Exit to the mental. Fire world

In Eastern literature, the word "deva" is often used loosely to designate all kinds of non-human beings, often including the highest of spiritual forces on the one hand, and nature spirits and even artificial elementals on the other. However, its application here will be limited to the magnificent evolution that we are now considering.

These angels, although connected with our Earth, are in no way limited by it, because our entire chain of seven worlds is like one world for them, and their evolution goes through a grandiose system of seven chains. Until now, their ranks have been replenished mainly from other humanity of the Solar System, some of whom have evolved less, others more than we have, since only a few of us have already reached the level at which it is possible to join them. But it seems certain that some of their very numerous varieties, on their path of ascension, did not pass through any humanity at all comparable to ours.

We currently cannot know much about them, but it is clear that what can be called the goal of their evolution is significantly higher than ours. If the goal of our human evolution is to achieve the successful portion of humanity to the degree of adept-asekha before the end of the seventh round, then the evolution of the devas has the goal of raising their advanced ranks to a much higher level during the corresponding period. With them, as with us, for those who make serious efforts, a steep but shorter path to even greater heights opens up, but we can only guess what these heights may be.

Deva divisions

The first three major divisions, starting from the bottom, are usually called Kama-deva, Rupa-deva and Arupa-deva, which can be translated as angels astral world, lower heavenly and higher heavenly worlds. Just as for us the lower body is the physical, so for the Kama-devas the lower body will be the astral, so that they are in approximately the same position in which humanity will be when it reaches planet F. The Kama-deva, usually living in the astral body, can leave it and move to higher spheres in the mental body, just as we use the astral. It will be no more difficult for him to move into the causal body (if he is sufficiently developed) than for us to move into the mental body. In the same way, the ordinary body of the rupa devas is mental body, since their house is four lower level mental plane, that is, the rupa levels, while the arupa devas belong to the three highest levels of the same plane, and for them the most dense body will be the causal.

Above the Arupa Devas there are four more classes belonging to the kingdom of Devas, inhabiting respectively the four higher planes of our solar system. Even higher and beyond the realm of the devas there are great hosts of planetary spirits, but consideration of such exalted beings here would no longer be appropriate.

Each of those two main divisions of this kingdom which have their seat on the mental plane is divided into numerous classes. However, their life is in all respects so far from ours that it is useless to try to convey anything other than the most general idea about it. I cannot otherwise convey the impressions of our researchers in these areas than by citing the actual words of one of them, spoken during observations: “I am experiencing the action of a very sublime consciousness, magnificent beyond all words. But it is so unusual, so different, so different from everything that I have ever experienced before is so unlike any kind human experience that it is absolutely impossible to express it in words."

It would be equally vain to attempt to give any description of these powerful beings on our physical plane, since their appearance changes with every new direction of their thought. We have already mentioned the greatness and wonderful expressive power of their color language, and how, under certain conditions, people operating on the mental plane can learn much from them. The reader may remember how one of the devas, bringing to life the figure of an angel created by the imagination of the chorister in his heavenly life, taught him music far superior in its grandeur to any sounds ever heard by earthly ears, and how another deva associated with transmission and direction some planetary influences, helped the development of one astronomer.

The relationship between devas and nature spirits (which are discussed in our previous manual) is somewhat reminiscent of the relationship between people and animals, only on a much larger scale. And just as an animal can achieve individualization only through attachment to a person, so it seems that the natural spirit can acquire a permanent reincarnating individuality only through a similar rapprochement with members of one of the orders of devas.

Of course, all that has been said, or even all that can be said about this great angelic evolution, only touches the very edge of this huge topic. Each reader will have to acquire more complete information on his own when he himself becomes conscious on the higher planes. But still, what has been written, no matter how small and unsatisfactory a sketch it may be, will help the reader to get some idea of ​​the countless assistants with which a person’s progress along the path of evolution can bring him into contact, and will show how every high aspiration that becomes possible for a person through as his faculties grow, he will be more than satisfied by the beneficial arrangements made by nature.

