Why dream of feeding Miller cheese. Interpretation of the dream book: why do you dream of eating cheese?

Very often dreams try to warn a person about some events in the future, to help him accept the right decision, not to stumble and to be able to adequately re-evaluate some aspects of your life, since a dream makes you think about them. You should not neglect dreams, since even the most seemingly abstract objects and phenomena can tell you to pay attention to certain events in your life. IN in this case, if you dreamed of cheese, you can find an interpretation in dream books and create for yourself a picture of what you need to pay attention to, what to avoid, and what, on the contrary, to come to.
General dream book

Dream book of health
Why do you dream about blue cheese? Such a dream could be a sign of illness, so be careful with what you eat as there is a risk of food poisoning.
Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima
Why do you dream of sliced ​​cheese? Unpleasant things await you family quarrels and showdowns, you need to be able to maintain patience and understanding. Under no circumstances should you take it out on your family members, as the conflict may lead to other quarrels and resentments.
Why do you dream about a head of cheese? Success and luck await you, which will help you in your endeavors and solve old problems.
Wanderer's Dream Book

  • Seeing cheese in a dream promises you wealth, a sudden influx of money. But don’t rush to spend this money right away, as you may need it for a very necessary thing in the future.
  • Dream Interpretation: buying cheese is a sign that speaks for itself. Cheese represents the person you want to bribe and win over with flattery and sycophancy.
  • If you saw a piece of cheese in a dream, then this is a sign that you will soon discover new abilities or even talent. You will have to do work that will provoke the disclosure of these abilities.

Vanga's Dream Book
Vanga's dream book: “cheese” has the meaning of a new, unexpected event, news. In different interpretations and depending on the details of the dream, the interpretation varies.
Dream Interpretation: cheese - an unexpected pleasant event will happen in your life, the occurrence of which you did not even foresee. But you should be careful, as this event may block all your plans.
Medieval dream book
The interpretation of the dream “cheese” promises prosperity and good luck, your life will be full of impressions and bright colors, you will never be bored.
Russian dream book
The dream book “seeing cheese” means that you want to force some person to help you complete an important task dishonestly, with the help of flattery and hypocrisy. But even if the job is successful, the result will not be worth it and the deception will still be revealed sooner or later.
Dream Interpretation: cutting cheese means that your health is at risk. You should pay attention to this; you may have to undergo surgery.
Modern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about cheese? This is a favorable sign that foreshadows a joyful event for you. Keep in mind that you will have to be prepared for it.
  • Dream interpretation of a modern woman
  • Why do you dream about cheese in a dream? Sadness and despondency await you, at the moment you are unhappy with your life and want to change a lot. But you need to remember that most of your problems are created by vicious circle– you cannot solve them because of your sadness and lack of strength and energy.

Universal dream book

  • A dream about cheese is the personification of a person who is very important to you in life and you sometimes take an example from him and consider him authoritative. The most important thing is how you felt in a dream at the sight of cheese; if the emotions are positive or neutral, then your relationship will only get stronger, and if it is negative, then most likely you will be disappointed in it.
  • Seeing a lot of cheese in a dream foretells you great success, which will lead you to a profitable project. You need to work hard in order to achieve heights in your business and get a decent reward.
  • The dream of “being given cheese” symbolizes bad events that will happen to you due to someone else’s fault. Rely only on yourself and try not to shift matters to other people to avoid problems and misunderstandings.
  • Feeding cheese in a dream means that you will have to take a very important decision, which will greatly change your life. You need to be very careful and think through everything carefully to the smallest detail. Weigh all the pros and cons and only then decide on the final answer.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in January and February. March, April
Dream Interpretation: eating cheese in a dream means that they are trying to “feed” you with promises, relying on your naivety and gullibility.
Dream book for lovers
What does it mean to see cheese in a dream? This means that there is a risk of quarrels and conflicts with your loved one. You're both trying to prove each other that you're right and don't want to hear

