Aries and Sagittarius love compatibility. Aries and Sagittarius Love Compatibility

June 1, 2015, 15 lunar day (19:21), Moon in Sagittarius (21:38), phase 2. Today there is an overexpenditure of energy. Save your energy, don't waste it. Try to avoid conflicts. If you quarrel with someone today, reconciliation will not happen very soon. It is recommended to take risks in this one. Particular care should be taken in financial matters.

June 2, 2015 16 lunar day (20:26), Moon in Sagittarius, full moon (19:20). Time to do household chores and pay attention to the family. The issues of raising children can be solved easily and with excellent results. Today, one should renounce the manifestation of aggression and avoid participation in disputes. It is better to postpone the clarification of the relationship for another day.

June 3, 2015 17 lunar day (21:25), Moon in Sagittarius, phase 3. Today is a joyful day to look forward to pleasant surprises. Chat with those you like, organize holidays, arrange romantic dates. Be sincere and cheerful, avoid boredom and make any disagreements a joke.

June 4, 2015 18 lunar day (22:17), Moon in Capricorn (3:49), phase 3. On this day, the mind should keep feelings under control. Having gone on about emotions, you can become a victim of deception or fall under the influence of others. Alcohol today is not the best adviser, so it is better to stop using it. Physical exercises, massage and anti-aging beauty treatments will be useful.

June 5, 2015 Continuation of the 18 lunar day, Moon in Capricorn, phase 3. On this day, the mind should keep feelings under control. Having gone on about emotions, you can become a victim of deception or fall under the influence of others. Alcohol today is not the best adviser, so it is better to stop using it. Physical exercises, massage and anti-aging beauty treatments will be useful.

June 6, 2015 19 lunar day (23:00), Moon in Aquarius (8:00), phase 3. The day is good for solitude and reflection. Stay away from the fuss and heated debate, try to resist the temptations. Today you should not make promises - it is unlikely that you will be able to fulfill them. To avoid food poisoning, be careful when choosing food.

June 7, 2015 20 lunar day (23:36), Moon in Aquarius, phase 3. Active actions will bring the result today. Cast aside doubts and direct all your efforts to achieve your goal. You can safely start new business and accept important decisions. The day is good for decision family problems and outdoor walks.

June 8, 2015 21 lunar days (0:07), Moon in Pisces (11:15), phase 3. The day is filled with creative energy. Create something new, take risks, communicate with unusual people. You will have time for a lot if you do not become lazy and get distracted by trifles. Today, exercise is good for health. A good time for dates, engagements and marriages.

June 9, 2015 22 lunar day (0:34), Moon in Pisces, last quarter (18:42). It is better not to start new business today. Solve household issues, communicate with relatives. Do not deny yourself a rest if you feel that it is necessary. The day is unusually good for receiving, understanding and transmitting information.

June 10, 2015 23 lunar day (0:59), Moon in Aries (14:12), phase 4. Any communication today can lead to conflict. Do not fall for provocations and be careful in in public places. Avoid alcohol and eat in moderation. The day is completely unsuitable for romantic dates and sex.

June 11, 2015, 24 lunar day (1:22), Moon in Aries, 4th phase. The day is good for all sorts of undertakings. Creative plans can be fully realized. The body is under the control of the mind, while physical activity helps to restore mental balance. Dates are very successful, and sex has a healing effect.

June 12, 2015 25 lunar day (1:47), Moon in Taurus (17:15), phase 4. Intuition today tells right decisions. To hear her voice, stay in solitude. Finish old things, but do not start new ones. You will have a good rest if you visit the pool or sauna. Do not abuse chemical drugs and give up rich food.

June 13, 2015 26 lunar day (2:15), Moon in Taurus, 4th phase. You are given a chance to look at yourself from the outside and correct the mistakes you have made. Don't hang out with people you're not interested in and don't gossip. Today, this can lead to energy losses. Control yourself when shopping: you can spend money completely for nothing.

June 14, 2015 27 lunar day (2:46), Moon in Gemini (20:49), phase 4. Today success is possible business area. Don't be afraid of change. They can take you to new level development. A good time for self-knowledge and self-education. The day is also suitable for trips (only overland) and communication with older relatives.

June 15, 2015 28 lunar day (3:23), Moon in Gemini, phase 4. Good mood- pledge have a good day. Remain calm and accept philosophically everything that happens. Do good deeds with joy, give attention to loved ones. Today it is necessary to monitor the pressure and take care of the eyes.

June 16, 2015 29, 1 lunar days(4:08), Moon in Gemini, new moon (17:06). The day is good for analysis life path, planning and self-improvement. Do not stay in crowded places for a long time. Personal relationships can be forged. Forgive those who offended you, and make the necessary apologies yourself. Avoid physical activity. Today they are fraught with injuries.

