The following types of social dynamics are distinguished. Types and types of social dynamics

Wealth- a set of objects that serve to satisfy human needs and are owned by a person, group or people; in particular, the property is significant compared to the needs of the individual ( , …).

Wealth- stocks of money or net savings or stocks of real or financial assets available at a given point in time. Wealth can be represented by bank accounts, stocks, property, businesses and anything that brings income to its owner or can be sold ( dictionaries on social sciences).

If you ask a person how he understands the word “wealth,” it turns out that for the vast majority the meaning of this word will coincide with the definition given in the Webster explanatory dictionary: rich is a person who owns material wealth in abundance. (Stanley, T.J., Danko, W.D., 2005)

So, wealth is understood both as large reserves of financial resources, and as a significant excess of capabilities over needs, and as an abundance of material goods.

However, most people who lead a high consumption lifestyle actually do not own much material wealth. They are not related to private business, oil or gas concessions. Conversely, those we define as wealthy people prefer to own income-generating assets and securities rather than demonstrate a luxurious lifestyle and high levels of consumption. (Stanley T., 2005)

It is very problematic to determine a clear limit after which a person can be considered rich, since subjective ideas about a person’s wealth play a large role in determining wealth.

One of the ways that helps us determine whether a person can be considered rich is based on an analysis of the size of his financial condition - “you shouldn’t judge by clothes, you need to look deep.”

In this work, I use the method of defining wealth as T. Stanley and W. Danko, namely, starting with a fortune of one million dollars and above. Because such capital can be acquired independently, without inheritance. Achieving such a goal is quite possible for many. (Stanley T., 2005).

So, poverty is most often understood as a low level of income and expenses, as a lack of necessary resources, as the inability to maintain desired living standards. Wealth is understood as the presence of large reserves of financial resources, a significant excess of capabilities over needs and an abundance of material goods.

3. Money as a symbol of wealth and poverty

Money has not always been a symbol of wealth/poverty. Wealth was often symbolized, for example, with power. This can be seen when considering the history of eastern countries, the USSR, where power is the main symbol of wealth. However, today money is one of the main symbols of wealth/poverty. Money is not a measure, not an indicator, but rather a symbol of wealth or poverty, because there are no numerical definitions of wealth or poverty.

In addition, money has another symbolic meaning: it embodies love, security, and power.

Symbol- an element of an agreed set of material objects used to represent signs.)

Symbol,Greek. 1) among the ancient Greeks, the word S. originally meant any material sign that had a conditional secret meaning for a certain group of people, for example, for fans of Cybele, Mithras. S. name insignia of state, public or religious corporations. In the first centuries of Christianity, during the era of the emergence of many heresies, secret religious communities, S. name. signs by which like-minded people recognized each other (the fish sign among the first Christian communities), and later summary the foundations of the secret teaching.

2) A material sign, object, verbal or plastic image that replaces general concept: lion - S. strength, fox - S. cunning, rose - S. love, violet - S. innocence, river - S. time, movement, eagle - S. state, sword - S. military power, snow - S. purity, white - S. joy, black - S. sadness, green - S. hope, blue - S. love, red - S. freedom, etc. ( Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron)

Consequently, money as a symbol of wealth/poverty is an object, a symbol or an image that replaces the general concept of “wealth/poverty”.

Consequently, wealth/poverty produce strong emotions, and, on the other hand, these concepts have a strong emotional connotation and corresponding emotionally charged behavior.

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I hope that after reading this article, some people's understanding of wealth will change. After all, it is not limited solely to finances.

So, what is human wealth? Having specifically asked this question to the Yandex search engine, I received a huge selection of sites where you can read articles for hours and conclude that most people mean by wealth the presence of an unlimited amount of money and property.

Some even argue that wealth is the remainder between income and expenses. Everything that could not be spent went into a deposit, turning into wealth.

Even Wikipedia reports that Wealth is nothing more than the abundance of a person or society of intangible and material assets such as money, capital goods, real estate or personal property.

But is this true? I believe that the concept is significantly distorted and completely agree with the ideas about the wealth of Dr. V. Sinelnikov. It was after reading his book “The Path to Wealth or Where the Treasure is Buried” that I changed my ideas about this term. I admit, I also used to associate this word with money and other material values.

