Hand fortune telling training. A beginner's palmist's guide

Palmistry is the oldest system of fortune telling by hand or by the skin texture of the palms. It has been known since ancient times, since the time of Aristotle. The very first books, which carefully describe the system of palmistry, appeared in Germany in 1448. There are also times when it was taught at universities.

In general, fortune telling is a method of fortune telling with which you can learn about a person’s spiritual qualities, talents and future successes. By opening this curtain of the future, a person learns about his fate and what is destined for him in the future.

If you are thinking about how to learn to tell fortunes by hand, we will try to help you with this. There is no need to memorize a large amount of knowledge. It is very important to familiarize yourself with the basics of palmistry and practice from time to time on friends, acquaintances and relatives. If you really want, with diligence and patience, you can become an excellent palmist.

General examination of hands

In order to find out a person’s character, it is not necessary to delve into palmistry itself. It is enough to look at your hands, that is, to perform a general inspection. To do this, take the leading hand.

If, when feeling the hand, a certain roughness of the skin is noticed, this means that the owner of the hand has a straightforward character. A cold and thin hand, on the contrary, speaks of sophistication and tenderness.

If you look at the shape of your hand, you can easily see that it is different for everyone. Holder square palm in all likelihood has a direct and practical character. An outstretched palm speaks of the impressionability and suspiciousness of its owner.

Finger length also provides additional information. Short fingers are usually found in energetic and superficial people. Availability long fingers speaks of a pedantic and persistent character. If a person has fingers of medium length, then he does not have such a pronounced character, that is, he is both persistent and moderately superficial.

Main lines

After examining your hands, you can begin to tell fortunes by hand. Each hand has its own pictures and they are different for everyone. In the form of pictures in palmistry, 4 main lines are considered: the line of the heart, head (mind), life and fate, and the latter is not found in all people.

To begin with, let’s decide which hand to use to guess. Many books say that when choosing a hand, it is important who is telling fortunes: a man or a woman. It’s best not to worry about this, but to choose according to this principle: dominant hand (if you are right-handed, then right hand) will tell the fortuneteller about the past and present, and the other hand (non-dominant) will tell about future events.

Heart line

Fortune telling by hand must be taken seriously. Otherwise, joking and having fun, you can predict a completely wrong fate.

The heart line will tell its owner about emotional stability, the degree of romance and heart health. It starts under the little finger from the edge of the palm and goes in the form of a curve to the index finger.

Heart line values ​​according to various characteristics:

  • If it ends between the index and middle fingers, then this means that the person has an open character, he has many friends and acquaintances who appreciate and love him.
  • If it is quite short, then its owner is restrained in emotions and not romantic.
  • If the line of the heart ends at the middle finger, then this means that the person cares more about his own problems than about other people’s.
  • If she goes to the bottom index finger, then the person is a perfectionist and demands from people appropriate behavior that is close to ideal.
  • Long and curved - indicates easy expression of emotions.
  • A circle crossing the line indicates sadness or a depressed character.
  • A breakup indicates emotional trauma suffered.

Head (mind) line

The second main line in palmistry is the head line. It shows exactly how its owner uses his mental abilities.

  • If it is short, then its owner relies more on his logic rather than on fantasy and imagination.
  • Uneven and curved means that a person has creative abilities.
  • The long one is about clear and focused thinking. A person with such a line likes to complete everything.
  • Circles and crosses indicate an emotional crisis.
  • A straight line indicates realistic thinking.

Life line

The life line will tell about a person’s love of life, love for himself and the people around him.

Many believe that its length is directly related to a person’s life expectancy. Fortunately, this is a misconception that scares and stresses many people.

Its values ​​according to various characteristics:

  • If the line is quite far from thumb, then the person has great vitality and vitality.
  • If it is located close to the finger, then its owner lacks vital energy.
  • If it is short and shallow, then the person is easily manipulated by strangers.
  • The presence of several life lines indicates high vitality and good health.
  • The circles talk about the hospital and possible illnesses.
  • If it looks like a pronounced semicircle, then the person is plump great strength and enthusiasm.

Line of fate

When fortune telling by hand, the fate line is not found in all people. Starting at the base of the palm, it very often crosses the line of the head and heart.