June 17, 2015 2 lunar day (5:00), Moon in Cancer (1:49), 1st phase. Time to implement the plan. Don't let doubt or laziness get the better of you. Be confident in yourself under any circumstances. The day is good for fasting, choosing the right diet and calculating physical activity. Pay attention to the condition of your teeth.

June 18, 2015 3 lunar day (5:59), Moon in Cancer, 1st phase. An energetic day. Both physical and mental activity is necessary. Lethargy and apathy can lead to unpleasant consequences. Keep emotions under control and avoid unpleasant experiences. It is better to postpone the decision of financial issues for another time.

June 19, 2015 4 lunar day (7:03), Moon in Leo (9:21), 1 phase. The day is not conducive to initiative and active communication. Change is unlikely, and therefore it is not worth striving for them with all your might. Do not overwork at work - this can lead to leakage vital energy. A country walk will have a good effect on well-being.

June 20, 2015 5 lunar day (8:09), Moon in Leo, 1st phase. Today you should not start new business, especially those related to finances. The results may be completely undesirable. Plans can and should be made. Don't be afraid to be emotional, stand up for your views, and don't let yourself be confused. Romantic acquaintances leading to the creation of a family are likely.

June 21, 2015 6 lunar day (9:15), Moon in Virgo (19:57), 1 phase. The day is perfect for socializing. Ask questions and get information, share knowledge. Talk about your experiences, but do not complain about life. Anti-aging procedures, breathing exercises, sauna and aromatherapy will have a good effect today. Hair should not be cut or dyed.

June 22, 2015 7 lunar day (10:22), Moon in Virgo, 1st phase. Time to implement well thought out plans. Be bold, but don't take unnecessary risks. Be honest with those around you. Deceptions and omissions on this day will not lead to anything good. The best conversations today are about love. Make romantic dates and don't hold back on impulses of passion.

June 23, 2015 8 lunar day (11:28), Moon in Virgo, 1st phase. Today is a mood swing day. Try to keep positive in yourself and not be led by base desires. You can turn your life for the better if you carefully consider what is happening around you and draw the right conclusions. Do not lead a sedentary lifestyle and abuse alcohol.

June 24, 2015 9 lunar day (12:34), Moon in Libra (8:39), first quarter (14:03). The day promises to be busy. Misunderstandings, deceptions and provocations are possible. Whatever happens, stay calm and think logically. Do not start new cases - they are unlikely to end as you plan. Spend time with your family, take care of the development of children and home improvement.

June 25, 2015 10 lunar day (13:40), Moon in Libra, phase 2. A good, happy day is expected. Engage in self-knowledge and self-improvement, immerse yourself in pleasant memories. You can correct past mistakes and make amends with those you hurt. Romantic relationship, which will be tied today, will be harmonious and durable.

June 26, 2015 11 lunar day (14:47), Moon in Scorpio (20:55), phase 2. Clearly define your goals and move decisively towards them. If you start to sit still, the stormy energy of the day will overwhelm you and push you to irrational actions. Do not quit the things you have started and show increased attention to detail. It is better not to tell anyone about plans for the future.

June 27, 2015 12 lunar day (15:55), Moon in Scorpio, phase 2. The day is good for introspection and self-improvement. Stay in solitude, find time for meditation and cleansing practices. Eat less roughage and avoid alcohol. Today you can safely start a course of treatment - the process will go without a hitch, and the result will exceed expectations.

June 28, 2015 13 lunar day (17:03), Moon in Scorpio, phase 2. The day is good for communication and gaining knowledge. Collect and analyze information, make plans, but do not start new business. The return of past problems should not scare you. Today you can easily get rid of them, and this time for good.

June 29, 2015 14 lunar day (18:10), Moon in Sagittarius (6:20), phase 2. The day is perfect for bold and decisive action. You can start something new and important, make a breakthrough in current affairs, go on a trip or change jobs. Everyone will get their chance to improve their lives. The main task is to catch luck by the tail and fully realize the opportunities provided.

June 30, 2015 15 lunar day (19:12), Moon in Sagittarius, phase 2. Today there is an overexpenditure of energy. Save your energy, don't waste it. Try to avoid conflicts. If you quarrel with someone today, reconciliation will not happen very soon. Taking risks on this day is not recommended. Particular care must be taken in financial matters.

Note! Moon calendar for June 2015, phases of the moon, lunar days are calculated according to Moscow time.

The moon influences not only all living things around us, but also internal state each person. That is why it is necessary to often look into the lunar calendar for June 2015. It will help a person to determine the favorable and unfortunate days of his life. It turns out that every day of the lunar calendar for June 2015 is filled with positive or negative energy. If a person learns to feel the rhythms of the moon, he will be able to manage his life and mood without any problems. The lunar calendar for June 2015 has existed for more than one millennium, but modern people and today enjoy using it useful tips.

June 1, 2015
Growing Moon in Scorpio (until 21:38), 14th lunar day (until 20:19)
Today you can pamper your stomach with Japanese dishes. Legumes will be well digested. Try to avoid conflicts with other people. A lot of things don't work out the way you planned. There may be problems with the pancreas and thyroid gland. Normalize your diet so as not to tear your stomach.

