Icon of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the year. Dormition of Our Blessed Lady Theotokos

Great and bright holiday of the Dormition Holy Mother of God celebrated on August 28, 2016. This solemn date is dedicated to the departure from physical life of the mother of Christ the Savior - her death in the body and the acquisition of eternal life in the spirit. The history of the holiday refers to the miraculous ascension of Mary after her physical death. After the resurrection of Jesus and his subsequent resettlement to God the Father, the Most Holy Theotokos (Mother Mary), moving away from family affairs, devoted every second of her life to preaching and Christian prayers. Until her death, she asked God for her speedy reunion with Jesus in heaven. And so it happened. Today, in each of the Orthodox churches there is an icon with the face of the Mother of God. They pray to her, asking her to stop wars, troubles and bloodshed. Many signs are associated with the Day of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The customs of August 28 are known not only to Christian believers, but also to people far from the church. There are traditions according to which certain things cannot be done on the Assumption, however, they are in no way related to work and everyday work.

When is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary celebrated in 2016?

Among Christians there are people who celebrate the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary according to the old style - August 15. However, the Orthodox Church believes that it is more correct to celebrate the date of the Dormition Mother of God August 28, new style. Catholic Church believes that this holiday should be celebrated on August 15th.

History of the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The history of the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is connected with the life of the mother of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion and resurrection and her dormition, death and resurrection. It is known that after the death of her son, the Mother of God did not stop her prayers. Turning to God, Mary asked the Lord to quickly reunite them with sleep in heaven. At the same time, she continued the work of Christ, spreading the true teaching of faith, begun to be preached by Jesus. According to the chroniclers, Mary was extremely modest in both food and clothing. If the Mother of God left the house, her path lay only to the temple. Towards the end of her days, Mary became spiritually close to John the Theologian, periodically visiting the place of her son’s execution - Golgotha. On one of these visits, the Archangel Gabriel appeared in the Virgin Mary. He informed the woman about her departure from earthly life. Having descended from Golgotha, Mary told everything to John the Theologian and called on the apostles to gather and escort her to eternal life. Before her death, the Mother of God thanked each of Christ’s disciples and blessed them for further good deeds, pleasing to God and people. Mary's body was buried in Gethsemane. However later people Those who came to the place of her burial did not find Mary in the coffin. This miracle was a sign of the Ascension of the Mother of God into heaven. That is why the day of the Mother of God’s departure from earthly life is called not death, but Dormition—the subsequent ascension.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary: signs, customs and traditions

There are many signs, traditions and customs associated with the Day of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Most signs relate to natural and weather phenomena. For example, sunny and warm weather on August 28 predicts a dirty autumn with a lot of rain and a cool Indian Summer. At the same time, a lot of cobwebs on plants indicate that this winter will have little snow, but frosty. Short-term signs on August 28 also relate to the weather: morning clouds will definitely bring evening rain, and a rainbow speaks of the warmth of autumn. Among the customs of the Assumption, setting a delicious table with dishes and treating all your friends is the most famous. According to tradition, on this day bread is blessed in churches, and girls read conspiracies to attract a groom: they say that a girl who has not found her betrothed before the Dormition will remain a wench until next year.

What not to do on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (prohibitions)

You cannot go barefoot to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. They say that dew is the tears of the Mother of God, and to trample on them is, at a minimum, sinful. On August 28, it is better to wear new, comfortable shoes. You should not wear uncomfortable shoes: if you rub a callus on the Assumption, you will bring problems to your home on whole year. Do not stick sharp sticks or any objects into the ground - they can remind you of the spear that pierced the body of Christ on the cross. The bread consecrated in the temple on this day cannot be dropped on the ground. It is a sin to drop even a piece of a healing loaf on this day. Of course, on August 28 (and not only) it is unacceptable to swear, fight and quarrel.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 28, 2016— religious holiday having thousand-year history. In memory of the modest and pious life of Mother Mary and her dormition—the miraculous ascension after death—on this day they visit churches, pray, and light candles at the image of the Virgin Mary. The customs and traditions of the day involve the blessing of bread and the end of sowing. Folk signs for the Dormition also help believers live on and plan the year, because they learn about autumn and winter based on the weather on August 28th. Prohibitions related to the holiday dedicated to the Mother of God also have an explanation and are beneficial (for example, the ban on walking barefoot is associated with the approaching cold weather).