Its values ​​depending on some characteristics:

  • If it is quite deep, then a person’s life is controlled by fate.
  • If it crosses the life line, then its owner has great support from parents and friends.
  • If it crosses the life line in the middle of its line, it means that a person will think not only about himself, but also about people close to him.
  • If it begins simultaneously with the line of life, then a person creates his own destiny.

Children's line

Taking advantage of fortune telling, women will not miss the opportunity to find out about the number of children she may have. You can find out about the number of children, as well as the gender of the unborn child, quite simply.

First, when fortune telling by hand, you need to find the marriage line, which displays the number of children. It is necessary to remember the fact that the possibility of having so many children is displayed on the hand, but does not mean that the person will have exactly the number that is displayed on the hand.

Let's look at a clear example of a hand.

This hand displays two marriage lines. They are marked in red and parallel to the heart line. There are no vertical lines on the first marriage line No. 1. This means there were or will not be children in this marriage at all.

There are two vertical lines on the second marriage line. The one at No. 2 is short, which means the baby will be a girl. The dash under No. 3 is long, which means the birth of a boy. Consequently, in the second marriage the number of possible children will be equal to two, namely a boy and a girl.

Most people would like to know their future. Palmistry can provide answers to the most important issues— how long your life will be, how your personal happiness and career will turn out. Learn how to read the signs and lines on your hand.

What is palmistry

Palmistry is considered one of the most ancient systems, which is based on the interpretation of the individual characteristics of human hands. Palmists draw conclusions about the fate and character of a person by studying the lines and hills on the palm, as well as skin features, the structure of the hand, the shape of the fingers and the features of the nail.

If you decide to independently master the art of hand line reading, you should learn the basic guidelines.

Lines on the palm

The main thing that palmists pay attention to is the lines that cover the palm. They are divided into primary and secondary. By the main lines you can determine the foundation of the future and the character of a person. Additional lines will help reveal all the nuances of personality, the secrets of life and death. But before you begin to interpret the signs, try to keep your hand clean - nothing should prevent you from carefully studying the structure of the lines. Let's look at each of them.

Heart line

This line on the palm can tell a lot about a person’s emotionality. It is believed to be connected to his soul and talks about matters of the heart, family and love relationships.

The heart line is the first line from the top of the fingers. If she tends to the Mount of Jupiter, this speaks of the sentimentality of nature and that a person is capable of loving with all his heart. According to palmistry, the Mount of Jupiter symbolizes the craving for the ideal. IN in this case- To ideal relationship. If the line has several branches, then in the life of such a person relationships may have collapsed more than once, but he never gave up his intentions to find his love.

If the heart line tends to the Mount of Saturn, such a person prefers to combine love stories With material benefits. It is common for these people to make mistakes in choosing a partner in their youth, and then they try not to repeat them. Owners of such a palm sometimes give the impression of being calculating people, but this is not the case. When they fall in love, they literally lose their heads.

If the heart line originates between the hills of Jupiter and Saturn, this indicates a harmonious nature that tries to make love a pleasant rather than a painful experience.

See if there is a branch to the side near the heart line ring finger. In palmistry, the ring finger is called the finger of Mercury, and the additional line to it is called the Belt of Venus.

Holders of the Belt of Venus passionate natures and for the most part very lucky in love.

Breaks in the heart line and branches falling down speak of a sad love experience and a struggle between the mind and heart. The dotted lines and stars decorating the Heart line advise you to work on your temperament and learn to be calm.

If there is no clear heart line on the hand or it merges with the line of the head, this is a sign of a reasonable and confident person.

Head line or mind line

The middle line that crosses the palm is associated with mental abilities. If it is long, clear and straight, then you have a good organizer and practitioner. If it slopes towards the Mount of the Moon or reaches it, it is evidence of creative thinking. If it bends towards the heart line, there is a chance to earn good money with your mind.

If the line of the mind at the beginning comes into contact with the lines of life, there is prudence in the person’s character. If it starts next to her, this is a sign of good luck in entrepreneurship. Located from the life line on long distance- a sign of courage to the point of recklessness.

