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Church holidays

Church calendar for August 2019: Orthodox holidays


August 1

Venerable Macrina, sister of St. Basil the Great (380)

Venerable Dius (c. 430)

Finding the relics of St. Seraphim, the Wonderworker of Sarov (1903)

Cathedral of Kursk Saints

Blessed Prince Roman (Olegovich) of Ryazan (1270)

Venerable Paisius of Pechersk, in the Far Caves (XIV)

Blessed Stephen (1427) and his mother Militsa (1405), Serbian

Signs of the day, August 1:

  • Macrida is wet - and autumn is wet, Macrida is dry - and autumn too.

On Makrinin Day you cannot:

  • Put kvass, ferment cabbage and cucumbers.
  • Slaughter cattle, poultry and generally shed blood so that it does not pass on to your children and grandchildren.
  • Sell ​​horse meat, otherwise the rest of the horses on the farm will get sick.

August 2

Prophet Elijah (IX century BC)

The formidable pagan god Perun turned into Christian Rus' into Elijah the Prophet, a saint who controls thunder and lightning. The people represented Elijah as the bearer of water in heaven. A menacing white-bearded old man rushed along in his fiery chariot drawn by four horses and sometimes splashed water.

St. Avramius of Galich, Chukhloma (1375)

Discovery of the relics of the Venerable Martyr Athanasius of Brest (1649)

Hieromartyr Konstantin Slovtsov (1918)

Hieromartyrs Alexander Arkhangelsky, Georgy Nikitin, John Steblin-Kamensky, Sergius Gortynsky and Theodore Yakovlev presbyters, Reverend Martyrs Tikhon Krechkov, Georgy Pozharov, Kosma Vyaznikov and Martyrs Evfimy Grebenshchikov and Peter Vyaznikov (1930)

Hieromartyr Alexy Znamensky presbyter (1938)

Venerable Martyr Theodore Abrosimov (1941)

Chukhloma, or Galich (1350), Abalatskaya (“Sign”) (1637) and Orsha (1631) icons of the Mother of God

Customs and signs on Ilyin’s Day, August 2:

  • Before Ilya, the man bathes, and from Ilya he says goodbye to the river.
  • If it rains with thunder on Ilya, he will have a headache.
  • Dull thunder means peace, loud thunder means quarrel.
  • Long and continuous thunder means heaviness in the chest.
  • Thunder rumbles loudly, but not sharply - to bad weather.
  • Thunder rumbles abruptly - a short rain.
  • Anyone who gets caught in the rain on Elijah’s day will be healthy all year.

On Ilya’s day you cannot:

  • Throw haystacks, haul hay, rake manure, clean outhouses, send matchmakers (they will swear loudly).
  • You can’t wash or get a haircut after sunset, otherwise you’ll wash away all your health.
  • On Elijah’s day they don’t work in the fields, otherwise a thunderstorm will kill you.
  • Whoever counts the hay on Ilya will lose all his goods.

Fast day

August 3

Prophet Ezekiel (VI century BC)

The holy prophet was endowed with the gift of miracles. Because of his prayer, the waters of the Chebar River parted, and the Jews were saved from the persecution of the Chaldeans. During a famine, the prophet begged God to send food to the suffering. Two visions of the prophet are especially important: the vision of the future temple of the Lord, symbolizing the establishment Christian Church through the feat of the Son of God, and the vision of dry bones on the field - a prototype of the general resurrection from the dead.

Venerable Simeon, Christ for the Fool's sake, and John, his companion (c. 590)

Venerable Onuphrius the Silent and Onesimus the Recluse, Pechersk, in the Near Caves (XII-XIII)

Hieromartyr Peter Golubev presbyter (1938)

Discovery of the relics of St. Roman the Bear, presbyter (1999)

Signs of the day, August 3:

  • The thunder is continuous - there will be hail.
  • Good weather will continue if ground fog forms in low areas in the evening and at night, dissipating after sunrise.

August 4

Myrrh-Bearers Mary Equal to the Apostles Magdalene (I)

Saint Mary Magdalene was the first person to see the risen Christ. Since childhood, Mary Magdalene suffered from demons, but the Son of God cast out demons from her, and she faithfully followed him along with other cured wives.

She did not leave the Lord after his captivity, when doubts began to arise in the hearts of His most devoted disciples. She stood at the Cross along with the Most Holy Theotokos and the Apostle John. She accompanied the body of Christ to the burial place. Having resurrected, Christ sent Mary Magdalene with joyful news to His disciples.

After the Ascension, Saint Mary Magdalene set out to wander and carry God's will to the pagans. Having visited Rome, she presented the cruel Emperor Tiberius with a red egg with the words: “Christ is Risen.” This is where the Easter custom of painting eggs came from. (The egg is a symbol of life, expressing faith in the future Resurrection.)

Transfer of the relics of the Holy Martyr Phocas (403-404)

Venerable Cornelius of Pereyaslavl (1693)

Hieromartyr Mikhail Nakaryakov presbyter (1918)

Hieromartyr Alexy Ilinsky presbyter (1931)

Customs and signs of the day, August 4:

  • The dew that fell on August 4 was considered bad. It was forbidden to walk barefoot in such dew, so the peasants tried not to go out into the fields on Mary Magdalene, otherwise they could get very sick.
  • On this day it was forbidden to work in the field. They believed that Saint Mary Magdalene could be “beaten with thunder” as punishment for disrespect for her feast day.

August 5

Pochaev Icon Mother of God (1675)

Martyrs Trophimus, Theophilus and with them the 13 martyrs (284-305) - Trophimus Day

The holy martyrs were thrown into the fire, but remained unharmed. Then the torturers beheaded them.

Righteous warrior Feodor Ushakov (glorification 2001)

Hieromartyr Apollinaris, Bishop of Ravenna (c. 75)

Hieromartyr Michael of the Trinity Presbyter and Martyr Andrei Argunov (1938)

Icon of the Mother of God called “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (with pennies) (1888)

Signs of the day, August 5:

  • The appearance of fog in the evening, which spreads along the ground, portends good weather.
  • The stars twinkle brightly at dawn - the rains will begin in a couple of days.
  • The owl screams - to the cold.
  • The morning dawn will soon fade - there will be a strong wind.

August 6

Martyr of Christ (c. 300)

Martyrs of the blessed princes Boris and Gleb, in Holy Baptism of Roman and David (1015)

The first Russian saints canonized by both the Russian and Constantinople Orthodox Churches. They were the youngest sons of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir.

After the death of Vladimir, the throne in Kyiv was taken by his eldest son Svyatopolk. The treacherous prince was afraid that he might be overthrown by Boris, on whose side were the people and the squad. Then he decided to send assassins to him. Boris was informed of the impending conspiracy, but he decided not to hide and take revenge on his brother, but to face his fate. The killers overtook him while Boris was praying.

After this, Svyatopolk also killed his second brother, Gleb. In Rus', Saints Boris and Gleb were considered the patrons of the family, so they were approached with requests to reconcile warring relatives.

Venerable Polycarp, Archimandrite of Pechersk (1182)

Discovery of the relics of St. Dalmatian of Iset (1994)

Hieromartyr Alpheus of Korban deacon (1937)

Saints Nicholas of Pongilsky (1942) and John Kalinin (1951) executor, presbyters

Signs of the day, August 6:

  • There are often thunderstorms on this day.
  • It started to rain in the morning - the weather was fine in the afternoon.
  • Night dew does not dry out - it means a thunderstorm.

August 7

Dormition righteous Anna, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary

According to legend, Saint Anna died peacefully at the age of 79 in the city of Jerusalem, before the Dormition of the Mother of God.

Holy Wives Olympias the Deaconess (409) and Eupraxia the Virgin of Tavenna (413)

Venerable Macarius of Zheltovodsk, Unzhensk (1444)

Memory V Ecumenical Council (553)

Hieromartyr Nikolai Udintsev presbyter (1918)

Hieromartyr Alexander Sakharov presbyter (1927)

Saint Iraida of the Quiet Spanish (1967)

Signs for Anna, August 7:

  • What is the weather on Anna before lunch, such is winter until December; what is the weather after lunch, what is the weather after December.
  • If there is a cold morning on this day, winter will be early and cold.
  • Light and warm weather foreshadows a cold winter, but if it rains, the winter is snowy and warm.

Fast day

August 8

Hieromartyrs Hermolai, Hermippos and Hermocrates, priests of Nicomedia (c. 305) - Day of Hermolai

Reverend Moses Ugrin, Pechersky, in the Near Caves (c. 1043)

Venerable Martyr Paraskeva (138-161) - Day of Paraxeva the Virgin

Hieromartyr Sergius Strelnikov presbyter (1937)

Signs of the day:

  • In the morning there is cold dew, and in the afternoon the skies thunder.
  • It is believed that healing dew falls on this day. In the morning, such dew will nourish the leaves and flowers and wash away the dust. And at noon you can go to the field, perform rituals and collect medicinal herbs.

August 9

Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon (305) - Panteleimon's Day

Panteleimon mastered the art of healing. The saint was introduced to Emperor Maximian, and he wished to see him as his doctor. Gradually Panteleimon began to turn to the Christian faith. One day the saint saw a child bitten by a snake. The healer prayed to God. At that same second, the child opened his eyes, and the snake scattered into pieces.

