Why do you dream of strong hysterics? The magic of numbers

Despite the fact that in reality a hysteria is an unpleasant action that happens when something bad happens, in a dream it means a completely opposite action. Therefore, you should not be afraid of such a dream, since it essentially does not promise anything bad.

What if you dream of hysterics?

Many people are tormented by the question, why do they dream of hysteria? If a person sees such a dream, it means that he will have a calm period in his life, in which there will be absolutely no troubles or stress. Also, such a dream may indicate that all the failures and adversities that haunted the sleeper will remain in the past. When a person has a hysteria in a dream and screams loudly, such a dream promises reconciliation with people who are offended by the sleeping person, as well as a quick acquaintance with some person interesting to the person.

If in a dream a person sees himself in tears in a state of hysterics, while he sits somewhere in the corner or dark place clasping your knees with your hands, then such a dream in reality promises great joy and success. What does it have to do with this dream can affect absolutely any area of ​​a person’s life.

For a woman to have a dream in which she falls promises romantic relationship in which her partner will be faithful to her. If in a dream a representative of the fair sex sees that she is crying because of a man, such a dream foreshadows a strong family, where everyone will love each other very much, care and help. For men, such a dream promises success at work and in financial sector, especially if in a dream the sleeping person cries because of the loss of someone close to him. But to see in a dream a child who is in a state of hysterics is not very auspicious sign, which suggests that soon the sleeper’s help will be needed by someone close to him.

What does it portend?

It is also important to pay attention to whether the hysteria happens to the sleeping person himself or to one of his relatives. For example, if a person sees someone he knows crying in a dream, then in reality the sleeping person will soon meet this person. But if a deceased person cries while sleeping, then you should go to church, light a candle, and also go to the cemetery and clean up his grave. If hysterics happened in me completely stranger, then you should be wary of excessive pressure and guardianship from relatives or friends.

When in a dream a person sees how he lays hands on himself after a hysterical incident happened to him, then such a dream suggests that the sleeper will soon get rid of a large burden of problems that have fallen on his head. In addition, such a dream warns that you do not need to take all minor everyday troubles too seriously.

If a person dreamed of such a pretty unpleasant dream, the main thing is not to get upset or worry about this, but to interpret it correctly and then all the troubles will bypass the sleeping person and he will see that this dream does not bode well for anything bad.

Hysteria can happen to anyone, not only in reality, but also in a dream. However, it should be noted that a hysterical attack, which was dreamed of, as opposed to a real one, promises a person peace and grace. A dream book, like nothing else, will help a person understand why this or that plot is being dreamed about. You just need to remember the details and find an interpretation.

Fighting in hysterics - to a calm life

Crying in a dream, and over time not calming down, but turning into hysterics - in real life a period of peace and serenity begins, the Maly Velesov dream book pleases.

You dream that you are brought to such a state that you can no longer cry or scream, but can only hit the wall with your hands - in reality similar dream promises a quiet person to a sleeping person family happiness and reconciliation with those with whom he was at odds.

I dreamed that you, in a state of hysteria, hid from everyone in a far dark corner and sobbed, clasping your knees with your hands - to success in all areas of life. Whatever you undertake, you will succeed, the Spring Dream Book promises.

Observe hysterics in others - friends are waiting for help from you

You have a dream in which you are trying to calm a person who is on the verge of a hysterical attack, you say something to him, wipe away his tears - in reality your help will be needed to a loved one, Miller’s dream book prophesies.

If you dreamed that you were pulling a crying and hysterical person away from the coffin of his relative, in reality you will encounter people’s callousness towards those who are weaker than them, and show concern for the disadvantaged.

A child has a tantrum or Be careful - danger is not asleep

To see a child hysterical in a dream when he does not listen to anyone, but lies on the floor and kicks - beware of getting into an unpleasant situation because of your words. You may accidentally offend someone and thereby provoke a scandal.

If you dream that your baby is crying loudly and hysterically and smearing tears all over his face and clothes - there is a chance that you will get into trouble related to money, warns Tsvetkov’s dream book.

