Gods and heroes of Greece. Gods of Greece

Hair jewelry is very popular now. They are worn by all female representatives, from young to old. One of the original accessories are wreaths and headbands that are worn on the head. Making a wreath on your head from decorative flowers with your own hands is not at all difficult. You can make flowers yourself or buy ready-made ones. You can also come up with a wide variety of bases. I made a wreath of flowers for a girl and used a ready-made headband as a basis.

The flower fragments are made on a wire base, so they can be bent in different directions. This is convenient for creating the composition itself on the head. The bandage consists of two parts. The front one is made in the form of a braid of cords, and the back one is a regular elastic band, which is painted with silver paint. It is made by hand. I bought it from a woman who makes similar jewelry.


Fragments of decorative flowers

Ready base for the wreath

Sewing needle

As you can see in the photo, the headband itself is quite cute. The braid made of cords is decorated with leaves woven into it and, in principle, can be worn as an independent accessory. But, I need it as a basis for future decoration. The convenience of having an elastic band is that the headband stays on the head more tightly and fixedly than a regular ribbon or headband.

For decoration I needed six flower fragments. One turned out to be extra). I started attaching the first ones at the junction of the braids and elastic bands. I inserted the wire base into the braid a few centimeters towards the center.

I did a similar action with the flowers on the other side. Then I attached the fragments one after another along the entire braid. Partially I pulled the wire through the braid, and in some places I joined the flower arrangements by hand using thread and a needle. The wreath of flowers on your head is ready. This is what came out of my creative process.

Since all the flowers are planted on a wire that easily bends in different directions, you can change the position within each composition and create new options for the arrangement of leaves and flowers.

This is how you can create a wreath on your head from decorative flowers with your own hands. If you want to make your wreath exclusive in every sense, then you can make artificial flowers yourself. In this section you will find many detailed master classes, with the help of which you can implement many interesting ideas and use them to create a fashionable accessory for your head.

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You will need

  • - wire (1.0-1.2 mm);
  • - white tape;
  • - two types of flowers (small rose buds, dendrobium orchids);
  • - small greens asparagus, boxwood, ruscus;
  • - white satin ribbon.


Measure the circumference of the head of the person for whom the wreath is being made. If this is not possible, then make a wreath in an open ring with ribbon ties. Such an addition will not only not spoil it, but, on the contrary, will give the wreath even more charm.

Measure a piece of wire equal to the circumference of the head plus 4-6 cm to connect the ends and obtain a closed ring. Cut one or two more of these lengths to make a ring from two or three wires folded together. The more massive and additional elements, the stronger the wreath design should be.

Wrap the wire tightly (while it is not yet bent) with white tape. This slightly sticky one, used by florists when making various accessories from it, is sold in any florist. Bring the ends of the wire together and secure them by wrapping one end around the other several times. The circumference of the wreath should be the circumference of the head.

In the case of making an open wreath, measure the wire with a length equal to double or triple the circumference of the head - depending on the intended accessory. Wrap the wire with tape and fold it so that you get a segment equal to the standard head circumference (for size M - 57-58 cm, for size S - 55-56 cm).

At the ends of the open wreath, bend the wire bends slightly to create loops for attaching ribbons. Thread 1 cm wide satin ribbons through these loops and tie them to the wreath frame.

Attach a small bunch of decorative greenery to the ends of the wreath (or its back). Carefully wrap the stems of the bunches with tape and secure with thin decorative wire for strength.

Place the white roses cut close to the head onto the wreath, distributing them evenly around the entire circumference. For the front of the wreath, choose flowers with more open petals, and use buds towards the back. Place 5-6 orchid flowers between the roses.

Carefully remove the wire from under the flowers so that the sequence of flowers you have built is preserved. Start attaching the wreath elements to the frame with tape and wire, alternating two types of flowers and bunches of greenery. On inside place only sprigs of greenery in the wreath. Place the roses not in one plane, but turn them slightly at different angles to the wire frame so that they look natural and the wreath is more voluminous.

