Why do you dream of unbroken glass? Broken glass window

Many signs and superstitions are associated with cracked or broken glass. Accidentally broken dishes brings happiness to the house - this is what our ancestors believed. Why do you dream of breaking glass?

And if, which promises big trouble.

Thus, superstitions associated with broken glass are Everyday life vary greatly and depend mainly on the type and purpose of glass.

And if you dreamed of broken glass? Why do you dream of breaking glass? Many dream interpreters give an answer to this question.

Almost all dream interpreters agree: a dream in which the dreamer saw broken glass does not bode well.

Broken glass- a symbol of danger, deception and fear.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

- to the emergence of an unstable situation. You will have to work hard to resolve controversial issues.


Seeing broken glass or broken glass objects in a dream- to the emergence of an insurmountable obstacle on the way.


Break glass into small pieces in a dream means that the work started will remain unfinished due to your fault.

Walking on glass chips in a dream- a warning that you need to act with extreme caution.

Walking on shards of glass bare feet - the business you have started will burn out if you do not take it under strict control.

See broken window panes in an unfamiliar house - you will correct other people’s mistakes.


If in a dream you accidentally broke a window- the goal for which you spent a lot of mental and physical strength will not be achieved.

Cutting yourself with glass shards in a dream means that in order to achieve universal recognition, you will have to work hard.


Seeing broken glass in a dream- to a serious illness.

Stepping on broken glass in a dream– to an unforeseen threat or danger.

Miss Hasse

If in a dream you are trying to piece together small pieces of broken glass- V real life your attempts to regain what you lost will be in vain.


To see glass shattered into small fragments in a dream– you feel constrained and insecure in certain circumstances.

Also, small fragments symbolize lost illusions and unfulfilled dreams.

Seeing broken glass in a dream for married couple - a bad sign, foreshadowing family scandals and even divorce.

The view of modern psychologists

Why do you dream of breaking glass? from the position modern science? The answer to this question can be found in the works of psychologists of our time.

In their opinion, a dream with cracked, broken or shattered glass is not so ominous.

It can mean a person’s desire to overcome difficult obstacles on your way, break out of the circle of everyday responsibilities and worries, or even start life from scratch.

If a person breaks a glass window or door in order to escape outside, this is a sign that he needs to deal with his inner world.

Perhaps this is how the subconscious signals about the presence of hidden conflicts, unresolved problems that a person unconsciously tries to hide from himself.

Dreams are a person’s guide to another reality, a reality that can predict the future. The ability to change it depends on how accurate the interpretation of the dream is. Why do you dream of broken glass? It’s worth figuring out.

Why do you dream of broken glass - basic interpretations

Every time, going to bed, a person thinks about the events that happened to him recently, thinks about a plan of action for tomorrow, and dreams. All these actions can cause dreams that project the further course of events. Thanks to them, anyone can improve their life and prevent troubles.

If you dreamed that you were breaking something– a dream can have an ambiguous interpretation. On the one hand, it can promise losses in the real world, on the other, the destruction of psychological blocks and barriers.

If you had a dream in which you break a glass door- this means your life has begun to resemble imprisonment. You are kept in a framework from which you are trying in every possible way to break out. It is worth paying special attention to how easily the door broke, and whether your action had disastrous consequences.

If you dream that you find broken glass under your feet– you should go through life with caution or first remove all the consequences of past mistakes. You may dream of walking on glass with your bare feet - caution should be your priority in the near future.

If you step on a glass surface and it gradually begins to crack– you make the wrong decisions. You will not have a chance to turn back time, correct mistakes, or take back your words.

If in a dream you saw a house with broken windows- you will work on yourself. Your mistakes are too many for your loved ones to simply forgive you and forget everything. If there are children in the family, such a dream may mean that they have already committed many bad deeds and the responsibility for these actions will fall on the parents. It will not be possible to avoid it.

