Two full moons in one month. Two Full Moons in one month

November in the folk calendar is called leaf fall, deciduous or winterweed. This is the month of the end of autumn and the arrival of a real, harsh winter. Cold and dank autumn rains by mid-November are replaced by the first snow and the first frosty days.

Folk signs for November

  • On this day we welcomed winter and said goodbye to autumn. Real frosts were setting in. People used to say: whoever doesn’t feel cold in November will not freeze in the Epiphany cold.
  • If there is complete autumn mud on this day, there are four weeks (28 days) left until real winter.
  • Welcoming winter in the north, the first frosts are the beginning of winter.
  • Migratory birds fly high - there will be a lot of snow, and low - there will be little snow.

On this day people were supposed to mend fences, since it was believed that the better and stronger the fence, the more productive it would be. next year. They begin to ferment cabbage. According to popular beliefs, on this day wolves began to approach human habitation.

  • Wolves howl close to the village - a sign of a hungry winter and a lean summer.
  • At Artemy, cabbage is chopped, salted, pressed and crushed to give more juice.
  • Until the larch sheds its needles, there will be no snow; and even if it falls out, it will still melt.
  • In the morning, the trees in the forest are covered with abundant frost (frost) - a sign of crop failure.
  • Powder always falls when there is no wind.
  • If wolves howl at Artemy, it means frost.
  • If wolves howl in packs, it means famine.

November 3. Dmitrievskaya parent's Saturday. Hilarion Day. From this day on, powder begins to sweep in. People said that the first powder is not the way.

  • If snow falls on the damp ground on Hilarion and does not melt, snowdrops will bloom early in the spring.
  • If smoke rises straight from the chimney even during bad weather, but without wind, the weather will soon improve.
  • A clear and quiet evening foretells a good day.

November 4. Celebration of the Kazan Icon Mother of God. This is one of the main women's holidays, he was called the Kazan woman's intercessor. From this day forward the onset of real winter cold was expected. A harsh winter was expected, according to legend, if a good harvest was harvested in the fall. Belated weddings were timed to coincide with this holiday. Whoever marries Kazanskaya will be happy and will not repent.

  • It’s not winter before Kazanskaya, and it’s not autumn from Kazanskaya.
  • Whoever gets married in Kazanskaya will be happy.
  • In Kazanskaya the frost is not great, but it is not good to stand.
  • If it rains on this day, expect winter to come soon.
  • On Kazanskaya, a clear day means cold weather.
  • It’s early winter and people are traveling around Kazansko on sleds.
  • If there is fog in the morning, there will still be frost.
  • If the day is stormy, winter will soon come.

On this day they eat honey and play bee games, imitating the buzzing of these insects. It was believed that the more honey the owner ate and the louder it buzzed, the better the bees would swarm in the spring and the more honey could be collected next year.

  • If it blows snow, bread will arrive.
  • From the first snow there are forty days until winter, from the second - winter itself.
  • Father Yakov is not the same in prayer: for one he takes half a ruble, for another he gives two.

November 6. Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” Popular name: Athanasius Day,

  • The splinter throws sparks and does not light up - a thaw.
  • The splinter cracks - it means frost.

November 7. Day of Martyria. People said that on this day even nature cries - with rain or snow. It was supposed to remember all the orphans and the wretched, the unfortunate and the offended, and to feel sorry for them. On this day they remembered relatives - both at home at the table and in the cemetery, and cried for them. Out of love for the deceased, relatives kept his grave clean and tidy - the place of future resurrection.

Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica. By ancient tradition, the Saturday before this holiday is a day of remembrance, which was established by Dmitry Donskoy for the soldiers who fell on the Kulikovo Field. It was believed that on this day the souls of the dead fly to their graves in the form of birds, for whom the funeral treat is intended. Therefore, grain is scattered on the graves or a funeral kuti is placed.

  • Parents are alive - honor them; if they are dead - remember them.
  • Dmitry in the snow - late spring.
  • Dmitriev does not wait for the day of transportation.
  • Dmitrov Saturday - work for the partygoers.
  • It won't be winter until Dmitry's Saturday.
  • In November, frosts cast shackles over all of Rus'.

November 9. On this day, vows (that is, promises) were made to perform some work or commandment for several weeks, months or throughout the year. November 9 was a special, vow day, but such vows could also be taken during natural disasters, wars, epidemics or during serious illness. Sometimes it happened that a person was prompted to take a vow by a dream he saw. They often promised to build a temple, erect a cross, purchase icons for the church, go on a pilgrimage or join a monastery, they could take a vow of celibacy, completely abstain from alcohol, sweets or meats, put a candle of a certain size in the temple, or donate money to him.

This day was also called “the vow to Paraskeva,” because if there was misfortune in the house or trouble came, one had to fulfill the vow - and do it in complete silence - and the next morning go to Paraskeva’s church to pray and ask for God’s mercy and holy help martyrs.

  • Whoever makes fun of people in Pakaskeva will also get it in the next world.
  • On Fridays, the child is not given a bath, otherwise he will suffer from dryness (painful thinness).
  • It's the first winter day on Paraskeva.