What does this word mean? Let's take a look at its etymology. The root basis of the word Wealth is God. What is God in the broad sense of the word? No, this is not a gray-haired, bearded man on a cloud, threatening everyone with punishment. God is the creator, creator, source of abundance, love, good. God is the absolute, containing everything, all the facets and colors of life. God is very harmonious.

What does it mean to be a rich person

Let's think about our body. It is quite complex and contains large number organs. But each organ has its own important function in the vast system of the body. How do we feel when at least one small organ begins to malfunction or is affected by a disease? We start to feel bad. Sometimes the symptoms are minor and do not disrupt the rhythm of life, but sometimes a disease localized in a certain area of ​​the body literally knocks us off our feet, disrupting our quality of life.

It turns out that we can feel great only when all the organs in our body are healthy and act harmoniously. Every cell, every centimeter of body tissue is important for our well-being. You cannot call yourself absolutely healthy if at least one organ in the body is sick.

Now let us remember that we are created in the image and likeness of God. This means we have all the qualities of God. We are RICH. Rich means having God within you.

But most forgot about it, and does not have enough faith to accept and recognize in herself the full power and creative potential of God. From this, disharmony begins, difficulties, suffering, and illness come.

Is it possible to call a person rich who has huge amount money, real estate abroad, but no health or friends? Hardly. He can only be called financially wealthy.

Or another example: a previously poor person suddenly receives a huge inheritance. Intoxicated by such luck, but at the same time not having sufficient knowledge and skills to preserve and increase finances, he loses all his property in a short time. Was he rich? No. Even with this inheritance, he remained a man with the consciousness of a poor man.

In my opinion, to be rich means to recognize your divine nature and love this world, every day, every moment. This means showing your creative potential in everything and harmoniously filling every area of ​​your life with love. Realize that you are endowed with all the abilities to achieve the life you dream of. First of all, enrich your consciousness.

To be rich means to be self-sufficient, to have not only financial benefits, but also successful relationships with people, to have good health, to be in harmony with yourself and the world around you. Have a desire to give and share as God does. After all, God is very generous.

As in our body, everything in God is important, every single “organ”. And if, for example, we have great financial wealth, but at the same time we cannot find a partner to start a family and suffer from loneliness, will we feel good? I think not. No amount of money will give what a person can give to a person.

A rich man is rich in everything. He appreciates everything in his life, he is not afraid to dream and knows that as a creator, he can bring into his life whatever he wants. He is not afraid of losing it all. After all, he knows that he has creative potential and will be able to create everything he needs anew.

This is a person open to new knowledge, in a state of constant learning and search. This is a flexible personality. Such a person is the master of life, and not its victim. A rich man is a grateful man.

What are the criteria for wealth

Having accepted this point of view and understanding of the word “wealth”, as I described above, you can fall into some misconceptions. For example, consider that a rich person, in addition to money, must have a family, children and many friends. After all, we talked about everyone life spheres that touches true wealth.

But let's not forget that everyone has their own ideas about life, their own needs and desires. Not all people want to get married, have children, have large groups of friends, expensive cars, not everyone wants to own factories and ships. And that's completely normal.

He is rich who is happy in the position he is in. The main criteria for wealth are spiritual, mental, physical, moral well-being, harmony within and the presence of a sufficient amount of spiritual strength for full, happy life, achieving your goals and desires.

In conclusion

Wealth – what is it? This word usually means financial situation a person or a state when they have a number of values, the number of which far exceeds their immediate needs. These values ​​can be both material and spiritual. We can also talk about a person’s natural resources, which play a huge role in his life.

Word in dictionaries

According to the wording given in dictionaries, wealth is:

  1. The name of material and other assets concentrated in someone's hands. Example: This person has enormous spiritual wealth.
  2. Designation of the condition of a wealthy person. Example: Take this advice: don't show off your wealth.
  3. Variety or abundance of something - in a figurative sense. Example: The richness of colors in the paintings of Renaissance artists amazes viewers.