Following the denunciation of one of the envious people, Panteleimon was captured. The saint was brought to the circus and thrown into the arena among the lions. But the animals began to lick the healer’s feet. Then it was decided to behead Panteleimon. The executioners tied the saint to an olive tree. The healer began to pray, one of the tormentors hit him with a sword, but the steel turned into wax. Seeing such a miracle, the executioners refused to continue the execution.

Saint Panteleimon asked his tormentors to carry out the order of the emperor. The executioners obeyed with tears. As soon as the saint’s head flew off his shoulders, blood mixed with milk spurted out from the wound, and the olive tree blossomed.

Blessed Nikolai Kochanov, Christ for the Fool's Sake, Novgorod - Nikolai Kochanov Day. The healers went to the meadows, collected herbs and prayed to Saint Panteleimon, asking for help in their difficult work. They picked medicinal herbs, thinking about loved ones and wishing for health. Those born on this day became good doctor. People turn to Saint Panteleimon when treating diseases of the thyroid gland.

Venerable Herman of Alaska (1837)

Blessed Nikolai Kochanov, Christ for the Fool's Sake, Novgorod (1392)

Saint Joasaph, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia (1555)

Venerable Anfisa, abbess, and her 90 sisters (VIII)

Equal App. Clement, Bishop of Ohrid (916), Naum, Sava, Gorazd and Angelar (Bulgarian)

Hieromartyrs Ambrose, Bishop of Sarapul, Platon of the Mountains and Panteleimon of the Epiphany presbyters (1918)

Hieromartyr John Solovyov presbyter (1941)

Fast day

August 10

Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, called “Hodegetria” (Guide) (brought from Constantinople in 1046)

According to legend, this icon was painted by the Evangelist Luke during the life of the Mother of God. In 1046, the Greek Emperor Constantine IX Monomakh blessed his daughter in this way, who was leaving for Rus' to become the wife of Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavovich.

Apostles from 70 Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon and Parmen deacons (I) - Day of Prochorus and Parmen

On August 10, it is not customary to change anything or borrow anything. “Don’t barter for Prokhor and Parmena,” people said, and they knew that the thing exchanged that day would definitely break.

Saint Pitirim, Bishop of Tambov (1698)

Cathedral of Tambov Saints

Venerable Moses, miracle worker of Pechersk, in the Far Caves (XIII-XIV)

Martyrs Julian (II), Eustathius (c. 316) and Acacius (c. 321)

Venerable Paul of Xiropotamia (820)

Hieromartyr Nikolai Ponomarev deacon (1918)

Venerable Martyr Vasily Erekaev, Venerable Martyrs Anastasia Kamaeva and Elena Astashkina, Martyrs Arefa Eremkin, John Lomakin, John Selmanov, John Mileshkin and Martyr Mavra Moses (1937)

Grebnevskaya (1380), Kostroma (1672) and “Tenderness” Seraphim-Diveevskaya (1885) icons of the Mother of God. Revered lists from the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God: Ustyuzhenskaya (1290), Vydropusskaya (XV), Voroninskaya (1524), Khristoforovskaya (XVI), Supraslskaya (XVI), Yugskaya (1615), Igritskaya (1624), Shuiskaya (1654-1655), Sedmiezernaya (XVII), Sergievskaya (in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra) (1730)

August 11

Martyr Callinicus (III-IV)

Venerable Constantine and Cosmas of Kosinsky, Old Russian (XIII)

Martyr Seraphim the Virgin (117-138)

Martyr Theodotia and her three children (304)

Venerable Martyr Michael (IX)

Martyr Eustathius of Mtskheta (589) (Georgian)

Venerable Martyrs Seraphim the Theologian and Theognost Pivovarov (1921)

Venerable Martyr Anatoly Smirnov (after 1930)

Hieromartyr Alexy Krasnovsky presbyter and Holy Martyr Pachomius Rusin (1938)

Signs of the day, August 11:

  • If it hardens, i.e. As it gets colder, matinees will be cold at the beginning of September.
  • If there are a lot of berries and nuts, but few mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
  • If there are no cold matinees on Kalinov day, then Luppa (September 5) will not freeze.

August 12

Apostles from the 70 Powers, Silouan, Criscentus, Epenetus and Andronikos (I) - Day of Power

It was believed that Saint Silas also invests power in medicinal herbs and roots. Burdock was especially valued by peasants. Its leaves healed many diseases, and its thorns, placed underground on potatoes, repelled mice and rats.

On this day, burdock leaves are collected, three from each bush, no more. Dried on the stove, they save you from aching bones and knees. They must be applied three times for three Spas.

Martyr John the Warrior (IV)

Saint John the Warrior is considered the comforter of all the offended and mourning. They pray to him, asking for help in “life circumstances.” It is believed that thieves are afraid of this saint, so if someone robs you, you should contact John the Warrior. They pray to the same saint for protection “from all those who hate and offend, from all enemies, visible and invisible.”

Venerable Anatoly of Optina, the Younger (1922)

Discovery of the relics of St. Herman of Solovetsky (1484)

Martyrs Polychronius, Bishop of Babylon, Parmenius, Elymas and Chrysotelus the presbyters, Luke and Muko the deacons, Abdon and Sennis, princes of Persia, and the Martyrs Olympius and Maximus (c. 251)

Hieromartyr Valentine (Walentinus) bishop and three disciples of his martyrs Proculus, Ephibus and Apollonius and righteous Abundius (c. 273)

Cathedral of Samara Saints

Hieromartyr John Plotnikov deacon (1918)

Signs of Silin's day, August 11:

  • If there are a lot of rowan berries, the autumn will be rainy and the winter will be harsh.
  • If the rowan berries are red, next summer will be rainy.
  • Wind gusts - to calm weather.
  • Frequent thunderstorms in August mean a long autumn.

August 13

Righteous Eudokim the Cappadocian (IX)

Martyr Julitta (304-305)

Venerable Martyr Dionysius of Vatopedi (1822)

Hieromartyr Veniamin, Metropolitan of Petrograd, and with him the Venerable Martyr Sergius Shein and Martyrs Yuri Novitsky and John Kovsharov (1922)

Martyr Maxim Rumyantsev (1928)

Hieromartyr Vladimir Kholodkovsky presbyter (1937)

Presbyter John Rumyantsev, Saint Konstantin Razumov, presbyter, martyr Anna Serova and Saint Elizabeth Rumyantseva. (after 1937)

Prayer for the Assumption Fast

Signs of the day, August 13:

  • If the fog quickly dissipates into the rays rising sun- good weather will remain for a long time.
  • If the web has flown, the sunny weather will last for a long time.
  • If there is a steamy (thick, white) fog over the forest, go pick some mushrooms.

August 14

Origin (wear) Honest Trees Life-giving Cross God's

Feast of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos (1164)

The celebration was established on the occasion of the signs from the icons of the Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos during the battle of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky with the Volga Bulgars in 1164 - the First Savior, the Honey Savior.

The first Savior was called wet, because on this day they went to lakes and rivers to bless water. First Spas are everywhere religious processions to the water. After the blessing of water, the peasants bathed in the river for the last time.

On August 14, new honey was brought to the church for consecration, hence the name of the Savior - Honey. “The first hundred is for orphans, widows, and the sick.” Only from this day onwards it is allowed to eat honey.

The Seven Maccabean Martyrs: Abim, Antoninus, Gurias, Eleazar, Eusebo, Alim and Marcellus, their mother Solomonia and their teacher Eleazar (166 BC)

Finding the relics of St. Sophia of Suzdal (1995)

Martyrs in Perga Pamphylia: Leontius, Attia, Alexandra, Cyndaeus, Minsitheus, Cyriacus, Mineon, Catunus and Eucleaus (III)

Hieromartyr Demetrius of Pavsk Presbyter (1937)

Beginning of the Dormition Fast

The Assumption Fast is established in memory of the Dormition of the Mother of God and lasts two weeks - until August 28. In its severity, it is similar to Lent: it is forbidden to consume all products of animal origin, including fish. On Wednesday and Friday they don’t even eat vegetable oil. But a true faster is considered to be one who has gotten rid of evil in his soul.

August 15

Transfer of the relics of the first martyr Archdeacon Stephen from Jerusalem to Constantinople (c. 428) and the discovery of the relics of the righteous Nicodemus, Gamaliel and his son Aviv

Blessed Basil, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, Moscow wonderworker (1557)

Saint Basil was born on the porch of the Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhov, where his mother came for a prayer service. Over time, the youth Vasily was apprenticed to a shoemaker. One day he predicted imminent death to the merchant who ordered boots from the workshop. At the age of sixteen, the saint took the path of foolishness. In any weather, he walked around Moscow naked and barefoot. In 1547 he predicted great fire in Moscow.

Blessed Basil of Spaso-Kubensky (XV)

Hieromartyr Stephen, Pope of Rome, and others like him (257)

Venerable Martyr Platon Kolegov (1937)

Achair Icon of the Mother of God (XXI)

Signs for Stepan, August 15:

  • As is Stepanov's day, so is September.
  • If it’s dry on Stepan, it will be dry for six weeks, and if it rains, it will be dry for six weeks.

Dormition post

August 16

St. Isaac, Dalmatus and Favst (IV-V) - Isaac's Day

People called Isakiy the raspberry bear, believing that on this day the best raspberries ripened.

