Meaning of the name Raphael in Islam. Rafael - the meaning of the name

Male name Raphael (Raphael) was formed from the Hebrew name Rephael and is translated into Russian as “God’s healing.” This name was borne by one of the seven archangels, a powerful healer and healer on earth - Saint Raphael. He interfered with earthly life only when they turned to him for help. He was also called "Angel" prodigal son”, which shows sinners the way and opens the gates to comprehending the truth.

Character traits

The name Raphael contains the energy of goodness, bliss, tolerance, nobility and compassion. Such a person has excellent intuition, knows how to analyze and apply this analysis in practice. Distrustful, prefers to check everything several times. This character trait over time turns him into a pedant, picky and petty.

A man named Rafael prefers mental work. Since childhood, he has read enthusiastically and a lot, and loves music. Strives to gain knowledge and education. In science, persistent and purposeful. His advancement up the "ladder" life success“Stubbornness gets in the way. Sometimes, when solving a problem, this character trait hides excessive softness of character, an unwillingness to let go of past mistakes, and to overestimate experience.

Rafael covers up his ignorance of everyday problems with insight and the ability to go beyond the ordinary in making decisions. He doesn’t like to interfere in other people’s lives, and he doesn’t often allow him to look into his soul.

The name hides the secret creative nature. Raphael is a dreamer and a fascinating storyteller. He knows how to do good for free. Acutely experiences personal defeats and failures. Capable of becoming depressed. He is unable to give up previously made promises, even if he cannot fulfill them. He takes to heart what others say about him and, in a fit of resentment and misunderstanding, is capable of making mountains out of molehills.

Interests and hobbies

Unfortunately, a person like Rafael is not able to rest, switching intellectual activity to physical activity. Therefore, he calls his interests small weaknesses. He loves to lie on the couch, eat delicious food, bask in the sun, and relax in nature with barbecue and beer. However, since childhood, reading books remains my most serious hobby.

Profession and business

Rafael brings good luck to jewelry making, trade, journalism, and administrative work. He is an excellent official of any rank, writer, doctor, artist, lawyer.


The representative of the name is prone to obesity and metabolic diseases. It is advisable for him to avoid mental stress and overwork. Predisposed to nervous breakdowns and hypertension.

Sex and love

Daydreaming and fantasy, parental strictness in upbringing prevent Raphael from experiencing the real earthly feeling of female affection and love. He compares personal experience with literary genius, classic. This prevents him from understanding intimate problems, understand what he really wants more: sex or romantic relationships. Such a man prefers modest girls and is afraid of experienced love priestesses. The role of sexual relations is underestimated.

Family and marriage

Rafael is trying to start a family on equal terms. This requires control of emotions, openness and consistency in everything. Most often, these plans end in failure, because such a family is built on a verbal agreement and a trusting relationship. The owner of the name demands such qualities from his wife, but he himself cannot truly open up. Realizing this, he makes concessions or is ridiculously stubborn, but in the end result he becomes a typical henpecked man. He has a special attitude towards children, a strong attachment for life, reverent care and the desire to be an example in everything.

"God healed"

Origin of the name Raphael

Hebrew, variant of the name Raphael

Characteristics of the name Raphael

Since childhood, Rafail has been his mother’s favorite, whom he resembles in appearance, but the boy’s character is like his father’s, just as stubborn, persistent and emotional. These character traits will also be noticeable in adult Raphael. The most complex character is that of “winter” Raphael. His stubbornness is often meaningless; his desire to insist on his own at all costs seriously complicates communication with him. At the same time, he is kind, although his kindness is not always selfless. Despite his conflictual nature, Rafail is sociable and easily establishes connections with new people. In family life, Raphael is patient, and this quality often helps him out, since Raphael comes across wives with a difficult character. For the most part Raphael - attractive men, who are popular with women not only due to their appearance, but also their ability to look after beautifully.

Name Raphael - when is the name day?


Saint Raphael of Brooklyn Raphael Bishop of Brooklyn Saint Raphael was born in Syria in 1860. He took monastic vows, studied at the Kyiv Theological Academy, taught Arabic, was the shepherd of the Arab Orthodox community in NYC. Saint Raphael became the first Orthodox bishop, elevated to this dignity on American soil. He traveled all over America, Canada and Mexico in search of those whom he could take care of, mentored people, and helped them grow spiritually. During the 20 years of his faithful ministry, Saint Raphael kept his flock from wandering “into foreign pastures” and protected them from spiritual harm. By the time of the saint's death, the Syro-Arab mission had 30 parishes with 25 thousand believers. Saint Raphael was also a scientist and the author of several books.

