.

These talismans and symbols will bring good luck to Virgos in September:

Luck number: 10

Color of the month: Orange

Favorable days in September 2018: 1, 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 23, 26, 29, 30

Dangerous days in September 2018: 4, 8, 13, 22, 28

Many Virgos, in search of spiritual food, will resort to the hobby of reading books, articles, scientific works, communication with interesting people who have achieved success in life. The beginning of September is characterized by the priority of development not of the material, but of the spiritual side of life.

With the onset of autumn, Virgos will be able to bring their inner world finally achieving harmony. To do this, you need to try to fill the gap in communication, knowledge and skills. Thus, September is the ideal month for realizing your true desires, needs, and aspirations.

Horoscope of love relationships for September 2018

The first month of autumn 2018 will bring an incredible number of events for Virgos. The Sun and Mars will bring a surge of energy and passion, which will help revitalize your personal life. Representatives of the Virgo sign will have an increased need to love and be loved.

You will be extremely sexy and attractive to the opposite sex. Your movements will become smoother and more seductive. We can say that in September 2018 Virgos will become a real magnet for the opposite sex. During this period, the horoscope promises many opportunities for meetings, both general and intimate.

The horoscope shows that your emotionality will increase and your sensuality will intensify. This will help you conquer your chosen one. However, excessive impulsiveness can provoke conflict situations. Therefore, the astroscope advises Virgo to curb their feelings in order to avoid getting into trouble.

Venus will remain in the twilight twelfth house of Virgo until mid-September 2019. This is a hint of the emergence of secret or forbidden love, emotional dependencies, disappointments and breakups.

The third ten days of the month (Venus in the sign of Virgo) will characterize harmony in love relationships. Last week September (positive union of Venus with Pluto) is favorable for the fulfillment of desires.

Financial horoscope, money issues in September 2018

The forced downtime, which was present in the financial and career spheres of many Virgos, will end and pass without any special consequences. Positive changes in material matters can be observed at the beginning of the month.

In the first days of September, representatives of the Virgo sign will be able to feel a considerable surge of strength and energy to solve new problems and promising projects. This will allow you to implement rational ideas that can lead to building permanent relationships with business partners and generating tangible profits.

The horoscope shows that as September approaches, your anxiety will increase. Most correct option your reaction is not to succumb to this state, but to continue doing your job. You will have time to navigate changing circumstances and use them to your advantage.

In terms of finances, Virgos may not be careful, since they will not feel a lack of money, although they need to monitor their spending. The influence of Mars will give you determination and confidence in own strength.

This will contribute to the appearance of courage and determination in the character. The horoscope says that in September 2018 it’s time to tell management about the points that do not suit you in the work process. There is no need to fear that the wrath of your superiors will immediately fall upon you. On the contrary, a competent manager will express gratitude to you and agree that the dissatisfaction of his employees is justified. Your initiative will not affect your financial wealth in any way.

Virgo health in September 2018

The first month of autumn promises Virgos great health. Diseases that have worsened in previous months can be cured in the very near future. However, Virgo will have a disturbed emotional background and may experience increased anxiety. You will become increasingly suspicious, which is why you will often have to complain about life circumstances. You may even have to visit a doctor. The horoscope advises to turn close attention for any negative symptoms, and also carefully study reviews about the doctor with whom you decide to make an appointment.

Overwork at work, overload of the nervous system, and experiencing tense situations in the sphere of interpersonal relationships can lead Virgo to health problems, as a result of which one must not forget about rest. If you haven’t been on vacation this year yet, then it’s time to ask management for one.

The skeletal system may be particularly vulnerable in September. To prevent the development of the disease, do not neglect massage procedures from experienced specialists. This method can be called much more effective than drug therapy.

The horoscope does not recommend resorting to radical methods in the field of cosmetology. You can do anti-aging masks, peelings, facial skin cleansing with ultrasound. But invasive procedures and surgical operations in order to improve appearance in September, Virgos are contraindicated.

In September, extreme caution must be exercised when working with new equipment, which can cause injury. Also, whenever possible, it is necessary to handle electrical appliances, sharp and cutting objects carefully to comply with safety regulations.

Work horoscope for September for the Virgo sign

In the career field, the month will be relatively calm. There may be minor disputes with colleagues and management that will not affect the work process. In September 2018, Virgo will show herself as an employee capable of generating rational ideas and original solutions.

