Cancer is the best compatibility in love. Compatibility: Cancer with other signs in love and family life

“Good night, dear,” you say as usual, going to bed next to your man for the night. These words enter your life so firmly, this simple wish for sweet dreams is ingrained into the subcortex, so that when, for various reasons, you find yourself far from each other, others cannot fall asleep unless they follow the usual ritual, without wishing Good night beloved husband.

Whether he is on a business trip, or you, in any case, you can wish for quiet dreams and not only in your own words. Before you is a luxurious selection of all kinds of good night wishes to your beloved man or friend in verse, and not only. If you want, send it to the person beautiful pictures with cute inscriptions wishing sweet dreams. Or maybe you will like funny pictures or poems that are more suitable for sending them in SMS to the best friend when he will be far from you?

What can we say if you have never been around, and your communication takes place only online? He, your man, lives somewhere in another city or even country, but when an SMS comes from you, even with the simplest, but such kind words, he's probably smiling. And even if you are far from each other, you can become at least a little closer, at least online, by wishing good night to your beloved guy, sending tender pictures with poems.

Having received postcards from his soulmate for the coming nap, he will be happy - it’s so nice when, already lying in bed, you receive a cute poem. A small, but such a pleasant sign of attention, even if the man feigns a chuckle, but in his heart he will be very pleased - after all, even if you are not nearby, you will remind him of your love, of your feelings and how dear your relationship is to you.

Cool photos with good night wishes to your loved one in prose or poetry can be downloaded completely free of charge, and quickly, literally in a couple of clicks of the mouse or a couple of touches of the fingers on your gadget. Or you can save the entire selection to your pages on social networks so that they are always at hand and remind you of such an important matter for you.

To tell the truth, it’s hard to resist showering your beloved man with cute and tender photos, a huge number presented below - because each of them is beautiful and unique in its own way, so it’s really difficult to choose.

Send warm wishes for sweet dreams to a dear friend via SMS - if he is not available online. Then your message will definitely find its addressee; short poems filled with warm words will definitely appeal to a romantic and sensitive man.

A secret - all representatives of the male species are sensitive and romantic, it’s just that some of them were brought up in strictness, forbidding them to show feelings, as if it were something bad and unworthy of a man (remember the immortal “Be a man!”).

This is all nonsense - any person, regardless of gender, needs manifestations of love and affection, and is just as happy when they receive these signs of attention.

Here, in our selection, are presented funny sms, which will be appreciated by a man endowed with a sense of humor and loving funny pictures with cool captions.

After all, in a harmonious relationship there should be a place for everything - tender romance, passion, and especially healthy humor, which often helps couples cope with minor quarrels. Agree, it’s problematic to quarrel and shout over a trifle, when your other half kindly jokes about this trifle?

It would seem that, short phrases“good night, darling”, “quiet dreams, beloved” - something like this is how we accompany a man to the kingdom of Orpheus, but how much warmth and tenderness they contain!

Let them be spoken in your own words, even if they are not pictures or funny cards- but the value of human communication is difficult to overestimate, but alas, we cannot always be with our loved ones, kindred in spirit, and then communication in in social networks of various kinds, from the ancient Odnoklassniki to the newfangled Telegram.

And how good it is that in an age when only wild tribes in Africa do not have the Internet, you can send beautiful photos with wishes of good night to a man who is now far away from you.

He may not be far away, perhaps your better half is guarding order, or maybe saving lives on the operating table, and then your short but capacious SMS will definitely reach him.

Well, in your own words, you will say this to your dear friend personally, without an e-card, when he comes home and you greet him with a warm hug, or when you meet on a cozy evening.

Short poems wishing good night to your husband can be saved in advance on your computer or personal gadget, so that at the right moment you can simply send your loved one sweet cards filled with warm words, soaked in love and tenderness.

You can wish a guy good night by sending playful cards with teasing poems - after all, why not flirt for the coming night? True, in this case, be prepared that when you meet in person, you will be squeezed and kissed half to death. But, most likely, this does not scare you, because it’s not for nothing that you are together with this person?

Look, choose carefully selected pictures that are suitable for you, and share them with your significant other - either in SMS or in regular emails. Be closer to your loved ones - it’s so easy to do, and distance is not a hindrance!