November 11. Day of Nastasya and Abraham. Anastasia is considered the patroness of sheep, and Abraham is the patron saint of shepherds, who celebrate their holiday on this day. Many of the peasants were sure that only one saint, Anastasia, could save defenseless sheep from wolves and save them from various diseases. Rural shepherds and shepherds very often resorted to this saint in prayer and placed an icon of this saint on the trees in the field where the sheep grazed, in full confidence that this was the most reliable protection for the animals from any danger, especially from wild animals. From this day on, animals began to be cut. According to popular beliefs, the goblin, the owner of animals, has the ability to destroy livestock, unleash bears and wolves on them, and protect the herd by agreement with the shepherd. The goblin could lead the animal away from the herd, and, if approached correctly, help find the cattle.

. Zinovy's Day. This is a holiday for hunters who go out on this day for the first powder. It is believed that on this day it is necessary to hunt at least one hare, which is called the “birthday boy”, otherwise the hunt all year will be unsuccessful, and on this day they did not spare themselves, nor the horses, nor the dogs. Having caught the scythe, they used to say: “They laid down the horse, but the hare left,” “The price for the hare is two money, but to run away is a hundred rubles.” Bad omen On this day, a meeting with a wolf while hunting was considered. This day was also called titmouse, because it was to Zinovy ​​that winter birds, including titmice, bullfinches, and waxwings, flew to Zinovy. Both adults and children made bird feeders. The first mass appearance of tits near houses is a sign of the approaching cold weather.

  • If wolves come to Zinovy ​​in packs, it means famine, pestilence or war.
  • Feed the birds in winter - they will serve you in the spring.
  • Whole flocks of titmice flock to Zinovia and sing songs.
  • The snow is falling - he is in a hurry to get the frost.

November 13. Nicodemus day. Nicodemus was revered as the guardian of the house from fire and fires, various troubles and misfortunes. He protected families from misfortunes and various troubles - this belief came from the fact that, according to legend, the saint put out a fire that started in the bakery of the monastery with his hollow clothes. On this day, the chickens were moved to their winter shelters, the old and weak were marked, and various dishes were prepared from the chicken.

November 14. Kuzma and Demyan. By folk calendar Autumn is allotted time from the second Spas to Kuzminki. On this day, the last weddings were completed - forging happiness for the young. Saints Cosmas and Damian were considered the patrons of the family hearth and blacksmiths, and therefore it was a great sin to work in the forges on this day. According to popular belief, these saints themselves practiced blacksmithing, forged plows and distributed them to people to cultivate the land.

  • Cold on Kuzma-Demyan - warm on Mikhail.
  • If the leaf remains on the tree for Kosma and Demyan, then next year will be a bad harvest (harsh winter and hot summer).

November 15. Akindinus and Pegasius. It was believed that Akindinus kindled the barn, and Pegasius extinguished the sun. That is, the daylight hours are decreasing, which means we need to drive away the darkness, but do it carefully so as not to burn down the whole house. From this day on, rituals to protect light and grain in bins are performed especially carefully. On this day, the barn grower was honored, “congratulated” and left next to the pit in which the fire was made, a pot of oatmeal.

November 16. Anna is cold. On this day, we carefully monitored the weather, thinking about the winter that had come in most regions and the future harvest. In most of our country there is already snow and it is not melting. It was believed that if the wood in the stove burns strongly and the flame rushes into the chimney with a roar, there is a storm. If baked bread freezes outside, really serious frosts will come soon. It was considered cold if the clouds were floating low.

  • Anna came and brought snow.
  • Anna is cold - autumn is hungry.
  • Winter is coming and the earth is covered with snow.
  • Smoke from the chimney goes down and spreads along the ground - wait for a thaw, up - for frost.

Eremey and Nikander. According to popular wisdom, on this day one had to stay at home and not go outside the fence, so as not to run into evil spirits who on this day is trying to sneak into the hut, steal coal or fire. Therefore, neither fire nor coals were given to neighbors, otherwise happiness would leave the house. The barn, threshing floor, and barn are attractive to evil spirits. In the house, in the yard evil spirits concentrates in the barn, in the bathhouse, near the stove.

Jonah's Day. On this day, the girls begged God to send them husbands. Girls who wanted to get married quickly scattered around their house at the dawn of this day small coins and handicrafts to attract suitors.

  • If it snows on this day, the whole winter is snowy and cold, good for winter crops.
  • If during freeze-up the ice on the river is in piles (hummocks), then there will be piles of bread, but if it’s smooth, then there will be smooth (little) bread.

November 19. Pavlov's day.

  • There is snow on Pavel - snow all winter.
  • If the stars are very frequent - it means cold, if they are rare - it means bad weather and blizzard.
  • If the burning coals quickly become covered with white ash, expect a harsh winter.

November 20. Fedotov day. From this day on, women began to spin and turned to Fedot, the patron saint of women's needlework, with a prayer for help in their work. It was customary on Fedot to feed winter birds - tits, sparrows, goldfinches, waxwings. The appearance of a kingfisher on this day was especially noted - then winter had certainly set in, and with it the sleigh ride. It was believed that from Fedot it was possible to ride a sleigh on the ice on the rivers, since from Fedot the rivers froze until next year.

  • The crow hides its nose under its wing - to the cold.
  • During a cold winter, the nests of wintering birds contain a lot of fluff, dry grass and straw.

Michaelmas. Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and others Heavenly Powers ethereal.