In September 2018, past contacts with colleagues from abroad will be restored. Communications will be distinguished by predictability, direction in the right direction. If you decide to open a foreign business, you will easily overcome any obstacles and successfully establish yourself in a new place.

Representatives of the creative profession will achieve the greatest success - a long journey can bring new perspectives and well-deserved recognition. The routine work that Virgos do will force them to look at familiar aspects creatively.

The trip, which was planned for September, will be successful and will allow the plans to be realized. Problems from the past that remind you of themselves will not cause confusion in Virgo, given how easily she can deal with them. The end of September is a favorable time for concluding business deals.

Virgo has a kind and sympathetic nature, so she often helps others, but in September these qualities can harm her. They will be so absorbed in other people's problems that they will completely forget about themselves. The Virgo horoscope in September 2018 advises you to put your interests first, and only then think about those around you. Otherwise, you will miss the chance to improve your personal life, as well as achieve success in professional field.

September 2018 will be busy and quite active month, so Virgos will have to try to keep up with everything. The stars advise making a plan for every day and following it carefully. Any projects started during this period must be completed and not left for later. Otherwise, before you know it, you’ll have accumulated huge amount unfinished tasks for which there is absolutely no time.

Recently, Virgos have been concerned that things in the professional sphere are not turning out the way they would like. In September there will be an opportunity to change the situation in better side. Some representatives of this zodiac sign will receive a long-awaited promotion, others - an increase in wages. And those Virgos who are looking for work can count on receiving a tempting offer of cooperation, and it will come from a new acquaintance.

In their personal lives, changes await only those who make an effort for it. Virgos who are in the mood for serious relationship, you need to take a closer look at your surroundings, because next to you there is that person who has been trying to win your favor for a long time. But those people who already have a soulmate should reconsider their attitude towards her. Stop criticizing her, be more loyal and sensitive. You are not perfect either, but at the same time, your partner accepts you with all your strengths and weaknesses, without trying to adjust to yourself.

Health horoscope

Virgo in September 2018 will be more fixated on other people's problems, which is why she will completely forget about own health. During this period, it may worsen chronic diseases Therefore, preventive measures should be taken in advance. In addition, you should listen to your body more often and immediately consult a doctor if alarming symptoms arise.

Since the beginning of autumn will be a rather busy period professionally, already in mid-September Virgos will begin to feel constant fatigue and drowsiness. They need to devote more time to rest, otherwise problems with sleep will soon arise, and irritability and apathy may also appear. The stars advise you to choose for yourself effective way relaxation, for example, massage, yoga, swimming. But in no case should you relieve stress with alcohol and potent medications.

Virgo's psychological state in September will not always be stable due to stress at work and worries about loved ones. You should take care of yourself, otherwise problems with the gastrointestinal tract may arise against the background of nervousness. During this period, it is better not to overload the digestive system with fatty and spicy foods, otherwise you will have to contact a gastroenterologist with complaints of pain in the stomach area.

Career and finance horoscope

You still need to look for such a hardworking nature as Virgo. If it were not for the natural needs of the body, she would have worked around the clock to achieve her goal. But the horoscope advises to slow down a little in September so as not to overload the body. You should not strive to do in one day the amount of work that was planned for the week.

Virgo's authority at work will increase sharply - not only her colleagues, but also her boss will listen to her. Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts and ideas, because they really deserve attention and implementation in production. For your activity and hard work Virgos will certainly be rewarded, but not necessarily with a cash bonus. For some, this will be a long-awaited promotion, and for others, it will be a lucrative offer of cooperation.

Despite the fact that Virgo gives 110% at work, she financial situation leaves much to be desired. In September, the stars advise asking for a salary increase, and if your boss refuses this, then cheat - say that another company is luring you away and offering you a solid salary. In order not to lose such a valuable employee, the boss will certainly compromise. But you shouldn’t resolve this issue on September 4, 9, 13 or 23, because These days are unfavorable for the Virgo zodiac sign.

Family and relationship horoscope

In September 2018, Virgos will not be bored alone - new acquaintances and romantic encounters await them. Many representatives of the sign will be more inclined towards easy, non-binding relationships, so they will not go through different partners, and may even have several affairs at once. But those Virgos who are ripe to start a family, on the contrary, will carefully look for ideal person among fans. It is possible that they will even arrange a test for potential chosen ones to make sure of their sincere feelings and intentions.