June 2, 2015
Moon in Sagittarius, 15th lunar day (until 21:24), Full Moon arrives (at 20:20)
Do as many good deeds as possible today. It is advisable to clean up the apartment, and organize repairs. A great day for signing contracts and dating. Eliminate intimate relationships and do not eat fatty foods. Monitor the work of the cardiovascular system.

June 3, 2015
Waning Moon in Sagittarius, 16th lunar day (until 22:23)
On this day, you can have fun, have a holiday and a friendly party. Feel free to go on a long trip. It is recommended to communicate, share secrets and make connections. Be careful on the road!

June 4, 2015
Waning Moon in Capricorn (from 05:29), 17th lunar day (until 23:15)
If you were planning a trip, then you can hit the road. Engage in the cleansing of the spiritual side and do not be selfish. It is not advisable to drink alcohol and smoke! New things are better to postpone. Visit the sauna and bath, where you clean your skin. Eliminate meat dishes from your diet.

June 5, 2015
Waning Moon in Capricorn, 18th lunar day (until 23:59)
Today we need to finish what we started earlier. You can meet new people and build business relationships. In order to look good, you need to visit the sauna and hairdresser. All today's actions are a consequence of the past.

June 6, 2015
Waning Moon in Aquarius (from 10:14), 19th lunar day
You can retire, take a walk and go somewhere. This day is not suitable for marriage. Take care of the nervous system so that there is no breakdown. May aggravate bowel disease and appendix.

June 7, 2015
Waning Moon in Aquarius, 20th lunar day (from 00:36)
If you set a goal, then move towards its implementation. It is advisable to do important things, not daily affairs. A great time to create coziness in the house. If you have health problems, then go on a diet. Pay special attention to the spine and abdominal cavity.

June 8, 2015
Waning Moon in Pisces (from 13:34), 21st lunar day (from 01:06)
You can find new interesting work. Water procedures will be useful for healing the body. Be energetic, communicate with people and do not retire. It is advisable to do sports and stay awake. Start the fight with bad habits and don't overload your liver.

June 9, 2015
Waning Moon in Pisces, 22nd lunar day (from 01:33), The Last Quarter is coming (at 19:42)
Today you can make predictions for the future. Hone your skills and share experience with colleagues. It is useful to engage in historical research and the study of the archive. The day is not suitable for travel. Take care of your spine and lower abdomen.

June 10, 2015
Waning Moon in Aries (from 16:29), 23rd lunar day (from 01:58)
This day is better to devote to household chores. If you want, then organize a trip out of town. Eliminate being in the company of people and do not go on about emotions. Vulnerable will be - the back and the reproductive system.

June 11, 2015
Waning Moon in Aries, 24th lunar day (from 02:22)
Today you can start building housing or work on the site. Organize new activities and strengthen the body with the help of yoga. Travel to nature to cleanse the spiritual side of life.

June 12, 2015
Waning Moon in Taurus (from 19:21), 25th lunar day (from 02:46)
If you are patient and calm, you will succeed. Listen to your inner voice and fast for better health. It is important not to fuss and observe the events taking place.

June 13, 2015
Waning Moon in Taurus, 26th lunar day (from 03:14)
Explore the deeper aspects of the spiritual life. Look closely at people so as not to be mistaken in their sincerity. Assess the situation based on reality. It is not advisable to communicate with unfamiliar individuals. Save energy! Be gentle and kind to your loved ones.

June 14, 2015
Waning Moon in Taurus (until 22:30), 27th lunar day (from 03:45)
Today it is desirable to go to the sea and relax. Do not look at yourself in the mirror, otherwise you will be disappointed in yourself. If you feel nervous exhaustion, then spend calming sessions.

June 15, 2015
Waning Moon in Gemini, 28th lunar day (from 04:22)
You can go shopping, start new business and create positive energy around you. It is useful to do work in the garden. Keep control of your mood! Headaches and high blood pressure may appear. Do not read books so as not to overload your eyesight.

June 16, 2015
Moon in the sign of Gemini, 29th (from 05:07) and 1st (from 18:06) lunar day, New Moon is coming (at 18:06)
Be responsible at work today. Eliminate nervous tension and relax at home. A sparing diet will not interfere. Soak your feet in cool water before going to bed. Postpone urgent matters, do not drink alcohol and do not eat spicy food.

June 17, 2015
Growing Moon in Cancer (from 02:38), 2nd lunar day (from 05:59)
A great day to organize long trips. Be generous to people. For creative impulses, sales and communication - a wonderful time! Cleanse the body of toxins and take a closer look at the oral cavity.

June 18, 2015
Growing Moon in Cancer, 3rd lunar day (from 06:58)
Today you can visit the bathhouse and do martial arts. If you work with metal, then things will go well. Extinguish your aggressive attitude towards people. Pay attention to the condition of the back of the head.