If you dream of glass being broken inside a house– harmony left him. It's time to establish relationships with your soulmate, it's time to establish harmonious relationships with relatives. If spouses have such a dream, a disagreement awaits them ahead, and divorce is possible. They will not be able to resolve this situation on their own. You will have to resort to friendly advice and outside support.

If you accidentally break glass in a dream- in reality, your reputation will suffer from your careless words. You should be attentive to all the events that occur in the coming days and ask for forgiveness for everything that happened through your fault. But a dream in which you cut your palm on glass does not promise losses. He says that it is time for you to reap the fruits of your victories. Your efforts will be rewarded.

Why do you dream about broken glass according to Miller's dream book?

Miller's dream book states that broken glass dreams of death. But whether to the death of the one who sees the dream, or to the death loved one- it’s worth understanding the whole plot of the dream.

If the glass was broken by someone else and you simply step on it, expect unpleasant meetings and conversations;

Picking up glass from the ground and cutting your hand means that one of your relatives will become ill;

If in a dream a person sees his reflection in broken glass, someone in life takes away his strength and luck;

If you dream that you are collecting broken pieces, you are solving other people’s problems, and they weigh on you and disrupt the natural course of events.

Broken glassware is also considered a bad sign, which promises a lot of unforeseen troubles that will arise out of nowhere. There may be sudden events that will bring a lot of tears.

If a person dreams of breaking a glass bottle, in reality he will have protracted troubles at work, contracts will be terminated. For those who are just starting to develop their business, such a dream promises constant minor troubles, unforeseen obstacles, the occurrence of which will not have a good reason.

If a child dreams that he is breaking some glass object, then troubles and problems will begin in the life of his family, the solution of which will take a long time. A good sign may become a dream in which a person dreams of how a once broken glass object becomes whole - soon black line will end and joy will come to the house.

Why do you dream about broken glass according to Freud's dream book?

Freud in his dream book interprets the broken glass that appeared in a dream as a symbol of the fact that the relationship between partners in a couple is fragile and subject to external influence. If a man dreams that his beloved breaks glass by accident, spontaneous quarrels and omissions will begin in their lives.

If a man has a dream in which his significant other deliberately breaks glass, such a dream promises betrayal. It can also indicate that a woman is influenced by strangers. You should be careful with those to whom the couple trusts the secret of their relationship.

To see in a dream how a loved one hurts his hands on broken glass is a sign of illness. Even death is possible. The dream book gives advice to the couple - all problems must be solved together, together. If a lonely girl dreams of broken glass, such a dream indicates that she is stuck in her loneliness and no longer sees a way out of it. Even if a worthy partner appears in her life, she will not be able to appreciate him as she should. Fears will prevail over reason and relationships will collapse.

Why do you dream of broken glass according to other dream books?

Broke glass in a dream? It’s worth thinking hard about what are you really so afraid of? Perhaps your fears are unjustified. Perhaps there are gossip and intrigues hovering behind your back. Thus, in Medea’s dream book it is indicated that broken glass promises instability in life, a fragile position in a specific situation. It takes a lot of effort to maintain balance.

In Medea's dream book It is said that if colored glass breaks and its fragments joyfully play under the rays of the sun, a real holiday will soon begin in life. You should expect a long-awaited meeting. If you can see a pattern in the scattered fragments, good luck awaits you in all your endeavors. Don't miss the opportunity to succeed.

In Hasse's dream book it is indicated that trying to collect broken glass in a dream is a risk and may cause health problems. You will try to regain what is lost, no matter what the cost. What does the dream book advise to do in this situation? It is worth throwing away the fears of the past and joyfully moving into the future. This path may be rocky, but it is worth it.

By esoteric dream book broken glass promises obstacles and obstacles. You should not overcome them by force. It is worth taking a closer look at the people around you. It is in them that there is the secret of balance - in their help. You need to learn to be weak and let others take care of you.