Archangel Michael was revered as a heavenly warrior, feared by all evil spirits, and the patron saint of the Russian army. The Michaelmas holidays began - feasts and festivities after the end of all summer and autumn rural work. From time immemorial, Michaelmas Day has been joyfully celebrated by both villagers and townspeople. This holiday was a guest holiday, since on this day it was necessary to visit oneself, and receive guests, and treat oneself well, and generously treat one’s guests. Homemade beer, pies made from new harvest flour, fresh honey were served on the table; there had to be a lot of food so that the table would be crowded. The holiday lasted a week, and then came the long and strict Filippov fast. From this day on, the cattle were transferred to winter feed.

Signs for Michaelmas:

  • If there is frost on Michaelmas, expect heavy snow, and if there is fog in the morning, it will thaw.
  • With Michael, winter is forging frosts.
  • If there is frost on Mikhail, then big snow we have to wait.
  • Clear day - cold winter.
  • If snow fell on Michael, winter arrived on a white horse.
  • The morning dawns soon burn out - to the cold.
  • Not the snow that blows, but the snow that falls.
  • There are few cones on spruces and pines - a sign of a mild winter.
  • Very wet snow foreshadows rain in the spring.
  • An abundance of acorns on an oak tree means a warm and snowy winter.

Matryona winter:

  • On Matryona, frost on the trees means frost.
  • Cloudy, snowy weather - expect a stormy May.
  • Winter does not rise to its feet on its own - Matryona sets it up.
  • Winter is rising from Matryona, killed by the Mikhailovsky thaw.
  • He is ready for anything: cold, hunger, and a roadless snowstorm.
  • If the day of Erast begins with a lot of fog, then a thaw is expected.
  • If there is frost on the trees on Erast, expect frost; if fog spreads across the ground, there will be a thaw.

Fedorov day.

  • Fedor's cold gets worse every day.
  • Fyodor is not Fedora - he shivers indiscriminately.
  • Fyodor the Studite will become cold and angry.
  • If there is a thaw on Fedor, expect frost to come soon.

November 25. Ivan the Merciful. This day marks the end of the wedding weeks. By this day, snow fell, which did not melt until spring, so it was believed that on this day you should not leave the house so as not to stir up mud on the roads.

  • If it rains on Ivan the Merciful, then there will be a thaw before the Introduction (December 4).

November 26. Saint John Chrysostom. They prayed to the patron saint of this day, John Chrysostom, for judgment over bribe-takers and deceivers. It was believed that on this day every plow stops growing, and people said: “On Chrysostom the whole field is empty.” The earth goes into sleep until spring. On this day, the first dumplings were prepared and eaten from the flour of the new harvest.

  • Frost on Philip means an oat harvest, rain means wheat.
  • A crow caws at Philip - a thaw.
  • If it is cloudy or snowy on this day, it means bad weather at the end of May.

The beginning of the Nativity Fast. Guryev day. On this day it can be very dirty, and then people said: “Gury came on a piebald mare.” It was believed that he disperses all the evil spirits that seek to hide in the ground, fearing frost and winter, and returns only on Christmastide - to lead round dances and to avert the eyes of honest people from the temptations of the greedy. But if it snows on this day, it will lie there until the flood comes. After the day of the Holy Apostle Philip, the Nativity, or Filippovsky, fast begins, which in ancient times in Rus' was called Karachunovsky or Karachun.

  • If snow falls on Guria, he will have to lie there until the flood comes.
  • On Guryev's day, winter dismounts from its horse, rises to its feet, forges gray frosts, pours snow from its right sleeve, and frost from its left sleeve.
  • If violent winds blow on Matvey, there will be snowstorms until St. Nicholas (December 19).
  • On Matvey's day the clouds are low - it will be cold.

November 30. Pre-winter. St. Gregory's day. On this day, it was customary to end winter: both old and young rolled on a wheel in the fresh snow, praising the sun (the wheel is a symbol of the luminary). It was believed that the further the wheel rolled, the stronger and more severe the winter should have been. We noticed the weather on the winter indicator: the frost that day spoke of a cold winter.

  • As Gregory is, so is winter.
  • The weather will improve if a diminishing circle of light appears around the moon.

November is the month in which autumn and winter meet. In former times it was even called the month of the ringing and young ice or "leaf plant". As with other months of the year, November includes numerous folk signs, indicating future weather and abundance of harvest. As a rule, all gardening and field work is completed by this time, and the period of fairs, matchmaking and weddings begins.

About the weather

Since ancient times, it has been noted that if in November the snow falls on the wet ground and does not melt, then in the spring snowdrops will bloom early and amicably. But when the first snow falls on the frozen ground this month, you can expect a rich grain harvest next year.

If snow falls in large flakes in November, then bad weather will continue for several more days. If mosquitoes are still flying in the last month of autumn, then the next 7 days will be warm, and the weather in winter will please you with above-zero temperatures.

A severe winter is foreshadowed by strong and prolonged cold snaps in November, and large number ducks remaining for the winter, on the contrary, speaks of warm winter.

When a hare’s fur turns white, winter is already very close, and the closer the long-eared ones appear near residential settlements, the colder November will be.

