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Red fish is considered the most popular seafood in cooking. It is tasty and healthy, you can prepare many dishes from it. But the wide variety of species often makes choosing fish difficult. The question especially often arises: which is better - chum salmon or pink salmon? After all, these are the most common types of red fish, but they differ in taste and other characteristics.

Red fish in nutrition

Fish is generally good for health, especially red fish. Representatives of the salmon family are called this because of the color of their meat. People who eat red fish get sick less. It has long been considered a valuable dietary product.

About 80% of the salmon family fish on sale are chum salmon, coho salmon, and pink salmon. Which one is better is difficult to determine, since the differences are usually subtle. Although there is a slight difference in the composition, calorie content and density of meat. In addition, salmon include salmon, sockeye salmon, chinook salmon, whitefish, omul and others, but they are less common and have no commercial significance.

Balyk is prepared from red fish, it is salted and smoked. It is often sold frozen. This is a universal product from which you can prepare many tasty and healthy dishes. In addition to meat, salmon caviar is highly valued.

Red fish is useful for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Due to the presence of a large number of useful microelements, amino acids and fatty acids, it prevents disorders of the nervous system and normalizes hormonal background and functions of the endocrine glands.

Red fish is useful for maintaining good vision and preventing dysbacteriosis. Eating it helps maintain healthy hair, nails and skin. Red fish contains microelements that are not found in other foods, so it is recommended to include it in your food. For example, it contains a lot of Omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins A and D.

Features of pink salmon

This is the most common type of red fish. It is quite inexpensive, so it is accessible to many. This is a small fish, its weight does not exceed 5.5 kg. She eats only high-calorie foods. Therefore, pink salmon meat is fattier and denser. It has a richer mineral composition than chum salmon and a higher calorie content.

Distinctive Features pink salmon are dark spots along the back. It has smaller scales. Male pink salmon have a noticeable hump on their back, which is why the fish got its name.

Features of chum salmon

Chum salmon is a fairly large representative of the salmon family; its weight can reach 14 kg. It is widely available and popular among buyers. Its meat is soft and tender, not very fatty. Chum salmon does not live in captivity; it eats only natural food, so its meat does not contain artificial additives. If we compare the composition of which is better - chum salmon or pink salmon, then chum salmon meat contains more vitamins. This fish is considered a dietary food because it is low in calories.

Chum salmon is larger than pink salmon, but lighter in color. It has a light silver color and fairly large scales. Chum salmon has a characteristic elongated body shape and a massive tail.

Which is better - chum salmon or pink salmon?

This question is difficult to answer, since everyone has different tastes. Some people prefer the dense, fattier meat of pink salmon. It is considered high-calorie and healthy. But others prefer the tender dietary meat of chum salmon. Although it costs more. Those who buy it for salting often think about which fish is better - chum salmon or pink salmon. It is believed that pink salmon is less suitable for these purposes, since it is dry and tough. But some people like this particular fish.

Which caviar is better

Sockeye salmon, chum salmon or pink salmon are those types of red fish whose caviar is common on store shelves. It is slightly different in appearance. But all red caviar is a very valuable nutritional product. Both chum and pink salmon are tasty and contain many useful microelements. But people who are wondering which red fish is better - chum or pink salmon, often try to choose caviar certain type.

To do this you need to know its differences:

  • Chum salmon caviar is large, with a dense shell, bright orange in color. It contains more protein and beneficial microelements. This caviar is the fattest and has a delicate taste.
  • Pink salmon eggs are smaller and lighter in color. The product tastes lightly salted and does not taste bitter.
  • Sockeye salmon has small, bright red caviar. It may have a bitter taste.
  • Coho salmon caviar is dark and medium in size. The taste is bitter.

How to choose

Some sellers sometimes replace chum salmon with pink salmon, since it is cheaper and chum salmon meat is more valuable. Therefore, it is important to know how they differ. When buying whole fish, you can pay attention to its characteristic features: Pink salmon have dark spots on the back and a hump, while chum salmon have a lighter color and a large tail.

But most often fillets of this fish are substituted for sale. People who know what is better - chum salmon or pink salmon - understand such features. Pink salmon meat is pale pink in color, so it is easy to identify. But when processing fish, for example, when canning or even freezing, it can be treated with dyes. And then pink salmon acquires a bright pink, juicy color, the same as that of chum salmon. Therefore, it is recommended to buy chilled, fresh fish.

When buying red fish you need to pay attention to some signs:

  • the surface of fresh fish should be shiny and clean, without mucus;
  • scales and fins should fit tightly to the skin;
  • eyes should be clear, prominent and shiny;
  • gills - pink or red;
  • canned or salty fish should contain as little dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers as possible, the color is not bright, with pale veins;
  • the fillet should be of uniform color, the meat should be dense and hold its shape well.

Pink salmon- a fish whose length reaches approximately 38 cm, while the weight is about 2.2 kg. Among other representatives of the Salmon family, it is the smallest. The appearance of a fish directly depends on the place where it lives. In the ocean, pink salmon looks like this: it is colored pale blue with a silver tint. In rivers, the fish becomes paler and acquires a yellow belly and a gray back (see photo). After spawning, males develop a hump behind their head, which explains the corresponding name of this fish. It is by this characteristic that males are distinguished from females. Pink salmon live only a few years.

There is a wide variety of fish on sale: whole carcasses, fillets, belly, back, steaks, etc.

Pink salmon has a delicate taste; this fish is most similar to salmon and trout. The only difference is the juiciness of the meat. In pink salmon it is drier. The smell of fresh fish is subtle. Sharp notes indicate that the product has begun to deteriorate. The smell of fried pink salmon is unpleasant. However, it is very simple to eliminate it: before cooking, the meat of this fish is treated with lemon juice or diluted balsamic vinegar.

How to distinguish pink salmon from chum salmon, salmon, salmon, masu salmon, and trout?

It makes practically no sense to compare pink salmon and salmon, since the former belongs to the salmon family, and the latter is already a collective name for all species of fish that belong to this family (pink salmon, salmon, chum salmon, etc.). Sometimes pink salmon can be called salmon. In this regard, it is necessary to give a short comparative description of salmon fish such as chum salmon and salmon, and understand how they differ from pink salmon.