As synonyms for this word one can cite such as luxury, abundance, and as antonyms: poverty, scarcity, poverty.

Origin of the word

As for the origin of this word, it originates in the Proto-Slavic language, from where it passed into Russian and into many Slavic languages: Ukrainian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovenian, Polish, Czech. In them, the words “wealth” and “rich” have the following meanings:

  • Happiness.
  • Abundance.
  • Property.
  • Share.
  • Bread in grain.
  • Preserved by the gods.
  • The bestowing lord.
  • Mister, God.
  • Livestock, draft animals.

In English, wealth is denoted by two words, depending on the corresponding shade of meaning. When talking about possessing values ​​of a material and financial nature, they use the word weath, which is synonymous with well-being. When extreme superiority over other members of society is meant, richness is pronounced. Those countries that are much richer than others are usually called developed.

Wealth from different points of view

Let's consider the understanding of this word in various areas.

  • In the generally accepted understanding, wealth is the presence in society or among individuals of values ​​of a different nature. Such values ​​include: cash, means of production, houses, apartments, ships, airplanes. And also these are antiques, works of art, natural resources. In addition to these components, we can also talk about access to various benefits, such as education, healthcare, and culture.
  • In sociological science, a rich person is understood as a person who owns a significant amount of valuables relative to the rest of the members of the society to which he belongs.
  • Economists define wealth as the difference between what is available in at the moment assets and liabilities.
  • In the sense that the Bible gives this concept, it is spiritual wealth and high moral qualities.

Developing views on wealth

  • Adam Smith. A representative of the classical school who created a theory describing the nature of capital and methods for optimal accumulation of wealth.
  • David Ricardo. He developed Smith's views, supplementing them with original theories - international trade and land rent.
  • Thomas Malthus. He was the first to show the dependence of a country's wealth on population growth, which significantly reduces it.
  • John Mill. He was engaged in deepening the theories of his predecessors, justifying the need for the functioning of a free market that promotes the greatest economic growth and increase in the wealth of society and individuals.
  • Robert Kiyosaki and Bodo Schaefer. Independently of each other, they developed the psychological appearance of a person, the acquisition of which creates the opportunity to accumulate wealth.
  • Karl Marx. Author " Universal Law capitalist accumulation." He came up with the idea that accumulation at one pole of wealth simultaneously leads to accumulation at the opposite pole - poverty, slavery, ignorance and moral degradation.

Russian thought of the 17th-19th centuries

In the 17th-19th centuries in Russia, church and socio-economic thought offered a different view of the essence of wealth. For example, in Domostroy, and later in Ivan Pososhkov (the first Russian economic theorist) in “The Book of Poverty and Wealth”, not only its material, but also its moral and ethical character is considered.

Here the emphasis is placed on the biblical understanding of the category we are studying, according to which a person’s wealth is an obstacle to his entry into the Kingdom of God. In the 19th century, the Old Believer and industrialist Timofey Prokhorov published a work entitled “On Getting Rich.” In it, he gave reasons for the idea that wealth is a necessary condition for the development of society, science and industry.

Special mission

But according to Prokhorov, wealth also has another side - it is a special mission that God has entrusted to a person. The creator gave wealth for temporary use, and then he will demand an account of how it was used. The accumulation and increase of material values ​​by each next generation is a natural process.

But at the same time, Prokhorov notes that a guarantee of the successful use of accumulated capital is a moral life. In his opinion, “clean wealth” is necessary for both bankers and businessmen. Wealth will be useful if the person acquiring it lives according to God.

The 20th century economist Vasily Yarotsky understood wealth as the entire sum of vital human interests in full, and not just what is translated into a monetary valuation of objects and relationships.

In the next part of the article, we will consider questions about natural resources and the labor of people, which are closely related.

Most Valuable Resource

One of the types of wealth is those resources that are given to man by our planet. The most valuable of these are minerals. This is the main resource that is used by man to produce various goods. Minerals include natural substances found in the earth's crust and in the subsoil of the sea. These are oil, gas, coal, metal ores, minerals. They are classified as non-renewable resources that will eventually be depleted.