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Tip 2: How to weave a wedding wreath on your head from flowers with your own hands

A wedding wreath is not only an exquisite decoration for the bride’s hairstyle, symbolizing her purity, innocence and purity. According to ancient Slavic traditions, a wreath woven by the hands of the bride is powerful amulet marriage and the emerging family.

In modern wedding ceremonies, echoes of ancient rituals are increasingly found, and making a homemade wreath from flowers and leaves is one such example. In Rus', the wedding was completed by removing the veil from the bride’s head and putting on a wreath, which the girl wove with my own hands. To make a wreath you do not need specialized skills and knowledge complex techniques, just show a little imagination and choose flowers and plants that match your hairstyle, dress and face shape.

Wreath of rose buds

A sophisticated, elegant and stylish wedding wreath is obtained by using half-opened rose buds of white and soft pink colors. Sometimes, to add a bright note to the overall composition, several orchid flowers of rich colors are added to the weaving.

Floral wire and green or floral ribbon matched to the shades of the overall composition are used as the frame of the wedding wreath. The wire is connected into a ring, the size of which should correspond to the circumference of the head and allow the “rim” to sit a little loosely. For reliability, it is recommended to use 2-3 layers of wire - this will give the frame the necessary rigidity.

The wire base is wrapped with floral tape, after which the plants are prepared for work: excess leaves and thorns are cut off, stems are shortened to 3-4 cm. Weaving of the wreath begins from the edge of the base, attaching a sprig of leaves or other greenery using floral tape or thin decorative wire. Then rose buds are fixed to the frame: unopened flowers at the edges, more lush flowers closer to the center, with open petals.

Flowers must be alternated with branches of greenery, masking the gaps and trying to cover the floral tape. The buds are placed on the frame quite tightly, cutting off the protruding parts of the stems, which will make the wedding wreath more convenient and lighter in weight. The weaving is brought to the middle of the base, after which the same steps are repeated on the other edge of the wreath, trying to place flowers and greenery symmetrically on the opposite side.

Wreath with satin ribbon

Wreaths using flowing satin ribbons, the color of which is matched to the bride’s dress, look very elegant and noble. To make such a wreath you will need floral wire, floral ribbon, satin ribbon and flowers: fresh or made from silk fabric.

A piece of floral wire is bent at the ends in the form of small rings through which satin ribbons are threaded: this measure will allow you to create a dimensionless wreath, fixed on the bride’s head using tied ribbons.

The wire is carefully laid on top of a satin ribbon of the desired color laid out on the table, after which they begin to attach flowers to it, alternating them with greenery. Flowers can be woven into a wreath either individually or in the form of small bouquets. But it's important to remember that large number flowers and greenery significantly increases total weight wreath and this can cause severe discomfort to the bride.

A rowan wreath is a wonderful accessory for an unusual photo shoot. Thanks to this product you can replenish your family archive bright photographs, viewing which on days of depression can quickly lift your spirits.

Since ancient times, flowers have been revered in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and not only... The wreath of Dionysus was traditionally woven from ivy and grapes. The round shape of the wreath and the living component symbolize eternity, constancy, endless life, connection with divine nature. Perhaps this is why the wreath in many cultures became a symbol of royal power (the crown came from it). IN Slavic lands, the wreath also acquired the meaning of love.

Aphrodite was crowned with a myrtle wreath in a dispute about beauty and thanks to this she received an apple from Paris. With this decoration in their hands, petitioners appeared who wanted to arouse sympathy.
Poets and matchmakers wore these wreaths.

But most of all, the laurel wreath was widespread in the Greco-Roman world. At first it was used to decorate a recognized actor or an outstanding poet. "Laureatus" means "one who is crowned with laurel."
Soon it began to symbolize glory and victory in anything. Caesar wore a laurel wreath as a symbol of his invincibility. On special occasions, the entire people were crowned with laurel wreaths.
The second most important was a wreath of roses. The personification of nobility, transience and brightness of life. It was worn by subsequent emperors and patricians.
In the Middle Ages, a knight was happy if his lady gave him a wreath of daisies. The classic wedding wreath was made in Europe from orange flowers - “Orange Blossom”. Later it was transformed into a traditional bridal bouquet.

