Dream Interpretation and the meaning of dreams according to Freud. Dream interpretation of sigmund freud and his interpretation of dreams

Mac - very beautiful flower, like him, people born from March 1 to March 10 have a very pleasant appearance. They attract like opium, getting into their power is easy enough, but getting out is not easy.

All people under the sign of the poppy in flower horoscope are informal leaders, others always listen to their opinion and they are able to effectively lead any groups. At work, such people are often put in charge, the management trusts them, which leads to a quick career growth.

The character of a person under the sign of Poppy

Poppy Man is a born diplomat, he can easily resolve any conflict, reconcile enemies and make the team friendly. In his presence, people try not to swear, as he only evokes positive emotions by looking at him.

A flower horoscope for poppies says that this person loves his life very much and enjoys it every moment.

Such a person may have a strong enough craving for gambling, he can lose huge sums without being sad. At the same time, winnings inspire him and even more attract him to roulette or cards.

Poppy people in family life

Surprisingly, all people born under the sign of the poppy tend to delay marriage as long as possible. They do not seek to connect their fate with a certain person, preferring an idle life with fickle partners. Looking for the best option for living together they can spend a lot of time living alone for years. It is common for poppy people to chase "two birds with one stone" at the same time, and then be left empty-handed.

Positive and negative sides

Among the shortcomings of poppy people, one can single out their inability to share their experiences with loved ones. The poppy in the flower horoscope says that these people can keep dissatisfaction for a long time for any reason, and then sharply splash out the negative on any person, thereby crying out bewilderment and resentment. Friends can often not understand poppy people: sometimes they are cheerful and excited, and after a moment they are sad and sad.

AT positive qualities one can note the readiness to always come to the aid of a friend in trouble. In such cases, they do not ask unnecessary questions, but simply do what they are asked to do. Poppy people are very active and always bring things to the end.

People born under the sign of the poppy should be more careful about their diet, it is best to start using more vegetables and fruits.

Bright red flower with an intoxicating aroma. Poppy was used for medicinal purposes. At the same time, his energy does not have a positive effect on everyone. A person born under the auspices of Mac is a bright personality. He is talented and successful, quickly makes a career, achieves high altitudes. Poppy is always in sight, surrounded by an unchanging retinue. Unfortunately, Mac is not always surrounded by real, faithful friends. Most of his companions bask in the rays of his glory, but at the same time envy him with black envy. Mac's path to the top of fame and fortune is not easy. He has to work hard and give all his strength in the name of achieving a great goal. It happens that from fatigue he becomes depressed, quits his job and family, plunges into his psychological problems. However, the "black" period is replaced by an energy upsurge, Mack is reborn from the ashes like a phoenix, and is ready to fight again. Mac's personal life is a series of passionate romances and amazing adventures. His feelings are strong, but not durable. He does not want to settle down and have a family and children.

Sigmund Freud is a well-known Austrian psychiatrist, psychologist and neurologist. He became the founder of the psychoanalytic school, which studied the therapeutic direction in psychology. According to the postulating theory of the school, the emergence of an individual's neurotic disorders is associated with a multi-complex relationship between conscious and unconscious processes.

In the early nineties of the last century, Sigmund Freud took up the study of dreams. According to Freud, dreams are wishes come true. This position of the theory of dreams, he brought in 1895, in a small Viennese restaurant. The book "The Interpretation of Dreams According to Freud" was, as he considered, the boundary of his work. The theory of dreams represents a turning point in the history of psychoanalysis, because it was thanks to it that psychoanalysis was able to move on to depth psychology. Dreams, according to Freud, occupied a dominant place in the entire collection of psychoanalytic theories.

In 1900, Freud's Interpretation of Dreams was first published. Already by the time of the publication of the first edition, the theory of dreams was almost completely formulated and completed. In subsequent editions, Freud only made corrections and corrections. On the fourth and subsequent editions, Sigmund Freud worked together with his best student, Otto Rank, who compiled notes for publications, lists of references, and he even attached several articles of personal writing to the sixth chapter of Freud's Interpretation of Dreams. Freud touches on the problem of dreams repeatedly, returning to it periodically. Five Lectures on the History of Psychoanalysis, The Psychology of Sleep, and An Introduction to Psychoanalysis, these simplified, popular expositions of Sigmund Freud's views conveyed the general concepts and approach to the study of dreams in the best possible way.