Virgos who have been in relationships for a long period of time have already forgotten the last time they spent time with friends. In September, the stars advise being in the company of loved ones more often and attending entertainment events to take your mind off work and everyday problems. If your significant other expresses a desire to join your company, do not refuse her. Spending time together in a relaxed atmosphere will only bring you closer and make you remember why you once liked each other.

Married Virgos will expect major purchases for their home at the beginning of autumn. You have long dreamed of new furniture or cutting-edge technology, and now it has finally become possible. As for the relationship with their spouse, in September they will become warmer and more reverent, provided that Virgos try to control their emotions and do not find fault with their loved one over trifles.

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For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

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Virgo horoscope for September 2018.

In September 2018, Virgos need to control their behavior! Almost like at school. In September 2018, you will be graded for it! Because in the next month your behavior will too often resemble the situation: “One of my friends was somehow taken away by the cops. He was so drunk that he couldn’t even stand on his feet. This happens to him often. The funny thing is that when he demanded to explain why, they wrote in the protocol “he was lying in a puddle and looking angrily at passersby”! Virgos will behave in approximately the same way in September 2018! Not in terms of lying drunk in a puddle - although this is possible. And in terms of the fact that in September 2018 you will be able to do something about which whole stories will be told later!

The fact is that in September 2018, Virgos will not look like Virgos, but like something awkward, unusual, and joyfully running through September! Moreover, as the horoscope for September 2018 Virgo shows, it is quite possible that you will run through September, absolutely without a goal! That is, not to meet anyone, and not in search of someone, but simply because it’s Autumn, and because it’s September!

Therefore, the horoscope for September 2018 Virgo suggests that in the next month you need to try to give more than you take from this Life and people. You need to try in September to be more tolerant of people, and give, and perhaps offer them your help, or just a mood. And then in September you will receive even more positivity and positive emotions than you expected. Although even without this, September 2018 promises to be cloudless for you, but if you also disperse the “clouds with your hands” for someone, then the Sun will shine for you, even on cloudy autumn days. In September 2018, Virgos need to become those of the few who are truly interested in how a person is doing!!! The main thing is not to include your favorite sarcasm, and to questions like - Oh, look, what is this? Don’t answer out of habit - And this is a bad day, it awaits you TODAY, TOMORROW AND ALWAYS!

The horoscope advises September Virgos to celebrate their birthday with those with whom you have become friends in real life, and not on social networks or the Internet. Of course, this is a story about you: “Have you connected the Internet? - Certainly! — Have you registered on social networks? - No - Why did you connect it then?! And yet, friends from social networks and the Internet are acquaintances, not friends.

Horoscope for September 2018 Virgo favorable days 1, 5, 15, 16, 19 and 23.

Horoscope for September 2018 Virgounfavorable days– why believe in unfavorable days? It's like living not now, but later!

Horoscope for September 2018 Virgo career, work and business.

September 2018 for Virgo will offer a leisurely and calm pace at work. This is exactly what you love, and even more so after a summer holiday. You can easily finish something, or even start something new. In September 2018, new ideas and new projects will be easily implemented, especially if they involve an unusual or creative approach.

Of course, Virgo’s main enemy at work in September 2018 will be the 3 letters “S” - “September”, “Bitch” and “Boredom”. And if September and your personal life still allow you to work, then Bitch and Boredom will get down to business, and then you will have to overcome yourself. Otherwise, you can bring yourself to a state where you again feel useless, but then remember that you breathe, producing carbon dioxide for plants, and at least somehow calm down.

The career horoscope for September 2018 for Virgo also warns you to watch your language when communicating with colleagues or business partners. You hate the state you are used to when you realize that you have told someone more than necessary, so why do it again and again?

Horoscope for September 2018 Virgo Finance.

Virgos will be fine with their finances in September 2018, unless you want to shout “stop Summer, I want to get off at this stop.” Virgos, even if you don’t really want to go in Autumn, don’t forget that the “Summer” stop is paid and usually expensive, even if it’s a completely budget 5 stars!

Love horoscope for September 2018 Virgo. Horoscope for September 2018 Virgo Love.

If you really want to try everything in this life, then try in September 2018 to be kind, honest and unspoiled. This is especially true for married Virgos, for whom in September it would be nice to at least show these qualities to their loved ones as an experiment. Surprise them! Well, for adults family Virgos It wouldn’t be bad to also pay attention to the children. In addition, pretending that you are helping a child in the sandbox, you can play with a scoop, bucket and molds without fawning. And in September 2018 you will be in just such a mood! And that’s where we started our horoscope!