Branches from the head line up indicate the patronage of Fate in career matters. If the branches are directed downward, it means that for the sake of love a person is ready to sacrifice even money.

Life line

Surrounds the Mount of Venus. In palmistry it is given great value its length and clarity. These factors indirectly indicate the length of a person's life.

Sign good health and longevity will not be a very deep and smooth line without sharp breaks. This symbolizes the smooth flow of vital energy.

If the life line is intermittent or short, this is a warning about possible injuries and the danger of disease. A short life line, contrary to popular belief, does not mean short life person. This is a warning, and future health and well-being will depend on the person’s attitude towards it.

As a rule, next to the life line there is minor lines Mars. They are responsible for the hidden reserve vitality, which helps to endure illnesses. Ascending branches on the life line are signs of wealth. Falling - the likelihood of frequent moving.

Line of fate

A vertical line in the middle of the palm. Its absence is not a fatal or bad omen, but its presence promises a bright and eventful life, good luck in business and the ability to overcome difficulties.

Whatever the shape of the fate line on the hand - double, curved or broken - it will always guard and protect its owner.

Meaning of Hills

The hills on the hand rise under each of the fingers and are named after different planets, like each of the fingers. About how much strong influence The patron planet exerts its influence on the palm through the hills, indicating their size and content with different symbols.

Hill of Jupiter

It is located under the index finger and indicates the desire for perfection, power and life's blessings. Lines on the Mount of Jupiter indicate that a person is making efforts to win a place under the sun. Squares, stars and lattices on the Mount of Jupiter indicate the movement of energy.

If the Mount of Jupiter is poorly developed and not marked by lines, it means that a person prefers to remain aloof from life’s battles, to act cunningly and prudently. Don’t go ahead and wait until luck comes into his hands.

Mount of Saturn

Located under the middle finger and indicates a courageous and independent nature. A star on the Mount of Saturn indicates that Fate has chosen its path for a person; a trident or lattice promises an interesting but difficult life.

In palmistry, it is believed that people with a developed Mount of Saturn have excellent intuition and can predict the future.

Hill of Apollo

Signs on the Mount of Apollo can be signs of a hot temper and the fact that such people attract others with their extravagance.

Hill of Mercury

Located under the little finger and shows how successful a person will be in trade. A well-developed hill endows its owner with eloquence, insight and the ability to make profitable deals.

Signs on the Mount of Mercury in the form of a cross or lattice should alert you. This is a sign of the danger of being deceived by people with bad intentions. People marked with such signs should be more careful when concluding serious transactions.

Hill of Venus

For many people, it takes up most of the palm and talks about personal experiences.

The convex hill of Venus in palmistry is interpreted as a symbol of the desire for a carefree life and love pleasures. If this hill is not clearly expressed, this indicates that the person wants to manage his emotions, and not vice versa.

Lines on the Hill of Venus in the form of a triangle predict passionate romances, bars and crosses speak of experienced disappointment, squares represent fateful amulets against unhappy love, and a chain at the beginning of the Hill of Venus at the thumb promises financial income.

Additional signs: palm and finger shapes

In traditional palmistry, there are two types of hands: “square” and “conical”. Square hands have wide palms and strong fingers. The conical hand is elongated, and the fingers on it are thin and tapering towards the tips.

The lines on the palm, the length of the fingers and the shape of the nails are a gift on a person’s birthday. To decipher them means to understand the message from above. This science is complex, but quite understandable. And for beginners it’s also fascinating. After all, by looking at the lines on your hand, you can get to know yourself even better.

What is palmistry

Palmistry is the science of reading palms. Historically, there was an opinion that reading along the lines of the palm was practiced exclusively by gypsies. But back in ancient India, a book was written telling about the secrets of the appearance of signs on the skin of the fingers and palms. And palmists at the Japanese court and Chinese Emperor possessed significant power, because they knew how to predict the future. Ancient Egyptian scrolls with decoding of the tubercles and lines of the hand found their way to Europe and attracted the interest of rulers and physicians. So not only fortune tellers, but also professionals read hands.