The male name Rafail has Jewish roots and means “God healed him.” It belongs to the category of biblical ones, since it was Raphael who was the name of one of the seven archangels, who is also called a healer. This name is quite widespread in the world. It is also found in Russia, but is not very popular.

Characteristics of the name Raphael

Raphael's character is secretive and emotional. As a rule, this is a nervous, stubborn, active and very insightful man who quite often gets into trouble. conflict situations. As a child, Raphael is distinguished by great affection for his mother. This secretive and distrustful child does not know how to be open with people, so he shares his experiences, of which he has quite a lot, only with his mother. In general, little Raphael is soft and quiet. He does not have leadership qualities and is embarrassed to show himself, so at school he is modest and diligent. Adult Raphael is more intolerant and strict. He is very independent and does not like to depend on anyone. In business, he shows prudence, stubbornness and cunning. It is impossible to fool him, which is why Raphael is successful. At the same time, he has few friends; as a rule, he tries to avoid society, although he is quite capable of holding a conversation and is not unsociable or withdrawn.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Raphael is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Scorpio, that is, from October 24 to November 22. This sign will make Raphael true friend, a respected person, decisive, more courageous, never losing heart, while retaining his naturally inherent secrecy and tendency to criticize.

Pros and cons of the name Rafail

What are the pros and cons of the name Rafail? Its rarity and biblical nature can be both positive and negative side. As well as character, the advantage of which is modesty and the desire for success, and the disadvantage of secrecy and prudence. This name is characterized well by its compatibility with Russian surnames and patronymics, but poorly by the inability to choose beautiful abbreviations and diminutive variants for it (usually the Rafails are called Rafs, Rafiks, Rafushki, which does not sound very nice).


Raphael is in good health. Usually this is an active, good-looking man who loves sports and tries to lead healthy image life.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Raphael often comes across women with a stronger, even domineering character. They attract the owner of this name, but it is very difficult for such a couple to get along together, so Raphael’s marriage often collapses. If he chooses a wife who is soft and homely, then family life he will be much calmer and happier, because love and care can change Raphael into better side, will make it more tolerant and resistant to conflict.

Professional area

IN professional field Raphael always strives to become the best, for example, to start his own business or become a boss. It would suit him to be an entrepreneur in the field of trade, logistics, real estate, and journalism. He can also become a good official, diplomat, writer, public figure, director, composer.

Name day


Meaning of the name Raphael

God healed. “God healed” (Heb.) Little Rafik is the favorite of his mother, whom he is very similar in appearance, but the boy’s character is his father’s. He is as stubborn, persistent and emotional as his father. These features will also distinguish the adult Raphael. “Winter” Raphael has a rather complex character. His senseless stubbornness and desire to stand his ground at all costs sometimes makes it very difficult to communicate with him. At the same time, he is kind, although his kindness is not always selfless. Despite his conflictual nature, he is sociable, easily establishes connections with new people, but still never fully trusts anyone. Stubbornness is surprisingly combined in him with prudence and the ability to analyze the situation. Don't mind cheating. In family life, the Raphaels are patient, and this quality is all the more necessary for them, because they come across “corrosive” wives with a difficult character. Hot-tempered by nature, Raphael seems to wilt at home, trying not to irritate his wife. And the Rafailov’s wives have “ears on top of their heads,” because for the most part their husbands are attractive men who are successful with women not only for their appearance, but also for their ability to look after beautifully. “Spring” Raphaels have a sweet tooth, and generally love to eat deliciously, so they are somewhat plump. They are very amorous and get married late. Secretive ones can only share their personal experiences with their mother.

Numerology of the name Raphael

Soul Number: 2.
Those with the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. “Twos”, as a rule, have a very fine mental organization; it is better not to disturb them or disturb them over trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, avoid problems. However, “twos” are excellent team players. Any joint actions, in a work team or in a family, come easily to them and reveal all their most strengths. “Twos” are patient, but need a reliable environment. People with number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.

Hidden Spirit Number: 3

Body number: 8


Planet: Moon.
Element: Water, cold, damp.
Zodiac: Cancer.
Color: White, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Metal: Silver.
Mineral: Selenite, marcasite, beryl, white coral.
Plants: Lily, water lily, cabbage, cornflower, melon, cucumber, calamus, pansy.
Animals: Owl, goose, duck, crab, toad, deer.