each other. You should accept the position of your chosen one and apologize, accept your guilt, find a compromise in order to improve the relationship. This will significantly raise you in the eyes of your chosen one.
Dream book of the 21st century
What does it mean to see cheese in a dream? There is complete mutual understanding and love in your married life, your warm relationship will last for a long time, but only if there are no serious conflicts and selfishness on each side.
Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki
The meaning of the dream “cheese” is a symbol of resentment on your part or, conversely, towards you. To get rid of this feeling, you should forgive the person, let go of the unpleasant situation, and look at it again with a fresh look. If it’s on you, then don’t neglect apologies, prove that you made a mistake.
Gypsy dream book
If you dreamed about cheese, you made a mistake, and because of this you are haunted by failure, despondency, and sadness. To cheer yourself up and return to normal life, you need to let go of the situation and temporarily change the situation.
Miller's Dream Book
Why do you dream about a lot of cheese? Such a dream is very auspicious sign, as it promises good luck and success. Now is a very good time to start something that you have been thinking and dreaming about for a long time, you have a chance to make everything come true without problems.
Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud
Cheese in a dream is a symbol of sexual energy. This dream means that there is a lot of it and you need to direct it in the right direction. If you are unable to use it in sex life, then you should use it in everyday life: at work, in sports, in new endeavors.
Dream book for a bitch
If you dreamed that you ate cheese in a dream, this means that at the moment you are going through a difficult moment in life, you have lost good mood and hope for a better future. But don’t despair, because very soon joy and luck, strength and energy will await you.
Buying cheese in a dream means being deceived in reality; you should avoid communicating with people you dislike, competitors, and envious people.
Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation
Seeing cheese in a dream means wealth. This dream can be interpreted in different ways, since wealth can be both material and spiritual.
English dream book
Why do you dream about cheese in a dream? This is a bad sign of infidelity. You need to be alert and pay attention to the behavior of your chosen one or chosen one, there is a possibility that they are cheating on you. But it is not necessary that this dream denotes a love betrayal - it can be a friendly betrayal.
Dream “eating cheese” - bad sign. You will make a big mistake, but you won't realize it at first. After what you did, you will regret it very much, but to prevent this, think carefully about all your decisions.
Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi
What does it mean if you dream about cheese? This means that you will be overtaken by sadness and hopelessness, lack of moral strength, and depression. The reason for this may be numerous small problems that require attention and time. In order not to lose yourself, you need to tackle them thoroughly.
Dream book 1918
Cheese in a dream: what does it mean? This good sign, promises wealth in material terms. Significant improvement awaits you financial situation and you will be able to afford what you could only dream of before.
Lunar dream book
Why do you dream of eating cheese? Such a dream is a favorable symbol of victory, winning. In the near future, you will be haunted by luck and success in business.
Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse
Why do you dream of cutting cheese? This dream symbolizes health problems and possible surgery. You need to pay attention to your attitude towards yourself and more often devote time to your own problems, and not to solving other people’s, in this case there will not be such sad consequences.
Noble dream book by N. Grishina
Why do you dream about cheese? Cheese is a bad sign that promises troubles and problems, perhaps even deception. You should be more careful and avoid communicating with suspicious and unpleasant people.
Why do you dream about “eating cheese”? You will have the opportunity to receive an accidental benefit in a business that you take with full responsibility. You will be able to make a good profit without putting much effort into it, since everything will happen by itself.
Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya
Why do you dream of selling cheese? you will bring good news or pleasant surprise to one of your loved ones and relatives. This will greatly improve your relationship.
Seeing blue cheese in a dream means wealth, prosperity and good luck. Now is a very good time for you for new achievements.
Culinary dream book
Dream Interpretation: dreaming about hard cheese means that unexpected funds will come into your wallet, but don’t rush to spend them, you will still need them. Perhaps your old debt will be returned to you.
Dream interpretation: processed cheese is a harbinger of boredom and despondency. This condition may be temporary and will go away on its own; you should take a break from problems and routine, and have fun.
Islamic dream book
Islamic dream book: cheese means that you need to be prepared for the misfortune of sadness and sadness, minor troubles and worries. But you will be able to deal with them without difficulty.
Small Veles dream book
Why do you dream of cheese with worms? Be careful and extremely circumspect in your words and actions, as an unpleasant incident may occur due to the fact that because of your words they may lose trust in you and stop considering you a reliable person who can be relied on. (cm. )
Aesop's Dream Book
Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about cheese? This dream has a lot to do with it deep meaning. There is a person in your environment about whom you have an erroneous impression.

opinion. In fact, he is easy to bribe; he is ready to overstep his principles for personal gain. Adulation and flattery towards him can play an important role, which will be decisive.
The dream in which you saw cheese is a sign of deception, hypocrisy, selfishness - it carries a negative meaning. You are ready to go head-to-head towards your goal, and this is fraught with unpleasant consequences and you incite people to do this. You are a good manipulator, and some people succumb to your influence. Also, cheese in a dream is a sign negative emotions associated with certain events. Therefore, if you had such a dream, pay attention to your emotional state whether stress has been weighing on you for too long and Bad mood, watch yourself and draw appropriate conclusions.

