Relationships between Aquarius. Aquarius and Aquarius - Compatibility in Love Relationships

All forecasts published in this section are general conclusions based on a general description of your zodiac sign. The Aquarius compatibility horoscope is a theoretical explanation of the reasons for luck and failure in relationships with partners of different zodiac signs. Compatibility horoscopes for Aquarius are intended to be a short hint in finding your soulmate.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Aries
A lot of pleasures and funny antics await them. Aquarius's imagination pairs well with Aries's persistence. Sexually, Aries's passion spurs Aquarius' desire for everything original. They will not bind each other, since each understands the partner's need for freedom, adventure and additional interests. Neither of them likes to be subordinate, but Aries must become a leader. If they solve this problem, there are no other obstacles to happiness.

Compatibility Aquarius and Taurus
Aquarius' frivolous attitude towards love will disturb and ultimately anger the passionate Taurus, who does not just want a partner for fun. His jealousy and sense of ownership will force Aquarius to pack his things and retreat. Aquarius loves to travel, and Taurus loves home. They are both stubborn, but in different ways: Aquarius refuses to conform to convention, while Taurus is unwaveringly committed to family and seeks security. Aquarius is interested in the problems of humanity, Taurus is focused on himself and his property. And so it is in everything.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Gemini
Gemini agrees to indulge Aquarius' love of experimentation. In addition, Aquarius has a calming effect on flighty Gemini. Resourceful and intelligent, they will have animated discussions of people, ideas and places to their mutual pleasure. Both strive for harmony and friendship without emotional storms. They love social life and do not suffer from excess jealousy and feelings of ownership. They will good lovers and wonderful friends.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Cancer
Aquarius is hostile to Cancer's possessive habits and does not understand why he cannot enjoy freedom. Aquarius takes love lightly, which is why sensitive Cancer feels rejected. Aquarius is outraged by the demanding nature of the affectionate Cancer and his eternal complaints caused by the need for constant proof of love. Cancer needs a reliable, safe home, but Aquarius is prone to changing places. Cancer wants to chain Aquarius to home, but Aquarius will soon prefer traveling.

Compatibility Aquarius and Leo
Leo admires the sexual ingenuity of Aquarius, who in turn is attracted by Leo's spiritual fire and love of life. These representatives of opposing signs start the romance on a high note, but then the harmony disappears. Leo is a physical being, and Aquarius is a mental being. Leo fails to get the support and admiration he needs, and Aquarius resents Leo's desire to dominate. They view independence differently: for Aquarius it means the opportunity to explore new horizons, for Leo it means leading a brilliant, luxurious life. Aquarius is interested in the whole world, but Leo is only interested in Leo himself.

Compatibility Aquarius and Virgo
Both signs are more mental than emotional, but Virgo sees dark side being, and Aquarius is an imaginative optimist. Aquarius needs activity, social events, and a wide range of acquaintances. Virgo enjoys a quiet life with a few friends. Their goals are very different: Aquarius strives for brilliance, and Virgo strives for results. They are compatible intellectually, but will not live together until their silver wedding.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Libra
Warm, sensual Libra enthusiastically takes part in Aquarius's erotic fun and games. Diplomatic Libra knows how to cope with the unexpected stubbornness of Aquarius. They both like their partner's way of thinking and share common interests in music, theater and art. Both love parties, the company of other people, and make numerous common plans. They will not have a conflict over the issue of leadership, since they are both ardent supporters of equality. This romance may turn out to be wonderful, but for a long-lasting relationship, someone has to settle down.

Compatibility Aquarius and Scorpio
They will enjoy unusual sex, which is fueled by Scorpio's craving for novelty and Aquarius' imagination. But Aquarius is irritated by the furious jealousy of their partner, and Scorpio is irritated by the unpredictability of Aquarius’ mood. Aquarius is looking for a companion in adventure, while Scorpio wants a faithful spouse. Aquarius is dispassionate, reserved and restless; Scorpio is demanding, intolerant, and has a strong sense of ownership. Aquarius begins to look for happiness outside the home and may go on travels.