Other types of resources

Other types of natural resources include the following:

  1. Air. It is necessary for a person not only to breathe, but also to carry out a number of technological processes - combustion, oxidation, cooling. At the same time, the volume of air consumed is relatively small, while the threat is its pollution from automobile exhausts and industrial gases.
  2. Water. This resource is found in bodies of water such as streams, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. It is used in many different industries and can last a very long time if not used as a disposal site for industrial waste.
  3. Sun. It is a natural source of heat and light, very beneficial when used optimally.
  4. Flora world. Consists of the entire collection of plants inhabiting the Earth. Wood is used for construction, fruits and vegetables are used in food, many plants are used in the textile industry (cotton, flax, hemp).
  5. Animal world. It includes animals, birds, fish, reptiles, and insects. In addition to being used as a food source, they are raw materials for making clothes, shoes, jewelry, and medicines. Horses, bulls, camels, deer, and dogs are used as labor.

Being the basis of wealth, natural resources require considerable human effort to obtain it. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Driving force

Natural resources and labor are closely interconnected. Labor is driving force in its acquisition. You can't do without it:

  • Extract natural resources.
  • Work to create capital.
  • Produce goods and services.

The work of people of various professions, mental and physical, is important for the economy. Both of these directions are inseparable from each other. This is clearly seen in the example of the construction industry, rocket science, and the automotive industry, where the labor of both ordinary workers and talented scientists, architects, and engineers is needed.

Thus, wealth and the work to create it require high-quality education. In our age, when technology has reached an unprecedented level of development, the existence of a modern economy is unthinkable without educated people, without progress in the field of science and technology.

Another important component of the labor process is human health. If people are constantly sick or feel unwell, there can be no question of them performing their work duties well. Therefore, the development of medicine and propaganda come to the fore here. healthy image life.


Wed multitude, abundance, abundance, excess, superfluity. The wealth of the harvest. Wealth of thoughts.

Abundance of property, bellies, money, yars. bonfire rich, arch. wealth, lower wealth, ryaz. Bogatel zh., zap. wealth avg. (also wealth), bellies, estate, property, wealth, wealth, condition; sufficiency, prosperity; objects that constitute a person’s property, and everyday life itself, the state of a prosperous person; opposite sex poverty, lack, squalor, misery, need, need. Wealth is akin to arrogance. Wealth sweeps away, and poverty oppresses. Wealth masturbates (swells), but squalor crushes. The man in wealth is not the same as in poverty. Wealth is water, it came and went. Riches are no help to a foolish son. You don’t live with wealth, you don’t live with a person, they say. about marriage. Neither a horse without a bridle, nor wealth without a mind. The mind gives birth to wealth (the mind gives). Poverty cries, wealth gallops. You can't go to hell, you can't get rich. Stinginess did not come from poverty (squalor), but from wealth.

Splendor, splendor, luxury. The temple decorations are famous for their opulence. Rich, rich northern, rich Ryaz. plentiful, plentiful, abundant, many. Rich harvest. Rich copper ore. Rich imagination.

Possessing great property, estate, wealth. The guy is as rich as a horned bull and arrogant. The rich live, and the poor howl. A rich man saves his face (in a fight), and a poor man saves his clothes. The richer (richer), the stingier. And rich, but stingy. The rich man will buy his mind; the poor man would sell his own, but they wouldn’t buy it. A husband loves a healthy wife, and a brother loves a rich sister. He who is too expensive is not rich. What do I need (or: I don’t need) a rich one, give me a cheap one. Don't ask from the rich, ask from the rich. It is not the rich who feeds, but the fat one. The rich devil has children. If you are rich, you will also be horned. He who is rich is horned and proud. The rich man cannot sleep: the rich man is afraid of the thief. Not rich, but overpriced. You won't be rich by looking at people. After all, I don’t fall for a rich man, but for God, they say, if they don’t believe God. Snow and rain on the wedding train - live richly. The devils forge money for the rich. The rich man does not need a friend. If you are not strong, do not fight; if you are not rich, do not be angry. If you are rich, you will also be stingy. It is difficult to be rich, but to be well-fed (and satisfied) is not difficult. Richly adv. excessive, abundant, ardent, luxurious, magnificent;

Ryaz. tul. good, nice, eminent, wonderful;

thief. eagle Little Russian many. We have a lot of sheep. Rich man, rich woman, sib. richer m. rich woman, rich woman, rich woman, arch. rich woman vol. hero of the south zap., a person rich in property; prosperous, prosperous, very sufficient, wealthy, moneyed.