AT last years Freud returned to the study of dreams in his lifetime. Dream Theory Revisited is a collection of additional information about dreams and makes it clear what the author considered the main thing in his theory, and what was secondary for him. "Dreaming and the Occult" touches on the problems of sleep rather remotely, but gives a clear idea of ​​​​Sigmund Freud's attitude to divination, prophecy and astrology.

The interpretation of dreams according to Freud consists in the analysis of individual elements, words and images of a dream. The dreamer should focus on what comes to his mind when he thinks about a certain element of the dream. A person must be honest with himself, report everything, even the most ridiculous thoughts that arise in his head and relate to sleep. This method can be explained by the fact that psychological processes are determined, that is, if a certain object causes some random associations in a person, they cannot be random. According to Freud, the biological basis of sleep is rest, when human body, tired for the day, relaxes. The psychological basis of sleep is the loss of interest in everything that happens during outside world. According to Freud, dreams are an opportunity to step aside from everything earthly.

The interpretation of dreams according to Freud has several main features:

  1. The number of objects that are symbolically depicted in dreams is quite small.
  2. Most of the symbols depicted in dreams are sexual in nature.
  3. Every dream contains a misunderstood moment.

According to the method free associations, which Sigmund Freud chose to study dreams, all human dreams are amenable to the pleasure principle. This is explained by the fact that people, first of all, seek to enjoy life, while displeasure causes only negative, negative emotions. According to Freud, dreams can be interpreted from the point of view of several types of attraction, the most fundamental of which is sexual. Eros (sexual attraction) includes not only the sexual attraction that is familiar to us in this sense, but also the desire to live and procreate. Another type of drive according to Freud is the drive to death, which is explained by the desire of living organisms to return to a lifeless state, no matter how ridiculous it may sound to any sane person. In his works, Sigmund Freud notes that the moment of the appearance of a child's sexual desire coincides with his birth, despite the fact that gender he realizes only in adolescence.

Having studied Freud's postulates in detail, one can come to the conclusion that he closely links dreams and emotions experienced in reality. The interpretation of dreams according to Freud is a completely individual process, because each person experiences unique, inimitable sensations and emotions. Sigmund was convinced that all associations that did not receive worthy attention in the waking state, a person sees in a dream in the form of any symbols and images. According to Freud, dreams carry a certain semantic load, which is very often quite difficult to analyze. A person in order to decipher his dream must have a developed imagination and be able to think creatively.

The stage of symbolizing dreams is considered the most important and most difficult. According to Freud, a person in the process of sleep fulfills his desires, sexual dreams are no exception. For example, if in a dream you see yourself eating a juicy, delicious pineapple, this means that you love to fully enjoy sex, but ignore the desires of your partner.

Freud divided all dreams-desires into several types. The first type includes desires that are infantile in nature, that is, this desire is of an undisguised type (pronounced sex scenes). Such dreams are most often seen by teenagers. To the second type, he attributed desires in a disguised form, and to the third - poorly disguised desires that a person tries to repress on a subconscious level. Repressed dream-desires include nightmares. For example, if a young girl dreams of being attacked by a maniac killer, this may mean that her desire to quickly start living a sexual life was suppressed by her parents, and the desire was transformed into a dream.

Sigmund Freud's dream book is one of the most interesting and original dream books in the world today. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that each person will be able to interpret his dream, carefully analyzing his problems, secret desires and phobias.

The article on the topic: "Freud's dream book to see" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

at the Women's Club!

Sigmund Freud's dream book is one of the most popular and reliable interpreters of dreams. The reason is that the great psychoanalyst in his writings relied solely on the psychology of the unconscious, while other authors preferred to take into account signs, beliefs and esotericism.

In 1900, Sigmund Freud's monograph The Interpretation of Dreams was published. Surprisingly, this book was not wildly popular at the time. In his work, the psychoanalyst first told the world about such a concept as the unconscious. What is it?

The unconscious is an area of ​​our mentality that remains invisible to consciousness, but at the same time it directly affects our behavior and thinking. In many ways, its formation is influenced by upbringing, psychological trauma, and attitudes. Let's give an example: if the mother in the boy's family was authoritarian, then in the future he will look for a strong and powerful wife, because in childhood he learned the installation - a woman in a family should be a leader.

The main provisions of the theory of dreams

The interpretation of dreams, according to Freud, is based on several provisions. First, the psychoanalyst believed that the dream is a distorted substitute for something unconscious. In night dreams, it tries to “break through” into consciousness and talk about hidden desires and attractions.

