Palmistry profession line. Palmistry: how to determine your profession by your hand. Palm types: square and conical

As we know, one of the main lines in the palm is the line of Fate (also known as the line of Saturn 1). Most often, she talks not about a person’s entire life, but about professional activity, field, about how your career will develop. However, on main question, which everyone asks at the beginning of their journey: “Who should I be?” - the line of Fate does not give an answer. She talks only about the ups and downs associated with professional activities. But there is a question. And it’s acute, so let’s try to find the answer based on other signs.

The hand is widely practiced, but very often not practiced with competence. To perform this practice of palmistry, you do not need tricks or accessories, just know how to read and understand the basic lines that we find on the hand: depth, position and length correspond to certain characteristics.

Let's start by taking the right hand from the person we want to read and start from the center. In the palm you will find a horizontal line called the heart line: this, if directly, corresponds to a very romantic person, moreover, if especially for a long time this is typical for a man or woman with an extrovert.

Palm types: square and conical

Classic chirologists distinguish 6 types of palms, each of which, to one degree or another, is capable of describing the character of the owner of the hand and his inclinations. In our particular case, there are 2 types of interest: square palm and conical palm.

The square palm is also called practical and, as you might guess, has a rectangular shape. This is the most common hand among men. As a rule, those with a square palm are practical people who realistically evaluate life, are socially adapted, and self-confident. They are reliable and efficient. They make good doctors, lawyers, builders, cooks and representatives of those professions where regularity and thoroughness are required.

Looking down at the underside of the arm, we find another transverse line, this is the line of the head, useful in understanding the personality and mentality of the person being examined. This line is more curved and coincides more closely with the spontaneity of man; if instead it is explicitly direct, it shows rigor and specificity.

Having made horizontal lines, we see vertical ones: in this case we analyze the most important line everyone, the life line located in the middle of the hand. If it is very long, almost like turning a hand, it is a sign of happiness, love of life and therefore vitality; in short, contrary to what one might think, it shows good health; if they are not very noticeable and invisible, this is a small solution.

The conical hand is sometimes called creative, artistic. It resembles a leaf of a tree (birch, linden). This is the most common type of female hand. Behind her are creative, sensual, impulsive natures. Not always, by the way, women. They look for beauty and harmony in everything. These are artists, painters, poets, aesthetes - “eternal children” and “flowers of life”. Their motto: “Beauty will save the world!” This hand is good for scientists.

Parallel to this, but clearly vertical, here is the line of the sun: Is this line short? You will have a future full of success! In short, you always win, what's more, if the ending is shaped - vaguely - by a star, fame awaits you. Here we are on the line of fate, next to: this line that not all of them represent a definition. Further down, near the wrist, there is happiness that if long and continuous represents thirty years of luck, if instead they are broken, it shows more difficult moments near the breaks.

Palm types: square and conical

The latter is the marriage line and the circular movement in the middle of the hand: the latter represents discernment. The first, however, is under the finger and, based on the length, determines the time and happiness of the marriage. Moreover, if several correspond to several relations.

Palm flexibility

A significant role in the process of determining the field is played by the flexibility of the palm, which is checked by the flexibility of the thumb and indicates the flexibility of nature. Excessive flexibility of the palm is a sign of creative individuals. The picture is similar for those employed in the service sector. The same story applies to people whose activities do not require scrupulous planning or particularly painstaking work. Natures with a flexible hand, as a rule, are distinguished by a light and gentle character, gullibility, and superficial judgments. They are usually peaceful, friendly, do not like loneliness and generally prefer to rely on the opinions of others.

Do you want to surprise your friends by reading their hand? Do you want to predict the future? So in this tutorial we will see how to read the hand using an art called palmistry. To read the hand, it is necessary to follow the main lines that distinguish the limb: it is important to know that they are not always visible, but they vary from person to person, moreover, they can be more or less noticeable and more or less long. First of all, ask your friends or relatives to give you their right hand and start reading.

We start from the top of the palm: here we usually find a horizontal or slightly inclined line, its name is the line of the heart: the longer the line, the more people extrovert. Moreover, if it is particularly straightforward, it represents the characteristics of strong romanticism. Let's go a little further and find another similar line, but usually more inclined: this is the head line, which provides information about a person's personality. The more it is curved, the more it represents the spontaneity of man; if, on the contrary, it is direct, it represents the concreteness and irresistible force of reason in the heart. Let's move on to vertical lines for a moment, even if it's particularly transversal. About halfway through our palm, like cutting a hand halfway through almost a full tour, we find a line. Here the meaning can be threefold: if it is long, it represents cheerfulness and love of life; if short indicates good health; if instead it is weak and not very noticeable, it represents indecision. Parallel to the last, but slightly moved and more clearly vertical, there is the line of the sun, which, in short, indicates a future full of success, if long lasting wealth and happiness. There is a special thing about this line: if it ends in a shape like a star, the person is destined to become famous! The line of fate is nearby, parallel, but not all of them have it: those who own it have a sense of responsibility and determination.