Short-term folk signs of November about the weather:

  • there are few stars in the sky - bad weather;
  • the stars are shining brightly - the cold is just around the corner;
  • dawn is breaking soon - expect snow soon;
  • near the sun on a November day, whitish circles are a sign of an imminent storm;
  • earrings appeared in the sun - expect severe frosts;
  • sunset with shades of purple - there will be heavy snowfall;
  • the white color of the moon portends cold, and if the month turns red, the next day will be windy but warm;
  • a blurry circle around the moon portends a blizzard;
  • above the forest the air has become bluish or the sky has become cloudy - it will still be warm;
  • clouds float against the wind in November - snow will fall soon;
  • there is no frost, but the wind is blowing - there will be a snowstorm;
  • easterly and westerly winds in November mean rain;
  • thunder - to severe frosts, and bright lightning - to a storm.

When snow sticks to the trees in November, it will soon become warmer, but if the ice cracks underfoot, frosty days will persist for a long time. Smoke is pouring out of the chimney in a column - the next day there will be a minus temperature on the thermometer. And if the wind is humming in the chimney, it will be cold and snow will fall.

Frosts in November are heralded by cats lying down on the stove or simply curling up somewhere higher. And if the kitty sits on the windowsill and looks out the window, then for several more days in November the weather will be warm and clear.

Read also about signs and folk holidays first winter month of January

By day

  • November 1 is the day of John and the prophet Joel. It was believed that on this day the stable brownie was being troublesome, so they tried not to work the horses and pampered them in every possible way. But the chickens had a hard time - they were slaughtered en masse, fried, smoked, stored for the winter, chicken chickens were baked, and noodles were cooked in chicken broth. If it’s cold and snowy outside, expect a late and cold spring; if there’s a thaw, so is spring.
  • November 2 is the day of the Great Martyr Artemy of Antioch and the Youth Artemy of Verkolsky. The wolves began to move out of the forest closer to the villages. You could start making sauerkraut. If a wolf howls at Artemy, expect imminent frosts; if the whole flock howls, it means a hungry winter. If on this day the first snow fell on dry ground, and the trees completely shed their leaves, then it did not last long, and soon it became warmer.
  • November 3 is the day of Hilarion the Great. The first powders began to sweep in, frosts occurred at night, and the daytime sun turned everything into mud. If the snow fell on damp ground and did not melt, it meant early flowering of snowdrops; if it fell on frozen ground, it meant a rich grain harvest.
  • November 4 is the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. They prepared the sleighs for departure and met men returning from work in the city and fairs. Time for mass matchmaking and weddings. According to signs, if it rains on Kazanskaya, it will get colder quickly, and if it rains from the very morning, then expect snow in just a few days. When the day begins with fog, on the contrary, the warmth will remain pleasing for several weeks.
  • November 5 – Jacob (Jacob). Day of Honoring Parents. They prepared firewood for the winter and began to eat honey and preserves. Hail or light snow on this day foreshadowed the onset of severe frosts until the 22nd. The first frosts last no more than 3 days.
  • November 6 is the day of veneration of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”, Svetets. In former times, girls gathered in huts for gatherings at the torch (light), sang songs, talked, did handicrafts, and in the evening they prayed to the Mother of God for intercession, health and good suitors. The wind died down after a long calm - a sign of imminent snowfall with a storm.
  • November 7 is the day of Marcian and Martyria, the day of remembrance of the dead. On this day, nature usually “cries”; it was supposed to go to the cemetery and light candles on the graves of relatives. At lunch, a generous table was set, from which the poor and orphans were treated. The morning begins with fog - expect a thaw, and the sunset of a golden-bronze color means bad weather.