III. Artificially created population

On this part of our subject only a few words can be said. The mental plane, even more than the astral plane, is populated by artificial elementals, called into temporary existence by the thoughts of its inhabitants. And if we remember how grander and more powerful thought is on the mental plane, and that its powers are used not only by people, incarnate and disembodied, but also by devas, as well as beings from higher planes, then it immediately becomes clear that the importance of the influence of artificial beings is difficult to exaggerate . There is no need here to revisit what was said in the previous tutorial about the effect of human thought and the need for careful caution in thoughts. Enough has been said in describing the difference between the action of thought on the ruka and arūpa levels to show how an artificial elemental of the mental plane is called into existence, and to give some idea of ​​the infinite variety of ephemeral entities thus created, and the immense importance of the work constantly done through them. . Adepts and their initiated disciples give them wide use, and it is needless to say that the artificial elemental created by such powerful minds is a being far more durable, and accordingly more powerful, than any we have described in connection with the astral plane.


See Leadbeater's book "Dreams. What are they and how are they caused" - approx. lane

See "Letters of the Mahatmas", letter No. 65, question 2 - approx. lane

Often, when describing such immersion in matter in theosophical literature, the term “involution” is used, while evolution is the reverse movement from lower to higher planes, characteristic, for example, of man. - Approx. lane

See also about this “The Teachers and the Path” by C. Leadbeater and “A Treatise on Cosmic Fire” by A. Bailey - approx. lane

You may have heard about such a concept as the “mental level”. What it is, how mental connections are formed between people, their main characteristics - I will talk about all this in the next material.

The mental level is literally the world of thoughts. Many occult teachings (such as New Age, Theosophy, Hermeticism) believe that this is a certain layer of the surrounding world created by ideas, thought processes and mental energy. And esotericists say that the mental dimension creates a thin shell human body, located in the middle of all other energy bodies.

It is also known that the mental level is a fictional copy of reality, projected by the senses through the prism of life experience, reason, and the moral attitudes of the individual.

What is the mental body

Charles Leadbeater - writer, freemason and member of the Theosophical Society, found the fourth energy shell of the human body under the mental plane. According to his theory, the projection of the mental shell onto the physical organism is the region of the spinal cord and brain.

Representatives of occult teachings believe that the assemblage point of each individual depends on the type of his perception of the world:

  • strategists - for them it is in the upper mental area;
  • for those who think logically and act actively - in the average;
  • those who are overcome by feelings, but follow the rules, are at the bottom.

Another separation option is suggested by Leadbeater. According to him, the mental body is formed by the following shells:

  • mental-etheric body;
  • astral;
  • casual;
  • bodhic;
  • atmanic.

A similar division is inherent in the mental level.

Inhabitants of the mental

The mental plane, as well as the astral one, occupies all the space around us. In this connection, any type of irritation, even occurring on other planes, is reflected on it. People perceive mental activity as a process of spontaneous thinking - in the form of any mental images (individual objects located in the mental plane, on which people do not have any influence).

Periodically, certain thought forms combine to form a so-called egregor. What is an egregor? It acts as an energy-informative consciousness created by a group of people, divided according to a specific criterion. So, many types of egregors are known:

  • religious (Christianity, Buddhism and others);
  • egregors of nations (are demons of empires);
  • generic egregors;
  • professional and so on.

The mental level mainly consists of thought forms and egregors.

Are our illnesses related to thoughts?

Some psychologists believe that the emergence of all pathologies begins with mental level. They talk about a close connection physical world and spiritual, the state of a person’s body and his thoughts.

Then it turns out that if you want to be healed of an illness, you must first establish the mental (mental) reason why it arose. Since the external symptoms of the disease are only a reflection of internal pathological processes. Accordingly, the patient must engage in self-analysis to identify and subsequently neutralize the spiritual cause of the disease.

It turns out that if a person independently creates a disease for himself, only he can eliminate it.

And the main mental provocateurs of pathologies include the following:

  • a person does not understand his life goals, does not know why he came into this world;
  • does not understand and/or does not comply with universal and natural laws;
  • he has aggressive, harmful feelings, thoughts or emotions in his subconscious.

Any disease, first of all, signals a disturbed harmony, balance in the Universe. It is a reflection of wrong human thoughts, intentions and behavior - that is, the entire worldview.

Literally, all diseases protect us from our own harmful thought patterns and actions. And those who have an incorrect, unhealthy understanding of the world can be considered sick. Then healing will only require a revision and change in your outlook on life. Unfortunately, modern man little puzzled by such deep questions. And when sick, as a rule, he grabs traditional pills, looking for healing in them. In this case, only the symptoms are relieved, but there is no impact on the root cause.

Mental connections - what are they?

Scientists have long been interested in mental (telepathic) communication between people. Various studies have been conducted on this topic. According to experiments that used fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), the presence of mental connections in people was revealed.

