The meaning of the dream is to conjure fire. Why do you dream about witchcraft? Magical actions in dreams among different nationalities

Why do you dream of casting spells?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Practicing witchcraft means presence psychic abilities; someone is resorting to witchcraft for you - you need help unusual person.

Why do you dream of casting spells?

Spring dream book

Casting spells in a dream yourself means achieving your goal.

Why do you dream of casting spells?

Esoteric dream book

Conjuring is a temptation. Don't give in to temptation! Do not rush into the arms of the first person you meet, do not accept too tempting offers!

Why do you dream of casting spells?

Modern dream book

If witchcraft was somehow present in your dream, in life you will unexpectedly meet an old acquaintance, but you will not recognize him right away, his years have changed him so much.

If you yourself have performed witchcraft or studied the science of witchcraft, you will want to change something at all costs, but you will not be able to do it.

Why do you dream of casting spells?

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

A dream about a sorcerer, as a rule, foreshadows a threat, under the influence of which your way of thinking will radically change. Why dream of casting a spell - A sorcerer seen in a dream is a sign that misfortunes and failures have settled in your home for a long time. Your long-cherished plans will remain only on paper, and they will create a lot of unnecessary problems for you. Observing the manipulations of a sorcerer means unexpected disappointment in life. It will be unexpected because you will not have any compelling reasons for this. Most likely, some little thing will open your eyes to the true meaning of what is happening to you.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday

Seen unpleasant dream warns of problems: hardships, failed trips, demotion. Calm pictures indicate quick success and the need to move to decisive action. The meaning of the dream will be realized on the coming Thursday or Friday.

30 lunar day

Sleep most often has fantastic story. Its overall energy is usually favorable. Such dreams are good: they promise the dreamer joy, luck and good changes. They come true.

New moon

A dream reflects the secret corners of the subconscious and most often concerns things or events that occupy the thoughts of the sleeper. Thoughts and ideas from such a dream have value: remember them and implement them in the future.

In the real world, facing the unknown causes fear and apprehension for many of us. But in the world of night dreams, many phenomena are interpreted differently than in reality.

And magic in a dream is just a kind of hint that in reality the dreamer will experience a surge of emotions. The reason for this may be nice changes, unexpected news or a sudden surprise.

The dream book will tell you what exactly awaits you. Magic, according to its versions, is a far from ambiguous symbol that should be interpreted together with other elements of the dream.

Many dream interpreters associate the appearance of mystical signs and phenomena with unusual magical abilities dreamer In their opinion, such a plot may well become a kind of hint for a person to pay attention to his hidden capabilities.

At the same time, there are dream books in which these manifestations are considered unfavorable heralds. Find out what exactly could happen soon in real life sleeping, a detailed explanation of the plot will help.

What famous interpreters prophesy

The interpreter of dreams, Pastor Loff, is inclined to believe that magic in a dream is a harbinger of good and sudden discoveries. At the most unexpected moment, the dreamer will be able to discover a new talent or gift in himself. In some cases, it can even become a real miracle for the sleeping person, saving him from pressing problems.

If in a dream you had to purposefully engage in dark magic, this symbol indicates to you an excessive desire to control everything around you. Or classes black magic can be interpreted as a desire to resist the expected outcome of a situation.

If you are interested in why you dream of magic in a dream, you can open General dream book. In his opinion, those who had to spend magic ritual, pleasant surprises await you in the near future. At the same time, those who find a stranger doing this can count on significant and favorable changes in their lives.

The same pleasant surprises The Dream Interpretation from A to Z promises a sleeping person if he dreams of scenes with fantastic phenomena. And here is a picture in which individual magic signs and objects, indicates the dreamer’s irritability. It can arise against the background of failure and bring not very favorable consequences. Therefore, in the near future, whoever sees similar dream It's better to be more reserved.

In the same interpreter there is an explanation for stories about the owners of magic, wizards. According to this dream book, white magic- This is a symbol of successful completion of affairs. Fortune will give a pleasant surprise to anyone who sees a white magician or wizard, pointing out the right way, capable of leading him to victory. A representative of dark magical forces appearing in a dream is a sign of love spells. It is quite possible that the dreamer will soon experience strong feelings and passion.