Distinguish pink salmon from chum salmon possible based on the following criteria:

    Weight. Weight difference is 6 kg. An adult chum salmon weighs about 8 kilograms, and the weight of pink salmon ranges from 1.5 to 2.2 kilograms.

    Meat color. Pink salmon has reddish meat, unlike chum salmon, which has pink meat with a light tint.

    Scales. In pink salmon it is small, with dark spots on the back and tail and with a white belly; in chum salmon there are no black spots. Also, the latter has silvery and larger scales.

Difference between salmon and pink salmon begin with appearance and ends up being used in cooking. The males of the latter fish, unlike the former, grow a so-called hump during the spawning period, hence the name. Also, pink salmon belongs to the Pacific genus of salmon, and salmon belongs to the Atlantic. In addition, the latter type of fish is much larger (can reach one and a half meters in length), while the former can only reach seventy-six centimeters in length. As for culinary differences, many chefs claim that salmon meat, unlike pink salmon meat, is quite dense, so it is used as a cut for rolls and sandwiches. Something else needs to be said about the taste of the two fish. Pink salmon is less tasty, not juicy enough and tougher than salmon. There is also a noticeable difference in the price of the product. Salmon, unlike pink salmon, is very expensive and therefore not available to every consumer.

Pink salmon is different from masu salmon according to several criteria. Firstly, the body of the first fish is covered with large spots, and the body of the second is covered with small ones. Secondly, the eyes of pink salmon are large, while those of masu salmon are small, bead-shaped. Thirdly, the latter, unlike the first, has teeth that are quite sharp, not very small, and are present on the tongue. Fourthly, pink salmon have softer gills than masu salmon. Fifthly, the sima's scales are much larger and can be easily removed without sticking to your hands. Sixthly, pink salmon meat is less fatty than salmon meat.

Concerning differences between pink salmon and trout, then the meat of the latter is much fattier than that of the former. Also, the weight of trout can reach more than twenty kilograms, and the average weight of pink salmon is about two kilograms. The latter has a hump on its back, while the former does not. In addition, trout, unlike pink salmon, has a red stripe on its side, and its entire body is dotted with small dark spots.

How to select and store?

When choosing pink salmon, you should first of all take into account the purpose of purchase, that is, you need to decide in advance what you are going to cook from it. Buy carcasses with the head only if your goal is stuffing fish or making soup from it. Otherwise, choose headless options as they are an extra expense.

To buy high-quality and the freshest fish, use the following recommendations:

  • If you choose a whole carcass, then pay attention to the color of the abdomen: it should be pink. Yellow indicates damage to the product.
  • Look at the gills of the fish; if they become green and slimy, the fish is spoiled. Quality pink salmon have red gills.
  • Pay attention to the eyes: they should be transparent, without clouding. Otherwise, you should refuse the purchase.
  • It's also worth looking at the tail. A weathered, dried tail will indicate that the fish has spoiled.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the skin: it must fit tightly to the meat, be absolutely clean and not damaged. If the skin is easily separated from the carcass, you should refuse the purchase, since the fish was stored for quite a long time and most likely in violation of storage standards.
  • When choosing fillets, pay attention to the color of the meat: it should be pink. White color is a sign that the fish has been frozen. Dishes made from pink salmon like this will be dry no matter what you do.
  • You should not buy fish that have characteristic bloody marks or bruises.
  • When buying fish in a store, pay attention to the fact that whole carcasses should be placed under the ice, and fillets above it.
  • Press your finger on the selected pink salmon: the shape of the fish should be restored almost immediately.

It is worth storing fish by first wrapping it in parchment paper or cling film. If you bought a whole carcass, then place a few pieces of ice in the belly and place it on a shelf near the freezer. In this state, pink salmon will remain fresh for about 3 days. When frozen, storage time increases to 3 weeks.

Beneficial features

The benefits of pink salmon are due to the presence of various substances that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which have the ability to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, normalize blood pressure and increase the protective sheath of nerve cells.

Pink salmon is an excellent source of vitamin D, which takes part in the formation of bone tissue and reduces the risk of osteoporosis and rickets.

The protein contained in pink salmon is absorbed much faster than meat. This fish contains a substance called glutothione, which destroys foreign cells and increases protective functions body. Pink salmon has a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system. Fish does not contain sugars or carbohydrates, so it can be consumed if you have diabetes.

Pink salmon is quite filling, but at the same time low-calorie product, so you can safely include it in your diet without fear of spoiling your figure.

Considering the presence of large amounts of vitamin PP and vitamin B6, consuming fish normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and digestion. Sodium, which is part of pink salmon, is necessary to maintain water-salt balance in the body. Pink salmon contains phosphorus, which is involved in the restoration of bone tissue, as well as fluorine, which is involved in hematopoiesis.

Due to its extensive health benefits, including this fish in your diet is recommended for people of any age.

Pink salmon is very healthy during pregnancy, so you can safely eat the fish, but stick to a certain dose. The daily norm of the product eaten is no more than one hundred and fifty grams, and you can enjoy it no more than three times a week.

Pink salmon is also recommended for breastfeeding. This fish can be eaten only four months after birth in boiled or steamed form. For the first time you need to eat no more than thirty grams of fish. If the baby feels well within two days, then you can continue to eat pink salmon, but not more than twice a week. The amount of fish eaten per week is no more than four hundred grams. When your baby turns six months old, you can try eating baked fish with vegetables.

Pink salmon with pancreatitis is allowed to be eaten, but only three months after the disease has subsided. It is advisable to eat fish boiled and no more than twice a week. During the period of stable remission, steam cutlets and meatballs can be prepared from pink salmon fillets. In acute forms of the disease, this fish is not recommended.

Use in cooking

Pink salmon is a fairly popular fish in cooking, as it is an excellent independent product, and is also used in recipes for a variety of dishes. Fish can be subjected to various heat treatments: stewed, baked, boiled, fried, steamed, and grilled. It can also be salted and pickled.

Pink salmon is used to prepare first and second courses, and it is also included in the recipe for a variety of appetizers, salads, cutlets, pates and much more.