Secondly, Freud believed that dreams allow us to experience maximum comfort and peace for a while. The biological meaning of sleep is to rest and restore the body's strength. In the psychological sense, a person for some time is immersed in a state of comfort and peace similar to the intrauterine state. If at the same time he sees the fulfillment of his unconscious desires, then this gives him a sense of harmony.

Thirdly, Sigmund was sure that the unconscious clothes its signs in specific images and symbols, which must be interpreted independently. For two different people a symbol such as a teapot, for example, can have an absolutely different meaning. Therefore, when the psychoanalyst's patients asked to reveal the secret of their night vision, he began the session with the same question: "What comes to your mind about the element that you saw in a dream?"

However, later the psychoanalyst realized that many symbols have for people same value, and as a result he created Freud's dream book. At present, any person without the personal participation of the great thinker can receive his consultation free of charge. To do this, you need to purchase his book or find Freud's dream book online on the Internet.

How to interpret dreams on your own

Next, we will tell you how to reveal the meaning of dreams, if you chose Freud's dream book for this, the interpretation of dreams should mainly consist in revealing not only individual characters, but the entire plot of the vision. During sleep, a person completely turns off the filters of consciousness and gives free rein to his unconscious, which includes a “speaking” symbol in every nuance.

The character encoding scheme in our dreams is as follows:

  • The unconscious chooses a dream, desire, fear that it wants to demonstrate to the dreamer today.
  • Further, it “encodes” it into specific association symbols.
  • There is a confusion of symbols, which often looks in dreams like the delirium of a madman.

Thus, the unconscious shows a person a strange vision, consisting of a mix of images. By the way, most often at night it causes a feeling of satisfaction in a person, since in a veiled form it shows the dreamer the fulfillment of his dream. secret desires or overcoming phobias. However, in the morning, after turning on consciousness, night vision causes only a feeling of bewilderment, since it looks completely illogical.

So, you have woken up and are determined to unravel the mysteries of your unconscious:

2. Write down the main symbols of sleep in a column and write in front of each of the associations that come to your mind in connection with them. The most correct interpretations are usually the first options.

3. Complete your associations with values ​​from Freud's dream book. Sometimes we are afraid to admit to ourselves the thoughts that come to mind, in the end this leads to false interpretation sleep. Dream Interpretation will avoid such moments.

4. Finish the interpretation of dreams according to Freud by linking all the symbols together. Remember what happened to the images in the plot. This will allow you to see the big picture and the signals of your unconscious.

Psychoanalysts recommend that newcomers to the interpretation of their dreams read the works of Freud, as well as use the services of psychoanalysts. After 2-5 sessions, you will learn to see easily secret signs their night dreams.

And the most main advice

  • Freud's dream book, interpretation of dreams

    AT Freud's dream book there is no mysticism and mystery, it continues to be the most non-standard collection of interpretations of dreams.

    very many modern people the name Freud means sex. In fact, the associations are not true. Sigmund Freud was a very educated person for his time. It was not just a scientist and a doctor, but an innovator in his field. Today, humanity associates Freud with sexual desires for the reason that this famous Austrian created a kind of dream book (works on psychoanalysis), in which much attention is paid to intimate desires.

    In medical practice, Sigmund great place assigned to psychoanalysis. Being an excellent psychoanalyst, Freud carried out an adequate interpretation of human actions and deeds. It was the "Interpretation of Dreams" that became the basis of all Freud's creative activity. Later, on the basis of this work, the followers of the scientist compiled a dream book. In the 19th century, Miller's dream book was considered the most popular, and already in the 20th century, a collection of interpretations by Sigmund Freud, which passed through a large number of reissues.

    Freud's main theory is that in the subconscious of every person there are unconscious desires, more which make up sexual desires. All those thoughts, desires and needs that a person cannot fulfill in a conscious state seek a way out of a person's subconscious and appear before him in dreams. In dreams, almost all facts, events, objects have erotic overtones. When a person learns to decipher his subconscious desires (dreams) through free association algorithms, then he will be able to understand his body much better. A person will begin to correctly shape his future with an understanding of the motives of his actions and the reasons for failures.