According to the compatibility horoscope, the Cancer Woman is as mysterious as the Moon itself. Did you think that she was practical and rational, but when you got to know her better, you saw a romantic nature and a tender, vulnerable soul? Previously, it seemed to you that she was all calmness, but next to you her mood changes every now and then, showing either joy, thoughtfulness, or sadness? Believe me, this is completely normal, it’s just that few people are like her: their vulnerable inner world she carefully hides it from strangers.

When you first meet a Cancer woman, you will find that she can be flirty, but there is nothing flashy or flashy about her. Tender, feminine, sympathetic, seductive - she will be a good life partner and an excellent wife.

Behind the outward timidity and shyness of the Cancer woman lies a storm of passions that only needs to be awakened. Don't expect from her decisive action- she is incapable of them. You must catch the subtle hint, the unspoken invitation. If you miss this chance, your luck will run out because the Cancer woman is too vulnerable to make another attempt at seduction.

That is why if a relationship with a Cancer woman is dear to you, the worst thing you can do is start to pull her back and criticize her. In the end, everyone has a lot of shortcomings, but only Cancer is capable of falling into dull melancholy if they are voiced openly to her. And this is only half the problem: in the end, the Cancer woman’s melancholy will end sooner or later, but the relationship with you is unlikely to remain the same. Most likely, she will simply withdraw, hiding from you not only her grievances, but also her tenderness and her love.

Nevertheless, a relationship with a Cancer woman is worth learning to avoid rough edges for. Cancer is so feminine, so charming, such an amazing cook and such a wonderful housewife that she can make any man happy who dreams of a family home.

According to the compatibility of the Cancer woman, she is not attracted by holiday romances, because in a relationship she is not looking for a fleeting riot of feelings, but real values: love, fidelity, care, attention. Betrayal and betrayal of a loved one can break her tender heart, but for her part she is simply not capable of them.

Trust is very important to her in relationships. The Cancer woman gives her heart extremely carefully; more than anything else, she needs love and security. She is ready to grab hold of someone who will give her reliability and peace of mind.

Having become the chosen one and even the life partner of a Cancer woman, always remember that, despite all her love for you, many of her thoughts and memories will remain inaccessible to you. Take for granted the fact that there is a place in her soul for little secrets, but if she shares with you her doubts and fears (of which she has many), support her with words of encouragement. The fact is that many people, and you will have to try, to instill in her faith in her abilities.

In terms of compatibility in love and marriage, the Cancer woman, with all her fragility and romance, can hardly be called a creature with her head in the clouds. On the contrary, she is very practical, knows how to run a household, handle money, make provisions for a rainy day and raise children.

By the way, in the latter respect, Cancer has no equal at all, to the point that she is able to sit by the crib all night long, listening to the child’s breathing: is it even, is he sleeping well? Such excessive guardianship leads to the fact that it is difficult for the children of a Cancer woman to learn independence - their mother does everything for them almost before the wedding. However, what they definitely do not lack is attention, care and high self-esteem raised by their mother.

In relation to difficulties, the Cancer woman usually does not show much resilience, preferring to wait patiently for the bad streak to end. However, this does not apply to cases where someone close to her is at risk. Having stood up to protect her loved one, the usually calm and affectionate Cancer woman is ready to fight like a lion! Having become her husband, you will never doubt her devotion, and yet even at the golden wedding, looking at her surrounded by children and grandchildren, you will think that you have never unraveled many of her secrets, and first of all, the secret of her unique charm.

Compatibility of a Cancer woman - the image of a Beloved

According to the compatibility of a Cancer woman - her ideal man must be intelligent, decent, good-natured and flexible, because this lady is used to taking control of the situation. But she will never allow herself to start a quarrel with her partner or pay attention to a stranger.

Compatibility of Cancer woman with zodiac signs

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Aries man

According to the compatibility of a Cancer woman and an Aries man, this union is not often found, since the partners live practically in parallel worlds. Self-confident Aries does not recognize any boundaries, while the cautious Cancer woman, on the contrary, builds her life according to clear laws.

On the other hand, in life together such dissimilarity has its advantages: the ambitious Aries calmly deals with work and career, while his fair half is busy with home and family. True, sometimes Aries puts too much pressure on Cancer, which is why she can become offended and withdraw into herself.

There is always a strong relationship between Cancer and Aries sexual attraction, however, a long-term union is very problematic. ..

