10 lucky names. The happiest names for girls: list and interesting facts

Nails give away their owner. Even if a person is dressed in elegant clothes and wears expensive accessories, sloppy hands will immediately reveal to those around him that he is an ordinary slob. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of healthy nails. And one of the common problems is wavy nails. “Waves” are located in an arbitrary direction: along or across, spoiling the entire aesthetics of the image. These “stripes” are always noticeable, especially among ladies who love to use bright varnishes. Why are nails wavy? How to return them to their original appearance? Is this even possible?

What does the problem look like?

Most often, waviness appears on the thumbs. It mainly occurs as a result of injuries and other mechanical impacts on the hands. In addition, the flaws on the nails of the big toes are much more noticeable than on the rest. But if the “ripples” are visible on other fingers, it means that it’s not just a matter of injury to the nail.

It is best to study the presence of “waves” by looking at your hands from the side. In the “profile” of the nail you can see how deep the depressions are. “Waves” can be the same or different in length and width, almost invisible and very deep. It happens that the longitudinal depression “grows” simultaneously with the nail, no matter how much it is cut.

You can better verify the waviness of the nail if you paint it with a bright varnish without a pearlescent tint. Then the irregularities will appear “in all their glory.” Having discovered such a nuisance, there is no need to be upset: you can get rid of it if you establish the cause of its occurrence.

Why are your fingernails wavy?

Sometimes the “grooves” that appear are simply a cosmetic problem caused by improper nail care. Perhaps the manicure was not done carefully enough, and the cuticle was roughly cut off. Or, when in contact with household chemicals, the hands were not protected with gloves.

But it often happens that wavy nails are a sign of serious health problems. What can you expect?

Fungal infection. Mycoses are a frequent guest on the hands of even very scrupulous people. After all, such an infection can be picked up very simply: for example, by using the personal belongings of an infected person or even by unsuccessfully “walking” in public places like the gym. If you suspect a fungus, you should immediately consult a doctor, since delaying treatment greatly delays recovery.

Mycosis is primarily reported by yellowed nails. Their crumbling, itching and painful sensations may also occur. There are many types of fungi, so first you need to get laboratory tests. Based on their results, the doctor will select the optimal treatment. An individual approach to the fight against mycosis is the main criterion for successful recovery. But under no circumstances should you self-medicate: this can lead to a deterioration in your health.

Even if it turns out that the cause of wavy nails is not a fungus at all, you should still follow the rules for its prevention. Basically, this means following hygiene standards: not wearing someone else’s shoes, changing socks every day, not being barefoot in baths and saunas.

Non-fungal lesions. Nails can suffer from many pathogenic microbes. They are just as good as a fungal infection in affecting the nail plates and deforming them. Therefore, even if it seems that there is nothing wrong with the “waves”, you should still consult a doctor. Treatment will not be unnecessary.

Why me?

It’s a shame when you and your friend sunbathed on the beach together, but she continues to show off her beautiful nails. What is the reason? Why do some people allow themselves to fearlessly walk barefoot in communal showers, baths, saunas, swimming pools, and some people cannot leave the house without rubber slippers? What explains the fact that some people “love” fungi and other infections more than others?

It's a matter of immunity. In seasoned people who eat right and exercise, the body can easily cope with almost any “infection”. So the appearance of “waves” on the nails signals poor health. What to do?

Protect yourself from aggressive influences environment teeming with microbes will help:

  • balanced diet;
  • adequate physical activity;
  • quality sleep;
  • fresh air;
  • emotional balance.

It's not difficult at all, isn't it? But as a result, the body will be able to “boast” of healthy kidneys, lungs, liver, stomach, heart and will be able to protect itself from any pathogenic influences. Inner well-being will manifest itself in outer beauty.

If your fingernails become wavy, how can you restore their smoothness?

The solution to the problem of wavy nails is very simple, but to many it seems impossible. This is healthy eating. Nails very clearly show what exactly the body lacks. There is no need to be afraid of a healthy diet: the devil is not so scary...

Eating healthy is easy and inexpensive. The main thing is to include more “native” and familiar vegetables and fruits in your diet. Apples, pears, legumes, carrots, cabbage, beets, potatoes and even bananas, tangerines, oranges: from them our body has already learned to “extract” the maximum of necessary vitamins and microelements. We must also not forget about nuts, seeds, grains, and herbs - they are very useful “guests” on any table.

What substances are most “loved” by nails?