For those Virgos who are just building a relationship, September 2018, through the mouth of your partner, can ask several questions to find out how much this relationship really matters to you. When they push you against the wall and demand an answer, answer directly to your eyes - “I love food and sleep. If I share food with you or text at night, it means that you are very, very special person for me!". Although it is still very likely that you will still not be able to get out and will have to make plans to take your relationship to a new level.

Lonely Virgos will most often think in September that it would be nice if in our heads instead of brains we had a memory card where we can write or erase everything. And take it out at night. But if you are still ready for a new relationship and have cleared your memory card, then pay attention to the first half of the month. At this time, the love horoscope for Virgo for September 2018 promises you not only a favorable environment, but also assistance.

As already mentioned at the beginning of the horoscope, in September 2018 Virgos will look not like Virgos, but like something, but like something awkward, unusual, and joyfully running through September! And at first glance it will seem that you are a little crazy! ... don’t worry, I’ll prove it to you, many Virgos will want to say, but this is exactly what you don’t need to do! Although we have big doubts that this advice of ours will stop you!

Well, what then - happy September to you!

As the horoscope for September 2018 recommends, Virgo should think about the future. Show initiative, otherwise luck will pass you by. This is a good period for building a family, raising children, and realizing creative potential. September brings a lot of travel, but... most of Representatives of this sign will spend the month surrounded by loved ones.

Favorable days: 2, 5, 11, 13, 17, 26.

Unfavorable days: 3, 6, 9, 18, 23, 24.


Virgo should spend September 2018 in good health. Diseases that worsened last month can be cured in the near future. Despite their excellent state of health, representatives of this sign may show suspiciousness, due to which trips to the doctor will be inevitable. It is necessary to pay close attention to any symptoms; this month there is a high probability of being treated by an unqualified specialist.

Health problems can arise due to overload of the nervous system, overwork at work, so Virgo needs to take time to rest, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

Also in September, the skeletal system will be especially vulnerable. Astrologers recommend visiting massage treatments from an experienced specialist. During this period, it is force that will be more effective than drug therapy. It is not recommended to resort to radical cosmetic procedures.


The Virgo horoscope for September 2018 indicates the onset of a calm period. Perhaps small clashes with colleagues and management are foreshadowed, but they will be completely insignificant. During this period, Virgo will prove to be an inventive, original employee, prone to learning quickly. Careless handling of new equipment may result in personal injury. You should avoid electrical appliances, sharp or cutting instruments, and most importantly, follow safety precautions.

This month, past connections with foreign colleagues will be renewed. Contacts will be predictable and directed in the right direction. New people will help you look at the matter with fresh eyes, which will speed up its progress. Representatives of this sign who want to open a foreign business will be able to overcome any obstacles and gain a strong foothold in a new place.

Virgos of creative professions will be especially successful in September - a long tour will bring unprecedented success and fame. Virgos who do practical work will bring new creative ideas into it that will win the attention of friends and colleagues, which will serve as the basis for productive activity.

The trip planned for September will be successful and will bear fruit in the future. This month, problems from the past may come back to haunt you, but this time Virgo will be ready and easily deal with them. At the end of September, successful business deals are planned.


The financial sector will improve significantly in September 2018. However, astrologers do not recommend losing vigilance and resorting to serious spending. At the beginning of the month you will have to part with a significant amount to support your family or someone close to you.

It is possible to receive money from several sources at once. Virgo can live at the expense of a significant other or increase income through financial speculation. Astrologers recommend refraining from loans and installment plans. Extra financial obligations high probability will negatively affect the future.


As foreshadowed love horoscope as of September 2018, Virgo will be able to change their life for the better. Perhaps there will be a chance to start everything with clean slate. Virgo needs to understand what she expects from her significant other and the relationship in general.

Virgos who have quarreled with their significant other in the past will find a way to get back together and go on a journey together in September. Astrologers predict the resumption of relationships with a partner from the past. It is also possible to meet with love from another city or country.

By revealing their creative abilities, representatives of the sign will be able to add comfort to their home. Virgo will be able to create a comfortable and beautiful environment at home. In September there will be an opportunity to improve relations with relatives. Also, do not forget about the children, monitor their well-being and mood. Make compromises - stubbornness prevents you from finding common language with a child.