  • November 8 is the day of Demetrius of Thessalonica. They continued to remember their parents and relatives. If it’s cold outside and snowing, then the next spring will be the same (cold and late), and the thaw promised warmth in winter and early spring. The stars twinkle strongly - foretells imminent and prolonged bad weather.
  • November 9 – Nestor of Thessaloniki, Day of the Prophets. On this day, it was customary to make any promises and pledges for good deeds, and for this they expected the Virgin Mary to fulfill her most cherished desire. After heavy drizzle - wait for a thaw; the dog is sleepy all day - to bad weather or severe bad weather.
  • November 10 - Paraskeva Friday, Flax or Woman's Intercessor. If Paraskeva fell on the fifth day of the week, then it was considered a special holiday. The girls prayed to the saint to send the groom as soon as possible, and also to protect the family and marriage. There are white circles around the moon - there will be a strong storm, a rapid thaw - to quick and long frosts.
  • November 11 is the day of Abraham the Recluse or Shepherd and Anastasia the Roman or Sheep. Festival of Sheep and Shepherds. From this day they began to shear sheep. Dogs and sheep refuse to eat and walk around sleepy - this means bad weather is imminent; crows croak with the whole flock and won’t calm down - this means severe frosts.
  • November 12 is the day of Zinovy ​​Egeisky and his sister Zinovia Sinichkina. Birds (tits, bullfinches) began to fly in from the south, and children made and hung feeders for them. The men were preparing for winter hunting and fishing. Whole flocks of tits jump around houses - foretelling imminent and severe cold weather. If a titmouse whistles - to the clear next day, if it squeaks, it means severe frost at night.
  • November 13 is the day of Saints Spyridon and Nicodemus. They examined the chickens and cut out the weak ones. For the first time, the men went hunting and fishing, following the scent of a hare. The first hare caught was prepared in a special way and given a name day. Chickens cackle louder than usual and not after laying - a sign of bad weather. The sun setting in a thick scarlet cloud means heavy snow.
  • November 14 is the day of the miracle workers Damian and Cosmas. The old people said: “Kuzminki is the wake of autumn,” the real winter was beginning. On this day we celebrated chicken holiday. Wealthy people sent fatted chickens as gifts to poor relatives, and they also sent matchmakers with them. If the river is covered with a crust of ice, then by the 21st the weather will warm up and the frosts will subside. A rooster standing on one leg means quick and severe frosts.
  • November 15 is the day of the martyrs Akindina, Pigasius, Athosius and others like them. Men dried grain in barns, and women crushed flax and hemp, preparing them for spinning. Crows scream to the south - warming up. In the evening the sky is hazy or foggy - a sign of strong wind.
  • November 16 is the day of Akepsim, Joseph, Evdokia Safronovo. If the wood in the stove burns violently and roars, and low clouds float across the sky, expect storms and cold. At night, frost lay on the trees and the ground - this means the weather will improve; the stars flicker strongly at dawn - this means bad weather will soon occur.
  • November 17 is the day of Joannicius the Great, Nicander of Myra and Hermeus. On this day the elders said: “Erema - stay at home.” It was believed that evil spirits were walking around houses and trying to steal coals from the stove. On Yeremu they tried not to leave the house unless absolutely necessary and not to give anyone a loan, fire or food. The evening dawn of a green hue means warming and a clear day.
  • November 18 is the day of Jonah of Novgorod. We completed the harvesting and preparation of radishes and fermented them together with cabbage. In the evening, the girls walked around the yard and house, scattering around small coins and trinkets made with their own hands - this was supposed to attract suitors. On a quiet night you can hear roosters from afar - sign of precipitation. The clouds dropped lower - towards the snow.
  • November 19 is the day of Varlaam of Khutyn and Paul of Constantinople or Freeze-Off. By this day, the water in rivers and lakes usually froze. The men inspected and prepared gear for ice fishing. Snow fell - winter will be snowy. No wind - expect severe frosts soon. The scarlet dawn rises above the clouds - to windy and cold weather.
  • November 20 is the day of the martyrs Theodotus of Ancyra, Hieron, Hesychius, Athanasius, Mamanta, etc. The ancestors said: “Theodotus - the ice leads, and the rivers are covered with ice - the winter roads are open.” If the ice on the rivers froze in waves, this foreshadowed a rich grain harvest next year. The rooster crows a lot or fluffy snow has fallen - warming up.
  • November 21 - Council of the Archangel Michael and the Archangels Gabriel, Raphael, etc. Thaws often occurred on this day: “If Michael ruins the path, then don’t wait for him until winter Nikola(December 19).” If frost is visible in the morning, expect big snow soon, and if there is fog, thaw. Clear weather on Mikhail promised a frosty winter. The evening sun setting with brown twilight means bad weather will soon occur.
  • November 22 is the day of the martyrs Onesiphorus and Porfiry, Venerable Matrona Constantinople or Winter. From this day on, winter fully rises to its feet. Women brewed medicinal herbs and gave them to all household members to prevent illnesses. If the trees are covered with frost, frost will strike in just a few days. If the weather turns out to be gloomy and snowy, next May will also be stormy. Frost promised the peasants a good harvest of oats, and rain promised wheat.
  • November 23 is the day of the apostles Erast, Olympus, Rodion. On this day they went to church to bless bread and salt, then for lunch they treated the whole family and livestock. According to signs, this was supposed to give strength and health for the winter. If bad weather happened in the yard, they went out with the same bread to bow to winter, so that they would not plot their own intrigues. Crows croak loudly and start playing games - this means warming will soon begin. The ice on the river is smooth - for the approaching winter.

  • November 24 is the day of Theodore the Studite or Frost. They said: “Fedor Studit’s cold is getting worse every day.” We tried to stay at home and warm ourselves, brewing teas with dried berries and branches of fruit trees. If many clear stars appeared in the sky, this indicated a good harvest of mushrooms and berries for the next year. The cold meant the harsh winter months, but the warm and windless weather promised that there wouldn’t be much cold in the winter. Rain and snow were a sign of warm weather until December 4th. Cloudless weather means cold weather.
  • November 25 is St. John's day. The last autumn weddings were played, the next ones had to wait until Maslenitsa or Krasnaya Gorka. If snow falls at night and lingers on the trees, it means it will not melt. The sparrows chirped - expect warming soon. The sun rising from black clouds means worsening weather.
  • November 26 is the day of John Chrysostom of Constantinople. People noticed: “On Chrysostom, everything around is empty.” On this day they prayed to the saint for a fair trial and retribution against deceivers and thieves. If it snows, it will not melt until the flood. But, at the same time, large snow drifts promised a fruitful year.
  • November 27 is the day of the Apostle Philip of Irap, Theodora, Gregory, Filippovka, Zagovenye, the beginning of the Filippov fast. Weddings and noisy holidays were ending, men tried to finish their planned work before Christmas. Women gathered in huts, spinning, embroidering (engaged in pious activities), and telling fortunes. Snow or many clouds for Philip promised bad weather in May. The ash in the stove goes out quickly - damp weather will soon set in.
  • November 28 is Guryev Day. On this day, it was customary to turn to the saint with prayer for deliverance from dental diseases. The old people believed that evil spirits, frightened by the frost, they ran away and hid until Christmas time. On this day, horses were revered and given a double portion of oats. If horses neigh at Guria, be kind to whole year. Scarlet sunrise - a blizzard.
  • November 29 is the day of Matthew the Evangelist. On this day there were often thaws or violent winds with blizzards. People visited each other for tea and quiet conversations, although the table was set on a fast day. Cold and blizzard foreshadowed a harsh winter. Pale moon in the haze - to bad weather the next day.
  • November 30 – Gregory the Wonderworker or Winter Guide, Nikon of Radonezh. Everyone, young and old, welcomed winter to Gregory, had their first sleigh rides, played snowballs, or simply rolled around in the snow. If on this day it is snowy but calm outside, then winter will also delight you with calm and clear weather, if it is dry and warm - a damp and rainy spring. Dark ice on the river means a rich grain harvest.