WITH scientific position this, however, sounds somewhat different than from the point of view of esotericists. This is how scientists talk about the synchronization of both hemispheres of the brain if interacting people enjoy communication. Then the listener's brain activity exactly copies those areas of brain activity that are involved in the storyteller.

How are mental connections formed in people? Let's look at it from the perspective of esotericism. The strongest telepathic connection is considered to be the one that arose with close people (usually lovers or those who are in a sexual relationship). There are also connections between close friends and between mother and child.

For a mental connection to form, it takes enough time and for people to spend time with each other. Then, according to mystics, there is an interpenetration of energy subtle bodies into each other. This process involves special connecting threads running through the spell - energy centers bodies.

What happens if people break up? Let's say it happened to them strong quarrel, they have moved far away from each other in space, but continue to remain together mentally: they think about each other, memories are scrolling in their heads, joint photos and messages constantly catch their eye on the phone...

What happens then? In the four-dimensional dimension, an invisible thread (channel) is created between them, which influences the lives of both. And the distance is in this case plays almost no role. True, the saying “time heals” remains true - indeed, over time, energy channels weaken, they become thin and, as a result, are gradually completely destroyed.

And if you want to do this even earlier, you will need to get out of the mental plane in which you feel discomfort. This does not always happen on its own; sometimes additional efforts are required.

In conclusion

Let's summarize the topic:

  • mental level is the level of a person’s thoughts. It is also a special dimension, along with the astral plane;
  • Esotericists believe that all diseases are created by our wrong thoughts. And changing thoughts can heal illnesses;
  • mental connections are established between loved ones, lovers and relatives. They can persist for a very long time, often requiring work to break them completely (there are special practices for breaking mental connections).

Finally, I offer a thematic video:

My additions in blue italics.

Let's look at the mental plane and talk about the creation of thought forms and their impact on people and space. Let's start with the mental plane.

What is mental
The mental plane is energy level, in which energy carries information. Information embedded in mental energy is capable of changing the properties and meanings of other energies. This is where its uniqueness lies, and this is also its main function.

With the help of mental energy, the process of creation is realized. Any being that has its own Consciousness is capable of creating something new. The process of creation occurs due to the transformation of mental energy into thought forms, which contain information about the structure, form and qualities of the created object. This allows us to say that the mental plane is a plan for the construction of new forms and the transformation of old ones.
Mental energy is essentially a carrier of information. The presence and volumes of mental energy speak about the development of a being, about its potential. Cognition, working with information, mental activity lead to the growth of the mental sphere and an increase in its volume.

Pay attention to the mental sphere of planet Earth. This sphere consists of the energy of thought of all thinking beings on the planet, as well as huge amount information and knowledge that was left to us as a legacy from previous civilizations, from our ancestors.

Among the thinking beings on Earth one can name not only people, but also the Higher Ones (representatives of other civilizations interested in the development of humanity) , those who exist in bodies on the mental plane and work to distribute energy and information on the planet, distributing it between peoples and states.

The mental sphere of the Earth is a huge bank of information about all the achievements of previous and current civilizations, and it also contains all the achievements of science and technology. There are certain places on the planet that function as memory blocks on a planetary level. It is in them that mental information accumulations are stored.

In addition, in the mental plane of the Earth there is a large number of free mental energy, which can be used by people as raw material for the construction of new thought forms, for all kinds of creativity.
In those places where people live, mainly in large cities, the atmosphere is filled with human thoughts, which already carry certain meanings and have some characteristics inherent in them. Often these thoughts are far from positive and have a bad effect on environment, on the psyche of people, creating a general atmosphere of tension, despondency, hopelessness.

Facilities mass media, transmitting news, influences this atmosphere; negative news about murders, wars, disasters, crises, are collected from all over the world, and create whole waves of negative thoughts, waves of universal condemnation. And we, people, have to live in such an atmosphere, where you can hardly find pure energy; we have to literally pull it by the ears from outer space in order to cleanse our biofield of negative layers, in order to charge ourselves with enough energy for basic performance.

But, nevertheless, the possibilities of a conscious person are quite great, provided that he is conscious person and is literate in matters of distribution of energy of the mental plane. Each person is able to attract the required amount of energy from space and use these energy flows to clean the space in which he lives and works. And therefore, you should not despair, but take it and work on the surrounding atmosphere, practice using mental resources.