Hard hand

Owners of a hard hand are self-confident people, distinguished by perseverance, sometimes turning into stubbornness. They are straightforward, sometimes too much. Their honesty can be crystal clear. Their simplicity can sometimes reach the point of rudeness, and their judgments are characterized by extreme conservatism. If people with flexible fingers often give in to difficulties, then their counterparts go ahead. The first hope that everything will work out somehow, while the second say: “Everything that doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” A hard hand (and therefore nature) is necessary for athletes, military personnel, police officers and employees of any organizations where there are firm rules, a uniform (dress code) and a strict hierarchy. An indicator of toughness of character or pope aggression is the pronounced Mount of Mars 2. This is also an excellent sign for firefighters or employees of other rescue services. It is believed that a star on the mount of Mars is a sign of a successful military career.

We find the line of luck at the end of the hand where the momentum begins. This, if not interrupted, represents 30 years of good fortune, the interruptions representing less fortunate periods. Then there is the marriage line located under the finger: if it is long and straight, it represents a long and happy marriage, if with longer lines it represents more relationships, if they are curved upward, it represents the life of a happy couple.

Choose the hand you use the most in your daily activities. If you stay, follow the lines in your left hand, and if you are right, then in right hand. In palmistry there is a concept active hand and passive hand. A less dominant hand indicates what you have inherited, and a reading on this palm gives you information about your genetic merit. If left and right line vary greatly, we are dealing with a person who has worked hard to develop.

The Mount of Jupiter 3 generally speaks of the ability to make a career. If it is convex, then power and recognition are important to the owner of this hand. The larger the hill, the more ambitious the person. Convex rectangular hills are characteristic of political figures.
A combination of a well-developed hill and a forward index finger(as if all the energy of the hand is directed towards Jupiter 4) are visible on the hand of the French Emperor Napoleon. A long index finger is an indicator of extraordinary ambition.
The flat mount of Jupiter occurs in people who are more interested in comfort and stability at work than in the changes and responsibility associated with leadership positions. A conical (diamond-shaped) hill directed towards the middle of the palm, or more precisely, towards the hill of the Moon, is characteristic of creative people.

The four main lines are: the heart line, the head line, the life line and the fate line. If your heart line starts below your index finger, you are a pretentious person when it comes to love. If it starts right under your middle finger, you are a very selfish person in relationships. If the heart line starts in the middle of your palm, you will fall in love very quickly. If your heart line is missing from your palm, you are a logical person. The reason is that in this case it prevails. A long and winding heart line indicates the importance of emotions in your life.

On the Mount of Jupiter, two other career-related signs can also be observed: the teacher's square 4 (the intersection of several lines forming a square, lattice, or rectangle) and the dermatoglyph (skin pattern) in the form of a triradius (a star with three rays). The teacher's square speaks of a person's ability to perceive knowledge and pass it on to others. Triradius is a sign of a restless nature, constantly wanting to change something in work. Agree, this is a good quality for someone who wants to achieve a lot.

This line represents the learning style, the way of communication, the intellectual side of a person. If you miss your title perfectly, your thirst for knowledge does not exist. You are rather a superficial person. If the line is very complex, you have difficulty remembering things and like to daydream with your eyes open. If your head line is deep, you have a good memory. You could say that your mind is a real library. If your title comes out of your life line, you have an overwhelming urge. Your will is stronger than you think.

In other words, you don't know how long you can live. The life line signifies health, general well-being and can reveal major changes in life. If there is no life line, you are a preoccupied person, always nervous and depressed. Deep line symbolizes a calm journey in life without big surprises. A long life line means problems, adventures of all kinds and, obviously, long life. If the life line is more curved, you are an enthusiastic person and confident in your strengths.

The mount of Saturn 6 is also informative. Its severity indicates abilities in the exact sciences, foreign languages, law and music. Saturn loves order, and its mark is a sign of neatness, diligence, and pedantry. However, everything is good in moderation. Too strong Saturn - fanaticism, mysticism, religiosity. Although people involved in agriculture may also have a convex Mount of Saturn. The Mount of the Sun in (also known as the Mount of Apollo) is an indicator of all sorts of creative talents, accordingly, is a harbinger of glory. However, the convex hill of the Sun 7 can also be found on the hand of a person widely known in narrow circles.

If it tends to be more correct, you don't like to take risks. The line of fate is also called the line of learning. This line indicates the extent to which a person's life is dependent on external circumstances. If you lack this line, you have no definite destiny and you can change your destiny at any time. If the line is noticeably strengthened, everything that happens to you is determined by fate.

In other words, you don't know how long you can live. The life line signifies health, general well-being and can reveal major changes in life. If there is no life line, you are a preoccupied person, always nervous and depressed. A deep line symbolizes a calm journey in life without big surprises. A long life line means problems, adventures of all kinds and, obviously, a long life. If your life line is more curved, you are enthusiastic and confident in your strengths.