Aquarius and Sagittarius
These innovators can put on paid sex shows. In addition, they inspire each other intellectually, since Aquarius generates unexpected, far-reaching ideas, and Sagittarius is optimistic and has the gift of foresight. Aquarius may be unwavering in their liberalism, but this doesn't bother the tolerant Sagittarius. Both love social life, new acquaintances and places, everything unpredictable. The best thing about this couple's relationship is that when one of the partners is away from home, the other is not jealous.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Capricorn
Representatives of these two signs have a strong sense of self, but Aquarius strives for freedom, and Capricorn wants to rule. Aquarius has his own opinion on any issue; he does not wait for advice or orders from strict Capricorn. Aquarius is constantly on the move and loves to spend money. Capricorn considers this behavior frivolous and tries to establish strict control. Capricorn is careful, reliable and straightforward; he does not understand the adventurous ideas of Aquarius. Short-lived harmony will end in boredom, which will extinguish the fire.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Aquarius
They treat each other with admiration and sympathy, enjoying the sense of humor inherent in both of them. Inventive, progressive, loving everything new and unusual, they will be wonderful lovers with a common range of diverse interests. Everyone is involved in numerous projects and friendships. With such a volume of outside activities, they will spend a lot of time separately, and this suits them. They will not find a reason for a quarrel, because they agree on everything: both are more rational than emotional. Their love life will not be as deep as an artesian well, but life-giving moisture will still appear there.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces
Aquarius is intrigued by the romantic charm of Pisces, and they are drawn to Aquarius by his lofty ideals. Sensual, imaginative Pisces will meet any desire of Aquarius, and this couple will find exceptional intimacy. However, things will go downhill when Pisces begins to demand constant declarations of love. Dependent, indecisive Pisces need strong hand leader. Aquarius rejects any emotional demands. When Aquarius feels that he is caught in a network woven by Pisces, he will break free and go his own way.

There will be no doubt about these zodiac signs. They seem to be cut from the same cloth. Mutual understanding is quickly established between them and friendly relations, which only later acquire a romantic character.

Belonging to the elements that combine perfectly, they are able to create a partnership, in every sense of the word, an alliance. Airy Aquarius gives fiery Sagittarius the very breath of air that his dizzying ideas need. A wiser Aquarius can change the direction of Sagittarius in the direction he needs, like the wind stirring the flame of a candle. But he knows how to do this so tactfully that Sagittarius does not have the feeling that he is being manipulated.

The living intelligence of Air, combined with the ebullient energy of Fire, makes the union of Aquarius and Gemini extremely productive, which is very important for these independent signs, and equal.

Such marriages are made in heaven, but enter into them ordinary people, so the stars still warn Leo and Sagittarius against some mistakes.

What helps relationships

The Sagittarius and Aquarius couple have almost perfect compatibility V love relationships. They create very interesting, but not simple alliances. Aquarius likes the bright and unusual Sagittarius for his headstrong character and directness. They are related by a common dislike of pretense and easy attitude to life.

The changeability of Sagittarius does not irritate, but, on the contrary, only kindles the flame of passion of the more reliable Aquarius, while Sagittarius sincerely admires the contradictory nature of Aquarius, with whom he never gets bored.

The idealist - Sagittarius and the humanist - Aquarius understand very well, respect and share each other's aspirations, for example, a passion for distant travels and new experiences. Both are very smart and capable of thinking broadly.

These signs are not vindictive or vindictive. They know how to forgive mistakes and quickly forget grievances. Aquarius easily tolerates the hot temper and some rudeness characteristic of Sagittarius. They don't really bother him.

The couple's intimate relationship is also close to perfection. The rich imagination of the dreamer Aquarius delights the ardent Sagittarius, and Aquarius never gets bored in the company of his passionate partner, prone to experiments and innovations.