June 19, 2015
Growing Moon in Leo (from 09:07), 4th lunar day (from 08:01)
Plant flowers and enjoy nature. You can engage in active trading. Suddenly missing things will be found today. Shrubs should not be cut in the area. Take care of your health, otherwise the disease will be serious.

June 20, 2015
Growing Moon in Leo, 5th lunar day (from 09:07)
Watch carefully what you eat. There may be poisoning from overeating and poor-quality food. Problems with the intestines, esophagus and stomach are possible.

June 21, 2015

Growing Moon in Leo (until 21:17), 6th lunar day (from 10:14)
If the other day you lost something, then today you will definitely find these things. To make your dreams come true, do not retell them to anyone. Vulnerable will be the lungs and bronchi. Great day for skin rejuvenation.

June 22, 2015
Growing Moon in Virgo, 7th lunar day (from 11:21)
Any purchases today will be successful. Marriage is not recommended, otherwise it will be short-lived. Eat chicken and eggs. Surgical operations, except for dental ones, set aside for another day.

June 23, 2015
Growing Moon in Virgo, 8th lunar day (from 12:27)
Plan the construction of the house, decorate the interior and rearrange the furniture. Exclude water procedures and the use of alcohol. To avoid stomach problems, you need to starve a little. You can make medicine at home.

June 24, 2015
Growing Moon in Libra (from 08:44), 9th lunar day (from 13:32), The first quarter is coming (at 15:03)
You can go to distant countries or relax at home. Control your behavior and do not be passive in business. Do not overload the psyche, so as not to go into depression. Pay all attention to the work of the heart!

June 25, 2015
Growing Moon in Libra, 10th lunar day (from 14:39)
It is advisable to relax with your family. Trade and minor repairs will go well. Feel free to start something radically new. Try not to quarrel with your loved one. Eat well, but don't starve.

June 26, 2015
Growing Moon in Libra (until 21:28), 11th lunar day (from 15:45)
All past deeds today will require completion. If a knife or fork falls from the table, then this is a nuisance. Important issues should not be addressed today. Chronic diseases can worsen, so take care of your health. Do not go on a trip and plan to move.

June 27, 2015
Growing Moon in Scorpio, 12th lunar day (from 16:53)
On this day, your cherished desires will come true. Give gifts to loved ones, ask for forgiveness and be merciful. Work in the garden and be optimistic! Be more attentive to state of mind. There may be problems with the lungs and the cardiovascular system.

June 28, 2015
Growing Moon in Scorpio, 13th lunar day (from 18:01)
The day is suitable for study and cooking. You can do needlework and make household items. You should not go on a long trip. It is advisable to do skin rejuvenation. New cases will be successfully implemented.

June 29, 2015
Growing Moon in Sagittarius (from 07:48), 14th lunar day (from 19:08)
You can move to another job, go on a trip and do business. Music and creativity are suitable for spiritual "food". Go to the gym or do exercises in the morning.

June 30, 2015
Growing Moon in Sagittarius, 14th lunar day (until 20:11)
Eat Japanese food today. Do not swear with loved ones and save your nerves. For intimacy the day doesn't work. Important things should not be done. Pay special attention to the work of the thyroid gland, stomach and diaphragm.

In June, the dawn converges with the dawn.

In June, raspberries, viburnum, rose hips begin to bloom. Strawberries ripen in the second half of the month (photo). Near fruit trees and in the beds, the earth is carefully loosened, destroying weeds along the way. Vegetables and fruit trees are constantly watered, during irrigation, you can fertilize, and pinch tomatoes. After flowering, it is advisable to treat fruit trees against pests.
Potatoes are spudded in the middle of the month. Supports are placed under climbing plants. Entrances of carrots and cucumbers should be thinned out. Loosening cucumber beds is not recommended, as the roots of these vegetables are located close to the surface.
Flowers in June need to be watered, weeded and loosened, and the soil around them needs to be fed. It is better to water flower beds in the early morning, as during the day the leaves can deteriorate from watering in the sun.

Folk signs about the weather in June:
June will show how to be December, and December - June.
Sultry June - spit on mushrooms.
June - summer for the heat, and the sun for the winter.

Based on one interesting folk sign, we will try to compile together with you, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan work garden season 2015.