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Taurus man

According to the compatibility of a Cancer woman and a Taurus man, excellent relationships can form and exist between them; complete understanding is a reliable guarantee of a solid foundation, both for marriage union, and for marital relations and family life. They have a lot in common. Both love home, dream about own home- cozy and comfortable, about a garden with flower beds, a vegetable garden, etc. If Cancer and Taurus take stricter control negative traits their character and disposition, will impose a ban on stubbornness and obstinacy, then their marital relations may become strong union“forever”, in which both partners truly love each other...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Gemini man

These signs poor compatibility, but such pairs are common.

According to the compatibility of a Cancer woman and a Gemini man, their relationship lasts or Great love, or on the benefits that each receives from the other partner. In the first case, the couple is able to organize their small world for two, in the second they live in parallel with each other, not intersecting anywhere except in everyday life.

The restless Gemini man and the thorough Cancer woman don't have much in common, but they can complement each other. As a rule, the Cancer woman takes care of the house and the family budget for two, while the Gemini man, also for two, lives a rich, fairly free life...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Cancer man

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Cancer man- this is not as good an alliance as it might seem at first. Two Cancers understand each other well, but their mutual stubbornness and resentment spoil their lives.

Between two Cancers, a long-term relationship is possible only if they are both very successful: wealthy, have reliable friends and good profession. Otherwise, they will stop their communication with mutual reproaches and insults.

The common denominator in Cancer-Cancer compatibility is a clear predominance of feelings, constant changes in mood, submission to rhythms lunar phases. Their life is more or less tolerable until their mood swings coincide. Then one of the partners needs to go for a walk to “get some air,” at least for a few hours. They must categorically avoid outbursts of emotions, scandals, and tears...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Leo man

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Leo man- these people are opposite to each other, they will never be able to change each other or influence their partner. But between them there will be the most fruitful and harmonious union, which you can imagine. After all, they are the embodiment of the energy of two luminaries, the Sun and the Moon. Like their cosmic counterparts, they do not overlap in character, but need each other for harmony.

Even if on this moment neither the Leo man nor the Cancer woman thinks about family ties, however, both of them, as a rule, strive for them all their lives. Although a Cancer woman and a Leo man can hardly be called similar, they are united not only by their views on marriage, practicality and love of thoroughness...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Virgo man

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Virgo man- in this union, partners have every chance of finding their soul mate. True, this relationship cannot be called too passionate, but the practical Virgo man and Cancer woman are united by similar views on life, thoroughness, frugality and the desire to create a strong family. This union, somewhat boring from the outside, but more than satisfactory and Cancer and Virgo.

They are similar in many ways, but with their different features they complement each other well. Therefore, there are almost no quarrels in the couple and mutual understanding reigns. If they quarrel, it is rarely and unnoticed by others: both are not supporters of “Spanish passions”...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Libra man

The relationship in this couple is not easy, but interesting: at first, the partners take a long and painful time to learn to understand each other, which is not as easy as it seems. Then their union acquires amazing harmony.

In terms of compatibility between Cancer women and Libra men, in this union the partners are similar in many ways, and this is both its advantage and its disadvantage. Libra man and Cancer woman are emotional and thoughtful natures, and can beat around the bush for a long time before accepting something important decision. That is why the courtship period in this couple can drag on for months, if not years.

In the life together of a Cancer-Libra couple, everything usually moves at the same snail’s pace, but thoroughly: first they can date for a long time, then live with their parents for a long time...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Scorpio man

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Scorpio man- this is a good and interesting combination. A Scorpio man and a Cancer woman, as a rule, are attracted to each other, they feel good together, and the feeling of novelty may not go away even after a year of close relationships. They are interested in being together, because no one will ever understand them the way their partner understands them.

A Scorpio man, having met a Cancer woman and feeling the arrow of Cupid in his heart, immediately rushes to legal marriage. And if the partner is already busy, then he will quietly and calmly, humbly wait for “his time.”

In a Cancer-Scorpio pair, any everyday problems disappear by themselves. The only thing Cancer must always and constantly reckon with is Scorpio’s jealousy...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Sagittarius man

The Sagittarius man, as a rule, avoids family ties to the last, while the Cancer woman is very careful about choosing a partner, so cases when fate brings them together are rare.