The name Raphael as a phrase

R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
F Firth (The meaning of the word combines the concepts: Spit, Axis of the World, Base, Source)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
L People

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Raphael

P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

F - the need to shine, to be the center of attention, friendliness, originality of ideas, chaotic at first glance, but containing a very valuable grain of truth. The pleasure of making people happy. The internal inconsistency of the view is a bizarre mess of all philosophical systems. The ability to lie, to use supposedly necessary lies with the best intentions.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
L - subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, desire to share knowledge and sensations with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.

Forms of the name Rafail

Short form of the name: Rafailka, Rafa, Raf, Raha, Rasha, Rafila, Fail, Faila, Ilya, Lele, Rafinha, Fafa, Fefu, Rafaelinho, Rafi, Rafik, Rafalek, Rafalko, Raftsio, Rafus. Synonyms for the name Rafail: Rafel, Rafaellu, Rafael, Rafel, Rafal, Refael, .

Name Raphael in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 拉斐爾 (Lā fěi ěr). Japanese: ラファエル (Rafaeru). Armenian: Ռաֆայել (Rrafayel). Hindi: राफेल (Rāphēla). Ukrainian: Rafael. Greek: Ραφαήλ (Rafaí). English: Raphael (Raphael).

Origin of the name Raphael

Raphael is the name of one of the seven archangels, a healing archangel who protects and protects people and animals and is able to heal them, therefore Archangel Raphael is considered the patron saint of doctors and pharmacists.

Formed from the name Rafail female name Rafaela (Rafaela, Rafaella).

Character of the name Rafail

Even in his childhood, Rafael showed excessive emotionality and perseverance. He is kind, but sometimes doing certain things, he tries to track his own benefit. With age, Rafael becomes calculating and stubborn. He analyzes everything that happens well and knows how to make decisions in a timely manner. correct solution. He is a passionate person. Capable of deception. Has a good imagination.

This man has a very developed intuition, bordering on providence. He cannot be called a workaholic. He usually completes his work in spurts. Maybe forget about the decision taken. He lacks stability. Raphael is well erudite and intellectually developed. As a profession, such specialties as a journalist, actor or writer are perfect for him. He is not suitable for physical work. Rafael is sociable and knows how to find mutual language With strangers. His persistence often leads to the creation of conflicts. When disappointed in something, he becomes very worried. At the same time, he can behave very pretentiously.

Astrological features of the name

Planet- Pluto.

Color- yellow.

Auspicious tree- ilm.

Treasured plant- violet.

Patron name- camel.

Talisman stone- yellow sapphire.

Numerology of the name Raphael

Those with the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. “Twos”, as a rule, have a very fine mental organization; it is better not to disturb them or disturb them over trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, avoid problems. However, “twos” are excellent team players. Any joint action, in a work team or in a family, comes easily to them and reveals all their greatest strengths. “Twos” are patient, but need a reliable environment. People with number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.


Planet: Moon.
Element: Water, cold, damp.
Zodiac: .
Color: White, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Metal: Silver.
Mineral: Selenite, marcasite, beryl, white coral.
Plants: Lily, water lily, cabbage, cornflower, melon, cucumber, calamus, pansy.
Animals: Owl, goose, duck, crab, toad, doe.

The name Raphael as a phrase

R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
F Firth (The meaning of the word combines the concepts: Spit, Axis of the World, Base, Source)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
L People

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Raphael

general description named Rafail

- “God healed.”

Little Rafail is his mother’s favorite, whom he is very similar in appearance to, but the boy’s character is like his father’s. He is as stubborn, persistent and emotional as his father. These features will also distinguish adult Raphael.

“Winter” Raphael has a rather complex character. His senseless stubbornness and desire to stand his ground at all costs sometimes makes it very difficult to communicate with him.

At the same time, he is kind, although his kindness is not always selfless. Despite his conflictual nature, he is sociable, easily establishes connections with new people, but does not completely trust anyone. Stubbornness is surprisingly combined with prudence and the ability to analyze the situation. Don't mind cheating.

In family life, the Raphaels are patient, and this quality is all the more necessary for them because they come across “corrosive” wives with difficult characters. Hot-tempered by nature, Raphael seems to wilt at home, trying not to irritate his wife. And the Rafael’s wives have “ears on top”, because for the most part their husbands are attractive men who are successful with women not only due to their appearance, but also their ability to look after beautifully.

