Ancient rune. Scandinavian runes. Possible errors when working with runes.

Such an incomprehensible and completely unknown magical world of runes, uniting a separate sphere of the universe in several dozen symbols, interests many modern people. And not only scientists are interested in deciphering signs and runic magic. Simple people they also want to know what is behind certain symbols, because, according to the ancient legends of our ancestors, they can radically change life. Many people study Slavic runes and their meanings with constant interest, learning knowledge that constitutes only part of the great heritage of our ancestors. And in this article you can find answers to the most current issues about ancient symbols that have come to us since pagan times.

It also warns against drug use in moderation. If we run in the right position, it promises happiness in our current affairs. We look forward to joy, joy, laughter and prosperity. Reversed position - the place of happiness and joy brings misfortune of sadness, defeating moods.

The history of the appearance of Old Slavic runes

The second Aette belongs to Heimdale, son of Eden, guardian of Agrad. These runes symbolize the passive elements they work with and those that go beyond human activity. This is the deviation of fundamental forces from balance. Thus, Rune-Hagalaz indicates an imminent catastrophe or other phenomenon that cannot be avoided, no matter what we do. In a deeper sense, it describes the changes needed or experiences to be gained.

Runic records and the magic of symbols, which are a kind of reminders of the history of primitive humanity, have become main theme to discuss many writers and famous cultural figures. Based on historical information and all kinds of tips, some of them were able to publish quite interesting publications, which later became the basis for a course on the sacred traditions of the ancient Slavs.

As difficult as it may be, it can help us see ourselves in the world - the situation is unsustainable. He is associated with God Heimdale, guardian of the Bifrou Sliding Bridge, who in one of his forms taught humanity how to cultivate the land and use runes. She is called Mother Run, and all other runes are said to come from her.

Which runes are the most powerful?

If we run in the right position - if Hagalaz falls into the prediction, it often means destruction, sudden losses, problems along the way. A negative symbol can also appear in the form of unexpected misfortune or injury. As a rule, launch-related events come into our lives unexpectedly and suddenly. Moreover, they cannot be avoided because they are out of control. However, they are usually the result of the application of the applicable laws of nature, which is a mechanical process rather than human creativity.

Such publications include one of Iggvolod’s books (A.V. Platov, a well-known writer in certain circles and an activist of the pagan movement “Renaissance”) - “Runic Magic”, published in 1994, it contains reliable data about many runic signs and their meaning. Starting from the basics of the sacred teachings of the ancient Slavic nation and ending with documented information (rock paintings, photos, videos), it allows you to understand the deeper meaning of the heritage. In the future, this helps a person interested in mastering runic magic to more accurately use rune symbols in achieving their goals.

Hagalaz is the rune of collective consciousness and formative thinking. He alerts us to problems that need to be solved. Under its influence we can change our entire lives. Such a small personal earthquake. Hagalaz also teaches us that better life is in harmony with nature. Reversed position means prosperity, growth and benefits in matters relating to our immediate neighborhood.

Poverty accompanies many of us from birth, some fall into it through their own fault, another accident, but no one likes it. Some may walk away from it - often with hard work of patience. The Naudhiz rune not only shows the shortcoming, but also gives us hope that our work will bring us long-awaited success.

First of all, it is worth noting that runes are a kind of writing, hieroglyphs, denoting magical amulet paraphernalia. As the representatives of the ancient Slavic nation themselves claimed, the runes were presented to them as a gift supreme god Veles. The use of these unique “patterns” allowed a person to protect himself from troubles, misfortunes, the evil eye and other evils. Ancient runes could be both individual amulets and magical universal tools for protecting a home, family, or an entire clan. Therefore, they were applied in ancient times to almost any surface. The most common were Slavic runic inscriptions on clothes, warriors' ammunition, clothes and medallions, pendants. Often, to protect the house, women applied runes and symbols of Slavic ancestors to household objects and the walls of the house.

In the area of ​​relationships, especially partnerships, this can be a warning - something is missing here, so it cannot be continued. The solution in this case may be either an attempt to change or to terminate the connection. Perhaps the greatest service this rune gives us is in the spiritual realm. Knowing that something is missing here, as opposed to a financial, medical or partner situation, is almost impossible for us, and if we are offered something like that, we tend to not believe it.

