Horoscope for September Leo unfavorable days. Horoscope of work and money

The energies of the planets influencing Leo in September 2016 can significantly help him decide on his occupation, as well as the level of well-being that he wants to have in the near future.

General horoscope for September 2016 Leo

The horoscope for September 2016 pays special attention to the fact that on September 1 there will be an eclipse, the emphasis of this time will be material security and finances. Leo, for example, may have a new approach to his money on this day. In addition, in September 2016, Leo may have new ways to make quick money.

It is also likely that he will meet new influential people who can help him achieve significant things. financial success or suggest new job this month. Such events are most likely to occur on September 1st or 2nd.

Due to the impact of the Black Moon on September 6, representatives of the Leo sign may have some worries about their own home. So, the Black Moon will be active on September 15, 16, and also on September 24. These days, Leo can discuss issues with deep roots with his partner.

In addition, Leo may have empty worries because of his fears, and at this time old problems may also come to mind or questions regarding outstanding debts may arise.

Due to such confusion in business, Leo in September 2016 may not always make adequate decisions. Fortunately, most of them will turn out to be more far-fetched and by the end of the month Leo will be able to solve them safely.

After September 24, a new one may appear in Leo’s life. interesting person, capable of having a powerful impact on the worldview of the representative of the sign.

Career and money horoscope for September 2016 Leo

The September 2016 horoscope for Leo predicts a successful time for a career. So, for example, on September 5, Leo can find completely new ways to earn money, and on September 7, receive an offer for a new promising job with a high salary.

Already on September 11, Leo can have a serious conversation, the main topics of which could be: the level of payment, own health, ways to maintain immunity, the ability to take sick leave and vacation.

In addition, in September 2016 Leo may have new idea for running a joint business. So for those representatives of the Leo sign who already have a share in the general business, there will be a discussion of development, an increase in the company's turnover, and for those Leos who do not yet have a partner, the time will come to find one.

Leo in September 2016 may be very surprised when he realizes that he close person I could and wanted to become his companion for a long time. The most important conversations on the topic of joint business are best held on September 8 - when Leo and his partner have a clear vision of how they want their business to be.

The brightest day in September 2016 for Leo may be September 26th. Perhaps on this day Leo will decide to have an interesting time with his family, do something unusual, or take a short trip out of town.

The horoscope for September 2016 for Leo draws special attention of representatives of the sign to retrograde movement planet Mercury from September 1 to September 22. Thus, the energy of the planet can influence in such a way that it will result in confusion with financial documentation or confuse Leo’s train of thought in implementing his business plan.

To avoid negative impact Mercury retrograde Leo needs to not make any serious decisions at this time, not make major acquisitions, and also not give in to panic. As soon as the retrograde ends, all Leo's financial affairs will continue safely.

Favorable days for career and financial affairs in September 2016 for Leo: September 5, 7, 26.

Love horoscope for September 2016 Leo

In September 2016, Leo will have to carry out many approvals related to financial matters with your partner. Thanks to warm and sincere communication, Leo on September 1, 8, 15, 17, 26, as well as September 28 will be able to see a clear financial picture in his family, and will also hear the truthful opinion of his partner about his level of earnings.

The horoscope for September 2016 for Leo pays special attention to the new moon, which will take place on September 1 - this very day can give rise to the correct balance of power and distribution of financial resources. But the days of September 17 and 18 may bring Leo in September 2016 minor conflicts with his partner due to different opinions with him related to large purchases and other family expenses.

Because of this, Leo's partner can become very nervous and behave quite aggressively. Despite this, Leo will soon be able to come to an agreement with his partner so that both will be satisfied with the result.

In September 2016, Leo's relationships with his children and close relatives may be difficult; conflicts are most likely in the period from September 12 to 14.

Favorable days for love relationship in September 2016 for Leo: September 1, 8, 15, 17, 26, 28.

Health horoscope for September 2016 Leo

Due to problems at work and in personal relationships, Leo in September 2016 may worry a lot and often be in a state of stress. The horoscope for September 2016 for Leo recommends that representatives of the sign devote as much time as possible to their health and relaxation, especially on the days of September 12, 16 and 18.

From 1 to 10 September. The period is too intense for matters of the heart; there may be troubles. Therefore, it is better to take a break now and focus on developing your own talents. From September 5 to 9, you should not neglect your personal safety or take risks—due to the influence of Neptune, there will be no one to insure you. You may encounter misinformation and bureaucratic obstacles. Take advantage of your ability to easily adapt and adapt to circumstances. From September 8, Mars will increase your energy and desire to prove yourself.

