8 which means. The symbol of infinity - the number "8" and its meaning in numerology

Just as the elements of Earth and Air do not have many points of contact, so these signs cannot always find mutual language. Capricorn and Libra: Compatibility in love and intimate relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem impossible, but let's take a closer look. Calm and unflappable Capricorns are patronized by Saturn, and balanced and attractive Libra is patronized by the goddess of love Venus.

Whether these signs succeed depends on the degree of mutual interest.

She often looks cold and distant, so fans are afraid to approach her, not counting on reciprocity. Daily clear daily routine, Maldives in winter - Spain in summer, marry only after fasting CEO companies. It is not surprising that it is difficult for a man to take a line in this schedule.

However, nothing human is alien to this iron lady, and with the advent of love, everything in her life changes. Well, or a lot. Cooking delicious meals, hugs by the fireplace and kisses on the veranda come into her daily routine. And there, you look, and the ringing of wedding bells will approach. The stars know for sure that a Capricorn woman will be a wonderful wife.

Since childhood, she has been afraid of loneliness, therefore she constantly surrounds herself with lovely creatures. Gallant and sweet, he will find a common language with everyone. The refined nature of this son of Venus cannot stand rudeness and falsehood, because of this, his choice of a lover does not always go without difficulties and problems. The airy man loves art and nature. But beautiful women he loves even more.

He believes in miracles and strives to find his one and only. This quest often leads the son of Venus to several marriages in which he aspires to become ideal husband. If he is lucky, and he finds his ideal, then this will make the Libra man the most happy man in the world.


A Capricorn woman is never idle, but such a hardworking nature needs some rest. The Libra man chooses work so that it is a vacation for him, often turning his hobby into a source of income. Such a versatile person can work as a guide in an art museum or as an artistic director of the city's House of Culture. Or maybe his place of work will be an antiques store, where he will come for deskΧΙΧ century daughter of Saturn. Having listened to the eloquent airy man, she will forget why she came to this store. And therefore, she will agree to discuss the choice of a much-needed piece of furniture for her another time at a joint dinner.


For a date with a Capricorn woman, a Libra man will prepare ahead of time. He will run around all the fashion stores to impress the aristocratic beauty with his appearance. To elegant appearance impeccable manners will be applied. Considering that the daughter of Saturn was not seen in the predilection for frilly outfits, this son of Venus has every chance to outshine his chosen one.

An exquisite dinner in a French restaurant and romantic ballads by lit candles - the Libra man will show his entire arsenal of seduction, just to get into the heart of this serious beauty. But the Capricorn woman is not so easy to charm. Her cold and rational mind knows how to separate the wheat from the chaff, and therefore the continuation of the banquet, already in love with the Libra man, will achieve a long time.


The quick-burning Libra man can't help but fall in love with the cold-looking, intelligent and elegant Capricorn woman. She will keep him at a distance for some time. After all, you need to make sure that this talkative man does not powder her brains and does not work on two fronts, because there are enough women around him.

When the daughter of Saturn is convinced that only she occupies all the attention and thoughts of the airy handsome man, love will carefully enter her heart. And let those around her not believe in her feelings, which the lady of the Earth does not express as clearly as her airy chosen one. The main thing is that, left alone, none of them have any doubts about the reciprocity of their love and the compatibility of Capricorn and Libra in love relationships.


The amorousness of a Libra man can ruin everything. The Capricorn woman will not make scandals. She will simply silently put a suitcase with the things of an air womanizer out of the door and disappear from his life for a long time. Attempts by the son of Venus to call and reach out to the daughter of Saturn will be unsuccessful.

Only after losing such a diamond as the Capricorn woman, the Libra man will understand that not a single new girlfriend can replace true love. Oddly enough, they may well meet again in some museum, and then the airy man will not miss the chance to restore relations. The epilogue of this story may be the handing over of a certain family jewel of the Libra family to the Capricorn woman as a sign of a legal engagement.


When the loving Libra man finally manages to ring his impregnable Capricorn woman, he can even drink a couple of extra glasses of champagne to celebrate. After all, only he knows how much work it cost.

But now the son of Venus does not have to worry about what is happening at his house - Capricorn's wife will keep the apartment in perfect order, his fashionable shirts and suits will be carefully ironed, and countless perfume bottles will be arranged alphabetically on the shelf.

In due time, lovely children will be born, to whom dad will instill a love of art, and mom - to order. And, if things continue like this, there is a chance for a family celebration on the occasion of the silver wedding.


They both do not tolerate injustice and may well converge on this basis.