Date of publication: 02/12/16

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle believed that during sleep a person is in complete harmony with nature, as a result of which the soul acquires the gift of clairvoyance. Therefore, many people take night visions seriously, since dreams help to avoid many troubles or present the opportunity to gain all sorts of benefits.
Cheese is a frequent guest in the world of dreams. Why do you dream about cheese? The answer to this question can be found in dream books that humanity has trusted for centuries.

Why do you dream of cheese according to Miller’s dream book?

American psychologist Gustav Hindman Miller, living in XIX century, believed that a dream in which a person sees huge wheels of cheese warns of troubles in all areas of activity. If you eat cheese in a dream and experience pleasure, your life will soon be overshadowed by grief, despair and suffering. In no case should one lose heart; on the contrary, it is necessary to direct all efforts to fight the impending troubles.

Cheese in a dream - Vanga’s dream book

Vanga, a Bulgarian woman with the gift of foresight, believed that seeing cheese in a dream means that life will be illuminated by unforeseen and unexpected events, the outcome of which depends on the dreamer, that is, his character, worldview, sphere of life. Perhaps soon the person who dreamed of cheese will receive true pleasure - a promotion at work, victory in a game or competition, concluding a lucrative deal. If you eat cheese or treat your friends, others will show interest in the dreamer and perhaps make a lucrative offer. But, since a dream in which cheese plays a major role is characterized by treachery, deception and danger, one should be extremely attentive to details in order to get a favorable result.

What does it mean to dream about cheese - interpretation according to Freud

According to the dream book of the Austrian scientist Sigmund Freud, cheese is a symbol of powerful sexual energy, attraction and lust. According to Freud, seeing cheese in a dream means that both a woman and a man need to be extremely careful in sexual relations. Changing partners too often will lead to bitter consequences - gossip, shame, disgust, disgust, hatred, anger and scandal. In addition, the dream warns of the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases if there is a lot of random connections with unknown or unfamiliar personalities. I dreamed of sliced ​​cheese - the dream speaks of the dreamer’s imminent sexual intercourse with a previously unapproachable object of desire. If you dreamed of spoiled cheese, you should pay attention to the well-being of loved ones, since the vision promises serious health problems.

Why do you dream about cheese according to the Russian folk dream book?

Seeing cheese in a dream, according to Russian folk dream book, means that the dreamer’s life is in danger mortal danger emanating from loved one. You should be extremely attentive to others, and in addition, not give away your plans for the future. If night vision showed different types of cheese, then, in this case, the person will soon expose his enemy.

Why do you dream about cheese according to Miss Hasse’s dream book?

Miss Hasse, who knows how to penetrate a person’s thoughts, believed that fresh cheese is a dream of good health and well-being, cheese with a disgusting smell - fatal disease. In addition, if night vision showed a person cutting cheese, it means that in the near future he will fall under the surgeon’s scalpel.

Why do you dream about cheese according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

The famous astrologer, occultist, palmist and dream interpreter Evgeniy Tsvetkov believed that a night vision with cheese in the leading role promises wealth - an inheritance, a lottery win, an accidentally discovered treasure, a profitable deal, rapid advancement in career ladder. That is, large sum funds will arrive to the dreamer unexpectedly.

Why do you dream about cheese according to the 21st century dream book?

According to dream book XXI century, to see fresh and aromatic cheese in a dream means that in the near future you will find long-awaited happiness in married life. In addition, the dreamer experiences all the delights of love, tenderness and affection. If the vision showed that a person eats a dairy product with appetite, this promises a desired trip to distant lands.

Why do you dream of cutting, eating, buying cheese? Why do you dream about eating cheese?