Male – Virgo

As the horoscope for September 2018 recommends, Virgo man must start using his non-standard thinking. September will be an excellent period for the realization of creative abilities. An original approach to business will help avoid financial difficulties. Astrologers do not recommend concluding general transactions with unfamiliar contacts.

The time has come to solve problems yourself, to rely only on your own strength. In September, the Virgo man will be able to demonstrate his leadership skills by making carefully thought-out decisions. The main thing is not to panic, to go to the end.

Household chores will bring unprecedented pleasure. Virgos will happily take care of housekeeping and repairs. September will be good period To open your own business, however, you need to prepare a financial base in advance. Astrologers advise staying calm and not giving in to emotions because of the current problem; it will be resolved without Virgo’s intervention.

Virgo Woman

As the horoscope for September 2018 recommends, a Virgo woman should avoid impulsive decisions and actions. Also, astrologers do not advise making promises; Virgo will not be able to fulfill them, which will ruin relationships with friends. If necessary, you can turn to family or friends for help, especially if they have helped before.

At the end of September, it is better to minimize the number of acquaintances with the opposite sex. Most new friends will only bring disappointment and cause financial losses. Throughout the month, Virgo feels a surge of strength that she wants to realize in the professional sphere. Astrologers do not recommend being led by emotions and always being on guard. Even the smallest mistake can cause serious problems.

This month for Virgos can be described as extremely controversial. Ups and successes in September 2018 will be followed by falls and failures. However, the horoscope says that overcoming them can help representatives of this sign discover some new talents in themselves, as well as realize alternative ways to achieve their goals.

Main tasks of the month of the Virgo sign

This month the Sun will settle in the 1st house of your horoscope - the area of ​​a person’s personality. This will give Virgos in September 2018 great enterprise, determination, self-confidence and self-confidence. You will solve not only your own problems, but also strive to help everyone around you. It seems that this is not bad, but on the other hand, according to the horoscope, in your desire to be ahead, you can grab onto everything at once, as a result you will not have time for anything. As the horoscope for September 2018 predicts, Virgo will be more critical than ever and will begin to point out the slightest mistakes and miscalculations to everyone. Of course, this will not contribute to warm relationships with colleagues, and you also need to show more tolerance with your partner. After all, none of us are perfect, and neither are you. The Virgo horoscope for October 2018 says that this month you will be entrusted with some extremely important task - direct your breakthrough energy to its implementation - this will bring you much more benefit.

Horoscope for September 2018 Virgo: study, business and contacts

At the beginning of the month, Mercury also moves into your 1st house, where it will remain until the middle last decade. In September 2018, Virgos will experience a constant need to communicate, showing a keen interest in all the information they receive. Liveliness of mind and curiosity will bring particular success to all those representatives of the sign who are engaged in any research activity. If you are not satisfied with something at work, for example, you feel that you have to deal with uninteresting problems, while you deserve more, the horoscope recommends talking with management and threatening to fire you. Most likely, in September 2018 this will turn out to be a rather powerful argument. Moreover, now you will enjoy special respect in the team, and the majority of employees listen to your opinion.

Love and money of the Virgo sign in September 2018

Despite the fact that in lately you worked very hard, yours financial situation September 2018 will not please you. The horoscope warns that Virgos will have to significantly reduce their expenses and continue to work, laying the foundation for the future.

In the first ten days of September 2018, Venus moves to the 3rd house of your horoscope - the area of ​​your immediate environment and short trips. She will give you harmonious relationships with your family and friends; in difficult times, you can always turn to them for help. If you are confident in your partner’s feelings, the horoscope recommends not putting conditions on him and testing his strength, this is not a good idea. According to the Virgo horoscope, September 2018 is the month when you need to finally muster up the resolve and invite your chosen one to marry. Especially if you have been in a relationship for quite a long time. And the horoscope advises family representatives of the sign to watch their words, especially during any disagreements. By the way, if you haven’t taken a vacation yet this year, give your significant other a romantic trip.

Horoscope for September 2018 Virgo: activity and health

In the first half of September 2018, Mars again moves into the 6th house of your horoscope - the area of ​​​​work and health. This month you can safely engage in any health practices or intensive physical activity in the gym - the horoscope believes that they will only benefit you. However, you don’t need to be overzealous and don’t forget to listen to your body. Moreover, to save good health Not only physical, but also psychological fitness is important. In September 2018, the risk of injury increases for Virgos, and some problems with the gastrointestinal tract are also possible.