Rich man, fire, wealth. Rich people are paunchy; shanks - shanks. The rich rich man has a lot of beer and honey, but he could throw it into the water with a stone. We praise God, we magnify Christ, we curse the rich man. Rich Wed. collect rich people, rich people. So rich people have gathered here that it’s scary. Bogatich m. bogatichna f. son or daughter of a rich man. The rich people live poorly; needy people who are not spoiled are better. Rich people like popovichs and blue horses: they rarely succeed. Rich, rich, belonging to a rich man. In front of the gate, in front of the rich, a song. To enrich someone, to enrich, to endow with wealth. What makes you rich is what shines, trade. To get rich or get rich, to get rich, to profit; to be enriched. I didn’t get rich when I was young, but in my old age I wanted to. Getting rich cf. action of enriching, enrichment. Wealth, the state of a person becoming rich. He got rich, he made money, and he enriched me, and he became rich himself. Bogatelnitsa m. bogatelnitsa f. enriching someone, giving wealth. Our rich mother earth. Rich woman, rich woman, rich woman. hard resin plant Conyza; komornik, flea beetle;

plant guns, Erigeron, flea beetle, unfading; on Ivan Kupala they tell fortunes with it: they stick a kidney into a crack in the hut, or put it under icons; will blossom, for good; will dry out, for worse. Complex words: richly-loving, richly gifted, etc. are understandable in themselves, but difficult and rarely used.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


wealth, cf.

    Large property, advantageous. monetary.

    advantage pl. A collection of material assets. The natural wealth of the USSR is incalculable.

    trans. Many, abundance. Shakespeare's language is rich in words.

    Splendor, splendor. The wealth of decoration on the building.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.

New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. Material values, money, jewelry.

      Luxury, splendor, splendor.

      Something that is of value only to someone.

  1. Abundance and diversity of natural resources.

    trans. A variety of high moral qualities.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998

Wealth (meanings)


  • Wealth is the abundance of material values ​​in a person or society.
  • Wealth is a novel by Valentin Pikul.
  • Wealth is a television series, a film adaptation of the novel “Wealth.”


Wealth- an abundance of intangible and material assets (such as money, means of production, real estate or personal property) in a person or society that exceeds a person’s vital needs. Wealth can also include access to healthcare, education and culture. In sociology, a rich person is considered to be a person who has significant values ​​in relation to other members of society. In economics, wealth is defined as the difference between assets and liabilities at a given point in time. IN biblical sense- wealth of spirit and moral qualities. The opposite of wealth is poverty. In English, wealth in the sense of possessing values ​​is translated as Wealth, wealth in the sense of extreme superiority over other members of society as Richness. Countries that are significantly more wealthy than other countries are usually called developed countries.

Wealth (novel)

"Wealth"- novel by famous Soviet writer Valentina Pikulya. The work tells about the defense of the Kamchatka Peninsula during the Russo-Japanese War.

Examples of the use of the word wealth in literature.

The traitor Abaz fled to Iran, and Erzurum with all his riches again returned by me to the owner of the seal of Allah, Sultan Murad the Fourth.

Be that as it may, the Corporate Sector of Autarky managed to secure the right to develop - some called it plunder - the countless local wealth.

Her wealth and the influence could be compared only with the few richest regions of the Empire, and Autarky spared neither time nor money, isolating itself from any penetration from the outside.

Sudan of Aden has a lot of income and a lot wealth from duties on ships and merchants visiting here.

As you move, everything reveals itself wealth Neva panoramas from the mouth of the river with portal cranes and docks of shipbuilding enterprises along the shores of Vasilievsky and Admiralty Islands to the ensembles Peter and Paul Fortress, Petrovskaya embankment

You think you're deciding social problem, boast that you can eat honey and locusts, and at the same time in your soul you dream of wealth, about the delights of a luxurious life, about women.