St. Anthony the Roman, Novgorod Wonderworker (1147) - Day of Anton Vikhrovey

The people called Anthony the whirlwind, remembering the saint’s wonderful journey from Rome to Novgorod. According to legend, the huge stone on which the saint lived was carried out to sea. On the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the stone stopped not far from Novgorod on the banks of the Volkhov River near the village of Volkhovskoye. In addition, at this time in Rus' there were often strong winds, which foreshadowed a snowy winter.

Martyr of the Persian (457) (Georgian)

Venerable Cosmas the Hermit (VI)

Hieromartyr Vyacheslav Lukanin deacon (1918)

Hieromartyr Nikolai Pomerantsev presbyter (1938)

Dormition post

August 17

The Seven Youths of Ephesus: Maximilian, Jamblichus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Exacustodian (Constantine) and Antonina (c. 250)

Seven youths bring seven rains.

Finding the relics righteous Alexy Bortsurmansky (2000)

Venerable Martyr Evdokia (362-364) - Day of Avdotya Malinukha

Martyr Eleutherius (IV)

Reverend Martyr Mikhail Zhuk, martyrs Simeon Vorobyov and Dimitry Vorobyov (1937)

Penza-Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (1717)

Signs of the day, August 17:

  • As is Avdotya, so is November.
  • If there is a thunderstorm on Avdotya, there will be hay for your eyes.
  • If there is heavy dew on Avdotya, the flax will be sulfur and braids.

Dormition post

August 18

Forefeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Martyr Eusignius (362) - Day of Eusignius Zhitnik

Venerable Job of Ushchelsky (1628)

Hieromartyrs Anthira (236) and Favius ​​(250), popes of Rome

Martyr Pontius the Roman (c. 257)

Martyrs Cantidius, Cantidiana and Sivela, in Egypt

Righteous Nonna, mother of St. Gregory the Theologian (374)

Hieromartyr Stefan Khitrov presbyter (1918)

Martyrs Evdokia Sheikova, Daria Ulybina, Daria Timagina and Maria Unknown (1919)

Hieromartyr Simon, Bishop of Ufa (1921)

Hieromartyr John Smirnov deacon (1939)

Sign of the day, August 18:

  • As is Evstigney, so is December.

Dormition post

August 19

Transfiguration of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ - Second Savior, Apple Savior, autumn, Transfiguration

According to legend, Christ ascended Mount Tabor, accompanied by the apostles Peter, James and John. Suddenly his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became whiter than snow. The holy prophets Moses and Elijah appeared before Christ. Then a bright cloud descended on the Lord, hiding him from the sight of the apostles, and a voice was heard from heaven proclaiming that He was the Son of God.

Fish is allowed at meals.

In the old days, it was customary to distribute vegetables and fruits to the poor, children and old people on this day. This custom was strictly observed. If someone was greedy, then such a person was considered unworthy.

Signs for the Transfiguration (of the Savior), August 19:

  • As is the Second Savior, so is January.
  • Second Savior - take mittens in reserve, summer has left us.
  • What is the day on the Second Savior - such is the Intercession (October 14).
  • A dry day foretells a dry autumn, a wet day foretells a wet one, and a clear day foretells a harsh one.
  • Since the Transfiguration of the Savior, the weather has changed.
  • After the Second Savior - hay rain.

Dormition post

August 20

After-feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Venerable Martyr Dometius the Persian and his two disciples (363)

Discovery of the relics of St. Mitrofan, Bishop of Voronezh (1832)

Venerable Anthony of Optina (1865)

Venerable Pimen the Much-Sick, Pechersk, in the Near Caves (1110)

Venerable Pimen, faster of Pechersk, in the Far Caves (XIII-XIV)

Venerable Mercury of Pechersk, Bishop of Smolensk, in the Near Caves (1239)

Martyrs Marina and Asteria (260)

Venerable Horus (c. 390)

Venerable Martyr Potamia the Wonderworker

Venerable Theodosius the New (IX-X)

Saint Hierotheus of Hungary (X)

Saint Stephen I, King of Hungary (1038)

Hieromartyrs Alexander Khotovitsky, Peter Tokarev, Mikhail Plyshevsky, John Voronets, Dimitry Milovidov and Alexy Vorobyov presbyters, Elisha Shtolder deacon and Reverend Martyr Afanasy Egorov (1937)

Hieromartyr Basil of Amenitsky presbyter (1938)

Signs of the day, August 20:

  • If storks are preparing to fly away, autumn will be cold.
  • Red dawn at sunrise means rain.
  • Red clouds before sunrise mean wind, clouds mean rain.

Dormition post

August 21

Saint Emilian of Spain, Bishop of Cyzicus (815-820)

St. Gregory, icon painter of Pechersk, in the Near Caves (XII)

Transfer of the relics of St. Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky (1566)

Second transfer of the relics of St. Zosima, Savvaty and Herman of Solovetsky (1992)

Saint Myron the Wonderworker, Bishop of Crete (c. 350) - Day of Myron the Carminative

Martyrs Eleutherius and Leonidas

Venerable Gregory of Sinaite (XIV)

Venerable Martyr Joseph Baranov (1918)

Hieromartyr Nikolai Shumkov presbyter (1937)

Hieromartyr Nicodemus, Archbishop of Kostroma (1938)

Tolga Icon of the Mother of God (1314)

Signs of the day, August 21:

  • As is Miron, so is January.
  • Intense heat or heavy rains - throughout the fall.
  • At noon they look at the water in rivers and lakes: if it is quiet, autumn will be quiet, and winter will be without blizzards and angry snowstorms.
  • The river will rustle, the frog will scream - it will rain soon.
  • An abundance of berries foreshadows a cold winter.
  • Rowan is formidable (many bright red berries) - winter is frosty.

Dormition post

August 22

Apostle Matthias (c. 63)

Matthew was one of the 70 disciples of Christ chosen by the Lord himself. After the Ascension of the Savior, the Apostle Matthew was chosen by lot to be one of the twelve apostles instead of Judas Iscariot. According to church tradition, Matthew could heal the sick and cast out demons.

Cathedral of Solovetsky Saints

Martyr Anthony of Alexandria

Venerable Dog of Egypt (IV)

Martyrs Julian, Marcian, John, James, Alexius, Demetrius, Photius, Peter, Leontius, Maria Patricia and others (730)

Venerable Martyr Margarita Gunaronulo (1918)

Signs of Matthew's Day, August 22:

  • Summer rain and autumn rain begin to argue.
  • South wind with whirlwinds - for a snowy winter.
  • Steep whirlwinds - for a cool winter.
  • Ripe oats are ringing - the nuts are ripe.

On Matvey you cannot:

  • Wear metal jewelry.
  • Drink herbal medicines, as they emit poison and can cause considerable harm to health.
  • Look at the moon, no matter what position it is in.
  • Otherwise, you will have a headache for a long time.
  • Whoever rubs one palm against the other today will deprive himself of profit for a while.
  • If you have to travel on public transport, try not to sit next to people who are missing limbs.

Dormition post

August 23

Martyrs Archdeacon Lawrence, Pope Sixtus, Deacons Felixsimus and Agapitus, Romanos, Romans (258)

Saint Lawrence had the gift of healing. According to legend, he more than once restored sight to people who were blind from birth. Therefore, they pray to him, asking him to heal eye diseases or restore vision.

Blessed Lawrence, Christ for the Fool's Sake, Kaluga (1515)

Second discovery and transfer of relics Venerable Savva Storozhevsky, Zvenigorodsky (1998)

Hieromartyr Vyacheslav Zakedsky presbyter (1918); Hieromartyr Afanasy Kislov presbyter (1937)

Signs and customs on Lawrence, August 23:

  • The dew falling on Lawrence was considered healing.
  • This day saves from eye diseases.

Dormition post

August 24

Martyr Archdeacon Euplaus (304)

Venerable Martyrs Theodore and Vasily of Pechersk, in the Near Caves (1098)

Saint Theodore distributed his property to the poor and retired to a monastery, where he settled with Saint Basil. For many years he led a righteous life, but then he began to regret the lost wealth.

One day the demon took the form of Basil and appeared to Saint Theodore, indicating the place where the robbers had buried treasures. Theodore was about to leave the monastery, but Saint Basil returned, and the demonic deception was exposed. Therefore, in Rus' they prayed to Saint Basil, asking to be delivered from the sin of love of money.

Venerable Theodore, Prince of Ostrog, Pechersk, in the Far Caves (c. 1483)

Martyrs Sosanna the Virgin and with her Gaius, the Pope, Gavinius the Presbyter, Claudius, Maximus, Prepedigna, Alexander and Kufiy (295-296)

Signs of the day, August 24:

  • Smoke without wind hits the ground - towards rain.
  • There are a lot of nuts, but few mushrooms - the winter will be snowy and frosty.
  • This day is very good for love spells.