The modest Capricorn girl may well pay attention to the artistic Libra boy when he sings a song at a matinee in kindergarten. The sociable air baby will not miss the opportunity to find out what this earthly girl is thinking about.

In their youth, this air-earth couple can write a petition against the closure of the nearest museum and even go with it to the Ministry of Culture. And in adulthood the creative abilities of the Libra man and the culinary Capricorn women will save any company.

Old age creeps up unnoticed to the son of Venus and it turns out that the attention of women is no longer so easy to achieve. And he was not used to being without female society. And again, the lifesaver of the Libra man will be an old and faithful friend - the Capricorn woman, who will listen to him with truly angelic patience.


The Capricorn woman does not easily converge with people, she is a demanding and strict boss. The Libra man, on the contrary, strives for a friendly atmosphere and harmony. If you combine the efforts of this air-earth pair, you can get an ideal enterprise based on business compatibility Libra men and Capricorn women.

The daughter of Saturn will be responsible for compliance with the rules and control of the result, and the son of Venus will be responsible for the morale in the team and the generation of ideas. It is also better to entrust the financial side of projects earthly woman- she always knows how much savings she has and what balance is on all accounts of the company. The Libra man is not going smoothly with this area - he is sometimes even embarrassed to ask for his own earned money.

So only the union of these pets of Earth and Air can lead to the desired result. This tandem can successfully master the architecture and museum business, education and creative studios, cinema and painting.

Capricorn Man and Libra Woman Compatibility

Without wasting time on empty talk, he stubbornly moves towards his goal, which he outlined for himself in his youth. This silent handsome man, similar to James Bond, is hard to miss for women. However, it is not easy to get his attention. Flirting, coquetry and other feminine things do not affect the son of Saturn at all.

His chosen one should be smart, decent and calm. And, if beauty is added to this set, complete with an excellent pedigree, then you can safely count on the fact that this couple will reach the altar. And after the wedding, Capricorn's wife can be sure that with her husband she will be like behind a stone wall.

Always well-groomed and charming, she claims to be considered the first beauty of the Zodiac. She is surrounded by crowds of admirers from early childhood, both boys and sedate old men fall at her feet.

How, with such success with the male sex, can this daughter of Venus successfully avoid female envy? The stars say that the answer is simple - this airy lady has a soft, complaisant character. She is not envious and non-conflict, she always weighs everything several times before making a decision. Therefore, in the marriage market, Libra women are in great demand.


The Capricorn man rarely appears in nightclubs or in noisy restaurants, he appreciates his comfort and convenience too much. The Libra woman spends most of her time in beauty salons and at cultural events.

Where can these representatives of Earth and Air meet? One of the most likely places for acquaintance may be some historical museum with an exposition of old paintings and jewelry. The son of Saturn loves to look into the past, and the daughter of Venus will not miss the opportunity to admire the works of art. Somewhere at the showcase with the crown of the ancient dynasty, Cupid's arrow will overtake them, laying the foundation for the compatibility of Libra and Capricorn in love.


A sophisticated and impressionable Libra woman will look forward to a date with a courageous Capricorn. In her dreams, she already imagined how their wedding ceremony would take place, and what the names of their common children would be.

The down-to-earth son of Saturn is not even aware of this, but he will be very glad to see this charming and feminine daughter of Venus again. Joint visit to the exhibition vintage postcards smoothly flow into a gourmet dinner in a small medieval restaurant. After a delicious meal and a pleasant conversation, it would be quite logical to arrange the next meeting.


Love is something that has been in the mind of a Libra woman almost non-stop since early childhood. Therefore, the Capricorn man should stay away from the amorous daughter of Venus, if he does not have serious intentions. But if the flame of love captured the impenetrable son of Saturn, then this story has every chance of ending in a happy family life.

Only the jealousy of Capricorn can prevent this love from becoming ideal, because the Libra woman will not decrease in fans, even if she is in a serious relationship. To avoid this, a serious and taciturn earthly man will have to learn to say compliments and words of love to his airy lady more often, because it is known that women love with their ears.


The relationship of this air-earth pair will be non-conflict. The Libra woman is a well-known peacemaker, and the Capricorn man is also not a fan of sorting things out.

Problems can arise when the airy lady moves into the house of an earthly guy with all her cute knick-knacks, ottomans and bows. The stern son of Saturn can settle for a couple of watercolors and an antique coffee table at most, while the daughter of Venus will suffer in the ascetic setting of his home. A compromise could be an invitation to an interior designer in search of a golden mean.


The wedding of Capricorn man and Libra woman will attract the attention of many. The beauty of the bride, the masculinity of the groom and the truly royal scale of the celebration. Bringing the son of Saturn to the altar is not an easy task, but for the daughter of Venus, who began planning her wedding in kindergarten, it is quite doable.

