How to play debertz game rules. Card game "Deberts". Rules of the game

Deberts according to Moscow rules.

There are two players. Play with one deck of 32 cards.

1 . Dealing cards

The dealer (in the first deal he is determined by lot) deals cards three at a time, and only six to each player (his last). The top card in the part of the deck remaining after the distribution (in the coupon) is revealed and determines the suit of the "first trump card".

2 . Seniority and value of cards

non-trump suit
trump suit
Value in points
Value in points













3 . Appointment of a trump card

  • Those who play in turn (dealer - last) can order the game on the first trump card with the word "play" or say "pass". After the first statement "I play" the game is considered to be ordered, and the player who made this statement is considered to be playing. The player must score more points than his opponent, who is called the whistler.
  • In the event that no one ordered the game on the first trump card, the players can declare any other suit as a trump card in the same order. If both said "pass" again, then the cards are re-dealt. Change passes to the next player.

4. Dealing cards

  • After one of the players ordered the game (on the first trump card or in another suit), the dealer deals 3 cards in one round. Thus, each player has 9 cards in his hand. The bottom card is revealed and placed on top of the remaining deck - "on the cutter".

5. What points are awarded for

  • Points are awarded for announced combinations of cards and the sum of points of all cards in tricks. For the last trick, 10 points are awarded.

6. Combinations

  • Each player has the right to declare that he has a combination of cards before his first move. Points will be awarded to the player who declares the highest combination in his hand.

7. Seniority and dignity of combinations

Players can declare combinations of cards in their hand:

  • Of the two combinations, the one that is longer is older.
  • If the sequence has more than four cards, counts only four. There are no ads above "fifty".
  • Of the two combinations of equal length, the one that starts with the highest card is higher.
  • Of the two combinations of equal length, starting with cards of equal value, the trump one is higher.
  • Of the two combinations of cards of the same length and seniority in non-trump suits, the one that was announced earlier (that is, belonging to the player whose turn it is) is older.
  • The concept of seniority does not apply to the combination "Bella". Bella cannot be interrupted by any combination, but Bella herself does not interrupt any announcements.

8. Declaring Combinations

  • Any combinations, except for the bella, can be announced by the players before the first move with nine cards in hand.
  • The announcement is made laconically, the name of the combination is announced: "fifty" or "tertz".
  • If there is more than one announcement on one hand, then only one combination is announced at first - the highest one.
  • If the partner did not interrupt the announcement made with a higher combination, the player who made the announcement may additionally announce all the other combinations he has in his hand, provided that they are not older than the combination declared first.
  • Declared combinations must not contain any common card. Those. it is impossible to announce fifty from the ace of trump and thirds from the jack of trump, since the jack is a common card for two combinations, and fifty from the ace of trump and thirds from the tens of trump can be declared, since the combinations do not contain a single common card.
  • The cards that make up the "Bella" can be included in any other combination.
  • The declaration of the "bell" combination can be made before any move, as long as the player has at least one of the cards of this combination in his hand.

9. The procedure for determining the seniority of combinations

  • Consider the case when two players have combinations.
  • The first player announces: "Terz" - and makes the first move.
  • The second player says "Fifty" and also puts down a card. In this case, the first player's third is not counted, the second player counts 50 points for himself.
  • If the second player has the same announcement in his hands, then he asks: "Growth?", - puts down the card and waits for clarifications: the first player understands that the second one also has a terz and that he needs to find out which one is older.
  • The first player must name the highest card of his tertz. For example, he says: "From the king." Then the second, making sure that his combination is older, says: "I have - from the trump king." After that, if he has other combinations, he makes a full announcement, for example: "The third from the trump king gave birth to the third from the nine of spades."
  • If the second player's announcement is obviously older than the announced one - fifty or thirds from the ace of trump (or when declaring "fifty" - fifty from the ace of trump), he should in no case ask for growth, since his announcement is older, regardless of the growth of the opponent's combination, and asking for growth is tantamount to looking at your opponent's cards. For a question about growth in such a situation, the player loses the right to count his ad, and the partner counts his own.
  • If the second player has a combination lower than the one announced by the opponent, he should not name the growth of his third, but simply should say - “writes” or “suits”, or “passes”.
  • The opponent has the right to demand to show all announced combinations.
  • If the first player declares fifty, and the second has tertz, the second should not ask for a height of fifty, as this will mislead the partner, because asking for a height means declaring that there is a combination of the same order in hand, i.e. fifty. In the same way, without having a tertz, one cannot ask height when declaring a tertz as a partner. The question of the growth of the combination in the absence of a combination of the same order in the hands is qualified as a false announcement and is punished with a buy on the cards (i.e., the one who made the false announcement gives all his cards to the partner, and he writes down the amount of points for himself). This is a completely fair rule, since the game of deberts is based on the score and calculation of the opponent's cards, and false information about the presence of a combination of cards can confuse all plans and constructions.
  • If the first player declares a combination, and the second player has no combinations, he simply asks to show the announced combination. The first player has the right to demand that the partner put down the card first. In the player's slang, it sounds like this: "Throw off, kill yourself."