How to properly cut and clean fish?

“How to properly cut and clean pink salmon?” - the question is quite serious, so it needs to be approached more thoroughly, because the taste of the fish depends on it.

So, to fillet pink salmon at home, you only need a small knife, which is usually used to cut vegetables. First you need to clean the pink salmon from scales. This is done like this: carefully peel off the scales, starting from the tail and ending with the head. Once the scales are removed, the fish should be rinsed in water to remove any remaining scales.

Then you can proceed to the next stage of cutting the fish - removing the entrails. This is how you need to gut pink salmon: rip open the belly of the fish and carefully remove all the entrails. Then you need to clean the film inside the carcass (otherwise the fish fillet will taste bitter). Make a small cut along the spine of the fish, then cut the film and remove all blood clots. After this, the carcass needs to be washed.

Now you need to clean the pink salmon from bones, fins and tail. First you need to put the fish on the board, cut off its head, tail and fins (from the back and belly), then cut the carcass lengthwise along the belly from the top to the tail. To rid pink salmon of bones, you need to take a small knife, which should be inserted between the rib bones and the meat layer near the spine (the sharp side of the knife should be facing the spine bone). Next, gradually move the knife from the base of the ridge to the edge of the abdomen, thereby freeing the meat from the bones. The same should be done with the tail part of the fish. Now you need to remove the ridge, open the fish carcass and cut it into two halves. You should have one part of the fish without bones, and the second with bones, which should be removed in the same way as from the first half.

Now you need to remove the skin from the fish fillet. To do this, pick up the skin from the wide edge of the carcass and pull it to the very bottom. If the meat stretches along with the skin, the skin must be carefully peeled off the meat with a knife. When the skin is removed from the fish, you can cut the pink salmon into portioned pieces and use it for further preparation of the delicacy. If the fish fillet is baked in the oven, then only the large bones will need to be removed, and the small ones will not be touched, since under the influence of heat they will become softer and will be easily removed from the meat.

To cut frozen pink salmon, remove the fish from the freezer in the evening, place it in a deep bowl and place it in the refrigerator. Until the morning, the pink salmon will melt and it will be possible to clean it. Or you can simply remove the fish from the freezer, place it on a cutting board and let it sit on the counter for a couple of hours.

One more thing. If caviar is found when cutting fish, it can also be used to prepare a dish. But before that pink salmon caviar needs to be cleared of film. How to do this at home? Yes, very simple. Remove the caviar from the carcass and rinse under water. Next, carefully cut the film in several places. After this, you will need a sieve with large holes so that the eggs can pass through freely. Place the caviar on a sieve and press down lightly. This way the eggs will pass through the strainer, and the film will remain on the surface.

You can also remove the film from pink salmon caviar using boiling water. Pour water into a small saucepan, place on the stove and boil. Place the caviar in the film into the seething liquid and stir gently with a whisk to collect the loose film on the blades. After this, the water should be drained and the caviar used for salting.

Cut pink salmon for salting very easy and fast. Wash the fish thoroughly and then immerse it in salt water for about fifteen minutes. After this, cut the carcass in half lengthwise, removing the skin and backbone. Then cut the pink salmon fillet into pieces and salt it.

To cut pink salmon for batter, You should take a lightly frozen fish, cut off the head, tail and all fins, and then wash the carcass. Next, you need to make an incision along the ridge along the entire carcass. Starting at the edges of the cut, remove the skin and then divide the fish into two parts, separating one part of the carcass from the bones. To clean the second loin from the bone, you need to grab the spine with one hand and pull out the bones with the other. Pink salmon is ready for cooking in batter.

Below is a video on how to cut pink salmon to get boneless fillets.

How to defrost?

To prepare a pink salmon dish, the fish must first be properly defrosted. You can use two proven methods. In the first case, pink salmon should be placed in a deep container and placed in the refrigerator on the lowest shelf. So the fish should be defrosted in the evening so that by morning it is already defrosted.

The second method implies the following. To quickly defrost pink salmon, remove the fish carcass from the freezer, place it on a board or in a deep container and leave it on the kitchen counter for exactly one hour. Then the fish must be washed thoroughly.

You can defrost pink salmon fillets using the same methods as whole fish.

In addition, there is another method for quickly defrosting pink salmon - in cold water. Whole fish should be wrapped in several plastic bags and placed in a container with cold water, and then place the bowl of fish under running cold water. In an hour and a half, pink salmon will defrost.

How to cook delicious pink salmon at home?

In order for the finished dish prepared at home from pink salmon to be tasty, you need to know several features of this fish:

  • If you purchased stale fish, it may taste bitter after cooking. Also, improper storage or re-freezing can affect the taste characteristics.
  • To stuff pink salmon, you can use mushrooms, various seafood and vegetables. To bake, pour cream sauce over the fish or use cheese.
  • It is worth considering that if pink salmon is left in the oven, it will become dry. Cooking time - no more than 40 minutes. You need to cook pink salmon for no more than 15 minutes, and fry for about 20 minutes.
  • To make the fish juicy, before cooking it is recommended to soak it in a marinade, the recipe for which you can choose at your discretion.
  • Pink salmon meat becomes tender if it is kept in lemon for about 30 minutes.
  • Do not use too many spices as this will ruin the taste of the final dish. Black pepper, salt, lemon and olive oil work best with pink salmon.
  • If you decide to bake pink salmon, it is best to do it in foil, as the fish turns out very tasty and juicy.

Pink salmon is such a versatile fish that it can not only be fried and baked, but also boiled, stewed, pickled, smoked and even dried. This fish goes well with many foods and will give any dish an impeccable taste and aroma. So, let's talk about each cooking method in more detail.

To pickle pink salmon, the fish must first be cut so that two fillets are obtained (the cutting method was described above), and then rinsed in water. When the fish preparation stage is completed, you should proceed directly to salting pink salmon. In a bowl, mix sixty grams of table salt and twenty-five grams of granulated sugar. Rub the fish parts thoroughly with the resulting mixture, then combine them, wrap them in a cellophane bag and put them in the refrigerator for a day. After twenty-four hours, pink salmon can be served, having previously been sprinkled with vegetable oil.