The decoration of their home will be distinguished by sophistication and an abundance of antiques. There will be a distribution of duties in the kitchen - on weekdays, Capricorn's husband will cook simple meals, and on weekends, Libra's wife will pamper the family with haute cuisine. The children of this couple will be small charming angels with a strong character.

And, if some other courageous handsome man does not take away the amorous daughter of Venus from the family nest, then they will live together happily ever after.


Sociable and flirtatious baby Libra has been surrounded by boys since childhood, but her baby Capricorn will be interested in her, who will not pay attention to her. This acquaintance can benefit both - the disciplined and not very sociable Capricorn boy will painlessly join the children's team, and the Libra girl, who is always hesitant in making decisions, will learn to be more independent.

In his youth, an airy coquette can for some time throw his earthly friend, who is heavy on the rise. But, as adults, they will understand that such relationships cannot be lost and will consult with each other, as they once did in childhood.


The Capricorn man is a born businessman. He always goes straight to the goal, believes in himself and does not notice obstacles. The Libra woman is a creative person and an excellent diplomat. She is well versed in all types of art and is familiar with all the iconic figures of world culture, but she has a difficult relationship with money.

Therefore, the business union of this air-earth couple can become very successful due to the fact that the son of Saturn and the daughter of Venus perfectly complement each other. Cooperation in the field of show business, architecture, organization of exhibitions and creative studios is most suitable for them.

Compatibility of Capricorn and Libra in love and marriage as a percentage is high, about 80%. Already in the first minutes of acquaintance, a strong bond is established between them. This novel can be called fabulous because there is no misunderstanding between people from the very beginning, they are almost perfect for each other in everything. Their union is strong and indestructible, like a wall. Accustomed to weighing everything, such a sign perfectly complements and supports the thrifty Capricorn in everything.

How does the element affect a love affair

Compatibility in the love relationship of earth and air is a moot point. The Libra woman and the Capricorn man often cannot find a common language due to their diverse outlook on life. The rich inner world of air representatives is not always clear to the pragmatic Capricornus, who appreciates the material side of life more. The sexual energy and strength of Capricorn is sometimes put off by the second sign represented. For a Libra girl and a Capricorn man, it can be difficult to understand each other because for an earth sign, sex will still be the main thing in a relationship, but for an air representative of a horoscope, a mental connection is more important than a bodily one.

On the other hand, the air carries the seeds that make the earth fertile. From this point of view, the compatibility of a Capricorn woman and a Libra man will be higher than the compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Libra woman. earth signs have innate leadership qualities and tend to overwhelm their partner. Sexual Compatibility Libra men and Capricorn girls are much better than Capricorn men and Libra women. The fact is that the Capricorn girl is often sexually insecure and therefore, courteous and gentle representatives of the air element are able to awaken ardent love and passion in her.

Capricorn woman and Libra man

The compatibility of Capricorn and Libra is justified by their spiritual closeness. Their thinking is pretty much the same, so conflict situations occur very rarely. Libra man and Capricorn woman feel comfortable together. Both of them are alien to excessive wastefulness, they make decisions mutually. However, the desire for leadership can sometimes play a cruel joke. Capricornus is ruled by Mars and therefore can often be overly aggressive.

Friendly relations

These two signs will be perfectly combined in friendly and friendly relations. Due to the fact that they have similar temperaments, they will always find a common language.

The Libra man in friendship will be more accommodating and compliant, but in general, the friendship between a Capricorn woman and a Libra man is the perfect combination.

What will be the union

Capricorn and Libra build an alliance on mutual agreement. The Capricorn girl in love is trusting and vulnerable, often because of this she gets into awkward situations, succumbing to momentary weaknesses, but for the sake of her man she will do anything. She is scrupulous and picky, in her life everything is according to the charter. The Capricorn man has exactly the same qualities. Capricornus habits are difficult to change, but for the sake of a loved one, he can do anything and even give in a little.

Libra man is able to conquer masculinity and determination. The perseverance of Capricornus of a man will quickly win the heart of any lady. They are endowed with innate wisdom. Their inner world is rich and beautiful. The air and earth signs complement each other perfectly. Without the air that governs the sign in question, the earth that governs Capricornus will not bear fruit. Such a union is blessed by the stars themselves. People's interest in each other does not fade until old age, together they are not afraid of any problems, unless of course they can find a compromise. In many ways, family life will depend on the position of the Moon, as well as the ascendant and the exact time of birth.