Wanderer's Dream Book indicates that breaking glass barriers in a dream means the possibility of fulfillment secret desire. Such a dream may also indicate the possibility of advancement career ladder.

Grishina’s dream book says that broken glass seen in a dream promises big problems along the way, on the road. It is worth carefully interpreting all the dream symbols in order to understand the causes of such problems and their possible consequences. Perhaps soon there will be fear for the life of another person. This can be indicated by a dream in which a person sees someone else breaking glass.

Breaking a glass object means quick news from a distant relative. This news will be rather sad. If a pregnant girl dreams before giving birth that she broke a glass object, this is a very bad sign. It is worth visiting the Temple and lighting a candle for the health of yourself and your baby.

Whether to believe in the interpretation of dreams or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But you should pay close attention to what broken glass means in dreams. Such dreams do not appear to a person just like that. They symbolize possible changes in the future. They warn against mistakes. That is why it is worth listening to them, it is worth paying attention to them.

Broken glass in a dream at a time in life when everything is not going well can indicate the end of a difficult period. Don’t be nervous about trifles, soon joyful events will enter your life, you just have to wait a little time. You should not be afraid of dreams - you should listen to their advice and follow their prompts.

Did you dream about glass? In a dream, this is an indication of a very fragile situation that can be resolved in one direction or another at any moment. Why do you dream of breaking glass? You're probably ready to go extreme decisive action. More detailed transcript They will give dream books and specific examples.

Miller's dream book opinion

If you happen to break glass in a dream, then the business to which you gave your all will end in complete failure. Did you dream that you cut yourself? If you show your hidden talents, then you will certainly amaze others and earn their respect.

Interpretation of Medea's dream book

What does glass mean in dreams? In a dream, it symbolizes something fragile and illusory, for example, personal dreams or some ideals. In addition, it is a symbol of an extremely precarious situation.

If you happen to break glass in a dream, then you yourself will help get rid of false illusions. Seeing already broken glass is a call to exercise caution and avoid quarrels at all costs for a while. Essentially, the image makes it clear that life is more real than it seems.

Interpretation of the general dream book

Did you have to break glass in a dream? In reality there will be a loud scandal over a trifle. Seeing a piece of broken glass means an inevitable quarrel with your soul mate due to vain suspicions and causeless jealousy. Did you dream that someone deliberately broke the glass? Some problem will have to be solved by force, which will ultimately lead to a major conflict.

Interpretation of the image from other dream books

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima claims that breaking glass in a dream is a sign of strange events that will bring trouble and a desire to hide from the world. The dream book urges you to get down to business immediately, because you definitely won’t be able to hide from problems.

Why dream of breaking glass? modern combined dream book? This a clear sign an unsuccessful ending to something. Dream Interpretation from A to Z believes that breaking glass in a dream means refusing an extremely profitable job. In addition, this is a sign of a missed chance that could lead to vicious circle and total lack of money.

Why dream of breaking window glass?

Did you dream that a window glass was broken? You have invested energy and resources into a business that will ultimately end in complete failure. But if you cut yourself while doing this, then it's time to reveal your hidden abilities and surprise people.

Breaking a window glass literally means getting rid of illusions, pipe dreams and illusory plans. Sometimes this event in a dream hints that it’s time to check your eyesight in reality.

What does it mean to break dishes in a dream?

It is worth noting that each type of dishes has its own symbolism. For example, pots reflect future plans, plates represent fun and special occasions, cups represent family matters, and glasses represent romantic occasions.

Knowing this, it’s not difficult to guess why you dream that you slammed this or that vessel - what you planned will obviously not come true. In addition, breaking dishes in a dream on purpose is fortunate, but accidentally - on the contrary, it means all sorts of problems and difficulties.

I had to break a glass in a car

Why do you dream that you are breaking the windshield or any other glass in a car? This image is quite contradictory, sometimes it promises the purchase of a new car, sometimes it warns of dangers that threaten on the road.