Dormition post

August 25

Martyrs Photius and Anicetas and many with them (305-306) - Nikitin's day, Phocas (Photius the leader)

Hieromartyr Alexander, Bishop of Comana (III)

Martyrs Pamphilus and Kapito

Reverend Martyrs of Belogorsk: Varlaam Konoplev, Anthony Arapov, Sergius Vershinin, Ilia Popov, Vyacheslav Kozholin, Joasaph Sabantsev, John Novoselov, Vissarion Okulov, Mikhei Podkorytov, Matthew Bannikov, Evfimiy Korotkov, Varnava Nadezhdin, Hermogenes Boyaryshnev, Arkady Noskov, Mia Sharshilova, Markella Shavrina , Ioann Rotnov, Sergius Samatov, Dimitry Sozinov, Savva Kolmogorov, Iakov Startsev, Pyotr Rochev, Iakov Danilov, Alexander Arapov, Feodor Belkin, Alexy Korotkov and Peter (1918); Hieromartyr Vasily Infantiev presbyter (1918); Hieromartyrs Leonid Biryukovich, John Nikolsky and Nikolai Dobroumov presbyters (1937)

Dormition post

August 26

Celebration of the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Repose (662), transfer of relics St. Maximus Confessor. Finding the relics of Blessed Maxim, Christ for the Fool's sake, Moscow (c. 1547)

Repose (1783), second discovery of the relics (1991) of St. Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, Wonderworker of Zadonsk

Martyrs Hippolytus, Irenaeus, Avundius and Martyr Concordia, in Rome (258)

Hieromartyrs John Shishev, Joasaph Panov and Konstantin Popov presbyters (1918)

Hieromartyrs Seraphim, Bishop Dmitrovsky, Nikolai Orlov, Iakov Arkhipov presbyters and Alexy Vvedensky deacon (1937)

Martyr Vasily Alexandrin (1942)

Icons of the Mother of God: Minsk (1500) and called “Seven Shot” (1830) and “Passion” (1641)

Dormition post

August 27

Forefeast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prophet Micah (of the 12 prophets) (8th century BC)

The prophet predicted the birth of the Savior: “And you, Bethlehem, the house of Euphrath, have little food to be among the thousands of Judah; From you will come forth an Elder for Me, to become a Prince in Israel; therefore He has come forth from the beginning from the days of the world.”

Transfer of the relics of St. Theodosius of Pechersk (1091)

Venerable Arkady of Novotorzhsky (XI)

Hieromartyr Marcellus, Bishop of Apamea (c. 389)

Holy Martyr Vasily, Archbishop of Chernigov, and with him Holy Martyr Matthew Pomerantsev and Martyr Alexy Zverev (1918); Hieromartyr Vladimir Tsedrinsky presbyter (1918)

Hieromartyrs Vladimir Smirnov and Nikolai Tolgsky, presbyters, venerable martyr Eleutherius Pechennikov, venerable martyrs Eva Pavlova, abbess, Evdokia Perevoznikova and martyr Theodore Zakharov (1937)

Rev. Alexander Urodov (1961)

Icons of the Mother of God, called “Besednaya” (1383), and Narva (1558)

Folk sign:

  • If there is a calm wind on Micah, it means a clear autumn, if there is a snowstorm, it means a stormy September.

End of the Dormition Fast

August 28

Dormition Holy Lady Our Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary (Assumption, Great Most Pure)

Church tradition says that Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Mother of God and announced Her imminent death. At the appointed time, all the apostles gathered in the house of John the Theologian, where Mary lived after the death of Christ. They were transported from different places to Jerusalem on clouds. In due time, the Mother of God quietly died, and three days later she was resurrected and ascended to heaven.

Icons of Sophia, the Wisdom of God (Novgorod)

Revered icons of the Dormition of the Mother of God: Kiev-Pecherskaya (1073), Ovinovskaya (1425), Pskovo-Pecherskaya (1472), Semigorodnaya (XV) and Pyukhtitsa (XVI)

Icons of the Mother of God: Mozdok (XIII), Atskur (I), Tsilkan (IV), Blachernae (Georgian), Vladimir-Rostov (XII), Gaenat (XIII), Bakhchisarai, Chukhloma (1350), Surdeg (1530) and Tupichevsk (XVII)

Signs for the Assumption:

  • Farewell to the Assumption - welcome autumn.
  • If the young Indian summer is dry, sunny (sunny), expect bad weather in the old one (from September 14).

Fast day

August 29

Afterfeast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image Not Made by Hands (Ubrus) of the Lord Jesus Christ (944)

The city of Edessa was ruled by Emperor Abgar, who was suffering from leprosy. Rumors reached him about miracles performed by the Savior.

The desperate ruler wrote a letter to Christ asking him to come and cure him. With this letter, he sent the court painter Ananias to Palestine, ordering him to paint a portrait of the Savior. Ananias arrived in Jerusalem and saw the Lord surrounded by people. Christ Himself called the painter and, having listened to the emperor’s request, ordered him to bring water and an ubrus (towel). He washed his face and wiped it with a rubbish on which the Divine face was imprinted. Ubrus was moved to Edessa.

Abgar was healed by wiping his face with it. In 630, the Arabs took possession of the city, but they did not interfere with the worship of the Image Not Made by Hands. Finally, in 944, the Icon was purchased by Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus and transferred to Constantinople.

Martyr Diomede Doctor (298)

Martyrs of the 33rd Palestine

Venerable Herimon of Egypt (IV)

Hieromartyr Alexander Sokolov presbyter, Reverend Martyr Anna Yezhova, Martyr Jacob of Gortyn (1937)

Feodorovskaya (1239) and “Triumph of the Blessed Virgin Mary” (Port Arthur) (1904) icons of the Mother of God

Signs for the Third Spas, August 29:

  • If the water is calm on the Third Spas, then autumn will be quiet, and winter will pass without snowstorms.
  • If the cranes fly to the Third Spas, there will be frosts under the Intercession (October 14); if not, then winter will be late.
  • Swallows fly off to three Spas.

August 30

Martyr Myron the Presbyter (250)

Venerable Pimen of Ugresh (1880)

Venerable Alipius, icon painter of Pechersk, in the Near Caves (c. 1114)

The Monk Alypius painted icons for free, and if he found out that the images in some church had become dilapidated, he corrected them free of charge. According to legend, those icons that the saint did not have time to complete were completed by angels. Therefore, many of his icons did not perish in fires.

Martyrs Paul, Juliana and others (c. 273)

Martyrs of Thirsus, Leucius, Coronatus and their squads (249-251)

Martyr Patroclus (270-275)

Martyrs Strato, Philip, Eutychian and Cyprian (c. 303)

Hieromartyr Alexy Velikoselsky presbyter (1918)

Hieromartyr Demetrius Ostroumov presbyter (1937)

Svenskaya (Pechersk) Icon of the Mother of God (1288)

Fast day

August 31

Martyrs Florus and Laurus (II) (Day of Florus and Laurus)

In Rus', the martyrs Florus and Laurus (II) were revered as patrons of livestock, especially horses.

Martyrs Hermas, Serapion and Polyenus (II)

Hieromartyr Emilian the Bishop and with him Hilarion, Dionysius and Hermippos (c. 300)

Saints John (674) and George (683), Patriarchs of Constantinople

Venerable Macarius, abbot of Pelicite (c. 830)

Venerable John of Rila (946)

Hieromartyr Grigory Bronnikov, presbyter and Martyrs Evgeniy Dmitrev and Mikhail Yeregodsky (1937)

The calendar of church holidays in August 2017 will tell you important dates for Orthodox Christians, days when sacred events are remembered and saints are venerated.

On August 1, the icon of the Mother of God of Tenderness of Seraphim-Diveyevo is celebrated. They pray to her for healing from various diseases, for conceiving a child and easy childbirth, for a worthy husband, for restoring mental balance, softening the heart and getting rid of bad thoughts.

August 1 is the day of the discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov. He is asked to strengthen the spirit in resisting sin and temptation, for mental balance and harmony, for healing from diseases of internal organs, for getting rid of sadness, sadness and resentment, for finding family happiness and strengthening relationships, for maintaining business (the business must be pleasing to God and useful to society).

The 2nd day in the calendar of church holidays in August 2017 is the day of the prophet Elijah. He fought against paganism, brought faith in Christ to the people and performed many miracles. They ask him for blessings for cultivating the land, for rain, successful marriage And family happiness. People turn to him when financial difficulties and health problems arise, and they ask him to protect him from sudden death.

On August 2, the icon of the Mother of God of the Sign is celebrated. It helps to establish peace and tranquility, reconcile warring parties, stop internecine wars, heal from various diseases, and provides assistance with natural disasters, protects against the penetration of thieves, protects from envious people.

On August 2, the Abalatskaya Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated. She is asked for protection of pregnant women, for healing from paralysis, blindness and various eye diseases.

On August 3, the prophet Ezekiel is venerated. He was a priest and prophet who predicted the fall of cities, the resurrection of the dead, punishment for Israel and its repentance, and the emergence of a new messiah, David. Ezekiel performed miracles: he divided the river in half and helped the Jews cross to the opposite bank, and also fed all the hungry.

On August 4, Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene is venerated. Christ healed her of obsession, and she relentlessly followed him, believing in his power. She did not leave him even when he was taken into custody, and shared the sorrow of the Mother of God at the time of the execution of Jesus Christ. She remained devoted and faithful to her Lord to the end, despite the fact that everyone turned away from him. They ask her for forgiveness and remission of all mortal sins, they come with repentance after an abortion, they ask her to get rid of addiction to drugs and alcohol, for protection from magic and witchcraft.