Make lightly salted pink salmon It’s very simple, so anyone can cook fish. Cut the cleaned carcass into small pieces. Then mix thirty grams of salt and ten grams of sugar in a small container. Place a layer of fish pieces in another bowl, grease a little with sunflower oil and sprinkle with a mixture of sugar and salt, as well as ground black pepper and coriander to your taste. Then lay out another layer of fish and also oil it, sprinkle with the mixture and spices. Then another layer and so on until the fish pieces run out. Then close the container with a lid and place in the refrigerator for about five hours.

How to marinate pink salmon? Cut the fish (remove the scales, but do not remove the skin) and cut into pieces. Crush six peas of allspice in a mortar, add one hundred and twenty grams of salt, one hundred grams of sugar and add chopped bay leaves, mix well. Now coat the fish pieces with this mixture, place them in a container, put a slight pressure on top and leave for about forty minutes. At this time, you should mix six crushed peas of allspice, thirty grams of chicory, two crushed bay leaves, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and three cloves. Next, pour boiling water over a one and a half liter jar, then put cloves and bay leaves in it, and then lay pink salmon in layers two pieces high (each layer must be sprinkled with a mixture of spices). Pour the remaining spice mixture into another container, pour in eighty milliliters of boiled water, pour the same amount of sunflower oil, add a tablespoon of vinegar and stir well. Pour the marinade over the fish, close the jar and leave to marinate for two hours. Then the fish should be put in the refrigerator for another three hours. After five hours, the pickled pink salmon will be ready to eat.

To bake pink salmon in the oven That is, you should take about a kilogram of fish and get fillets from it, which you need to cut into pieces. In a bowl, combine salt and black pepper to taste, adding a teaspoon of cumin and a pinch of oregano. Thoroughly rub the fish pieces with the spicy mixture and let them sit for about twenty minutes. During this time, you should prepare the sauce: add chopped garlic cloves and a chopped bunch of herbs (dill and parsley) to five hundred grams of sour cream, mixing thoroughly. Pour half the sauce onto a baking sheet, then place the fish, pouring the rest of the sour cream sauce on top. Fish pieces need to be baked at one hundred and eighty degrees for about thirty minutes. Baked pink salmon in sour cream sauce turns out very tender and quite juicy.

How to cook pink salmon in a frying pan? Cut the fish, wash it, dry it and cut it into portions (the thickness should not exceed three centimeters). In a small container, mix ten grams of salt and half a teaspoon of black pepper, adding a pinch of seasoning for pink salmon. Rub the mixture onto the fish pieces and then sprinkle them with lemon juice. Leave the fish to marinate for about twenty minutes. Pour flour into a not very deep bowl and roll each piece of fish in it. Frying pink salmon varies within three minutes on each side, until the surface of the fish is covered with a golden crust. Fried pink salmon is great for serving along with boiled rice or vegetables.

Pink salmon stewed is prepared as follows. Clean the fish, cut into pieces and rub with pepper and salt. Next, roll the fish pieces in flour and place in a frying pan to fry until half cooked. Then finely chop the onion, grate the carrots, fry the vegetables in a frying pan, and then add to the fish, adding boiled water and your favorite spices. Simmer the dish over low heat for about twenty minutes.

How to cook pink salmon in a saucepan? You will need three hundred grams of fish, which needs to be cleaned and cut into pieces. Place a pinch in a deep saucepan nutmeg, bay leaf and five peppercorns. Half onions cut into half rings, cut a little less than half of the carrots into slices and place in a saucepan, adding salt to taste and six hundred grams of water. Place the container on the stove and boil. Let the broth boil for about ten minutes, then drop the fish pieces into it. Cooking pink salmon in a saucepan takes about twenty minutes. Boiled red fish goes best with lemon slices and a sprig of dill.

Pink salmon in a convection oven It cooks quite quickly and does not require much effort. Cut the fish, wash, cut into pieces, salt and season with lemon juice. Place the bottom grill in a container for an electrical appliance, grease it with sunflower oil, and then place pieces of fish on it. On the convection oven, set the temperature to two hundred and fifty degrees, and the timer to forty minutes.

To make pink salmon on an electric grill, you must first make the marinade: mix in a container fifteen grams of garlic and ginger, three hundred milliliters of soy sauce, seventy-five milliliters of olive oil, one hundred and five grams of granulated sugar (preferably brown), half a glass of water and fish spices for taste. Place the pink salmon fillet in a sealed bag and pour the marinade over it. Place the fish in the refrigerator for exactly five hours. Place the marinated pieces of pink salmon on the grill and bake for about five minutes on each side.

How to bake pink salmon in the microwave? Cut the fish, wash and cut into pieces. Take a special bowl for a kitchen appliance, put the first layer of fish there, salt, season with spices, sprinkle onions on top, cut into half rings, and then grease with mayonnaise, and so on each layer until the fish is gone. After this, cover the container with a lid and place it in the microwave, setting the maximum power and the timer for fifteen minutes. This baked pink salmon is perfect with vegetable salad, mashed potatoes, rice or vegetables.

To prepare pink salmon in a slow cooker You will need to cut the fish, wash it thoroughly, and then cut it into steaks. Next, pour thirty-four milliliters of sunflower oil into the bowl of the device, turn on the “Baking” program, let the oil heat up a little, then put fish steaks there, rubbed with salt and pepper, and fry for ten minutes on one side, and then another five minutes on the other sides. Then you should prepare the sauce: mix three tablespoons of mayonnaise and liquid sour cream. Pour the prepared sauce over the pink salmon and bake for about half an hour in the “Baking” mode. At the end of cooking, sprinkle grated cheese on top of the fish (about one hundred and fifty grams is needed) and turn on the “Keep Warm” program for another ten minutes. During this time, the cheese will have time to melt.

To cook pink salmon steamed in a double boiler, the fish should be cut, washed thoroughly, cut into small steaks, sprinkled with lemon juice, moderately salt and pepper. Then place the fish steaks on the upper compartment of the device, pour some water into the lower compartment and cook for about fifteen minutes. A few minutes before the end of cooking, place a rosemary sprig or a small piece of ginger on each piece of fish. Steamed pink salmon goes well with zucchini, or green beans, or cauliflower.