Wedding in November

Despite the fact that the last month of autumn does not always please newlyweds with good weather, many marriages take place precisely at this time. Maybe it affects long tradition ancestors, and the autumn union promises a long, rich, prosperous, measured and carefree life together.

Folk signs about a wedding for November:

  • frosty and a lot of snow - to strong relationships in the family;
  • the thaw indicated that in family life there will be strength tests;
  • It’s a good sign if the first snow falls on your wedding day - married life will be rich and carefree;

  • rain promises great happiness that suddenly falls on your head.

November- the last month of autumn. It is popularly called “leafy”. Leaves are falling from the trees, there is a damp smell in the air, frost, sleet and slush are possible. By folk proverb, “in November, winter fights with autumn.” Everything around is preparing for winter sleep, the sky becomes cloudy, the sun appears less and less. With the help of plants, animals and various natural phenomena future weather can be predicted. For this purpose, there are folk signs of November, which were compiled and verified over many centuries by different generations of people.

Signs about the weather in November

  • Whatever the weather is like in November, the same will happen in April.
  • Clear, cloudless weather in November is a sign of an imminent drop in temperature.
  • Long and severe cold snaps in November mean a harsh winter.
  • If snow falls in early November, it means early spring.
  • A lot of snow means rich bread.
  • November, dry and clear, is dangerous for next year - unfavorable for the future harvest.
  • In November, it may rain in the morning, and by the evening the snow may lie in drifts.

Signs about nature in November

  • If many trees have not shed their leaves in November, it means a long winter.
  • Mosquitoes in November - be a mild winter.
  • Many ducks remain for the winter - the winter is expected to be warm.
  • The closer the hares appear to the villages, the colder November will be.

In November - what are they like? In November, the first thing you should pay attention to is the condition of the rivers. If reservoirs are covered with an ice crust, then next year will be a joy rural residents rich harvest.

If you pay attention to migratory birds, for example, to the departure of swans to warm countries, then you know that the time of frost has come. Geese will fly away if it snows in the coming days. Ducks will stay if they feel the winter will be warm.

November is the most dark nights. The sunshine delights us with its presence for only about 30 hours during the entire month.

Have you noticed that mosquitoes are still annoying you with their presence in November? Rejoice, the winter will be mild and warm. And our ancestors also knew that the weather in November will be the same in April. Oak and rowan with harvest - for a harsh winter. If snow falls in early November, it means early spring. If many trees have not shed their leaves in November, it means a long winter.