People with knowledge learn throughout their lives. Palmistry is a science, not just a story with lines explained. Each culture gives it its own unique features. So, in the East, decoding is given mystical meaning. In the West, the lines on the owner’s hand are used to judge more about his health, character traits and prognoses in the field of cordial relationships. It is difficult to find a topic more important for a person than the topic of health. Adherents of the practice of palmistry organize seminars around the world to share their accumulated experience and observations. Science today is experiencing a peak in development, as is the science of...

Palmistry with explanations of the meaning of lines and examples for beginners

To understand science and the lines of one’s own destiny, superficial knowledge is not enough. You need to find a mentor who can guide you through all the mysteries of the science of palmistry. What you shouldn’t do is interpret your own or someone else’s life based on individual fragments of the palm or fingers. This is especially true for fatal lines. It should be remembered that they able to change throughout life. Only a generalized picture of both hands can give a clear forecast for the future and tell a lot about the health and character of their owner.

An explanation of the characteristics of the hand is given in the table below.

Hand shape

The shape of the hand indicates the deepest instincts of a person. It shows how its owner relates to the world around him and perceives what is happening. The palmistry session begins with an initial examination of the hands. The hands of all people are conventionally divided into oblong and square. Of course, there are few people with palms that fit the description perfectly. In some books up to 36 psychotypes of people are indicated according to the shape of the palm. But experienced scientists are studying a more detailed classification.

Combination of palm and fingers

Fingers whose length is equal to or less than the length of the palm are considered short. Accordingly, long fingers are longer than the palm. For a beginner, determining the length of fingers by eye is quite difficult. Therefore at first practice with a regular ruler. And after a while you will begin to determine these parameters without the help of measuring instruments.

Finger Length Ratio

Connect 4 fingers together and carefully consider the ratio of the lengths of the ring and index fingers. According to this parameter, character is determined not only by palmists, but also by scientists. Ratio the length of these fingers determines the character: peace-loving (the length of the fingers is the same), practical (the ring finger is longer than the index finger) and philosophical (the index finger is longer than the ring finger). This method is universal, because not every stranger can see the lines on the palm of their hand. And it is possible to determine the length of fingers even from a stranger.

Phalanges of fingers

The fingers are divided into 3 parts or 3 phalanges. Each of them is responsible for a certain area of ​​life: intuition and spirituality (extreme phalanx at the nail), intelligence (middle) and the material world (extreme phalanx at the palm). Ideally, they should all be equal in length. If some phalanx is noticeably shorter, it means the owner of the hand does not pay due attention to the development of this area in his life.

Additional Features

When meeting someone, pay attention to how the person extends his hand to greet you. Tightly closed fingers indicate a closed character. A strong handshake speaks of strong character person. This is also evidenced by the strong fingers and firm palm of the owner. People with soft skin on their hands are more accustomed to indulging their passions and desires.

Hand lines

Hand lines are actually the section that many people associate with the science of palm fortune telling. With a little practice, people understand that no two line drawings are alike. Such a voluminous topic requires a separate section. Find out about - deciphering the lines on the hand in palmistry - with photos and explanations of combinations for beginners, the triangle of money and the outlines of fate.

Free table on palmistry with explanations and photos for beginners

It is difficult to take into account many factors, both major and minor, without experience. Moreover Descriptions alone won't do it. You should also watch the video with palmistry lessons for beginners and find explanations in the pictures.

Palm shape Square palm. The person is easy to communicate, down to earth and practical. He does not give in to constant reflection, preferring evidence to fiction. You can completely rely on him in work and in life. Those with a square hand are difficult to piss off. It is difficult to lead them astray; if a decision is made, these people go to the end. Such people are actively interested in the opposite sex, but in relationships with them everything is simple and clear.

Oblong palm. Such people are mobile and unstable. Especially if they also have long fingers. Their behavior is influenced by emotions, and their intuition is especially well developed. They do not give in to outside guidance, preferring to realize their talent and strength on their own. In love, they often lose themselves and become a mirror for their partner.

Finger length Those with long fingers hesitate for a long time before accepting final decision. At work, they enjoy tasks that require full concentration of strength and knowledge. For them, the first place is not quantity, but quality. They follow this rule in love too.

Short fingers indicate impulsiveness in decision making. Their owners skillfully generate ideas, but quickly lose interest in them, leaving the routine work to others. Life around them is never boring; those around them are constantly involved in intellectual and fun games. They value freedom and are reluctant to marry.