Dreams can sometimes be very strange and incoherent, but it is necessary to pay attention to the smallest details in order to correctly interpret the vision.
A person can dream about cheese in different variations.
Cutting cheese in a dream - dream books signal serious problems in the body; you must immediately undergo examination to identify diseases.
Eating cheese means that sorrows, troubles, sorrows, sorrows will burst into life. Namely:

  • disgusting taste and smell of the product - to problems at work;
  • sour - to deception;
  • bitter - to suffering;
  • cloyingly sweet - to flattery;
  • sharp - to mortal danger.

If you saw in a dream that friends or family members were eating cheese, it means that joyful events and well-being await them in all spheres of life.
Buying cheese means betrayal of a loved one, lies and betrayal. But if you pay attention to your significant other, surround them with care and attention, adverse events can be prevented.

Why do you dream about a big piece of cheese? A lot of cheese in a dream

A huge piece of fresh cheese portends monetary losses - theft, a dubious deal, senseless spending, bankruptcy.
However, if you dreamed of a huge whole head of fragrant yellow cheese, it means that in the near future the dreamer will receive large amounts of money - the sale of real estate, a win, an inheritance, a gift, a lucrative offer.
Many thin slices of cheese seen in a dream promise disappointment and annoyance.
If you see a large pile of grated cheese, it means mutual sympathy and passionate love.
A person who sees a lot of cheese in a dream will expect a scandal with loved ones.

Why else do you dream about cheese?

Cheese - unfavorable sign, bringing destruction to a person’s life, which is why it is extremely important to correctly interpret the warning sent by the Universe. To do this, you need to remember the variety and appearance cheese:

  • Seeing elite blue cheese in a dream promises harmony in love and immeasurable wealth;
  • a dream in which Suluguni was present means the occurrence of serious illnesses;
  • cheese with holes dreams of difficulties, but in the end the person will receive a lot of positive emotions;
  • feta cheese symbolizes a lot of troubles, thought out and caused by envious people and enemies, whom the dreamer considers friends;
  • rotten cheese is a sign of major problems at work;
  • dried cheese represents serious illness;
  • homemade cheese (cottage cheese) portends the receipt of wonderful news;
  • processed cheese means sadness, melancholy and depression;
  • hard varieties of cheese - to income;
  • cheese made with your own hands - to success at work;
  • throwing away cheese in a dream means long-awaited changes;
  • going to the store for cheese, but not finding it, is a difficult and long road to success and prosperity;
  • prepare culinary delights from cheese - for unexpected guests;
  • A pregnant girl dreams of cheese means that she will give birth to a son.

Do not underestimate the night vision in which cheese reigned, since everyone knows the expression: “Forewarned is forearmed”!

Cheese is a purely amateur food product. Some people love him, but others can't stand him. Both this image may appear in a dream. Why do you dream about cheese? - the dream book will answer.

Cheese in a dream is a rather ambiguous image. Various dream books give completely different predictions to a person who saw this dairy product in his nightly dreams. To give the most exact interpretation, it is necessary to remember the entire dream in the smallest detail, analyze it, and only then draw conclusions.

I dreamed about a lot of cheese

Many dream interpreters claim that seeing cheese in a dream means unfavorable changes in the dreamer’s life. Perhaps the loss of a job or a serious quarrel with loved ones. There is a high probability of losing your financial savings. Based on this, it’s easy to guess why you dream about a lot of cheese. This image is enhanced many times over.

To avoid trouble, the dreamer needs to take every step very deliberately. This image also symbolizes the internal struggle of the sleeper with his own “I”, which is unlikely to end. The dreamer should not succumb to temptations, because a passing hobby will not bring any moral satisfaction, and the consequences will make you pay bitterly.

One wheel of cheese

But if you dreamed of one large head of this dairy product, then something grandiose awaits you. This will be related to your career. A rapid rise up the career ladder awaits you, and your family will never experience financial problems.

And businessmen will make a very profitable deal. There is also the possibility of receiving a large inheritance. Such a gift of fate is the fruit of many years of work and hard work. This image is enhanced if the head has a pleasant bright yellow color.

Buy this dairy product

If in a dream you bought cheese, or you were given it as a gift, then in real life one of your loved ones will provide an irreplaceable service. You should also expect a nice gift from friends.