  • vitamin B and iodine – promote growth;
  • Vitamin D – helps the body absorb calcium;
  • vitamins A, C and E – strengthen the nail plate;
  • Vitamin H – prevents nails from crumbling and makes them less brittle;
  • iron – ensures the correct structure;
  • silicon – takes care of elasticity;
  • sulfur – protects against inflammation;
  • calcium – makes nails hard.

But how can you understand what exactly your nails are missing? They will tell you about it themselves!

Yellowness, unevenness, concavity and thinness of nails. Need iron. Its sources: cabbage, blueberries, raspberries, oats, legumes, peas, any fruit. You can improve the absorption of iron by consuming vitamin C and fluoride along with it. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, and greens. Eggs, potatoes, nuts, milk, tea, apples, cereals, grapefruits are rich in fluoride. You can “make your nails happy” with vitamin C by immersing them in lemon pulp: this will not only strengthen the nail plate, but also lighten it.
Brittle, crumbling nails. Lack of vitamin H, or biotin. 0.2 mg of this vitamin per day is enough to get rid of the problem of brittle nails. Biotin is found in mushrooms, chicken yolk and nuts.
Point depressions, white spots, layering of nails, the appearance of various infections. Lack of vitamin A, C and zinc. Vitamin A “lives” in all orange vegetables: pumpkin, bell pepper, carrots. But there is also a lot of it in butter and dairy products. Sources of zinc: seafood, legumes, raspberries, dates, greens, black currants, grains, leeks, mushrooms, nuts.
Nail deformity. There is not enough sulfur. It can be provided to the body by eating more cabbage, milk, buckwheat, garlic, cheese, eggplant, oatmeal, onions, and bread.

Dullness, gray-yellow nail color, grooves. Caused by a deficiency of vitamins PP, B5, and selenium. Vitamin PP is nicotinic acid, which is rich in nuts, seeds, yeast, eggs, milk, and porcini mushrooms. Vitamin B5 can be found in cereals, bran, eggs, yeast, and broccoli. Selenium ensures smoothness and shine of nails and is found in soy, black currants, beans, rice, buckwheat, garlic, olives, pistachios, coconut, porcini mushrooms, seaweed, white bread, eggs.

If for some reason your nails are not striking in beauty and do not shine with health, then it is better to consult a therapist. Perhaps, after all the tests, the doctor will prescribe a vitamin complex that will help get rid of nail problems.

How to get rid of uneven nail surfaces at home

If the waviness of the nails is not a consequence of any pathology or disease of the body, then perhaps the reason lies in improper home manicure. Nail care mistakes, unlike health problems, are easy to correct. The speed of “elimination” of unevenness depends only on the growth of the nails, because the “ripples” cannot disappear on their own. Having cut off the grooves, all that remains is to carefully care for your hands.

Do not injure the nail. The nail plate is quite delicate, so it can suffer from any mechanical impact. Pressing a regular ballpoint pen too hard against your nail or typing on the keyboard frequently will result in crumbling, peeling or deformation. So don’t overwork your hands: everything is good in moderation.
Gently combat cuticles. Rough removal of the cuticle leads to the appearance of “waves” on the nails. After all, after “cutting” the skin with scissors, various cracks, wounds, and cuts often remain. Thanks to them, the gates “open” for pathogenic microbes and bacteria, which contribute to the appearance of unevenness on the nail. You can avoid this by turning to an unedged manicure: you only need a wooden stick and a special gel that softens the cuticle. You can first make a hand bath: with sea ​​salt or essential oils.

Correctly remove hangnails. The usual torn skin around the nail, which you just want to tear off or bite off, can aggravate existing unevenness. By getting rid of hangnails in such a merciless way, you can get wounds that are very popular with infections. It is best to eliminate breaks in the skin using sharp scissors, after disinfecting the incision site.

There are also “tricks” that speed up getting rid of wavy nails and prevent similar deformations in the future:

  • gloves during contact with household chemicals;
  • decorative varnishes with a uniform coating that does not scratch the nails;
  • disinfection of manicure instruments;
  • hand baths (with sea salt, essential and vegetable oils);
  • regular nail massage (with a special manicure brush or at least a regular toothbrush);
  • unedged manicure: Japanese, spa, European;
  • base coat of the nail before applying manicure polish.

Such “techniques” allow you to take maximum care of your skin and nails. And they will thank their owner with a healthy and beautiful appearance. The main thing is regularity. When using cleaning products, gloves should be worn every time, and not just when it comes to mind. Inconsistency of care negates all previous benefits received from caring for your skin and nails.