    As in many other dream books (for example, in Loff's dream book), Sigmund Freud's dream book contains data that were obtained by scientists in the process of research experiments. Certainly, modern science made a huge "leap" forward and today can argue with the data of Freud's psychoanalysis. But, despite this, Freud's dream book has its fans who, trying to understand themselves, are not afraid to find out about their secret desires.

    Freud's dream book



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    Dream interpretation according to Freud

    Now known to everyone and everyone, Sigmund Freud (Sigismund Shlomo Freud), strictly speaking, is not the author of the dream book. That is, his book "The Interpretation of Dreams" is not a set of statements like "pouring water - to strive for sexual contact", but "putting on trousers is the desire for exhibitionism."

    Freud wrote scientific work, in which he carried out the idea that dreams are encrypted messages from our subconscious. These messages are precisely messages, that is, something important that the brain wants to convey to us. And, using scientific methods, they can be decoded.

    Sigmund Freud was born on May 6, 1856 in the Moravian town of Freiburg, on the territory of the Austrian Empire. Freud's parents were German Jews; Jacob Freud, his father, was a textile merchant. Economic circumstances forced the family of the future father of psychoanalysis to move first to Leipzig and then to Vienna.

    Outstanding Teaching Ability and Recovered financial situation father allowed Freud to enter a private gymnasium. The gymnasium was graduated with honors, which is not surprising: Freud diligently studied literature and philosophy, Greek language and Latin, could speak and read English, French, Spanish and Italian. The young man was ambitious and confident that he would have a successful career in the civil service or in the army.

    However, reality dictated its own conditions, and, leaving dreams of politics and the military field, in 1873 Freud entered the medical faculty of the University of Vienna. Is it necessary to say that in 1881 he graduated with excellent marks?

    "The Interpretation of Dreams" (Die Traumdeutung (German) - "The Interpretation of Dreams"), the work that Sigmund Freud himself considered the main work of his life, went out of print in 1900. It is not a fully scientific treatise, but it is not work of fiction, although many read and read this book as a fascinating novel. According to Freud, interpretation consists in decoding the "manifest" content of dreams, each of which contains a true but hidden meaning.

    Reaction to the book then, and still today, was mixed. However, the great significance of the work of Sigmund Freud is evidenced by the simple fact that, despite the numerous debunking of the method of psychoanalysis and the development of science, we all - both scientists and ordinary people - know the name of the Austrian psychiatrist.

    So Freud's Dream Book was not written by Freud. Perhaps it was compiled to compromise the scientist and create a stereotype of "yes, he was obsessed with genitals." Judge for yourself, a third of the interpretations in this dream book without further ado begin with the phrase "is a symbol of the genitals." Those who wish to read the real work of the scientist can download the "Interpretation of Dreams" from our website, while the rest can get acquainted with the so-called "Freud's Dream Book".

    A curious experiment on mice showed that sleep disturbance leads to memory impairment.

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    The meaning of dreams according to the dream book of Sigmund Freud

    Freud's dream book

    The author of this dream book is an Austrian neuropathologist, psychiatrist and psychologist, a great innovator who is deservedly recognized as the founder of psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud. His first works are devoted to the topic of localization of brain functions, physiological problems and the anatomical structure of the brain. Freud is one of the first scientists to consider sexuality as an important part of personality development.

    Quite a large segment scientific activity Sigmund Freud devoted to the consideration and analysis of dreams. He is the author of a book called "The Interpretation of Dreams", which is devoted to the analysis and evaluation of the mechanisms and the origin of the generative mechanisms, which, according to the author, had key value in the formation of personality.

    Freud's main conclusion was the idea that a dream is an expression of mental activity, a reflection of unfulfilled and in some cases subconscious needs that we are able to satisfy in a dream with the help of the possibilities of our imagination, thereby establishing our own mental balance. But Freud argued that in dreams all experiences are expressed in the form of images that are rather unusual in everyday life, which are the play of the dreamer's subconscious. This game is designed to confuse the mind, which acts as an internal censor, in order to release those experiences that are considered forbidden by the foundations of society. Moreover, the most important feelings find expression in the form of the most fantastic and unusual symbols. According to Freud, careful psychoanalysis can help reveal the meaning of dream images.

    The basis for the interpretation of dreams according to Freud's dream book

    According to Freud, for the interpretation of dreams, the main theory is the subconscious desires of a sexual nature that come from the depths of the consciousness of a sleeping person. All desires that different reasons remain unfulfilled, needs, goals are released through dreams, in which almost all images carry erotic overtones. Based on the comparison of images with the help of free associations, a person can come to realize his true goals of his actions and what leads him along the path of failure and doubt in order to avoid wrong steps in the future.