Although the origin wealth, the courage shown in battles, the support of numerous friends and relatives gave him wide access to state affairs; Alcibiades preferred that his influence among the people be based primarily on his inherent gift of speech.

After this, Alcibiades, in fear of the Lacedaemonians, who now ruled both land and sea, moved to Bithynia, taking with him huge wealth, however, leaving even more in his fortress.

The name of the disease, diagnosis, as allopaths say, helps little in treatment, but the homeopathic doctor must carefully record all manifestations of the disease in a particular patient, record them on paper, using everything wealth language in order to update the image of the disease in your memory at any time.

Whoever sent you news from across the sea, He foresaw everything, undoubtedly knowing that it was not just a call wealth There is more than one earthly hunger for you, But there is another thirst - The desire to listen to the expanse of the sea And to rise above the vanity of the world.

Owning wealth, which gave him more influence and opportunities than those that his brother had, Amulius easily deprived Numitor of power and, fearing that the daughter of the overthrown king might have children, appointed her a priestess of Vesta, dooming her to eternal virginity and celibacy.

Just beware of thieves who are after yours. wealth, - she finished, seeing that the venerable Esarhaddon was eavesdropping.

Also, the appraised value automatically becomes the appraising value, and money, which, due to its increasing or decreasing quantity, causes, but always limits, price fluctuations, guarantees in terms of wealth combination of definition and articulation, attribution and derivation.

Rhodes is on the right, Türkiye is left behind, and in the storeroom under the afterpeak there is a fabulous wealth.

Friends are good Babek Serush Give wealth your souls, It is more valuable to him than money.

Today I want to talk about what does it mean to be a rich person. What is wealth? What does this concept mean? How and with what to measure it? What are the key criteria for wealth? How can you determine which person is rich and which is not?

What does it mean to be rich?

If you ask this question to different people, then I am sure that each of them will name completely different criteria for wealth.

Someone will say that to be a rich person means to have a million dollars, and someone will name a hundred million (the difference is a hundred times!). For some, a person who has a good-quality house and a large beautiful car, for some, the criterion of wealth will be, for example, a yacht, and for others, the presence of a surname on the Forbes lists. Surely there will be people who will say that happiness does not lie in money, and that a rich person is one who is spiritually rich. Each of them will be right in their own way.

Each person will answer the question “What does it mean to be rich?” in his own way. Everyone has their own criteria for wealth, and this is quite normal and understandable.

In addition, the presentation specific person wealth may change over the course of a lifetime. At a young age, many people dream of saving a certain amount of money or having a certain amount of income per month, and it seems that achieving this is the ultimate dream. But then the dream comes true, and it turns out that it is not as much as it seemed. As incomes grow, so do needs, so those earnings and savings that one could previously only dream of are no longer enough. The criteria for wealth are changing.

From this we can conclude that since wealth is a very vague and changing concept, it is almost impossible to become rich, because the “bar” of wealth for a particular person will constantly grow.

What is wealth anyway? How to measure it?

If we're talking about about material wealth, then I propose to answer this question as follows:

Wealth is the difference between what a person earned and what he spent. In other words, wealth is everything monetary and material (remember what a personal budget consists of) with the exception of spending on current needs. This is all that a person has available at the moment.

Wealth formula.

Thus, the formula for wealth can be derived. It will look like this:

Or like this:

Or, to put it in simple and accessible language, the formula for wealth will be as follows:

Wealth = Earned – Spent

All these wealth formulas are identical to each other and mean the same thing, just expressed in different words.

I hope you understand what wealth is and what it means to be rich. First of all, it depends on your personal perception and there cannot be any definite answer here in any case.

Since wealth is an ambiguous and fickle value, I would not recommend striving for it at all. It is better, in my opinion, to strive not for wealth, but for, since this is something more clear and definable.

You don’t need a lot of money, because the concept of “a lot” will constantly grow. Rather, there should be enough of them. Enough to feel independent from money.

In my next publication I will talk about how to become rich. Stay tuned!