Among the Arabs, a wreath of orange flowers is a symbol of fertility, which is why brides wear it at their wedding. Among the Chinese, the olive wreath represents literary merit.
The wreath was and is one of the most beautiful creations of man and nature. Wedding marks a merging with nature. Enlisting the support and care of Mother Earth.
There is not a single Ukrainian house near which the caring hands of the hostess would not arrange bright flower islands. They delight the eye, gently excite the soul, firmly tie our hearts to parental home. Flowers are constant companions of our lives. They are in the flower beds, in the room, on the lawns. They are on embroidered towels and tablecloths. They are used to paint stoves and walls of homes. There are also flowers on our national clothes. Flowers on the scaffold and corset symbolize kindness and sincerity of the soul. Flowers on the sleeves of a shirt protect against illness and the evil eye.

A wreath is a talisman.
This is not just beauty, but a “healer of the soul.” Because it contains magical power that relieves pain and preserves strength. Weaving a wreath is a kind of science. You need to know which colors to weave from and when. There are twelve flowers in total in the Ukrainian wreath, and each of them is a talisman.

The following are woven into the wreath: mallow, viburnum, immortelle, yarrow, forget-me-not, marigold, periwinkle, lovage, cornflower, chamomile, red poppy, hops.
Among them, the most honorable place belonged to yarrow. These small white flowers from afar resemble big flower. it is popularly called a tree. When the flowers fade, the wind carries the seeds. But no matter where this plant grows, it always blooms. That's why people weave it into their wreath as a symbol of insubordination.
Chamomile. This flower brings not only health, but also kindness and tenderness. It is woven with bunches of viburnum and tendrils of hops - a symbol of flexibility and intelligence. This plant has long been respected among our people; it is sung in songs and legends.

Immortelle in a wreath is a symbol of health; it cures many diseases, although it looks very modest. But every flower, no matter how fragile it is, is needed by people.

The guy is often compared to a hop. Flowers tenderly blue, like the eyes of a girl, are woven into a wreath as a symbol of beauty, health, strength. These are cornflowers. In a full wreath, cornflower and lovage are adjacent.
The blue-eyed periwinkle has been respected in Ukraine since ancient times. There is not a village or city in Ukraine where this plant is not found. Periwinkle region - that’s what our Motherland is called. Always fresh and green, even under the snow, it has become a symbol eternal life, strong love, happy marriage. Therefore, this flower often reigns in wedding ceremonies.

Periwinkle is also a symbol of beauty. It has long been believed that the plant gives beauty to a girl. Girls in Ukraine once washed their faces with a decoction of periwinkle.
There are a number of legends about the wreath.

Here is one of them:
A girl was walking along the viburnum. A guy met her and said: “Take off the wreath - you’ll be mine.” Mommy didn’t order me to take off the whisk, but the guy was a good guy, he spoke beautifully, and his gentle gaze warmed my heart. The girl took off her crown, and the guy turned into a terrible devil and took her to him.

Therefore, they don’t just say that a wreath protects from evil spirits.
There are many customs associated with the whisk. When the reapers brought the last sheaf from the field to the village, she carried it beautiful girl. This sheaf was decorated with a crown as a symbol of the next harvest. At a wedding, they usually wore a young periwinkle aureole made at a bachelorette party.

After the wedding, the mother-in-law removes the young woman’s veil along with the aureole, which the young woman keeps for the rest of her life. It is believed that the whisk should be kept behind the images to ensure a strong marriage.