According to the calendar of church holidays in August 2017, the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated on the 5th. It is one of the most revered shrines. She is asked for deliverance from various diseases, including fatal ones, for peace and tranquility in family life, about getting rid of quarrels, about guiding sinners on the right path, about protecting the home from evil people.

On August 5, the martyrs Trophimus, Theophilus and with them 13 martyrs are venerated. They firmly believed in one Lord and refused to make sacrifices pagan gods. For this, they were hung from a tree, cut with iron, stones were thrown at them, and then they were set on fire. However, he did not harm them and the martyrs were beheaded.

On August 6, the holy martyr Christina is venerated. While locked up, she independently came to the conclusion that the world could not have been created by the idols that her parents worshiped. She believed in the Lord and saw an Angel who told her the truth about the Creator. Christina fasted, prayed and renounced the pagan faith.

Her own father subjected her body to torture and unimaginable torture, but her faith in the Lord remained unshakable. All attempts to kill her failed; Christ and the Angels saved her from death every time and healed her bodily wounds. She met her death at the hands of the soldiers of the ruler Julian.

On August 7, the Dormition of Righteous Anna, the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, is celebrated. She is considered the patroness of expectant mothers, therefore, in their prayers addressed to Anna, women ask to grant them the joy of motherhood and contribute to the birth of healthy children.

According to the calendar of church holidays in August 2017, on the same day the Monk Macarius of Zheltovodsk is honored. He took monastic vows and led ascetic life, actively resisted evil, led an ascetic life and founded a monastery.

On August 8, the Monk Moses Ugrin is venerated. All his life he resisted carnal pleasures, prayed fervently and helped the monks fight great temptations.

On August 8, the holy martyrs Ermolai, Ermippus and Hermocrates are venerated. Despite severe persecution, they preached Christianity and instructed the pagans on the path of righteous faith. When they were captured, they were subjected to brutal torture and torture, they were forced to renounce the Lord and sacrifice to idols, but their faith was strong and they did not give in, despite all the torture. They were sentenced to death by beheading.

On August 9, the great martyr and healer Panteleimon is honored. He treated people with prayer and did not charge for it, for which he earned hatred from other healers. He was called to the court of Emperor Maximian, where he healed a man, which caused bitterness on the part of the emperor, devoted to paganism. They tortured him, tortured him, burned him, tore his flesh, wanted to drown him, threw him into boiling tin, but the martyr remained alive. They cut off his head and, according to his life, milk flowed from the wound. They wanted to burn the body, but the fire did not harm it.

On August 9, St. Herman of Alaska is venerated. He spread the Orthodox faith among Russian-speaking Americans and baptized thousands of local residents. He renounced all earthly goods and comforts, led a godly and humble life, he was remembered as a man of amazing mind, clear thoughts, wise and sound reasoning.

August 10, according to the calendar of church holidays in August 2017 in Russia, is celebrated Smolensk icon Mother of God. By offering prayers to her, you can save people from major epidemics and war, ask for deliverance from serious illnesses and imprisonment, protection for the helpless, widows, orphans and poor people, direct to the right way travelers, bring missing people home, restore harmony and understanding in the home, resolve family conflicts.

On August 11, the martyr Seraphim is venerated. She was a true Christian, did not worship idols and refused to make sacrifices to them, preaching faith in the true Lord. Saint Seraphim is considered the patroness of all the unfortunate and disadvantaged; people pray to her for chastity, ask her to get rid of addictions, and strengthen fortitude and faith.

On August 12, the Icon of the Mother of God of Okonskaya is celebrated. They pray to her for protection from captivity, for relief and healing of ailments.

On August 12, the martyr John the Warrior is honored. They pray to him for the protection of sons who have gone into the army from harm and death, for protection for those who have been captured, for help in the fight against offenders, they ask him to guide and find lost things, to alleviate state of mind, quench grief and sadness.

August 13 in the calendar of church holidays in August 2017 is marked as the pre-celebration of the Origin of the venerable trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord.

The righteous Eudokim the Cappadocian is venerated on the same date. He is considered the patron saint of the family hearth and they pray for an end to hatred between spouses, for well-being and mutual understanding in the family.

On August 14, the removal of the venerable trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord is celebrated. On this holiday, it is customary to carry out the cross, pray and worship it, and the consecration of water and honey is carried out. Popularly, this holiday is called the Honey Savior.

On August 15, the Achair Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated. She is asked for the protection of the disadvantaged and helpless, for help for widows and orphans, for the improvement of children in society.

On August 15, they pay tribute to the memory of Blessed Vasily, the Moscow miracle worker. He was a hardworking and God-fearing young man with the gift of clairvoyance. He walked without clothes, fasted, prayed and taught people moral life and mercy. Blessed Basil predicted deaths, denounced deception and lies, predicted fires and, according to his life, was able to put out one of them with three glasses of wine. They offer him prayers and ask for humility and patience, for safety in a fire, for a cure for various diseases and addictions to alcohol and drugs.

On the 16th, according to the calendar of church holidays in August 2017, St. Anthony the Roman is venerated, Novgorod miracle worker. They pray to him for intercession, for healing from illnesses, for protection from troubles and misfortunes, for a successful journey.

On August 16, the Monk Cosmas the Hermit is venerated. He observed strict fasting, adhered to church dogmas and was the custodian of the Orthodox faith. They pray to him to resist evil, to get rid of foul language, to preserve spiritual purity and chastity.

On August 17, the disciple Evdokia the Roman is venerated. She was remembered for her good deeds and a righteous lifestyle. She renounced idolatry and firmly believed in the Lord, for which she was subjected to unbearable torture.

On August 17, the memory of the seven youths of Ephesus is honored. They were exemplary Christians and served in the military. They were ordered to make sacrifices to the pagan gods, but they refused, left the city and prayed in a cave.

At the trial they were sentenced to death, ordering the young men to be walled up in the same cave, but they did not die, but fell into a sleep that lasted two centuries. The bishop and a huge number of people witnessed the miracle of awakening, who became even more strengthened in their faith and the omnipotence of the Lord.

On August 18, the holy martyrs Anthir and Favius, who were popes, are venerated. Anfir was subjected to torture and torture for professing Christianity, and Favius ​​became his follower and successor. He managed to build several temples and baptize many pagans until he was beheaded by the sword.

The 19th, a special day according to the calendar of church holidays in August 2017, because the Transfiguration is celebrated
Lord's or Apple Savior. It shows that in Jesus Christ the divine and human natures are closely intertwined. On this day it is necessary to consecrate the fruits of the new harvest.

On August 20, the Monk Anthony of Optina is venerated. He thought about monastic life from childhood and devoted his entire life to serving the Lord. He worked a lot, guided people on the true path, spent time in prayer, reading and contemplation of God, people came to him for blessings and edification.

On August 21, Saint Myron the Wonderworker is venerated. He served as a presbyter and taught people holy Christian life, urged them to steadfastly endure the suffering that befell them. As a bishop, he advocated honoring the memory of the holy martyrs. According to his life, he could stop the flow of the river and performed many godly miracles.

In the calendar of church holidays in August 2017, the 22nd is marked as the day of veneration of the Apostle Matthew. He was one of the twelve apostles - disciples of Jesus Christ. He is the author of the Gospel of Matthew. He is asked to strengthen faith, for protection from temptations, for improvement financial well-being and establishing justice.

On August 23, Blessed Lavrenty of Kaluga is venerated. He lived in a hut, walked barefoot all year round, prayed every night on the porch of the temple and went to Divine services on his own secret passage, dug underground. Posthumous miracles are known that took place at the tomb of Blessed Lawrence: the healing of a man with paralysis, the expulsion of demons and deliverance from demon possession, the cure of eye diseases and other ailments.

On August 24, the martyr Archdeacon Eupl is honored. He fervently preached Christianity and the Gospel, for which he was subjected to sophisticated torture and cruel torture, and subsequently beheaded.

On the 25th, according to the calendar of church holidays in August 2017, Hieromartyr Alexander, Bishop of Comana, is venerated. He was a well-read man who knew many sciences and carefully studied Scripture. He was elected bishop for pure heart, noble thoughts, knowledge of the Gospel. He is remembered as a wise and knowledgeable shepherd, who knows how to fill his flock with the true power and grace of God with his words. He did not renounce his faith even under the threat of death, for which he was put on fire.

August 26 is the celebration of the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. This is the end of the celebration, an occasion to once again rethink its spiritual meaning, turn to the Lord and think about your Soul, strengthen your faith and take the righteous path.

On August 27, the memory of the prophet Micah is honored. He promised disasters in Samaria and Jerusalem, predicted a recourse to the laws of Jehovah and the establishment of a peaceful kingdom. On his own, he left a book with prophecies.

On August 27, the icon of the Mother of God Besednaya is celebrated. She is asked for patronage in the restoration and preservation of temples, as well as success in construction.

On August 28, one of the main church holidays in August 2017 is celebrated - the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The liturgy in the church begins in the evening and lasts throughout the night. morning service Christian believers carry seeds for their illumination and blessing. The holiday teaches that righteous life, after death will be rewarded by the Almighty Creator, you need to let go of the sorrows and grief associated with death and believe in eternal life in Heaven.

August 29 is celebrated as Bread Day or Nut Spas. On this day it is necessary to sacred bread, water and nuts.

On August 29, the memory of the martyr Diomede is honored. He healed people with prayers and converted pagans to Christianity. They pray to him for strengthening faith and for healing from various ailments.