The name of the holiday - Dormition - indicates to believers that the Mother of God was resurrected by Jesus Christ after Her death. That is why on August 28 (new style) the Church does not mourn, but glorifies the Mother of God, who now stands before Her Son and prays for us all, writes http://pressa.today.

The feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary - August 28 (August 15, old style) is one of the twelve non-transitionable days and is celebrated every year on the same day.

One of the features of the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is that it is preceded by fasting. The Assumption Fast is not very long - from August 14 to 27, but in terms of severity it is second only to Lent. It was installed in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos, who throughout her life fervently fasted and prayed to God. The basis of the Lenten table is vegetables and fruits; vegetable oil is allowed only on Saturdays and Sundays. On August 19 - on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord - eating fish is allowed, vegetable oil and wine, even if it's Wednesday or Friday.

In general, during the period of fasting there are two major church holidays. So, at the very beginning - August 14, the day of the celebration of the Origin honest trees The Cross of the Lord - in all Orthodox churches consecrate honey. This is actually why this day is popularly called the first, or Honey Spas. On August 19, on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, grapes and apples are blessed in churches, which is why this day is also called the Apple Savior.

After the Ascension of Christ Mother God's vein on earth and, most likely, for quite a long time. Everything that we know about this time has been preserved only in the Tradition of the Church. How long the Mother of God lived before Her Dormition is not known for certain. Some researchers believe that it is about ten years, others say twenty-two years. She spent her days in the house of the holy Apostle John the Theologian, who, according to the promise of the Lord Himself, was to take care of Her as his own son. However, not only for him the Mother of God was a spiritual Mother: all the apostles (and later all believers in general) began to honor Her as their Mother. Together with the Most Pure Mother, the apostles prayed to God and listened to Her stories about Jesus Christ.

It is known that when the sermon about the Savior spread to the lands neighboring Israel, believers from other countries came to listen to the stories of the Mother of God. In addition to prayers and conversations with the apostles and other Christians, She also loved to visit places in Jerusalem associated with the earthly life of Her Son: Golgotha, the Holy Sepulcher, the Mount of Olives. In these places, the Mother of God also prayed intensely and asked Christ to take Her to Himself as soon as possible. On one of these days, on the Mount of Olives, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Mother of God and, as he had once announced to Her about the birth of the Savior, now brought the news of Her imminent dormition.

The messenger of God appeared to the Mother of God with a date branch in her hands (a symbol of the Garden of Eden) and said that in three days She would leave this world. Hearing this, the Most Pure One rejoiced, told everything to John the Theologian and began to prepare for her death. She also wished to see all the apostles, but they were not in Jerusalem at that moment, as they preached in different lands. A miracle happened - the Lord, by His power, transported all the disciples, except the Apostle Thomas, to Jerusalem.

Then one thing happened an important event. Having learned why they were all together in the holy city, the apostles were saddened, but the Mother of God consoled them. She promised that after Her earthly death she would always stand before Christ and pray for all Christians. It is on this testimony that the Church’s faith is based that the Mother of God constantly prays for all Christians before Her Son.

According to Church Tradition, at the moment of the death of the Mother of God, a bright light shone into the room where all those gathered were. In this heavenly light, surrounded by angels, Christ Himself appeared, Who accepted the soul of His earthly Mother. When the apostles carried the body of the Most Pure Virgin to the tomb, many ordinary people followed them. Jewish teachers - high priests and scribes - tried to disperse the crowd, but this could not be done: Christ Himself protected those marching with His invisible power.

There is a known episode when one of the Jewish priests named Athos ran up to the bed of the Mother of God and tried to turn it over. At that moment, an invisible angel cut off both of Aphonia’s hands. Struck by such an incident, the priest repented of his intentions, after which the Apostle Peter healed him. As the Mother of God asked in advance, the apostles buried Her most pure body in the Garden of Gethsemane - in the tomb where Her parents and Joseph the Betrothed were buried.

At the time of the funeral, many miraculous events occurred, which once again testified to the unusual nature of what was happening. Thus, tradition brings to us the story of how, by touching the bed of the Mother of God, the blind received their sight, demons were cast out from the possessed, and other ailments were healed. Three days after the Dormition of the Mother of God, the Apostle Thomas came to Jerusalem. Having learned that he did not make it in time for the burial, the apostle was saddened. Having met with other apostles, Thomas asked them to show him the tomb of the Most Pure One. When everyone came to the tomb and rolled away the stone, it turned out that the body of the Mother of God was not there, but only Her shroud lay. The apostles were surprised not to see the body of the Mother of God, and began to pray that the Lord would reveal to them what had happened. In the evening, after a common meal, during prayer they heard the singing of angels. Looking up, the apostles saw the Mother of God in the air. Surrounded by angelic forces, she was all in the radiance of heavenly light.

According to Church Tradition, the Mother of God said to the apostles: “Rejoice! I am with you all the days and will always be your prayer book before God.” Thus, She once again promised to pray for all Christians. The apostles rejoiced when they saw the Mother of God and answered: “Most Holy Theotokos, help us!” How he teaches Orthodox Church, Christ resurrected the Most Pure One by His power, took Her to Himself Heavenly Kingdom and placed him above all angelic ranks.

The Dormition of the Mother of God is one of the most important holidays in Orthodox culture. It is joyful, despite the fact that it is associated with the death of the Virgin Mary, because it became only a spiritual reincarnation.

The Virgin Mary was on earth an ordinary person, who initially had a special fate awaiting him. She was destined to become the virgin mother of a child born from the touch of the Holy Spirit. It is impossible to imagine how a woman feels when she gives birth to a child whose goal is to save the world and who is doomed in advance to suffering and death for all people. That is why the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is celebrated on August 28, which is one of the main 12 holidays in Orthodoxy.

history of the holiday

When the spirit of the Virgin Mary departed to heaven, all the apostles inexplicably gathered in Jerusalem for her funeral. After the death of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God was taken into the care of John, one of the apostles. Unfortunately, it is not known how and when she died.

At first the holiday was a simple day of remembrance, and then it began to be considered the day of the death of the Virgin Mary. Even later, when Orthodoxy came to Russian soil, clergy introduced the Dormition Fast. This is one of 4 multi-day fasts, which is dedicated to the Mother of God and her memory. In her honor, all Orthodox Christians eat only plant foods three days a week, and drink wine and fish only on weekends. Similar to Great Lent, during the Dormition Lent excessive entertainment, celebrations, fornication or drinking wine are prohibited. It is customary to prepare for the Assumption with prayers and humility, so that later you can remember the Mother of God during the breaking of the fast.

Dormition of the Virgin Mary in 2016

The date of celebration does not change from year to year - August 28. In 2016, the traditions will remain the same: there will be a festive liturgy in churches, people will begin to break their fast after the two-week strict Dormition Fast. At home, parishioners will also read prayers dedicated to the reunion of the Mother and Son, thanks to whom everything that surrounds us now exists.

After the burial of the Virgin Mary and her interment, the apostles gathered to commemorate the Most Pure One at the table. She appeared to them and said: “Rejoice, for I will be with you forever.”

The main messenger of God, the Archangel Gabriel, spoke about the death of the Mother of God, and therefore he is also remembered in prayers on this day:

Most Holy Archangel Gabriel, I tirelessly pray to you that you will guide me on the true path, a servant of God. Help me get rid of filth and be established in faith. Strengthen and protect my soul from the temptations of the devil and ask our God for the forgiveness of my sins. Hear me, a sinner, praying to you for your help and intercession. And now and ever and unto the age of ages, amen.

By folk traditions, on the day of the Assumption they say goodbye to summer and welcome autumn. At this time, it is customary to share the harvest with the poor and sick. It is also customary to forgive those who have offended us in the past, because by letting go of our offenders and forgiving them for what they have done, we become closer to God. People whose mothers are no longer with us remember them.

For reading on August 28, the prayer “Virgin, Mother of God, Rejoice” is required. This great prayer stands on a par with the “Our Father”, since it is no less miraculous. Pray with all your heart, being mentally prepared: be clean from negativity, from bad thoughts and from daily affairs. Read the prayer before going to bed and after waking up in the morning. We wish you happy holiday Dormition, and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.08.2016 04:22

One of the most strict posts V Orthodox Christianity is - Uspensky. Believers abstain physically and spiritually for two weeks in order...

The Feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary is celebrated on August 28. This one has Orthodox holiday There are ancient traditions and history that believers observe to this day. You will learn about all this from our article.

Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Every year on August 28, one of the most important Christian holidays is celebrated - the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. Why is the last day of the life of the Virgin Mary called a holiday and where does it get its name? In the Bible, unfortunately, you will not be able to find answers to all these questions, since, miraculously, it does not indicate how the days of the earthly life of the Mother of God ended, just as it does not indicate that she did not die. But the apocrypha tells of the miraculous events of that day.

According to legend, the Virgin Mary learned from Archangel Gabriel about her imminent death during one of her prayers. Then she began fasting and prepared to transfer her soul into the hands of Jesus Christ, as Archangel Gabriel promised her. She also prayed that all the apostles who were preaching at that time in different parts of the earth would be with her on this day.

From the apocrypha it is known that all the disciples of Jesus Christ were gathered in front of the house of John the Theologian, to whom Jesus entrusted the care of her before his death on the cross. All the apostles were brought to Jerusalem by clouds. During their farewell to the Mother of God, a miracle happened: the room lit up and angels appeared along with Jesus Christ. The Virgin Mary seemed to fall asleep, and Jesus lifted her soul in his arms into the Kingdom of God. It was this event that gave the name to the holiday.

Church customs of the holiday

There are a number of icons depicting the event of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. Most of them show the apostles surrounding and mourning the Virgin Mary, the Virgin Mary lying on her deathbed, and Jesus Christ surrounded by angels. In his hands you can see the soul of his Most Pure Mother. It is to these icons that believers pray on the day of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.

It takes place in churches all-night vigil, which the clergy advise every believer to attend. After all, this holiday shows what benefits a person is awarded if he leads a righteous lifestyle. Also, it shows the immortality of the soul and the fact that after the end of earthly life a person does not completely cease to exist.

Where is the Virgin Mary buried

In Jerusalem there is the Mount of Olives, which is considered the burial place of the Virgin Mary. It is located in Gethsthymania. Now in this place there is a temple in honor of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, which most Jerusalem pilgrims strive to visit. According to legend, the Apostle Thomas arrived only on the third day after the event of the Assumption and asked to open the tomb to say goodbye to the Mother of God. But the body of the most pure Virgin Mary was taken to heaven, and the tomb was empty.

The day after the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, the Nut Savior is celebrated, which is actually not a holiday.

All the best.

According to church tradition, the Virgin Mary completed her earthly life in Jerusalem 15 years after the Resurrection of Christ, on this day.

It is believed that all the apostles gathered to say goodbye to the Mother of God, after which Christ came down to them with many angels. The Mother of God turned to God in prayer and surrendered her soul into his hands.

Orthodox Ukrainians believe that on this day you should not pick up piercing or cutting objects, or cook food. On this day, believers break bread with their hands, since using a knife is prohibited.

Also, it is not allowed to go barefoot on the Assumption. Our ancestors believed that in this way we could absorb all the diseases. People also believed that the dew on this day were the tears of nature that the Mother of God had left this day.

In addition to being barefoot, you cannot wear old or uncomfortable shoes during the First Most Pure Church. It is believed that this precaution will avoid problems in life. Our ancestors believed that if you rub your foot on this day, then a person will face a life full of problems and failures.

Interestingly, it was allowed to work on this day, especially if you had unfinished business or needed to help someone.

The holiday was always accompanied by many folk signs, which have been passed down by word of mouth for generations.

It was believed that on this day the sun goes to sleep, and most of all on this holiday people paid attention to the weather.

People believed that if it was warm on the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, then the “Indian summer” would be cold, but rains on this day foreshadowed a dry autumn. If a rainbow appeared in the sky on the First Most Pure Day, then, as the sign says, autumn will be warm. It was also believed that a lot of cobwebs on the street foreshadowed a frosty winter with little snow.

Signs for the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary also say that on this day unmarried girls have a great chance of achieving their feminine happiness. Traditionally, it was on this day that guys went to woo those they wanted to marry. There is even a saying about this: “The most pure one has come - the unclean one is carrying the matchmakers.” And those girls to whom grooms did not come that day had to sit “in girls” until spring.