But there are also procedures that are completely useless in the fight against wavy nails:

  • too much moisture in nails and cuticles. Neither healthy nor damaged nails will like it if they are overly “pampered” with softening and moisturizing agents. Over time, the cuticle will become so tender that it will begin to suffer from regular injuries fraught with suppuration and inflammation;
  • nail extensions. Artificial nails are not a solution to the problem. You can hide the deformation, but this will not get rid of the waviness, will not improve your health, or correct cosmetic errors;
  • polishing nails. This is a useful procedure to get rid of dead cells. But you can do it no more than once a month and only very carefully with the help of a special nail file. For wavy nails, polishing will not be a salvation, because it cannot in any way change their structure and shape.

This does not mean at all that if your nails are wavy, you cannot do anything from the above list. But you need to be aware that grooves need to be dealt with using completely different methods.

Healthy nails – it couldn’t be easier

It’s very easy to say that bad nails were inherited from your mother or that they became that way due to the environment, lack of time and money for care…. These are the explanations of a lazy person. After all, taking care of your nails requires daily attention, and not everyone finds it in themselves to take such careful and loving care of themselves. But in vain!

Trimming and filing nails are hygiene requirements. Everything else, although optional, is required for a beautiful appearance. It is advisable to sometimes “show” your nails to a professional: a master from a salon can not only give you a high-quality manicure, but also suggest how to nourish your nails, what tools are best to use at home, and what vitamins you are missing. What should a girl who wants to become the owner of beautiful and healthy nails remember?

You should start with the basics: hygiene rules. Each person should have their own individual manicure set. After and before each use, instruments must be thoroughly disinfected to avoid contamination. In addition, before a manicure, you need to wash your hands with soap and be sure to remove old polish with a fortified cosmetic product. It would be superfluous to mention that all scissors-tweezers in a girl’s arsenal should be of high quality and well sharpened.

Then it's time to think about protecting your nails from negative environmental influences. After all, nails are similar in structure to hair: they absorb absolutely all substances from their surface in the same way. Therefore, it is better to get rid of the habit of washing dishes or tiles without gloves, as well as using decorative varnishes too often, especially if you do without a manicure base. Continuous “painting” is detrimental to nails. We need to give them a chance to recover and take a break from harmful substances. During nail “vacations”, it is recommended to take hand baths more often, nourish your nails with creams and oils, and also use various strengthening varnishes.

And the “pinnacle” of nail care is simple common sense. There is no need to pick off hangnails, bite your nails, cut cuticles until they bleed, or ignore disinfection. It is also necessary to seek advice from a doctor or a manicurist if you notice the slightest problems with your nails: deformations, color changes, pain.

Beautiful nails are healthy nails multiplied by constant care. You can achieve a good result only by loving and accepting yourself. Then taking care of your own body will bring only joy and pleasure. And graceful hands with a delightful manicure will evoke envious glances from those less fortunate in this regard.

Many women diligently maintain an attractive and healthy appearance of their nails. They give a beautiful manicure, carefully file it, and use protective equipment. But when waves appear on the nail plate, even the best-quality manicure is not able to completely hide this defect. This problem needs to be solved, because it can be caused by malfunctions internal organs. And it is recommended to start by finding out why your fingernails are wavy.

Waves on the nails look unsightly and signal that something is wrong (see photo on the right). The nail plate ceases to be smooth, and wave-like grooves appear on it. They are slightly ribbed and give the impression of dimples on the nail. If you run your fingertips across your nail, it will not feel smooth. This is a deformation that needs to be dealt with quickly so that the situation does not worsen.

Why do waves appear on nails?

The reasons for the appearance of waves on nails can be different: from improper care to diseases and hormonal imbalances. If wavy grooves begin to appear on the nail plates, the reasons may be the following:

  • Mechanical damage to fingernails, which occurred, for example, during a manicure.
  • An infection caused by improper care.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Negative impact of stressful situations.
  • Fungal infection.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Hormonal imbalance in the thyroid gland.
  • Diseases of internal systems: gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, reproductive.

If your nails become wavy, before starting therapy, you need to find out why it happened. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get rid of the wavy grooves completely.

It is quite simple to distinguish mechanical damage to the plate from diseases and disorders of internal systems: if the nail on one finger, for example, the thumb, is wavy, but not on the others, the most likely cause is injury. If waves appear on all fingers, this becomes a reason to consult a doctor.