On the 30th day in the calendar of church holidays in August 2017, the Monk Pimen of Ugreshsky is venerated. At the age of seventeen he decided to become a monk. He worked hard at the church, performed various duties, was God-obedient and uncomplaining. When he became a holy father, he was engaged in the construction of churches and organized a hostel at the monastery.

On August 31, the icon of the Mother of God, the All-Tsaritsa, is celebrated. They turn to her in prayers with requests to defeat one of the most terrible diseases - cancer. It helps in the healing of many diseases, diverts magicians and sorcerers from sin, helps strengthen one’s faith and guides them on the right path, they find consolation in it and restore spiritual harmony.

On August 31, the martyrs Florus and Laurus are venerated. The brothers preached Christian faith, had the gift of healing. For apostasy from paganism, they were thrown into a well and covered with earth.


The Orthodox calendar of church holidays for August 2017 contains a whole galaxy important events for the spiritual life of our country

Let us remind you that the twelfth is one of the 12 holidays, which are second in importance only to Easter. These twelve holidays commemorate the events that mark the earthly path of the Mother of God and the Savior.

Those two twelfth holidays that await us this month are permanent, that is, they have a place in the calendar assigned to them once and for all:

19.08 - Transfiguration of the Lord,

28.08 - Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Feast of the Transfiguration is dedicated to gospel event, which is described as follows. Jesus spoke a lot to his disciples about the fate that awaited him and what he would accept martyrdom. The apostles did not understand him and were confused; they hoped that Christ would reign earthly world and they could not understand that his kingdom was not here at all.

The Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is the anniversary of the death of Mary. According to various sources, after the death of Jesus she lived from 10 to more than 20 years. She became a mother for all the apostles of Christ, with whom she prayed together and whom she consoled with her sermons. On this summer day she died quietly, as if falling asleep

The beginning of the Dormition Fast 2017, as in previous years, falls on August 14. It will last exactly two weeks, until the 27th.

The Assumption Fast in 2017 begins on Monday, so if you decide to fast, you can start following the rules of the Assumption Fast right from the beginning of the work week.

This short summer fast is named after the great church holiday, to which it is dedicated - the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Dormition Fast ends on the 27th, and the next day, August 28, the Dormition of the Virgin Mary is celebrated.

  • Traditionally, a raw food diet should be observed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It is allowed to eat raw vegetables and fruits, dry bread, nuts, dried fruits, honey, without vegetable oil.
  • On Tuesdays and Thursdays it is permissible to eat hot cooked food, but also without adding vegetable oil.
  • But on Saturdays and Sundays you are allowed to eat hot dishes with vegetable oil, as well as wine.

In addition, on August 19, on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Apple Savior, it is permissible to eat fish.

The Honey Savior is celebrated on the same day every year - August 14th. The Church on this date celebrates the Origin of the honorable trees of the Life-Giving Cross. The word "origin" in in this case has an unusual meaning - it means “exodus”, “carrying out”. The fact is that the holiday originated in Constantinople several centuries ago and was dedicated to the removal from royal treasury particles of the cross on which the Savior was crucified. At that time, epidemics of serious illnesses were raging, and believers, trusting in Divine help, venerated the Cross. And these days the culmination church service is the removal of the Cross to the center of the temple, so that every believer can touch the shrine. This day is also the beginning of the Assumption Fast.

The second August Savior falls on August 19th. Believers on this day celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord - a great Christian holiday dedicated to the memory of the appearance of the divine essence of the Savior. According to gospel history, during prayer together with his disciples, Christ was illuminated with an unearthly light, and the voice of the Lord came from Heaven, announcing that this was His Son.

At Yablochny Spas we began to say goodbye to summer and prepare for autumn. Until this moment, people usually did not eat apples: it was considered bad omen, and the fruits had far from the same taste properties that they acquired by August 19. On this day, it was customary to bless apples and everything that the earth gave in the church.

Nut Spas is celebrated on August 29, the day after the Feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. The Third Spas marks the final transition from summer to autumn: at this time, August field work was completed and winter crops were sown. On August 29, bread was baked for the first time from the new grain harvest, which is why the holiday is also called “Bread Savior.” By this time they had finally matured hazelnuts, which on this day were collected and consecrated during a church service.

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Finding the relics of St. Seraphim, the Wonderworker of Sarov.
- Cathedral of Kursk Saints.
- Icon of the Mother of God Tenderness of Seraphim-Diveevskaya.

Day of Elijah the Prophet or Elijah's Day. This saint is one of the most popular among the people, he was called the declarator of the saint God's law. Ilya punished sinners by sending hail to their fields. And the saint showed fatherly concern for the hardworking and pious peasants: he watered the crops with beneficial rain and exterminated pests.

According to legend, Elijah the prophet expresses God's wrath. His punishing just right hand punished the spirits of darkness, and especially evil demons. That's why evil spirits fears him like fire.

The future prophet was born in the city of Thesvia (Thisva) nine centuries before the birth of Jesus Christ. At that moment, Elijah's father had a vision in which heavenly angels swaddled and fed the baby with fire. It became prophetic - the boy grew up and became a torch of faith. Elijah went to live in the desert, where he prayed a lot and observed strict fasting. Later, he was called to prophetic ministry and began to fight against wicked acts and departure from the true faith.

Christians and Jews believe that the prophet was taken alive for fucking. His disciple Elisha saw the saint ascend to heaven in a chariot of fire.

Also on this day:

Discovery of the relics of Athanasius of Brest.
- Icons of the Mother of God of Galich, “The Sign” Abalatskaya, Orsha.

Prophet Ezekiel.
- Venerable Simeon Palestine and John.
- Hieromartyr Peter Golubev, presbyter.

Myrrh-Bearing Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene.
- Transfer of the relics of the holy martyr Phocas.
- Venerable Cornelius of Pereyaslavl.

Martyrs Trophimus, Theophilus and with them 13 martyrs.
- Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God.

Martyrs of Christ.
- Blessed princes of Stratorpians Boris and Gleb, in Holy Baptism of Roman and David.
- Cathedral of Smolensk Saints.

Uspenie rights. Anna, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
- Venerable Macarius of Zheltovodsk, Unzhensk.

Hieromartyrs Hermolai, Hermippos and Hermocrates, priests of Nicomedia.
- Venerable Moses Ugrin.

Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.
- Reverend Herman of Alaska.

Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, called Hodegetria (Guide).
- Cathedral of Tambov Saints.

Martyr Callinicus of Cilicia.
- Martyrs Seraphim.
- Reverends Korstantin and Cosmas of Kosinsky.

Martyr John the Warrior.
- Finding the relics of St. Herman of Solovetsky.
- Celebration of the Okonskaya Icon of the Mother of God.

Forefeast of the Origin of the Honorable Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.
- Hieromartyr Veniamin, Metropolitan of Petrograd and Gdov, and those like him who were killed by the slain hieromartyrs Archimadrid Sergius and martyrs Yuri and John.
- Righteous Eudokim the Cappadocian.

The Assumption Fast begins, which will last until August 28. According to church tradition, the Mother of God learned about the time of her transition from this world and prepared for it with fasting and intense prayer, although she did not need to cleanse her soul, since her whole life was an example of holiness.

Orthodox Christians fast, imitating the feat of the Most Holy Theotokos, wanting to at least partially become like her purity.

Also on this day:

The origin (wear and tear) of the honorable trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord.
- Honey Spas.

Transfer of the relics of the first martyr from Jerusalem to Constantinople. Archdeacon Stephen and the discovery of the relics of the righteous Nicodemus, Gamaliel and his son Aviv.
- Blessed Basil, Moscow Wonderworker.
- Achair Icon of the Mother of God.

Venerable Anthony the Roman, Novgorod Wonderworker.
- Venerable Cosmas the Hermit.

The Seven Youths, also in Ephesus.
- Reverend Martyr Eudokia the Roman.

Forefeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
- Reverend Martyr Job of Ushchelsky.
- Hieromartyrs Arfira and Favia.
- Martyr Eusignius of Antioch.

Transfiguration. This day is considered one of the main Christian holidays, when the church is blessed.

The holiday was first celebrated in the 4th century, when a temple was built on Mount Tabor, which was consecrated in honor of the Transfiguration.

The story of the Transfiguration of the Lord is described in the Gospel of Matthew, Luke and Mark. All three stories have similarities with each other. Jesus took three disciples with him, with whom he went to Mount Tabor to turn to God. While saying the prayer, the face of the Son of God brightened and was illuminated by the rays of the sun. The prophet Moses and Elijah also appeared at this time and talked with him about future suffering. It is this event that is called the Transfiguration of the Lord. It represents a connection in God's son everything human and divine.

Apple Savior is also celebrated on this day.

After-feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
- Finding the relics of St. Mitrofan, Bishop of Voronezh.
- Venerable Anthony of Optina.

Saint Emilian the Confessor, Bishop of Cyzicus.
- Transfer of the relics of Saints Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky
- Saint Myron the Wonderworker.

Apostle Matthias.
- Cathedral of Solovetsky Saints.

Blessed Lawrence, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, Kaluga.
- Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of Solovetsky.

Martyr Archdeacon Euplaus.

Martyrs Photius and Anicetas and many with them.
- Hieromartyr Alexander, Bishop of Comana.
- Martyrs Pamphilus and Capito.

Celebration of the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
- The repose and second discovery of the relics of St. Tikhon, the Wonderworker of Zadonsk.
- Martyrs Hippolytus, Irenaeus, Avundia and the martyr Concordia.

Forefeast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
- Transfer of the relics of St. Theodosius of Pechersk.
- Prophet Micah.
- Celebration of the Besednaya and Narva icons of the Mother of God.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to legend, the mother of Jesus Christ, Mary, lived 72 years.

Once during prayer, Archangel Gabriel told the Mother of God about her impending death and presented a luminous branch of paradise - a symbol of victory over death and decay: “Your Son and our God with the archangels and angels, cherubim and seraphim, with all heavenly spirits and with the souls of the righteous he will accept you, his mother, into the heavenly kingdom, so that you may live and reign with him for an infinite time.”

Before her death, at her bed, the Virgin Mary saw all the apostles and disciples of her son, who were miraculously gathered by the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem. Thus, the Mother of God was able to say goodbye to them. She asked them to rejoice and not to grieve. After all, “Her death is only short nap, and she goes to her Divine Son.”

At that moment, the room was filled with light, the roof of the house opened, and Christ descended into the upper room with many angels. Holy Mother of God turned to the Lord with thanksgiving prayer and asked to bless all those who honor Her memory. After this, Mary joyfully surrendered her soul into the hands of the Lord.

The Mother of God was taken to heaven, and when the disciples of Jesus came to the cave where Mary was buried, her body was no longer there - only funeral vestments lay. Since human death did not touch Mary, the death of the Mother of God is called the Dormition.

Afterfeast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.
- Bread Spas, also called Nut Spas or Spas on canvas.
- Transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image Not Made by Hands (Ubrus) of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Venerable Pimen of Ugreshsky.
- Armatiya Icon of the Mother of God.

Martyrs Florus and Laurus.
- Icons of the Mother of God All-Tsaritsa.

AUGUST 1 - finding the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov (1903). The Venerable Seraphim of Sarov is a desert-dwelling holy elder, recluse and seer, recluse and seer, one of the most revered Russian saints. He was born into a merchant family in Kursk. In 1778 he entered the ranks of the novices of the Sarov Hermitage, and eight years later he was tonsured a monk. Voluntarily going into seclusion, he spent time in strict fasting, work and prayer. Upon leaving the seclusion, he took special care in organizing the Diveyevo monastery. Many people flocked to his cell to reveal to him the secrets of their conscience, their sorrows and needs, and everyone received consolation. “Christ is Risen, my joy!” - met with such words Venerable Seraphim every guest.
Heals many different diseases.

AUGUST 2 - memory of the prophet Elijah (IX century BC). Russian people have revered Elijah since ancient times and built many temples in honor of the holy prophet. Far beyond the borders of Karelia, the wooden Elias Church, built in 1798, is known for its beauty. Every year to the Ilyinsky churchyard in Vodlozersky national park Hundreds of people come to Ilya's day. Ancient temple is perceived today not only as a masterpiece of carpentry, as an outstanding historical and architectural monument, he is the main one Orthodox shrine national park.
Prophet Elijah is prayed to during droughts. On Elijah's day there are often storms and thunderstorms.

AUGUST 3 - memory prpp. Simeon and John (c. 590). The Monks Simeon and John lived in Syria and were friends from childhood. They accepted monasticism in Jerusalem, where they came from Syria to worship the holy places. Then they labored inseparably for 29 years near dead sea. Then, according to the inspiration of God, St. Simeon left the desert to serve the salvation of people and accepted a high feat - foolishness for Christ's sake, and St. John, remaining in the desert, deeply revered his spiritual brother and sent everyone who turned to him to the “fool Simeon.” Glorified for the gift of clairvoyance, miracles and healings, St. Simeon died peacefully. St. John also reposed in his desert. They both died on the same day.

4 AUGUST - memory of the myrrh-bearer, Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene (I). A native of the city of Magdala on the shores of Lake Gennesaret, Mary was young and beautiful. Before meeting the Lord, she led a dissolute life, but Christ healed her, casting out seven demons, after which Mary became His faithful disciple. She was on Golgotha ​​when Jesus was crucified, together with the Mother of God and the Apostle John, and she was also among the myrrh-bearing women. Christ appeared to Mary first after the Resurrection.
In Russia, Mary Magdalene has been revered since ancient times as the patroness of orphan girls. In the last century, there were many communities throughout the country that opened and patronized educational homes and schools for poor and orphaned girls.
People pray to her for the healing of those possessed by demons, including those possessed by the prodigal demon.

AUGUST 5 - celebration apparition of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. The miraculous image protected Pochaev Lavra(now Ternopil region of Ukraine) from the invasion of the Turks, who besieged the monastery in 1675. The Mother of God herself appeared above the temple with heavenly angels holding drawn swords. Nowadays the icon is known to the entire Orthodox world; it is located in the iconostasis of the Assumption Cathedral and every morning it is lowered down on ribbons so that believers can venerate the miraculous shrine.
In front of this icon they pray for healing from blindness, chronic and incurable illnesses, for the release of captives, and the admonition of sinners.

AUGUST 6. Today - Boris and Gleb day, noble princes, sons of Prince Vladimir, the first Russian martyrs and passion-bearers. In 1015 they were killed by Svyatopolk, nicknamed the Accursed, who did not want to share the inheritance with his brothers. Svyatopolk was punished by God - his army was defeated in the war with his brother Yaroslav, and Svyatopolk himself died.
The memory of both holy martyrs has been revered in Rus' since ancient times, as evidenced by the many ancient monastery and parish churches built in their honor. The chronicles are full of tales about miraculous healings that took place at the relics of the holy princes, and about the victories won with their help.

8 AUGUST - memory of the Venerable Martyr Paraskeva, who suffered for her faith in Christ during the reign of the Roman Emperor Anthony Pius (138-161). She converted many pagans to true faith. Her memory is sacredly revered in Russia. The saint is a helper in family life, a female intercessor. In Essoil today, with the help of Orthodox Finns, a wooden chapel in the name of St. Paraskeva.

AUGUST 9 - memory Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon (305) . A skilled physician who lived in Nicomedia and suffered for the holy faith in 305, one of the most revered healing saints. Panteleimon means “all-merciful”; he showed mercy to everyone, treating the suffering for free, comforting prisoners and generously distributing his property to those in need. After his Baptism, Panteleimon healed all sorts of illnesses not so much with pharmaceutical remedies, but by invoking the name of the Lord. In Petrozavodsk, on Drevlyanka, a temple is being built in the name of the great martyr and healer Panteleimon.
People pray to him for all kinds of ailments.

AUGUST 10 - the holiday of the great Russian shrine, miraculous Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, called “Hodegetria”(Guidebook). This icon, according to legend, was painted by the Apostle and Evangelist Luke during the life of the Most Holy Theotokos. Information about the time of its appearance in Russia varies. Of the many miracles performed by this icon, the deliverance of Smolensk from the Tatars in 1239 is especially remarkable. The Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God enjoys great veneration among the Orthodox people. Now this icon is in the Assumption Cathedral in Smolensk. Lists from it are distributed in large numbers throughout churches and the homes of believers. There are more than 30 miraculous and especially revered copies.

AUGUST 12 - memorial day holy martyr John the Warrior (IV), defender of the unjustly convicted and offended, helper of the hungry.
Also on this day the discovery of the relics is celebrated St. Herman, the first of the ascetics to settle on Solovetsky Island together with St. Zosima, who founded the famous monastery.

AUGUST 14 - holiday Origin (deterioration) of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord; celebration of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos.
The celebration of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos was established on the occasion of signs from the icons of the Savior, the Most Pure Mother of God and Holy Cross during the battle of St. the noble prince Andrei Bogolyubsky with the Volga Bulgarians in 1164, in which the enemies were defeated.
The people dubbed this holiday Honey Spas - by this time the bee had stopped delivering honey and it was possible to break out the honeycombs, which meant trying the honey from a new collection. The church sanctifies honey and flowers on this day.
Today begins the Dormition Fast, which will last until August 28 - the twelfth feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Dormition Fast is strict: eating fish is allowed only on August 19 - the day of the twelfth feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

AUGUST 15 – Orthodox people remember today blzh. Vasily, Christ for the Fool's sake, Moscow Wonderworker (1557). Not only the townspeople, but also the kings put up with the words of truth of this holy fool. The coffin of Vasily, who died on this day exactly 445 years ago, was carried by Tsar Ivan the Terrible and Metropolitan Macarius. Two years later, at the site of his burial, the Intercession Cathedral was founded in memory of the conquest of Kazan, now known as St. Basil's Cathedral.

AUGUST 16 - memory of the Rev. Anthony the Roman (1147), Novgorod wonderworker. Born in Rome to Orthodox parents, he was orphaned at the age of 19, distributed all his property to the poor, took monastic vows and settled on a rocky seashore. According to legend, one day a small part of the rock on which the monk stood and prayed came off, and, standing on it, he swam across the sea to the Russian borders, across the Neva and Ladoga, and reached Veliky Novgorod in 1106. With the blessing of Saint Nikita, he founded a monastery in Novgorod in the name of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and gave it a communal charter. The Monk Anthony the Roman is considered the founder of monasticism in Novgorod. He died in 1147, and his glorification honest relics Archimandrite Kirill of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra assisted, and received healing from them.

AUGUST 17 - Memorial Day seven warrior youths of Ephesus(Maximilian, Jamblichus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Constantine and Antoninus) (c. 250). These youths were locked in a cave by the persecutors of Christians, where they remained for more than 170 years, then they were opened, awakened from their wonderful sleep, told about themselves and their torment, and died a few days later. This miracle was witnessed in the 5th century. Patients exhausted by long periods of insomnia and parents praying for their sleep-deprived babies turn to their intercession.

AUGUST 19 - TRANSFIGURATION . Great Twelfth Russian Holiday Orthodox Church. At the end of the path of earthly life, the Lord Jesus Christ revealed to His disciples that He had to suffer for people, die on the Cross and rise again. After this, He led the three apostles - Peter, James and John - to Mount Tabor and was transformed before them: His face shone, and His clothes became dazzling white. Two prophets Old Testament“Moses and Elijah appeared to the Lord on the mountain and talked with Him, and the voice of God the Father from the bright cloud that overshadowed the mountain testified to the Divinity of Christ: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 17:5). By the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor, the Lord Jesus Christ showed the disciples the Glory of His Divinity so that during His future suffering they would death on the cross did not waver in their faith in Him, the Only Begotten Son of God. Transformation is the beginning of renewal human soul, knowledge of the Holy Trinity, God's revelation of the mystery of His omnipresence. The uncreated light emanating from the depths of the Divine permeates the entire universe and sanctifies our path to God.
People call the Feast of the Transfiguration Apple Spas. Since apostolic times, the Church has established the blessing of ripened vegetables and fruits on this day, while saying special prayers. This custom is connected with the fact that God's blessing rested on all of God’s creatures only until man, who transgressed God’s commandment, introduced uncleanness into the composition of his being. Through man, all living things were defiled. The curse of God hung over the works of his hands. Such is the terrible, necessary connection of our sin with everything with which a person comes into contact. Only a true believer in Christ the Savior can defeat the nature that is hostile against us. By sanctifying and blessing the firstfruits of the fruits of the earth, the Holy Church removes from them the ancient seal of the curse. The Church prays to the Lord that He would grant those who eat the fruits, along with the sanctification of the body, the sanctification of the soul, that He would preserve their lives in peace and joy, that He might richly multiply the fruits themselves. In addition, our ancestors made it their duty on this day to provide all the poor with fruits, and to send the sick to their homes. Those who did not fulfill this old custom were considered people unworthy of communication.

AUGUST 20 – Finding of relics St. Mitrofan, Bishop of Vorozhnezh (1832) . Patronal feast of St. Mitrophanievskaya male desert Vazheozersky Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery. It is located on the other side of Vazheozero, 5 km from the monastery. A monastery with a church in the name of St. Mitrofan, Bishop of Voronezh, was built in 1904 by the penultimate rector of the Transfiguration Gennady-Nikiforovsky Monastery, Abbot Mitrofan (1889-1911) on a place revered by local residents as a saint. There has been a wooden chapel there since time immemorial.

AUGUST 21 - transfer of relics reverends Zosima and Savvaty Solovetsky (1566). Reverends Zosima and Savvatiy founded in 1429 monastery on the Solovetsky Island of the White Sea. It was big spiritual center Russian Orthodoxy and an important defensive point, repelling attacks from the Swedes, Finns, and British.
In the years Soviet power Solovetsky Monastery became a camp for political prisoners. The first of them were bishops and hundreds Orthodox priests. All clerics and followers Orthodox faith were shot in the late twenties. In 1991, the Solovetsky archipelago was completely returned to the Church.

On the same day the memory is celebrated icon of the Mother of God “Tolgskaya” (1314). This icon appeared under extraordinary circumstances. In 1314, bishop. Yaroslavl Prokhor conducted a tour of his diocese. Seven miles from Yaroslavl, he ordered to land on the right, elevated bank of the river. Waking up at midnight, he was amazed by a bright light. On the opposite bank, where the Tolga River flows into the Volga, he saw a pillar of fire and a bridge leading to it across the entire river. Taking his staff, he crossed the river alone across this bridge and saw an icon of the Mother of God with the Child in her arms standing in a pillar at an unattainable height. After praying, the bishop returned to his place of lodging for the night. In the morning, the servants could not find the rod, and the Eminence directed them to look for it beyond the Volga. The servants crossed the river and found a rod, on top of which lay an icon of the Mother of God. The bishop swam across the Volga, prayed and began to cut down the forest for the church; he was helped by the residents of Yaroslavl who learned about the appearance of the icon. Soon the church was built and consecrated. On the same day, the bishop blessed to be at the church men's monastery and appointed her an abbot.

In front of this icon they pray for deliverance from drought, lack of rain, as well as for leg diseases and demonic possession.

AUGUST 22 - memory Apostle Matthias (c. 63). Originally from Bethlehem. He was educated under the guidance of Saint Simeon the God-Receiver. Originally St. Matthias was elected one of the 70 apostles, and after the Ascension of the Lord, by lot he was numbered among the 12 apostles instead of Judas Iscariot. Saint Matthias preached the Gospel in Judea, Ethiopia and Macedonia. While preaching, he performed many miracles, healed the blind, lame, lepers, cast out evil spirits and raised the dead.

AUGUST 23 - memory of blessed Lawrence, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, Kaluga (1515). He healed the sick with prayers, gave sight to those blind from birth; for the faith of Christ
People pray to him for eye diseases.

AUGUST 24 - day of death Hieroschemamonk Sampson (Sievers), the ascetic of our days (1979) .

AUGUST 26 - second discovery of relics Saint Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, Wonderworker of Zadonsk (1991). Due to poor health, at the age of 45, he was forced to leave the administration of the diocese and in 1769 settled in the Bogoroditsky Monastery in the city of Zadonsk, living in the simplest surroundings and laboring in deeds of love and self-denial. Saint Tikhon, a great teacher of Christian life, possessing the gift of insight, predicted much of the future destinies of Russia (the flood in St. Petersburg of 1777, the victory in Patriotic War 1812, etc.). He died in 1783, and countless healings were given from his relics.

AUGUST 27 - transfer of relics Venerable Theodosius of Pechersk (1091), founder of monasticism in Rus'. By the providence of God, his holy relics were preserved during the Tatar-Mongol invasion.

AUGUST 28 - THE DORMSION OF OUR HOLY LORD AND THE EVER-VIRGIN MARY. The holiday is called Dormition because Mother of God She died quietly, as if she had fallen asleep, and is mainly called so for the short stay of Her body in the tomb, since three days later She was resurrected by the Lord and ascended to heaven. The Most Holy Theotokos stands before the Throne of God as the Queen of Heaven and earth and zealous Intercessor and Intercessor for the entire human race.
End of the Assumption Fast- strict, two weeks. This summer fast is not painful, although it falls during a period of intense and urgent field work. At this time, fresh plant food is quite enough. The Feast of the Assumption ends with quiet sadness to give way to tomorrow, when such a bright and majestic holiday is expected, dedicated to Jesus Christ and called the third Savior. This day is the magnification of the miraculous image of the Savior.

AUGUST 29 - transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image Not Made by Hands (Ubrus) of the Lord Jesus Christ(944). According to legend, the sick ruler of the Syrian city of Edessa, Abgar, sent his artist to Christ to make His portrait, but the image was not successful. Then Christ washed his face with water and wiped it with a cloth, on which His face was miraculously reflected. He gave this trim to the artist. The ubrus with the miraculous image of the Savior, transferred to Edessa, healed the sick Abgar and later preserved the city for several centuries. On August 15, 944, the Edessa shrine was met at the Golden Gate of Constantinople and placed with honor in the Blachernae Temple. The Holy Face became for the Byzantines, and then for Russian converts truly Christ. During the XII-XVII centuries and later, a huge number of icons of the Holy Face were created in Rus'. Under the princely banner with the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands, the troops of Dmitry Donskoy fought on the Kulikovo field. The Image Not Made by Hands was the main mentor of Russian icon painters: their apprenticeship began with prayer to him.
This holiday is popularly called Third Savior or “The Savior on the Canvas”. In some places in Russia the Third Spas was also called bread, and in some places nutty(the nuts ripened).

AUGUST 30 - memorial day St. Alypius, icon painter of Pechersk. St. From a young age, Alypius labored in the Kiev Pechersk Monastery. He learned to paint icons from Greek masters and became the first Russian icon painter. The monk painted icons for free; if he was nevertheless paid for his work, he spent one part on materials for icon painting, distributed the other to the poor and kept only a little for himself. St. Alypius was awarded by God the gift of miracles during his lifetime: many icons painted by him became famous as miraculous. The last icon is in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God - for St. Alypius wrote Angel when he himself was dying. The monk died, prayerfully making the sign of the cross.
People pray to him for leprosy.

AUGUST 31 - memory of the martyrs Florus and Laurus. They were siblings. By order of the ruler, they worked on the construction of a pagan temple and at that time more than 300 people converted to Christ. The temple itself was consecrated in the name of Christ and a cross was placed in it. In Megreg, Olonets district, the amazingly beautiful chapel of Flora and Lavra has been preserved, taken under state protection, but perishing due to complete indifference to this monument of wooden architecture.