In Ivanova’s newest dream interpreter, magic is interpreted as a person’s ability to engage in esotericism and spiritualism. It is even possible that the sleeper does not yet know about them. As this dream book says, magic in any of its manifestations can also indicate to the dreamer about imminent changes. For example:

  • For men, the dream hints at minor troubles that will arise in the family.
  • For young girls, such a plot is a warning about a possible pregnancy.

The Eastern female dream interpreter views mystical events and symbols somewhat differently. He believes that a dream in which magic was used by the sleeper for his own benefit indicates excessive complacency and carelessness. And such a plot may also be evidence that the dreamer is actually avoiding responsibility.

General, no less interesting versions

The appearance of something magical and inexplicable in a dream can become a prophecy for a person big changes. Moreover, depending on the details in the picture, they may relate to a specific area:

  • A dream about a magic wand represents a surprise from fate in the form of a wish come true.
  • The ritual of sacrifice symbolizes the efforts you have made to accomplish the task, which will soon pay off with interest.
  • Written spells or conspiracies are a sign that you are very close to your goal.
  • A self-made voodoo doll is a warning that in the quest for revenge you may lose what is most precious to you.
  • The potion and herbs for its preparation are another hint that the grudge you harbor can significantly ruin your relationships with others.

When wondering what magic means in dreams, you need to remember that they themselves carry a certain context. mystical creatures. They may appear in a dream plot in the form of:

  • Fabulous, a harbinger of the fulfillment of plans.
  • A good sorceress, symbolizing the favor of Fortune.
  • A white magician who personifies miraculous events.
  • Sorcerer, evil wizard warning of possible temptation.
  • Fantastic creatures, signs promising a meeting under strange circumstances.

A dreamed dream, in which the dreamer personally practiced magic, can also become important warning. In any case, what you see should not be ignored, because the possession magical powers in a dream can mean the following:

  • Conducting a ritual of witchcraft means striving to achieve what you want.
  • Seeing yourself as a magician in a dream means experiencing surprise in reality.
  • To sacrifice a creature during a ritual will soon receive a well-deserved reward.
  • Collecting herbs for a potion and preparing it is a symbol that your resentment and anger will soon develop into indifference.
  • on a broom and participation in the Sabbath - a representation of the struggle between good and evil forces in the dreamer's soul.

Studying interpretations, one can find mainly positive value in dreams about light enchantments. But, according to the dream book, black magic in dream plots is a more ambiguous signal. Such magical manifestations can promise a variety of changes in the dreamer’s life. Author: Elena Suvorova

You dream of a certain phenomenon that you can regard as nothing other than witchcraft - the dream warns you against some kind of danger; You don’t even know it, but someone is digging a hole in your way; you believe that you have no enemies, but you are mistaken; satisfied with yourself and your successes, you walked without looking back, and you don’t know how many people crossed the road; someone sees you as the reason for their failures; someone thinks that you took away his laurels.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Catherine the Great

Good evening, Esther! Peace be with you! Well, the main thing in this dream (there is only one dream, just a scatter in time. Although if you saw it in one night, it means that it happened in between - you just forgot) is that you realized that all these crutches are the sorcerer’s objects . This means that the trouble has passed. Any misfortune originates in the subtle world, as our punishment for sins. This can also be considered a psychoenergetic effect. I recommend that you read the Old Testament apocrypha “The Book of the Secrets of Enoch.” It describes that the Lord YHWH did not imprison demons, but left them on Earth, to torment people for their sins, in order to direct people to the true path with these sufferings: http: //www. Sunhome. Ru/religion/19384 The man who was chasing them is your protector from above. What people could you call in your dream? They are not there))) You turned to certain Forces for help... Lilies of the valley are the joy of your soul about successful outcome of all these events... Save YHWH!

Dream Interpretation - Witchcraft and the aroma of lilies of the valley

Smelling a smell in a dream is a sign of certain events that may happen in the very near future. Moreover, the more distinct the smell, the closer the specified event. A distinct, pleasant aroma indicates that events can pleasantly surprise and delight you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Magic, witchcraft, hornet's womb

The dream clearly shows the negative state of the sensitive Dreamer in reality, unconsciously attracting the corresponding events to herself (the Dreamer in the dream does not know how to get rid of the running Evil process). The only Protection from the so-called external damage (negativity) is an understanding of this process, kindness, forgiveness of human weaknesses and thus non-involvement in surrounding negativity.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

One of the most mysterious symbols in dreams is magic. This phenomenon is difficult to explain even in real life, but in night dreams it takes on a truly allegorical meaning. Dream books will try to figure out why magic is dreamed of.