“Spring” Raphaels have a sweet tooth and generally love to eat delicious food, so they are somewhat plump. They are very amorous and get married late. Secretive ones can only share their personal experiences with their mother.

Characteristics of the name Rafail according to B. Khigir

Translated from Hebrew - “God healed.” Little Rafail is his mother’s favorite, whom he is very similar in appearance, but the boy’s character is his father’s. He is as stubborn, persistent and emotional as his father. These features will also distinguish the adult Raphael. Winter Raphael has a rather complex character. His senseless stubbornness and desire to stand his ground at all costs sometimes makes it very difficult to communicate with him. At the same time, he is kind, although his kindness is not always selfless. Despite his conflictual nature, he is sociable, easily establishes connections with new people, but still never fully trusts anyone.

Stubbornness is surprisingly combined with prudence and the ability to analyze the situation. Don't mind cheating. In family life, the Raphaels are patient, and this quality is all the more necessary for them, because they come across “corrosive” wives with a difficult character. Hot-tempered by nature, Raphael seems to wilt at home, trying not to irritate his wife. And the Rafailov’s wives have “ears on top of their heads,” because for the most part their husbands are attractive men who are successful with women not only for their appearance, but also for their ability to look after beautifully. Spring Raphaels have a sweet tooth and generally love to eat delicious food, so they are somewhat plump. They are very amorous and get married late. Secretive ones can only share their personal experiences with their mother.

Another version of the name is Rafik, translated from Tatar as “kind”. Calm from early childhood; friendly, goes into everyone's arms, smiles at everyone, showing his affection. Growing up, he becomes persistent and stubborn. In appearance and character, Rafik is similar to his mother. He is very sociable, loves to play with children, knows how to get along with them, and never quarrels with girls. He willingly goes to kindergarten. Loves animals, loves the circus. However, he eats very poorly, so parents need to stock up on food interesting stories to distract the baby while eating.

He studies well, but likes to play pranks, and therefore there are a lot of comments in his diary. He has a good memory, easily comprehends any material, is friendly with his classmates, and is loved in the yard. Rafik grows up to be a strong and strong-willed person. He is very principled, sometimes too straightforward, which makes him life path not cloudless, achieving a career is difficult. He does not know how to adapt to his superiors, often defends his opinion and opposes management. Because of this, only over the years does he manage to reach considerable heights and occupy a responsible post.

Characteristics of the name Raphael by season

Summer Rafik is weak-willed, compliant, afraid of offending someone, so he does not aggravate relations and avoids conflicts. Winter - strong, brave and decisive.

Autumn - calculating, judicious, serious. Vesenny is a joker and a merry fellow. Very artistic, cheerful. “Summer” Rafik can marry early and, oddly enough for his parents, who, of course, are against early marriage, very successfully.

Rafiks born in other seasons marry late and not always successfully. Rafik loves children very much, and not only his own: he often plays with the neighbor’s children, and adores the children of his relatives and friends. Children are drawn to him, feel light and free next to him. Rafik is a good owner, he loves to tinker and do things around the house. Often acquires a plot of land and develops country house, pottering in the garden. He does the renovations in the apartment himself, a jack of all trades. Loves it purebred dogs, can breed them, can get carried away by the profession of a dog handler and devote his entire life to dogs labor activity. There are always animals in Rafik's house.

Rafik is a person respected by everyone, cheerful, the soul of any company, loves friendly parties, and enjoys fishing. He knows how to cook delicious signature dishes; he is especially good at salads and meat dishes. Rafik willingly helps his wife, he can go shopping and take a walk with the children. He is present at all school meetings for children himself.

Psychological meaning of the name Raphael

Parents love Raphael very much - he is often the only child in the family and enjoys his mother’s favor. Although it is worth saying that Raphael completely inherits the character of his father. His main qualities are stubbornness, perseverance, and emotionality. However, it is worth noting that Rafail, although stubborn, is still distinguished by his prudence and the ability to objectively analyze everything that happens around him.

Raphael rarely looks at the world through rose-colored glasses, but on the contrary, tries to get to the heart of things. But at the same time, such a person is not without cunning, which he sometimes uses in the most different situations, which does not characterize him with positive side. Rafail is naturally capable of good deeds, but most of which he commits solely for selfish reasons.