Relationship between ring and index fingers The ring finger is longer than the index finger. Practitioners are in constant motion, energetic and willing to share energy with others. Strongly developed intuition helps to take right decisions. Creative people and they prefer to choose extraordinary personalities as partners. The nameless one is shorter than the index finger. Philosophers in life, they are self-sufficient and calm, which is often perceived as arrogance. In relationships, they prefer to take a wait-and-see attitude. However, as in business.

The ring and index fingers are the same length. Peace-loving people are gentle in nature and prefer to avoid any conflicts. Devoted in relationships, in love and friendship.

Phalanges of fingers Upper phalanx (closer to the nail). Thin horizontal lines are called stress lines. The more of them, the more susceptible you are to stressful situations. The longer the phalanx, the more than a person interested in the spiritual aspects of life.

Middle phalanx. The equally long middle phalanges on all fingers indicate that the owner of the hand can achieve significant heights in the field of science.

Basic phalanx (closer to the palm). Thin vertical lines on it indicate extreme fatigue of the owner of the hand.

Extended joint between the upper and middle phalanx is called the philosophical node. Testifies to the thoughtfulness of the owner of the hand.

Do you pay attention to a person’s hands when meeting them or do you consider it a waste of time? Share your observations with us, perhaps they will help other readers.

Hello! Are you interested in how to find out your fate by the lines on your hand? This is what we will do now. Everyone knows that palmists (and gypsies), even with a glance at your palm, can tell a lot about you, your problems and your character.

What do the lines on your hands tell you?

Palmistry is an ancient esoteric science of predicting the future, telling the story of the present along the lines on the palm.

Lines by planets:

  1. Life
  2. Hearts
  3. Fates
  4. success
  5. Health
  6. Intuition
  7. Marriage
  8. Voluptuousness
  9. Ring of Venus

Hills of the planets:

  1. Venus
  2. Jupiter
  3. Saturn
  4. Apollo
  5. Mercury
  6. Mars

The lines on the hands are called the map of life, by which you can find out your future. The science is complicated, but there is general principles decodings that are not difficult for a person with little knowledge of palmistry.

Heart line

First, let's look at the heart line. It must be studied from the outer part of the palm.

  1. The line ends under the index finger - it means you have a happy personal life.
  2. If its ending is under the middle finger, then you are an egoist in love, in love relationships everything revolves around you.
  3. If its ending is between the middle and ring fingers, then you are an amorous person.
  4. When the heart line is short and straight, then you are devoid of romance.
  5. If the stripe runs under your fingers, then you are a jealous, but extremely passionate person.
  6. Be careful in love, if the heart line crosses the life line, you can easily get your heart broken.
  7. A heart line rising towards the index finger indicates an affectionate personality.
  8. Parallel to the line of the mind - you check feelings with the help of the mind.
  9. A winding line shows many frivolous hobbies.
  10. A broken line indicates that the person has gone through severe heartache.
  11. There are many small strokes on the heart line that cross it, which means that a person often looks to the side, having difficulty remaining faithful to his half.

If you see a cross near your middle or index finger, you can count on a successful marriage. Red dots on the line foreshadow an unsuccessful marriage, as well as unsuccessful hobbies.

If the heart groove is deep, clear, brightly colored, then harmony in love awaits you.

Grooves extend from the heart line in all directions - this also predicts happiness in love, as well as a successful fate. But if they are subtle, then this person is an egoist with a cold heart.

Mind line

It leaves the inner part of the palm, goes to the outer part, lies under the line of the heart.

  • With a short line of mind, you focus not on mental work, but on physical work.
  • If the stripe goes across the entire palm, you think logically, think about and analyze events.
  • A wavy or zigzag stripe indicates that you are easily distracted and lose attention.
  • A line ending downward indicates excessive gullibility.
  • The line of the mind does not intersect with the line of life - you are a seeker of new adventures and impressions.
  • Curls or breaks in the line of the mind indicate an emotional crisis.
  • Take a good look to see if there are any strokes or crosses on the line of the mind. They indicate that decisions will occur in your life that will become fateful.