Interpretation of the image according to the general dream book

Any manifestations of magic in dreams give a hint that you have hidden potential and, under certain conditions, will be able to develop psychic abilities.

Did you dream that you were doing magic? Fate will surprise pleasant surprise. Seeing magicians and wizards in a dream means favorable changes. The dream book draws attention to the fact that only light magic should be taken into account. Manifestations of black witchcraft have the opposite interpretation.

I dreamed about magic according to the dream book from A to Z

Why do we dream about truly fantastic events? This is a sign that a surprise will soon occur that will surprise and delight at the same time.

I dreamed of amulets, talismans and other items used in magical arts? Failure will cause a lot of stress, and you will take out your dissatisfaction on those around you.

In a dream, dealing with a white magician means a favorable turn of affairs. This is also a sign that the intervention Higher powers will save you from trouble. After which you will be shown the right path to happiness and prosperity.

Black magic in reality promises difficulties in love, insincerity and deception. Sometimes this is an indication of a witchcraft attack (love spell, evil eye, damage, etc.).

Opinion of a modern combined dream book

Why do you dream that you used to solve dream problems? love magic? In reality, everything will be decided with the support of relatives or close people. The vision promises a woman a gift from her lover.

Seeing and personally applying black magic means troubles for a woman and family troubles for a man. For businessmen, the vision promises a wrong investment of funds or unreliable partners. For a young girl, this is a sign of an unwanted pregnancy.

Why do you dream about witchcraft?

Was dark witchcraft present to one degree or another in the dream? Soon you will meet an old acquaintance and will not recognize him, he has changed so much.

To conjure or study black magic yourself means that you decide to change something, but all attempts will not bring results. Why do you dream that you personally performed magic? In real life, try to avoid any temptations and show moderation in everything.

What does magic mean in a dream?

Why do you dream light magic or otherwise magic? Fate is preparing a truly amazing surprise for you that will change your life for the better.

However, if in a dream you happened to be used magic wand to fulfill your own desires, then in real life luck will leave you. See good wizard- Fine. It's even better to talk to him. Try to remember all his words and take advantage of his advice.

Dreamed of voodoo magic

A very unusual vision in which you encountered voodoo magic warns of the danger posed by your own incorrect or negative thinking. Try to get rid of false guidelines and bad feelings (anger, envy, irritability, etc.).

Did you dream that in a dream you were making a voodoo doll yourself, casting spells or performing a dark ritual? You are clearly not at peace with your own soul. Moreover, you passionately dream of taking revenge on someone. Beware, you may lose your most valuable possessions.

Why do you dream of a voodoo ritual? This is an eloquent indication of a dark event that will occur due to the fault of others. Voodoo magic in dreams also warns of the intrigues of ill-wishers, intrigues or targeted magical attacks.

What does elemental magic mean in a dream?

The manifestation of elemental magic marks the awakening hidden talents. With the right approach, you can have extraordinary power.

Seeing that a wizard has subjugated the elements literally means that you lack confidence and will. If possible, cultivate or strengthen these qualities in yourself.

Did you dream that you controlled any element? Remember which element helped you in your dream. In case of danger or to receive otherworldly help, turn to her.

Magic in a dream - examples of interpretation

Why do we dream about magic? Almost all magical images do not have a specific interpretation; most often they are allegories. To interpret a dream you will have to use your own imagination and intuition.

  • conjure - achieve a goal
  • order a ceremony - get help
  • fall under the spell - you will have to change plans
  • meeting a witch means temptation, danger
  • with a light magician - to a miracle, an inexplicable incident
  • to be a magician yourself is surprising
  • ritual of sacrifice - to the loss of money, a loved one
  • dark - something has to be sacrificed
  • make the sacrifice yourself - receive a reward for some effort
  • Sabbath - witchcraft against you
  • cast a spell - to a scandal in the family
  • love plot - the goal is close
  • hear a voice saying magic words- to deception, deceit, betrayal
  • perform a ritual - determination, achieving a goal using prohibited methods
  • the ritual is performed on you - uncertainty, weakness
  • brew a potion - accumulate anger, resentment
  • collecting herbs - indifference, coldness

If in a dream you happened to fly on a broom, take part in a witches’ sabbath, study light or dark magic and apply it in action, then this indicates that the struggle between Evil and Good in your soul is not yet over.