It turns out very tasty fried pink salmon on the fire. First you need to fillet the fish and then cut it into large pieces. In a deep bowl, mix table salt, pepper, sunflower oil, mustard, seasoning, lemon juice to taste, then put in onion, cut into half rings, and then put in fish pieces, mixing well. Leave the pink salmon to marinate for sixty minutes. After this, place the marinated fish steaks on the grill and fry for about twenty minutes. Fried pink salmon on the grill turns out very juicy, tender and very tasty.

How to smoke pink salmon? Cut the fish (if the scales are not damaged, they do not need to be removed) and rinse. In a bowl, mix sixty grams of salt and ten grams of ground pepper. Rub the resulting mixture generously onto the fish and leave it for several hours so that the pink salmon is well salted. For smoking it is better to take alder shavings. When the shavings flare up and white smoke starts to appear, the fish can be placed on the grill. Pink salmon is cooked in a smokehouse for about forty minutes. After this, the fish should be allowed to air a little. Smoked pink salmon has a golden hue. Keep ready product in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

To wilt pink salmon, fish fillet cut into pieces. Next, in a bowl, mix sixty grams of salt and twenty-five grams of sugar, as well as dried parsley to taste. Mix the fish pieces in the finished mixture and put them in the refrigerator for a day. We dry pink salmon in a special dehydrator at forty-five degrees for twenty-four hours. After this, cool the dried fish pieces and transfer them to a container. We store the finished delicacy in the refrigerator.

What does pink salmon go with? You can bake fish in the oven along with vegetables (potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower), cheese, herbs (dill, parsley), lemon.

A side dish for pink salmon can be presented in the form of vegetable dishes or porridges. If you bake fish with champignons, then pink salmon in this form goes well with a vegetable salad, boiled rice or mashed potatoes.

You can also serve the sauce with pink salmon. Usually the fish is topped with creamy, garlic, sour cream sauce or bechamel sauce.

What can I substitute in the recipe?

Pink salmon can be replaced in the recipe with salmon, chum salmon, trout or some other red fish of the salmon family.

But it is recommended to replace canned pink salmon for salad with canned tuna or saury.

Smoked pink salmon can be replaced with lightly salted fish, for example, in making tartlets.

Harm of pink salmon and contraindications

Pink salmon can be harmful to people who have an individual intolerance to the product. It is contraindicated to eat such fish if there is a ban on the consumption of iodine and phosphorus. People with ulcers, liver problems and gastrointestinal diseases should be careful when using pink salmon.

Please note that during prolonged heat treatment a large number of nutrients in pink salmon are destroyed.

Fishing for pink salmon

Fishing for pink salmon begins in the middle of the summer season. The habitat of pink salmon is cold waters, so the fish can be found in:

    waters of the Arctic and Pacific oceans;

    rivers of Asia, including the northern part of Japan (approximately to the island of Honshu);

    reservoirs of northern America.

Where are pink salmon found in Russia? Here they catch pink salmon, starting from the rivers of the Bering Strait, then moving south to Peter the Great Bay, and then heading a little south. The fish is also found on:


    Kuril Islands;


This fish can also be seen in the Amur River.

When is the fresh catch of pink salmon? Fishing for pink salmon lasts until the fish begin to spawn, that is, somewhere from spring until the middle of the summer season (more precisely, until the end of June). After this, fishing is prohibited.

When do pink salmon go to spawn? Such fish begin to spawn in different terms, because it lives on different coasts. Most pink salmon swim into rivers to spawn around the end of June. This period lasts no more than two months, and sometimes can last until September.

It is better to catch pink salmon in reservoirs near reaches with a pebble bottom and under a direct current. Catching pink salmon with long casts is very rarely practiced, since the fish swims close to the shore.

What to use to catch pink salmon? The most successful way to catch fish is with spinning rods, tackle and fly fishing. You can also catch pink salmon using a regular fishing rod. At the same time, the fishing line for pink salmon should not be thinner than 0.8, otherwise you can cut your fingers and palms while landing the fish. The spinner for pink salmon should not be rotating, because the fish almost does not react to it. It is best to use a very brightly colored vibrator.

What do pink salmon bite on? Artificial flies may be suitable for catching pink salmon. The fish also bites well on eggs rolled into a rope. In addition, baits for pink salmon can be made more colorful by attaching bright threads, feathers or colored plastic to the spoon. Experienced anglers recommend using orange, blue or purple.

Red fish is now the name given to delicious fish belonging to the salmon or sturgeon family. Types of red fish such as trout, salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, and sturgeon have reddish or white-pink muscle tissue. Because of this, they received such a name.

Previously, only the sturgeon family was classified as red fish: sterlet, sturgeon, beluga, stellate sturgeon, etc. Currently, the salmon family is also included here.

Salmon fish has small bones and juicy muscle tissue, and caviar is an expensive delicacy. All types of red fish are highly valued in cooking.

Sturgeon family

This family, as evidenced by many fossils, is one of the most ancient among fish. It began its existence about 75 million years ago - in the Cretaceous period. Fish of this family are the largest in freshwater bodies.

Main characteristics of the family

The sturgeon family has an elongated and spindle-shaped body. Along the entire length of the body, on the upper part, there are longitudinal rows of bugs - bone scutes. There are five of them in total: one dorsal, a pair of lateral and a pair of ventral.

The head is covered with bony plates. The spatulate, elongated snout has a conical shape. The mouth is located on the bottom of the head and can be extended. There are lips, but no teeth. Characteristic feature are small antennae that are located above the mouth.

Fins: a pair in front, near the head, one anal, one dorsal and a large tail. The base of the caudal fin is covered with diamond-shaped scales. The first pair of front fins are modified and look like spikes.

The sturgeon skeleton is cartilaginous. Fish have a swim bladder, four pairs of full gills and one pair of accessory gills.

This family of fish prefers to stay near the bottom and feeds mainly small fish, mollusks, insect larvae, worms.

All species of the family are freshwater, anadromous or semi-anadromous.