If we run the run in the right position, it alerts us to the law of cause and effect. The opposite situation is counting with restrictions of all kinds, lack of finances, depression. At the head, a solid that can turn into water, according to northern mythology, is the predecessor of everything. In a duel with fire, living energy turns into the mass of the world. The Isa rune describes stability, but prevents changes, namely rigidity, frivolity, freezing. Something, be it external forces or simply our laziness and reluctance, holds us in place and does not allow us to move in any direction.

But ancient signs in the form of runes carry not only protective meaning. Some time ago they were very popular various fortune telling on the runes. They were distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Central Europe, which towards the end of the 8th century. settled by the Slavs. This could be explained by the reliability of the results obtained during prediction using rune combinations.

We remind the ship's crew, waiting in the middle of a frozen lake in the spring, when an imaginary world fire turns the ice into water in which they can sail again. But if we don't move, the ice can freeze us, crush us with its slow, inexorable force and make itself a part of itself. It might be better to harness the power of the ice shelf, abandon ship, and move somewhere else before the current situation becomes too exhausting. At the same time, Isa, interpreting, enhances the influence of other runes - this is a potential source for which he is not yet sure how it will be used.

Few people know, but runes are also considered to be the writings of our ancestors. A.V. also mentions this. Platov in his publication, as about the pre-Christian alphabet of the ancient Slavs. Used to preserve messages, runes became the basis for alphabets that appeared much later.

Surprisingly, entire sentences could fit in just a few characters. Evidence of this is the inscriptions on stones carved by representatives of ancient nations.

It can still be found and awakened, light a fire, turn ice into water, from which we can cook food. In interpersonal relationships, it signals cooling of emotions, stagnation, and passivity. Inverted position - warns us of blocking and strengthening of various forces and energies.

The time has come to finish the work, get results, and the Jero rune gives us hope that the harvest will be rich. In the end, we will most likely wait for another job. In addition to the harvest, the jar also marks the year - the cyclical period and its rhythm that governs the lives of man and the gods. Hiera is also an end that is the beginning of something else.

The elder runes, the meaning of which lies more in the preservation of acquired knowledge, are a classic example of this. The use of symbols even then made it possible to use runes for documentation historical events, as well as for magical purposes.

IN modern world runic inscriptions are called a specific sign system. Those who have not previously encountered this topic at all feel the mystery and a kind of sacred mysticism of ancient hieroglyphs. And it is not surprising, because the meaning of Slavic runic inscriptions is deeper than other signs of ancient humanity known today. For example, the basis for the interpretation of runes was the reflection of the trinity of divine power, which appeared in the worldview of representatives Slavic people in the form of opposites:

There is no point in protecting it and also trying to keep mature grains in clusters. If we start the run in the right position - it's the right time to do something, what we sow - now we should reap the rewards. It also means fertility, productivity and development.

Creating formulas: how to use runes?

The reverse position is the wrong moment for any action. This tree, often sown in cemeteries to guard the dead, is probably called the Death Rune. But like the brave warriors living in Valhalla, another life without much worry, it also offers us a change, a change of emergency.

  • Life and death;
  • Order and Chaos;
  • Man and Warrior.

What do the designations mean?

Depending on which rune is used by a person, one can understand how much he believes in the deities, or what goal he is pursuing. In addition, the translation of some runic writings could indicate his belonging to a relatively specific family.

It was used in the past to make the bow, a weapon whose control requires more skill than strength. But when used correctly, it could help people get out of the house and get enough food. So it is up to us whether we can protect ourselves and what we "catch" in life.

If we do the run in the right position, it is a very positive rune and a protective rune. If a rune falls on a prediction, it speaks of an increase in power and energy and calls for action. We have the strength to fight fate. Inverted position - she has big problems, misunderstandings - which need to be resolved.

Protective symbols, as previously mentioned, could be transferred by the Slavs to a wide variety of things:

  • Houseware;
  • decorations (decor or accessories);
  • towels;
  • belts;
  • iconic elements and much more.