Nail diseases

The appearance of waves on the nails can be caused both by changes in the body and dysfunction of internal systems, and directly by diseases of the nail plates. These include fungal nail infections and psoriasis. Transverse waves on the nails appear at the very initial stages of these diseases. If you track them in time and take action, you can quickly deal with them.

Fungus is a contagious infectious disease. The affected area begins with the nail plate and spreads to the fingers in advanced cases. The penetration of infection is facilitated by frequent contact with detergents, the use of other people's personal hygiene items, and visiting public baths, swimming pools. Treatment of fungal infection should be prescribed by a specialist. In the early stages of the disease, it is easiest to get rid of the fungus.

Psoriasis is a non-infectious disease. It spreads to the skin, but can also appear on the nails. Refers to chronic diseases, characterized by periods of exacerbations and remissions. Psoriasis is not contagious, but in the initial stages it is very difficult to distinguish it from a fungus. Therefore, a doctor must carry out the diagnosis; only he will be able to accurately determine what disease the appearing waves indicate.

How to treat wavy nails

If the nail has become wavy not due to illness, you can correct this defect yourself at home. To do this, you only need to properly care for your nails in the future. The problem that arises due to damage will go away over time as the nail grows. And in order to hide unevenness, be sure to use a high-quality base before applying varnish.

You will also need:

  1. Avoid treating your nails with a polishing file. The situation will only get worse.
  2. To accelerate growth, rub cuticle oil into the plate.
  3. To strengthen, take baths with salt.
  4. Start taking vitamin complexes, which will also contain calcium.

After damage, the nail will grow back, and thanks to proper care and vitamin complexes, it will become stronger. This way you can avoid the problem of waves in the future.

If all your nails are growing in waves, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Only treatment of the root cause will help get rid of the problem, which can be hidden both in diseases of the nail plates and in more serious ones associated with hormonal imbalances or malfunctions of internal organs.

How to avoid waves on your nails

To prevent waves from appearing on your nails in the future, you need to remember not only proper care, but also other preventive measures. These include:

  • Maintain personal hygiene. Also, do not use other people's personal hygiene items.
  • Washing dishes and doing household chores should only be done with gloves.
  • Periodically give your nails a break between coats of polish.
  • If you don’t know how to do a manicure yourself, choose a professional manicurist in a salon, where they carefully treat the tools before each client.
  • Remember that the condition of your nails is also affected by diet and lifestyle. Restore mode proper nutrition and give up bad habits.

The appearance of waves on the nail plate can be an alarm bell, indicating that not everything is in order with the body. Therefore, if the waviness was not caused by mechanical damage, be sure to consult a doctor and find out the cause. And also remember about proper care and the need to carefully choose a manicurist.

If any irregularities on the surface of the nails become noticeable, you should find out the cause of these changes. Wavy nails can affect appearance, and also indicate significant disruption of the functioning of internal organs. The deformation may be invisible to the eye, or it may be clearly expressed. You can most often notice the modification on the thumbs, since they have the widest nail plate. Uneven nails may contain one small wave or have a continuous unevenness. This can be seen by looking at the nail thumb in profile. If you cover lumpy nails with varnish, all irregularities and waves, even minor ones, will be noticeable on the nails. So why do nails become wavy?

Factors causing unevenness on nails

Wavy nails occur for various reasons. If this is not an injury, then there is a risk of developing more serious pathologies in the body.


Traumatic situations are one of the reasons for wavy edges due to careless manicure. Also included in this causative factor is the removal of cuticles with nail scissors, which provokes infection.

When nail defects appear due to injury, there is no need to make any attempts to correct them; they will grow back in 6–18 months. To improve the appearance of the nail plate, you can polish its surface with a nail file and apply antibacterial varnish. All work involving contact with aggressive household reagents must be done with gloves.

Mycosis (fungal infection)

When there are cuticles on the fingers, and the nail plate begins to peel off and ridges form at its ends, this is the reason why mycosis fungus has gotten under the nail plate. These microorganisms appear, develop quickly and completely destroy the nail cover, changing its color and structure, as a result of which they grow poorly or do not grow at all. If uneven nails have recently appeared, it is worth making compresses with an antifungal ointment.

If the situation is advanced, you should immediately consult a mycologist. The doctor will refer you to a medical examination and issue a prescription for suitable medications. To prevent mycosis from spreading to the surface of the skin and nails, it is necessary to perform hand hygiene procedures daily.