The sturgeon family belongs to the class of ray-finned fish and to the order Sturgeon. Currently, there are only four species: shovelnose, pseudoshovelnose, beluga and sturgeon.

Species of the sturgeon class are common in the basins of the Azov, Black and Caspian seas. Sturgeon are also found in the Aral Sea basin, but they are represented by only one species. This is a thorn.

Representatives of the classes differ significantly from each other.

Shovelnoses got their name because unusual shape snout. They have small eyes that can be almost atrophied, but they have a well-developed sense of touch. This fish lives in reservoirs with very fast flow water, so an important feature is the presence of large bone plates that look like a shell. And the flat, elongated snout helps the shovel-nosed fish to easily stay afloat in a turbulent water flow.

Shovelnose bats are found only in the Mississippi basin. Representatives are divided into two types:

  1. The common shovelnose can be found quite often in the river basin. This is a fish that reaches almost 1 meter in length.
  2. The white shovelnose is less common than the common one. Its length can also reach 1 meter.

False pathologists live in the basins of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya, but do not swim into the salty Aral Sea. All these fish are smaller than shovelnose fish and can only grow up to 55-60 cm. There are two species: the large Amu Darya shovelnose fish and the small shovelnose fish.

In addition to standard sturgeon widows, various hybrids may appear. One body of water is usually home to several species of sturgeon fish, which interbreed.

Reproduction of sturgeon fish

All representatives of sturgeon, except sterlet, are long-lived. The fish reaches sexual maturity only when it grows to a sufficient size, but spawning does not occur every year, but once every two to three years. For this process, sturgeon leave the seas for river beds. There they spawn, after which they return back to the seas.

The larvae in the eggs feed on the contents of the yolk sac for a fairly long period. After hatching from the eggs, they feed on small zooplankton.

The young sturgeon swim from the rivers to the sea, where they continue to grow. In some large reservoirs, juveniles can stay for three or two years, but then still return to the sea.

Sturgeon breeding has been practiced for quite a long time. It is mainly grown in natural nurseries of the Azov, Black or Caspian Seas. Recently, protection of sturgeon in the natural environment has been strengthened, but poachers still continue to catch the fish, which negatively affects its numbers.

The meaning of sturgeon

In addition to tasty fillet, sturgeon has delicious black caviar. Fish are bred and caught for industrial purposes in the rivers of the Caspian basin. The fry are raised at fish farms and then released into the wild. The quota size is determined by the number of these fry.

Sterlet is also highly valued by gourmets, but catching this fish in natural reservoirs is prohibited. It is bred on fish farms, just like thorn and stellate sturgeon. All these species are listed in the Red Book.

The most common species bred in ponds are Siberian sturgeon, Russian sturgeon, beluga, sterlet, bester.

Sturgeon breeding has recently become more widespread. In addition to industrial purposes, sturgeon fry are released into rivers to maintain numbers. But many species are still very susceptible to extinction due to poaching and environmental degradation.

Salmon fish

The salmon family is divided into several subfamilies:

  1. Salmon. Representatives have large teeth, small scales, and the upper jaw is quite large and extends to the back edge of the eyes.
  2. Graylings. They have dense and strong scales and a long dorsal fin.
  3. Whitefish. They have a small mouth, the back jaw does not reach the back edge of the eyes; small teeth and small scales that fall off easily.

Salmon fish is one of the most valuable among all salmon.

Main features

The body of the fish is elongated and laterally compressed. The lower jaw is elongated, a cartilaginous hook appears on it during reproduction, and a corresponding notch appears on the upper jaw. The back color is usually blue-gray with black spots, and the belly is silver. The overall color of the fish may vary depending on the age of the individual, its habitat and other factors. Before spawning, the salmon darkens, the males become covered with red spots, and in very old males the lower fins and the entire belly turn red.

During the breeding season, the skin of salmon thickens and becomes rough. The process of changing individuals during spawning is called flaking, salmon in this period called lonshak or lokh.

During spawning, all members of the family become very thin, as a result of which the heads of individuals appear much larger. more body. The fish fillet becomes tasteless, white and watery.

Salmon is considered an anadromous fish. During spawning, salmon enters rivers from the sea, but the exception is Ladoga salmon and Onega salmon, which live and spawn in closed reservoirs. These lake species have more dark color and smaller caviar.

Salmon habitats

Salmon live only in Europe; previously they could be found in Turkestan and Siberia, but currently they are no longer there. The main habitats are the White Sea, the Baltic Sea, the German Sea, as well as rivers flowing into the above seas.

In the CIS countries, salmon are caught in the following rivers: Western Dvina, Neva, Neman, Luga, Vindava, Pechora, Varzukha, Mezen, Onega, Northern Dvina.

Salmon reproduction

Salmon enter rivers mainly in the summer, ascend them, and can swim long distances. Salmon spawning occurs in the fall.

Depending on the time when the fish goes to spawn or returns, fishermen give names to salmon. The course of the Petrovsky and Uspensky suckers corresponds to the closing of the White Sea; they go into the rivers after the ice breaks up - in early June. This fish has a lot of caviar, and it is almost mature. Uspensky sucker is also called tinda or low water. They go to the rivers in July.

In the off-season, caviar fish is also found, but its caviar is either immature or in small quantities. In Western Europe, spawning fish are especially common.

Salmon has a powerful tail with well-developed muscles. Thanks to him, she can jump over small ledges of rivers. Salmon can jump up to 4-5 meters. Therefore, it is very convenient for fishermen to catch salmon near small waterfalls.

The fish always spawns on small rifts with fast current and a coarse sandy bottom. Basically, salmon spawn in the same place for many years. But the older the member of the family, the higher he goes into the rivers.

The return movement of the fish begins in November-October. In the northern regions, salmon spend the entire winter in fresh water and return only in the spring. Thin and tired salmon slide back into the sea.

Salmon caviar is quite large, but it is smaller than other species. With age, the number and size of caviar increases.

The development of fish eggs is slow and depends on water temperature. The fry hatch after 70-140 days. They swim for about a month with a yolk bladder. The fry have a large head and a small body; they feed on bottom organisms or zooplankton. The body color of young fish is greenish.