In mantika (technique) ancient fortune telling) runes were used as the main tool that gave an interpretation of possible events in the future based on the combinations that fell during the course. In this case, the symbols are applied to special dies. The ancient Slavs usually made them from wood or carved them on stones. For such fortune telling, a certain system of interaction of signs is provided.

Tree: Beach Medicinal plants: Plants: Water. In Scandinavian board games, usually one side defeats the opponent and the other side must leave the board. Figure board game, apparently a “victim” of her position, she can only react to movements. However, in the hands of a good player, it can be defeated within the rules. Although they are immutable, they provide freedom of shot selection. Perto encourages us to think about the situation and assume that there are solutions to be solved, although this is not always obvious at first glance.

The author's layout during fortune telling on the runes made it possible to judge possible events in the near future. When starting divination rituals, the Slavs usually established an invisible energetic connection with the gods. Such an introduction helped to receive a more reliable hint from unearthly forces and increase the meaning of some runic signs:

Another meaning of this run is femininity and female fertility, perhaps also because a woman in historical society was also a figure appearing, apparently different, but only in the open air in front of the door family home. Inside the house, the entire family was often supreme, and people did not dare to oppose them. Evil linguists say the Vikings went on long hunting expeditions to get away from their shrewish women. Thus, the Rune means mystery and everything that happens behind closed door, regardless of whether that door leads anywhere.

  • Strength of the Family;
  • happy Share;

What exactly each of them means, as well as other runic symbols, you can find out by reading the article further.

Runic images with their decoding

As a memory of the Slavic family, the runes of Maly Furtak are still closer to many of us “in spirit.” The system, consisting of ancient signs, contains 18 runes, each of which carries individual meaning. Exactly what meaning they are endowed with, and how exactly they are read and depicted, is demonstrated in the photo.

If the rune falls into the right position, it promises us the happiness and growth that we judge. We must follow intuition rather than reason. It can also mean sudden non-optical enrichment through winnings or inheritance. After a long time, you can find what you lost or heal yourself.

Reversed position - warns us that we are not at risk at all. Most of of this run - protection and defense. One of the interesting animals of northern nature is many. He has a fairly calm personality, but if he feels threatened, he can attack, and his mighty horn turns into a powerful weapon.

    • The first rune, shown in the photo above, reads Peace. She personifies the Universe as the Slavs saw it. This symbol also conveys the essence of the World Tree. In some other interpretations this sign is the image of the inner “I” of every person, eager to overcome Chaos and directing a person to Order in the World. In general, this meaning of the World rune can be considered correct. They are both considered reliable translations ancient hieroglyph, which A.V. Platov mentioned in his book. In the world of magic, where such symbolic designs are increasingly used to predict the future, the Peace rune represents protection. The one who gets a die with her image will be under the protection of the Gods.

As such, Runa Elhaz expects careful care, protection for youth and children, and as part of her eventual "attack defense" - a pre-emptive strike against anything that could potentially endanger him. The launch can be worn as an amulet or provided for your home. The symbol is extremely positive and protective.

If we start running in the right position - if Algiz falls under the prediction, he signals the need to protect himself. This also means protecting constructed positions in the translated sense of the word as protecting an acquired position. Successful completion of our plans and plans. We can look to the future with optimism.

  • The second picture shows the Chernobog rune. She, as the opposite of the first symbol, personifies the forces that strive for disorder, Chaos. In prophecies, this sign indicates rupture, destruction, completion, etc. Depending on the combination in which a die with such an outline appears, a person can expect either the destruction of unnecessary connections, or a long-awaited exit from the “vicious circle.”
  • The next rune in the photo is Alatyr, meaning the center of the entire Universe. Its essence is all that exists from the beginning to the end of the Universe. This is the center around which there is always movement. It is he who is mentioned as a stone that lies at the base of the World and around which the forces of Chaos and Order constantly revolve, being in constant struggle. Sacred meaning This sign is an altar that serves as a place of sacrifice. In other sources, Alatyr is the personification of the law of balance.
  • Rainbow, the fourth rune in the image above, signifies the road. However, this is not the road that can arise in human understanding. Rainbow is a special path, which is determined by the struggle and simultaneous unity of opposites (Chaos and Order, Fire and Water, etc.). The runic road-rainbow on a block is not even a person’s movement, but his purpose, a state unlike any other. Representing balance, which gives a person a beginning and has a specific outcome, in magic this rune means stabilization, a favorable completion of affairs, and assistance to travelers.
  • In the photo the next rune is read as Need. This symbol is related to the god Navi, whom the Slavs attributed to the Lower World. Need (or rune Viya) means fate, a set of events intended for a person. In a literal sense, this mark is the final result that no one can avoid (death). In magic and fortune telling, it is considered a warning. Seeing a sign with such a sign, a person needs to think about making a specific decision that will radically change his life.

