Protection from entities and demons. Protection from astral entities

These tips will help you protect yourself from various manifestations of negativity.

Every person has an energy field - protection from negative influence from outside world. However, if it is weakened, it becomes easier to draw energy from it. Energy vampirism is very common, and sometimes it is difficult to determine a person who feeds on other people’s emotions and vital forces by his behavior.
So, no matter what happens, remember that everyone can protect themselves from harmful effects. To do this you need:
rest in a timely manner;
do not start an incipient cold or other illness;
use positive attitudes - an optimistic person rarely becomes a victim of an energy vampire;
strengthen immunity and general condition body;
use meditation and other spiritual practices to restore the energy field.
Thanks to these simple tips you can strengthen your biofield, reducing the risk of harmful effects. However, what to do if it does happen?

Method number 1: protection from energy attack

The simplest thing you can do when meeting a person who is encroaching on your energetic health and psychological comfort is to avoid communicating with him. Very often, vampires can be identified by certain characteristics. These are aggressive people. They are constantly on edge and literally run into scandals and quarrels. This behavior is one of the simplest ways to piss off a victim, disrupting her internal balance. To avoid becoming a victim, use these recommendations:
do not enter into conflict with a person;
avoid looking him in the eyes;
try to get away from the unpleasant person;
smile and laugh more often;
agree with everything said;
Don't lose your temper.
It is known that it is not so easy to obtain a person’s energy, so the interlocutor will definitely provoke you to emotions. If you fail to stop the conversation and leave, control yourself. Agree with everything said and show imaginary humility. Use the most important weapon - good mood. Even if you feel like you are starting to boil, force yourself to laugh in your opponent’s face, imagine something positive. These techniques will help you fight back. However, when you return home, start restoring your protection. The mantra of cleansing from negativity will help you with this.

Method number 2: amulets against energy attack

Use various amulets and charms to protect yourself and your loved ones from negative influences. One of the most effective means of protection are amulets, known since ancient times. Our ancestors used them to prevent energy attacks.
Aspen. This tree is famous for its unique properties, which are called upon to stand up for human protection. You can purchase a cross made of this material at a temple or church. You can also use a small part of a branch. Using a knife, make a small stick, pointed at one end. This amulet should be worn close to the body without taking it off. If you are attacked, the tree will change color. It will darken, taking the blow upon itself.
Holy water. This is perhaps the most famous remedy for protection. Holy water should be washed in the morning and evening, and also used as a talisman. Pour it into a small flask and carry it with you. It also helps with headaches - a few drops on your temples and prayer will relieve you of unpleasant symptoms.
In order to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage, use powerful amulets. This type of attack, unfortunately, often occurs to this day. These may be unintentional actions, but with a strong impulse - harsh words on a wave of negativity, wishes for illness and many other bad words. If damage is done intentionally, you need not only to protect yourself, but also to neutralize the consequences of the negative impact. The most in a simple way is prayer. To do this, you need to say out loud what happened to you in front of the icon and ask for protection from Higher powers. Remember that you need to let go of the situation and not hold a grudge against the person who used their powers to harm you. Supreme Court always fair, and punishment will find the offender.

Method number 3: protecting your home from negative influences

It has long been known that a home is not only a place in which we live, but also a powerful source of positive energy that can protect its owners. In order for your home to help you, give you additional strength and protect you from negativity, keep an eye on it:
use amulets to protect your home;
Clean more often - trash and broken things create stagnation of energy;
call the brownie for help - this entity, with the right attitude, is able to resist negativity from the outside;
get rid of questionable items - these could be pins, needles, bags with various fillings. The so-called pads are most often located at the threshold, gate or in doorways.
If your home is visited by a person with heavy energy, use rituals that are designed to cleanse the space of its negative influence. Light a candle and walk throughout the house, looking into every corner. Sprinkle the corners with holy water and sprinkle salt in front of the threshold. In order for unwanted people to forget the way to you, use a spell that will block their path to you.