What to watch out for

To live long life together, Sagittarius and Aquarius need to avoid:

  • boredom - if these two become uninteresting together, the once passionate relationship will turn into indifference and alienation;
  • excessive control - both signs value their personal freedom very much and cannot stand being taught and given advice;
  • lack of attention - independent and independent signs tend to solve their problems themselves, without involving a partner in them, which over the years can develop into coldness and alienation.

Sagittarius needs to curb his fickle temper a little and follow decisions taken. Aquarius, of course, likes his unpredictability, but not in cases where we're talking about about serious issues and important matters.

The union may burst at the seams if the ambitious Sagittarius suddenly decides that he is in charge. A calm Aquarius has absolutely no use for the leader’s yellow T-shirt, but he will not tolerate such changes and attacks on the foundations of these relationships - equality and mutual respect.

Unions like Sagittarius and Aquarius break up very rarely. In such relationships there is never a middle ground - the partners either respect each other or part as irreconcilable enemies for life. Aquarius and Sagittarius need to learn to understand each other from the very beginning and take seriously everything that causes discontent and misunderstanding.

Today we will talk about people with zodiac signs such as Aries and Aquarius. We will look at how compatible these two signs are, and discuss the problems that may arise with the creation of such a union.

These are two zodiac signs, different and at the same time very similar to each other. Such people have a lot in common. They know how to get along well with each other and always manage to find topics for conversation. Their outlook on life lies at the same angle, which brings them very close. And also, each of them loves new discoveries, both have a great thirst for knowledge, Aries and Aquarius always want to experience and understand as much new things as possible.

To put it bluntly, these signs never descend from heaven; earthly affairs do not concern them. Most people born under these signs have idealistic views. But, in addition to many similarities, like other signs, there are differences between them. Aries and Aquarius differ greatly in their behavior, because Aries, by nature, is a very active person who is created to change everything around him, unlike Aquarius. He, on the other hand, represents a person who does not show any activity in relation to the course of his life and the lives of those around him; Aquarius just wants to watch how everything turns out in the end.

In relationships, these signs often have disagreements, there are quarrels and troubles, but this is a normal occurrence for any couple. Due to the similarity of characters, they are both stubborn and often behave hot-tempered and unrestrained, but still, in the end, someone gives in.

Behavior and character

Two signs that complement each other. Aries is the element of fire - warm and warming or hot and burning fire cannot survive without the element of Aquarius - air. People with such signs complement each other well in life, but what about love relationships? But it depends on their characters.

Aquarius is a very interesting and creative person, they like to be different from everyone else, dress the way they want, set their own rhythm for all the people around them. Their sixth sense works great. And also, Aquarians know their worth, can soberly assess the situation and stop communicating with people who do not value them or treat them carelessly.

Mostly, people born under this sign try to build their love relationships so that both parties have equal rights and opportunities. They are stubborn by nature. And also, they cannot bear any pressure on them. Also, such people simply love to discuss various topics. They are well informed about many things, so arguing is vital for them, which they do at every opportunity. Aries are rebels by nature, they love to destroy established orders and rules, but along with these qualities, they will always sympathize, support if they can, and will always try to help. Based on what we described above, we highlight the main character traits of Aquarius:

  • Love of freedom;
  • Humanity;
  • Fast-paced dynamic thinking;
  • Curiosity and research habits;
  • Attentiveness;
  • Well-developed sixth sense;
  • Communication skills.

This type of people does not tolerate criticism well, even justified ones. They calmly react to people’s shortcomings and tolerate them, even if they don’t like it. They also have a good memory bad deeds. So, don’t upset Aquarius, they will remember this to you again, in a day, week or year.

These people, due to their independent nature, often remain without a second half for a long time, because any oppression of Aquarius, and that’s all, he doesn’t want to know this person anymore. Friendship for them is not a feeling, not good attitude two people to each other, but rather just some semblance of cooperation. They never count on long-term relationships, because they are afraid of it. They always arrive in search of something, so they cannot find a permanent job and sit still, they always need something new.