The opposite attitude - warning - is a precursor to the failure of our projects and subsequent suffering or pain. Tree: Juniper Medicinal plants: Mistletoe Plants: Air. The sun conquers the darkness every day and that is why Sowilo is also called the “Victory of Victory”. For the North the sun was brighter and richer than for us, who enjoyed the sunshine more. In archaic images, its light was a sign of the blessing of the gods, a promise of success. The sun is a gentle expression of the divine fire that warms without burning.

It gives us hope to reach that goal, that imaginary haven of victory over the random influences that we encounter every day. This rune is one of the most positive runs. Its descriptions include protection, positive strength, energy, enlightenment, fertility, health, victory and glory.

  • The next symbol is the Krada rune, symbolizing sacrificial Fire. She is also a prototype of the desire, embodiment and implementation of plans. At the same time, this sign carries the meaning of discovery, exposure. This is due to the fact that what is planned, in the process of its implementation, becomes clear and visible to the World. In the world of magic, the Steal die is a purification.
  • The seventh rune in the photo is Treba, this is the sign of the Warrior of the Spirit. It carries the meaning of sacrifice for the fulfillment of intentions. If we consider that everything in the World is interconnected, then we can assume that in order to fulfill his intention, a person on the Road needs to sacrifice something in order to get what he wants. And this is not a sacrifice that needs to be made to the gods to appease. It is rather a symbol of self-sacrifice, the ability to deny oneself something in order to achieve one’s goals. The same meaning of the rune is transferred to the world of magic and fortune telling.
  • The Strength rune is the Warrior's Attribute. It means change, and not only in the World, but also in oneself in relation to the World. This is a symbol as confirmation of the results intended for a person walking along the Road, and the strength that he will receive if he sacrifices himself for the sake of liberation from the shackles of consciousness. For prophecy, a die with the outline of the Force will mean clarification of an unresolved situation.
  • The Rune of the Spirit is Wind, the next sign in the photo. It symbolizes the Road of ascent to the top. Associated with the element of Air, this die is a prototype of spiritualized Will, Strength. Decoding it in prophecies is inspiration, a breakthrough in creativity.

But the Rune is so strong that it can completely crush a person. If we start the run in the right position - we guarantee that it will be successful, as if it was already written in the stars. He may unexpectedly enter our lives. Inverted position - indicates our stupidity, complacency, vanity, weakness.

The third Aett is dedicated to Tyr of the Asa family, son of Odin, lord of justice. It symbolizes primarily expressed activity and the response to it, or everything related to the balance of subject and object. Rune Teyvaz belongs to God Tyr - the one-armed god of wars and victories. Northern god Tyr is the guardian of impartial justice. His rune promises a completely fair trial, which always decides the party that is in law, regardless of the profit or loss that arises. But he warns against dishonest behavior, although it would be beneficial for the whole.

  • Bereginya is the rune of the Feminine principle, the image of the Mother and the symbol of motherhood, which is also associated with protection. The Slavs refer to her as the Goddess Mother Bereginya, who is in charge of the fate of all living creatures in the World, fertility, and well-being. Since it concerns the life of beings on earth, this rune is considered to be a symbol of Life, Death and Fate.
  • Another runic symbol is Oud, which is a traditional designation manhood. Overall, it is a sign of fertility, love and passion. The Slavs perceived such a symbol as a Force capable of fertilizing the Emptiness of the Universe and giving birth to life.
  • Lelya - representative Water element, a rune associated with Living Water. The ancient Slavs believed that it was this water that flowed in all natural sources. By magic, such a symbol is perceived as intuition, higher knowledge, joy, and also a kind of awakening.
  • The rune of the unmanifested Spirit can be called the following hieroglyph - Rock. This is the exact definition of the beginning of all things and its end. Mysterious symbol in magical world is perceived as dedication to the Unknowable.
  • The following rune is also related to the foundations of the Universe - Support. Carrying a clear connection with the Gods, it represents the Tree (support), which connects heaven and earth and opens the way for the sorcerer to receive answers to questions of interest.