10. Draw rules

  • The opponent of the dealer goes first, each subsequent move is made by the player who took the previous trick.
  • * Always go with one card.
  • On a move to a suit, the player must put the suit. If there is no suit, he must play a trump card. If there is no suit and no trump, - any card.
  • It is imperative to interrupt the trump card.
  • It is not necessary to interrupt the non-trump suit.
  • A card that beats other cards, or is not beaten by other cards, takes a trick. The player who owned this card takes the trick.
  • If the game is ordered by the first trump card, the player who has a trump seven in his hands has the right to replace it before his first move with an open card that determined the suit of the first trump card upon surrender.
  • A special case: if a player has a third from a trump nine and the game is ordered by the first trump card, the player faces a problem: to keep the third or to change the opened trump card with a seven. In this case, the player has the right to ask: "Does my tertz pass?". The partner is obliged to answer whether the third passes from the trump nine. After the answer, the player can, at his discretion, change the revealed trump card and thereby destroy the third or save and announce the third.

11. Summing up the results

At the end of the draw, the points scored by each of the players are counted: the points of the announced combinations, the sum of the value of the cards in tricks and 10 points for the last trick.

  • For convenience, counting begins with announcements, for example: third, jack, nine, last - 64 per word; further, discarding one card, add the cost of the card to the total score. A trump jack, already counted for 20 points, is not considered and two points are not added for it. When it occurs in counted cards, they usually say: "I miss."
  • If the player scored less points than the partner, then his opponent writes down his points. The situation is called "baid".
  • If the player scored an equal number of points with the partner, then the opponent writes down his points for himself, but the player does not write down. These points will be added to their own by the one who scores more points in the next change. The situation is called "hanging cane". After the hanging canoe, the whistler distributes.
  • If, after a hanging canoe, a hanging cane occurs again in the next hand, the entire sum of the points of the two hanging canes is played.
  • If a player made announcements but did not take any tricks, his announcements are counted regardless of the tricks.
  • The result of each surrender is added to the total amount of points scored in the game.
  • The one with the most points becomes the dealer.

12. End of the game

  • The game is considered finished when one of the players announces that he has scored the agreed (or more) number of points.
  • The player can announce it:
  • at any moment of the draw after the bribe he took (except the last one) until the next move;
  • at the time of recording the results, but no later than the removal before the next change.
  • If at the time of recording the results it turned out that both players scored the agreed number of points, then the player who took the last trick is considered the winner.
  • If the player scored the agreed number of points with the last trick in the draw, but at the same time he got a bid, he cannot declare the game won, since all the points he scored will be recorded to the partner.
  • In the new game, the winner of the previous one deals first.

13. Penalties and fines

  • Penalty for falsely announcing the end of the game - party loss.
  • Punishment for renounce (i.e. violation of the rules: put a suit on a suit; in the absence of a suit, put a trump card; interrupt a trump card) - buy on maps

Punishment for false announcement - buy on maps.

  • Penalty for extra card in hand - bid on maps.
  • Punishment for changing the first trump card opened by the seven when playing the second trump card, as well as for changing the seven cards on the cutter - bid on maps.
  • Punishment for the question "Growth?", Asked by a player who obviously had the highest combination on his hands - his combination does not count, but the partner's combination counts.
  • In case of errors in the record, the "pencil rule" is applied - the player makes a record without removing the read cards into the deck, and puts the pencil; if he wrote down extra points for himself, the partner indicates this and writes down the difference for himself, and the one who attributed the extra points writes them off. With an error of 100 points - the error is simply corrected (" Hundreds get better" ).

14. Varieties of deber

Deberts according to Kharkov rules

  • There is only one difference - from two combinations of equal length, starting with cards of equal value, no advantage is given to the trump card : the highest one is the one declared earlier (i.e. belonging to the player whose turn it is). For example, having a third from a trump ace, according to Kharkov rules, you can ask for the growth of a third announced by a partner, while according to Moscow rules, this should never be done, since a third from a trump ace is older than any third of all possible, and you just need to say: "Not good. There is a trump card."