Life line

Read from the place between the thumb and index finger to the wrist.

  • Long and deep line life throughout its entire span, indicates that you do not miss a single chance in life.
  • A short and weak stripe means you are not an ambitious person.
  • A life line with a good bend means that you are a strong, strong-willed person. You cannot be broken.
  • A straight line confirms your caution in communicating with new people.
  • An interrupted strip indicates unexpected turns in life. And circles and curls indicate previous injuries.
  • If there is more than one groove in the palm, or it bifurcates, this person is full of strength and energy.

A sign of wealth, branches running from the furrow of life upward to the line of the heart and mind. They portend success in all matters. Double line life is a sign of wealth and happiness.

Line of fate

Read the line of fate from the wrist up.

  • The fate line runs straight up - you will achieve success in your career.
  • A weak line shows that you are not happy with the job or profession you have chosen.
  • Strokes and branches on the line indicate frequent job changes.
  • If the line of fate branches off at the base from the line of life, then you are the person who created herself.
  • When the line of life and fate intersect approximately in the middle, then you will have to sacrifice your interests for the benefit of others.
  • If the furrow fate is coming from the base of the thumb and crosses the life line, then you may have a family business.

If the design on one hand is very different from the design on the other, then you are an adventurer.

If the line of fate originates from the line of life, then early years the person will experience many difficulties. The line of happiness is the one that meets the line of life and seems to come out of it. This situation prepares a person for health, happy life.

Decoding the lines of wealth

The line of wealth is a dash that connects two lines - Fate and Head or mind and forms a triangle. It's good to have a closed triangle. It means that money will come and accumulate.

If it has gaps, or is not completely connected with the features of the mind and destiny, then you need to look for the “hole” where the money disappears

And if the triangle is located on the hill of Apollo, then money will come only thanks to your abilities.

The money triangle is visible in the photo.

Your protector - Guardian Angel

The Guardian Angel line runs next to the life line. Not every person has such vital protection. It can be short, or it can start at the beginning of the life line and end at the bottom of the palm.

The owner of this sign has a huge reserve of internal strength, he will overcome all difficulties, he is lucky in everything:

  • in my personal life
  • in money
  • career
  • almost always all wishes come true
  • good luck always accompanies him.

He will get out of disasters alive, he will avoid troubles, he will not know despondency. Everything works out for a person as if by itself. He doesn’t need to look for a job, the job will find him. Let him not reach high altitudes or he will not be very rich, but he will never be unhappy.

If the sign of the Guardian Angel is on the passive hand, then it is given at birth or passed down from the family. If the line is located on the other hand, then protection is given for some period of life. Having protection is a great gift from Heaven.

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Each person has his own Guardian Angel who helps him in difficult times...

The most mysterious sign

The ideal line of the Sun or Apollo, as in the photo, is not often seen.

Most often it is smaller in size.

In talented children it appears in childhood, in adults - throughout life. Children who have this trait will be successful from early childhood.

If the line of wealth and success comes from the line of the heart, then recognition will come in mature age. If the line is smooth, without islands or interruptions, then its owner is a real darling of fate.

A short line of success warns a person that the rise in one’s career can be very rapid, but the fall can also be no less rapid. Do not despair, palmistry is simply warning you, be vigilant, careful, do not test your fate.

How to tell by hand how many children there will be

Through the line of children located on the hill of Mercury, you can find out how many children fate can give you, and how many you actually have is decided by the parents.

Interestingly, the closer to the edge of the palm it is, the sooner you will have children. If the lines are located at the very edge of the marriage line, then they will appear at a later age. If two similar lines extend from the marriage line, then you can expect twins.

Study the arrangement of lines and signs on the hand, the structure of the palm and fingers. This science is many centuries old, during which time knowledge has been replenished with practical material. Where to start studying the palms of the hands? First you need to study the meaning of lines and basic signs. For beginners, we will try with explanations and photos to help them master the basics of ancient occult science.

What does the shape of a hand and fingers mean, what is the significance of the mounds on a person’s palms? Palmistry states that the shape of the fingers and hands, as well as the hills (or tubercles) on the palms determine potential opportunities individual. The lines on the palms record the unfolding of the potential given from birth. Using the lines, one can judge the inclinations and behavioral characteristics of an individual, his past and future. Signs and marks on lines and bumps characterize nuances in the course of life events defined by the main lines.

