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As the horoscope says, in July 2017, Virgos will be overcome by a passion for adventure and romance. It's like you medieval hero(heroine), express your readiness to walk thousands of miles to find yourself in the arms of a loved one or to bring to life your most ingenious plan to save the world. It’s a paradox, but your impulses, which many will not understand or consider eccentricities, will bring you not only pride in yourself and complete moral satisfaction, but also something of a material nature. There is a high probability that while you are chasing a dream, looking for adventure or conquering some person, a real “gold mine” will open up in front of you, and in the blink of an eye you will become much richer.

All the positive life changes that await Virgos in July 2017 will be based on only one thing - feelings, ardent passion and all-consuming emotions. They are the ones who will guide your thoughts and actions. However, if you are an exemplary family man, your significant other will probably not like such changes in your character. Be mentally prepared that she will force you to say goodbye to your dream by threatening divorce. But what exactly you prefer (giving up your dream or divorce) depends only on you and the realities of your marriage. Virgos not related family ties, in July they will be absolutely free to follow their dreams. Another thing is that your dream will be somewhat far from romance. Fortunately, at the very moment when you are trying to implement your personal program to save the world from a crisis (from global wars, disasters or other emergencies), an equally extraordinary person will appear next to you thinking man. Inspired by your lofty idea, he will begin to save the world side by side with you. What will be the outcome of these activities? Your couple will still not be able to save the world from wars and disasters, but you will be able to save each other from loneliness.

As for the career and finances of Virgos, here the mercantile approach characteristic of representatives of this sign will give way to unjustified altruism. So, if you work at an enterprise, in July 2017 you yourself, with my own hands give your career success to someone else, considering that this person has been striving for this success longer and more painfully than you. Virgos who are engaged in entrepreneurship will not allow themselves to be thrown left and right by life-changing chances. True, when choosing from the many prospects that will open up for your company in the middle of this summer, you will give your priority to a somewhat strange (ridiculous, out of touch with reality or too adventurous) idea. Oddly enough, it is she who will help you succeed and become much richer! How will this happen? By pure chance! Your idea, as it turns out a little later, will turn out to be the very revolutionary know-how that all of humanity has been waiting for so long.

Needless to say, in pursuit of their lofty goals, Virgos will simply have no time to take care of themselves and their well-being. Fortunately, not once in July 2017 did your body experience a major failure (which, in fact, is not surprising). You will do what you like (this will help you find emotional balance). And about yours physical health We will take care of a balanced diet, which you will create with the help of a professional nutritionist.

The position of the planets in July 2017 will allow Virgos to fully enjoy the favorable atmosphere at home and at work. In the middle of summer, you will want to spend more time with your family, visit friends, and talk with like-minded people. Don't contradict your desires. Spiritual communication and relaxation in nature will lift your spirits, fill you with optimism and self-confidence.

The Virgo horoscope for July 2017 reports a favorable period for weddings, weddings, and christenings. Creative people you should hurry up. If a project was started in May or June, the main work must be completed in July. August is able to make his own adjustments and disrupt plans.

If you've been wanting to renovate your home or dacha for a long time, now is the time to do it. Even ordinary cleaning (with the condition of revising old things) will bring satisfaction. By throwing away trash, Virgos make room for new acquisitions. July 2017 will help improve your financial condition, improve your home and get a lot of pleasure from work and communication.

Virgo love horoscope for July 2017

love relationships, family values for many Virgos, in July 2017 they will become the idea of ​​X. Family representatives of the sign will want to spend as much time as possible with their loved ones and children. Here you can take a trip to the village to the dacha or to visit your grandparents, a walk to the river, or a trip to the cinema. The main thing is that joint entertainment brings pleasure and joy to all family members. Free Virgos will now and then witness touching scenes in which children play the main roles. This is a sign that you should already think about starting a family.

Favorable days for love in July 2017 for Virgo: July 3, 4, 10, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31.

Virgo financial horoscope for July 2017

By paying attention to the psychology of relationships and personality development, you can achieve impressive results. The Virgo horoscope for July 2017 recommends communicating more often with like-minded people, sharing ideas, and discussing projects together. Only such close cooperation will bring high income in the future. If you want to change your occupation or get an additional source of income, you should take a closer look at trainings and master classes.

Virgo health horoscope for July 2017

In July 2017, the chest and stomach will require attention. It is advisable for women to have their mammary glands examined. If you experience discomfort, you should immediately go to the doctor. Vegetarian dishes will bring great benefits to the stomach. Vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries - best choice for Virgos in midsummer.