Method number 4: protection from psychological attack

Psychological attacks are a way to provoke the victim into emotions. Psychologists and astrologers advise using simple, but effective methods to protect against such influence. By constantly practicing, you not only strengthen your resistance, but also strengthen your biofield:
lead healthy image life;
do what you love;
eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables;
meet with friends more often and spend time not only in cafes and restaurants, but also in nature;
tune in to spiritual growth- meditate, pray, use all kinds of techniques to develop intuition;
exclude unwanted people from your social circle;
use defense techniques with the power of thought - imagine yourself surrounded by a strong cocoon that extinguishes negative influences.
Psychological attacks should not be scary. This is a challenge that will help you become stronger. Constant practice strengthens willpower and health. Good method protection from psychological attacks are mental barriers. When faced with a person who is inclined to conflict, mentally create a wall, a curtain, a dome - whatever is closer to you. Develop your imagination and you will be able to create an impenetrable defense.

Method number 5: amulets against psychological attacks

It is necessary to protect yourself from people who have designated you as their victim and donor of vital energy. To do this, use the knowledge of the ancient Slavs. They have been collecting information for centuries and have invented many effective ways protection.
First, know your strengths, given to you by nature at birth. Our ancestors, not familiar with modern astrology, identified 16 Zodiac Signs and called them palaces. Each person had his own patron deity and talisman tree. By your date of birth you can find out who has Slavic Gods seek protection. Also use a tree that protects you. Make yourself an amulet from a small part of it or purchase it at a specialized store. Also, for greater confidence, periodically get out into nature so that you have the opportunity to come into contact with a living plant. It takes away negative energy and gives vitality.
Secondly, don't forget about things like good luck amulets. If fortune is on your side, then you are protected from all kinds of attacks. Almost any thing can be turned into lucky talisman. There are things that are often with you in moments of joy, pleasant surprises, victories and achievements. It could be a keychain, pen, decoration. Take the object in your hands, hold it for a while and mentally turn to it with a call for help.
Thirdly, these are stones according to the Zodiac Sign. The powerful energy of natural materials can give strong defense and also bring prosperity into life. Often such amulets become additional source energy, a kind of battery that is activated when your vitality running out.

Method number 6: protection from energy attacks of settlers and entities

Such impacts can cause a lot of inconvenience and suffering. It all starts with simple malaise and fatigue, and it can even end sudden death. Unwelcome guests Demons, larvae, and spirits can become in your biofield. You need to get rid of them at the very beginning, before such a symbiosis leads to devastating consequences. In order to protect yourself, use all the recommendations above, and also carefully monitor your health. Entities usually act secretly until they are completely attached to your energy source. If you begin to realize that something unusual is happening to you, use methods of protection and getting rid of negative influences. Clear signs The most common types of settlers are:
long-term illnesses;
constant fatigue;
apathy and reluctance to move forward, enjoy life and communicate with loved ones; frequent mood swings, aggression;
constant failures;
detachment and desire to hide from the world;
fear, anxiety, nervous condition.
You can expel such an entity yourself.

Method number 7: protection from the self-evil eye

A special type of attack is the self-evil eye. A negative person may harm himself unknowingly. Most often this happens when Bad mood and failures make you uncomfortable. To reduce the risk of such exposure, negative statements and thoughts addressed to you should be eliminated.
A mirror is an object with which we come into contact every day. Use it as a weapon to fight negativity. Never say negative words about yourself while looking at your reflection. Use positive constructs, looking into your eyes, reassure yourself that everything will be fine. This psychological method helps well with depression, failures at work and in personal life.
You need to get rid of the self-evil eye yourself. This fight with your own negative manifestations, which will strengthen you and give you confidence in your abilities. Use meditation as a way to outline your problem and find a way out of the current situation. Start your morning with positive emotions: listen to pleasant music, play sports, eat more fruits and vegetables.
It is important to remember that willpower can work wonders. You need firm confidence that you are doing everything correctly and for the good. Try not to cause inconvenience to others, be friendly and polite. And under no circumstances pick up lost things from the ground - many of them also carry negative energy that can cause you a lot of trouble.