Thematic table - a selection from the main, universal gardener-gardener calendar:

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is maintained by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time * )

Moon calendar

Garden work, plant care activities

from 01 June 2015 00:00 (Mon)
to 01 June 2015 19:18 (Mon)
Auspicious days for watering and fertilizing fruit trees and vegetable crops with mullein infusion. Sowing legumes (beans, peas, beans) green crops (various varieties of lettuce, dill, etc.). Soaking seeds of zucchini, pumpkins and cucumbers and sowing them in greenhouses, under film shelter or seedlings (according to weather conditions). Planting seedlings of white cabbage. Sowing seeds of late varieties of cauliflower in the nursery for autumn consumption. It is possible to plant seedlings of pepper, tomatoes, eggplants in greenhouses under additional cover; planting seedlings of zucchini, pumpkin, squash in open ground under shelter. Favorable time for planting raspberries, currants, gooseberries, honeysuckle, mountain ash, and roses. The slope and garter of annual growths of the apple tree, the rooting of strawberry rosettes, which will be required to renew the plantation. Soil loosening and mulching, composting. Transplanting indoor flowers. You can sow seeds or dive seedlings of perennials into open ground. We still have a blog "", entry only from the lunar calendar
from 01 June 2015 19:18 (Mon)
to June 03, 2015 21:22 (Wed)


Prohibited days of working with plants. Not auspicious days for salting. (Do not salt, for example, cucumbers on a full moon.) Collection of flowers, leaves and herbs of medicinal plants. Loosening and mulching of the soil is possible.
June 02, 2015 19:19 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid lunar month, - until June 01, 2015 21:39 Moon in Scorpio, then in Sagittarius
from June 03, 2015 21:22 (Wed)
to 04 June 2015 03:50 (Thu)

Waning Moon in Sagittarius

This period can be used by residents of the Far East and Eastern Siberia.
Plowing, digging, loosening and mulching of the soil. Carrying out sowing of root crops (carrots, root parsley), in greenhouses and hotbeds, sow radishes, daikon, summer radish, turnips. It is possible to plant onions on a turnip, spring garlic and potatoes. Planted with potatoes, beans and beans enrich the soil with nitrogen and repel the Colorado potato beetle. Effective spraying of fruit trees and berry bushes from pests, diseases; heat-loving crops, as well as poorly overwintered and recently planted trees and shrubs with growth stimulants.

June 3 (23.05 style) - Elena and Konstantin (Deer Day)
"Deer day - plant cucumbers. If there is bad weather on the Deer, then autumn will be rainy"

from 04 June 2015 03:50 (Thu)
to June 06, 2015 08:02 (Sat)

Waning Moon in Capricorn

Weed control, loosening and mulching of the soil. Sowing radish for winter storage, the second sowing of turnips. Raking the soil from the onion bulbs, hilling the leek. Application of fertilizers for root crops and potatoes. Top dressing of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage. Top dressing of fruit trees, berry bushes and raspberries.

In June, pinching tomatoes is still a hot topic. For readers visiting our calendar for the first time, I am transferring the link to the video: from the May page of the calendar. How the formation of tomatoes is carried out and the VIDEO of their stepsoning can also be viewed by clicking on the picture (a new window will open).

For pinching tomatoes, you do not have to wait for favorable days. Stepson tomatoes begin no earlier than two weeks after transplanting seedlings to a permanent place, but then, the sooner you remove the stepson, the better - the plant will not waste its strength in vain ...
from 06 June 2015 08:02 (Sat)
to June 08, 2015 11:16 (Mon)

Waning Moon in Aquarius

Unfavorable days for planting and sowing plants. Spraying vegetable crops with growth stimulants; fruit trees and shrubs from diseases and pests. Spreading semi-rotted manure into near-stem circles of fruit trees, berry bushes and raspberries, mulching the soil with humus, rotted sawdust, compost, weed control.
from 08 June 2015 11:16 (Mon)
to June 10, 2015 14:14 (Wed)

Waning Moon in Pisces

Irrigation and fertilizing with organic fertilizers of vegetable crops, berry bushes and raspberries; top dressing of fruit trees with an increased dose of nitrogen fertilizers. Favorable time for repeated crops of green crops. Hilling potatoes. Thinning carrot crops.
from 10 June 2015 14:14 (Wed)
to June 12, 2015 17:16 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Aries

Spraying of all heat-loving crops with growth and fruit formation stimulants. Fertilizing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage, etc. Pasynkovanie tomatoes. Favorable time for loosening, mulching, weed and pest control, mowing grass for hay and preparing firewood. Holding formative pruning of fruit trees by pinching and removing thickening shoots, normalizing the ovary. Removing whiskers from strawberries. Hilling early plantings of potatoes. Seedling thinning. Compost preparation. Cuttings will be successful indoor plants for their subsequent rooting. Cut flowers last a long time in bouquets.
from 12 June 2015 17:16 (Fri)
to June 14, 2015 20:51 (Sun)

Waning Moon in Taurus

Watering and applying organic fertilizers for root crops (carrots, beets, radishes, etc.) and potatoes. Ridges with root crops are loosened and mulched with humus. Planting seedlings of kohlrabi summer terms of consumption. It is possible to re-sow radish and turnip for winter storage. Thinning crops of carrots and beets. Pasynkovanie tomatoes. Favorable period for pest control. Favorable period for laying compost heaps. The division of irises, daffodils and their planting. Cuttings and rooting of perennial flower crops.
from June 14, 2015 20:51 (Sun)
to June 16, 2015 04:08 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Gemini