Deberts up to 301 points

The only difference is that the game is played not up to 501 points, but up to 301 points. It can be played according to both Moscow and Kharkov rules.

Deberts in one change buy twice

The party is played in one change, the buy is considered for 2 kusha (points).


Deberz is one of the most common games, the goal of which is to score the largest number points by taking bribes. It is generally accepted that deberts originates from the Jewish communities that exist in all major cities of the world. In European countries, deberts became widely popular in the early thirties of the XX century. In Russia, deberts has become widely popular since the mid-seventies of the 20th century. Deberz is a unique game, as it remains attractive both commercially (playing for money) and sportingly. Only 2 people play deberets, however, there are some varieties of deberets in which you can play three or four in pairs. Deberts laid the foundation for such a game as Belote. Below is a description of the rules of the so-called Moscow deberets.

Debertz is played together with a deck of 32 sheets (from Ace to 7 in each suit). The goal of each player is to score at least 501 points before the opponent does.

Delivery of cards.

The dealer in the first deal is determined by lot. Each player is dealt 6 cards, 3 cards at a time, starting with the opponent. The top card of the remaining deck is flipped over and called the Overburden. The overburden determines the suit for trump. Next, trading begins. The dealer's opponent has the first word. He can order to play the cap suit (saying: “I play”) or refuse (saying: “Pass”). After the pass, the dealer has the right to make his choice. After two passes, the dealer's opponent can order a play on any of the remaining suits, or say "Pass", refusing to play this hand. After three passes, the dealer can either load play in any suit other than the showdown suit, or fold. In the case of four passes, the cards are collected and the other player becomes the dealer. If someone downloaded the game, then from that moment the person who ordered the game is called “loaded”, and his opponent is called “whistling”. After ordering the game, the dealer distributes three more cards to each (last to himself). The bottom card of the deck is flipped over (sometimes called a "mill") - it does not participate in the further game - it simply gives the players Additional information(each player knows 11 cards). Before his first move, each player can, if desired, change the trump seven for a flash card. Please note: the order of the game is made on 6 cards, and you have to play with 9 cards. And yet, before changing the trump seven, you need to think about whether it is worth doing it (for example, this seven is included in some of your constructions, and by changing the 7rku you will not have a construction, since the constructions are announced on the cards that the player has at the time of the announcement) .

The right of the first move belongs to the dealer's opponent. The booted player undertakes to score more points in tricks and constructions in this exchange than the defender. Next, the draw begins. If one of the players has four sevens in his hand, he has the right to demand a redraw of the cards, presenting these sevens before he makes his first move.


Points are given for cards in tricks, for combinations, for taking the last trick in the deal. Cards in a non-trump suit have the following value: Ace = 11 points; 10 = 10 points; K = 4 points; D = 3 points; B = 2 points; 9,8,7 for 0 points. In the trump suit, the values ​​are different: B = 20 points; 9 = 14 points; T = 11 points; K = 4 points; D = 3 points; 8.7 for 0 points. The last trick is worth 10 points. Note: in the deberets, the trump jack has its own name Yuss (Yuss), and the trump nine is Manel (Manel), i.e. these are the most respected cards in the game.

The combinations in deberets are:

Three cards in a row from the row T K D B 10 9 8 7, called “Terz” and worth 20 points.

Four cards in a row from the row T K D B 10 9 8 7, called “Bertz” and worth 50 points.

Kozyrnye K and D (marriage), called "Bela" and worth 20 points.

Each player, before his first move, can declare his senior construction (if there are several of them, only the senior one is declared). If both players have constructions, then after the first move it becomes clear whose construction is higher according to the following rules:

Any beret is older than any terz;

With the same cost of structures, the one with the growth is higher (the growth of the structure = the highest card of the structure);

With the same height, the design that is trump is older;

If both constructions are not trump, then the one that was declared earlier is older.

Only the player who had the highest structure can write points for it (them). No card can be included in two or more constructions (excluding Bela cards). If the player whose construction turned out to be older took at least one trick, then he adds points for the available constructions (if there were several of them) to the points for the cards in his tricks. If such a player did not take a single trick, then points for constructions are not counted.

Bela's construction is unique, it does not interrupt any other constructions, but it is not interrupted by any other construction either. Bela is counted in any case, regardless of whether the owner of Bela took a bribe or not. Bela is not necessarily declared before her first turn like all other constructions, she can be declared at any time in the game when a player plays a card from Bela's composition. In order to announce Bela, when you play K (or D) you need to say: “Bela”. (It is not necessary to announce Bela as the first card, this can be done by playing the second card).