Immortelle - a symbol of health
Yarrow - insubordination
Periwinkle - life and immortality of the human soul,
The color of cherry and apple trees is a symbol of maternal devotion
Viburnum - a symbol of beauty and girlish beauty
Lovage and cornflower - devotion and fidelity
Chamomile - a symbol of girlish purity
Rouge, mallow and peony - faith, hope and love
Hops (antennae) - a symbol of flexibility and intelligence
The poppy color is added to the wreath by those girls in whose families someone died in the fight against the enemy. Poppy is a symbol of sadness and sadness.
Also, every girl had to know in what order to weave the ribbons into the corolla and what the color of the ribbon meant. And it was a shame for that girl who didn’t know which ribbon should be woven after which.
Let's say, the very first one in the corolla - in the middle, they knit a light brown ribbon - a symbol of the earth-nurse. On both sides of the brown one there are yellow ribbons - a symbol of the sun, behind them there are light green ones - a symbol of beauty and youth. Then blue, blue - symbols of sky and water, give strength and health, then knit orange - a symbol of bread, purple - a symbol of human wisdom, crimson - a symbol of sincerity, sincerity, pink - a symbol of prosperity. They also knitted a white ribbon, but only when its ends were embroidered with silver and gold. The sun was embroidered on the left end, and the month on the right. If the ribbon was not embroidered, then it was not tied, since it is a symbol of memory of the dead.

Our ancestors believed that wreaths are endowed with magical power, can influence their future and control their present. That’s why the wreaths were even divided into certain categories.
The greatest attention was paid to the “WREATH OF LOVE”.

This wreath was woven by girls from the age of 13 until marriage. The basis of such a wreath is daisies - a symbol of youth, kindness and tenderness. Apple and cherry blossoms are woven between the daisies. Above the brow is a blooming bunch of viburnum. Hop tendrils are woven between the flowers - a symbol of flexibility and intelligence.


It is woven from lovage and cornflowers. The basis of the wreath is cornflowers, and blooming lovage is woven between them.
Once upon a time, older people say, two birds lived in Ukraine: Lovage and Cornflower. And they were very good by nature, but people killed them. The last two of those chicks found refuge in the grove, and grief made them such friends that everyone used them as an example.

May God grant you such consent and devotion as Lubistka and Cornflower, the mothers of their children blessed their lives. Until the end of their days, Lovage and Cornflower taught everyone to love and protect each other, to respect, and to be sincere in conversations. And when they died, they sprouted two fragrant flowers. They are dear to us not only for their beauty. They wash hair, bathe newborns, and freshen the room. Once upon a time, girls gave wreaths of lovage and cornflowers to their loved ones during the wave of separation. And the Cossack carried such a dried whisk in a silk scarf over his heart to distant worlds. But no matter how much his grief carried him around the world, he knew for sure that they were waiting for him, they remembered him, they loved him.

There is every reason to believe that the Ukrainian wreath with ribbons, which has been an integral element of the Ukrainian national costume since ancient times, is a wish for “clear, peaceful skies” above the head of the one who wears it. This is a kind of amulet against everything bad and unkind.

A wreath for a Ukrainian girl was a symbol of maiden honor, girlhood, it protected her from “ evil eye", from "evil spirits". In summer, a wreath was woven from fresh flowers: cornflowers, poppies, daisies, marigolds. The wreath is also a symbol eternal love, a symbol of infinity of kind.

Wreaths were left on trees and attics to protect from lightning, placed under the first sheaf to increase the next harvest, placed in a hen's nest, in a newborn's cradle, hidden under clothes from witches, and hung in fields and vegetable gardens. The girls washed themselves with water from a wet wreath for beauty and health.

The wreath was given to men as a talisman if they went to war. To make a talisman for love, childbirth, wealth and happiness, garlic, onions, ribbons, ears of bread, sweets, rings, special magic herbs. A wreath - made of artificial flowers and threads - was often placed on the groom's hat, protecting him from the evil eye.

It was the custom of presenting a wreath to a loved one as a sign of matchmaking that later grew into the exchange of rings - betrothal. Previously, after the wedding, the bride threw her wreath, not a bouquet, into the crowd of bridesmaids. Whoever catches it will get married sooner than others.

