Does the zodiac make you want to sleep? Comic horoscope: how Zodiac Signs get up in the morning

We recommend you read and use lunar calendar for January 2018, with which you can determine the phase of the moon, find out the lunar day and its impact on life - favorable or negative. The lunar calendar indicates the transit position of the Moon in the zodiac signs - the time of its entry into the sign and the start time lunar days for the whole month. Selecting a location for calculating the calendar: latitude: 55.75, longitude: 37.62. Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00). Consider your time zone if you live in another area.

Moon phases in January 2018

According to the lunar calendar for January 2018, there will be a cyclic change in the phases of the Moon in the following sequence.

  • New moon January 17th at 5:18 am.
  • Full moon On January 2 at 5:25 a.m., on the 31st at 4:28 p.m.
  • Waxing Moon from January 17 to January 31, 2018.
  • Waning Moon from January 3 to January 16, 2018.
  • Lunar eclipse - January 31 at 1:51 p.m.
  • Solar eclipse - No.

Lunar calendar for January 2018

Lunar calendar: full moon

The Full Moon in Cancer is the perfect time to conquer your worst shadow sides. Time to choose Light instead of Darkness. It's time to awaken your Power. The time to lead is for others and, first of all, for yourself. A time when you can easily take control of your Destiny into your blessed hands.

Lunar calendar: waning moon

Lunar calendar: waxing moon

Lunar calendar: full moon

According to the lunar calendar, January 31st. - full moon in Leo. This is a time of increased selfishness. It’s worth listening to yourself and understanding what’s stopping you from developing. If your soul has been boiling for a long time, then on this day you will definitely find some grateful listener, or rather, you will find him yourself. Talk about your problems with your family, friends, friends or just acquaintances. Outpouring will remove the accumulated burden from you and return you to goodwill spirit.

*In the lunar calendar, time indicates the rising and setting of the Moon.

**It is important to consider that the most important thing in determining the influence of the Moon is the zodiac sign, then the lunar day, and only then the phase of the Moon and the day of the week. Do not forget that the lunar calendar is advisory in nature.

***To find out information about the Moon in the Zodiac, click on the corresponding sign.

Favorable lunar days in January 2018 for beginnings

The lunar calendar of the current winter month has 30 days. The first lunar day falls on the new moon. This is a good period for new beginnings, analyzing the past, learning lessons, and forgiving old grievances. If you want to quit smoking, it is better to do it on or shortly after the new moon.

During such periods, we quarrel less, understand others better, and endure illnesses more easily. Energy and strength appear, everything planned can be accomplished. The 14th and 20th lunar days guarantee lightning success - during this period of time you can open companies, sign contracts, and make deposits. Favorable lunar days These are also days when an aspect of 60 or 120 degrees is created in the sky between the Sun and the Moon.

Lunar calendar for surgical operations - favorable days January 2018: 11, 19, 21-23. Operations can end in failure on the 1st, 4-5, 17-18, 24, 25, 30-31, so there is no need to plan them for these dates.

Lunar calendar for dental treatment - favorable days of January 2018: 7, 8, 11, 21-23, 29.

Lunar calendar for diet and weight loss - favorable days of January: 7, 8, 11, 30

Lunar calendar for beauty procedures:

Cleaning, removal of age spots, acne, warts: 8th, 11th, 15th.

Nourishing and moisturizing masks: 18-23, 25-29.

Good period for hair removal and depilation: 7, 8, 11, 15.

Lunar calendar for home renovation and cleaning - favorable days of January 2018: It is best to carry out these activities on the following dates of the month: 7-8, 11, 15, 19, 25, 29, 30.

Lunar calendar for shopping - favorable days of January:: 19, 21, 25, 29, 30

Lunar calendar for a vacation trip - favorable days for January 2018:: 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 15, 19, 25-27, 29.

Lunar calendar for banquets and celebrations - favorable days:: 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 15, 19, 25-27.