How compatible in bed

Capricorn woman and Libra man are ideally compatible not only spiritually, but in bed they can give each other unearthly pleasure, which is very important for Capricorn. A woman in such a pair prefers to get real pleasure, and the guy is able to "hear" his soul mate.

Sex in such a couple will never be boring. Both signs are full of passion and love for each other, so such lovers get married very often.

General business

If a Capricorn woman and a Libra man have a joint business, they will be able to achieve great heights. In such unions, there are never "guilty" ones. All problems are solved mutually and, I must say, successfully.

Both representatives of this couple know what it is not just to command, but also to participate in the work process. Therefore, it is easy for them to find a common language and solve every problem in the bud.

Capricorn man and Libra woman

The Capricorn man is attractive to the Libra girl with his housekeeping and ability to think rationally. For him it perfect wife. Libra woman, Capricorn man - this union is made in heaven. A sexy, attractive girl knows perfectly well how to hook a guy who is sometimes too meticulous. The couple may disagree about money. Economic Capricorn does not understand how you can spend a fortune on trinkets.

How compatible in love

The compatibility of the signs Capricorn and Libra is quite high in love relationships, due to the difference in characters. And although, at the beginning, the girl of Libra is frightened by the strong pressure of her partner, over time, her prudent brain understands that there is no better partner who can cover the rear and provide the family with finances. Such a woman knows how to firmly tie a guy to her. She skillfully directs him, pretending that everything is in his hands and he has complete freedom of action.

Libra is romantic by nature, so Capricorns need to pamper their soulmate with attention more often, and not just deal with themselves and business. But Libra should pay more attention to bodily contacts and then family life will be filled with new colors for both. For earth signs, sex itself is probably not as important as touching hands, hugs and kisses when they can “touch” love. Family life such different people often causes envy and girlfriends begin to intrigue in order to upset the marriage, so communication with friends should be limited to both spouses and spend more time together.

work area

If the compatibility horoscope of Libra and Capricorn in love and marriage says that there may be misunderstanding in a relationship, then everything is perfect in their work. Their common activity causes the envy of those around them with their coherence and high results. Thanks to the natural instinct of Libra and the high efficiency of Capricorns, their business is always successful. Sometimes, of course, they may have a conflict of interest, because it is typical for Capricorn to devote themselves completely to work, and Libra often hover in the clouds, but in general, such a tandem can serve as an example for others.

How compatible in friendship

In friendship, both Libra and Capricorn are very devoted to each other. But Capricorns often get into trouble because of their gullibility. They can give the last to a friend whom they did not immediately understand, while Libra first weighs everything. In friendship, the Capricorn man and the Libra woman do not spill water. Many may envy such a relationship.

In friendship, these signs of the zodiac are attracted by a common worldview and the ability to keep up a conversation. Capricorn beckons people with his mind and ability to support any conversation. Often, these are comprehensively developed personalities, without unnecessary pretentiousness, who do not like to shock the public and attract attention to themselves with clothes, as they do fire signs. Capricorn in Libra is attracted to their rich inner world.

The influence of the year of birth on love affairs

The lunar disk influences all people. Depending on whether it was in the growth or decline phase at the time of birth, character traits will manifest themselves to a greater or lesser extent, so people of the same sign can be completely different. For example, Capricornus, who was born at the beginning of the month on the new moon, will be more influenced by the elements of the earth, respectively, he will be little concerned about questions spiritual development, and those who were born in the waning phase, on the contrary, will be more creative natures and less aggressive.

The compatibility of the signs Capricorn and Libra will largely depend on the year of birth of people. The combination of certain qualities that animals endow people from Eastern horoscope, can unite or vice versa separate a couple. Compatibility of Capricorn and Libra, according to the year of birth, is presented below.