Hormonal disorders

Wavy nails may indicate hormonal imbalance due to endocrine imbalance. If such violations are present, it means that an endocrinologist and properly selected medications will help solve the problem.

Vitamin deficiency

A weak nail plate with the presence of ridges and grooves can occur due to a lack of useful vitamins, such as Ca, Mg, A. It is possible to determine what exactly the body lacks after taking tests. Vitamin complexes, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, will help correct the situation when the fingernails have become ribbed.

Iron deficiency

The most common cause of wavy fingernails is a lack of iron in the body, which leads to anemia. After passing all the necessary tests prescribed by the therapist, treatment can begin. The main rule for anemia is the mandatory intake of iron-containing products that increase hemoglobin. Treatment with products will help not only eliminate wavy fingernails, but also improve the health of the entire body.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Deformation of the nail plate indicates gastrointestinal problems. Vitamins taken from food affect the growth and appearance of nails. Failure of the acid-base balance provokes a failure to absorb beneficial enzymes, which affects the condition of the hands and periungual areas. Hangnails appear, nails become crooked and have transverse lines. If your nails become ribbed, you should contact a gastroenterologist - he will prescribe effective therapy.

Stressful situations

Stressful situations and depression - the cause negative influence on the appearance of the hands. In such a situation, you need to show less emotion negative character and prevent their occurrence.

Uneven surface of nails in children

Wavy fingernails can also be present in a child, the reasons may be the following:

  1. The Candida microorganism entered the child’s body through the consumption of poorly processed vegetables and fruits.
  2. Carbohydrate imbalance due to a lack of vitamins A and B in a child.
  3. Scratches and peeling of the skin at the edges can provoke an inflammatory process due to infection.
  4. Colds, pneumonia, and lichen sicca can also affect the structure of a child’s nails.

Therapy for tuberosity of nail plates

To get rid of such a problem as ribbed fingernails, you should start treatment with your diet. This is important, since a lack of beneficial microelements in the body will not lead to a positive result even with a number of cosmetic and medicinal procedures.

Vegetables and fruits such as potatoes, dill, cilantro, watercress, almonds, carrots, cucumbers, and cabbage should be present on the table. Vitamin salads should be dressed with any vegetable oil cold pressed. The above vegetables include many beneficial microelements such as A, E and C, calcium, silicon, iodine and even sulfur. This kind of vitamin composition will have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and over time the marigolds will acquire an even shape, and the waviness and grooves will disappear from their surface. Healthy products and their minerals will eliminate unevenness on the nails and increase the resistance to inflammatory processes of the cuticle.

Today it is considered fashionable to do helium nails and carry out salon and cosmetic procedures for the hands. It should be noted that the chemical composition of corrective agents does not always have a positive effect on the nail plate and the skin around it. All this can cause a problem such as ribbed nails. When carrying out this kind of procedure, you should take a break from time to time and give your nails a rest from varnish and gel coatings.

Without taking into account a number of reasons indicating why the nails are ribbed, you need to carry out treatment and use the following rules:

  1. Carefully remove hangnails.
  2. Use rubber gloves when in contact with water and household chemicals.
  3. Apply nail polish infrequently and do not apply extensions.
  4. Before applying nail polish, treat the skin around your finger with a basic firming antimicrobial agent.
  5. Eat healthy foods.
  6. Carry out preventive treatment with multivitamins.

It is quite possible to correct ribbed nails; the main thing is to take the problem seriously.

Why do nails become wavy, what do they talk about?
unevenness of the nail plate and how to restore their health?

It is very unpleasant to discover irregularities on the nails that spoil their entire appearance. Sometimes the “ridges” of these waves can cover all the nails, located across the nail or along the entire length of the nail plate. This “waviness” of the nails becomes even more noticeable when they are covered with bright varnishes, and, as you know, they are used for special occasions, which is doubly upsetting. So why do wavy nails appear and what can you do to restore their smoothness and health?

We often notice that wavy nails have formed on our big toes. And the most common reason for this is injury. In addition, the nails on the big toes are larger than the rest, and therefore all the flaws on it are much more noticeable than on other nails. However, if such a problem as an uneven surface of the nails exists, then it will certainly appear on all nails. Perhaps you just need to take a closer look and you will see it right now.

The side view especially shows off wavy fingernails. The “profile” of the nail will immediately show you the full depth of the depressions and hollows. It happens that the “crests” of such waves are located at the same distance from each other, and sometimes they differ in wavelength. There may be only one transverse hollow along the entire length of the nail plate, which does not move anywhere and does not grow as the nail grows.