2. Why do we dream about magic and witchcraft?
3. Why do you dream about magic and witchcraft? (interpretation by day)
4. Why does the sorcerer dream?
5. Why do you dream of a fortune teller?

1. a dream about magic and witchcraft.

I dreamed of a tall and handsome guy. He wore a sophisticated dark jacket that set off the whiteness of his skin. My stranger had black hair and unnaturally blue eyes. Where this man came from and what he wanted from me - I didn’t know yet. Only there was something mysterious and attractive about him. He looked at me and waved his hand in the air - immediately a wicker sofa appeared in front of us, I was clearly invited to sit down. But I was completely confused and continued to stand and look at him. Then the guy straightened the collar of his jacket and again waved his fingers beautifully, as if driving away smoke. And then some colored pillows appeared that decorated that same sofa. And clearly something magical is happening here! We sat down on this sofa and it seemed to me that we had lifted off the ground and seemed to be hovering above the floor. Such light and strange sensations. And the blue-eyed magician looked at me carefully and smiled mysteriously. It was definitely magic! How did he manage all this? He clapped his hands and everything around him just went dark. It was as if he could turn off the sun with a snap of his thin fingers. Only the place where we were together was illuminated by some kind of silver light. This is real witchcraft, like in films or books, nothing less! I looked at him as if spellbound. And I so wanted to touch him, to check whether he himself was real. I reached out my hand to his face, wanted to remove a black strand of hair from his forehead and... at that very moment I woke up! What a shame!

2. Why do we dream about magic and witchcraft?

Magic and witchcraft can be dreamed of by the person whose life is currently being targeted. close attention stars It is likely that a person’s pleas for better life will be heard now.

If you saw magic in your dream, dramatic changes will begin in your life. The lines of your destiny can be completely corrected in a more interesting and better direction. Magic and witchcraft in a dream are a sign of a quick change in the quality of life, which will be the way the dreamer asked for it. If you asked the Universe for bright days, a loved one, about health for loved ones and about happiness for yourself - this will come to you. If you accepted life with all its adversities and tried to give only positive emotions to those around you, then only happiness will be your companion for many years. But if a person every day only complained about life, saw only negative things and only bad things and said something, then seeing magic and witchcraft in a dream, he will receive only what he always talks about.

To more accurately answer the question: why do we dream about magic and witchcraft? you need to remember when you had the dream:

3. Why do you dream about magic and witchcraft? (interpretation by day)

  • Magic and witchcraft have come to your Monday night sleep - you are at a crossroads and don’t know what choice to make.
  • On Tuesday seeing something magical means getting rich soon.
  • Magic and Witchcraft on Wednesday night may mean your desire to escape from real life into the world of illusions.
  • If you saw the same dream on Thursday night - beware unknown woman with black hair. She might put the evil eye on you.
  • For Friday magic and witchcraft in a dream can bewitch a person you especially like.
  • For Saturday magical actions in a dream indicate your own paranormal abilities.
  • For Sunday If you see magic and witchcraft - expect a strong mentor to appear in your life.

4. Why does the sorcerer dream?

If there was a sorcerer in your dream and performed some magical actions next to you, you will witness changes in life. If the magician looked at you and cast a spell, then these changes will happen in your life. Something new, unknown will come. You will be greatly impressed by these changes. If a sorcerer performed a certain ritual on another person, and you looked from the side, it means you will be affected by changes in someone’s life, you will play an important role for this person.

5. Why do you dream of a fortune teller?

If you dreamed of an old fortune teller who cast magic over your photographs and things, it is likely that the stars wanted to show you the future. If she said something at the same time, then try to remember her words, even if in a dream they seemed completely incoherent to you. They may have direct relation to your future, to your life. The stars, through the witch, could reveal your whole life. But falling in love with a magician in a dream is very dangerous - you may meet a person on your way who may actually have magical abilities. Are you ready to meet magic in real life, not just in your dreams?

My dream was more than intriguing, that's for sure. How interesting and at the same time mysterious, and a little scary! In general, my dream meanings are quite attractive and positive. I don’t even know if I could live with a magician in real life or not. Oh, I get goosebumps from such thoughts! But if I saw that stranger with blue eyes- everything could have been.