Our ancestors realized that it was with their “heads” that they understood the world around us and influence him. Therefore, with the help of hats, they tried to protect themselves from the evil eye and other spells of malicious people. There was a belief that wreaths nailed to doors provided the whole family with health for the whole year.

If you decide to get married, that is, exchange wreaths as a sign big love. And the best place for this is near Oak.

It’s also good to take a walk in a birch grove before the ceremony. Get away from it for a few minutes or hours technical progress and tune in to the natural wave. In a harmonious union: The girl holds young man under the right hand or joined with palms: he has right hand she has the left one. This is how energy exchange occurs and the union becomes stronger.

Such a wedding ceremony will not only connect your love union with the natural energy of the Earth and unite you with distant ancestors, but will give strength to your family. Flowers in wreaths will bring your family - Beauty of relationships and Prosperity!

Hello, dear readers!
Last year I accidentally came across a video in social networks. I looked at it several times and told myself that I would make these hair jewelry with children at labor training lessons. We constantly study the topic of making homemade flowers. I have a lot of developments, articles, videos of step-by-step production. But this accessory really inspired me. I was so excited that I stocked up on materials, photographs, made it myself and showed it to the children. Everyone liked the idea. True, when it was time to make the project product, some of the girls were made on a long wire, and some were made on the basis of a wire rim. What kind of decoration is this? Read, watch the video and get inspired.

There are many concepts on the Internet: a wreath of flowers on the head, a headband with flowers, a headband, a wire hair ornament, etc. I thought for a long time which name would be better. It seems like each one is similar, but if you name it, a completely different picture appears in your head. It seems to me that it should have its own name. And yet I chose wreath of flowers on head made of long wire.

So first watch the video

Really lovely?

After studying the topic of making fabric flowers for children, I suggested making project work to choose from: a round wreath, a wreath with ties, a wreath on a wire, a hoop, souvenirs for the home (floating cup, paintings, etc.).

Round wreath

-Wreath with ties


-Souvenirs for home

-Wreath on a long wire

For all these crafts, you need to make homemade fabric flowers. If the girls wanted purchased items, then according to my requirements, it was necessary to make 2 decorations: both a homemade item and one from purchased items.

What is needed to make a wire wreath?

Soft wire that does not break after several bends. We chose copper. We also practiced on this wire (60 cm floral wire)

and such blanks with already wound buds.

They are convenient to use for short wreaths.

Floral ribbon. Of all the colors, brown suits hair.

Stamens. If there are no stamens on the wire, then it is advisable to attach them. They are small elements that dilute the large ones. I bought plain white ones

and complex colored

Ivy. We bought small ivy. He looks great. There are 20 m of it in a skein for 40 UAH!

Flowers. We made it ourselves and bought it. The apple tree looks very beautiful.

Wire for beads 0.3 mm.

Most of the photos were taken from the online store bulavki.in.ua, where I bought all this.
The assortment is very large. Wholesale prices are favorable, but for this you need to collect an order in the amount of 700 UAH. I teamed up with handicraft girls on the Internet.

Sequence of making a wreath on a long wire

1. Consider the length of the product. It depends on the length of the hair. I did it on both short and long hair. Prepare the base wire.

2. Calculate how many large flowers there will be along the entire length. I recommend not attaching it to the edges, as they will get in the way. A large flower doesn’t look good in the center of the head either. Looks better when unevenly distributed. Where it will be on the forehead, further on - less, on the edges - you shouldn’t attach them at all.

I tell you in more detail how to make a wreath of flowers on your head in the video.
If you have any questions about production, ask in the comments.

Such a wreath will look very unusual and will decorate a girl with long hair. It is attached with hairpins and stays on the head for a long time. Done in one lesson. It just takes a few more lessons to prepare. Many students made these as gifts hair jewelry.
Make these wreaths for yourself and your family.