  1. The relationship between Capricorn Rat and the girl Libra is possible only if they are business partners, in love they will face a complete failure. The rat believes that nothing else is more important than money and carnal pleasures, so the person is thin and graceful inner world they are of little interest.
  2. The compatibility of the signs Capricorn - Ox and Libra is also low. Bulls are distinguished by their perseverance and desire for leadership, they often become bosses, but here's how husbands can be cruel tyrants that Libra will not be able to withstand.
  3. The tiger makes the phlegmatic Capricorn more sociable, emotional. Such a person has many talents, so the Libra and Capricorn Tiger couples have every chance to live together all their lives.
  4. Pairs of Libra and Capricorn - Rabbit can be called ideal. The Rabbit reduces the negative impact of Mars and makes the earth sign more supple and flexible.
  5. The Dragon gives Capricorns the ability to be indulgent and patient. Capricorn and Libra Dragons can build ideal relationship, and establish an entire business empire.
  6. The snake is also not good partner for living together married. People controlled by a reptile are distinguished by their unusual straightforwardness, sometimes crossing all boundaries, and in combination with the aggression of Capricorn or the pragmatism of Libra, it gives an explosive mixture.
  7. The horse is a good wife and mother.
  8. The goat makes Capricorns more calm. Such people most often work in creative teams, where they get acquainted with Libra, who, like the sun, bring joy to their lives and become their muses.
  9. The guy - Monkey, born under the sign of the zodiac Capricorn, loves a vibrant life, strives to be in the spotlight, so he is unlikely to be able to find a common language with Libra, except at a more mature age, when his youthful maximalism passes and he cools down a bit.
  10. The rooster endows people with creative abilities. If the Capricorn guy was born in the year of the Rooster, he has every chance to win the heart of the beautiful Libra and achieve her love.
  11. The dog is the perfect companion in life. People born in the year of the Dog are loyal and hardworking, they cannot be frightened by difficulties.
  12. The Pig girl will become a wonderful mother, such a wife always knows how to keep her man.

Summarizing information

In general, the union between these two signs is quite favorable if people learn to give in and hide some of their emotions. Of course, this is more about the quick-tempered Capricorns, although Libra men also have some incontinence, especially those born in the growth phase of the moon. Libra woman and Capricorn man good couple. He is strong, smart, attractive, can provide his lady with a comfortable existence.

> Libra and Capricorn Compatibility

Most often, the normal relationship between them is the result of not zodiac compatibility, but only their over effort and great desire to establish understanding, despite no irritants. Character, outlook and way of life are very different. Libra, with its sociability and openness, meets with the closed and self-centered Capricorn. It is incredibly difficult for them to come to a common opinion. Unshakable in its decisions and motives, the earthly Capricorn does not realize why the air partner has so many doubts. But there is hope, since each of them is still ready to give in if necessary.

Libra and Capricorn Love Compatibility

In love, Capricorn often feels desire towards Libra. But Libra sees a good prospect, because a serious and wealthy partner is able to provide luxurious conditions for existence. Therefore, they try to please him, indulge in weaknesses and embody sexual fantasies. But such a passion cannot be called stormy and sizzling. So exclusively in the images of lovers, their relationship will not last long.

The couple had very different personalities. However, they are able to create a really strong and successful love union, because their distinctive features find a response in a partner and turn them into a single whole. Therefore, yesterday's enemies easily become in love.

She always speaks bluntly, is categorical in conclusions and is slightly inferior in terms of romance and affection to other representatives of the zodiac circle. He conquers her with his elegance and softness. Capricorn, without fear, will risk taking control of relationships into her own hands, since her strength and will will be enough for two. But over time, there are so many household chores that she is not able to bear this load alone. Then the girl will make an attempt to attract the other half. But the result will not live up to her expectations, and she will behave aggressively. True, none of them follow the path of open confrontation, and this will help save the relationship from a serious scandal.

The stumbling block will be the topic of the family budget, or rather the distribution of expenses. Capricorn feels panic if the bank account does not have a certain amount for a rainy day, so it tends to save. But the windy guy does not think about it and gives in to impulses. So that this does not quarrel the spouses, you should immediately discuss how much to put aside and what can be spent on entertainment and needs.

The young man is responsible for the emotional background in the family. It is from him that how romantic and harmonious their love union will be. But a patient and hardworking girl will be an excellent support.

Due to confusion and contradictions, they can bring an initially beneficial combination to collapse. And this despite the fact that both understand each other and even successfully run a business or somehow intersect in work. In most cases, it is after a business transaction or cooperation that they move on to close communication and fall in love. Such couples diverge by some absurd accident. And this is not a peaceful separation. Before slamming the door, the spouses will have time to remember every puncture, slip and resentment.

If between them there are no connections in the work, then they do not see the reasons why they stay together. Everyone stands by his own opinion to the last, and no one considers himself obliged to compromise. Any concession is perceived as submission, and this lies below their dignity. Therefore, they will fight for a dominant position in marriage, even at the cost of joint happiness.

Very rarely they stay for years, and for life - this is generally from the realm of fantasy. To achieve this, these people have to climb out of their skin. But it is very difficult for them to adapt. But the horoscope claims that this is much easier to do if you take care of compatibility from the very first meeting and sincerely love your partner. To correct the situation, they should remember that there is simply no other way. Rules must be introduced into everyday life immediately, and no one should think that he is sacrificing himself. If one becomes a prisoner and the other an executioner, then sooner or later they will part, leaving a painful wound on the heart.

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Articles dedicated to Capricorn

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