Card draw

The seniority of cards when playing in a non-trump suit is T 10 K D B 9 8 7, in a trump suit - B 9 T 10 K D 8 7. The rules of the draw are simple. If there are cards in the suit of the move, you must play this card. If there are no cards in the suit of the move, you must put a trump card. If the move was made in a trump suit, it is necessary to interrupt with a higher trump card (if possible, of course). If there are no cards in the suit of the move and trump cards, you can discard any card. The bribe is received by the player who put the highest card or the highest trump card, he also owns the right to the next move. The tricks are turned face down, each player has the right to see the last trick at any time during the game. The one with the most points on the board becomes the dealer.

After the last trick has been played, each of the players counts the points for cards scored by him in his tricks and adds to them the points for the constructions that have played (the player who owned the highest construction has all the constructions “played” if he has at least 1 trick). The results are entered as an accumulated total in a table of the form (each line of this table shows the current result of the game after each hand).

If the booted scores less points than the whistler, then this situation is called “Byte” (indicated by BT). With a byte, the whistler adds to his scored points the points of the loaded one, i.e. all the points that were in that deal. In the result table, a byte is denoted as follows:

If the booted one takes the same number of points as the whistler, then this situation is called “hanging” (denoted vs (xx), where xx is the number of points scored by the booted one). When hanging, the whistler writes the points scored for himself, and the loaded one writes the designation of the hang. Recording vs(xx) means that xx points will be awarded to the player who scores more points in the next hand.

If there are two or more hangings in a row, then the players must agree:

1. in the next hand, all the points that have hung are played, i.e. drawing all the points at once;

2. in the next hand, only those points that hung for the first time are played, i.е. scoring in turn.

If, after dealing and counting the results, it turns out that both players scored at least 501 points, then the one who whistled in the last deal wins.

Before the game begins, players can agree on the following (whether they play with this convention or not).

Mars Convention. If a player scores 501 or more points before another, then this player wins in sets with a score of 1:0. When playing deberts with mars, if a player scores at least 501 points before the opponent scores at least 251 points, then the player is considered to have won with a score of 2:0 in sets, not 1:0.

Dive Convention. In Russian, doubling. The origin of this convention was the commercial beginning of deberets, i.e. play it for money. Let's say the players agreed to play deberts at a rate of 10 rubles for a simple win (20 rubles for a win with Mars, respectively). This convention allows each player to double the bet in turn. Let's say the score is like this (there were no doublings yet) Player A 345, Player B 247. Here Player A raises a chip like TKDV1098 in trump cards + T in the side. The stump is clear that he will now win on such a map, because he has 163 points in his current hand. Player A says "Dive", suggesting that Player B double their bets. If Player B refuses to double, i.e. does not accept it, he will lose with a score of 1:0. If he accepts, then the bet will double, and in this case he will lose 4-0 (doubling + mars). Thus, in this example, Player A, of course, made himself worse by offering to double the bet, because he is guaranteed to win 2:0, and by offering doubling, he will only win 4:0 with a 50% probability, and with the same probability 1:0.

A game that appeared in Russia only in the 70s of the XX century and immediately gained popularity among professional players.
Played with a deck of 32 cards.

Delivery and redemption of cards.

The dealer in the first deal is determined by a jury. Each player is given six cards. Distribute them three at a time, and to yourself - the last. The remaining deck is placed on the table - this is a ticket. The top card is revealed - it determines the suit of the first trump card. The seniority and dignity of cards in trump and non-trump suits differ. In a non-trump suit, the highest card is an ace (11 points), followed by a ten (10 points), then a king, a queen and a jack (respectively 4, 3 and 2 points), nine, eight and seven are worth nothing. In the trump suit, the highest card is a jack (20 points), followed by a nine (14 points), then an ace (11 points) and a ten (10 points). The king and queen of the trump suit are worth 4 and 3 points respectively, the eight and seven are worth nothing.
Players of the online club in turn can order the game according to the first trump card. The delivery man orders last. You can announce: "Pass!" or "I'm playing!" As soon as one of the players declares: "I'm playing!", the game is considered ordered. The player must score more points than his opponent (he is called a whistler).
If, after the announcement of the first trump card, both players folded, the players can declare the other suit as a trump card in the same order. If both players pass again, then the cards should be re-dealt. The right to surrender passes to the second player.
When the game is ordered, the dealer deals 3 more cards at a time. Each player has 9 cards in his hand. The bottom card is revealed this time. It is placed on top of the remaining deck "on the cutter".