Energetically favorable days according to the lunar calendar:

  • 17.01. - 1 lunar day /new moon/
  • 18.01. - 3 lunar days
  • 19.01. - 4 lunar days
  • 21.01. - 6 lunar days
  • 22.01. - 7 lunar day
  • 23.01. - 8 lunar days
  • 25.01. - 10 lunar day
  • 27.01. - 12 lunar day
  • 29-30.01. - 14 lunar day
  • 7.01. - 20 lunar day
  • 8.01. - 21 lunar days
  • 11.01. - 24 lunar days
  • 15.01. - 28 lunar day

Unfavorable lunar days in January for beginnings

During this period, the Moon moves from one phase to another. At this time, people behave inappropriately and do not understand what is happening. The number of accidents is increasing, everything is falling out of hand. 9, 15, 29 lunar periods You must refrain from moving for a month. This doesn't mean you shouldn't leave the house, you just need to be as careful as possible.

On Satanic days, you should not start new businesses or sign contracts, because everything will not work out as planned. It is better to postpone all serious matters until a more opportune time. The full moon is also considered an unfavorable day when quarrels and conflicts arise out of nowhere.

Lunar calendar for health - unfavorable period: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 15, 16, 24, 25, 30, 31

Magnetic storm calendar for weather-sensitive people: 1, 2, 15-16, 30

Energetically unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar:

  • 24-25.01. - 9 lunar day
  • 01, 30-31.01. - 15 lunar day
  • 02, 31.01.- 16th lunar day /full moon/
  • 4-5.01. - 18 lunar day
  • 10.01. - 23 lunar day
  • 13.01. - 26 lunar day
  • 16.01. - 29 lunar day

Moon without course in January

  • 01.01. 00:00 - 11:10
  • 03.01. 01:46 - 10:22
  • 05.01. 02:10 - 11:12
  • 07.01. 05:51 - 15:14
  • 09.01. 19:13 - 23:05
  • 11.01. 17:53 - 12.01 10:04
  • 14.01. 11:48 - 22:42
  • 17.01. 09:30 - 11:32
  • 19.01. 14:52 - 23:26
  • 22.01. 04:13 - 09:27
  • 24.01. 07:16 - 16:39
  • 26.01. 06:17 - 20:40
  • 28.01. 13:39 - 21:57
  • 30.01. 19:40 - 21:53

Lunar calendars by month for 2018

The energy of the Moon has strong influence on the physical and moral condition of a person. To spend your day profitably, save good mood and avoid trouble, you need to know the characteristics of each lunar day. A daily detailed lunar calendar will be a good help with this.

January 19, 2017 is the third day of a long magnetic storm. Doctors recommend being extremely attentive to your well-being and morale, giving yourself enough time to rest and not overloading your body with heavy food, excessive stress and a mountain of important matters.

Moon phase: Today the Moon continues to wan and interacts with the constellation Libra. The day is filled with the energy of balance and calm, which will be quite difficult to disturb. Good luck awaits sociable people who know how to relax “with taste,” who love their work and are not prone to conflicts.

For people who are negative, unable to prioritize correctly and find time for their needs, January 19 can be a difficult day. You can correct the situation by starting your morning correctly and thereby recharging yourself with positive energy.

Magnetic storms today: On January 19, 2017, a magnetic storm of the first degree is expected. It is recommended to be especially attentive to the well-being and psychological state of your family and friends, and do not forget about own health and try not to take on a large number of responsibilities.

What will be useful today:

  • moderate physical activity;
  • communication with loved ones;
  • walks in the fresh air;
  • meditation or massage session.

What will cause harm:

  • alcohol consumption;
  • smoking;
  • little sleep;
  • quarrels and conflicts.

Wardrobe and appearance January 19

The constellation Libra promotes inner harmony throughout the day. You can maintain this state by choosing the right outfit and accessories. Suitable colors would be white, blue, black, turquoise, purple. A moderately formal casual suit will attract the attention you need without causing subconscious provocation. Natural makeup and jewelry made of wood, leather or natural stones will harmoniously complement the image.

Home and household chores

Doing things around the house today is not only possible, but also necessary: ​​cleaning your living space will help you put your thoughts in order, switch from work issues and problems to the wave of home comfort and achieve internal order and peace.