Folk signs about the weather for November by day

  • On November 1, we said goodbye to autumn and welcomed winter. If the street is damp and dirty on this day, it means that there are 4 weeks left before the onset of winter.
  • November 2 is Artemy's day. November covers the ground with leaves, and December with snow. On November 2, they began to salt and ferment cabbage.
  • November 3 is Hilarion's day. A clear evening foreshadowed that the coming day would be sunny and dry.
  • November 4 is the day of the Kazan Mother of God. If it rains on this day, then winter will come after the rain.
  • November 5th is Jacob's Day. If precipitation falls on this day, then after November 22, real winter will begin.
  • November 6 is Athanasian Day, and also the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” On this day, the weather was predicted by a burning splinter - if it crackles, expect frost. If the torch does not light for a long time, it means there will be a thaw.
  • November 7 is the day of Martyria. Usually it always rains or snows on this day.
  • November 8 is Dmitriev's day. Garlic is planted before Dmitri's day. If it is warm on this day - it means early warm spring, snow has fallen - the whole November will be frosty and cold, there is no precipitation, then winter will not come soon.
  • November 9 is the day of St. Matryona. On Matryona, frost on the trees means frost, fog means a thaw.
  • November 10 is the day of Paraskeva, Neonila. If it is sunny on this day, expect a warm winter.
  • November 11 is Anastasia's day. From this day on, animals began to be cut.
  • November 12 is the day of Zinovy. If it snows on this day, expect frost to come soon.
  • November 13 – Nicodemus Day. Nicodemus was revered as the guardian of the family hearth from misfortunes. On this day, the chickens were transferred to warm rooms for the winter.
  • November 14 is the day of Kuzma and Demyan. If it rains on this day, don’t expect frost until early December. Cold on Kuzma-Demyan - warmth will be on Mikhail.
  • November 15 - on this day it was noticed that the day was getting shorter and shorter: Akindinus kindled the barn, and Pegasius extinguished the sun. Day of Akindinus and Pegasius.
  • November 16 – Anna Kholodnaya. A remarkable day for determining the weather and the future harvest. It’s especially cold on Anna, you’ll be hungry. On Anna, smoke from the chimney spreads along the ground - wait for a thaw, rises upward - towards frost.
  • November 17 – Eremey and Nikander. An unremarkable day for determining the weather, but it is associated with mystical signs. On this day, it was not recommended to leave the house anywhere unless absolutely necessary, so as not to encounter evil spirits.
  • November 18 is the day of Jonah. On this day, if it snows, it is a harbinger of a snowy, cold winter, which is excellent for winter crops.
  • November 19 is the day of Paul and Varlaam. If there is a lot of snow on this day, the winter will be snowy.
  • November 20 is Fedot Day. If it’s warm on this day, expect frost to come soon.
  • November 21 is Michael's day. If it rains on this day, it means a dry, warm spring. Frost on this day means that the winter will be snowy, and fog means a thaw.
  • November 22 is the day of Winter Matryona. Frost on the trees means frost, fog means thaw.
  • November 23 is Erast Day. There is frost on the trees - expect frost, fog - a thaw.
  • November 24 – Fedorov Day. What is remarkable about this day for determining the weather in November? If there is a thaw on this day, expect cold and frost soon.
  • November 25 is the day of Ivan the Merciful. If there is precipitation on this day, there will be thaws until December 4th.
  • November 26 – John Chrysostom. On this day, the earth goes into sleep until spring.
  • November 27 is Philip's day. If it is cloudy and snowy on this day, May will be stormy.
  • November 28 is Guria Day. The snow that fell on this day will not melt until spring.
  • November 29 – Matveyev day. If a strong wind blows on this day, it will last until December 19 in the form of blizzards and blizzards.
  • November 30 – St. Gregory’s Day. As is Gregory, so is winter. Frost on this day - the winter will be long and cold.

These are the folk signs for the month of November. What signs do you know? We will be glad to see your comments.

The last month of autumn - November - is coming into its own, winter is just around the corner.

Trees and shrubs are already practically without leaves, with the exception of some regions. After all, the weather is different at different latitudes. Therefore, there are several options for the name of November among the people - "leaf fall" , "chest" ,"jelly" . In November there are already frosts more often, but there is still rarely a lot of snow, and the nights are getting longer every day. That's why November nights can be quite dark. Despite the fact that November is still an autumn month, winter is getting closer and closer. The clouds are solid and gray, there is a foggy haze in the air, and in the morning the puddles are covered with ice.

From time immemorial, our ancestors formed signs for each month of the year. The weather signs for the month of November were especially true. By observing what is happening in nature and the weather this month, one can judge the coming winter and what kind of harvest awaits next year. But we must admit that November is very fickle; the weather this month sometimes changes very unpredictably.

We have prepared for you autumn signs for every day of November. Basically, they are all related to the weather phenomena of this month. Carefully observe the surrounding nature, and you will be able to conclude what kind of winter awaits us today.

Folk signs for every day of November

Dmitry. People say: “Dmitri’s Day is winter on the fence.” On this day, as a rule, people say goodbye to autumn and welcome winter. It happens that there are already frosts. If there is a thaw on the first day of November, then expect a warm winter and then a warm spring. And if it snows and it’s cold, then winter will be cold, and spring will be late and cold.

Artemy. Translated from Greek it means “healthy”. They turn to Artemy with a request to save him from a vain death. It is common among people to ferment cabbage on this day. If suddenly there are mosquitoes in November, it means it will be a mild winter. The westerly wind portends prolonged precipitation.

Hilarion. It's snowing thickly, which means the cold will stop soon. People also observed bears: if they lay in a den on high place, means there will be a flood in the coming year.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. There were the first frosts. The frost on this day is still not great, but at the same time it does not require standing. If it rains on Kazanskaya, then snow will soon fall. It is not advisable to make long trips on this day. Those who got married on this day were predicted to have a happy life.

Yakov. Large snow or hailstones on this day means that on November 22 (Matrenin's Day) winter will truly come into its own. If the weather is bad all day, and in the evening the clouds become bright, then bad weather is ahead. November is the last month of “living” water; ponds, lakes, and rivers are covered with ice.

Day of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” If the north winds continue until now, it means there will be snowstorms. If the weather remains calm for a long time, snowfall is expected. People watched a dog: if its fur became thick after the autumn shedding, then the winter would be cold.

Martyrius the recluse. If snow falls on this day, spring will be late. If there is fog in the morning, there will be a thaw.

Dimitriev, Michaelmas Day. It is believed that if there is snow on this day, it means there will be a snowy Easter. People believed that Michaelmas led to real winter. The silence of indoor birds promises cold and frost.

This day was called the vow to Paraskeva. On this night, women made a promise to do difficult work in deep silence and concentration. And they asked Paraskeva to send health to loved ones or to fulfill cherished wish. Frost on trees means frost.

Paraskeva Friday. Paraskeva is considered the intercessor of women. You cannot spin yarn on this day, you can only sew. Laughing a lot at Paraskeva meant a lot of tears in old age. The Moon was used to judge an upcoming storm if there was a circle around it.