Combinations: seniority and dignity.

Points are awarded on announced combinations of cards and the sum of points of all cards in tricks. For the last trick, 10 points are awarded.
The player has the right to declare the combinations he has before his first move. The one who has the highest combination in his hands will be awarded points.
Combinations can be as follows:
- "fifty" - four cards of the same suit in a row (50 points);
- "terts" - three cards of the same suit in a row (20 points);
- "Bella" - trump marriage.
Of the two combinations, the one that is longer is considered to be the highest. There are no announcements above "fifty": if you have a combination of five or more cards in your hand, then it still counts as four.
Of the two combinations of equal length, the one that starts with the highest card has the advantage.
Of the two combinations of equal length, starting with cards of the same value, the trump one is higher.
If the non-trump combinations are absolutely equal, then the one declared earlier is valued higher: whose move, that combination is older.
The "Bella" combination occupies a special position in the club: no other combination can beat it. However, "Bella" itself does not interrupt any announcements. It just scores points.
If you have multiple combinations in your hand, only one high combination is declared. If, after the announcement of your highest combination, the partner did not interrupt your announcement, you can additionally declare all your other combinations (those that are younger than the first declared one).
Declared combinations must not contain any common card. It is impossible to declare fifty from an ace and a third from a jack (trump cards) at the same time, since the jack is a common card for two combinations. The exception to this rule is "Bella". The cards that make it up can also be included in another combination. Calling "Bella" can be made before any move, even if you only have one card from that combination in your hand.

Some details

Let's say both players have noteworthy combinations in their hands. The first announces: "terts" and puts down a card. The second announces: "fifty" and also makes a move. It is clear that only the highest combination "fifty" is counted.
Now let's say that the first player announced "tertz". The second player also has tertz in his hands. He puts a card on the table and asks: "Growth?" This means that you should find out which of the two similar combinations is higher. The first player names the highest card of his tertz. For example: "from the king." The second, if his combination is higher, announces: "from the trump king." After this announcement, he makes a full announcement: "The tertz from the trump king gave birth to the tertz from the jack of diamonds."
Ask: "Growth?" It's like looking at your opponent's cards. This, as you know, is not allowed by the rules. Therefore, if the opponent announced tertz, and you have fifty, you cannot ask for growth. If you, even after making a reservation or automatically, ask in such a situation: "Growth?", then your combination will not be counted, and the partner will write down his own.
If you do not have a combination of the same order as announced by the partner, you cannot ask for growth again. Violation of this rule is punished by a bid on the cards: the offender gives all his cards to the partner, and he writes down the points for himself. If your partner first announced a combination higher than yours, you should not name the height of your third. It is enough to say: "writes" or "suitable", or "passes".
Each partner may require to show all announced combinations. In the case when the first player declares a combination, and you do not have a combination, you simply ask to show the announced combination. The first player can respond to this by demanding that they put down a card first. In the jargon of the players, it sounds like this: "Throw off, kill yourself."


The dealer's opponent goes first. The one who took the last trick usually goes next. They always play with one card. You must answer with a card in suit. No suit - put down a trump card. No trump and no suit - you can put any card.
A trump card in a club (claber) must be interrupted. But it is not necessary to interrupt a non-trump card. A card that beats other cards takes a trick.
If the game is ordered on the first trump card, and you have a trump seven in your hands, you have the right to replace it with a card that determines the suit of the first trump card upon delivery.


If you have a third from a trump nine (the card in trumps is the second highest), you will have to decide (if the game is ordered by the first trump) whether to keep the third or replace the seven with a larger trump. In this case, you have the right to ask: "Does my trump pass?" The partner is obliged to inform you if your tertz passes. After the answer, you will be able to more competently decide whether to change the seven or announce the third. Note: in the club, the trump nine is so respected that it has its own name - Manela (or Menela).