    Classification of dreams according to Freud's dream book

    The author divided dreams into three different groups: dreams that do not cause difficulties in interpretation, for the reason that they are meaningful dreamers. Those dreams that are difficult to associate with real events , but they have a certain proportion of the logical component. Dreams confusing and unrelated to mundane events which are very difficult to comprehend. The third category of dreams, according to Freud, can carry a lot of fundamentally important information for the sleeping person, but this information becomes available only with a detailed and complete analysis of the images.

    The modern edition of Freud's Dream Book is a list of various symbols that appear as images in dreams. Freud himself interprets these symbols in his own writings. The purpose of these dream books is to convey to the ordinary person the practical part of the teachings of the Austrian psychiatrist.

    In this edition there is not the slightest hint of mystical images, however, as in Loff's dream book, there is no borrowing of esoteric ideas, and for the most part, the conclusions of scientific experience are used. However, the absence of references to the world of mysticism does not make the book of Sigmund Freud less in demand among those who are interested in interpreting images from dreams.

    We suggest you download "Freud's Dream Book" for free and without registration.

    A complete alphabetical list of interpretations of Freud's Dream Book. Formulate, in one word, what you saw in a dream, and find the word in the list. For faster access to the interpretation you need, use the search in all dream books.

    Result: 872 interpretations of Freud's Dream Interpretation.

    Comments on the article: "Freud's Dream Book"

    Freud's dream book - interpretation of dreams with search

    SIGMUND FREUD (1856-1939), Austrian neuropathologist, psychiatrist and psychologist, great innovator, founder of psychoanalysis.

    His early works are devoted to the localization of brain functions, problems of physiology and anatomy of the brain. He dealt with the problem of infantile paralysis, in 1884 he was the first to discover the analgesic effect of cocaine. Since 1895, he developed methods for the treatment of neuroses, in particular hysteria. He was one of the first to study the psychological aspects of the development of sexuality. In 1900, he put forward a hypothesis about the structure of the mental apparatus as an energy system, the dynamics of which is based on the conflict between different levels of the psyche, primarily between consciousness and unconscious attraction.

    Interpretation of dreams according to Freud's dream book

    In our interpreter you will find Freud's dream book for interpreting dreams and interpreting dreams from a great psychotherapist.

    Freud's principles of dream interpretation

    Freud said of himself that he belongs to the sort of people who, in Hebbel's words, disturbed the peace of the world. His work radically changed the face of the psychology of the 20th century, highlighting the fundamental issues of the structure of personality. They revealed the nature of conflicts between passions and a sense of duty, revealed the causes of spiritual discomfort and the illusory nature of a person's ideas about himself.

    Freud thought about dreams a lot and in depth. In the book The Interpretation of Dreams, published in 1900, he carefully analyzes the mechanisms that give rise to them and the role they play in human life.

    The main thesis of the scientist is clear: a dream is a product of our mental activity, an expression of unfulfilled and sometimes unconscious needs that we can satisfy in a dream thanks to the efforts of our own imagination and thus gain peace of mind.

    However, according to Freud, the true emotional experiences of the sleeper, or the content of sleep, are expressed only in symbolic and at first glance absurd images - the so-called production of sleep, which is nothing more than a trick of the subconscious, seeking to deceive the internal censor - the mind and give vent to passions. which are prohibited. Thus, the symbols of dreams are a code of a person's hidden desires. The more significant this or that experience is for a person, the more fantastic it acquires in a dream. Reveal the same secret meaning Dreams, Freud believed, are possible only with the help of psychoanalysis.

    The main types of dreams according to Freud

    Freud identifies three types of dreams.

    Firstly, dreams are quite meaningful, understandable, that is, they do not cause any difficulties in interpreting them.

    Secondly, dreams are logical to a certain extent, but strange: it is difficult to connect their meaning with what is happening in reality.

    And finally, dreams are incoherent and confused, which are generally impossible to understand. The latter require special attention, since, if properly interpreted, they can become a source of very important information for the dreamer about his life and about himself.

    Freud's dream books published to date are a list of recurring symbols from the world of dreams that Freud himself describes and interprets in his works. The task of such dream books is to acquaint the reader with the practical side of the teachings of the Austrian psychiatrist. Examples of the interpretation of dreams according to Freud are presented in our collection of 55 dream books, although, of course, not in full.