You can also involve your household members in cleaning or cooking: joint activities will strengthen your relationships and help you come to mutual understanding. If you feel that you are too tired during the day, do not hesitate to ask for help and spend more time on yourself and your desires.

Work and money January 19, 2017

In work matters today, it is better to listen to the opinions of more experienced colleagues: if you insist on your own without being completely sure that you are right, you can provoke a major conflict, which will be very difficult to resolve later. It is better to postpone making important decisions until a more favorable time, and today take care of things that have long been awaiting your attention.

January 19, 2017 is not a very favorable day for making large purchases. If you rush into making a purchase, you may well regret your haste in the future. That’s why it’s better to put off spending for another time, and get your bills and receipts in order today.

Love and relationships according to the lunar calendar

Today, relations with your soulmate promise to be smooth and calm. The day itself is not conducive to conflicts, quarrels and disagreements, and therefore you will have good luck in resolving issues that concern you. An honest conversation with your loved one can solve many problems and relieve you of anxiety and uncertainty.

A quick calculation of astrocompatibility by Zodiac Sign will help you understand how compatible you are with your partner. We wish you a great day and a warm evening. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.01.2017 00:02

Choosing the perfect wedding day is the dream of all lovers. Use hints lunar calendar so that the planned celebration...

A period of critical, stressed-out, meticulous and nervous people. Any little thing can irritate them.
Teachers and civil servants are becoming overly demanding and picky. At this time, more transactions than usual are concluded, but they are full of reservations and conditions. Signing contracts may be delayed due to large quantity details and reservations.
There is a desire to restore order and put everything on the shelves, but there is an opportunity to get confused/bogged down in the details.
You can use this period to learn new things about yourself, things that you did not pay attention to while listening to others.
IN this period It is useful to start or carry out fasting courses, since excessive nervousness can negatively affect your digestion. Avoid alcohol.

Description from Sergei Vronsky

The 19th lunar day is unlucky, even dangerous. Therefore, it is best to stay at home and not go out anywhere.
On this day you should neither get married nor get married, and it is also not recommended to get divorced.
Today we should be especially wary of drunken or inappropriate people who can cause harm to health and even mutilation.
A child born on this day will be sweet and kind and should grow up normally and safely.
The illness that began on this day is not dangerous and will soon pass.
And dreams must come true.

Description by Pavel and Tamara Globa

19th lunar day.
Symbols of the day - net, spider, tarantula.
It's a tough day. A complex process of self-purification occurs on a spiritual level.
The day is connected to the energy network that a person weaves with his thoughts and feelings. Someone at this moment is weaving a net for themselves to catch sins and mistakes, “darning” broken astral connections. Someone, on the contrary, becomes increasingly entangled in the web of their own delusions.
The temptation of envy and pride is especially great on this day; the voice of revenge is very strong.
It is good to break off unnecessary, burdensome contacts, and this can be done in the most drastic form. In the soft form it is more difficult, but more interesting.
Working with lies, deception, and confusion, so you can do it harshly, not harshly - whatever you like.
This day is associated with poisons, antidote, homeopathy.
A day of revelry for witches, sorcerers, all kinds of magicians, the mentally unbalanced. U normal people a sad mood appears. If a person sorts out unnecessary connections, who entangled him and how, and breaks up with these people, then he will move to another level.
Many sorcerers and black magicians actively use the 19th lunar day to cause damage and other diabolical deeds.
The Greeks associated these lunar days with Hercules, and he was considered an astral purifier.
You can protect yourself from attacks with the help of prayer, as well as with the purity and sincerity of your thoughts, words and actions. It is good to keep the lamp lit, and also to empty your home of unnecessary things and clean it of accumulated garbage.
You can be left alone with yourself, think about your misdeeds and sincerely repent. By doing this you will cleanse your soul and get rid of negative emotions.
On this day, it is better to do things that you know well and are confident in their purity and correctness.
It’s better not to borrow anything; pay off existing debts in the near future. It is also bad to enter into contracts, because... there is a danger of falling into a trap.
The stone of the lunar day is chrysolite.