There may be more than one or two such hollows. They can be subtle, very shallow, or real furrows. If you cover them with bright varnish, especially varnish without pearlescent, wavy fingernails become even more wavy, and unevenness on the nails is visible even to the naked eye.

Why do wavy nails appear?
Unfortunately, wavy nails are not always a purely cosmetic problem. Sometimes it is the result of improper, rough cutting of the cuticle, careless home care of the hands. But this is not always the case. Often, wavy fingernails hide quite serious problems; nails speak about health, or rather about problems with it.

And the first place in the ranking of problems that cause unevenness on the nails is occupied by mycoses - fungal infections. If you or your manicurist suspects that your nails may be affected by a fungus, you should consult a dermatovenerologist or mycologist.

The most striking confirmation of infection is yellow nails, but even on this basis the “diagnosis of nails” cannot be fully confirmed. Today, scientists count several dozen species of fungi and their subspecies. Fortunately, modern laboratories have the ability to diagnose a wide range of them. Only on the basis of laboratory tests can a doctor diagnose nails and prescribe a drug that will help. There is no universal approach here; bacteria that “live” in your body may be sensitive to one drug and completely immune to another.

Basic rules of hygiene will allow you to avoid fungal infections in the future, which will protect not only you, but also your loved ones from the risk of infection!

In second place is another reason due to which an uneven surface of the nails is formed - non-fungal nail infections. In addition to mycoses, nail plates are deformed by other types of various pathogenic microbes. That is why it is necessary to immediately contact a dermatovenerologist, who will identify the true cause and prescribe adequate treatment.

What do nails say about the owner’s health?
Everyone knows that fungus and other infections can be acquired in public places, such as sauna, beach and other things. For some, it is enough to go to the fitness center or nail salon just once to “catch” some unpleasant nail disease! However, a logical question arises: why, in this case, do people visit swimming pools, saunas, etc. many, but not all suffer from similar diseases?

The answer is simple: high immunity. And the people who lead healthy image life is precisely what differs from them. Their body is resistant to most viruses, bacteria, etc. In other words, wavy nails about the health of the owner say the following: “immunity, lady, you are frail!”

A healthy intestine, kidneys, liver, lungs and other organs of the human body work harmoniously, providing us with daily protection from environmental aggression. Adequate nutrition is of great importance for a person and the beauty of nails and hair. healthy sleep, active recreation and regular walks in the fresh air. All these factors contribute to good metabolism, longevity and beauty.

What to do if your nails are wavy?

In order for your nails to become healthy, smooth and shiny, to grow quickly and correctly, you need to consume food that provides the body with vital minerals and vitamins.

Many people mistakenly believe that a balanced diet is very difficult and expensive. However, the truth is that our body assimilates easily and with real benefit only those foods that we have become accustomed to for centuries - so to speak, native Russian vegetables (cabbage, beets, carrots, potatoes, legumes, herbs, ...) and fruits (pears, apples - in summer, tangerines and oranges in winter), nuts, seeds, etc.

It is these products that contain the necessary beneficial substances for healthy nails and for the health of the body as a whole. The vitamins that are needed to strengthen the nail plate are vitamins A, E and C, for better growth nails - B vitamins and iodine, hardness provides nails with calcium, elasticity - silicon, correct structure - iron, and sulfur - an element that is unfairly deprived of attention, which will save your nails and cuticles from inflammatory diseases.

An uneven surface of the nails, their concavity and thinness, unhealthy color, yellow nails mean that your body needs iron. Its main sources are: meat and poultry, liver, tuna, oats, peas, legumes, cabbage and zucchini, berries (especially blueberries and raspberries) and all fruits. Iron is best absorbed with fluoride and vitamin C. Fluoride is found in: fish and shrimp, meat, eggs, milk, cereals, tea, potatoes, spinach and onions, nuts, apples and grapefruits. Vitamin C is found in abundance in citrus fruits, potatoes, and tomatoes. There is a lot of it in absolutely any berries, fruits and vegetables with bright colors, and, of course, in greens. In order for your nails to receive an additional, “impact” portion of vitamin C, they need to be immersed in lemon pulp - this way you will strengthen your nails and make them lighter.

Lack of sulfur also causes nail deformation. Sulfur is provided by fresh salads, cabbage, eggplants, onions, garlic, oatmeal and buckwheat.