Aries are very positive people. By nature they are pure idealists. Their motto is “Do, do, do...”, they charge everyone around with positivity and motivate them to work. They have altruism, which is a very rare phenomenon these days, they know how to support and empathize, they always try to help, even when it could harm them, which is also a very good trait (for others). Like any person, he longs to be thanked and showered with a lot of compliments, but Aries will never voice this. So, what character traits do people born under the constellation Aries have:

  • Cheerfulness and good mood;
  • Constantly being busy with something;
  • Idealism;
  • Love of life;
  • Communication skills;
  • Generosity;
  • Altruism;
  • Sharpness;
  • Responsiveness.

Like all other people, Aries have bad qualities. Due to their restlessness and inability to stay in one place for a long time, they often cannot finish what they start. They have a lot of ideas in their heads. As soon as one of them becomes more interesting than that what they do on at the moment, Aries immediately quit what they started, looking only at the prospects of their new occupation. Unpredictability is a big disadvantage of this sign, since at times they themselves do not know what to expect from themselves. And also, when communicating with them, you need to understand that a person born under this sign cuts the truth in such a way that many can only envy the openness and straightforwardness of Aries.

Compatibility in love relationships Aries Aquarius

They suit each other very well in both romantic and friendly relationships. They are tightly bound by the desire to experience something new in any direction, from long journeys and hikes, to new hobbies and activities. At first glance, these people understand that they are very similar, because of this, sympathy arises, even all sorts of troubles cannot change their attitude towards each other. A person who was born under the sign of Aquarius constantly generates plans and ideas, the implementation of which Aries undertakes with great joy. In response, Aries constantly charges their partner with positivity, which gives Aquarius an incentive to come up with something new. From the outside, it seems to others that such a couple is crazy; at times, with childish naivety, they take on some business together, and this binds them very strongly. And they like that people think about them this way; they are a separate interesting part of this boring world. They always do what they like, they feel free - this is the main thing for them.

Of course, everything doesn’t go too smoothly, because they don’t suit each other 100%. As we have already said, both people born under these signs are very stubborn. Both Aries and Aquarius need to try very hard to convince themselves to give in to their partner. Aries is often sloppy in conversation, does not want to choose his words, and with this behavior he often offends his interlocutor.

Aquarians, on the contrary, are very passive in relation to everything that happens. They certainly act in some way, but they never try to change the course of events. For Aries, this is tantamount to betrayal, because the partner does not want to go with them in a given direction and help, in such a situation the temper of Aries plays a very important role. Well, no matter how stubborn and, at times, different these two signs are, they still find common language, make peace and continue their journey together. Aquarius has good patience, knows how to forgive and understand the antics of Aries.

Additional factors affecting relationships

There are two space objects that greatly influence the relationship between two people: the earth’s satellite - the Moon, and the star that warms us every day - the Sun. The most strong influence Moon - is negative. Such an impact is so powerful that it can destroy not too much strong relationships between partners.

As you know, in addition to the zodiac horoscope, there is also a Chinese one. It can be used to determine not only the compatibility of a couple, but also the exemplary behavior in the relationship of these people. By Chinese horoscope, Aries represents a predatory animal - a tiger, and Aquarius is indicated in it as either a snake or a horse. But they both have a common close animal - the Bull. It is because of this sign that their relationship does not fall apart at the first quarrel. There is also a possibility that Aries may be born in the year of the dog. For a fire sign, this is very useful, because the Dog sign will smooth out temper.

Compatibility in bed

The sexual relationship of these two signs is determined by a very strong sympathy for each other. Their couple is sanctified by the goddess of love Venus, which makes the attraction of Aries and Aquarius to each other very strong.

Sexual energy of Aquarius

IN zodiac horoscope- this is not the most sexy sign. Sex for Aquarius is a consequential consequence of spiritual intimacy and love feelings. For this sign, foreplay plays a very important role, as well as various intimate games. An Aquarius will only allow a person whom he loves and trusts deeply into his bed. In bed, most often, they behave more reservedly.