Did you dream that you slammed the windshield? It's time to expand your horizons, learn something new or make new acquaintances. If you deliberately broke the glass in order to insert a new one later, then in reality you need to correct the mistake you made earlier. Inserting glass literally means cutting oneself off from the world and society.

In a dream, breaking glass on a phone

Did you dream that you accidentally broke the glass on your mobile phone? In reality, someone is intrusively interfering in your personal life. Sometimes this is a sign that you are exaggerating the significance of your own problems.

Why do you dream that you broke the glass on your phone, throwing it out of anger? In reality, be prepared for a family scandal. In some cases, the vision marks a loss of power and influence through one’s own fault.

Why break the glass on a watch?

Did you dream that you broke the glass on your watch? In fact, you will be able to avoid great danger. It is advisable to remember what time the arrows showed. This will shed light on the moment the dream comes true.

If you intentionally break glass in wall clock, then you will deliberately break up with a certain person. Breaking a piece of glass on your own wristwatch is no better. This is a sign that you are being too frivolous and risk getting into an extremely sticky situation.

Breaking glass in a dream - examples of interpretations

To understand what exactly this image is about in a dream, it is necessary to consider the meaning of the broken object and accurately indicate the nature of personal actions.

  • hitting intentionally - happiness, luck
  • by chance - danger, deception
  • out of anger - watch your behavior
  • from happiness - joy, a successful coincidence of circumstances
  • break and hide - keeping a secret
  • walking on broken glass is dangerous
  • look through the fragment - waiting
  • large fragments - quarrel, cooling of relations
  • small - luck in the little things
  • dark - old connections will be resurrected
  • color - variety
  • transparent – ​​full visibility of the situation
  • opaque - unknown
  • glass in a watch - missed a chance, time
  • in the window - waste
  • on the phone - home troubles
  • large display case - material losses
  • crystal - positive changes
  • glass - moving, change of partner
  • bottle - quarrel, illness
  • mirror - getting rid of envious people, vice
  • glass - fright
  • saucer - the end of the novel
  • plate - domestic showdowns, grief
  • dish - misdirected flow of energy

For more full interpretation dream, it is necessary to take into account what you happened to break the glass with (hands, objects), what feelings you experienced in the dream and other nuances.

Dream interpretation broken glass

Everyone knows that anything can happen in a dream, sometimes even the most amazing scenes. Visions can be empty, prophetic and prophetic.

Since ancient times, there has been a belief that breaking a glass or mirror portends misfortune and difficulties. This is in real life, but what is the significance of a night vision in which you dreamed of broken glass? To interpret the plot you saw, you should consult a dream book. You shouldn’t be immediately frightened by the vision; it’s better to try to remember it in detail.

General interpretation

Why do you dream of broken glass? Such guidance appears for a reason; it means that the dreamer is trying in real life to eliminate many obstacles that block his path to achieving his goals.

Seeing fragments under your feet in a dream - the interpretation warns that you should be more careful. Before making any decision, weigh everything.

If you dreamed of broken glass

Walking along them barefoot means in real life you will make an adventure, the action will be wrong, but there will be no turning back.

Cutting yourself with them means your efforts will definitely be noted by your family or management.

Around the dreamer in night dream was there a lot of broken glass? This means that the subconscious indicates that a person in real life did not pay attention and did not take into account important information.

Seeing glass cracked is a bad sign, foreshadowing a tragedy.

Holding a splinter in your mouth means a difficult period in life. A period of failure and illness is coming. There is glass - the dreamer should become more confident in his abilities, otherwise he will incur problems due to indecision.


Breaking a window or glass door in a dream in order to get out - the vision indicates that a person needs to understand himself. The subconscious mind suggests that perhaps the painful thoughts tormenting a person’s soul are not so serious. Try to understand your feelings and actions. It is a bad sign to look at the fragments and see your reflection in them. Physical and moral strength will leave you.