If your nails peel, and on their surface there appear depressions in the form of dots, white spots, or even fungus begins and bacterial infections develop, then your body suffers from a lack of vitamin A, vitamin C, and a lack of zinc. Zinc is found in grains and legumes, nuts, seafood, leeks and greens.

When your nails are gray-yellow, dull, with grooves or stripes, this indicates a lack of vitamins B5, PP and selenium in the body. Vitamin B5 is rich in cereals, bran, offal, chicken meat and eggs, broccoli, and yeast. Nicotinic acid - vitamin PP, enters the body from the same nuts and seeds, from yeast, porcini mushrooms, brown rice, eggs and milk, meat and fish. Selenium is found in offal, olives, eggs, black currants, seaweed, bran, and garlic. The shine and smoothness of nails depends on selenium.

If you are really worried about health problems, you often suffer from colds, experience constant fatigue and don’t know where to start... Then, first of all, donate blood for general analysis and see an experienced therapist.

How to treat uneven nail surfaces at home
Wavy nails on the toes or hands are a problem not always associated with changes in general health or metabolic disorders. Often, transverse grooves on the nails appear due to mistakes in home nail manicure.

But don’t be upset, if this is really the case, you have a reason to breathe a sigh of relief, take into account your mistakes and continue to care for your nails correctly. After all, if solving health problems requires a lot of effort, money and time, then cosmetic errors are easy to eliminate. The only limiting factor in this matter is time, or rather the individual growth rate of your marigolds. After all, the grooves cannot align. The nail plate will take some time to grow back along with the existing defect.

Now let's look at the most common, traumatic nail “mistakes” one by one, and also what to do if wavy nails are the cause of awkwardness.

Traumatization of the nail plate. Deformation of the nail can occur due to the fault of a banal ballpoint pen. For example, if you press the pen too hard against the nail of your index or middle finger while writing. In this case, excessive pressure is applied to the root or other part of the nail. After all, as a rule, the uneven surface of the nails, their peeling, crumbling and other troubles occur on the nails of these fingers! The same problem happens to women who type a lot on the keyboard, but not with all fingers, but with two or three.

Rough cuticle removal. Wavy nails appear after rough cuticle removal. When using metal tools at the root of the nail plate, it is very easy to damage its structure. Cuts, wounds, cracks make the skin of the hands and feet susceptible to damage by all kinds of bacteria, which only aggravates the problem of uneven nails. Therefore, barbaric methods of getting rid of hangnails should be avoided - biting, tearing, etc. If you already have wavy fingernails, you need to remove hangnails and the skin around the nail very carefully.

The easiest way to do a non-edged manicure at home. For this you will need a cuticle softener and an orange stick. It is first recommended to take a warm bath, preferably with sea salt, as well as a gentle, soft massage of the nails.

To procedures that can quickly cure wavy nails
on the legs and arms and prevent their formation in the future include:
○ 1. Unedged manicure: SPA manicure, European, Japanese;

○ 2. Household and cotton gloves for housework. After all, it is easier to prevent a problem than to deal with its consequences later;

○ 3. Nail massage a soft toothbrush, or better yet a special manicure brush;

○ 4. Baths with sea salt, enriching skin and nails with minerals;

○ 5. Baths of vegetable and essential oils. Mixtures for them can be used as a means of strengthening, moisturizing nails, as a massage agent for nail plates, depending on the concentration and composition;

○ 6. Base and treatment coatings. Get into the habit of using such products before applying decorative varnishes - this will protect your nails from damage and prevent the negative effects of varnishes.

○ 7. Matte varnishes with mother-of-pearl. Try to use decorative varnishes with a uniform structure, without inclusions or sand that can damage your nails. In order not to emphasize the ugliness of already damaged nails, choose not particularly bright colors and mother of pearl - so the defects will not be noticeable.

Procedures are absolutely useless for treating deformed nails:
○ 1. Nail extension. This procedure is just a camouflage for your problem; it does not eliminate either the mistakes in home care or the cause of the disease;

○ 2. Polishing nails. This procedure is, of course, useful in itself, because it “grinds down” and removes a layer of dead cells from the nails. But, firstly, it can be done once a month, not more often, and only with a soft buff or a special polishing file. Therefore, if you polish wavy fingernails, you will only remove the top layer without changing the shape and structure of the nail plate;

○ 3. Excessive moisturizing of cuticles and nails. You should not fanatically rub creams and gels into your fingers and nail plates; you should not do this if your nails are wavy, and especially if they are healthy. Otherwise, you run the risk of encountering no less a problem than wavy nails. Gradually, the cuticle will become too tender and more susceptible to various injuries.