They prefer to watch how their partner enjoys their body and the process itself. Aquarians are not shy, they are not afraid of experiments, but they will not be the first to offer this; rather, they will wait until their partner himself wants and takes everything under control. Aquarians are passionate people, but this fire needs to be awakened, which not everyone can do, because you need to act correctly in bed. They love to watch adult films, but only so that their stock of erotic knowledge and skills in bed increases, from there they gain experience.

Aries Sexual Energy

But this sign, is very hot and passionate. This is influenced by his element. For Aries, sex is an integral part of dynamic everyday life and relaxing weekends; it is a vital factor that maintains normal mood and physical condition. Aries do not accept excuses; they seek bed at any cost. In this regard, they are very determined, at times even aggressive. Aries love sex so much that they are ready to engage in it even with unfamiliar people, like a one-night stand. In relationships, they are very jealous and domineering, because of this, scandals often happen with their other halves, but Aries themselves are very prone to cheating.

This sign does not tolerate too long foreplay; he gets real pleasure from the duration and number of times. They love to experiment, experience new sensations, and always seek acceptance of their preferences in bed by their partner. For the most part, during sex they think only about their desires and feelings. Comments are very difficult to bear, much less criticism. You need to talk to them about such topics very carefully, because for them it is very important. The slightest hint of failure and Aries will wilt and be disappointed in himself.

General compatibility of signs

The signs of Aquarius and Aries complement each other very harmoniously, which brings harmony to relationships as spiritual plan, and in intimacy. Sex is more important for Aries, which is why he constantly provokes Aquarius. It is the ardor of Aries that allows them to light a fire in the soul of an air sign and drag them into bed on the first date. Since the fire sign has the character of an owner, it is active in bed and Aquarius just likes it. Aquarius is ready for any experiments that the Aries partner suggests, and they both like it. Air sign, what attracts most of all is the new sensations that Aries presents in bed.

Intimate compatibility is not the best. Aquarius is more relaxed about this process than Aries. Fire sign, gets excited faster and stronger than his partner. He is ready to move on to the process right away; he is not interested in foreplay, which Aquarius does not particularly like.

Because of this behavior of Aries, Aquarians often remain dissatisfied and upset. This problem, like any other, can be solved if efforts are made on both sides. IN in this case, the best way out is to voice your desires and preferences and talk about it with your partner. If you do everything right, you can create an ideal union.

Aries woman and Aquarius man

Such a union can create ideal relationship. In marriage, they will also be happy and successful. For an Aquarius guy, an Aries girl is unpredictability, in human form, which he really likes. They love very much interesting people, that’s why they choose interesting personalities, such as Aries girls. But the interest in Aquarius among Aries is non-standard and different thinking, an extraordinary approach to any issue, the desire and ability to help anyone in need. Both men and women of these signs are sociable and dynamic in life. Such a couple likes to walk alone, or with friends, to go somewhere, they are almost never at home, for them it is more like an overnight stay than a permanent habitat.

From time to time they appear conflict situations when a girl fire element, begins to be jealous of the Aquarius man, try to command him, create scandals and the like.

If such people begin to bother each other, the union will fall apart very quickly.

In order to avoid various quarrels without reason, they need to learn to trust and understand each other. It is best to engage in a common cause, this will bond the couple and help maintain a peaceful environment.

But the most important thing, under any circumstances, is to leave each other personal space. As soon as they find a middle ground in the relationship, they will begin to live happily.

Aries man and Aquarius woman

A similar situation - such a union is considered ideal. The girl sees in the guy an interesting and colorful personality who attracts him with his appearance, actions and words. For a guy, a girl is a goal that needs to be conquered, an impregnable fortress that he will definitely conquer. They have the same understanding of the ideal, the same tastes and preferences, which makes them very close.

What problems does this couple face? Both Aries and Aquarius have their own secrets that no one wants to voice. This is correct, because such a decision can lead to separation.

The main thing in such an alliance is to maintain that same golden mean, but if it doesn’t exist, then you need to find it as soon as possible. The slightest shift and the union will fall apart.

They both need to put less pressure on each other, leave free space and not take up their partner’s time only with themselves, let them communicate with friends and girlfriends, leave time for hobbies and interests.