A child’s hysterics, provoked by a refusal to fulfill his wishes, is a sign that in real life you cannot show firmness in your decisions and actions. People often abuse this, sometimes even to your detriment. Learn to say “no,” advises the Autumn Dream Book.

Treating hysteria is a sign of career growth

Dreaming that you are an attending physician in a clinic closed type for people suffering from mental disorders - to changes in career: if the clinic is elite and modern - success and prosperity await you, a budget hospital with a dilapidated building - now not best time for career growth.

If you dreamed that you were giving a sedative injection to a hysterical patient, you will help your colleague cope with his work, which will have a positive impact on your professional future, Vanga’s dream book pleases.

Being the cause of hysteria means family troubles await you

A man sees a dream in which his wife is hysterical, driven to the point of a fit by him - in reality, the woman lacks her husband’s attention and the man understands this, so he sees such dreams. Correct the situation in the family, advises the Lunar Dream Book.

The girl dreamed that her beloved guy was screaming hysterically - to some problems of misunderstanding with his partner in reality, but if in a dream the guy silently sheds tears - you should just devote a little more time to your partner.

Hysteria in a dream? What is this strange vision, and what does it threaten? In fact, dream books interpret such a plot as relatively prosperous. This is a kind of subconscious outburst of negative emotions, which in reality does not threaten anything.

hysteria in a dream? what a strange vision and what does it threaten? in fact, dream interpretations of such a plot seem to be relatively successful. it's a kind of subconscious surge negative emotions, which doesn't really threaten anything. but, on the contrary, sometimes promises peace and stability. however, much depends on the details and nuances of the dreamer.

no reason to worry

According to the version that offers a small book of dreams, tears, an explosion of emotions of a sleeping person, they promise him the awakening of calm and comfort.

remember how in a dream they could no longer squeeze out tears and not make a sound, but only beat their hands against the walls in despair? Don't worry, this dream prophesies you about friendly relationships in the family. and, besides, you will be able to reconcile with the person with whom you accidentally quarreled, and you will regret it.

The spring dream-book promises success to the one who slept and saw when he was running away from everyone, hiding in the darkest farthest corner and sobbing uncontrollably, clutching his knees. ahead is a rare period of good luck, when any business is controversial, new and important contacts are established easily and naturally. and personal life, everything is fine.

help a friend! Miller, in his book of dreams, describes a story in which the dreamer calms another character by beating him into hysterics. when in a dream it was necessary, choosing words and finding arguments to revive the other person, then in fact it is worth remembering friends. It is quite possible that one of them now more than ever needs help, support, and good advice.

to see in a dream how you are doing everything possible to calm inconsolable sobs, losing control of yourself, a person forgiving the grave with the deceased. then in reality you will have to face the unfair, harsh attitude of certain people who insult those who are weaker and lower in social status. It will not be superfluous if you show care and concern for deprived, sick, weak people.

children's tears and screams

The dream book warns the sleeping person hasty conclusions and harsh words and expressions that can lead to an unpleasant situation. What

If your child is crying, and tears are already flowing in streams on his face, his clothes, a tondon flower, predict difficulties with money. they can be caused by spontaneous actions, frivolity, and inattention.

sometimes a child

psychiatry and your career

dreamed that you were an experienced psychiatrist managing patients? such a vision predicts a career change. if the clinic we worked in was elite, with expensive equipment and excellent conditions, we can hope for promotion and an increase in salary. Was the dreamy hospital old and run-down? alas, alas, it is not destiny for you to go to the bosses. on the contrary, the head may file a complaint with you.

Vanga has a description of a plot in which a dreamer injects a sedative into a strong patient. similar dream suggests that life will come soon. When the sleeper will have to help a friend, colleague. Do not deny that a person, responsiveness, will provide positive influence for your future career.

Why do you dream of provoking hysterics?

the dream of a person in which he sees that he has brought his spouse into an insane state is a kind of torture of conscience and subconscious repentance of the dreamer. deep down he understands that he is treating his wife unfairly, giving her little time. Lunar dream book strongly recommends correcting the situation in the family if you love your loved ones.

What did the young lady dream about that she brought the Chevalier into hysterics? this means that young people have difficult relationships. they often quarrel over trifles and are indignant at each other. but what if in a dream a young boy is silent in love, suffers a scandal, trying to hide his emotions, but treacherous tears still roll from his eyes? This advice to the girl is to show a little more warmth and affection, otherwise the friend will soon find another passion.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of Hysteria in a dream according to 6 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Hysteria” symbol from 6 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order personal interpretation sleep expert.

Means that you will show compassion to strangers and help them in their need.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about Hysteria in a dream?

Dreaming about having a hysterical attack k - means in reality to be completely calm and content.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Dreaming about having a hysterical attack- to peace and contentment; to anxiety and unrest.

Someone else's hysteria means sympathy for the misfortunes of others; conflict in your family; the need to treat relatives better.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Hysteria in a dream?

If in a dream you are brought to a state of hysteria and cannot contain your emotions- this means that in real life there is a serious reason to see a psychologist, otherwise the matter may end in inpatient treatment in a closed hospital.

Seeing someone become hysterical- means that you will show sympathy for strangers and help them in need.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Hysteria according to the dream book?

Hysteria - deep satisfaction.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Seeing yourself having a hysterical attack- this means in reality you will be completely calm and satisfied.

Video: Why do you dream about Hysteria?


Did you dream of Hysteria, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Hysteria in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

    The doctor reports that I am pregnant. I find out that the child I previously gave birth to is alive (previously I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy, I was told that he had died). Now I understand that I was deceived, I demand the boy back, they won’t give it to me and I start to get hysterical.

    I get into a taxi and go somewhere (and I don’t really want to go there). Getting out of the taxi, I forget my backpack in the trunk, which contains a wallet with money and a new iPhone (in reality, recently bought for a large sum). I realize that that I had lost my things, but the taxi had already left. I want to call a taxi, I’m trying to somehow solve the problem, but for some reason I CAN’T get through to anyone except my mother (in reality she lives in another city; there’s no one else to call except her because I’m on the verge of divorce with my husband and I have no friends). my mother scolds me for losing your phone and I’m starting to get hysterical with a seizure (about 1.5 months ago in reality I had a hysterical seizure due to a misunderstanding with my husband, in a dream I had the same feelings only about the phone, there was one thought in my head - this is 50 thousand, I earned it myself, such big money....at the same time, the image of that Tajik taxi driver holding my phone like his own appeared in my head. I feel even worse, I am choking and choking in tears and my husband appears from somewhere, and I push him away because I am afraid that they will take me to a mental hospital. then I wake up

    My father and I went to visit someone, and there we began to discuss something and then argue. And when he interrupted me when I was talking about something, I yelled at him and cried. And the dream ended.

    I dreamed that my older sister made me hysterical... there were almost no tears in the dream, but I screamed, it was difficult to breathe, I was hiding from her... at the end of the dream she asked me for forgiveness, and I was incredibly scared...

    A fragment from college, passing a math exam and the teacher wants to fail me. Then a fragment from the house, but not our apartment which is now. The house is being renovated judging by the situation. I went outside to smoke in a blanket. An acquaintance and an unknown woman are standing there. Mom went out onto the balcony to smoke, too, and screamed something, before that I had thrown in a cigarette, although in life neither I nor she smokes, she went home, they started nagging me, fell to her knees, hysterics began, Dad he said maybe she was really tired

    My mother and I were in the hospital together, then she was transferred somewhere. I left, came back, and the hospital building suddenly turned into a railway station and all my things and documents were gone. I started to get very hysterical. in the dream it lasted a very long time and ended when I was sitting at the head doctor’s office with a question about my missing things.

    A man with whom I was close for a long time, and then we broke up. I would still like to restore relations with him, but he is very offended. So I saw this man in a dream in a terrible hysteria, several people tried to restrain him, but he broke the window and fell to his knees sobbing. I wanted to console him, but I didn’t have time, I woke up

    my wife had a dream that she came home with a male colleague at work and I threw a tantrum, and he and I went out into the corridor to sort things out. then he hit me with a knife, and she was very scared and called an ambulance. what does this dream mean?

    In a dream, I was with a young man in a car, we were just talking, but someone constantly wanted to disrupt our communication, then drunk girls climbed into our car, then drunk guys came up, and one was holding a dustpan with garbage, as if he was just sweeping and trying to throw it away , he accidentally spilled some of the garbage into the car, at that moment I couldn’t restrain myself and started yelling at everyone, just getting hysterical and trying to get me out of the car, no one cared and no one was going to leave, I apologized to the young man for behaving this way and ran away, I found myself in some hotel, trying to clean the rooms, then I ended up in the hotel corridor where there were a lot of people and for some reason I was naked, an acquaintance saw me and tried to attack me for sexual purposes, we started a fight, which took place on the floor but in a blanket, at some point this friend bit me and I woke up

    The fact is that in the last month I often had tearful hysterics, but now everything has worked out and I am quite calm, but over the last couple of weeks of calm I have been having dreams with hysterics (for the same reason - because of a guy), just as real, like a month ago. What could this mean?

    there was hysteria in public place, I ran out, went to the toilet, saw that blood was flowing from my ear, then I sat on the cold floor, someone tried to console me, and they scolded me

    My husband said that he was leaving for someone else, I couldn’t understand why, I had a very serious hysteria, I screamed, cried chokingly and even lost consciousness, then I asked my husband when you decided, because on Saturday we said that we wanted to get married ( but in reality they actually said it on Saturday) he said that later at night he thought about it and decided to leave after all, at that moment I was still hysterical, then I found some documents (his) in the room and at the end he comes into the room and I tear them up documents with him, after which he decides to stay with me.

    hello, I had a dream where I learned about the death of my father. And I spend the whole day in hysterics. In the dream I was at a music school taking an exam (p.s. I had already completed it), which I didn’t know well. There, time after time, I remembered the news and cried, no one saw. At the end of the exam there was not enough time to ask me, and instead of a grade they gave me a zero in the journal. And I shouted to the whole class “my father died”... Then the sleep continued in music. I don't remember school. Then I remember how I walked home very quickly. I come and see my mother, all teary, but calm. Then I go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror, start to put on a special mouth guard and realize that it is too small. look at the upper teeth, and they are in a checkerboard pattern (one higher than the other). At the end of the dream, I try to straighten with my own hands those teeth that stick out.
    thanks in advance)

    Hello. I dreamed that the guy was corresponding with my classmate (they don’t know each other in real life, she’s not my friend). She confesses her love to him, and he sends emoticons to this, the conversation is going on sweet, I see this and start a scandal, I start fighting and yelling, his friends see this, I’m hysterical, he goes somewhere, she’s in the house, I I go out onto the porch and constantly hurt her with words and physically too. He returns with 2 bottles of wine. There are glasses in his hands, I break one on the floor, to which he calmly says why, what are we going to drink from (he and she, not me). I throw the second glass in his face and he shatters. My mouth goes numb and I can't speak. He comes into the house and I see through the window how they eat. I'm lying on a sun lounger in the yard and just roaring. I woke up with wild anxiety, my heart hurts, it’s just terrible, I almost moved in with my boyfriend and I’m dreaming about such nonsense, why be afraid, what should I do? Help please!

    it was at my school, in life the colors there are quite cold, but in the dream it was quite cozy. I walked around school with someone and cried a lot and even screamed, I felt all this and still remember, because I recently woke up. I didn’t understand the reason, but I kept asking “why?” and insisted that she didn’t do anything like that.
    sometimes while passing somewhere I saw flowers but I vaguely remember which ones

    Babushkin private house, I’m lying on the couch with some guy (about yesterday I saw him in real life, an old man, older than my father), there’s a guy lying on the bed not far away, I know him and he’s cute, why I’m not lying there - I don’t know, but I didn't want to. I had sex with this old guy, I didn’t resist, and after a couple of minutes it became disgusting, I drove him away from me, kicked him out of the house by deception, then a girl came to that guy from the next bed, I come back in tears, and he lies hugging her. Although this is MY house. He remained lying there, the blonde stranger went to calm me down and wanted to listen to everything.

    My family and I and a couple of women I didn’t know were sitting in a restaurant. And then my dad began to behave in an unpleasantly harmful manner and torment me with this. I endured and endured, told him about it, asked him to stop. He continued. Then I broke into hysterics at him, grabbed him by the chest and thrashed him.

    Good morning. I dreamed of a common-law wife (we separated) me and my son, he is 1 year 6 m, she is not there, we start looking, a few hours later she appeared drunk, I began to undress her for intimacy, having taken off her panties, she was covered in raspberry jam, there was a tuft of hair on her pubic area, although she shaves all the time, we’ll see this jam, asked the question of what and where, after that she had a hysterical fit of laughter, I hit her in the face with my palm 3 times, then woke up... Intimacy did not happen.
    Please help me figure out what this dream is. With uv Mikhail

Do you have creepy and ominous dreams? If dreams begin to frighten you with their monstrous plots, know: your subconscious mind advises you to turn close attention on health status. If you want to learn how to recognize a barely emerging disease, compare the content of your dream with the interpretations that have come down to us from ancient times.

Lucid Dreaming: A Simple Path to Your Subconscious

Answers to any questions, the realization of even the most unrealistic dreams, self-knowledge and development of one’s personality are only a small part of the opportunities that the world of lucid dreaming can provide. The ability to control your dreams is available to everyone, you just have to want it and find a path connecting the conscious mind with the subconscious.

How are external stimuli reflected in our dreams?

The human brain is a unique link in the human subconscious. Scientists still say that the brain is not yet a completely solved mystery. The secret of the relationship between the subconscious and conscious links is revealed in the reflections of dreams, which clearly demonstrate the connection between external stimuli and a person who has entered the sleep stage. This is an amazing mechanism that has attracted, attracts and will always attract the attention of an inquisitive person.

Why do you dream of Hysteria?

Hysteria in the modern dream book

If in a dream you saw someone in hysterics, then you are destined to show sympathy for practically strangers and help them resolve difficult situation. If hysterics began in one of your close people, it means that in reality you will soon be irritated by the behavior of the people around you; their worries will seem pathetic and groundless to you, and their feelings and emotions will seem overly exaggerated. The consequence of this may be damaged relationships with these people. A dream in which you saw yourself in a state of hysterics promises approaching illness. You will feel some kind of malaise and need to see a doctor; if you do not get treatment in time, then there is a chance of ending up in the hospital. If the hysteria began in a completely inappropriate place, such as a racetrack or a store, then the disease will manifest itself unexpectedly.

Hysteria in Miller's dream book

Hysteria portends bad news and a crisis in the family. Someone's hysterical voice indicates the need to think about whether you want to insult a loved one. Hysteria over the loss of a relative is a dream of disappointment or illness, but in the end you will come to harmony with your partners and wonderful prospects for the future will be open to you. Other people's hysterics foreshadow a heartfelt reunion after many troubles. For a young girl, such a dream is a warning about impending quarrels with her lover; consent can only be achieved as a result of self-sacrifice

Hysteria in Vanga's dream book

A mother in hysterics is extremely bad sign, which promises serious quarrels, swearing, and possible family breakdown. But you will be warned, which will allow you to prevent and correct all this.

Hysteria in Freud's dream book

Hysteria represents ejaculation and fertilization. If a woman saw herself in hysterics, then she wants to have sexual intercourse and there is a high probability for her to become pregnant. For a woman, seeing a man in hysterics means that she is satisfied with her sex life. If a man sees himself in hysterics, then he can boast of an abundance sexual partners, and he has an inherent desire to win new victories. For a man to see a woman in hysterics means a desire to have children with her.

Only wake me if bad news comes; and if they are good, by no means.