Cutting cheese

  • For married couples this dream is a sign of a spouse’s infidelity. Perhaps you will soon find out about your significant other's betrayal. This may also mean that the situation in the family is very tense. Here the fault may already be on your side if you suddenly began to believe gossip and rumors from enemies;
  • Lonely people who saw this image in their night dreams will not be able to find a partner for a long time. And if they do find it, such a connection will be short-lived and will not bring positive emotions;
  • Businessmen should prepare for unfavorable period in life. Possible loss large quantity profit. Also, one of your companions is plotting behind your back, so you should be careful.

Sliced ​​cheese on the table

  • This image is very favorable. It marks a long-awaited vacation with pleasant company, as well as strengthening family relationships;
  • Married women who have had such a dream will be left alone with their lover. All everyday problems will be a thing of the past. “You can build the foundation for a new house of relationships,” says the dream book;
  • Girls who are free from relationships should approach dating people of the opposite kind with special caution. All fleeting hobbies can leave a lot of negative emotions and also hit your pride hard.

Blue cheese

This image is usually seen by one of the spouses. This is a sign that your relationship has long cooled down, and your partner only causes unnecessary trouble and negative emotions.

eat cheese

This image marks great disappointments, both in career and on the personal front. Perhaps you will receive unfavorable news from distant relatives.

Interpretation of the image according to famous dream books

To more accurately interpret this very controversial image, you need to turn to the dream books of famous psychologists and clairvoyants. Here's what they think about it:

Miller's Dream Book

Cheese is an extremely unfavorable image. It carries bad news from family and friends, and also marks big problems At work. Does not recommend signing up for dubious events with people you don’t know well. This image is enhanced if you had to eat cheese in a dream.

Interpretation of a dream according to Freud's dream book

Your sexual energy is overflowing. Sometimes it seems to you that your partner does not provide enough sexual satisfaction, so you often think about cheating. Sigmund Freud recommends not making decisions rashly, especially if you family man. It is better to discuss everything with your partner and come to a common decision.

But sliced ​​cheese is a sign that you are satisfied with everything in your sex life.

Spoiled dairy product in dreams. This image warns that the dreamer and his family may soon experience health problems. The psychoanalyst recommends undergoing a routine examination with your doctor so that it doesn’t get much worse in the future.

Interpretation of the image according to the dream interpreter Vanga

Seeing cheese in a dream is a favorable symbol. Bulgarian clairvoyant suggests preparing for big holiday. Perhaps distant relatives will unexpectedly come to you.

If in a dream you had to treat someone with cheese, then in real life you have a good reputation in your environment. Also this symbol may mark victory in some very important dispute.

Find out from online dream book, why you dream about Cheese, after reading the answer below in the interpretation of the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream about cheese?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Cheese and what does it mean:

Cheese - Brynza (soft cheese) seen in a dream is a warning that your enemies are preparing a trap for you or spreading false rumors and gossip. Seeing hard cheese in a dream means happiness in married life and love; eating cheese means a successful trip.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Cheese in a dream?

Cheese - To dream that you are eating cheese signifies great disappointments and sorrows. You shouldn't hope for anything good for a while. Cheese usually means trouble.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about Cheese?

  • Cheese - A head of cheese to a girl means intemperance, stubbornness and harshness in communicating with loved ones.
  • Seeing a lot of cheese in a dream foreshadows confrontation with the prejudices of other people.
  • Buying cheese means an unexpected gift, help from friends.
  • Eating cheese in a dream means disappointment and unpleasant news.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Cheese

Cheese - The interpretation of the dreamed cheese depends on what the dreamer associates it with. Perhaps this is an image from the fable about the raven, the fox and the cheese. Do you feel like a sly fox trying to get his way with flattery? Or maybe a deceived crow?

Also, the subconscious can interpret the image of cheese as a feeling of guilt for unseemly act. If you saw cheese in a dream, it is worth analyzing the recent past. Maybe you have offended someone and subconsciously understand that this person is suffering. Seeing spoiled cheese means that you will soon be punished for what you have done.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about cheese?

Cheese - Cheese is generally interpreted negatively.

  • What a man dreams of about cheese is a warning about bad consequences due to frequent changes of sexual partners. Contact with unfamiliar girls can result in an unpleasant illness.
  • Cutting cheese with holes for a girl means conflicts with a guy. Perhaps he ex-lover will spread gossip.
  • According to the dream book, moldy cheese means being disappointed in your partner. The relationship has already exhausted itself and brings nothing but problems.
  • A pregnant woman may dream of eating cheese as a sign of deep disappointment in the actions of her other half.
  • And slicing cheese for married woman is fraught with separation from her husband due to a fleeting romantic interest.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about Cheese?