Description by Alexander Zaraev

First half 19 lunar day favorable for those who are patient and hardworking. The period allows you to achieve the patronage of your superiors, as well as attract funds from richer partners to your business. Also, the day is favorable for resolving the issue of increasing salaries, improving financial situation thanks to partners. Sexual potential increases, one might say, a certain magnetism in actions, charm and pressure.
However, in the second half of the day, excessive activity or pressure will most likely do a disservice. Negative energies of a given day, deceit, cunning and general energy-informational contamination can cause illness or cause serious problems.

Description according to Jyotish

Nakshatra Purva-Phalguni Symbol: Hammock, bed. Activities associated with conviction are favorable. For example, fighting enemies peacefully or communicating with authorities. The period also promotes creativity (painting, singing, music) or rest, relaxation and enjoyment. Unfavorable for activities requiring humility and patience. For intellectual activity and all kinds of endeavors, especially treatment.
This Nakshatra is of a fierce nature and can bring destruction and grief. Businesses started during this period can harm a person’s reputation. Therefore, this nakshatra corresponds to the commission of cruel deeds - conflicts, competitions and battles, accidents, arson, poisoning, demolition of buildings, pruning and uprooting of trees, removal of rock or digging wells, agriculture. Working with fire or weapons, poisons and chemicals. You should not start the trip, do not take money as collateral.

Tithi: 20 [until 06-01-2018 13:39:00 ] A favorable day for starting important things, marriage, treatment.


Do not accept important decisions. It is favorable to engage in accounting activities, scientific work where attentiveness, accuracy, and caution are required.
Unfavorable day. It’s good to quit your job, remove unnecessary things and eliminate mistakes and shortcomings.

To get enough sleep, you need to listen to your body. If you want to go to bed early or get 20 minutes of sleep, do it. Otherwise, you will walk around all day tired, sleepy and unhappy. It turns out that your zodiac signs also play a big role in your sleep routine.

Even if you don't particularly believe in horoscopes, everyone has a certain number of hours of sleep at night, which is necessary for good health and easy rise in the morning.

Good news: we know how much sleep each zodiac sign needs to stay in shape.


Lucky Aries don't need much sleep, but they do require inspiration to stay focused. If an important meeting or event awaits them in the morning, then Aries will “leave” even on a 20-minute nap, as long as they have the motivation. But if they are not interested, they will sleep for a very long time!
How much sleep: 6.5 hours


As an earth sign, Taurus can easily draw energy from nutrition, exercise, and genuine dedication. But sleeping too long is harmful for them. Otherwise, Taurus will relax a lot and get used to a comfortable situation.
How much sleep: 7 o'clock

Photo: Vladislav Muslakov


Air signs tend to require more sleep than others, especially if they are Gemini. Being constantly on the move, they, like babies, require regular healthy sleep. Gemini, go to bed early, especially during the work week.
How much sleep: 8 hours


These sensitive people They spend a lot of energy on the emotions of other people and their own, so they need a lot of sleep. The sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so sleep can often be disturbed due to the ebb and flow of the tides - Cancer, take note.
How much sleep: 9 o'clock


Like real cats, Leos often sleep during the day. At night, the minimum is enough for them, and the main condition for the concentration and activity of Leos is if someone entertains them. As soon as things get boring, they go for an emergency lunchtime nap.
How much sleep: 6.5 hours


They will overwork everyone, just give them a decent night's sleep. Virgos take their time very seriously and do not like to waste precious dream. He is important to them, and if Virgos are not allowed to sleep, they will simply be unproductive.
How much sleep: 7 o'clock


The sign under the auspices of Venus does not deprive itself in a dream. As true representatives of the air element, Libra cares so much about others that sleep is the only time to sort out your own thoughts.
How much sleep: 8 hours


A good trait of Scorpios is that they always finish what they start. And although energy and motivation for them have key value, if you don’t get the necessary sleep for recovery, the light will burn rather weakly.
How much sleep: 7 o'clock


Sagittarians would sleep days and nights if it were not for work. Like typical owls, they like to work late and sleep until lunchtime. Oddly enough, it’s better to do this: working the second shift and slowly getting up in the morning will give Sagittarius the opportunity to unleash their creative potential.
How much sleep: 9 o'clock


These enthusiasts don’t need much to be happy. And sleep too. Capricorns simply know that life is a challenge, which means they need to withstand any conditions. They can really keep up all day without sleeping at all.
How much sleep: 6 hours

For a long time now, various horoscopes and predictions based on astrology have entered our lives. Many do not believe this, but some believe that their zodiac sign is not just a name. We have long been accustomed to astrologers trying to characterize and typify people's behavior based on their zodiac sign. Now they have decided to predict how you will love a person.