    Stages of interpreting dreams in Freud's dream book

    Freud breaks down the censorship process we call "dream work" into several stages:

    By observing how and what you control during your dreams, you can learn a lot about your true desires and urges (according to his theory). Let's see what each stage of dream work is like.

    Secondary process in the interpretation of sleep according to Freud

    This is the way in which we manage to create a coherent story from our dream, even if it is strange and incoherent.

    Think of it this way: suppose you were assigned an episode of Seinfeld and told that there should be characters like Elaine on a unicycle with a kitten in her hair and a pagoda under her arm, your university lecturer humanities in the form of Kramer, Jerry founding the Library of Congress, and George with a pie featuring Janet Renault.

    Your attempts to make sense of it all are like a secondary process with a story that includes all of these elements. But in doing its job, it masks the primary content of your dream.

    The meaning that he extracts from all these disparate parts - the dream we had - is called "manifest content." Freud was convinced that you must unravel the explicit content of your dream and find the hidden meaning or "hidden content" of the dream in it.

    The stage of condensation in the interpretation of sleep according to Freud

    Condensation is the ability to create one brief thought from a series of thoughts hidden in dreams. The eminent psychoanalyst and writer Charles Rycroft argues that when condensed, the individual details of our dreams symbolize several themes. Two or more images can be a mixed image, the meaning of which is related to each of the individual images.

    For example, if you dream of food ready to burn in the oven of a stove that you remember from childhood, the condensed image of the stove can mean both that you yearn for the past and that the present state of your affairs is rather "hot".

    The stage of substitution in the interpretation of sleep according to Freud

    It is a way in which we can alleviate our worries and anxieties by imagining them in a dream in a safe way. You express your urgent need, but you direct it to another person or to another object. For example, imagine that you have no idea how angry you are with your teenage son. In the world of the id instincts, you might feel that your anger is deadly. But instead of a dream in which you kill your child (which will make you anxious and wake up), you have a dream that Bevis and Boothead (his favorite TV characters) are killed in a skiing accident.

    In short, when we make a substitution, we use the symbol as a substitute for the meaning of the dream. This is where the well-known Freudian symbolism comes from: any object that even remotely resembles a phallus is a symbol of the penis (guns, canes, the Eiffel Tower ..), and everything that even remotely looks like a receptacle symbolizes the vagina (cup, cave, box ..)..

    Projection as a way of interpreting sleep according to Freud

    It is similar to substitution, but it shortens the process by one step. In your dreams, when you project your oppressed fantasies onto someone or something else, you still dream about it, but you do not take responsibility for such shameful desires. Using the previous example of the murderous parent in the projection area, we can say that your son would have been beheaded, not by you, but by someone else. A bit of a cruel example, isn't it? Just remember: these are just feelings that everyone is capable of experiencing from time to time. Naturally, you will never put them into action.

    Freud's dream interpretation technique

    In order to help his patients understand what their dreams mean, Freud suggested that they use the method of free association, that is, simply say the first thing that comes to mind about each image or action in their dream. When the clear content of dreams was analyzed by free association, such a dream could be understood as an attempt to fulfill one's wish.

    It is clear that the interpretation of dreams according to Freud's method is not an easy task. Freudian analysts go through a lot of training before they do it. But even a simple acquaintance with the methods of interpreting dreams can help you understand the meaning of your dreams.

    The role of the subconscious in the interpretation of dreams according to Freud's dream book

    What do an iceberg and a human soul have in common?

    Give up? Okay, we'll tell you. They say that their invisible part is much larger than the visible one. In humans, that part of the iceberg (their soul) that remains invisible is called the "subconscious." And the visible part is the one that we know, our conscious thoughts. Although philosophers, writers, and thinkers throughout history have hinted at the existence of the subconscious, it was Sigmund Freud who first developed the concept of the schema. human soul and coined the term "subconscious".

    Freud believed that nothing in our life happens by chance. All actions and thoughts are motivated by subconscious conflicts caused by aggression, sexual impulses and an unrelenting desire to have fun. He believed that in order for us to enter a civilized society, it is necessary to moderate our primitive appetites. But since people are unable to uproot them, they are forced to drive them into the depths of the soul.