Weeding, thinning seedlings in vegetable beds. Pinching tomatoes and peppers, forming lashes of cucumbers, pinching lashes from pumpkins and melons. Removal of yellowed leaves on cucumbers and zucchini, tomatoes. Removing unwanted strawberry whiskers. Plucking thickening shoots at fruit trees. auspicious days for digging bulbs of tulips, hyacinths and small bulbs.
from June 16, 2015 04:08 (Tue)
to June 18, 2015 06:00 (Thursday)


It is not recommended to plant anything, transplant. Any chores, work with soil, composting, spraying against pests and diseases of trees and shrubs are possible.
June 16, 2015 17:05 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month. Sign of the Zodiac: - until June 17, 2015 1:51 Moon in Gemini, then in the sign of Cancer.
from June 18, 2015 06:00 (Thursday)
to June 19, 2015 09:22 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

Unfavorable days for pruning trees and shrubs, pinching, pinching vegetables. Favorable watering and top dressing of heat-loving crops and cabbage with an increase in the dose of potash fertilizers in rainy cold weather, fruit trees with a predominance of the dose of nitrogen fertilizers. Spraying vegetable crops with growth and development stimulants and preparations for fruit formation. Spraying fruit crops with growth and development stimulants; conducting vaccinations; foliar top dressing of fruit crops with liquid complex fertilizers with humates. Arrangement in the grooves of the shoots of currants and gooseberries for their rooting. Sowing green and spicy crops. Good time for pickling
from June 19, 2015 09:22 (Fri)
to June 21, 2015 19:59 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in Leo

bad time for irrigation, liquid root dressing and other work with vegetable plants. Spraying is useful against diseases and pests. A favorable period for sowing, planting and picking drought-resistant flowers, climbing flowers and ornamental crops. Collected medicinal herbs will have the greatest force, especially herbs that treat heart disease. The harvested crop must be processed immediately.
(from 21 to 23 June - in Russian folk omens associated with the phase of the moon, the most auspicious days months for pickling cucumbers)
from June 21, 2015 19:59 (Sun)
to June 24, 2015 08:41 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in Virgo

Fertilizers cannot be applied. Planted green cuttings will take root well. During this period, it is good to lay mixborders, rabatka, flower beds, alpine slides. Favorable time for sowing biennial flowers, dividing and planting ornamental plants and perennials withered in spring. You can plant and transplant medicinal herbs, sow lawns, lawns. A good time for loosening, hilling, mulching, composting, weeding and watering. Transplantation of balcony and indoor flowers. The harvested crop must be processed immediately.

June 21 (08.06 old style) - Fedor Letny (Stratilat)
"If there is a lot of dew on Stratilat, the summer, even if it is dry, will give a good harvest"

from June 24, 2015 08:41 (Wed)
to June 26, 2015 20:56 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

Favorable time for re-sowing dill, lettuce, chervil, broccoli. Sowing of perennial onions, cereals, fodder and leguminous crops. Loosening, composting, mulching, weeding, watering. You can cut and dry green vegetables. Planting seedlings of annual flowers in open ground. Sowing of lawn grasses, formation of flower beds. Dividing and transplanting perennial and biennial flowers if they have faded. Planting and transplanting indoor flowers and medicinal herbs. Planting flowers, berry and ornamental shrubs, green cuttings of fruit and ornamental trees. Conducting vaccinations.
from June 26, 2015 20:56 (Fri)
to June 29, 2015 06:21 (Mon)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio

It is strictly forbidden to trim trees and shrubs, as well as pinching vegetables and other crops. Favorable watering and loosening the soil. Sowing perennial onions, dill, lettuce, chervil. Early harvest of lettuce, spinach, early cucumbers and cauliflower. The slope and garter of annual growths of the apple tree in the process of crown formation. Rooting strawberry rosettes. Preparation for rooting green cuttings and their planting. Carrying out loosening and mulching of the soil, working with compost. It is possible to feed fruit trees with complex fertilizers with mullein infusion. Foliar top dressing of tomatoes and cucumbers. You can sow the seeds of biennials or dive their seedlings
from June 29, 2015 06:21 (Mon)
to June 30, 2015 19:10 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Loosening and mulching the soil, working with compost. Installation of supports under the branches of fruit trees, construction of fences around shrubs. Harvesting of early vegetables and herbs and their processing. Collection of remontant strawberries and honeysuckle for consumption. Sowing perennial onions. The introduction of inorganic dressings, hilling. Fight against diseases and pests. Conducting vaccinations.

Aries and Sagittarius in love are well suited to each other, they have excellent compatibility. A deep heart connection can develop as Sagittarius fits the ideal that Aries is looking for. They are both active and spontaneous, love communication and travel. Together they are able to enjoy life. Aries is endowed with a good sense of humor, and this will help overcome Sagittarius's tendency to argue over various issues. Mutual understanding achieved in the bedroom will create a favorable atmosphere for love relationships. Marriage will be closely associated with the intimate side of love. In other words, if they are happy with each other in the bedroom, they will be happy with each other everywhere. This is a favorable compatibility for love, a successful marriage is possible.