Broken windows indoors

Seeing big in a dream beautiful house and the windows in it are all broken - in real life you will correct the mistakes of others.

Broken windows in the house

Seeing a plot in a night dream:

  • To get out of a glass room without getting hurt - the interpretation indicates that the dreamer will overcome all difficulties.
  • Seeing wounds and blood on the body means you should tune in to a positive result, and also make an effort to implement your plans.

Why do you dream about broken glass in the dreamer’s house? The dream book indicates that it will not be possible to return love and harmony to your home.

Do you dream about broken glass in a window? The vision indicates that misunderstanding will lead the family to divorce.

Breaking a glass item means in reality you will receive bad news about your family. Collecting the fragments means losses.

Who dreams

It is important who dreams about the plot, since the interpretation may differ.

It is worth noting that the older the dreamer, the more problems foreshadows a dream.

If you dream of a vision of broken glass expectant motherbad sign portends difficulties in childbirth. Before the birth of a baby, a girl should become more careful and take more care of her condition. A believer should go to church and light a candle for good health.

Seeing broken windows in your home for spouses in a dream indicates an impending divorce.

For parents to see broken windows in a rich house in a dream - the vision indicates a difficult relationship with their children. Your child has caused a lot of trouble, and you will have to answer for his misdeeds.

Interpretation from dream books

Negative interpretations

How do they interpret what they saw? In general, all interpreters agree that broken glass indicates deception and danger.

Broken glass according to the dream book of Gustav Hindman Miller

According to the interpretation of the famous psychologist G. Miller, breaking glass is a very bad sign foreshadowing death. He was broken earlier - get ready to meet an unpleasant person. The dream book indicates to break and cut yourself with it - you will show your professional quality, than you will cause success among others. Looking through the glass broken by the dreamer means a period of failure in real life is coming. Take a fragment in your hands and cut yourself with it - auspicious sign, symbolizes success in everything. If you dream of a plot in which they washed a window and broke it, it means getting a promotion or getting a new high-paying job. But you should be careful, as it will be difficult to get along with the new team. Broken glass is cloudy - dreams of trouble.

Noble dream book by Grishina

According to N. Grishina’s dream book, to see broken glass in an episode means a person should be more careful on the road.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

The dream book indicates: breaking glass in a dream means that the dreamer is in an uncomfortable position in real life.

Beautiful, multi-colored pieces of glass in the form of a mosaic foreshadow a meeting with a person who will radically change a person’s life.

If you saw a folded pattern of colored glass - good luck.

Interpretation according to the eastern dream book

By this dream book see broken glass windows under your feet - commit an act of love. Walking on fragments means that events in real life will not develop in the same way. better side for the dreamer. In the near future, a person who sees such a dream should refuse deals and communicate more carefully with others. If you get hurt in a night dream, this means material problems.

Freud's Dream Book

According to Freud's dream book, glass represents a disease of the genital organs. Washing glass - the dreamer dreams of having a child. Another interpretation of the plot indicates strong passion.

Slavic dream book

In this dream book, broken glass is an alarming sign. If you happen to see broken glass in your home, it means you will have to eliminate the mistakes of others. The fragments dream of separation due to quarrels with a loved one. Breaking glass in a night dream and seeing how it shatters into small fragments - control your actions and words in real life.

Decide for yourself whether to believe in the interpretation or not. But in order to turn away from yourself a period of failure, you can tell a dream about running water in the morning immediately after seeing an unpleasant story. After all, as you know, water washes away everything.

Your mark:

Various kinds of premonitions - good or bad - often arise in a person after sleep.

You can try to predict the future using magical rituals, cards and palmistry, as well as turn to fortune tellers, but these are dubious methods.

Whereas the subconscious, which presents certain social and psychological pressing problems in the form of dreams, does an excellent job of foreshadowing possible future events. Especially if you have to think about what broken glass means in dreams.

Many objects and details seen during a night's rest are most often interpreted in one key - positive or negative. But the case when glass gets into your dream, you hold it in your mouth or try to get rid of it is very ambiguous. How not to make a mistake in this interpretation and correctly understand the signs sent by our consciousness?

Glass thoughts

Knowing what glass means in dreams, it makes sense to reconsider your life priorities, adjust your plans and focus on positive thinking.

The main source of deciphering certain events, things and objects in dreams is the dream book. Glass in a general context always symbolizes a screen, a shield, a barrier. If shards of glass were in the mouth, someone was cut with it, or any other actions were performed with it, this indicates that the state of affairs is not the most favorable. Remember your dream and interpret the glass according to it:

  • Matte, almost not translucent. Well-being begins to become uncertain, and you may be faced with material poverty and deceptive illusions.
  • It lies on the floor, and you walk on it. Threat or danger awaits.
  • You cut yourself with it. Demonstrate your abilities and in the shortest possible time you will gain the admiration of others. You will also be able to achieve interest on the part of the object of your adoration.
  • We admired the clean transparent windows. You will take an authoritative place by passing through a large number of disagreements and conflicts.
  • We saw the shine of glass. Pay attention to personal relationships. A quarrel with a loved one is possible.
  • Shards that sparkle and shimmer. In fact, it promises luck and happiness.
  • The glass fogs up. There are things in everyday life that you don't want to notice.
  • You look through it at one of your friends. Dream glass in in this case interprets it as a sign of alienation between you and the person you were watching.
  • Rain drums on the glass. Extraneous tears will cause you nothing but sympathy.
  • Muddy, dirty. A small quarrel with strangers is possible.
  • The car windshield is broken:
  1. Be careful on the road, on the road. Don't take risks.
  2. On the other hand, it may mean expanding your horizons.

  • Why do you dream about glass?which one are you inserting? Foretells internal changes. You are ready to correct previous mistakes.
  • The glass broke and is being repaired. Symbol of imminent loss.
  • It's polished. Problems will be resolved for the better.
  • You wash and wipe the glass. A connection with your other half will be established.
  • Look at the world out the window. Defeats await you, which will bring bitterness and resentment.
  • Break the glass into fragments and climb out of the window outside. Your cherished wish will come true.
  • You buy it in the store. Soon you will bring family hardships upon yourself.
  • You sell glass. With forethought, you can avoid a scandal in the family.
  • There is frost on it from the frost. Meet your love.
  • I dream of stained glass, colored glass. Decide on your main goal, don’t be scattered with a lot of hobbies at the same time.

Fragile dream

It’s also worth considering why you dreamed of glass in your mouth. Not the most pleasant details, but the dream book will definitely tell you: the glass that you feel in your mouth is interpreted as a “sharp tongue.”

Choose softer words for communication so as not to hurt others. It may seem to you that you are behaving normally and are not offending anyone, but in fact, even an innocent phrase can touch a nerve.

Don’t try to constantly defend your opinion, it will remain with you. And your reputation and relationships with people will radically change for the worse.

The most popular dreams are those in which breaking glass and its fragments appear. All dream books of famous interpreters and folk books about dreams tell us why broken glass is dreamed of.

  1. For a child, this indicates a difficult transitional age.
  2. A broken bottle means failure in the service.
  3. Old connections that were unpleasant for you may be restored.
  4. Sad news will come from relatives.
  5. Glass represents your fear for some person.
  6. Your tears will be shed.
  7. Businessmen are recommended after similar dream postpone important matters and transactions.

The presence of glassware in a dream also signifies grief and minor misunderstandings. Broken objects always appear before important event. Such a dream warns that you should not make decisions without thinking them through.

Remember the details of the dream and focus on household responsibilities, work or personal relationships to improve them by resolving unclear issues.

Don't concentrate on bad sleep(thoughts are material), but on your accuracy in real life and purposefulness; Be careful with your imagination. It is much easier to prevent trouble than to fight it. Author: Olesya Kulchitskaya