From 11 to 20 September. You will be successful in mastering new, unexplored areas of life. The Sun's sextile to Mars will fill you with inspiration and creative ideas. This will expand your capabilities. Success in love sphere will also increase significantly. It is worth taking advantage of this moment: organize romantic events with your loved one more often, be among people more. You should not make dates for the period from September 18 to 20.

From 21 to 30 September. Mercury's trine to Pluto promotes remarkable luck and success in self-realization. There may be lucrative offers for long-distance travel, education, or creative collaboration with foreigners. You will also understand each other better with your spouse. Listen to your intuition. For an unforgettable date, it is better to choose September 24th.

Family horoscope

Home improvement will enter an active phase: buying things for the home, renovations, moving, if planned. Means, free hands and a way to find common language there will be ones for this. However, from September 7 to 11, you should avoid being too demanding of your family, so as not to provoke conflicts and general tension. Your beloved will hear and understand you best in mid-September. He remains passionate about work concerns, which are largely harmonized. It is important for children to receive recognition and confirmation of their importance. Help them find something they can do well and get the praise and incentive they deserve to improve.

Health horoscope

Quite a favorable period for well-being. From September 9th you will feel fullness vitality. Emotional breakdowns can provoke psychosomatic illnesses from August 15 to September 20. Therefore, it is important to relax more in nature and engage in water treatments. In the first half of September, a physical release of accumulated negativity is necessary; homeopathic and folk remedies are also effective.

Horoscope of work and money

Financial intuition will increase significantly, and personal efforts and energetic actions will make it possible to materialize your ideas. It will be easier to take care of more earnings at the peak of your work efficiency in the period from September 7 to 16. You should not apply for loans at the end of September.

Horoscope for September 2016 for Leo men

Love. He is more romantic than ever, capable of feats and the presentation of expensive gifts to his lady love. His feelings will be expressed not in words, but in actions. Still, in the first half of September, you should not encourage him to take up economic and family issues if he does not start talking about them himself.

Tone. Darling will be cheerful and active. If close people provide Leo with moral support in moments of sadness, then thanks to his powerful energy he will overcome all ailments. It is important for him not to sit still, to move more.

Finance. In business, it is better not to start new projects, but to continue existing ones. In September, you should be very careful when handling other people's money or dubious financial contracts. Expected in the first half of September additional sources income. Creativity can also be a profitable investment.

Job. Your Leo will intuitively be able to correctly assess his strengths and make a professional choice. His ability to work and efficiency will increase significantly. In September, even the bosses will notice this. Now it is worth giving preference to practical benefits.

Friends. In September, like-minded people will be able to help him in business matters. You should not trust new acquaintances during this period. From mid-September they may appear in his life the right people. For leisure time with friends, September 30-31 is suitable.

Leisure. A good way to relax would be a weekend trip with a tent on the river with loved ones. The opportunity to prove himself a good owner and breadwinner in natural conditions will be more valuable to him than foreign hotels.

Read also the horoscope for other zodiac signs for September 2016:

Leo, without a doubt, one of the brightest signs of the Zodiac, will experience many surprising situations in September 2016, which will be caused by frankly not trivial planetary combinations. In particular, Pluto, the traditional exaltant of the sign Leo, will abandon its position and decide, at all costs, to “annoy” you, focusing not so strong, but very noticeable negative impulses on the work sphere. Pluto will be joined by Uranus, traditionally responsible for the “expulsion” of Leo, and Mercury, responsible for its “fall,” will maintain a neutral position. However, the dominant influence at this stage will be exerted by the permanent ruler of all energies of our planetary system - the Sun. It is not difficult to guess how exactly the planet-ruler of the sign Leo relates to its charges, especially considering that at the current stage the Sun also acts as the “heavenly leader” of the fire trine. As a result, September for Leo will definitely be a successful, exceptionally and incredibly dynamic time, although some kind of “distortions” are possible. In particular, Leo may suddenly want to hide somewhere deeper, in a hole, or, at worst, in a box. And resisting this desire will not be easy, although, as is known, the fate of a person lies in his own hands and blaming the stars for your weakness is a fairly common, although not at all positive, phenomenon.