In general, when analyzing the meaning of the name Raphael from the point of view of psychology, it is worth noting that such a person can do something that is inappropriate and inappropriate for him, only knowing that as a result he will receive approval from society. Raphael is very dependent on the opinions of the people around him and tries to do everything to be loved and respected.

Thanks to this, it doesn’t cost Raphael anything to establish relationships with any person. He is polite, sociable, able to find an approach to different people. But in most cases there is no need to talk about sincerity - on Raphael’s part it is only a sequence of actions that will lead him to success or a certain goal.

Pros and cons of the name Rafail

What are the pros and cons of the name Rafail? Its rarity and biblical nature can be both a positive and a negative side for parents. As well as character, the advantage of which is modesty and the desire for success, and the disadvantage of secrecy and prudence. This name is characterized well by its compatibility with Russian surnames and patronymics, but poorly by the inability to choose beautiful abbreviations and diminutive variants for it (usually the Rafails are called Rafs, Rafiks, Rafushki, which does not sound very nice).


Raphael is in good health. Usually this is an active, good-looking man who loves sports and tries to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Raphael often comes across women with a stronger, even domineering character. They attract the owner of this name, but it is very difficult for such a couple to get along together, so Raphael’s marriage often collapses. If he chooses a wife who is gentle and homely, then his family life will be much calmer and happier, because love and care can change Raphael for the better, making him more tolerant and not susceptible to conflict.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Rafail always strives to become the best, for example, to start his own business or become a boss. It would suit him to be an entrepreneur in the field of trade, logistics, real estate, and journalism. He can also become a good official, diplomat, writer, public figure, director, composer.