As the horoscope for July 2017 promises, Virgo will allow changes into her life that will gradually begin to change her usual way of life. Virgos are conservative, but there is no need to be afraid of innovations, be it new habits, hobbies, meeting new people, new outlooks on life. Changes will be natural and will push Virgos to further transformations in life. Gain new knowledge, engage in self-improvement, and take on long-planned projects. Numerous acquaintances will open up broad prospects for Virgos in July.

The horoscope for Virgo for July 2017 advises representatives of the sign to be attentive to what is happening around them. Try not to talk too much about your life plans and pour out your soul to everyone; you are unlikely to find support. You realize yourself better in solo work; working in a team is not for you now.

The stars recommend that Virgos take time to improve their home, do renovations, and clear the space of junk.
July is perfect for a vacation, especially since Virgos will need to restore their strength, be in solitude, and collect their thoughts.


The Virgo horoscope for July 2017 promises representatives of the sign good health and high energy levels. You are able to cope with the difficulties that arise in July.

Pay attention to your diet. The horoscope recommends that Virgos give up meat or at least limit its consumption. The emphasis should be on vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs, which will benefit digestion and well-being.


The horoscope for Virgos for July 2017 will give representatives of the sign the opportunity to look at themselves from the outside. The work will be mostly mental. You will be able to demonstrate your professionalism, which will be a reason for career growth. The bosses listen to you and value your opinion.

Office workers should attend courses and trainings on professional topics. Take your time to make decisions related to the implementation of plans.

From the middle of the month, things will move forward with ease, and you will feel like an indispensable employee.

In the third ten days of July, Virgos will receive several offers to change jobs. Keep the situation under control, do not agree to all the conditions at once.


As recommended financial horoscope as of July 2017, Virgo should not stop there. The flow of money will be stable, but the monthly expenses will also be considerable.

Take care to create additional source income is better than passive. For example, start creating and developing a website.

Expenses of the month will be related to personal life, as well as business.


As predicted love horoscope for July 2017, Virgo will find its highest meaning of life in family and love. Now you are ready to take a big step.

On the agenda in family Virgo relationships will be financial issue, associated with major acquisitions, renovations or purchases of housing. It will not be easy to agree and come to a common decision; you will have to use all your eloquence. But do not put pressure on your partner and avoid conflicts. Virgo's close relatives and children will need to take care of themselves this month. The horoscope recommends going out with your family more often.

Free representatives of the sign will not experience a lack of attention from the opposite sex. It is likely that friendly relations will develop into love, most likely it will be an office romance.

In the relationship between Virgo lovers, not everything will be smooth. You become aware of the contradictions between you that are interfering with your relationship.

Male – Virgo

As the horoscope for July 2017 advises, a Virgo man can safely make new acquaintances and plan new projects. The month promises the successful implementation of all plans and strengthening of authority in the team. Virgo men can count on career growth and financial stability.

In the field love relationship be more attentive and gentle to your other half. Your beloved may be jealous of you, do everything to prove to her your reliability.

Virgo Woman

As the horoscope for July 2017 advises, a Virgo woman must allow changes into her life, which should affect both behavior and habits, and appearance. Take care of yourself, change your image, update your wardrobe. Communication with friendly, interesting people will benefit your mood and well-being. Try to observe moderation in everything. Choose your partners with care, this applies to both love relationships and business relationships.

Relationships with your chosen one may reach a dead end. Quarrels and misunderstandings have accumulated, and decisions will have to be made about the future of the relationship. Listen to your heart.

The horoscope predicts career growth and absence of financial problems for Virgo women.

This summer month, the stars have prepared many bright events for Virgo. Be happy that you finally have the opportunity to fully enjoy life, but do not forget that there are envious people around you who may not like your success.

The personal life of single representatives of the Virgo sign in July 2017 will be a kaleidoscope of entertainment. If you don't mind having new ones romantic relationship, that is, there is a good chance of meeting someone special. It is very likely that you will have more than one admirer, and you will take turns spending time with each of them, giving hope for reciprocity. It is not easy to choose one of several promising candidates, so there is no need to rush. Try to get to know the person you are planning to marry better.

Those who already have a relationship will also not resist the desire to go in search of amorous adventures. Pluto in your house of love will help you realize your true desires and reveal the passion of your nature. Perhaps in the middle of summer you find yourself in the center of a classic love triangle.