It is believed that the lines on the palms of the child are formed in the prenatal state - these are the three main lines of the heart, mind and life. All people without exception have these lines, they remain until the end of their days. Ideally, the lines on the palm should be smooth, clearly defined, long and the color of human skin. Any deviation indicates a deficiency of energy, indicated by lines.

Direction of lines

The life line seems to go around the thumb and down to the wrist (see photo). The heart line starts between the index and middle fingers and ends at the edge of the palm. The line of the mind is formed from the index finger and can be directed either horizontally or diagonally.

Vertically located lines of fate, sun and health are formed at the fingers and change throughout life. The fate line starts at the middle finger and goes down to the wrist, the sun line starts at the ring finger, and the health line is formed at the little finger.

Character of lines

For clarity, you can look at the nature of the lines in the pictures. The lines are deep, wide and thin, wavy, uneven and with branches at the end, smooth and intermittent. There may be signs on the lines:

  • islets;
  • chains;
  • dashes;
  • branches;
  • points.

Lines can have doubles - sister lines, and end with a hook, tassel or fork.

Deep lines show a person’s powerful energy potential, thin lines indicate a lack of mental and physical energy, wide lines show a person’s laziness or indecisiveness. Additional parallel lines always have a positive meaning.

A tassel at the end of the line shows a waste of vital energy; a wavy line speaks of mental instability and lack of self-confidence. The forks at the end have different meaning on the lines. A hook is always an unfavorable sign.

Crossing lines does not count positive sign. This always speaks of difficulties and problems. Intersection must be distinguished from connection. Only those lines that have general direction: horizontal or vertical.


The islands symbolize obstacles along the way. Lines in a chain symbolize difficulties. Intersecting lines indicate stress on life path person. Branches directed upward strengthen the positive meaning, branches directed downwards weaken it.

The dots symbolize significant obstacles along the way, emotional pain. The discontinuity of the line also speaks of obstacles and the impossibility of accomplishing what was planned. A person is haunted by failures, his energy potential is interrupted and thinned.

Signs are always warning in nature and are an incentive to action. If the sign is positive character, implementation should begin immediately. If the sign is filled with negative meaning, steps should be taken to eliminate it or soften the force of the blow of fate.


Hills or lumps on the palms indicate personality tendencies. Palmistry identifies eight main and five additional cusps. Where are they located? They can be seen at the base of the fingers and on the sides of the palm.

Main cusps:

  1. Venus;
  2. Mercury;
  3. Mars (large and small);
  4. Apollo;
  5. Saturn;
  6. Moon;
  7. Jupiter.

Additional mounts include the mount of Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, Rahu and Ketu. Some palmists do not consider the meaning of these mounds, considering them unimportant.

When considering the bumps, the density, convexity, and location of the marks are taken into account. Ideally, the hill should be moderately developed and elastic. Excessive development, like underdevelopment, negatively affects a person’s fate.

The Mount of Jupiter talks about the love of life and nobility of the individual. It is located at the index finger of the hand.

The Mount of Saturn speaks of prudence and independence of the individual. It is located at the middle finger of the hand.

The mount of Apollo indicates that a person has talent. It is located at the ring finger.

The mount of Mercury endows a person with intelligence and quick wits. It is located at the little finger.

The mound of Venus is located at the thumb. These are emotions and feelings of the individual, love for the beautiful and sublime. An overdeveloped tubercle speaks of depravity, an underdeveloped one - of coldness.

The Mount of the Moon is located opposite the Mount of Venus. In the sphere of influence of the Moon is the spiritual life of the individual, his religious feelings and the desire for self-development.

There are two tubercles of Mars, they are located in different places. The minor tubercle is in the space between the index and thumb, the large one is between the little finger and the Moon. Mars is responsible for aggressiveness, strong-willedness, and the ability to stand up for oneself.

We looked at the main areas of the palm with the lines and tubercles located on it with examples. Next you will need to study in detail the meaning of all the lines and hills, as well as the meaning of the signs on the hand. is a simple process once you understand the basic principles.