Famous people named Raphael

Raphael Santi ((1483 - 1520) Italian painter, graphic artist and architect)
Rafael Martos Sanchez ((born 1945) Spanish singer, actor)
Raphaël Haroche (French singer)
Raphael Poiret (one of the most titled French biathletes, four-time World Cup winner, eight-time world champion, three-time medalist Olympic Games. He ended his sports career in 2007, but in 2008 he took part in the World Military Ski Championships, where he became fifth in the company of professional skiers active at that time.)
Rafael Conforti ((1804 - 1880) Italian statesman)
Rafael Benitez Maudes (Spanish football player and coach)
Rafael Papayan ((1942 - 2010) Armenian politician and statesman)
Raphael Uiterloh (Dutch footballer, forward)
Rafael "Raful" Eitan ((1929 - 2004) Israeli political and military leader)
Rafael Safarov (Soviet football player and coach)
Rafael Ghazaryan ((1924 - 2007) Armenian scientific, public and statesman)
Rafael Alberti ((1902 - 1999) Spanish poet and playwright of the 20th century, laureate of the International Lenin Prize “For Strengthening Peace Between Nations” (1965))
Rafael Vaganyan (Armenian chess player; international grandmaster, USSR champion (1989), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1989))
Raphael Varane (French footballer)
Rafael Rodriguez ((1916 - 2009) President of Venezuela from 1969 to 1974 and from 1994 to 1999)
Rafael Iriondo Aurtenetchia ((b.1919) better known as
Rafa Iriondo; Basque player and coach)
Rafael Nadal Parera (Spanish tennis player, former world number one in singles (2008 – 2009, 2010 – 2011). Winner of 10 Grand Slam tournaments, Olympic champion in 2008 in singles. Winner of the so-called career “Golden Slam” in singles ; all Grand Slam tournaments in different years plus Olympic gold.)
Rafael Pascual Cortes (Spanish volleyball player, diagonal forward of the national team (1988 - 2007), best player of the 1998 World Cup, European champion 2007)
Rafael Chimishkyan ((born 1929) famous Soviet weightlifter, 11-time world record holder, Olympic champion (1952), two-time world champion (1954 and 1955), six-time European champion (1950, 1952, 1954-57) and five-time USSR champion ( 1949, 1951, 1954, 1955, 1960). Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1952). International category judge. Honorary Vice-President of the Georgian Weightlifting Federation. Awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor (1956). ) and “Order of Honor” (1996). Honorary citizen of the city of Tbilisi.)
Rafael Ferrer y Fito ((1911 - 1988) Spanish composer and conductor)
Rafail (Rafael) Ishmatov (Soviet and Russian hockey player and coach, Master of Sports of the USSR, Honored Coach of Russia)
Rafael Gonzalez Cordoba (Chilean footballer, defender)
Rafael Marquez Alvarez (Mexican footballer who plays for the MLS club New York Red Bulls. Marquez is an all-rounder in the defensive game, equally successful playing as a central defender or defensive midfielder.)
Rafael Levchin ((born 1946) Russian poet, playwright, novelist, translator, essayist, artist, actor)
Raphael Mathieu (French curler)
Rafael Frübeck de Burgos ((born 1933) Spanish conductor and composer)
Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos ((born 1957) literally "deputy commander of the rebel Marcos", pseudonym; left-wing radical writer and philosopher, chief ideologist and a propagandist for the Zapatista National Liberation Army, which launched an Indian uprising in 1994 in Mexico's Chiapas state, and the author of more than 200 essays and 21 books. A legend and universally recognized symbol of anti-globalism. He always appears in public wearing a black mask - “pasamontana”. It is believed that the subcomandante's real name is Rafael Sebastian Guillen Vicente, but he himself denies this, claiming that “Marcos was born on January 1, 1994” (the day the Indian uprising began). Marcos is the real name of one of the subcomandante's dead friends. The current Marcos says that who he was in the early 80s no longer exists, so he former name it does not matter.)
Rafael Shahbazyan ((born 1930) Armenian Soviet political, statesman and economic figure)
Rafael Perestrello (Portuguese explorer, cousin Philippa Moniz Perestrello, wife of the famous explorer Christopher Columbus. He is best known for being the first European to land in southern mainland China in 1516 and 1517 to trade in Guangzhou. Raphael was also a merchant and captain of the Portuguese fleet during the Portuguese conquest of Malacca.)
Rafael Harutyunyan (figure skating coach from Armenia, former figure skater. Trained Alexander Abt, is the last coach of five-time world champion Michelle Kwan.)
Rafael Alves dos Santos (Brazilian footballer, central defender)
Rafael Dvali ((1909 - 1985) scientist, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of the German Democratic Republic)
Rafael Santos Bergamasco (Brazilian footballer, forward)
Raffaele Lombardo (Italian politician, President of Sicily)
Raffaele Cadorna ((1815 - 1897) Italian general)
Raffaele Colle, Raffaelino del Colle or Raffaellino del Borgo Sansepolcro ((1490 - 1540) Italian painter, student of Raphael Santi and G. Romano. Worked a lot based on sketches and drawings of Romano, helped Raphael in the execution of frescoes at the Farnesine Villa, painted from his drawings scenes from the history of Moses in one of the domes of the Vatican lodges and according to the composition of G. Romano “Receipt of the City of Rome by the Pope” in the so-called Hall of Constantine in the Vatican Palace. G. Gengi and Giorgio Vasari also assisted in some of their works. many independent paintings, of which the best, “The Resurrection of Christ,” is in the cathedral of the city of Sansepolcro. Finally, he is known as the author of many drawings for painting products of the Urbino majolica factory, which flourished under Duke Guidobald II (1538 - 1574), and as the founder in the city. Sansepolcro art school, from which several skilled painters emerged.)
Rafael Schmitz (Brazilian footballer, defender)
Raffaele Trevisani (Italian flutist)
Rafael Eristavi, Aragvis Eristavi, Eristov-Aragvsky ((1824 - 1901) prince, Georgian poet, translator, ethnographer and folklore collector)
Raphael (Ralph) Tracy ((1904 - 1975) former American football player, midfielder. Participant of the first FIFA World Cup as a member of the US national team. Included in the American Soccer Hall of Fame.)
Rafael Sobis (Brazilian football player of Ukrainian origin, forward, bronze medalist at the 2008 Beijing Olympics)
Rafael Patkanyan ((1830 - 1892) Armenian poet, one of the founders of Armenian civil poetry, prose writer, translator, public figure. Substantial part literary works published under the pseudonym Gamar-Kantipa (sometimes spelled "Kamar-Kantipa").
Rafael Yosheffi, Raphael Josephfi ((1852 - 1915) American pianist and music teacher Jewish origin, originally from Hungary)
Raffaello Giovagnoli ((1838 – 1915) Italian historical novelist. He gained fame with the novel “Spartacus” (1874), which opens a large cycle of his historical novels from history Ancient Rome; however, with the exception of Spartacus, they are not of great artistic interest.)
His Eminence Cardinal Raffaele Farina ((b.1933) Salesian, Italian curial cardinal. Archivist of the Vatican Secret Archives and Librarian of the Roman Church, having been appointed by Pope Benedict XVI in 2007, he formally took up his post.)