When you open up to your spirit guides, it is very important to keep your feet on the ground and be selective in order to attract high vibrational guides to help you in your life - and not negative entities with low vibrations, which will only ruin and distort everything, causing you trouble. Just as you would not invite a stranger into your home and give him the opportunity to manage something, you should not think that all mentors bring only benefit and give only valuable advice that should be heeded without hesitation. Most of them are wonderful Beings of Light, but there are also spirits that do not have a high vibration. They wander around, confused and confused, and will happily become attached to you and try to control your life so as not to float aimlessly in the ether. Most of these spirits are harmless but annoying and can be easily identified by their vibration.

High level mentors - very gentle, patient, calm, loving. They will never tell you what to do. They will give you discreet advice, usually at your request, and leave you feeling calm and supported. And entities with low vibrations are annoying, negative, like to command and will do everything in their power to control you, they will even flatter you and criticize others, physically exhaust you, forcing you to do what they want and which will create problems and troubles in your life.

They want you to think of them as powerful forces that must be obeyed, but in reality they have no power and can be easily gotten rid of. To do this, you only need to send them into the light with your intention and firmly ask them to leave. Typically, these entities are harassing you and having fun at your expense, and will sneak in when you are off-balance and unfocused.

Another way to identify low vibration entities is by the temptations they present to you. They will challenge you to do something that will make you feel more important, smart, and special than others. High vibration mentors will never do this because they know that at the spirit level we are all the same, although our consciousness develops at different speeds. No one is special because we are all connected together. These entities speak to the ego, and the high guides contact your spirit.

These energies love to blame others for your problems and make you feel like a victim and feel sorry for yourself; they want to keep you at a distance from others. On the other hand, trusted mentors will advise you to look at problems and experiences as lessons for the soul, understanding that if someone or something interferes with the situation, they will only contribute to your spiritual development. These mentors ask you to lovingly learn from every situation and, once the lesson is learned, to move on. They don't blame anyone, they help you look at others with compassion and forgiveness.

Negative entities constantly force you to do something and never give up. They enjoy using this influence and are exhausting with their presence, unlike high vibrational guides who enter your world subtly and respectfully - and only at your request.

What attracts negative entities

Many people experience fear of these creatures, which prevents them from opening up to their mentors and deprives them of access to their deep spiritual sources. It is not so easy to attract entities with low vibrations, but even if you succeed, you can easily get rid of them. However, it is useful to know what exactly attracts them so that you can avoid their appearance.

Perhaps the most obvious lure is any painful addiction, any addiction, be it alcoholism or workaholism. It weakens the aura, confuses the will, disturbs the spirit and interferes with the expression of creativity. This creates chaos in your energy field, as if an invader has broken into your home. When you have an unhealthy attachment, you lose control, and it is not surprising that negative entities use this opportunity to contact you. To close this door, you need to acknowledge the problem and heal it.

Another attractive feature for low entities is chronic passivity and a vague vision of their priorities and goals. This doesn't mean you always have to have a goal, but you at least need to be clear about your values ​​so you don't wander into negative territory. If you want to be led through life and not have to take on any responsibility, then low entities will take advantage of you, just like people do.

The universal law says: “Like attracts like.” If you are angry, aggressive, envious, mean and judgmental, then you will attract the same qualities from the invisible world. I don't mean some short-term manifestation of this - after all, we are all human. I mean constant negativity, and this is a completely different vibration that attracts the energy of lower entities.

If you are very tired, depressed or in an emotionally weakened state, then there is some chance of catching a negative entity in a public place, like a cold. For example, they became attached to me on airplanes or hotel rooms, restaurants and even in hospitals. These pesky energies lurk where the vibration of stress or decline has been present for a long period of time. Like stowaways, they grab onto a higher vibration—like you—and stick to it. They usually don't mean to cause harm, but are simply trying to get out of the purgatory they are in.

Keep in mind that these negative entities:

make you judge everyone and everything; are very weak energies and can never overcome human spirit.

Signs of the presence of a negative entity are a sudden bad mood, irritation, self-doubt, loss of strength, and at the same time you will snap at people, see the world in black colors, especially if you usually behave differently.

Hollywood has tried to scare us with its vision of these creatures and what happens in their presence, but don't buy it. The picture on the blue screen is not only fiction, but also absurd. They simply look like flies drawn to the light - and not like characters from the movie “Night of the Living Dead.” And know this: I have never seen these entities possess anyone. They may scare you, but the human spirit is much stronger and cannot be easily defeated.

Expulsion of negative entities

Usually you can only expel negative entities by entering an area of ​​positive energy. However, if you suspect that you have attracted such an entity to yourself, do not be alarmed. They're like viruses, and if you've ever had one before, you know that you can get rid of them by simply raising your vibration with positive thoughts about situations or people you love.

If the entity has been following you for some time and is particularly persistent, you may need a special ritual to get rid of it. To begin, ask your angels and archangels to cleanse your aura of all negative forces. Then take a scented bath to cleanse yourself physically. Finally, ask your Higher Self to clear away any remaining unpleasant energies by saying out loud, “I am sending all negative entities into the light right now. I am free and clean from all physical debris." This should work - it works for me.

I believe that people who most often attract negative entities are those who have weak and fragile boundaries. Just as you can attract thieves by keeping windows and doors open at all times, an open aura can invite intruders. Mentors with high vibrations will never cross your boundaries, even unstable and fragile ones, but creatures with low vibrations will and do.

To set strong boundaries, simply say out loud: “I claim my life, my boundaries and the opportunity to always be myself. I ask only the highest guides to make contact with my heart, both in the physical and non-physical world. I am protected from any influence that does not serve my highest good.” And let these be not just words for you.

Try not to take on unnecessary responsibility. If someone is not feeling positive, then send them love, but don't absorb their vibrations. If necessary, just stay away from these negative vibrations. Place a shield of white light in front of your mind and let it serve as protection from all negativity. Set clear boundaries when asking for advice or opening up your physical channels. Like a filter that keeps out junk, your boundaries can also be helpful when you ask for guidance. To do this, ask only the most loving guides to come to you and influence your energy. This is enough to avoid problems.

Occasionally, all sorts of nasty entities can become attached to you and cause destruction. I've seen this happen and it's not very nice. Like poorly behaved children who show no respect, some of these entities will test you. I've seen this happen with teenage drug addicts and people overwhelmed by boredom, uncertainty, and distraction who hope to enrich their lives with physical pleasures.

Even at this level, such entities can be driven out if their victims seek help, surround themselves with their own prayers, ask others to pray for them, and direct their will towards their most important goals. If you believe that someone is bothered by such an entity, you can cast it out by asking it to leave and return to the light in the name of God. She must submit, because there is nothing greater than God.

Don't spend a lot of time talking to these entities because that's how you feed them. Like bullies with their pranks, they love to scare people and attract attention. Instead of falling for this bait, insist that they leave - they will immediately lose their already insignificant strength.

I wrote about these entities because they are harmful to you and can be a nuisance, but you should not take them as a serious problem. Just be selective about opening physical channels and set appropriate boundaries. If you are clean, stand strong and remember to surround yourself Divine light and protection, nothing bad will happen.

And now - practice!

If you encounter such an entity, follow these rules:

  • Don't lose your balance.
  • Set your boundaries.
  • Call upon your angels and archangels to cleanse your aura and take a relaxing bath.
  • Ask for help and have others pray for you.
  • Get back to your business.

This should save you some trouble. Moreover, you can also use these tips as prevention.

Now that you have learned about different types mentors and their role in your life, let's go further and learn how we can recognize their work with us.

based on materials from the book: Sonya Choquette: “Ask your Mentors. How to receive advice and help from the Spiritual World.”

These questions have been raised here several times, but, as practice shows, repetition and addition never hurt. From the comments:

At first I also thought that not everyone has essences. To be honest, I don’t even know what creatures I was dealing with. As far as I understand, these are not settlers, but those who somehow control a person. A clairvoyant pointed out my ability to me, but I had no one to explain what it was and how, since my grandmother died when my mother was 2 years old. Maybe she knew what these creatures were.

I saw them standing behind the back of the person I was looking at. I was interested in learning this ability and finding a way to use it, so I started experimenting and observing the results. At first I didn’t see them on everyone, and I began to divide people into “bad” and “good,” conditionally. Later I began to see them behind almost everyone. I couldn’t understand what was happening. I looked at myself and saw a pile behind my shoulders. I thought that was it, my paranoia had begun... I told about my observations to a friend, a Master, a clairvoyant, and she said that there are beings who work even with Great Teachers, only they are more subtle and cunning, that while we are on Earth in these bodies, they will still try to control us, to lead us astray.