Sagittarius Woman and Aries Man Compatibility

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman and Aries man in love and marriage is 100%. They are both representatives of the signs of the element of Fire, therefore, they have the right balance of energies. He is honest and open, she is independent and optimistic - these are the qualities that each partner looks for in another. The physical attraction between them is very strong, so it will be hard to resist. Aries may seem bossy and sometimes completely unbearable to her, but in a relationship he is passionate and romantic, which compensates for other, less attractive qualities. If a Sagittarius woman fell in love with an Aries man, she will find ways to moderate his selfishness. With a little effort, these two will become a harmonious couple. Soon each of the partners will realize how lucky they are that they met. When that happens, nothing can separate them.

The key to the success of love will be the ability to compromise. For Aries, this is quite difficult, because he is a warrior by nature, considers life situations from a win or lose position. The Sagittarius woman has a wide circle of acquaintances, including friends of a man, which will cause the jealousy of her soulmate. She needs to tactfully explain to her lover that he means much more to her than friends. If the Aries man is ready to give the chosen one the level of freedom she needs, then the love relationship will be strengthened even more. What the couple needs to pay attention to is realism in financial matters. Both like to spend money, they can make impulsive purchases, which will put the family budget to the test.

Aries Woman and Sagittarius Man Compatibility

Compatibility of Aries woman and Sagittarius man in love and marriage is 80%. They will make a great couple, but there is something to work on to make love relationships harmonious. Sagittarians do not like to bind themselves with obligations; personal freedom is more important to them. He is more likely to remain a bachelor than a man of any other zodiac sign. However, he will be attracted to the Aries woman, and he will be ready to accept her into his life full of adventure ... as long as she does not limit him too much. He is not someone who will wait long to express his feelings. If a Sagittarius man fell in love, he will tell about it right away. The Aries woman will appreciate his decency and honesty, even his excessive directness, which can sometimes be annoying. His optimism, independence and belief in ideals will charm her.

They are both sincere and passionate, their love will find expression on all levels: physical, emotional and intellectual. by the most big obstacle in a relationship with Sagittarius, it will be difficult for an Aries woman not to be jealous of him. He is open and sociable, he has many friends around him, including women, which will arouse suspicion in the second half. She needs to learn to trust him and remember that he is honest. If he does not like something in a relationship, then he will say it directly. Sagittarius is not as stable as the men of some other signs of the zodiac, but he needs love to express himself.

Aries love compatibility with other zodiac signs

Sagittarius love compatibility with other zodiac signs

If your couple has Aries and Sagittarius, compatibility in love relationships high enough. You will be surprised what this tandem is capable of. 😉 Aries and Sagittarius are an explosive mixture of emotions and sensations experienced in any contact between them.

These signs, belonging to the element of Fire, go in one direction, honoring life principles each other. Aries is energetic, seeing a goal in front of him, he always achieves it. Sagittarius never sits still, ambitions are in full swing. Both signs themselves are filled with self-sufficiency, and when united in a pair, they can reach exorbitant heights. So, characterizing Aries and Sagittarius, we can say that they are definitely on the way. Starting from the fire, the signs will complement each other and together they will achieve considerable success in life, despite the obstacles.

A man born under the sign of Aries is an open, cheerful person who has strong character and remarkable endurance. In this, he is similar to Sagittarius, who is used to being on an equal footing. Aries are assertive and achieve any goal if they wish it. The optimistic nature of Aries does not allow him to give up, and because of his stubbornness, he will always do his own thing.

The Sagittarius woman is independent and strong in spirit, while being open and straightforward. She knows to always speak her mind without thinking too much about what might hurt someone with her words. A woman born under the sign of Sagittarius - a fighter for justice, will not tolerate slyness and betrayal. She is a leader and an optimist, loves the same strong men like herself.

Given the similarity of temperaments, these two can be a wonderful complement to each other on various fronts of life.


Their friendship will start at first sight. They will find plenty without coercion different topics for conversations and options for interesting pastime. Mutual understanding and respect for each other dictate the rules of friendship between an Aries man and a Sagittarius woman.

They will not try to compete or put pressure on each other. Having common interests and hobbies, it is easy for them to work on various projects that are likely to succeed. If one of them already has a family, this can become a hindrance in communication, but, as a rule, a self-respecting fire sign always outlines the boundaries of personal space. He will not allow anyone to become a hindrance in dealing with people. Sagittarius prefers to be honest with himself, so he believes that there are absolutely no reasons for jealousy.


The ideal couple is one in which love begins with friendship. Often this happens between Aries and Sagittarius. The thread that binds this couple begins with mutual respect and understanding.

The Aries man appreciates moderation in women. Sagittarius, on the other hand, will be an ideal passion for a strong-willed Aries, since she does not pretend to dominate, but she is not an inactive simpleton either.