The energy of Mercury is the energy of business people, entrepreneurs, traders, discoverers. The curiosity inherent in "Mercurians" is an excellent sign for a scientist whose research is aimed at improving life. Mercury may have short longitudinal lines called Good Samaritan lines. This same sign is called the seal of the healer. Those marked with this seal will achieve success in medicine, although... he may simply be an adherent healthy image life.

The Big Moon is typical for emotional natures with a rich imagination and developed imagination. Creativity is the best path for such a psychotype.

Longitudinal lines on the Mount of the Moon 9 - distinctive sign travelers, sailors, drivers. With this sign you can become stewards, travel agency employees or managers

Head Line 10 (Mind) can also indicate a possible field of activity. A straight line crossing the palm is a sign of a very practical and rational nature. The line of the Head curved onto the hill of the Moon is called creative. Also, creative individuals are characterized by a bifurcation of the Head line, which is called the writer's fork. The vision of the world by a writer, poet, artist, director is always non-standard, always different from the usual worldview, which is what the Head line on the palm means.

Special sign - double line Heads. A person with two lines of the Head (and there are people even with three!) sees the world completely differently. Kairo, the most famous palmist of all times, wore such a mark on his palm. Two lines of the Head are a sign of a mystic. Agree, a mystic (shaman, sorcerer, fortune teller) sees the world differently than ordinary person. I would even say that the mystic sees another world. A world of secrets and mysteries, an abode of the otherworldly. What else can distinguish the hand of a professional palmist other than the double Head line? The convex mount of the Moon, speaking of emotional sensitivity, with a longitudinal line at the wrist, which is called the line of Intuition 11. The idealistic (creative) line of the Head in combination with an elongated (psychic) ​​palm is a sign of a medium, a person capable of perceiving information at the level of intuition. It’s great if a specialist providing occult services has a healer’s sign on his palm. This is a sign that the mystic will primarily care about your karma, and not about his wallet.

Palmists claim that a person’s palm bears the imprint of his destiny. By the lines on the hand you can learn about the character, marital status, financial wealth and even about a person’s professional activities. The signs on your hand will tell you what professions you are predisposed to and what field of activity will bring you more profit.

Sphere of management

People endowed with the talent to lead have well-developed Mount of Jupiter and Mount of Mercury. These people have short nails and fingers. One more distinguishing feature managers are a square little finger.

Sphere of science

If your mounts of Saturn and Mercury are well developed, then you have a talent for science. In addition, the ability to study and analyze is indicated by a massive thumb. The remaining fingers of the scientific worker have a spade shape and knobby phalanges.

Agriculture and farming

If the line of fate ends on the Mount of Saturn, then this a clear sign that you are destined by Fate to engage in agriculture or livestock breeding.

Business area

It is quite difficult to distinguish a businessman by the lines and signs on his hand, since the field of entrepreneurial activity in palmistry has many signs on the palm. As a rule, a businessman can be recognized by the following signs: short square fingers, of which the ring and middle fingers are almost equal in length; the line of the mind rises; a cross or star is clearly visible on the Mount of Mercury. There is another one bright sign on the hand, distinguishing a businessman is latin letter N in the center of the palm, which consists of three main lines: the life line, the fate line and the mind line.

Sphere of art

Creative person can be distinguished by the following signs and lines on the hand: a triangle or a square on the hills of Apollo, spade-shaped fingers, or when the thumb is very wide, while the rest are slightly flattened. The main sign of a predisposition to art in palmistry is considered to be the presence of the line of the Sun.

Political sphere

Politics can be distinguished by one single feature - these are triangles on the hills of Jupiter and Mercury.

Military profession

You can distinguish a military man from a civilian by the following signs on the palm: a triangle or a circle on the Mount of Mars, spade-shaped and slightly flattened fingers and the bend of the line of the mind to the wrist.


People who are dishonest, engaged in illegal activities, have distinctive signs on their hand - a triangle on the line of the heart, a lattice, a cross or a star on the Mount of Mercury, a forked line of the mind, one of the branches of which descends to the Mount of the Moon.


Meek lines on the Mount of Mercury, a curved and long line of the heart, a straight transverse line of the mind - all this indicates a predisposition and interest in medical activities.

Work in investigative agencies

People who work as investigators, or have all the data for this, are distinguished by square fingers and very short nails. This characteristic features analytical mind and the ability to see weaknesses in people.


A lawyer can be recognized by his square fingers, straight line of mind and deep line of life. Also, people of this profession are characterized by the presence of a dominant fate line on their hand.

With the help of palmistry, you can find out your talents and abilities in a particular field of activity. This will help you find the right path in life and use your inner potential to achieve success. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

31.03.2014 11:21

The line of fate is considered the second most important line on the hand after the line of life. It signifies development...