If you want to feel comfortable in an unfavorable mental atmosphere, then take control of the process. One person, using his mental resources in alliance with cosmic flows, is able to clean an apartment in an average of 15-30 minutes, and a work office can be decorated in 10-20 minutes.
Cleaning rooms with the help of energy flows and mental impulses has another advantage: it cleanses not only the mental plane, but also the astral one. And this directly affects the possibility of the emergence of negative entities or feelings. People in a clean room will not experience a depressing, irritating effect, and they are unlikely to have the desire to produce a negative reaction. As a rule, people are more negative in places with heavy energy. And, accordingly, if the space is cleared, then the possibility of producing negative feelings and thoughts is reduced.

Here I don’t agree with the author, if the room and its owner are “clean”, then the “dirty”/unconscious person who comes in with his zoo (pods, larvae, etc.) may, at a minimum, feel uncomfortable, or at most, may begin to behave inadequate.

Features of the mental plane
Mental energy is a special type of energy that has the ability to give form and quality to other types of energy and matter. And therefore, mental energy can be used to transform living conditions, including to transform oneself.
Using the power of thought, a person is able to heal himself from negative formations, he can protect himself from adverse influences from the external environment. With the help of mental energy, a person can attract various energy flows to the place he needs.

Human mental abilities certain development can enable a person to perceive information at a distance, read it from the mental sphere of people around him, and even make contact with the information field of the planet and take the knowledge he needs, information from the Akashic Chronicles. The Akashic Chronicles are the information storehouse of planet Earth.

History contains many cases when communication between a person and the Supreme (representatives of other civilizations interested in the development of humanity), led to the appearance of occult, esoteric works. By the way, contactees use precisely this ability to exchange thoughts at a distance to come into contact with other beings, including those not related to the inhabitants of the Earth. For example, the book Kryon was written in exactly this way, by the method of transmitting information on the mental plane from Kryon, the Supreme Being, to the person who wrote it all down, and, in the end, published the book.

Among those who call themselves contactees, there are a lot of those who are engaged in spiritualism, mediumship - communication with beings of the astral plane, who for the most part have a level of development no higher than that of a human. Yes, indeed, the illiteracy of some people involved in contactee experiments using automotor writing or a pendulum is sometimes astonishing. They are unable to distinguish beings of the astral plane from the essence of the mental plane, but at the same time, they are firmly convinced of their unique contacting abilities. Because of this, there is already a lot of unclear information that has no practical use for people, written down in books or articles of “housewives contactors”.

Thought forms
Thought forms are formations of mental energy that are created intelligent beings and are endowed special properties and a program for performing an action or influencing any object, territory, person or event.

Thought forms come in varying levels of complexity and volume. For example, an egregor is one of the highest types of thought forms. It arises as a result of the creation of an idea, which is strengthened by the mental energy of the creator and his like-minded people, and gradually develops to the level of essence. An egregor is determined by the settings of the original thought form embedded in it, that is, these are the very settings that indicate the essence of the egregor, how it will influence people, what changes it will lead to, what functions it will perform, etc. and so on. (an egregor can also change its characteristics from the people in it, if these people in their mass outweigh the initial settings of the creator/creators and can have their own consciousness (not immediately, of course, their own consciousness is formed))

There are thought forms - entities of a smaller scale that can perform the functions of a guardian, assistant, protector or ally in some matter.

And there are also simpler thought forms that represent short-term ideas, plans, mental images of some constructions, or future actions. Such thought forms are the most common product of human mental activity.

Thought forms can be created not only by humans, but also by Higher Ones (representatives of other civilizations). In this case, thought forms are aimed at correcting already existing egregors, or encourage the creation of new egregors.

The thought forms of the Highest can influence the course of events, and often have a decisive influence on the course of history, directing key government figures to actions that help avoid unnecessary international conflicts and wars.

The thought forms of people can also influence the Earth as a whole. It often happens that negative mental activity in a city leads to geological activity, the awakening of volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and can also cause a hurricane, typhoon or other natural disaster.

Thus, nature takes care of the energetic purity of the planet, and when the amount of negativity reaches the maximum permissible norm, it goes to everyone living in this region.

To be continued....

What is Mental?