She asked me to look at it. I was shocked when I saw the creatures behind her shoulders, but they were different, lighter and thinner. Then my world turned upside down, I don’t know whether it turned upside down or vice versa, probably it was the latter.

In the end, I saw the reality behind the man whom the bhakti yogis (or some other yogis, I’m afraid to lie) invited to conduct seminars on Hyperborea. She is from the line where information about Hyperborea was passed from person to person. You stand next to her and you already begin to glow... and then this... my jaw dropped when I saw the creatures behind her, and a whole revolution took place in my head. From that moment I began to see everything differently. People are no longer divided into bad and good, but are perceived by me as weak and strong. I respect the strong, I have compassion for the weak.

I didn’t understand about programming prohibitions, but as for protections, I have a special attitude towards them. Until I took Anton’s courses, I didn’t take them at all. Now I put it on before and during sessions, and if I remember, it’s before bed and when I turn on the computer.

The fact is that beings control us, spinning us on emotions. Emotions produce what I call programs. For example, a person is programmed to be offended when they show him figs, then situations will constantly happen to him where these same figs are shown to him. If this program is removed, then they won’t show him anything, and if anyone does, he won’t give a damn.

We are generally stuffed with all sorts of different programs, but we don’t see them, but beings see them well. So I let them help me discover what I can't see myself. As a result, fewer and fewer beings have the opportunity to feed at my expense, and I do not have to waste energy on maintaining defenses. This is the first thing. Secondly, by freeing ourselves from programs, we increase our energy intensity and accelerate the circulation of energies through the channels. Our normal condition, I believe there should be a state of peace. If something brings me out of this state, I start digging, looking for the reason.

If you put up protection all the time, then you’ll end up stewing in your own broth. Maybe someone should put them in so that their broth is not mixed with dirtier ones.

The best protection is transparency/neutrality, when there is nothing to grab onto, as has happened more than once. But most people are very far from this, which is why (including runes, amulets, seals, etc.) they are used as crutches, so as not to waste attention on every midge, or when working with people, so as not to pick up someone else’s. Protection is also needed for those who like to show aggression, incl. psycho-emotional or magical.

However, you should understand that you cannot use them all the time, you forget, and for any protection there is a way to break through.
In addition, having put on protection, a person not only stews in his own juice and does not let incoming flows through, but also blocks himself from the world, to the point of becoming invisible to others, they simply do not perceive him until they clearly pay attention.

Therefore, you need to learn to control yourself, then everything will be as described)

And yes, any person is always affected and will be affected. This is a lesson in recognition; growth in a sterile test tube is impossible.

From earlier on the topic:


Is “protection”, “cleaning” correct? How to be open to everything and at the same time put up protection?


Conventionally: the law of life is interaction, the goal of life (among many others) is to learn to distinguish between what is mine/not mine, to shape one’s reality.
However, this should not be taken to the point of fanaticism; everything is relative and changeable.
Being open does not mean letting anyone into your field, but learning to control it and keep it clean. After all, we clean out some bacteria, don’t we? Although not all of them are “harmful”. If this purity is violated, if you are not comfortable in the presence of this or that consciousness in your field, you do not have to endure it and can find a way out of the situation. Defending yourself does not mean avoiding contact, but learning to express your free will in this or that interaction.

Thousands of entities of the physical and subtle world interact with us every day, but we notice only a dozen or two. If you don't want to sleep in a room with a buzzing fly or mosquito, you have the right to kick them out of your personal space. The same goes for wild dogs, lions, hyenas, etc. If you wish, please, it is your right. And right/wrong is a label of the mind)

The merging and separation of entire branches of reality is a global manifestation of this process. Sooner or later, when everyone learns to respect the interests of others, there will be a merger back into Unity, but we are still a long way from that.

In general, the best defense is transparency, non-involvement, and in some cases complete ignorance. It’s not worth carrying around protection all the time, they might close you down. but if we feel the influence/need, sometimes it is better to wear a mosquito net than to be bitten.