The game in the online club is up to 501 points.
Points are calculated after the end of the draw. The sum consists of the points of announced combinations, the value of cards in tricks and 10 points for the last trick.
The account starts with announcements. Then they add the cost of the cards to the total score, discarding one card at a time. The trump jack, already counted for 20 points, is not counted for the second time and two points are not added for it. When it occurs in counted cards, they say: "I miss."
If you score less than your partner, then he writes himself and all your points. This position is called "baid".
A kind of canoe: "hanging canoe". This situation is formed if the player scored an equal number of points with his partner. Then the player does not write down points for himself, but the opponent writes down. The glasses of the player seem to hang in the air. They will be added to themselves by the one who scored more points in the next change. After the hanging canoe, the whistler hands over the cards.
If the hanging cane is repeated twice in a row, the partners agree on solutions. Option A: next time play the sum of the points of both bikes. Option B: in the next hand, play the sum of the points of the first buy, and play the points of the second on the change following it.
If the player made announcements but did not take any tricks. his ads are nonetheless considered.
The result of each surrender is added to the total amount of points scored in the game. The one with the most points becomes the dealer.

The end of the party

When one of the players announces that he has scored the set (or more) points, the game is considered over.
The player announces this either after any trick he has taken (except the last one), until the next move is made, or during the recording of the results (before the card was removed before the next deal).
In the case of a set of agreed number of points by both players, the winner is the one who took the last trick. If the agreed points are scored by the last trick in the rally, and at the same time a bid is obtained, the player who has scored points does not have the right to declare the game over, since all his points will be recorded to the partner
To familiarize yourself with the rules of the game, you can download the club (clubber) on the Internet.

Mistakes and penalties

To avoid mistakes in writing, there is a "pencil rule" - the player makes a record without removing the read cards into the deck and puts the pencil. When a mistake is noticed (adding extra points), the partner points to it and writes down the difference for himself. The one who attributed the extra points is obliged to write them off.
There is a motto in the club: "Hundreds get better." This means that for a hundred point error, the error is simply corrected without any penalty.
The penalty for renunciation, for a false announcement and for an extra card in hand is a buy on the cards. It is also punishable to replace the opened first trump card with a seven during the game on the second trump card (this is possible only in the game on the first trump card) and change the seven cards on the cutter.
False announcement of the end of the game is punished by losing the game.


A game that appeared in Russia only in the 70s of the XX century and immediately gained popularity among professional players. This game has several options: Moscow deberz, Kharkov deberz, deberz for two and three players, and so on.


They play with a deck of 32 cards.

Delivery and redemption of cards.

The dealer in the first deal is determined by lot. Each player is given six cards. Distribute them three at a time, and to yourself - the last. The remaining deck is placed on the table - this is a ticket. The top card is revealed - it determines the suit of the first trump card. The seniority and dignity of cards in trump and non-trump suits differ. In a non-trump suit, the highest card is an ace (11 points), followed by a ten (10 points), then a king, a queen and a jack (respectively 4, 3 and 2 points), nine, eight and seven are worth nothing. In the trump suit, the highest card is a jack (20 points), followed by a nine (14 points), then an ace (11 points) and a ten (10 points). The king and queen of the trump suit are worth 4 and 3 points respectively, the eight and seven are worth nothing.
Players in turn can order the game according to the first trump card. The delivery man orders last. You can announce: "Pass!" or "I'm playing!" As soon as one of the players declares: "I'm playing!", the game is considered ordered. The player must score more points than his opponent (he is called a whistler).
If, after the announcement of the first trump card, both players folded, the players can declare the other suit as a trump card in the same order. If both players pass again, then the cards should be re-dealt. The right to surrender passes to the second player.
When the game is ordered, the dealer deals 3 more cards at a time. Each player has 9 cards in his hand. The bottom card is revealed this time. It is placed on top of the remaining deck "on the cutter".

Combinations: seniority and dignity.

Points are awarded on announced combinations of cards and the sum of points of all cards in tricks. For the last trick, 10 points are awarded.
The player has the right to declare the combinations he has before his first move. The one who has the highest combination in his hands will be awarded points.

Combinations can be as follows:

"fifty" - four cards of the same suit in a row (50 points);

"terts" - three cards of the same suit in a row (20 points);

"Bella" - trump marriage.

Of the two combinations, the one that is longer is considered to be the highest. There are no announcements above "fifty": if you have a combination of five or more cards in your hand, then it still counts as four.
Of the two combinations of equal length, the one that starts with the highest card has the advantage.
Of the two combinations of equal length, starting with cards of the same value, the trump one is higher.
If the non-trump combinations are absolutely equal, then the one declared earlier is valued higher: whose move, that combination is older.
A special position is occupied by the "Bella" combination: it cannot be interrupted by any other combination. However, "Bella" itself does not interrupt any announcements. It just scores points.
If you have more than one combination in your hand, only one combination is declared - the highest one. If, after the announcement of your highest combination, the partner did not interrupt your announcement, you can additionally declare all your other combinations (those that are younger than the first declared one).
Declared combinations must not contain any common card. It is impossible to declare fifty from an ace and a third from a jack (trump cards) at the same time, since the jack is a common card for two combinations. The exception to this rule is "Bella". The cards that make it up can also be included in another combination. Calling "Bella" can be made before any move, even if you only have one card from that combination in your hand.