Astrology is not a science, and that is why many rational people do not believe in horoscopes. Moreover, many say that copywriters come up with all this. In any case, whether you believe it or not, there is a part of us among us who really believes in forecasts and follows their recommendations.

People depend on them

Most people are heavily influenced by their zodiac signs and take them incredibly seriously. They follow every advice in horoscopes all their lives because it is much better to trust their future to astrologers than to their instincts. For some, astrology is even comparable to religion.

So, astrologers say that each zodiac sign behaves differently in relationships. So, here are 12 facts that support this statement.

Aries: militant personalities vying for power

It is very important for representatives of this zodiac sign that they be the main ones in the relationship. But at the same time, they prefer to choose for themselves not a weak (morally) companion, but a strong one. They are not interested when there are no clashes and competition. Aries like to win a “title” from strong personalities. That is why they most often choose their own kind.

People are quite conflicted, selfish and impulsive. If you do not want a relationship consisting of quarrels, swearing and misunderstandings, it is better not to get involved with the “Gods of War”, that is, with Aries. They won't give you an easy life, otherwise they will just get bored.

Taurus: Emotionally paranoid, afraid of losing their partner

Taurus people are often paranoid. And they are afraid that their partner will leave them. Representatives of this zodiac sign become strongly attached to their lovers, putting absolutely everything on the line. But they consider their partners to be their best friends, sharing the most intimate and personal. On the one hand, this is good for their companions. Who wouldn't like that? On the other hand, such codependency of Taurus on a person will not lead to anything good. Many relationships tend to end sooner or later. And having lost his best friend in the form of a second half, they will not know how to continue to exist.

Taurus are constantly on edge, they periodically try to make sure that everything in the relationship is wonderful. That is why astrologers note their excessive jealousy, emotionality and tearfulness. Taurus people are more prone to bad mood and depression. If you intend to endure interrogations, quarrels, tears, and constant showdowns, then Taurus are simply created for you.

Gemini: intellectuals who love to show their partner their knowledge

They often engage in a war of wits with their better half. Always teasing them with words in hopes of getting feedback and emotions. Of course, all this is done just for fun. But a person with Gemini who takes everything too seriously is definitely not on his way.

Geminis are quite well-read, wise and intelligent. And they love to show off their knowledge and skills. Unfortunately, representatives of this zodiac sign are not inclined to rejoice in the successes of other people, as they are too fixated on their victories. But those who understand subtle humor and love jokes and irony will definitely enjoy close communication with Gemini.

Cancer: Responsibility-afraid loners

Many Cancers find it very difficult to give one hundred percent to their loved one, since they do not prefer to take relationships seriously. They live well alone. Cancers are not prone to commitment and are even pathologically afraid of it. But they really value the person next to them, since Cancers have quite a few friends due to the fact that it is difficult to find a common language with them.

Astrologers say that Cancers are slightly self-centered, independent and rather strange personalities. They need serious relationship only closer to 30-40 years old, when it becomes impossible for them to live alone. Until then, do not expect serious offers from Cancers.

Leo: social personalities who cannot live long with one partner

Leos are incredibly sociable, hyperactive extroverts who love absolutely everyone. It is not difficult for them to find a mate, they are very easy-going, flexible and adaptable in relationships. But sometimes, due to their increased mobility, they cannot get along with one partner, which is why even after marriage, dilemmas are constantly observed in their heads about whether they are living with the right person. Leos always need variety.

Representatives of this zodiac sign sometimes take problems that arise in relationships too lightly; it is often easier for them to go to another room or out of the house so as not to resolve conflict situation. They believe that it is not necessary to apologize and admit guilt. Those who like to let things take their course.