AND 3 comments on the topic:

I wonder how this can be protected using transparency?
- Just let all the influences pass through. Any line of Force in the space of the Universe is always closed on itself.
Such a thing as time subtle worlds does not play a special role. And the energy sending, modulated by negative desire or destructive emotions, returns to the one who emits it. And usually in a multiply amplified form, since, wandering in the infinity of the Universe, it attracts to itself clots of Power dangling in space that have similar emotional characteristics.

Transparency protection cannot be overcome.
Transparency is extreme relaxation and emptiness combined with fluidity, rigid integrity and extreme energetic fullness.

An energy structure that has managed to combine these incompatible qualities absorbs all vibrations, conducts them through and immediately releases them to space.

Relaxation and emptiness are guarantees that vibrations will be perceived and get inside the structure.
Fluidity prevents any of the vibration blocks from “breaking off” and “getting stuck” inside the structure.
Rigid integrity is the guarantee that an external impulse will pass through, and completeness prevents loss of power - both at the input and at the output.
Therefore, protection by transparency is practically impenetrable.

Reality is multidimensional, opinions about it are multifaceted. Only one or a few faces are shown here. You should not take them as the ultimate truth, because, and at each level of consciousness and. We learn to separate what is ours from what is not ours, or to obtain information autonomously)

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Here you will find a wonderful video master class in which you will receive a powerful tool for liberation from energy entities and cleansing from negativity.

You and I live in a world of energy and information. And we communicate constantly. Communication occurs at different levels, including subtle ones. And there are different ranges of these levels, like radio waves.

And accordingly, as it turned out, these different worlds are the habitat of certain creatures and phenomena. You know this from the word astral.

And since everything in the Universe is interconnected, these worlds also intersect and those who inhabit them essence, can interact with us. And I think you noticed this too.

  1. Either obsessive thoughts, or sensations that someone is nearby or watching you. Was?
  2. Either strange images coming in your dreams, or voices sounding inside you with some kind of tone and timbre that is not typical for you.
  3. Sometimes images of dead people appear in dreams who want to tell you something. Was?

Do you remember how often you have spontaneous desires or emotions? Have you ever felt like you weren’t living your own life and were rolling the Sisyphean stone?

Or, for example, it occurs to you to do some action, and then after you have done it, you feel lost, or squeezed like a lemon...

All these phenomena may be indicators that you are being used for your own selfish purposes by some astral entity or even a group of entities.

We will talk about this problem and the way to solve it in this master class:

Protection and release from entities

Key decision

Then - sign up for a free consultation on this topic , and you and I will draw up exact plan solutions to your life situation:

Good luck to you. If you have any questions, write them in the comments below.

Origin of positive and negative energies

At the beginning of creation, the world was filled only with the divine energy of God. The One God directly is the embodiment of this energy. During the process of creating spiritual beings, a by-product was created that was negative energy, destructive in nature. God in his wisdom knew this, and the creation of the material world was chosen as the only way to purify and recycle side energy. The main clash between Good and Evil takes place in this world. The main goal of man in the material world is to gradually destroy evil and in this way achieve spiritual evolution and transition to spiritual world all creatures. Thus, as polar forces, positive and negative energy were created around, even before the creation of this material world.

Energy during human time

Ancient man reasonably believed that an invisible force, energy and spirit permeated all forms of the universe. Various cultures gave various names to the invisible all-pervading energy, such as Prana, Khvarena among the Aryans, Qi (among the Chinese), Orenda (Mayan Indians), Huaca (Inca). The ancient Egyptians, Chaldeans, Babylonians, Sumerians, Hittites, Greeks, Romans and Persians had the knowledge of using this power and energy. Most of these traditions believed in "words of power." They believed that a word or sentence, pronounced correctly, had a magical effect. Later, these magical effects of power were adapted for the making of amulets and in ritual practices. It is known, for example, that the teacher Aristotle taught Alexander the Great “words of power” so that he could keep his enemies in subjection. These “words of power” were used by people for various daily purposes of life, such as curing diseases, obtaining love or gain, to fight enemies, etc. Among animals and birds, such "magical" powers are common as they are necessary for survival. The instincts of noise to scare away the enemy in birds and animals, the ritual of laying eggs in certain types of fish, are illustrative examples.