According to the compatibility of a Cancer woman and a Sagittarius man, these people may become interested in each other when they first meet. But the Cancer woman and the Sagittarius man have too different views on life to create a truly strong family. Therefore, for a partnership, they will both have to come to terms with a lot, give up a lot and work hard on themselves. Everyone decides for himself whether he can cope with this, or whether he will have to leave...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Capricorn man

Both the Capricorn man and the Cancer woman can only be congratulated on their successful choice of a life partner! Perhaps, from the outside, this union does not look too passionate, but they will hear the words “they suit each other so well” more than once or twice in their lives. Feelings are feelings, but between these signs there is clearly something more: these are goals, aspirations, outlook on life, and the reliability and solidity that a Cancer woman and a Capricorn man are able to give to each other.

In terms of compatibility between Cancer women and Capricorn men, this is one of the most natural and harmonious couples. It has a traditional distribution of roles. As a rule, in this union, Capricorn provides for the family and rises in career ladder, while Cancer takes excellent care of the home and children...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Aquarius man

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Aquarius man- this is one of the complex unions. Life goals Cancer women and Aquarius men are different.

The unpredictable, freedom-loving Aquarius man and the cautious Cancer woman are as different as heaven and earth, however, they are drawn to each other. They have a good sexual compatibility, but in Everyday life It can be difficult for a conservative Cancer woman to understand the creative, contradictory nature of an Aquarius man. Usually he is not ready to provide her with the stability that she strives for with all her soul, and is generally not in the mood for marriage. Aquarius is not satisfied with Cancer's measured lifestyle and inability to share with him his many interests and hobbies.

Over time, these contradictions, as a rule, deepen, and the Cancer-Aquarius union may fall apart, unless the Cancer woman and the Aquarius man learn to live in each other’s interests...

Compatibility of Cancer woman - Pisces man

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Pisces man- between this couple there can be not only a harmonious friendship or favorable cooperation, but also a deep, mutual love, happy marriage. And love often breaks out here even “at first sight.” Both Cancer and Pisces feel good in this union.

A Cancer woman may initially think that she would be happier with more strong man. But the longer she lives with a Pisces man, the more clearly she understands that she would hardly get along with someone who was stronger than her as well as with soft, dreamy Pisces.

The Pisces man and the Cancer woman are very similar and therefore understand each other very well. In their life together, there is usually no place for scandals and quarrels, although their relationship cannot be called dry: they are wonderful lovers, together it is easy and good for them. The Cancer-Pisces pair is a union of two dreamers and visionaries with a rich inner world...

What is horoscope compatibility? Probably, almost every person asked this question in an attempt to determine the most suitable pair. With zodiac signs everything is simple. Knowing your sign, you can read about who among other representatives of the zodiac circle is most suitable for you. You can also find out with whom the relationship will not be the best. In this article we will look at the compatibility of the Cancer zodiac signs with other zodiac signs.

If your Zodiac sign is Cancer, it means that you were born between June 21 and July 22 of any year. Born in this period people are distinguished by mystery, which can be called one of the characteristics of this type. And it's not just about the mysterious personality. The point is that it is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to unravel and understand such a person.

The characteristics of the Cancer zodiac sign are many contradictions, contrasts and shocking facts. Such people are considered caring and compassionate. However, in trying to take care of a loved one, they can push it to the limit. They may make comments that are too protective and express their dissatisfaction.

For the most part, Cancer cares about how he looks, because he loves others to think only well of him. Although some still believe that Cancers are callous and hard people. However, it is not. One has only to remember what the denoting is this sign Zodiac symbol. Under the hard shell hides a vulnerable, gentle and sensual creature, which is not revealed to everyone.

Throughout their lives, Cancers undergo many changes, even if they constantly live in the same place. These changes, as a rule, concern their inner world.

The connection of this constellation with the Moon may deprive them of the ability to adequately assess others and events. Therefore, most often they choose to live in the moment, rather than tomorrow or in the distant future. By the way, this is what gives them charm in the eyes of others.

For people whose zodiac sign is Cancer, love plays important role. They manage to take relationships, family, and feelings very seriously and responsibly, doing everything possible to maintain harmony. If something bad happened, for example a breakup, then Cancers will suffer very much from this. They will never show their emotions to others, but this will be a real shock for them.

Compatibility of Zodiac signs Cancer with other signs

Cancer and Aries

In this pair, compatibility will depend on the type of relationship. If they choose each other for a short-term romance, they will receive great pleasure and invaluable experience. After all, they will be united by a love of bed pleasures and a desire to receive unearthly pleasure.

If we're talking about about marriage, then everything is a little more complicated. Over time, Aries can turn into a rude and straightforward person, which will greatly hurt a sensual partner. If the second one constantly smoothes out the rough edges in the relationship, everything will be fine for the couple.