In July 2017, Virgo has high goals in love and no less high demands on her loved one. Venus, house manager partner of your sign, this month are located at the highest point of your horoscope - in the house of career. This is a favorable position, the stars advise you to make the most of the potential of this period. You will be attracted to people with high social status and power, and you will attract the attention of such people. For many of you, love will be the springboard that will take you up the career ladder, achieve success and gain popularity in society.

Virgo career and finance horoscope for July 2017

Coming important period when you can make significant progress in your career and professional development.

The Sun and Mars in the eleventh house of friendship and social connections in Virgo promise success through joint projects, participation in the activities of associations, foundations, commissions, clubs and even political parties. With Venus in the house of career, it is easier for you to gain the support of influential people and become more visible in public.

In July 2017, the atmosphere in the workplace will be quite calm. You'll get to know some of your colleagues better and will be surprised how much you have in common. Virgo entrepreneurs will take the time to train employees in new technologies and work methods.

As for finances, the first half of July 2017 is a rather risky period. When it comes to money, the stars advise you to remain prudent and avoid adventures. In the second half of the month financial aspect Virgo's life is more stable. Your personal budget is marked by an upward trend in income. If you take your spending list seriously, you can even make savings. There is an opportunity to earn good money thanks to useful connections.


Your health status will not cause concern. Your mood will improve day by day, and this will have a positive effect on your external attractiveness. It is quite possible that this month you will want to radically change your image. Stylish wardrobe and new haircut will add the finishing touches to your image. Last decade July is suitable for starting a diet or course of treatment.

Keep track of your money! Think before you spend on something.

For Virgo, whose patron is Mercury, July 2017 could be a very promising time. At this point life stage a lot will become clear to you, and in comparison with the previous month you will be aware of much more, perhaps more than ever. In your field of work, this gives you an incomparable advantage over your competitors. If you work for yourself, try to act carefully but quickly; in any case, the lion's share of circumstances will turn out the way you need, even at the last moment. For those who do not have their own business, the second month of summer will be an excellent time for all kinds of risks and adventures. Of course, you shouldn’t rush headlong into any whirlpool that comes your way, but all other things being equal, you will be in an incomparably better position than anyone else, so sometimes it makes sense to rely on chance, especially if there is no other way out. Regarding the sphere of personal relationships, it is important to note that Virgo will also be helped by Venus now. This is an extremely positive point that practically guarantees success in finding a passion. For families, the support of the “heavenly priestess” will also result in certain bonuses, but more on this below. It is also important to note that the position of Neptune, supported by the Black Moon, will not be particularly favorable, to put it mildly. This means that you should not focus too much on problems. You cannot limit yourself to existential reasoning alone, otherwise you will lose all your advantages and opportunities.

The work front in July 2017 will allow Virgo to group and quickly achieve the desired results. As has already been said, at a certain point it makes sense to take a risk, give free rein to your emotions and see what happens. In any case, you will have many options for escape, even if you yourself have not fully thought through them. If colleagues offer help, do not refuse, but be careful with unfamiliar “Samaritans”. The likelihood of deception is low, but it does happen, so it’s better to play it safe. It turns out that the dawn of the summer season will be a somewhat contradictory cycle for Virgo. But the chance of victory always remains, moreover, at certain moments this chance turns into one hundred percent probability, so it would be hypocrisy to “cry” about your bitter fate. Better look forward and don't miss opportunities. Those who do not work for themselves now have the opportunity to open their own business. But be sure to get support (ideally partnership) from your friends! Because of unfavorable location You won’t be able to survive Neptune alone, don’t even think about it, otherwise you’ll regret it.

Love direction in July 2017 will bring family Virgos a lot of interesting points. Someone will reconsider their life in the most radical way. Someone will decide that the time of the old relationship has passed and it’s time to think about something “fresher”. There is nothing wrong with change, especially if you feel a real need for it. Lonely Virgos, as already mentioned, have every chance of finding their “soul mate.” Of course, you will have to try for this, but no one promised you easy ways! Moreover, the goal is doubly desirable if the path to it is thorny. So take all your charisma, adaptability and ability to get away with even the most difficult situations, and go to the treasured tower with the princess (or prince). You will be lucky, the main thing is not to doubt your capabilities and the nobility of your impulses. If you are driven by selfish interests, if you suddenly forget the meaning of everything that is happening, Neptune will immediately take the situation into his own hands. Do not allow this, otherwise you will not see victory.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for July 2017 for the Virgo zodiac sign, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives zodiac sign Virgo. More accurate horoscope can be found out by making one of personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Virgo sign: Personal horoscopes for the Virgo sign: