What a brownie looks like in real life. What does a Brownie look like in a house? Where do brownies come from in new houses?

Calendar Orthodox holidays January 2019 in Russia is full of holidays, commemorations of saints, martyrs, and saints of God. Two twelve holidays and one great holiday continue the church new year.

Main Orthodox holidays in January 2019

This is the Nativity of Christ, celebrated annually on January 7, the Circumcision of the Lord on January 14, and the Epiphany on January 19.

Merry Christmas ends the Nativity fast. The week called Christmastide begins. This week there is no traditional weekly fast on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Will help you remember the Orthodox holidays in January 2019 in Russia church calendar. Having looked at the dates in advance, believers prepare for the holiday by planning their work schedule, because the Twelfth holidays have constant dates and more often fall on working days.

Not long ago, the holiday of the Nativity of Christ became a day off, and Epiphany remained a working day. But on this very day many Orthodox people and not only they perform the ritual of immersion in a font or ice hole, thereby symbolizing and confirming faith in the one Baptism of the Lord.

Orthodox people and not only them perform the ritual of immersion in a font or ice hole

On the day of Epiphany, all the waters of the Earth are sanctified, the water becomes holy and healing. That's why Epiphany water considered the most powerful in its beneficial properties. Orthodox Christians try to take part in the Christmas celebrations Divine Liturgy and water blessing prayer.

Orthodox Christians try to take part in the Christmas Divine Liturgy and Water Blessing Prayer Service

Church calendar in January 2019

It is convenient to have a calendar of Orthodox holidays in January 2019 in Russia in the form of a table to mark the dates of commemoration of your favorite saints and build a plan for visiting the temple.



1 St. Ilya Muromets, Pechersky, in the Near Caves

Righteous John of Kronstadt, wonderworker

Hieromartyr Ignatius the Theologian

Venerable Ignatius, Archimandrite of Pechersk, in the Far Caves

Martyr Juliana and with her 500 husbands and 130 wives, victims in Nicomedia


Forefeast of the Nativity of Christ

Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Forefeast of the Nativity of Christ

Christmas Eve


Worship of Sts. Magi: Melchior, Gaspar and Belshazzar

Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Apostle Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen

Mchch. 20,000, in Nicomedia in the church of those burned and there outside the church victims

14,000 infants killed by Herod in Bethlehem

St. Makari, Met. Moscow


Celebration of the Nativity of Christ

Circumcision of the Lord

St. Emilia, mother of St. Basil the Great

Saint Basil the Great

Forefeast of Epiphany

Repose and second discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov


Prophet Malachi

Cathedral of the 70 Apostles

Epiphany Christmas Eve

Sschmch. Theopempt, bishop Nicomedia, and martyr. Feona the Magus

Epiphany (Epiphany)

Repose of St. Feofan, the Recluse of Vyshensky

After-feast of Epiphany


St. Gregory, the wonderworker of Pechersk, in the Near Caves


St. Philip, Metropolitan Moscow and all Russia, miracle worker


Saint Theophan the Recluse of Vyshensky


St. Theodosius the Great, General Lives of the Chief

Martyr Tatiana

Icon Mother of God, called “Akathist” and “Mammal”

Mchch. Ermil and Stratonik

Celebration of the Feast of Epiphany

Equal. Nina, educator of Georgia

Prpp. Pavel of Thebes and John Kushchnik


Worship of the honest chains of the apostle bliss Maxim, priest of Totemsky Petra

St. Anthony the Great


Prpp. Kirill and Maria, parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh

The holiday week lasts from Christmas until January 17th. Folk festivities, the glorification of the birth of Christ is in full swing. Children and their parents go into their houses and sing Christmas songs to announce that the Son of God has been born. It is believed that if Christoslavs came to the house, this is a good sign.

The calendar of Orthodox holidays in January 2019 in Russia commemorates people who have been glorified as saints by their godly deeds and helps believers learn the history of the Church, the fate of martyrs for the name of Christ, thereby introducing an educational spirit into the life of every layman.

People work non-stop all year long. Cities are filled with endless bustle, everyone is in a hurry somewhere, doing something. Everyone is busy with their own business. The long-awaited break for every person is the summer vacation and, of course, the holidays in January. The second month of winter has a lot of days off. Not only all children, but also adults all over the world look forward to these joyful holidays. The New Year holidays in January provide an opportunity for millions of people to spend some quality time with their loved ones.

New Year's favorite

A fabulous and desired holiday occurs on the night of December 31 to January 1. With the advent of the New Year, people believe that all troubles and sorrows will be left behind. And only joy, happiness and prosperity await them ahead. All countries differ in their ways of celebrating this wonderful holiday.

Due to continental time zones New Year It happens differently for everyone. However, everywhere - with joy and smiles. Tangerine-candy holiday on January 1, saturated with magic... After all, it is on this night that children receive their long-awaited toys and candies from Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. On new year holidays In January it is traditional to place a Christmas tree on main square countries. As usual, it is the main attribute of the winter holiday. People set festive tables with all sorts of goodies and decorate their homes with garlands. Most people prefer to celebrate such an important holiday at home with their family. IN New Year's Eve Millions of people, holding their breath, count down the last 60 seconds of the outgoing year along with the chimes. And with filled glasses of champagne they greet the new year. The next day - January 2 - is considered a non-working day.

The greatest church holidays in January

  • Christmas Eve before Christmas - January 6th.
  • The Nativity of Jesus Christ is January 7th.
  • Saint Basil - January 13.
  • Epiphany - January 19.

Holidays in January in Russia follow one another

The next celebrated holiday after the New Year is Christmas Eve. The Holy Evening is celebrated annually on January 6th. This day ends the Nativity Fast. Setting the table 12 Lenten dishes. The food prepared varies, but the same ones are kutia, uzvar, lean dumplings and pastries. However, eat according to Orthodox traditions You can sit down only in the evening, after the first star appears in the sky. The main food on Christmas Eve is kutia, which is where the meal begins.

Kutia is a ritual porridge cooked from wheat (some are prepared from rice or barley grains) with the addition of various sweet additives. It could be raisins, crushed poppy seeds, berry jam, nuts. Large quantity such ingredients are welcomed in kutia, as it is a symbol of prosperity and heavenly life. According to tradition, after a meal in the family circle, children went to “carry supper” to close relatives, as well as to their godparents and godfathers. After tasting a spoonful of kutya, the adults presented the children with gifts. Young people and men without families went to sing carols. Most people go to church for midnight service. On the night of January 6-7, the holiday is celebrated in all churches. The Divine Liturgy takes place.

Birth of the Son of God

January 7 is a holiday celebrated by all Orthodox believers, the Nativity of Christ. The birth of Christ took place, according to the Old Testament, in 5508 from the creation of the world, in the city of Bethlehem.

Like all holidays, Christmas has its own celebration traditions. On this day, a table rich in meat dishes is set. It is also possible that alcoholic beverages will be present on the table.

It is advisable to spend this day in a cheerful and noisy company, since, according to beliefs, you should not be alone on such a divine holiday. On Christmas evening, it is customary to visit parents and go to godfathers. Twelve days after Christmas last Christmastide - holy days on which it is customary to perform merciful deeds.

Sowing at St. Basil's

Now on the night of January 13-14 they celebrate the New Year. This is due to the fact that when moving from Julian calendar The date of a widely known holiday has shifted to Gregorian. But this has not stopped people since the beginning of the last century from celebrating this event in compliance with all traditions. For a long time in Rus', January 13 was celebrated as Vasily's Day, in honor of Vasily the Great. The holiday was associated with sowing; farmers thus coaxed the future harvest. This ritual has been preserved to this day. On the Generous Evening of January 13, dressed-up youth and children went to give generously, for which they received delicious gifts from the owners. Carol singers were invited into the house and seated at the rich festive table. Children were treated to sweets, gingerbread and nuts, and relatives could also give small coins.

Early in the morning of January 14, boys no older than twelve went to the houses of relatives and neighbors. They asked permission and, having received consent, sprinkled the owners and their homes with seeds of wheat, rye, oats and barley, saying or chanting shchedrovki and sowing seeds. Shchedrovki are good-natured wishes in poetic or song form, performed for the owners during the Christmas holidays in January. In Russia and beyond, it is customary to perform generosity only for girls, but, on the contrary, boys must sow. A good sign on this day there will be a visit from a man, since girls, according to legend, do not bring happiness. Seeds scattered in the house should not be thrown away, but must be carefully collected away from the threshold and stored until the next harvest.

Mysterious rite of Baptism

Winter holidays in January are celebrated everywhere surrounded by the closest people. The greatest holiday - the Epiphany of the Lord - is no exception. On this day, during the baptism of the Lord on the Jordan River, the Holy Trinity appeared, and the Holy Spirit descended on Christ in the form of a fluttering dove. On Epiphany, people with their families visit churches and places with blessed water, in order to collect it for yourself and your relatives. As before Christmas, Christmas Eve is celebrated the day before Epiphany; strict fasting is observed on this day.

On the eve of the holy holiday, it is customary to do a general cleaning of the home, thereby ridding the house of excess garbage and freeing up corners for cleaning. From 18 to 19 January in all Orthodox churches commit special rite- Great consecration of water. The water consecrated on January 19 is called Jordanian. Holy water, drunk on an empty stomach, has miraculous power, helps to cure diseases and cleanse the soul. People sanctify their homes with water brought from the temple, sprinkling every corner of their house. Surprisingly, Epiphany water does not spoil or go rotten whole year, maintaining its miraculous properties.

Holy water washes away all sins

Holidays in January carry special magical power. Yes, the main event Epiphany day is also bathing in consecrated ponds. This tradition was revived in Russia after the abolition of communist principles. For many years now, on Epiphany Eve or early in the morning of January 19, men have gone to the pond. According to Christian customs, a cross-shaped ice hole is cut in the reservoir. In this case, an ice cross is erected next to the ice hole and sprinkled with beet kvass.

After which a clergyman is invited to consecrate the reservoir. On this holiday, believers can, as it is believed, wash away their earthly sins and be reborn by plunging into sacred water three times. For the holiday, special crosses are baked from sweet dough, pancakes with honey and various meat dishes are placed on the table. There is a belief that the heavens open at Epiphany, and all prayers and supplications on this day will certainly be heard.

Last day of the month - Jeweler's Day

January 31 is the jeweler's holiday. This international holiday celebrated all over the world. Jeweler is one of the oldest professions, capable of always feeding its owner. After all, as you know, beautiful jewelry has always been in great demand.

The main Orthodox (or “divine”) holiday in January is traditionally the Nativity of Christ. This is the only one church holiday, which is marked in Russia as an official day off - officially on January 7th of every year we rest precisely because of Christmas, and not because of the New Year and related holidays. Slightly inferior in importance to Christmas is another January holiday - Epiphany. This day is celebrated more and more actively in Russia, and more and more people in the Epiphany Jordans consider it obligatory to swim in January. What Orthodox holidays are celebrated in January 2018 in Russia - we remind you what date Christmas is celebrated, what date Epiphany is celebrated, what other holidays are included in the church calendar for January.

What date is Christmas in 2018

Until 2100, the date of Christmas among Orthodox Christians remains the same - January 7 according to the Gregorian calendar.

This day corresponds to December 25 according to the Julian calendar, that is, Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on the same date as Catholics, as well as other representatives of Western Christian denominations. And formally, Christmas should be considered a December holiday. However, of course, since in the world we use a slightly different calendar, for now there is a 13-day difference, and according to our usual calendar we celebrate Christmas on January 7th. The difference of 14 days will occur after 2100, and then Christmas will be on January 8, but, of course, most none of us will simply live to see this event.

The essence of the Christmas holiday is known to everyone, even children. This is the day when the long-awaited predicted Savior, or Christ, came into the world. He became Jesus, the son of the Virgin Mary, who learned about this event nine months before the birth of the child - on the Annunciation, when an angel descended about it to her.

Christmas is traditionally a day of reconciliation, kindness and peacefulness. This is a good family holiday, quiet and calm. The day when it is customary to rejoice at the birth of Christ by gathering with family.

Christmas time in 2018

Starting from Christmas (to be precise, from Christmas Eve on the evening of January 6) and until Epiphany (until January 19), the Orthodox celebrate Christmastide, that is, holy days.

How exactly to celebrate Christmastide, the opinion of the church and ordinary people diverges a little. Holiday weeks are popularly closely associated with pagan rituals, primarily with fortune telling. As in the case with, the church was not able to completely get rid of pre-Christian Russian customs. Girls still love to guess at Christmas time about their future fate. It is believed that it is on these days that the results of fortune telling are most accurate.

Of course Orthodox Church does not particularly welcome this, considering fortune telling an activity alien to the Christian faith.

For the church, Christmastide is the holy days between Christmas and Epiphany, in the middle of which the New Year is celebrated (what in Russia is called the Old New Year - January 13). Correct behavior these days is considered to be refusal of any work in evening time. Evening is the time for the events celebrated on these days, Christmas and Epiphany, and it is a time for reflection on the essence and meaning of these holidays.

What date is the Circumcision of the Lord in 2018

Just like Christmas great holiday The Circumcision of the Lord has a constant date and is celebrated every year on the same day - January 14.

As was customary for all Jewish children, Jesus was circumcised on the seventh day after his birth. That's when he got his name.

The main meaning of the Feast of Circumcision is that it teaches that any person is obliged to follow Divine regulations. And if such an institution, which became a tradition, for the people of Jesus was the circumcision of boys, even the Savior unquestioningly followed it, giving an example to all of us.

What date is Epiphany in 2018

The Epiphany is otherwise called Epiphany; it is one of the most important Christian holidays.

Since the ritual of baptism, or conversion, is closely associated with water, it is water that becomes an important symbolic phenomenon on this day. The evening before, on the evening of January 18, on Epiphany Eve, in Russia, according to tradition, special ice holes are cut down - Jordan (in honor of the Jordan River, in which Christ was baptized), into which everyone plunges. It is believed that all water at the Epiphany becomes holy. On this day it is customary to store water for the entire next year. If during the year a person needs holy water, he can use the one collected at Epiphany.

The best place to prepare holy water on this day is the Temple. However, if there is no opportunity to visit the church, it is allowed to draw water from any body of water; it is also holy.

Calendar of Orthodox holidays for January 2018

We have noted the most important Orthodox, or divine holidays January. On other days of the month, holidays and memorable dates are also celebrated, the most important of which are:

  • 01.01 – memory of St. Elijah of Murom, Pechersk;
  • 02.01 – celebration in honor Novodvorskaya icon Mother of God;
  • 03.01 – memory of St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, Wonderworker;
  • 04.01 – memory of the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker;
  • 05.01 – memory St. Paul, Bishop of Neocaesarea;
  • 06.01 – memory of St. Nicholas the monk;
  • 07.01 – Christmas;
  • 08.01 – Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • 09.01 – memory of the first martyr and archdeacon Stephen;
  • 10.01 – memory of the Apostle Nikanor of the 70th;
  • 11.01 - memory of the martyrs of 14,000 infants killed by Herod in Bethlehem;
  • 12.01 – memory of St. Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow;
  • 13.01 – memory Reverend Melania Younger (Roman);
  • 14.01 – Circumcision of the Lord;
  • 15.01 – memory of St. Sylvester, Pope of Rome;
  • 16.01 – memory of the prophet Malachi;
  • 17.01 – Council of the 70 Apostles;
  • 18.01 – Epiphany Eve (Epiphany Christmas Eve);
  • 19.01 – Holy Epiphany(Baptism of the Lord);
  • 20.01 – Cathedral of the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord;
  • 21.01 - memory of the Venerable Elijah of Egypt, the hermit;
  • 22.01 – memory of St. Peter, Bishop of Sebastia of Armenia;
  • 23.01 - memory of St. Gregory of Nyssa, Bishop of Nyssa;
  • 24.01 – celebration in honor of the Yelets Icon of the Mother of God;
  • January 25 – memory of the martyr Tatiana and those who suffered with her in Rome;
  • January 26 – memory of the martyr Peter Absalomite (Aniysky);
  • 27.01 – memory Equal to the Apostles Nina, educators of Georgia;
  • 28.01 – memory St. John Kushchnika;
  • 29.01 – worship of the honest chains of the Apostle Peter;
  • 30.01 – memory St. Anthony Great;
  • 31.01 – memory of the Venerable Markian of Cyrus.

Every house has a brownie. But almost no one saw him, with the exception of people who were able to establish a connection with the magical owner and meet him face to face.

Our ancestors believed that in every home there lives an invisible owner, who takes care of and protects the house from all troubles. A brownie is a good spirit that you can make friends with and see out of the corner of your eye. In fairy tales, legends and myths, the otherworldly neighbor is portrayed as a tiny old man with a beard and shabby clothes, who, moreover, is a surprisingly terrible grumbler, but indispensable assistant. However, this image is just one of many incarnations of the brownie.

Who is a brownie and what does he look like?

Among esotericists there is an opinion that most otherworldly forces are evil creatures. They love to play dirty tricks, hide or spoil your things, cause chaos and disturb your sleep with their noise. But if this is still a real brownie living in your house, he will definitely make friends with you and will help you and your home in every possible way.

IN good mood an invisible assistant protects and protects your home, keeps order, and sometimes helps you look into the future and predict your fate. But if you make him angry or offended, expect trouble. It can make your pets sick, create a terrible mess and scare you every time. Therefore, most people try to make friends with him, and not just to see him. The brownie will gladly accept from you various sweets left especially for him. But if you've seriously decided to get to know your home assistant, you should find out more about them before calling them. According to all legends and myths, there are three main types of brownies, which differ not only in appearance, but also in their responsibilities and tasks.

Good brownie

According to legend, this is the classic and most common image of a brownie, who lives and helps people from the very moment they appeared on earth. Disputes about whether there are brownies or not are still ongoing, but we do not undertake to deny the presence of an otherworldly entity next to us. The invisible helper lives only in those houses where people live. He protects family well-being, helps to run the household and maintain order. Such entities feed on the remnants of energy emanating from a person.

Such brownies are kind and sympathetic spirits who are ready to make contact with a person. They often play with animals or children living in the house, help in every possible way and lift your spirits. They look exactly the same as people. Usually shown in the form of an old man with a fluffy beard. Sometimes they can become mischievous and mischievous when they don’t like your behavior. But they are not ready for more than making noise with dishes or hiding a personal item from you.

It is quite easy to see a kind helper, especially if you have no disagreements with him. Sometimes people see them in the form of fluffy balls or animals. But no one has ever been able to capture such a miracle: brownies are very shy and immediately hide if you accidentally see it. If we look at the myths, many Domovyats have their own families in which the future guardians of the hearth grow up. Such an assistant should be taken with you when moving, so as not to lose a faithful and reliable patron of your family happiness.

Souls of dead people

There are cases when the soul of a deceased person, which during life moved away from its karmic task, can serve as a brownie. Mainly serve another family and home By higher powers people are sent who have given little to their loved ones and their home. Their main task is to take care of the house and its owners. Such entities are mostly peaceful and submissive.

They are not at all like an ordinary brownie. They have tall, they are incorporeal and look like black or gray spirits. Such entities do not like to show themselves and are in every possible way against any contact with a person. They feed on cosmic energy and are not energy vampires. Compared to the classic brownie, the souls of the dead have greater power and are most often useful. In their arsenal there are skills acquired during earthly life, which they actively use to help the owners of the house.

Angry brownie

Children are frightened by such horror stories as the little drummer or the evil brownie. The terrible tale appeared not without reason: esotericists claim that such entities actually exist, and they only cause chilling horror if they suddenly appear in the house. This is the third type of incarnation of a brownie. More precisely, these are real monsters who know how to masterfully disguise themselves as a good brownie. They settle in abandoned houses or empty apartments, sometimes they can purposefully drive the owner out of his own home, turning life into hard labor. They feed on any energy and cause harm to everyone who lives near them. The most favorite dish for them is your fear, so they will do everything possible to scare you properly and get enough of you.

The “evil brownie” looks like a shadow, a black silhouette with glowing eyes, long arms, claws and a wolfish grin. When they appear in an apartment, a person is overwhelmed by anxious thoughts, causeless fear and panic. According to eyewitnesses, someone's evil gaze literally begins to haunt you. In this case, it is necessary to take immediate measures and kick out the uninvited guest.

To see a brownie, you first need to understand who he is. If a kind helper lives in your house, make friends with him, leave him treats and tasty delicacies. Then all sorrows and adversities will pass you by, and peace, harmony and understanding will reign in the apartment. We wish you a great mood, success,and don't forget to press the buttons and

Let's figure out who the brownies are. What they look like. Are they good or evil entities?

Brownie, Drum, Poltergeist- these words generally mean one thing, an energetic essence, a small spirit. They say that the brownie still lives in every village house and in many city apartments, but not in every one. In ancient beliefs, from the souls of trees cut down to build a house, the owner of the house was born.

Brownie stores home, becomes his patron and soul. It is he who makes sure that there is always prosperity in the house, that there are no quarrels, illnesses, and bad people And evil spirits could not harm the owners. For this, people pay him with their love. The belief in the existence of the brownie has survived to this day - many are 100% convinced that the brownie exists, and some provide evidence that they have met him in person.

Recent cases with brownie

Russian singer Akula has been “at war” with her brownie for several months now. Slamming cabinet doors. The brownie's violence is unpredictable. Mrs. World Alisa Krylova has the same problems. She is also terrorized by the brownie, who moves furniture, things, and moves car keys to different rooms.

The reasons why brownies begin to be aggressive towards the owners of houses and apartments are unknown. Maybe they just didn’t like the owner or, as others say, the reason could be that there is an unfaithful spouse in the house. How to calm a violent brownie and what makes him angry? A local police officer from the Novosibirsk region helped an elderly war veteran get rid of a brownie. He managed to catch the brownie in a glass jar.

He lured him into the jar and closed the lid. The pensioner no longer complained about strange sounds. According to brownie experts, you just need to make friends with the entity. It is known that brownies are very fond of milk, cookies, sweets, and if you throw them in different places, where they are, in your opinion, they go, then you can cajole him and it’s better to pour the milk into a saucer.

It is also known that they are not indifferent to shiny objects. But still, most brownies are very kind and love people and pets very much. But if a brownie sees that someone has offended his beloved cat, for example, kicked him or beat him for something, then he will take revenge for this.

What does a brownie look like?

It is believed that a brownie is born as an old grandfather and dies as a baby. Most often, the brownie looks like an old man - small, covered all over with gray hair, including the palms. Sometimes, in order to avert prying eyes from himself, he takes on the appearance of the owner of the house. But sometimes it can take a toll bad sign- death or illness. In general, the brownie loves to wear the owner’s clothes, but always manages to put them back in place as soon as the person needs things.

In childhood, brownies look like balls covered with long, hard-to-touch fur. The hands are small, with soft fingers. Legs may be absent - then brownies move through the air, hovering above the floor. When they see a person, they become almost transparent and hover motionlessly under the ceiling, sometimes they begin to fly very quickly around the room, leaving a grayish trail behind them.

IN adolescence The brownie has no gender, but living next to a person for a long time, it gradually acquires the appearance, character and gender of its owner. In different regions of Russia, the brownie takes on different images. In addition to the old man, the village brownies pretend to be a hare, a bear, a lynx, or appear as a shadow on the wall. Urban brownies often take the form of a mouse, snake, weasel or cat.

A brownie differs from demons in that he does not do evil, but only sometimes jokes or, as they say, “mischief” and even provides services if he loves the owner or mistress. The one he loves, he curls his hair and beards into braids, and the one he doesn’t love, he pinches him at night until he bruises. If the brownie fell in love with the family, then he warns of misfortune and guards the house and yard from thieves. But what is most surprising is that the characters of the brownies are formed by the people themselves.

What does a brownie eat?

Brownies feed on our emotions, they will never “eat” us by force, like vampires, they simply feed on the energy that we create around us. And he also feeds on the energy from ordinary food that the products emit. If you are an angry and cruel person, there is no good energy and a heavy atmosphere in your home, then your brownie in such an environment will not be able to be kind and affectionate.

If he does not escape from such an evil house at all, then, most likely, he will manifest himself in this way: scare the owners with howls and screams, hide things, damage furniture and dishes, push, scare, strangle people and other unpleasant actions. With such actions, we say that there is a poltergeist in the house, and we begin to drive him out in every possible way, without thinking at all that it is our poor brownie who is forced to defend himself, since he has already become “brutal” from constant scandals and negativity.

In this case, in the kitchen, in a secluded corner at sunset, leave a saucer with milk and a bun or cookies and sincerely ask the housekeeper for forgiveness. But if his pranks are expressed in the spontaneous combustion of objects, bad inscriptions on the walls and other things of that kind, then the Brownie should be shown who is boss in the house. You need to take a belt in your hand and walk around the house and quilt furniture, walls, floors and things and say in an authoritative and strong voice:

“Know your place, know your place.
You, the brownie, must guard the house, take care of the household,
Yes, please the mistress, and not fight,
Know your place, know your place."

Any words can be said, the main thing is that they are spoken by the owner of the house. If you cannot come to an agreement with the brownie, take a broom and say: “I’m sweeping you out, you alien, harmful brownie, I’m kicking you out.”- mark the floors, looking into every corner with a broom. And so every day, except Friday, all week. I want to warn you that it is worth trying all methods of influencing your brownie.

And scold, and scold, and caress, and only if nothing comes of it, and he is really very angry, then kick him out, but remember, life is bad without a brownie. Calm, friendly, positive owners in their houses have equally calm and positive brownies, but a kind brownie, unlike an angry one, is more difficult to track, since it does not manifest itself so clearly.

According to common belief, the brownie lives behind the stove, and if the owner has horses and a stable, then he is placed near the horses. In urban environments, they live under the stove, in the oven, under the bathtub, on the mezzanine or in the closet.

Good brownie

Usually it quietly dozes somewhere under the ceiling in the form of a clot of energy, coming to the aid of its owners at the right moments. In houses with such brownies, things are rarely lost, people quarrel less often, money is better stored, providing the owners with material wealth, pets do not get sick. It is almost impossible to see a good brownie, unless you are endowed with a special gift that allows you to see the energy of everything around you, but his presence is felt in a feeling of care and patronage.

However, pets and small children can see the brownie: for example, he sometimes even plays with the child and answers his questions.

Do not try to communicate with the brownie, to get a good look at him, this may be unsafe for your psyche. All magical creatures They don’t really like people to intrude into their lives, and brownies are no exception. To get rid of your too intrusive attention, brownies can influence your psyche, so much so that you lose sleep and appetite, the entire rhythm of life is disrupted, and serious mental and health problems may begin.

And if this doesn’t stop you, and you continue to impose your communication on the brownie, then he may turn into an angry poltergeist

Evil brownie, boogeyman or poltergeist

Rye O'Neill has gray hair, red eyes, a stooped figure and the gaunt face of a tired man. He is 42, but looks like he is sixty. He is a man who won a long and cruel struggle with the mysterious, vile and ruthless otherworldly force. However, that victory did not bring him satisfaction, since it is impossible to return the lives of his children. For five years now he has been unable to sleep indoors and usually sleeps in his limousine.

Ry O'Neill is the author of "A Brownie Killed My Children," which spent three weeks at number one on America's top ten bestsellers list. This is a completely documentary book about a mysterious and almost unexplored phenomenon - poltergeists and the only evidence of perhaps its most dangerous and cruel form, which in the USA is mistakenly called "brownie". The nature of the poltergeist modern science unknown. However, Roy O'Neill described it in detail and gave recommendations, based on personal experience, on how to resist this scourge.

He himself is a migrant from Northern Ireland, worked in the USA as a casino security guard and considered himself a tough guy. He was reckless and did not fear God or the devil.

At the age of 26, he got married and dreamed of having an ordinary family, where there would be many children and the mother would not work, but would do housework. His earnings allowed them to live quite comfortably, better than most Irish in the United States. His troubles began when his family moved to a new house.

At the time, his eldest son was four years old, his daughter two and a half, and his wife was pregnant with their third child. Rai worked at night and came home only in the morning. One day his wife told him that the children did not sleep that night, cried for a long time in their room, asked to turn on the light, and she was forced to take them to her bed. Rai was terribly infuriated by this and demanded that his wife never do this again, since otherwise the children would continue to be afraid of the dark. Then he sternly reprimanded his son and told him never to cry, otherwise he would not become a real man.

“But, dad, there’s a brownie living in our closet.” I saw him. He gets out of there as soon as mom turns off the light. And I'm afraid of him.

Rai hit his son and forbade him to talk about such nonsense. However, the next night everything happened again. This time the children did not wait for their mother to pick them up, but ran to her room themselves. Enraged, in front of the children, Rai pulled out all the things from the closet, showing that there was nowhere for the brownie to hide, and then hung a large padlock on the closet.

The next night, the wife called her husband at work, saying that the children had run into her room again, but she herself was afraid to turn off the light and it seemed to her that something was really wrong in the nursery. She asked Rai to come home, and after he refused, she called a neighbor who spent the night at their house.

Having learned about this, Rai himself was quite embarrassed that the lock on the cabinet was not latched, although he clearly remembered that he had closed it. After that incident, he was forced to allow his wife to take the children into his room at night. So they calmed down. Five months have passed. Leaving for the maternity hospital, as if anticipating something, the wife said goodbye to the children for an unusually long time. At her request, Paradise hired a young woman, also an Irish nurse, for the children.

She again began to put the children to sleep in the nursery. Three nights went well. On the fourth day, the nurse woke up from a terrible scream from the nursery. Grabbing the poker, she rushed there, but turning on the light, she did not see anything suspicious. The children, trembling with fear, confusedly explained that there was some noise in the closet. The nurse was a brave woman and did not believe in any evil spirits.

She opened the closet and, finding a mouse there, tried to kill it with a poker, but the mouse turned out to be unusually agile and escaped. The next day the nurse brought a charming fluffy cat. The children really liked him. Rai, having learned about the night's incident, also approved of this idea.

Meanwhile, Raya's wife was about to give birth. Rai was torn between work and home, so he hardly saw his children these days. One day in the morning, a nurse called the casino and, through bouts of sobbing, reported that both children were dead. He rushed home. His children were lying next to each other in the same bed. There was no blood on their bodies, their muscles were not convulsed. But animal fear forever froze in his eyes.

Lying under the bed dead cat. The hysterical nurse was not on duty that night, so she could not tell anything. Police doctors confirmed that the children had died from a heart attack as a result of fright. No investigation was opened in this case. Rai did not tell the police about the brownie.

A few days later, the wife gave birth to a son. When the child was six days old, she was informed of the death of her two older children. The woman has gone crazy. Rai brought his son to his house and hired a nurse and wet nurse. He blocked the door to the children's room. Now he had clear motives for this.

One day, the nurse asked Paradise to give her time off after the baby had been put to bed. The nurse only came at night when Rai was working at the casino. During the daytime, Paradise himself watched the child. He went out into the yard for a while. Returning to the room, I immediately noticed that the door to the nursery was open. He instinctively turned his gaze to the baby's cradle and saw an incomprehensible dark creature hugging the child.

At the same moment, it slid down like a snake and rushed towards the nursery like an arrow. Ray rushed to the child and, touching him, felt with horror that the body was already cold. Maddened with anger, he rushed into the nursery, but only managed to see the door of the closet slam shut, from behind the doors of which an unnatural light was pouring and instead of the usual shelves, some kind of ladder was visible in the closet. Rai opened the door, intending to desperately give chase, but his hands stumbled upon ordinary shelves. Doctors again determined that his son died of a heart attack.

This is, of course, a rare case and most often brownies do not show aggression towards humans, but are simply playing pranks.

Why do socks get lost?

A sign from the brownie can be the constant disappearance of socks. This mainly concerns the man who leads double life or he puts all the housework on his wife, while completely avoiding it himself. This sign may also be a protest against something that has not been done for a long time general cleaning, since the brownie does not like disorder. Clean the house and then perhaps your socks will match. That is, if the brownie begins to “mischief,” it means that something is wrong in the family.

How to communicate with Domovoy

Previously, people believed that if you spoke to a brownie, you could either go numb or become a stutterer. Therefore, it is recommended to simply listen to what Domovoy warns about. If the dishes rattle, a fire may occur. If he pours water on him, then he will get sick, and if he cries and groans, then he will be on fire. Well, if he starts howling and slamming doors, it means death. If there is only the appearance of prosperity in a family, but in reality the husband and wife do not get along, then knives often disappear in such a house.

It is necessary to determine for the Brownie a place where he would sleep and hide. Although, usually, the brownie finds and arranges such a place for himself, but sometimes he directly shows that he likes it here - be lenient. The brownie is a thinking creature. Moreover, he easily reads your thoughts. First you need to know that you can talk to Domovoy both mentally and out loud. If your family perceives this normally, then it is possible in the presence of family members.

Of course, the brownie has a name, but since you don’t know it, you can contact him “Grandfather”, “Grandfather-housewife”, “Master-father”, “Brownie-father”, “Sir-brownie”, “Neighbor”" When talking about a brownie in the third person, respectfully call him “he”, “himself” - your brownie will appreciate the respectful attitude. Ask him to help with something, promise him something tasty or toys. Usually the Brownie speaks to you in his own language, which is not always easy to understand. You can ask him “Brownie, brownie, we don’t wish you harm, explain what you want" The answer can be felt with the palm of your hand: heat means yes, cold means no.

What does the brownie like to play with?

Old beads, jewelry, shiny buttons, old coins. Put all this in a beautiful box without a lid and tell the Brownie that this is a gift for him, and put it in a secret place. No one should touch the box or its contents. The box can be sewn from postcards, glued together, or taken ready-made and decorated with all sorts of shiny pieces of paper and rain.

Give the Brownie some money. Usually this is five kopecks in one coin. It is placed in a hard-to-reach place in the house, often left between cracks in the floor. At this time they say: “Grandfather brownie! Here's some money for boots and sunflower seeds. I give it from my heart, I give it to you!”

If Brownie gets spoiled, then you should scold him: “Such a grown-up grandfather is where you play pranks. Ay-yay-yay!” He will feel ashamed and will try to make amends.

The best way to communicate with Domovoy is to treat him with something tasty. The brownie will certainly appreciate your concern, and will try to thank you sooner or later.

All esoteric literature recommends pouring milk into a clean saucer and placing the treat in a secluded, warm corner. You can also add some sweets and cookies to the milk. Sometimes you need to pamper your Brownie with porridge - for example, on the first day of every month.

It is better to place goodies under the battery. If there are dogs, cats or other animals in the house, then place it on the refrigerator or in a corner so that the Brownie is comfortable, and away from human eyes, and so that the animals do not get it. When placing treats, you should say: “This is for you, Grandfather-housewife.” Then there will be more happiness in the house, and peace between household members.
On major holidays (on Maundy Thursday, Easter, Christmas) in good families After the festive dinner, they always left some treats for the brownie on the table.

Even the name day of the Domovoi “housewife” was celebrated, they were celebrated on February 10, on Efrim the Sirin. On this day it was necessary to leave a gift for the “owner” on the table. Usually it's bread and porridge. At the same time they said: “Master-father, take care of the household”, “Master-father, take bread and salt, plenty of water.” After the festive dinner, the “neighbor” was humble and helpful all year. If this is not done, then the Brownie could turn from a good creature into an evil and harmful one, and after that all things in the household would go awry.

All the food that was given to the brownie is then given to domestic animals or any animals on the street, birds. The porridge is removed the next day, and the sweets are kept until the next first day.

Also, on family holidays, do not forget to give the Brownie a glass of wine (do not offer vodka) and something tasty. At the same time, say: “Master-father, sir brownie, love me and perhaps accept my treat.”

Everyone clinks glasses with a glass of Domovoi. On the ninth of June, Fyodor's day, the brownie settles down to sleep on a broom, and by chance it can be taken out of the house along with the garbage. Therefore, on this day, peasants in Rus' did not sweep the floors at all, so that prosperity and comfort would not leave the house along with the brownie.

Who is the brownie at enmity with?

Brownies have enemies, these are directly spirits from lower astral. Namely, these are the souls of suicides who were not inveterate according to all Christian customs, which neither heaven nor earth accepts. But since they also need to be somewhere, they try to push the good brownie out of the house. Spirits from the lower astral plane settle only in problematic families. Therefore, when a scandal is brewing, think carefully before it can be fraught.

How to check if there is a brownie in your house

In this simple way - by leaving treats for the Brownie - you can check whether he is even in your house, using the pendulum technique the next morning.

You hang any object on a long thread - a ring, a large bead, any object that seems most suitable to you. The pendulum answers questions by swinging in different directions, yes or no. When leaving an offering for the brownie at night, check the energy of the milk in the morning.

Yes, milk will at first glance be untouched if cats do not latch it, because brownies are energetic entities, and they feed, accordingly, on energy. Your pendulum will not be able to answer the question whether milk is good or bad; it will simply stand still, without swinging, because all the energy from the milk will go away. This means you have a brownie, and he accepted your offering.

You can also check the presence of a brownie this way: in apartments, it is quite possible that the brownie’s favorite place to live is the bathroom, namely washing machine. If you place a mirror on a stand on it, then most likely during the day this mirror will be knocked over.

How not to offend a brownie

The common people respect the brownie, so the peasant is afraid to offend him in any way and is even careful not to say his name without purpose. In conversations they do not call him a brownie, but “grandfather, master, big man, or himself.” It is believed that he does not like mirrors, also goats, as well as those who sleep near or under the threshold.

They say that Brownie does not like lazy people. You cannot whistle in the house, since the Brownie cannot tolerate whistling, he can leave the house, sometimes immediately and forever. Brownies also really don’t like tobacco smoke, so it’s better to never smoke in your home, as this smoke settles on household utensils and furniture and does not disappear. According to legends, you cannot leave piercing and cutting objects on the table (forks, knives, etc.), as well as salt, pepper, garlic, onions, at night, because this prevents the brownie from protecting the house and resisting evil forces.

In addition, the Brownie does not tolerate dirty kitchen appliances and dishes standing in the kitchen for a long time, and when the owner is far from the kitchen, you can hear the characteristic knocking and rattling of dishes. The anger of the brownie can be pacified by placing a few coins on the hallway cabinet or on the roof of the bookcase in the hall. Don’t forget to greet and say goodbye to Domovoy, calling him respectfully “Master.” Sometimes the Brownie may reveal his name to you - this is a very positive sign.