Regarding the work area, September 2016 for zodiac sign Leo will be a uniquely successful time and positive on all sides. In the first days of the month, it is enough for you to cope with the above-mentioned irrepressible desire to hide from everyone and everything in order to achieve the desired result. At the same time, the first half of the month may not seem very dynamic to you, especially taking into account such powerful astral support. However, everything is natural, just take a closer look at the events happening around you. Everything that happens to you is a kind of karmic cycle, a vortex, and many moments (especially negative ones) are actually spectacular recursive structures. It's hard to say what's more about here we're talking about– about physics or esotericism. But, as Paracelsus said, in one century there is magic, in the next there is science. Therefore, do not rush to isolate yourself from what you do not understand. This is especially true for Leos who do not work for themselves. You will now need a powerful, high-quality support, the bases and postulates of which will be somewhere beyond human capabilities, at least in the generally accepted sense.

The “love front” in September 2016 will turn out to be a much brighter and more spectacular side of Leo’s life. Already at the beginning of the month you will feel that you have a lot to do, and the main thing here is not to get scared, both in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Under no circumstances should you isolate yourself from the world around you, do not defend yourself from it with a blind desire to hide rather than resist. At the same time, we should not forget that if a person foolishly tries to compete with the sea wave, then in fact he is dooming himself to defeat. This applies to your personal relationships, as well as the general sensory-emotional background in your sign. Be as active as possible, and at the same time learn to capture the most common emotional currents that unite the people around you. Resisting such trends is very dangerous and of little use, although sometimes it is quite possible. But desire alone, as you understand, is not enough here.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for September 2016 for the zodiac sign Leo, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives zodiac sign Leo. More accurate horoscope can be found out by making one of personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Leo sign: Personal horoscopes for the Leo sign:

Lviv will experience many pleasant and amazing events in September 2016. This month will definitely be successful and extremely dynamic. Despite this, some representatives of the sign will strongly feel the desire for loneliness. You will want to hide away from any eyes.

In the field of work and business, you can expect success and career advancement. To achieve what you want, you need to overcome the desire to become a hermit and not close yourself off from the world around you. In this case, the first half of the month will be the most active for events. If you don’t understand something, don’t rush to isolate yourself from it. Perhaps this is a chance to reach new level and achieve something more. This is the month in which work should be done especially well, and then you will go beyond your desires.


In the sphere of personal relationships, life will be even brighter and dazzling. From the very beginning of the month, you will understand that a lot needs to be changed and done in this area. The main thing is not to cut yourself off from outside world and don't run away from problems. Instead, you need to resist. However, do not try to settle a situation where everything is doomed. Catch the moods of the people around you and only then act. Remember that your desire alone is not always enough to change something.

Leo horoscope for September 2016. In September 2016, Lions and Lionesses will need to travel along the yellow brick road to the Emerald City to meet the Great and Terrible Goodwin!!! And all because Leos will need a brave heart in September 2016. So for those who don’t remember the classic “The Wizard of Oz,” let’s remind you of one quote about Leo: “You are a brave beast! All you lack is self-confidence. And then, every living creature is afraid of danger, and courage lies in overcoming fear.” In September 2016, success and luck will turn like magic and face only brave Leos and Lionesses. Since September 2016 will definitely not be simple, but, nevertheless, this is why it can become successful. This is the kind of contradiction that awaits Leo and Lionesses in September 2016 next month. On the one hand, there is a complex tangle of circumstances, and on the other hand, if you manage to unwind this tangle, then not only a prize awaits you, but also a “jackpot”. So in September 2016, Leos and Lionesses, in addition to courage and a “lion’s heart,” will also need needles! Why needles? The answer is in another quote from The Wizard of Oz: “Why are there needles sticking out of your brains? “This is proof of the sharpness of the mind.” And although this is about the Scarecrow, it’s not about the characters, but about the sharpness of the mind. Since Leos and Lionesses will have to play different roles and characters in September 2016.

So if back in August 2016, Leos and Lionesses could say: “I want to go to kindergarten. Sleep. Eat. Play. I'm tired of it. I don’t get enough sleep, I don’t eat. Yes, there’s no one else to play with.” Then in September 2016, although you won’t get enough sleep, you will definitely have someone to eat with and someone to play with. September 2016 will give you many new acquaintances, new situations, new choices and new thoughts. Moreover, when making new acquaintances, try to be simpler and not frighten people with your intelligence, manners and acquaintances. This is especially true for Leo men, who, getting lost in their charisma, sometimes lose common sense in their actions. Therefore, try not to find yourself in a situation like it was in Odessa: “Marina!..., do you want to go to the museum with me... - Borya... Don’t you pronounce the word “Restaurant”?” So Leos, don’t get lost in your charisma, so as not to lose common sense in your actions, and of course this also applies to Lionesses.