Olisi: Mental is an ultra-subtle world, a world of information. In general, the topic of Mental is quite difficult to understand. Energy cannot be drawn from this world, but any information can be obtained, for the Mental, apparently, is in direct contact with the so-called “universal information bank.” Where is Mental? A question that has no answer. Mentality is everywhere. Wherever Chaos does not reign there is information. Even absolute vacuum, containing no particles, is its carrier. And where there is information, there is Mental... Exit to Mental Exit to Mental is carried out different ways. But, unlike the Astral, Mental is a world of more subtle energies and therefore is not accessible to everyone, but only to those who have developed the ability to feel these energies. I consider it necessary to immediately warn you that time in the Mental passes completely differently than in the Astral Plane, and even more so, not as it does in the Physical World. It all depends on which stream you get into. You can leave for half a minute, and when you return, you find that your body has been lying in a coma in the hospital for six months, or vice versa - you can leave for an hour, but be absent for seconds. By the way, if the position of the body of a person whose “I” is in the Mental is changed, then he is unlikely to return back. Turn. For those who access the Astral through the “corridor” it will be easier to use this particular method. Let us remind you that when flying through the corridor you come across a fork. One of the roads leads to light, and the other is dark. To enter the Astral you flew into the light, but now you fly to where it is dark. The darkness will suck you in and you will find yourself in a different reality. Mental Visualization In general, Mental visualization is a very rare phenomenon. Usually a person simply begins to receive information. Visualization can be different, but there are two main types that occur most often: 1. Fogs. With this visualization, a person “sees” a space that can be either dark, but the darkness does not interfere with vision, or light. The space is endless and filled with small clouds different colors, some of which glow. 2. Space. The space is dark and endless. It is all filled with shiny dots, the so-called “stars”. They can stand still, move, change color, etc. Author's advice As a conclusion, I would like to give advice - you should not go to Mental without an experienced guide. Of course, you will most likely never get there without outside help or significant experience, but the attempt itself can lead to negative consequences.

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Answers - 7

Graff: Olisi Very interesting!

Boy: The guardian angel watching over your life plan will not let you leave for six months; if this should not happen, he will bring you back. I don’t think there’s any need to worry so much, if it’s destined to fly in and not fly out, then so be it. A person can just walk and a brick falls on his head, and he didn’t fly anywhere, but grabbed it. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of the mental, the magician should rather love it. The astral and mental are all the planes of our existence, which means that if existence is like that, there is nothing to be afraid of. Moreover, what’s wrong with flying away from this fucking life forever, where is the best place to live?

Paladin: Olisi writes: Mental is an ultra-subtle world, a world of information. ..... You cannot draw energy from this world, but you can get any information, so it cannot be completely called a world. This is only one of the spheres of our perception, in some ways common to everyone, and in some ways individual for everyone. The mental is only the sphere of mind and consciousness. here the decisive factor in influencing is the will. the astral plane is also not another world. This is a different level of perception, nothing more. in the astral plane, as well as on the mental plane, one of the decisive factors is will, in addition - faith and concentration on the goal. This is just another loophole that serves us to influence reality, but not another world. In all worlds, the laws of physics typical of ours apply. in the astral plane they do not work at all. This is another reason why we cannot consider it peace. The idea of ​​a guide is provoked by the fact that when entering the sphere of mind and consciousness (otherwise mental), you are faced with so much information that will simply confuse you, and most likely you will experience severe overstrain of your brain, AND YOU MAY SIMPLY NOT COPE WITH IT,

Boy: Paladin writes: that’s why it can’t quite be called a world. Nobody called it peace. Paladin writes: this is only one of the spheres of our perception. Then the same can be said about the material plane, but in reality it is somewhat different. The mental plane is also a plane of existence, like the material one, and it also has inhabitants living in it, for them it is a plane of existence and therefore it is not just another level of perception. I think the universe has more than one plane of existence and several spheres of perception. I think each sphere of perception has its own plane of existence.

Paladin: The boy writes: No one called him the world. Olisi writes: Mental is an ultra-subtle world, the world of information therefore objected. the universe in our understanding consists of certain parts, one of which is the area of ​​the material, where we actually exist in physical form. the rest is just various areas perception and influence, which is what I'm trying to explain. There are an infinite number of worlds, it’s like pages in a book. We are letters on these pages, we can only glance, see the next page, but we will not be able to jump from one to another, we know too little for this. perhaps to carry out a ritual of transition, as indicated in some sources, but we do not have modern confirmation of the reality of this and cannot do this now. comparison with a book is a very rough estimate, but it is more understandable for those who find it difficult to imagine many intersecting or parallel spheres or planes.

Boy: Paladin, advise me to read something on mental exits... Only except for C. Leadbeater.