Throughout human history, universal energies have always been used for good and evil purposes. Use of sacred and magical rituals was everywhere in ancient times and the Middle Ages. The Christian and Muslim churches in their history have waged a continuous struggle for complete control over people and the destruction of any other types of rituals other than church rituals. When the Age of Reason arrived in the 18th and 19th centuries, people began to believe that these energies only existed in the human mind. Those who intuitively, or by learning, possessed this power were branded as magicians and liars. Thus, gradually magic and sorcery began to fall into disrepute.

Man gradually began to forget about his potential powers, since their use was prohibited for a long time, and since the powers were no longer necessary for his survival. Today, the ability to control the invisible forces of the universe has been almost lost, and for a small part of people it has been reduced to magic and witchcraft. However, we also celebrate the beginning of the spiritual rebirth of humanity, its best and healthiest forces.

Two types of energies:

Using Consciousness as a transformer of energies:

One of the right ways To study the workings of positive and negative energies in the universe, and subsequently the principles of magic and witchcraft, we must know about the workings of the subconscious mind. It is necessary to comprehend the basic connection of all creatures through the subconscious. The first step towards acquiring invisible powers is when we accept their existence with undaunted faith. Only then can we practice them.

We must firmly believe that energy lives all around us, and in us. There are ways and means to master and use it. If we knew how to use invisible forces, we could create miracles. To develop miraculous powers, you must have optimism and strong-willed aspiration, and reduce the control of the rational mind. However, the use of will and desire is the most difficult task in developing invisible forces. Too much great influence desires do not lead to the desired results, and, on the contrary, interfere with the development of spiritual powers.

To control the invisible force, we establish a strong connection between the conscious and subconscious mind. Understanding spiritual power gives a person purpose and ultimate guidance in life, making life more meaningful.

Spiritual power exists in every person in potential and latent form. It rarely manifests itself, only when a person’s health and existence is in danger. Our subconscious has a constant connection with universal forces. In a normal state of consciousness, we do not control the subconscious. But when a person’s life is in danger, spiritual cosmic energies manifest their magical properties and a person suddenly gains protection, intuition, clairvoyance, and suddenly a happy coincidence occurs. This energetic force can be developed, accumulated and used for positive and negative purposes. Magic and witchcraft are created by those who study and understand the natural forces of nature, using the connection of consciousness, energy and purpose. In the world around us, anxiety, tension and fear are constantly present as a shadow in our minds. They eat and drain our strength and vital energy. A healthy mind is focused and whole. An agitated mind is fragmented and unstable. A person who constantly works with cosmic energy must be a relaxed person with a great potential for concentrated spiritual energy. Energy naturally increases in a person with a relaxed and clear mind.

Modern ordinary person often fragmented into different areas existence. You and I are learning to grow our consciousness. We become united, holistic, where our single consciousness-subconscious controls and manages all the many forms of our manifestation in the world. We learn to feel like we are also part of God's whole world, interacting with the best creations of God. We control most invisible energies thin systems our consciousness. Spirituality – Magic, is presented in the world as the active creative power of our Superconscious Whole over nature, over the form of manifestation of power, over all creations. With the help of this spiritual energy we create our activities according to the highest pattern of God. Cosmic forces, through their energy channels, act in unity with us. Our consciousness, therefore, has a higher method, a means of achieving a better result. Mental ability to spiritual creativity every person has. The knowledge and power to use the universal energies at our will arises from inner peace, wholeness. In the past, such power was transferred only to the hands of priests, healers and fortune tellers. Because ancient man nature believed in spiritual forces, they were automatically present in him. We know that most of our ancestors had supersensitive instincts such as telepathy, intuition, and clairvoyance. These benefits have always been developed over many years of practice and are constantly used to improve the outcome of life. During evolution Western civilization human development followed the technical line of reason and logic. In the East, life is still in the hands of the Spirit. Our practices are intended for developed consciousnesses and are used in everyday life. Receiving cosmic power comes to us in the presence of faith, knowledge, diligence and experience..