  • The Dazhdbog rune, which is a direct symbol of the Good, the gifts of the Gods. A die with this pattern carries the meaning of well-being in any area (wealth, love, happiness, luck). A prophecy for a person with the Dazhdbog rune will mean a successful acquisition, an increase in something or an addition, new connections, etc.
  • Perun, sign of the Thunder God. This rune protects people from Chaos, the world of the Gods - from Dark Forces. At the same time it symbolizes Life Force and power. Endowed protective properties, in prophecies it will mean the protection of the Gods.
  • The Rune Is is a symbol of Life, Being with its changeable variables. This is a sign of constant movement, renewal, change, growth. It is the factor that makes all living things grow, improve, and live.
  • The Ice Rune is the last symbol in the photo - Source. Considering that Ice is a special state of Force and motion at rest, the Source will mean stagnation in those matters that are rapidly developing. The potential power inherent in this sign and symbolized by the Source rune will result in movement.

The deep meaning of sacred existence, contained in the ancient Slavic runic inscriptions, allows us to lift the veil of the mysterious heritage of the great nation, about which many documentary videos have been made. Awareness of the possible meanings of each rune and the ability to correctly interpret it in making predictions will allow you to see the picture of the near future more clearly. This once again confirms the explanation why the use of runes is so popular and very versatile.

Slavic runic alphabet contains 18 characters, which, like Scandinavian runes, have their own meaning. With the help of runic symbols it was possible to find out fate and even protect against dark forces. Runes are still used today, since their power really helps solve a number of physiological and internal problems. You can use Slavic runes to tell fortunes, or you can use them as a talisman. But in order to use the power of these ancient symbols, you need to know the meaning of each rune.

Runic symbols used in the manufacture of jewelry, accessories and costume jewelry. In order for the rune to become protective amulet, you should not buy it in a regular store. It's better to make the rune yourself. This will require natural material (wood or stone) and your own blood.

Belobog (World)

The rune symbolizes the universe and internal state person. This is the harmony of all things. In a magical sense Slavic rune The world represents the protection of the Gods.


This rune is the opposite of the Chernobog rune. It has destructive power, bringing the world into chaos. The Chernobog rune is useful to use as a guard to destroy old connections and destroy the usual way of life.


The Alatyr rune represents the center of the world. This is the balance of the forces of good and evil, harmony and chaos. It is given to order all things.


This rune is the path to Alatyr, the road to balance. It is used as a talisman to achieve goals.


Rune Need has the magic of limitation, bondage and constraint. It fetters a person and prevents him from moving on. This is the rune of prohibition and bondage.


The Slavic rune Krada is the embodiment of energy. It reveals a person’s capabilities and helps realize desires. An excellent amulet for accomplishing your intended task.


The Treb rune symbolizes sacrifice. It gives a person everything he wants, but in return requires deprivation of something.


This is the rune of power, authority and strength. It contains incredibly powerful energy that directs a person to victory and achievement of goals. This is the rune of real warriors.


This rune represents natural forces, life. If you want to receive the protection of the elements, then the Yes rune will help you with this. It gives energy and restores strength.


The Wind rune symbolizes creative impulse. She comes up creative people. With its help you can get inspiration to implement new ideas.


This is an exclusively female rune, symbolizing motherhood, feminine energy and the beginning of life. It protects pregnant women, children and imparts sexuality and femininity.


This is a masculine rune associated with male power, passion. It protects the energy field of the stronger sex and gives them health.


This Slavic rune is associated with water, purification and joy. It imparts intuition and attracts good luck in all matters.


This rune symbolizes the path from beginning to end. This is the rune of fate, which can affect a person’s life both negatively and positively.


The meaning of this Slavic rune is help, support, protection. This is the strongest amulet that will help you overcome any difficulties.