Paladin: The boy writes: read about mental exits. There is no intelligent literature on outputs at all, as well as on most techniques in general, since most books are written by charlatans who are incapable of even half of what they are trying to write about. How do you imagine a mental exit? mental is the sphere of consciousness. Accordingly, mental influence is only an influence at the level of consciousness, there is no way out and there is no need to go anywhere. the mental plane is actually represented by our own perception, nothing more. the entities that supposedly live there - they actually just surround us, but we can feel their presence only at some primitive level of consciousness. that line beyond which the exit begins - it separates the mental plane from the astral plane, when you begin to see the invisible with ordinary vision. when they say about a person that he is “mentally strong,” this means that he has a strong will and is therefore protected from instilling in him any thoughts or other information, protected from prompting him to any actions from the outside. think about why they never say “strong astrally”? yes, simply because when entering the astral plane, all the real power is represented only by the will of the magician, that is, a component of his mental plane. that is, such a statement would be simply absurd. So, the mental plane consists of WILL, FAITH and KNOWLEDGE, representing a certain constant, stasis. the rest is just flows of information and energy that are not its direct components. It is impossible to go into the mental, because it is not a parallel reality, not a different level of perception. this is an integral part of our consciousness, from which (but not into which!) we can exit by moving to the astral plane.

For example, I call the Astral that very copy of the physical world and also that which is a little subtler than this. And I call the world of thought Mental. Some call the copy of the physical world in general the Ether, and the Astral something more abstract. But in principle it doesn’t matter what you call it, the main thing is the meaning. In general, I would like you not to focus on the terms.

Exit to Mental, Mental projection, etc., that is, immersion in this world is achieved by simple visualization (visual representation). For example, when you read a book, you are immersed in the world, easily creating scenes there; or if you remember something.
Try to close your eyes and imagine yourself somewhere, say in the forest. Visualize as you would when reading a book. Now walk around and look at your hands. Do you feel like you are in this world? The better you feel in it, the greater your immersion in the world. Try to stay in it longer. You can imagine yourself in your apartment or on the street, wherever you want.

You will probably think that this is just imagination. I thought so too.
So RiddleR and I created two of our own little worlds in the mental world a couple of months ago. RiddleR created a cozy house with a door, a window, and some items inside. And one day such a thing happened. I went in there, there was no one there. RiddleR didn't know I was going to do anything. Then, after a small incident in this little world, I accidentally =) destroyed this house with powerful lightning. No, of course, I didn’t succeed in destroying the little world, but I had a significant influence on it.
After this incident, RiddleR writes to the soap that there is something strange with the world, they say there is no immersion like before, and everything is somehow dull and dim. I told him what I did. We were very surprised.

Then I created Mirok 2:Arena. Especially for training in any direction. Be it virtuoso kung fu or magical techniques such as fireball and teleportation... After much training, we decided to meet in this arena. We agreed on a chat so that we could discuss everything at once. The purpose of the meeting is to fight with magic.
---|Entrance to the arena.
I was already waiting for him in the arena.
Some figure enters through the portal from Mirka 1. Well, naturally it’s RiddleR.
At first he wanted to approach peacefully, but I started the fight with a very light fireball. My fireball touched RiddleR, dissolving into him, and nothing else, because I made a very weak fireball :) After that, the Riddler launched a power ball at me. Ball - hehe, (apparently there was a lot of training on stone golems) I flew through the entire arena, broke through the paper wall (the design is like paper walls), and flew out of bounds. A second later I flew into the arena again through a hole in the wall. :) I then started teleporting from place to place to confuse him ;) eventually I appeared next to him. Suddenly a transparent bluish dome appeared around him. I couldn't do anything about it.
---|Exit the arena.
They started discussing what happened in the chat.

What Riddler confirmed: - at the beginning he wanted to approach peacefully
- first fireball in Riddler
- power ball at me
- throwing me out of the arena, breaking through the paper wall
- teleportation
- protective dome

What was there that I didn’t see:
- levitation of the Riddler above me during the fight
- a powerful lightning shot at me by the Riddler

It follows from this that there is a certain amount of fantasy. But it is gradually suppressed by true perception. You just need to be in little worlds more.

How to enter the worlds created by someone?
You need to know its exact dimensions and what it looks like in all its details in order to get into this little world.

What about fantasy? Yes, if you are a beginner, then at first there will be a lot of imagination in what you see. The main thing is that you need to believe and the fantasy will be suppressed, and real perception will open. And another piece of advice - at first, don’t try to change anything in other people’s worlds, because it most likely won’t work, and failure will entail a decrease in faith. And this will slow down your development. So at first it’s best to do nothing, just walk quietly and observe.