Anastasia Ovcharnitsa. The day was a holiday for the shepherds - they went to visit and received the gratitude of the peasants for saving the sheep. And from this day they began to shear sheep. We continued to watch animals and birds: if the crows screamed loudly in flocks, it was going to be frosty. Bad weather was predicted by a bulldog who refused to eat.

Day of Zinovy-Sinichnik. In November, winter birds arrive: tits, bullfinches, waxwings. When it gets cold, tits appear in flocks near houses. People used to say: “Feed the tit in winter, it will remember you in spring.” If geese and ducks hide their heads under their wings, it will soon become colder.

Day of St. Andrew the First-Called. On this day, unmarried girls prayed to Andrei asking for good grooms. The peasants listened to the water: if it was quiet, then the winter would be calm, but if it was noisy, it would be frosty, cold, and winter would come with a blizzard.

Day of Nahum the Reader. From this day on, they began to teach children to read and write. Frost on this day means an oat harvest, rain means a wheat harvest, and snow means a stormy May. The approach of frost was predicted by a rooster standing on one leg.

Akindin, Gury. “Akindinus kindles the barn, Pigasius extinguishes the sun,” people said. The peasants crushed bread, flax, and hemp. There are few cedar cones - a weak, warm winter. Fog in the evening portends strong winds. As for Gury, “Gury rides a piebald mare,” people said, that is, there is snow and mud all around. It is believed that if snow falls on Guria, then it will lie there until the flood.

Georgy. Young girls wove linen and it was believed that they could become princesses. And whoever has not woven will not have to expect anything good. At dawn, flickering stars predict inclement weather in the coming days. Frost in the evening means good weather. Strong winds also to blizzards and blizzards.

Varvara. The Varvara frosts are beginning. Chickens walking along the street and clucking mean heavy snowfall.

Savin's day. “It spreads the sava, sharpens the nails, and salts it.” Low floating clouds mean bad weather. If the silence of the night is disturbed by roosters in discord, then there will be bad weather soon.

Winter St. Nicholas Day. Among the people, St. Nicholas Day was celebrated twice: in summer and winter. They said, “Nikola will drive the winter horse into the yard, and fatten the summer horse.” Nikolsky frosts were coming. If birds fly more and more near houses, then there will be snow. The sky, which seemed very close, promised bad weather.

Fedot Ledostav. “Fedot leads ice to ice,” the peasants said. The snowy road prophesied a good harvest of bread. We listened to the roosters crowing: if they sang especially a lot, warming is expected soon. If clouds are floating from the north, then there will be no thaw.

Michaelmas. There have already been frosts on Michaelmas Day, and there have also been thaws with mud. If it snowed that day, it was customary to say: “Mikhailo arrived on a white horse.” Heavy snowfall happened if there was frost in the morning, and if there was fog, a thaw was inevitable. And if there is a thaw, then there is no need to expect snow for another month.

Matryona. There was frost on the trees at the beginning of the frost, but the fog again led to a thaw. If it was warm in the morning, and frosty in the evening, then the cold will persist for some time. In Rus' at this time frosty days had already begun, but nature is so changeable and how things will turn out today is anyone’s guess.

Rodion and Erast. People believed that an icy crust could already be expected on Erast. And this, in turn, meant that winter was very close. As the weather warmed up, the crows squawked loudly. And watching the evening dawn, they judged the weather of the coming day.

Fedor Studit. On this day they made a forecast for the whole winter: if it’s warm, then a warm winter will come, and if it’s cold, a frosty winter. By the warm winter there was also a freezing of the river with ripples. And an increase in atmospheric pressure meant rapid warming.

Ivan the Merciful. Warm weather, rain and snow on this day spoke of an upcoming thaw until December 4 (Introduction of the Virgin Mary into the Temple). The thaw was also expected by the loud chirping of sparrows. If the fallen snow remained on the trees, then it remained on the ground and did not melt. Gloomy clouds before sunrise promised stormy weather.

Ivan Chrysostom. The day of the convocation of frosts and the end of thaws. If it snows intermittently, the weather will deteriorate. The warbler remains to spend the winter with us, so the winter will be warm.

Filippovka. Day of conspiracies for the Nativity fast. If the day is rainy, the wheat harvest will be good, and if there is frost in the morning, then the oat harvest will be rich. If the ash goes out quickly in the furnace, it means the weather will deteriorate sharply and it will rain. Snow creaking underfoot is a sign of chilly winter weather.

Guryev day. From this day the Nativity Fast begins. If snow has fallen by this day, it will not melt until spring. At that time they said about dirt: “Gury kneads the dough.” Highly floating clouds mean clearing, and low floating clouds mean bad weather. Red sun at sunrise towards frost.

Matveev day. Strong winds of this day predicted frosty weather until December 19 (Nikola winter). We waited for windy weather by watching the donkey, which begins to scream loudly and rush about. The kitten curled up into a ball and hid its face “promised” that the sun would come out.

Gregory the winter indicator. The official transition from autumn to winter is here. Frosty, cold days set in. If the air temperature remains stable during the day, then you can’t expect any sudden changes in the weather in the near future. Slowly rising atmospheric pressure predicted good weather in the near future.