Some details

Let's say both players have noteworthy combinations in their hands. The first announces: "terts" and puts down a card. The second announces: "fifty" and also makes a move. It is clear that only the highest combination "fifty" is counted.
Now let's say that the first player announced "tertz". The second player also has tertz in his hands. He puts a card on the table and asks: "Growth?" This means that you should find out which of the two similar combinations is higher. The first player names the highest card of his tertz. For example: "from the king." The second, if his combination is higher, announces: "from the trump king." After this announcement, he makes a full announcement: "The tertz from the trump king gave birth to the tertz from the jack of diamonds."
Ask: "Growth?" It's like looking at your opponent's cards. This, as you know, is not allowed by the rules. Therefore, if the opponent announced tertz, and you have fifty, you cannot ask for growth. If you, even after making a reservation or automatically, ask in such a situation: "Growth?", then your combination will not be counted, and the partner will write down his own.
If you do not have a combination of the same order as announced by the partner, you cannot ask for growth again. Violation of this rule is punished by a bid on the cards: the offender gives all his cards to the partner, and he writes down the points for himself.
If your partner first announced a combination higher than yours, you should not name the height of your third. It is enough to say: "writes" or "suitable", or "passes".
Each partner may require to show all announced combinations. In the case when the first player declares a combination, and you do not have a combination, you simply ask to show the announced combination. The first player can respond to this by demanding that they put down a card first. In the jargon of the players, it sounds like this: "Throw off, kill yourself."

Deberz is played by 2, 3 or 4 players with a deck of 32 cards (from Ace to 7 in each suit). Deberz combines elements of taking tricks and laying out card combinations. The player who scores the agreed number of points first wins. Usually they play up to 501 points. (The site provides a choice of the number of points up to which the game is played in Deberts: 101, 301, 501)

Dealing cards

Each player is dealt 6 cards, 3 cards at a time, starting with the opponent clockwise. The top card of the remaining deck is turned over and determines the suit for trump. Next, trading begins.

Trading for the trump card

The first player after the dealer (clockwise) has the first word. He can order the game with the current trump (saying: "I play") or refuse (saying: "Pass"). If the player says "I play" - the current trump card remains in force and the player who decided to play it needs to score the maximum number of points in this round. If all players, including the dealer, said "Pass" in the first round of "trading" - the second round begins, in which any player can choose a trump card at his discretion, except for the suit, which was the trump card in the first round.

When playing with "obligations", the dealer must choose a trump card and play it, even if all players said "Pass" in two rounds of "trading".

Before his first move and the distribution of additional cards, each player can, if desired, change the trump seven (if any among his cards) to a card denoting trump in the first round of betting. This can only be done if the trump card has not changed and one of the players said "Play" in the first round of betting. After the bidding and the announcement of the trump card, each player is dealt three more cards.

The right of the first move can be chosen when creating an application for the game, it can be the first player after the one who has handed over or ordered the game. Now the declaration of combinations begins.

How and for what points are given in Deberets

Points are given for cards in tricks, for combinations, for taking the last trick in the hand. Cards outside the trump suit have the following value: Ace = 11 points; 10 = 10 points; K = 4 points; D = 3 points; B = 2 points; 9, 8, 7 for 0 points.

In the trump suit, the values ​​are different: B = 20 points; 9 = 14 points; T = 11 points; 10 = 10 points; K = 4 points; D = 3 points; 8 and 7 for 0 points.

The one who takes the last trick always gets +10 points.

Combinations in Deberets are:

  • Three cards in a row from the row T K D B 10 9 8 7 - "Tertz" - the value of 20 points.
  • Four cards or more in a row from the row T K D B 10 9 8 7 - "Half a hundred" (often called "fifty") - the value of 50 points.
  • Kozyrnye K and D (Bela) - 20 points.

Each player before his first move can announce his combinations (if there are several of them, all are declared). If several players have combinations, then it turns out whose structure is older according to the following rules:

  • Half a hundred older than any terz;
  • With the same combination, the one with the highest growth is older (the growth of a combination, for example, a third = the highest card of the combination);
  • With the same height, the combination that is trump is older;
  • If both constructions are not trump, then the one that was announced earlier is older.