Salmon fry spend in the upper reaches of rivers from one to three years. After they take on the appearance of an adult, the fish swim to the sea, where they continue their development. But before this, young salmon stop for several days at the mouth of the river and gather in large schools.

Males and females two to three years old are already capable of reproduction. After the fish returns to the sea, it grows, but after a few months the salmon go back to the rivers, only this time to spawn.

This completes the whole cycle and it all continues from year to year.


All types of red fish have a lot common features, but there are signs that are characteristic only of one species. Thus, trout, which is also called pied trout, has many small black spots on its body, rounded scales and rounded fins. Other species of the family do not have such features.

Trout is common in rivers Western Europe, it can be found in small quantities in small rivers of the Black Sea basin. Trout fish cannot compete with other predators; it needs clean, clear, cold, but non-freezing water, so its distribution is not as wide as other species of the salmon family.

Small fish usually feed on the eggs of adult individuals, which they find on the rifts. Adult trout are predatory fish and feed on smaller species, earthworms and insects. The main food is insects: larvae, grasshoppers, flies, mosquitoes, midges. Trout can catch insects from the water or catch them on the fly.

This fish loves cool water, so on a summer day the trout is not particularly active, hardly eats, and stays near springs and springs, in the shade of large stones.

At the end of summer, trout fish begin to move into rivers to spawn. She can cover enormous distances, and small obstacles do not prevent her from moving forward: she can jump out of the water to a height of 2-3 meters. To make a jump, the trout rests its tail on something, bends into an arc and sharply tenses its tail. If it fails to jump over the first time, the fish tries again.

Chum salmon

Where does this red fish live? Chum salmon are found in the North Pacific Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. To reproduce, it goes to the Lena, Yana, Indigirka, and Kolyma rivers; in the Western Hemisphere - into rivers flowing into the Bering Strait.

During the normal period of life, chum salmon has a silver-gray color without any spots or stripes. During spawning, the sides of chum salmon acquire a raspberry-purple hue. Chum salmon during this period are called shad or catfish. The palate and edges of the gill arches also turn black in the catfish, the teeth increase in size, and the fillet becomes yellow and skinny.

Chum salmon usually go to spawn in the third year of life, but maybe in the second or fifth.

Chum salmon are divided into two races: autumn and summer. They differ from each other in behavior, physiological and morphological characteristics. In nature, these two races do not mix during spawning.

The development of eggs and young animals in the summer race usually takes place in the under-channel flow, and in the autumn race - at the point of groundwater outlet. Such differences are associated with the temperature of the habitat: summer chum salmon needs more low temperature water so that embryogenesis is completed in the spring, and autumn chum salmon, accordingly, needs higher temperatures so that the fry emerge at the same time as the summer race.

The summer and autumn races of chum salmon differ in body size, color, and fertility.

Pink salmon

Red river pink salmon lives in the Pacific Ocean from Chukotka to the Korean Peninsula and from the Bering Strait to the California Peninsula.

Red pink salmon is the smallest representative of the salmonids. The maximum length that the fish reaches is 68 cm, and its weight is a maximum of 3 kg.

Pink salmon go to spawn in the second year of life; the breeding season begins in August and continues until the end of September. Already in April, the fry emerge and slide into the sea. But at first, young pink salmon live in shallow water, feeding on small crustaceans. After two years, the fish returns to their native river to spawn.

In addition to the fact that pink salmon is the most numerous species of the salmon family, it is quite homogeneous, i.e. it is impossible to distinguish subspecies. This is due to the fact that pink salmon is a fairly young species, the crossing of individuals occurs in the sea, and the period of stay in the river is minimal.

An amazing feature of the species is that all the larvae emerging from the eggs are females. After emerging from the ground, some individuals change sex.

Pacific (Far Eastern) salmon

This family includes the genus Pacific, or Far Eastern, salmon.

Far Eastern salmon is a migratory fish that feeds in the sea and goes to rivers to spawn. All females of this genus spawn only once in their lives, and males can participate in spawning several times.

Salmon spawning, like migration, occurs at different times for different species. Some males in some species have a long freshwater period, and some do not go to sea at all.

Pacific salmon is quite an interesting species. All members of the family have a home instinct - fish return to spawn in the rivers from which they came. But salmon, like any species, have some protection from inbreeding. So, all salmonids have different period maturation: in some species, females become sexually mature earlier than males, in some it is the other way around. This allows fish of different ages to interbreed without close relatives interbreeding. Far Eastern salmon always feed in the sea, staying there for quite a long time.

Red fish in cooking

Previously, as we have already mentioned, only sturgeon representatives were considered red fish. Currently, salmon are also called this because their muscle tissue also has a red-pink hue.

In cooking there is a classification of this fish:

  1. Group I. This includes sturgeon, which live in the Caspian and Black Seas. These are beluga, thorn, sterlet, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon.
  2. Group II. This group includes trout, salmon, pink salmon, and chum salmon.
  3. III group. These are fish such as coho salmon, taimen, nelma and whitefish. These species are called salmon white species.

Red fish is highly valued not only because of its tasty juicy fillet and caviar. This fish is very rich in various vitamins and minerals. It is characterized by a high content of phosphorus and iodine, as well as calcium, fluorine, vitamins E, group B, PP, A, etc.

All types of red fish are highly valued by chefs. It has been proven that people who often include red fish in their diet are less susceptible to cancer, are less likely to suffer from hypertension, and have excellent memory.

Red fish contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which nourish cell membranes and prolong youth. Eating dishes, for example, from salmon, is a prevention of various diseases: arthrosis, arthritis, heart attack, stroke, as well as visual impairment.

There are a huge number of red fish dishes: sandwiches with caviar or smoked fish, pie with salmon, trout, stewed trout with vegetables, red fish with beets, chum salmon with asparagus and rice - any gourmet will find a recipe to their liking. This fish can not only be eaten every day, but it is also not a shame to put it on the holiday table.

Salmon fish is healthy, but it is worth remembering that a large amount of even healthy food can be harmful to health. It is enough to include only 300 g of red fish in your diet per week, preferably boiled or steamed. Excessive consumption of fried red fish can disrupt the gastrointestinal tract. Overweight people, pregnant and lactating women should eat dishes from this delicacy with caution.