As surprising as it may sound, the compatibility of Aquarius and Cancer in love can be high, precisely because of the opposition of their characters. Although more often representatives of these signs are antagonists. Cancer's indecisiveness is balanced by the imagination and temperament of Aquarius, his confidence and ability to maneuver on the crest of a wave. And, of course, Cancer cannot resist the courage and talents of Aquarius.

Characteristics of signs

According to the horoscope, those born under the sign of Cancer are ruled by the Moon and belong to the element of Water. This sign is very attached to home and appreciates family warmth and comfort. Due to his tendency to get stuck on trifles and excessive sentimentality, Cancer may miss the opportunities that fate provides him.

It is difficult for Cancer to be frightened by monotony; it is good for him to be away from the bustle of life. The most successful love unions are found in Cancer with Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius and Scorpio. Compatibility with Aquarius is not ideal in all cases.

Aquarius, on the contrary, is open to communication and has a broad soul. He strives to be in the center of events and begins to get bored if he begins to be limited. Aquarius has good alliances with Pisces, Aries, Gemini, Libra.

What can lead to conflict

The main cause of the conflict may be the dominance different areas personality. Cancer usually relies on emotions, while Aquarius primarily uses the intellect.

Most often, the first conflicts in such couples begin as soon as the candy-bouquet period comes to an end. Young people begin to get annoyed by each other's quirks. Cancer will be shocked by Aquarius' peremptory nature, and Aquarius will be annoyed by his partner's isolation and caution.

Of course family values those born under these constellations will have completely opposite. If such people decide to get married, then the ceremony in the registry office will mean only for Cancer. Aquarius will continue to live his normal life, do what he wants and communicate with whomever he sees fit.

Union of an Aquarius man and a Cancer woman

A girl born under the constellation Cancer is different developed intuition, vulnerable and sensitive. She doesn’t like to be in the public eye, but at the same time men immediately notice her and surround her with attention. She always tries to look perfect and expects the same from her partner.

The Aquarius man is a dreamer and an idealist. His attracts life with all its colors. He will look for a smart life partner who would share his interests.

Since this the guy is very easy to talk to, crowds of fans always hover around him. However, he unusually freedom-loving and even after the wedding does not wear a wedding ring.

At the same time, he it might just be ideal husband . Aquarius is a wonderful family man, a gentle lover and a very economical man.

How does dating happen?

The Aquarius man loves to communicate; his hobbies can change every day. The Cancer girl is closer to solitude and silence. She feels much better at home in a cozy chair than at a fashionable resort.

If the stars decide to bring Aquarius and Cancer together, most likely the latter will go around the whole world in search of new experiences and suddenly notice a cute girl on a bench near the house. He will come closer and ask you to take a few pictures of the beauty that interests him.

Love relationships

Having met in this way, the couple will not be able to sleep, and Aquarius will immediately call his chosen one on a date under the moon. Such a night may seem like a fairy tale to both of them. Romantic Aquarius and sensual Cancer seem to be perfect for each other. A declaration of love will follow that same night, and they will meet the dawn together somewhere outside the city.

Having come to her senses a little, the girl will notice that in her lover’s house there are not only portraits of her, but also photos of a wide variety of beauties. Of course, a jealous young lady will not hesitate to cause a scene, which will plunge her partner into complete confusion - after all, their relationship began only recently. And if the couple finds themselves in a company where there are other pretty women, the water beauty will finally turn from the gentle fairy she was before into an evil fury.

Aquarians, by their nature, are quite peaceful and will forgive their chosen one for her eccentric antics. He will even be interested - after all, no one has ever been so jealous of him. In addition, Lady Cancer, with her sensuality and passion, will literally charm her partner in bed. And if she also makes coffee for her lover in bed, he will be ready to endure her complex character and endure any hysterics, as long as this divine nectar is poured for him every morning.

If this couple decides to live together, the lady will have no time for searching for rivals and no time for scandals. Her life will be filled with entertainment every minute. The Cancer woman, elevated to a pedestal, will gradually calm down.