When energy is produced, concentrated and used for destructive purposes, it is recognized as evil. Evil is a real, concrete force that exists in the world, and not imaginary, as some people think. The forces of evil are conscious, but have no wisdom. In the Zoroastrian Aryan tradition, evil is Deva. This, however, is not related to the confrontation with the Indo-Aryans. The term is used to describe evil of all types. The different types of evil are divided into four categories:

1. Physical, 2. Moral, 3. Conscious, 4. Spiritual.

In our tradition, the leader of all evil is referred to as angra mainyu (defective spirit) or Ahriman for short. He is helped by a horde of negative forces or demons like eshma, tairikh, zairikh.

2. Moral evil: Negative thoughts, deceit, low desires that a person produces are described as moral evil. It makes a person selfish, stingy, and justifies his habits of harming others and hatred. Moral evil can turn a person into a devil. In human history, since ancient times, the thirst for power and wealth has become the justification for the most brutal murders and wars. To justify cruelty with evil, the explanation of punishing people of other nations or faiths is used. Such evil always exists along with ignorance.

3. Conscious Evil: Sorcerers fall under this category of evil. Here a person uses the power of consciousness to perform destructive actions: conspiracies, spells, curses, etc. nasty things.

4. Spiritual evil: exist evil spirits, shackled souls with unfulfilled desires, and invisible evil creatures. They belong to various invisible spheres and constitute spiritual evil, they are servants of general evil. These evil beings are attracted by negative actions, words, thoughts, dirt, stench, darkness. Pure aroma, light, fire, physical and spiritual purity destroy and reflect them.

Spiritual evil can be of two types:

1. Invisible, but destructible, like ghosts and heavy unconscious bodies of desire.

2. Invisible and indestructible, like bound souls and demonic spirits of various levels of power.

In order to have protection from Conscious and Spiritual evil, it is necessary to first eliminate physical and moral evil around you. Any dead body, decaying, is a concentration of physical evil. A corpse is the largest and most dangerous object of decomposition on Earth. He is the home and instrument in the hands of spiritual evil. Therefore, any corpses in general should be buried quickly, and of course try to reduce your habits of eating meat from animal corpses. Since physical evil attracts spiritual evil, women are encouraged to do good, especially during their monthly cycles. Spiritual evil feeds on the smells of corpses and blood.
Another type of evil, recognized by all traditions and cultures, is planetary evil, that is, a force that destroys humanity from within due to negative vibrations and desires. The line between good and evil also exists in the animal world. The dog is regarded as an inherently good animal and it wards off evil. In our tradition, the cat is regarded as a receiver of evil, a helper evil forces. This is why witches and sorcerers often have cats.

Protection from Evil:

Evil is black magic or witchcraft. Light and sound are powerful weapons against evil. So natural aroma and sacred mantras. A person can be protected against negative forces by his inner strength, spiritual energies, and divine prayers.

1. Protection methods.
a. Strengthening your strength: Chanting of Akhunavara. Outlining a fiery circle in consciousness (1,3,5,7 circles) around a place or person. You can also draw such circles on the ground with an iron nail. Among metals, iron is the best for repelling Conscious and Spiritual evil.
b. Working out loud with the Vanant channel powerfully helps against Conscious evil.
c. Working out loud with the Sraosh channel powerfully helps against Spiritual evil.
d. We must consciously ask for help and describe the problems to the Yazatas (Spiritual Beings).

2. Regular practice of the channels of divine beings will be a strong defense against Spiritual evil. It is important that you have a positive attitude towards activities, so that your thoughts are good and good.

3. In the Indo- and Iranian-Aryan culture, cow/bull urine has been sprinkled since ancient times to protect the place from physical and spiritual evil.

4. The tradition also uses iron needles to ward off evil. They are placed under pillows, or pinned to clothing with the point down, to ward off conscious and spiritual evil.

Removing Evil:

Regular removal of cut or fallen hair, nails, and skin helps us keep evil at bay. Spiritual evil, beings with evil intentions are attracted to dirt, stench and darkness. Try to always keep the house and workplace clean, light the aroma, candles, thereby removing evil.
In any case, Good is always stronger than evil. It doesn’t matter what forms of black magic or witchcraft, spiritual evil we are talking about, there are always powerful positive energies and spiritual divine forces nearby that defeat and destroy evil.