Cancer and Taurus

High compatibility and good union. Mutual understanding and harmony will reign in such a couple, but lovers should be united by common goals: creating a family, offspring, work. At home they will be able to get along well, if necessary, giving in to each other.

In the sexual sphere, everything will also be wonderful, since each of the partners will be able to open up and learn to give pleasure to their loved one. As for conflicts, they will most often be motivated by jealousy, but they will be able to survive these problems.

Cancer and Gemini

This couple is very ambiguous. Cancer will never be able to solve the Gemini riddle, which will add fuel to the fire and add variety to family life. At the very beginning, they will be very passionate about each other. However, when it comes to making a decision about marriage, they may have some differences. After all, Geminis choose unburdensome relationships and this can hurt their loved one. Cancer should not limit the freedom of the partner, then the second, as a sign of gratitude, will never leave him.

Cancer and Cancer

Such an alliance is more friendly than love. These two understand each other very well and are very close spiritually. However, over time, they may find such a life very boring. Perfect compatibility will happen if one of the partners is older. In this case, he will be able to teach his loved one something new, which will strengthen the marriage.

Cancer and Leo

Good compatibility, however, the alliance will be built on the subordination of one partner to the other. And you will have to obey the one whose Zodiac sign is Cancer. Leo will be an excellent option because he will be able to subtly and delicately control his partner.

Naturally, Leo must be a man. Otherwise, disagreements may arise. If the woman is a Lioness, then she will command too much of the sensual Cancer, and he will consider himself weak and powerless.

Cancer and Virgo

Such relationships can be quite long-lasting, although compatibility is not the highest. What unites them is that each of them has qualities that the partner does not have, that is, they complement each other. Cancer's sensuality helps Virgo not to be too realistic.

However, after marriage, what seemed like a virtue may seem like a disadvantage and a reason for quarrels. In addition, Virgo's jealousy can nullify a completely harmonious relationship. Such a marriage will be best when the partners are already aged and have learned to treat other people’s weaknesses with understanding.

Cancer and Libra

Quite a good union, where each partner is passionate about the unusualness of their loved one. Cancer will be able to appreciate Libra's sociability, while the latter will be attracted by intelligence and curiosity. However, some of Libra's indecisiveness can become a problem if Cancer is not ready to take responsibility for making decisions.

Therefore, they will have to work a little on the relationship and try to be understanding of the shortcomings of their loved one.

Cancer and Scorpio

Quite high compatibility, even despite the sensitivity of Cancer and the straightforwardness of Scorpio. In such a pair, Scorpio will symbolize confidence in tomorrow, support.

And Cancer will help the partner become softer, more sensitive, and enriched spiritually. In sex, they will give each other great pleasure, revealing hidden sides and doing everything the way the partner would like.

Cancer and Sagittarius

Not the highest compatibility, because Sagittarius will constantly try to re-educate and remake the partner. By the way, all his efforts will be in vain, because the Cancer zodiac sign does not like to change, especially under pressure. In addition, Sagittarius will be irritated by the partner’s excessive sensitivity and his emotions about any comment. Minor quarrels can develop into real problems, leading to separation.

For Sagittarius, such a partner will be a mystery that he will try to solve with all his might. Therefore, if you focus on romantic relationships without marriage, everything can turn out quite well.

Cancer and Capricorn

These two are opposites in every sense. And if in youth they can be attracted, then in mature age They are unlikely to find anything in common. The sentimental and soft zodiac sign Cancer will be a stranger from another planet for Capricorn. After all, Capricorn is accustomed to strong-willed and strong personalities, capable of action. If they learn to complement each other and not conflict due to different views, then they may well exist side by side. Especially if they are connected by common goals.

Cancer and Aquarius

Average compatibility in such a pair is determined by certain points. The activity and activity of Aquarius can both have a positive impact on the development of relationships, and negatively affect the desire of both to be together.

In this union, a lot depends on Aquarius. He will have to learn to pull his partner along with him, motivate him and understand him. If this does not happen, then it will be very difficult for them to be together.

Cancer and Pisces

A successful couple with very high compatibility. They have a lot in common, they understand each other perfectly and complement each other. However, there are also periods when, due to too much similarity, they begin to have problems and quarrels. You just need to survive such a period, after which peace and tranquility will be established. In addition, you need to pay attention to joint plans and ideas so that life is not too sluggish and apathetic.