    He said that the difficulty of suppressing such a power structure as "id"

    • aggressive
    • sexual,
    • the pleasure-seeking core of our self)

    is the reason that it appears here and there in disguise. This cannot be denied. She will find a way to express herself one way or another. Sometimes this slips into "Freudian slips". These clauses may also arise in real life and in our dreams.

    But how can you know what is in your subconscious (and therefore what you really feel and want) if it by its nature should be hidden? good start this may be the study of your dreams, at least according to Freud. He called dreams the "royal road to the subconscious" and believed that in your dreams you fulfill id wishes that you cannot recognize or fulfill in real life. Other parts of your soul, called "ego" and "superego" by Freud, lose their vigilance when you sleep. In other words, during sleep, your self-control weakens, and subconscious desires have the opportunity to break free and appear in your dreams.

    But wait. If this is true, and you actually have a chance to fulfill your hidden desires in your dreams, then why do you sometimes dream

    • stupid,
    • inconsistent,
    • terrible 66 or tragic dreams?

    Well, now things are getting really interesting.

    Although, according to Freud, our inner watchman loses his vigilance during sleep, he still does not leave his post. Even in your dreams, you may feel regret and anxiety about the powerful desires or emotions that appear in your dreams. To protect sleep (remember, Freud once said that the purpose of dreams is to protect sleep), your soul makes your censor work overtime. In this way, you get the best of both worlds: dreams can be considered a compromise, because they express desires in a veiled form, they do not threaten you, and at the same time you sleep sweetly.

    Why dream disturbing dreams according to Freud?

    And what about disturbing dreams - are they the fulfillment of desires? Freud could argue that they are disguised expressions of desire, but he also argued that disturbing dreams are the result of not good enough disguise, when repressed desires almost come to the surface, and here you go: you suddenly see yourself in a dream in which you surrender exam, and you are completely unprepared for it, and besides, completely naked.

    Freud also argued that disturbing dreams are the product of our repressed sexual impulses. This brings us to another source of criticism of Freud's theory that everything from a cigar to a toothpick symbolizes the phallus, and caves, jugs, pits and other containers symbolize the female genital organs.

    Freud himself was a product of his gender, race, class and generation. His sexual preoccupation may have stemmed from the prudishness about sex during the Victorian era and from his own attitude to sex.

    It is quite obvious that the meaning he ascribed to these symbols can tell us more about him and his time than anything else. His assertion that women are a corrupted version of man, and his ignorance of the dynamics that exist between mother and daughter, certainly cast doubt on many of his conclusions.

    Again, many of Freud's theories, including the theory of dreams, later aroused even greater dislike, probably because he insisted on trying to explain literally everything in terms of our repressed sexuality and hidden desires. When it came to interpreting dreams, many turned to one of his followers, Carl Jung, for inspiration from his writings.

    Freud's relation to dreams and his assertion that they have great importance in a person's life, it was amazing. But that doesn't mean he was 100% right. The idea that dreams are a "safe" form of wish fulfillment has been repeatedly criticized. You may be surprised to learn that among these critics was Freud himself. Over the years, he ceased to be an ardent supporter of this idea.

  • The famous Austrian scientist Sigmund Freud is considered to be the founder of the theory of psychoanalysis.

    Freud created a number of fundamental works in which he sought to explain the essence of such a psychological phenomenon as dreams. According to his theory, human desires that could not be realized are forced out of the sphere human consciousness and move into the realm of the unconscious. In the unconscious, they are stored and continue to have a significant impact on human behavior in Everyday life. In an effort to break back into consciousness, repressed desires come into conflict with conscious attitudes and defeat them during such states of consciousness as dreams, daydreams, etc. Therefore, using correct interpretations symbols and images of dreams can be judged on the unconscious experiences of a person.

    Dream interpretation is one of the most significant works Freud (which later became the basis for Freud's Dream Interpretation), in which he showed that a dream is not a meaningless set of images, but a distorted and veiled realization of a repressed desire. Based on this and other works of Freud, which were devoted to the study of dreams, Freud's dream book was compiled, which occupied a certain niche among other popular dream books of our time.

    Most interpretations of Freud's dream book are tied to the sexual side of people's lives, the relationship between opposite sexes. It is these aspects that underlie other works of the famous psychoanalyst. In this regard, the interpretation of Freud's dream book may seem somewhat ambiguous, but one should not completely neglect his interpretations, if only because Freud spent more than one year of his life working on the dream book and considered him the crown of his activity.