Aries will prefer a Sagittarius woman, because she is moderately proactive and at the right time will even yield to Aries in something. The Sagittarius woman loves open, independent men. When a conflict arises, she makes every effort to resolve the problem between her and the quick-tempered Aries. She is not hysterical and extremely delicate, which helps maintain balance in their relationship.

In this connection, these fire signs can learn a lot from each other. The Sagittarius woman feels confident next to Aries, and the man becomes more restrained, taking an example from his girlfriend.


Spontaneous friendship leads to love, and love, in turn, pushes for marriage, which for both is an indicator of strength and even greater trust. It is possible that the relationship between an Aries man and a Sagittarius woman can have a different outcome. An important factor material well-being family and the success of Aries in the career field.

Being pedantic and purposeful, the Sagittarius woman will completely surrender to the family, the improvement of the hearth and the upbringing of children. But, for this woman, it is extremely important to feel confident next to her Aries husband.

Aries man who has realized himself in work and is confident in tomorrow, soft and supple. But, if for some reason the wealth of Aries does not meet the requirements of his family, he becomes vicious and cocky, and a self-respecting Sagittarius wife will in no case allow such an attitude towards herself. This can lead to serious problems in the family, up to divorce.

Close to two fire signs will be comfortable and interesting with each other. The passion between them will not subside for many years if they maintain a balance in the relationship and do not go to extremes.

Basically, the marriage of these signs is favorable. They can live together for many years, as the relationship and trust will become stronger.

Sagittarius man + Aries woman

Sagittarius man and Aries woman run parallel to each other. They can be just acquaintances or colleagues, it will still be easy for them to communicate. Common interests and the similarity of characters make it possible to strike up a strong friendship, which, perhaps, will grow into something more.

People born under the sign of Fire are principled and decent, so it is unlikely that conflicts between a Sagittarius man and an Aries woman will be resolved with the help of aggression. They will always find a compromise and be satisfied with the decision.


A Sagittarius man and an Aries woman can accidentally talk on general theme and continue to communicate on interests for many years, without bothering each other. They faithful friends and reliable companions who will help in difficult times, will give part of themselves for the good of devotion and friendship.

Both signs are not adherents of one-time relationships. As they get to know each other, young people realize how similar they are and how they fit together. From that moment on, they can become inseparable, ready to spend their whole lives with each other and die on the same day. Such an idealization of the future can interfere with the real perception of the world of Sagittarius, which negatively affects any relationship.


Perfect compatibility of signs plays important role in building any relationship. The line between friendship and affection is very thin, and it is Sagittarius and Aries who can cross it comfortably without experiencing stress. They are so interested in each other that they remain friends, becoming lovers. But, having some disagreements, they can be quick-tempered towards each other.

Since both are trying in the name of their own happy relationship, they will have to recognize that each of them has the right to individuality and freedom. The Sagittarius man is freedom-loving and appreciates when his personal space is respected, the Aries girl, on the contrary, wants her chosen one to devote more time to her.

The Sagittarius man is quiet, but at the same time a master of compliments and courtship. His silence can alert an Aries companion. If she starts to get jealous and try to test him, Sagittarius will simply run away in a panic, because the worst thing for him is control over his actions. This is an attack on his freedom. In such a pair there is no place for jealousy, everyone can be sure of honesty, because relationships on the side are of little interest to both Sagittarius and Aries.


Sagittarius man and Aries woman in marriage should be guided by the rule of no extremes. Domestic quarrels, most likely, can be minimized, because they both understand that ideal people does not exist, and appreciate each other for a lot of others positive qualities. Such a marriage is doomed to happiness. The family of Sagittarius and Aries will be strong and friendly.

The proximity of partners is quite diverse and suits both. Adventures on the side do not interest them even after many years. They ignite even more passion over the years. None of this fiery duet is capable of vile betrayals or provocations of each other. To strengthen relations, an Aries woman should not overly control her husband-Sagittarius, who is very important for freedom. His wife will have to accept the fact that Sagittarius needs some free time to spend outside the home. The Sagittarius man will appreciate this and be grateful to the woman for it.

He does not accept scandals and scenes of jealousy that the Aries woman is quite capable of arranging, therefore, in order to save the family and maintain a prosperous energy, they need to resolve this issue from the very beginning. If a compromise is not reached, the Sagittarius man may simply disappear.

The similarity of the characters of Aries and Sagittarius is undeniable. Teaming up as a couple, they create such impulses that can charge them for life, give impetus to new beginnings and lead them to success. Sagittarius and Aries, born of the element of Fire, are made for each other. With the optimism given by Fire, they will have everything in life: love, friendship, and support.

Any relationship needs to be worked on, and the stars gave a lot to this couple, just by planting a fire in their hearts. Therefore, if we talk about how Aries and Sagittarius will feel in a pair, compatibility in love relationships is always at a high level.