Nail diagnosis: “absolutely healthy”
As many believe, healthy nails are the result of good heredity or a gift from nature. However, girls with naturally bad nails, who have put a lot of effort into their health and beauty and achieved a positive result, are unlikely to agree with this statement.

After all, simply trimming and filing your nails periodically is not enough. They, like other favorite parts of the body, need to be groomed and cherished, regularly and, if possible, professionally, or at least correctly. Healthy nails require healthy care.
Firstly, important stage care is proper manicure. Nails will not remain healthy for long if they are thoughtlessly filed. different directions and on the sides, gnawing the skin around with his teeth and gnawing the cuticle with tongs until it bleeds.

Secondly, nails, like hair, have a porous structure; they absorb substances from the surface of the nail plate. Therefore, they should be protected from harmful liquids, protected with gloves, given a break from decorative coatings, and “poisonous” colored varnishes should be applied less frequently, especially without a varnish base. Marigolds need to be regularly “fed” by nourishing them with oils, creams and using special strengthening varnishes.

Thirdly, it is impossible to have beautiful, even, smooth, strong, healthy nails if you do not follow basic hygiene rules: get an individual, personal set of manicure tools and do not forget to treat them with disinfectants every time before and after each use. And let your nails always make you happy and make you proud!

A little more about nail health:

In most cases, a person notices that the nail plates on the thumbs are covered with wavy irregularities. The reason for this phenomenon can be a variety of factors.

It's necessary correctly determine to initiate appropriate treatment for this disease.

Don't neglect this, because otherwise an unpleasant defect can lead to quite serious consequences. Today there is large number various ways to remove irregularities from the surface of the nail.

On the surface of the nail plate, irregularities can form in a number of ways. various reasons. For example, the appearance of longitudinal grooves is most often associated with chronic diseases , as well as significant impairment of blood circulation in the arms.

Moreover, they arise as a consequence mechanical damage, applied either to the nail bed or to the nail root. Thus, damage can be caused by careless use of all kinds of manicure accessories or by squeezing the nail.

For minor damage their signs disappear as the new nail grows - it will take about six months for the nail plate to fully recover.

If you receive a more severe injury often leads to a noticeable thickening of the nail or its splitting with further growth. Small grooves can be either single or multiple.

Transverse grooves, as a rule, are typical for those people who prefer to get manicures quite often. They are also a consequence of various diseases that have prevented the necessary nutrition of the matrix.


Irregularities vertical type on the nails indicate the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, consumption of carbohydrates in large quantities, as well as insufficient amounts of vitamin B12 and microelements such as iron.

Transverse grooves in some cases, they are symptoms of the development of psoriasis or eczema. In addition, they can appear with an unbalanced diet and constant deposition of salts. One of the most common reasons for their formation is prolonged stress.

How to treat irregularities on the nail plate?

To determine the correct treatment
For this disease, you must first undergo a special examination, the results of which will allow the doctor to make the correct diagnosis and select the most appropriate medication.

To date there is no universal approach to treat irregularities. This is explained by the fact that the body may be sensitive to some drugs, and not respond in any way to the effects of others.

Besides very important normal sleep, a properly formed diet, regular active sports and walks in the fresh air.

Procedures to help get rid of unevenness:

  • different types of unedged manicure:, and also;
  • using gloves when doing housework;
  • regular nail massage using a soft toothbrush or a special manicure brush;
  • taking baths with sea salt;
  • hand baths based on and;
  • use of medicinal and base coating for nails.

How to deal with the problem using folk methods?


Irregularities that form on the surface of the nail plate can be cured thanks to proven and very effective traditional methods. One treatment option is proper and balanced nutrition. IN in this case A sufficient amount of quickly digestible fruits and vegetables, as well as seeds, nuts and other healthy foods, should be added to your daily diet.

Regular replenishment of the body reserves of vitamins groups B, A, C, E, iodine, calcium, silicon, sulfur and iron will provide a beautiful shape to your nails and an aesthetic appearance. At the same time, you should consume seafood, eggs with meat, dairy products, spinach and cereals that are rich in fluoride, which is necessary for faster absorption of microelements and minerals by the body.

In case of unevenness on the nail plates, you should remove carefully hangnails and those around the nails.

Irregularities in nail plates- This is an unpleasant defect. But if you wish, you can get rid of it. It is only necessary to determine the cause and select treatment.