Only the player who had the highest combination can write himself points for it (them). No card can be included in two or more constructions (excluding Bela cards). If the player whose construction turned out to be older took at least one trick, then he adds points for the available constructions (if there were several of them) to the points for the cards in his tricks. If such a player did not take a single trick, then points for constructions are not counted.

Bela's construction is unique, it does not interrupt any other constructions, but it is not interrupted by any other construction either. Bela counts in any case, regardless of whether Bela's owner took a bribe or not. Bela is not necessarily declared before her first turn like all other constructions, she can be declared at any time in the game when a player plays a card from Bela's composition. In order to announce Bela, when you play as a king or queen (from Bela's combination), you must say: "Bela". It is not necessary to announce Bela as the first card, this can be done by playing the second card.

Draw in Deberets

The seniority of cards when playing in a non-trump suit is T 10 K D B 9 8 7, in a trump suit - B 9 T 10 K D 8 7.

The rules of the draw are simple. It is necessary to toss or interrupt cards in suit. If there are no cards in the suit of the move, you must put a trump card. If the move was made in a trump suit, it is necessary to interrupt with a higher trump card (if possible). If there are no cards in the suit of the move and trump cards, you can discard any card. The bribe is received by the player who put the highest card or the highest trump card, he also owns the right to the next move. The tricks are turned face down, each player has the right to see the last trick at any time during the game. The one with the most points on the board becomes the dealer.

Scoring and Recording

After the last trick has been played, each of the players counts the points for the cards scored by him in his tricks and adds to them the points for the constructions that have played.

If the "Player" (the player who chose the trump card) scores less points than any other player, then this situation is called "Byte" (or buy). With a byte, the player who has scored the most points adds "Player" points to his points, i.e. all the points that were in that deal. In the result table, a byte is usually denoted BT. The player who played the byte will receive 0 points.

Additional Conventions

Before the game begins, players can agree on the following (whether they play with this convention or not).

Mars Convention. If a player scores 501 or more points before another, then this player wins in sets with a score of 1:0. When playing deberts with mars, if a player scores at least 501 points before the opponent scores at least 251 points, then the player is considered to have won with a score of 2:0 in sets, not 1:0.

Convention "Dave" (Dive), doubling. The origin of this convention was the commercial beginning of deberets, i.e. play it for money. This convention allows each player to double the bet in turn. If the opponent refuses, he has to surrender.

Before the first offer to double, both players have the right to offer it, however, as soon as one of the players has offered to double, the right to double again passes to the opponent. This convention has also become widely used in matches, especially backgammon, which are played up to n wins, thus allowing you to win the match not in (2n-1) games, but perhaps even in 1 game.

Convention "Arrival". An arrival is called an early termination of the board and the game, if the player announcing the arrival is sure that the points he scored before this board, in total with the points already scored in the current board (for cards in bribes and his constructions played), give 501 or more points. If so, that player is declared the winner. If in total this player has less than 501 points, then his opponent becomes the winner of the game. In order to “arrive” it is necessary to say “Arrival” before your move. Usually, the game of deberts is played by default with the convention “Arrival”.

Convention "Polubyte". It is used among professional players and makes sense only if the game in Deberc is played with the "Driving" convention. The essence of this convention is as follows. If one of the players is loaded in the hope of getting there, then the whistler has the right to assign a nibble if he is sure that he has taken more than half of the points participating in the current deal (on the cards in his bribes and constructions). During his move, the whistler announces “Polubyte” and the players count the points scored by the whistler, and if there are really more than half of all the points in the deal (the sum of the points on the players’ cards plus the sum of the constructions played), then the loaded one writes a byte to himself, and the whistler writes the sum of all the points in surrender. However, if this is not the case, then the booted one becomes the winner of the game.

Penalties and fines

  • The penalty for falsely announcing the end of the game is losing the game.
  • Punishment for renounce (i.e. violation of the rules: put a suit on a suit; in the absence of a suit, put a trump card; interrupt a trump card) - a byte on the cards.
  • The penalty for a false announcement is a byte on the cards.
  • The penalty for an extra card in hand is a byte on the cards.
  • The punishment for changing the first trump card with the seven when playing the second trump card, as well as for changing the seven cards on the cutter - bytes on the cards.

In case of errors in the record, the “pencil rule” is applied - the player makes a record without removing the read cards into the deck and puts the pencil; if he wrote down extra points for himself, the partner indicates this and writes down the difference for himself, and the one who assigned extra points writes them off. With an error of 100 points - the error is simply getting better (“Hundreds are getting better”).