A well-known enterprise engaged in breeding red fish for industrial purposes is Russian Salmon OJSC. The company grows fish - Pacific salmon - in nurseries located in the Barents Sea. The company also processes salmon. Here you can buy almost all species of the salmon family.

Pink salmon is a fish of the salmon family. The second name of this fish is pink salmon.

Pink salmon got its name from the hump that appears on the backs of males during the spawning period. It is found both in seas and in fresh water in cold climates. Average length 40 cm, average weight 1.2 kg.

During the spawning period, it is not advisable to catch pink salmon, since its meat is tasteless. If pink salmon is caught on time, then its meat has amazing taste. Like all salmon, pink salmon is considered a red fish. It is rich in fat-soluble vitamins and microelements.

Calorie content of pink salmon

Pink salmon is a high protein product. The calorie content of raw pink salmon is 116 kcal per 100 g. Boiled pink salmon contains 168 kcal. And 100 g of fried pink salmon contains 281 kcal. The energy value of baked pink salmon is 184 kcal. Excessive consumption of pink salmon can lead to excess weight.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of pink salmon

Pink salmon meat is balanced and nutritious, it is a source of vitamin PP, pyridoxine, sodium and fluorine. Fish also contains fatty acids and fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins B12. It is not without reason that many peoples of the North have eaten this fish from time immemorial and were distinguished by amazing health. This fish delicacy, when eaten regularly, can compensate for the lack of many trace elements and vitamins in the body.

The most valuable in this regard are Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are present in abundance in the meat of this fish. These acids are also called vitamins of youth, since they are responsible for the aging process. They have a beneficial effect on the structure and activity of cell membranes

Vitamin PP or niacin is quite difficult to find in other foods, it is a trace element necessary for proper operation higher nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. Sodium is indispensable in the functioning of the circulatory system and water metabolism, and without fluoride the processes of hematopoiesis and bone metabolism are impossible (it is also a preventative against caries). Therefore, pink salmon should be included in the diet of every person who cares about their health.

Scientists from the University of Pittsburgh (USA) found that omega-3 fatty acids, which are rich in fatty fish, have a positive effect on areas of the brain associated with emotions. Regular consumption of these fish prevents cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and, accordingly, sudden death from strokes and heart attacks.

100g of pink salmon contains:

Water: 54.1 g
Proteins: 22.1 g
Fat: 9 0 g
Unsaturated fatty acids:1. 5 g
Cholesterol: 83.0 mg
Ash:14. 8 g
Vitamin B1: 0.3 mg
Vitamin B2: 0.2 mg
Vitamin PP: 4.6 mg
Iron: 0.7 mg
Potassium: 278.0 mg
Calcium: 40.0 mg
Magnesium: 29.0 mg
Sodium: 5343.0 mg
Phosphorus: 128.0 mg
Chlorine: 165.0 mg
Molybdenum: 4.0 mcg
Nickel: 6.0 mcg
Fluoride: 430.0 mcg
Chromium: 55.0 mcg
Zinc: 700.0 mcg

Calorie content of pink salmon: 169.4 kcal.

Dangerous properties of pink salmon

Pink salmon is contraindicated for those who are allergic to fish.

People suffering from chronic liver diseases, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, should use this product with caution so as not to cause exacerbation of diseases.

On the shelves of modern supermarkets you can find different types red fish. All of them have a unique biochemical composition and have a positive effect on our level of health. The most accessible type of red fish is pink salmon. But don’t delude yourself about its particular usefulness. The fact is that the low cost of pink salmon indicates that it is an artificially grown fish. But whether its proteins and fats contain those polyunsaturated omega acids that are inherent in red fish breeds is a big question.

Most likely, the pink salmon that is put up for sale on our shelves is nothing more than a pleasant variety on our menu.

What is pink salmon useful for: beneficial properties

However, there is natural pink salmon whose beneficial properties are undeniable. The fact is that any type of red fish has special substances included in their fats. This is a real elixir of youth and beauty. Omega unsaturated acids have unique property rejuvenate every cell of our body.

We hasten to reassure you: as scientific research shows, even in artificially grown pink salmon these substances are present in small quantities. So now you know how pink salmon is useful

This fish is also an inexhaustible supplier of vitamin D. It is responsible for strong bone structure and proper development of the fetus in the womb. Therefore, pregnant and nursing mothers are recommended to eat this type of red fish at least twice a week.

There will be no excess pink salmon in a schoolchild’s diet. Phosphorus, which it contains in large quantities, has a beneficial effect on the functionality of the brain.

Calorie content of fried pink salmon

Many women who watch their figure can breathe freely. Properly cooked fried pink salmon has minimal calorie content. The fact is that this is a low-fat fish. Due to this, many people call it dry and add a huge amount of sunflower oil when frying.

  • first, replace sunflower oil for olive;
  • If possible, steam pink salmon.

If you follow one of these rules, you can be sure that the calorie content of pink salmon will allow you not only to maintain excellent shape, but also to lose excess weight.

How to choose pink salmon

It’s not so easy to choose quality pink salmon in the store. But knowing a few secrets will help you choose exactly the pink salmon that will have a delicate taste without bitterness or foreign flavors.

When choosing pink salmon, pay attention to:

  • scale color;
  • fish size;
  • condition of fins and gills;
  • skin integrity.

The color of the scaly covering of fresh and high-quality pink salmon should be silver. Any rusty spots are bad sign, indicating that the fish is not fresh and the taste will not be very pleasant.

Mature pink salmon weighs about one and a half kilograms. Anything more than this is not worth buying. This means that the fish is quite old and the meat will taste harsh.

All fins and gills should be a light, non-rusty color. The skin and all parts of the body must be completely preserved. Gutted pink salmon should not be purchased. Most likely, this fish was exposed to the open air for a long time without freezing. And this leads to the destruction of all beneficial nutrients.

Now you know:

  • how to choose pink salmon correctly;
  • calorie content of fried pink salmon;
  • beneficial properties of pink salmon;
  • How different types of red fish can help you.

Happy shopping and bon appetit!