Cheese - Eating cheese in a dream means great disappointment and sadness. For a while, it makes no sense for you to hope for anything good. Cheese is usually a bad sign, indicating the need to mobilize all your internal forces in the near future.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about cheese?

Cheese - See a guy, a son will be born (to a pregnant woman), profit, wealth // quarrel, to the deceased, deception, obstacles; making cheese - losses; eating cheese - benefit, profit // bad, shame, disappointment, failure in love, quarrel among relatives; fresh cheese - win; wormy, rotten cheese - deception, loss of trust.

Universal dream book for the whole family


Cheese - In your dream, cheese and a crow may be associated with a fable; in this case, the dream indicates that there is a person in your environment from whom you hope to achieve something through flattery. If this is a saying: free cheese..., then this speaks of possible retribution for an unreasonable offense you have committed. In a dream, choosing cheese from several varieties, trying each one, means you are very careful in communicating with people, but you are also insightful and can easily determine who you need to deal with.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about Cheese

Cheese - In your dream it may be associated with the famous fable in which the crow, due to its vanity and stupidity, lost its breakfast, and in this case the cheese will indicate that in your environment there is a person from whom you can achieve anything with the help of flattery and toadying. If you know the saying: “Free cheese is only in a mousetrap,” then probably your subconscious mind is sending you an impulse preparing you to pay for an unwise act you have committed or to pay off debts (material or moral).

Choosing cheese from several varieties, trying each - such a dream suggests that you are very careful in communicating with people and at the same time insightful, so you can easily determine who you can benefit from with the help of persuasion and undeserved praise. If you eat cheese, in reality you will have to pay off all the bills that are presented to you, but do not forget to thank those who, out of modesty, keep silent about what you owe them; they are the ones who first of all deserve your gratitude.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Cheese - Wealth.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Cheese from your dream

Cheese - For money.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do you dream about Cheese?

Cheese - Wealth; with worms, stale cheese - deception or loss of trust; making cheese is a waste of money.

Culinary dream book

Features of a dream about Cheese

Cheese - Seeing cheese in a dream good grade- to great success in love and life. Processed cheese is a harbinger of boredom. Strong-smelling cheese is a sign of great embarrassment. Making cheese is a sign of success at work. Dry and hard cheese is a sign of unexpected money.

Islamic dream book

Why do you dream about cheese?

Whey, cheese, sour milk, etc. - to the emergence of sadness and worry.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Cheese - Fresh cheese - health; cheese with a smell is a disease; cutting cheese - an operation awaits you; Swiss - you will be healthy and have success in business.

Esoteric dream book

Mystery of sleep:

Cheese - Seeing, making cheese - to exquisite pleasures, unusual events. Eating, serving cheese - showing off, being the center of attention. It is possible to win competitions and exhibitions, this is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

Cheese in the ancient sense

Whey, cheese, sour milk, etc. - to the emergence of sadness and care, as the dream book predictor reports.

Semenova's lunar dream book

What is night vision about?

Sour cheese - Deception; fresh cheese is a win.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Fresh cheese - health; cheese with a smell - illness, failure in love; cutting cheese - you will have an operation; Swiss cheese - you will be healthy and have success in business.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Cheese - They are trying to lure you with promises.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Cheese - For lunch for free, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Cheese - Get a nice gift.

A dream in which you eat cheese portends sadness and disappointment.

In general, a dream about cheese is an incentive to mobilize the spirit.

A good variety of cheese symbolizes great success in love and life.

Processed cheese is a harbinger of boredom.

Cheese with a pungent odor is a sign of great embarrassment.

If you made cheese in a dream, you will have success in your work.

I dreamed of dry and hard cheese - money will suddenly appear.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Cheese

Pleasant hard cheese yellow: a sign of good prosperity.

It is most favorable if you see a whole wheel of cheese.

Sliced ​​cheese: suggests that there may be some minor disagreements in your home, but overall everything promises to go well.

Dried or spoiled cheese: This is a clue that your well-being is at risk.

Such dreams often indicate that you risk succumbing to some tempting offer, which in fact turns out to be fake.

Interpretation of dreams from