Virgo: haters of lies and omissions in relationships

If you are prone to lying, never date a Virgo, they cannot stand it. Representatives of this zodiac sign believe that it is better to tell the bitter truth than a sweet lie. They never forgive betrayal and have a very negative attitude towards concealing something significant and omissions. This is why Virgos are not people who adore surprises.

People born between August 22 and September 23 will maintain close relationships with you until they see through your lies. That is why never resort to it in interaction with Virgos, who are capable of loving only open, sincere and honest people.

Libra: introverts who avoid casual relationships

Libras prefer to live in their own world. Any casual interaction from time to time does not give them any positive emotions. They refuse to meet with friends and colleagues. They’d rather come up with excuses than walk with someone to the subway together. Libras value their personal space and live in their fantasies and illusions. They dream a lot, listen to music and imagine their own ideal world in their heads.

But this does not mean that Libra is not capable of building relationships. They just don't love random connections, but at the same time they have a small circle of friends of 3-4 people formed many years ago, with whom they occasionally keep in touch. Libras value and love precisely those who treat their introversion well. They avoid society and are non-conforming. They prefer to live alone for long periods of time.

These people are constantly trying to get into their partner's head and read his thoughts. They don’t like it when something is hidden from them and they are not brought up to date. However, they cannot be called gossips. Scorpios are good at keeping secrets because they value friendship and love relationship. They also have well-developed empathy, so the chosen ones love to share their experiences with Scorpios.

If you are a rather private person who does not prefer to talk about pressing problems, if you are used to solving everything on your own, you will have a difficult time with Scorpio. You can’t hide anything from them, they feel their partner’s mood and will try to find out from you until the last moment what happened.

Sagittarius: Irrational lovers who trust their hearts

Sagittarians tend to rely solely on intuition, neglecting logic and common sense. Those who like to think things through and make mountains out of molehills. Any minor situation can turn into a terrible nightmare that can destroy strong ties with your partner. Sagittarians often blindly trust their hearts, which is why they fall for people who take advantage of them.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are quite emotional, jealous and conflict-ridden. But during a quarrel they take the position of a victim, blaming their partner for their emotional state. If you are ready to constantly make excuses and come running to Sagittarius a minute after calling for help, you will get along.

Capricorn: purposeful fighters, self-confident

Capricorns are persistent fighters. If they like someone, they will never give it up to someone else, pursuing and achieving their object of adoration in various ways. Such people are not affected by practically any resistance; they do not know where and when to stop.

On the one hand, they almost always achieve their goal by grabbing the “victim” and not letting go. On the other hand, it is quite difficult to fight off Capricorn gentlemen, since they do not see any obstacles in front of them, fighting to the last, namely until the “victim” is emotionally exhausted. Representatives of this zodiac sign are overly confident in themselves. They have high self-esteem. If you like confident people and strong personalities, choose Capricorn as your partner.

Aquarius: romantic connoisseurs of beauty

Aquarians are typical romantics who adore everything beautiful, unusual and exotic. When dating representatives of this zodiac sign, you will not be deprived of unique dates, rare flowers and amazing gifts. Aquarians are incredibly interesting to interact with, as they are able to instill a sense of beauty.

Lovers of spiritual culture, museums, theaters, concerts, connoisseurs of elite culture and educated specialists in their field. Aquarians can give you a lot useful information, while they do not flaunt their knowledge, as Geminis do. They are simply inquisitive and want their interlocutors to know interesting facts about this life. If you want you and your partner to grow in your relationship, then Aquarians are perfect sign zodiac for partner.

Pisces: ambitious winners who see their partners as inspirations

Pisces are extremely ambitious and they don't like it when their partner changes their plans or adjusts their life goals. Independent, strong individuals who are accustomed to achieving everything on their own without any support or support are ready to share the result of their success with their companion. It doesn’t matter in what form it is expressed: fame or money.

Pisces choose as partners those people who can inspire them to do something unusual. Since representatives of this zodiac sign love to achieve various goals, use this life hack as a “bait” for Pisces.

Appear unattainable and closed to them. Then Pisces will definitely set the goal “Achieve this person.”