Friends and loved ones young man They will meet the mysterious beauty somewhat warily, but over time they will accept her as their own. And the girl’s relatives and friends will be delighted with her new hobby.

Wedding and marriage

By this point, the man had already realized that his beloved was not like everyone else. This means that the wedding celebration should also be special.

  1. Most likely, the wedding will take place in an unusual place - for example, at sea. And no one will be surprised if the newlyweds throw themselves into the water in their wedding dresses.
  2. As a rule, such a marriage rarely breaks down in everyday life - the spouses simply do not have time to sort things out.
  3. Since air signs prefer modern, spacious houses, and water signs appreciate cozy old-fashioned houses, the young spouse faces a very interesting task - to build a home that combines incompatible things.
  4. It is very common for such couples to have twins.
  5. Cancer and Aquarius can become ideal parents. Mom will be caring and kind, and dad will win the love of the children with his progressiveness.

In ten years, this family will have an idyllic relationship. And the husband will even begin to miss those times when his jealous half made scenes and broke plates.


Little Aquarians are very smart, independent and never back down from difficulties. Such a kid has a heightened sense of justice and stands up for the weak.

For a curious, airy boy, the Cancer girl is a living mystery and this intrigues him very much. And if the girl, with her magnificent intuition, also guesses his desires, the boy’s delight will know no bounds.

Business partnership

Aquarius men are creative people who hate routine and look for work that brings joy. They are not interested in money as such, but he values ​​comfort and coziness. Therefore, he will never refuse a couple of extra millions.

A girl born under the sign of water prefers to work alone. This sorceress could simply go shopping, and the sellers would happily give her everything she asked for. However, she never uses her gift to harm others.

If those born under these constellations become partners, it will be an ideal business union. Aquarius will constantly generate ideas, and Cancer will connect his intuition and find the most beneficial embodiment for these ideas.

Cancer man and Aquarius woman

A man of this sign is distinguished by sentimentality, mystery and a subtle nature. Since his patron is the Moon, the mood of such a man can be unpredictable.

There is something magical in the gaze of such a man. That's why the ladies just fall at his feet. However, these guys prefer to conquer women the old fashioned way - courtship and declarations of love. With all this, such a man - terrible owner, so it’s better for his partner not to provoke jealousy in him.

A woman born under the air sign combines tenderness and sensuality with a love of freedom and independence. If her partner begins to put pressure on her, she immediately slips away and nullifies all attempts to build a relationship.

An intelligent and talented Aquarius woman will look for the same spouse. Her chosen one must be at least a crown prince with the prospect of achieving fame and honor. With such a wife it will be impossible to get bored.


The Cancer man has a calm character. Most often, he can be found on the river bank with a fishing rod or on a forest path with a basket of mushrooms.

The Aquarius woman is passionate about everything in the world; her interests can be listed for hours. Perhaps someday fate will take her to the river to study the fish that live there.

At first, the young man may be shocked by the unceremoniousness of his new acquaintance, who boldly invaded his personal space. However, gradually the girl’s genuine interest will help him thaw.

A lady who gets carried away will immediately understand that her new acquaintance is an extraordinary person, and it is very interesting to be with him. And he just immediately became interested in his new acquaintance and began making plans to take her to his bachelor’s nest.

Love and relationships

A bright and impetuous Aquarius woman can very quickly get rid of the complexes of a shy lover. In response, she will receive a sea of ​​passion and sensuality and will wonder why she didn’t meet such a sparkling lover before.

A sociable girl will definitely throw a noisy party and tell all her friends about the undoubted merits of her new boyfriend. However, when the company disperses, the Cancer man will give his beloved a real interrogation with passion, trying to catch her in a lie and languishing with jealousy.

Lady Aquarius is the only woman, capable of convincing Cancer that his jealousy has no basis, and that the problems lie within himself. With such a partner, Cancer will understand that he is the best and only one in the whole world.