Horoscope for September 2016 LEO favorable days- 2, 4, 6, 7, 12, 14, 18, 21, 26 and 28.

Horoscope for September 2016 LEOunfavorable days- there is no good without bad, even schoolchildren are given assignments during the holidays, so take unfavorable days as a “control task before the holidays” or favorable days.

Horoscope for September 2016 LEO career, work and business. IN professional field Lviv and Lionesses are waiting for both positive events and news, as well as a busy schedule. Therefore, it is best if Leos and Lionesses in September 2016 are like the many-armed Shiva, the many-headed Dragon. Since in September 2016 you will need not only a few extra pairs of hands, but also a pair of equally bright and smart heads like yours. Therefore, right from the first days of September, right from the first ten days, tune in to your work schedule, lack of sleep, and even working weekends. Quickly get involved in a busy work schedule and start enjoying the process itself. And then by the end of the month, and maybe even already in the second decade, you will begin to get a buzz from success. That is why Leos and Lionesses urgently need to get rid of your natural immaturity in September 2016. This is especially true for the eternal teenagers of Leo men. So make sure that in September 2016 your relatives do not hear from you AGAIN: “Mom, look! I came across a hippopotamus in Kinder! Mom, why are you crying? Mom, I will soon find a job and move out. Honestly! Well, ma-Aam!!!”

In any case, the career horoscope for September 2016 advises Leos and Lionesses to carefully monitor what is happening around you. Moreover, even if it seems to you that nothing is happening around. Because for Leos and Lionesses it will be very important month in the professional sphere - with lasting and important consequences. So if you notice that nothing is happening around you, take a closer look, maybe you just forgot to turn on the phone, send a letter, send out a resume, call clients, go to your boss’s office or press the red cross and close the solitaire game.

Horoscope for September 2016 Leo Finance. Wise people They say that “the pain you feel today will turn into the strength you feel tomorrow.” Lviv will have approximately the same situation with finances in September 2016. At first it will be pain, which will gradually turn into strength.

Love horoscope for September 2016 Leo. Horoscope for September 2016 Leo Love. All life problems of Leo can be characterized by one phrase: “They give birth to people like me, and then you admire them!!!” This is exactly what all the people around you will do. With admiration. And you will still miss him. Especially for adults and family Lionesses. Therefore, in September 2016 it will be possible to hear from you: “I’m all on the Internet. My husband suddenly asks what we are having for dinner. Well, tell me, is it really possible: with such questions - but directly on the psyche? That is why many even deeply family Lionesses will look for admiration on the side in September 2016. And most often not amorous adventures, not romance, and not sex, but admiration. Sometimes even admiration on social networks will be enough for you. But not always. So if in September 2016 the Lionesses come to the window and see the inscription on the asphalt: “Alina, marry me!” You will be so happy that you won’t even immediately remember that you are Masha or Natasha. Married and not so married Leo men will take a simpler route and tell their friends: “You see, I work a lot on the computer and my eyes get very tired... Therefore, to give my eyes a little rest, once a week I take them to a striptease bar.” . In September 2016, as adults and with families, Leos and Lionesses need to try to pay more attention to their children. And this is again in to a greater extent concerns Lionesses. Otherwise, already in October 2016, you will be able to experience all the tragedy of the expression “Who gets up first, gets his slippers,” when, just before leaving home, it suddenly turns out that your favorite Italian boots have already gone to school.

For lonely and active Leos and Lionesses, the horoscope predicts an extremely interesting and eventful month in their personal lives. Therefore, given your incredible amorousness, try to control yourself. Don't forget that "getting married at 20 is like leaving a great party at 9:30 pm." Moreover, even if you are already well over 20 or even over 40, still try not to rush into decisions of a fundamental nature. But don’t sit “in ambush” and don’t wait for admiration for you to develop into hatred and indifference. “Strike while the iron is hot,” but don’t forget that the fire of love burns no worse than a heated anvil. Therefore, dive into relationships not only with your heart, but also with your mind.

So Leos and Lionesses, try in September 2016 to be braver and more decisive in all areas of your life. For example, like seventy-four-year-old Aunt Lyuba, who knew perfectly well that no one would think of her, and therefore calmly burned the buttons in the elevator.

And have a good September 2016!

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