Marriage union

The decision to get married will encounter a lot of obstacles and persuasion from Aquarius’ loved ones. However, a Cancer in love will swear with everything dear to him that he will be able to control his jealousy and control himself.

Business relations

The Cancer man has been looking for his place in life for a very long time. During his search, he simultaneously looks into the casino and plays the lottery. However, Cancer's persistence will definitely lead him to success.

The Aquarius woman is simply a godsend for any entrepreneur. She is very disciplined and you can always rely on her.

Even if the company of such partners suddenly goes bankrupt, they will never panic. Cancer will use her intuition, and the Aquarius lady will instantly sketch out several backup survival plans.

Two Aquarians can get along quite well, and this is not surprising, because they have so much in common! In each other’s company they feel comfortable and at ease; representatives of the air element are generally very pleasant people who have the gift of goodwill and inspire trust in people.

Despite the lightness of character, a man and a woman born under the sign of Aquarius will always find reasons to sort things out. The point is that, in addition to common features character, thanks to which they are so attractive to each other, they also have common shortcomings that they do not always notice in themselves, but they see immediately in another person.

It is very good if the representatives of this zodiac sign do not have too much in common, then nothing threatens their relationship and there is no room for mutual claims. Life situations develop differently, so let’s consider in more detail the options for bringing these people together.

♒ + ♒: In a love relationship

GOOD COMPATIBILITY- If an Aquarius guy or girl is interested in a representative of their own zodiac sign, it will not be difficult for the one who is more interested in this relationship to achieve the favor of the object of sympathy. Since this zodiac sign is one of the most mysterious and unpredictable, what Aquarius wants is often something only another Aquarius can understand. Without voicing their thoughts, the guy and girl in this couple understand each other on an intuitive level. Aquarians cannot stand boredom and stagnation in events; they will always be interested in each other's campaigns.

Neither an Aquarius guy nor an Aquarius girl will ever burden their loved one with their problems, trying to cope on their own. In relation to another Aquarius, this is the most correct approach, because they also do not like to solve other people's problems.

If this couple’s relationship is only at the level of meetings, but everyone lives their own lives, the relationship between them will be smoother, living together and more frequent communication can significantly change their opinion of each other.

♒ + ♒: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY“This couple is very pleasant to the people around them, because they look very harmonious and do not sort things out in public. They really have mutual understanding; these man and woman are similar in many ways. The couple is united by a love of spending leisure time outside the home. They enjoy relaxing in nature, visiting, and spending time with mutual friends. Aquarians do not like to burden themselves with routine housework, but they also do not demand this from their husband or wife, preferring to resolve these issues together when necessary.

IN intimate life At first everything is wonderful for this couple, they are united by common desires, and a feeling arises full compatibility. That's right, they are compatible. But Aquarius is a somewhat selfish nature, and is not too interested in the feelings of his partner, trying more for his own pleasure. In addition, the spouses run the risk of soon boring each other in bed, so if the marriage was based on passionate love, it will not last long. However, sex is not in the first place for Aquarius, so if the feelings of this couple are deep, their family has nothing to fear.

As mentioned above, Aquarians solve their problems alone and do not burden themselves with others. Family life implies participation in each other's lives. It may happen that at some moment of crisis, a not very caring husband or wife will unpleasantly surprise his other half and the relationship will deteriorate. In addition, these people live for today, without worrying about tomorrow, in this family there is no more responsible spouse, they have equality. When a family faces difficulties, it may happen that there is no one to solve them. Very often this is where their marriage ends in divorce.

♒ + ♒: In friendship

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY- That rare case when it is appropriate to talk about. Two Aquarius can be friends for many years and understand each other perfectly. Sexual attraction is unlikely to arise between them; they will simply communicate like old friends, even if they have known each other relatively recently. In a friendship between an Aquarius girl and a guy of the same zodiac sign, there will be no mutual claims. Neither of them will take off their last shirt in this relationship for the sake of the other, but they will not demand this from a friend either. These people combine perfectly for communication and spending leisure time together.

Video: AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign