The Russian mafia is betting on Zenon Poznyak. Zenon Stanislavovich Poznyak: biography


“Live for yourself people!”

(ancient Russian proverb)

Recently, on a city street, I became an involuntary witness to a conversation that touched me to the core and was the last straw that forced me to take up this article.

Two young men were talking in the presence of their wives and 10-12 year old children: a boy and a girl. It was about a mutual friend of theirs. Here is an excerpt from this dialogue:

I tell him: why are you calling me? After all, I don’t pester you with my problems! And now too... Why should I care that your son is missing?! This is your problem, I have enough of my own!

He called me this morning too. Complained too! As annoying as a fly. Shares his troubles, cries into someone else's vest! He doesn’t want to understand that his problems are of no interest to anyone!

Some unknown person was looking for help, sympathy, complicity from his apparently quite close friends, but was met with the cruel indifference of callous egoists! Their wives and children will be the same (if they are not already).

They don’t remember the old Russian proverb: “We drink and eat like people: why are we non-humans!”

In the metro at the Nevsky Prospekt station I often see an elderly, plump, sickly-looking woman. Leaning against the wall and spreading her legs wide, she masterfully performs classical pieces on the violin. On the floor in front of her is a plate with several coins. Without a doubt she is a professional, most likely a teacher. She probably once had a lot of respected and loving students. Maybe one of them has achieved a lot in life. Most likely, she has a well-developed sense of self-esteem, she remembers the former honor shown to her by students and colleagues. But the meager pension and modern hard life forced me to “go on the panel.” People would sympathize with her. But instead I hear: “Do you know how much these beggars charge!?”

A man is lying on the sidewalk. Maybe he's dead, sick, or just drunk. Passers-by are not interested in this! They, having bypassed it or even stepped over it, calmly continue on their way. So it can lie for a very long time. What if he needed urgent medical care and didn’t get it?

On a bus full of passengers, a frail young guy pulled a wallet out of the pocket of a hunched old woman. She grabbed him by the sleeve, held him and cried for help. However, standing nearby, strong, tall young people, who looked like students, peacefully continued the conversation. There are many of them, but there is only one thief. I don't think they're afraid of him. They just don’t want to get involved: they are indifferent to someone else’s misfortune! At the bus stop, a thief with a wallet calmly gets off the bus. The pensioner is crying. She may have lost her pension and been left without a livelihood for a month!

Television reports: an eleven-year-old girl became pregnant, a thirteen-year-old boy strangled his classmate, scammers sold a sea vessel for one dollar, etc., etc. The indignation of society (the electorate, as the population is now commonly called) is not heard!

In the philistine environment, I did not notice a storm of indignation over the unparalleled cruelty and inhumanity of the events in Beslan, the explosions in Moscow and our other cities, and even more so, the terrorist attacks abroad. People have fear for themselves, but no desire to take on the whole world to eradicate common evil!

Another conscription into the Russian army is underway. A survey of conscripts showed: only fourteen percent are ready to defend the Fatherland. The rest declared without hesitation that in case of war they would immediately desert or surrender! I think that even “our” government should not like this! Who is it limitless possibilities will protect enrichment!? The Ministry of Internal Affairs and security will not help here! They are only suitable for war with unarmed old people at demonstrations!

Most people are indifferent even to government actions that are clearly directed against themselves: increasing housing prices, inflation, selling land, depriving them of well-deserved benefits, etc. Only a very few people participate in protests! Naturally, in in this case apathy plays into the hands of the authorities: the people are silent - you can safely continue to rob them further!

A good indicator of the indifference of our people is the attitude towards the elections of deputies at all levels. Fewer and fewer come to the polling stations every year. Even cash and vodka handouts from candidates began to help little. The Russians have lost faith in the possibility of changing their position in better side, and at worst - they got used to it! Got used to the lies of the authorities, their promises heavenly life, seas of blood in the body of action films, annoying horror stories of the tabloid press and.... stopped reacting!

If desired, each reader can add dozens of others, his own, to the examples I have given of today's indifference of compatriots to their neighbors, society, and state!

The people, as a monolithic collective, united and united by a common idea, a single impulse to achieve common goals, no longer exist in today's Russia! The Liberal Democrats have achieved their goal! Everyone lives on their own and for themselves. Slogan: “Pepsi! Take everything from life (for your loved one)!” implemented. And who will restore the destroyed economy (double the gross domestic product), revive Russia as a world power, and defend its interests with arms in hand? And will a country even exist if no one cares about anything except itself!?

L.N. Gumilev in his works gives a lot of historical examples of how peoples disappeared, states and empires collapsed as a result of the loss of passion, apathy, and indifference of people. Isn’t this the same fate that awaits Russia? Maybe it’s time for us to wake up, remember what we were like, and try to return to the past!?

One of the greatest historians of the 19th century, V.O., wrote well about the former kindness, love for one’s neighbor, indifference, and the tendency to empathize with the Russian people. Klyuchevsky in the article “ Good people ancient Rus'" ... “When you see that a person is drowning, the first movement is to rush to his aid, without asking how and why he got into the water and what moral impression our help will make on him!” That is, the first Commandment of the Russian person has always been indifference to the fate of his neighbor. Russian society under the direction of Orthodox Church Over the course of centuries, people learned to understand and fulfill the second of the two main Commandments - the Commandment of love for one's neighbor. Our ancestors always saw this love in compassion for the needy and suffering. And the first requirement was personal alms (help). The idea of ​​this almsgiving was the basis of practical moral teaching; the need for it among the Russian people was cultivated by all means. Loving your neighbor, as our ancestors believed, means not passing by the needy, extending a helping hand to him, feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty. Humanity was considered the highest virtue. IN. Klyuchevsky gives many examples of the manifestation of the high philanthropy of Russian people belonging to different strata of society in various periods of Russian history. The testament of our ancestors to us, our descendants, is the thought: “To live means to love your neighbor, i.e. help him live; There’s nothing left to live for and there’s nothing left to live for!” Amazingly wonderful words! Is it possible to forget them!?

Since ancient times, the Cossacks had a custom of notifying the entire neighborhood with a shot from a gun when a guest appeared in the house. This meant that the owner was ready to protect him by all means. This wonderful custom has been preserved to this day among some eastern peoples.

Indifference, hostility, and hatred towards the enemies of the Fatherland have always been especially cultivated, because these feelings help maintain the high morale of soldiers and are a necessary condition for their victory in the war.

The older generation can remember the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War and the years of post-war devastation. In the USSR, seventy thousand cities and villages were destroyed, more than twenty million citizens died! Life was much more difficult financially than it is today! But Soviet people were completely different, not like today! They had a common idea, impulse, thirst for victory over the enemy and restoration of what was lost. Only thanks to this our people won the war, essentially the whole of Europe; in the shortest possible time he restored the national economy and went further - he created a great and powerful Soviet state, respected by the whole world! In many respects, a state that has surpassed the United States of America, which was not destroyed by the war, but grew even richer from it!

The indifference of people (according to V.I. Dahl is peace, inertia of the soul, heart, feelings, rationality, coldness, indifference) began to noticeably manifest itself in our society already during the time of Khrushchev. Gradually expanding and deepening, it reached its apogee in our joyless and soulless reform days. In a short article it is hardly possible to reveal all the causes of this national disaster, but the main ones should be named.

Material everyday well-being, technical achievements of civilization, like everything in the world, have both positive and negative consequences. Widespread housing construction and the resettlement of communal apartments in the sixties and seventies, the introduction of television into the life of Soviet people significantly influenced their unity and contributed to the introduction of individualism into their consciousness. Having a personal apartment with a TV and telephone, people began to visit each other less often and became isolated in their family world. Evenings began to be spent not in conversations in the common kitchen or at the domino table in the courtyard of the house, but in front of the TV. In many cases, the telephone has replaced personal, emotional communication. Even family and family ties began to weaken and break. Individualism was advancing at a rapid pace. (By the way, this process covered not only our country, but also the entire Western civilized world). My own apartment required arrangement - private ownership sentiments began to grow. Khrushchev relied on material interests in his economic policy. This “added fuel to the fire.” Dissidents raised their heads - supporters of the Western way of life, liberal ideas, fans of consumerism; people whose value system material values prevailed over the spiritual. As is known, the liberal idea is realized in politics in the form of bourgeois democracy, in economics - in the form of capitalism and presupposes freedom of enterprise in all spheres public life. Entrepreneurship is based on selfishness. Whatever the current media biased by the bourgeoisie may say, an entrepreneur works for himself, for personal gain, and he cannot be both an egoist in production and an altruist in other types of social life. In other words, a liberal society is a society of egoists!

Egoism (from the Latin ego - I) is a principle of behavior, which consists in the fact that a person follows only his personal interests, regardless of the interests of others, the interests of society. In a liberal society with its concept of Good and Evil, this is not a vice at all, but a norm, and its antipode - altruism (from the Latin alter - other, selfless service to other people) - is a convention, stupidity that interferes with living beautifully. Of course, there are altruists in bourgeois society, but they are a minority. After all, the state serves the bourgeoisie and preaches its values ​​and views by all means. Thanks to the enormous influence of the media, many people who do not belong to the bourgeois class, i.e. those who do not have capital and do not use it to make a profit also become indifferent egoists.

I would like to note one more thing - the psychological reason for the apathy of today's Russians. The liberal state in the early nineties, by replacing the socialist value system with the bourgeois one, dishonored and humiliated human dignity a huge mass of educated people, i.e. the most thoughtful and active people: scientists, engineers, officers, teachers, doctors, cultural workers, etc. In the Soviet state it was very prestigious to have higher education, especially academic degrees and titles. It is known that the ethical categories of honor and dignity of a person are determined by his assessment by society and self-esteem, respectively. The high honor and dignity of a person are strictly interconnected and stimulate his social activity. The decline in the social status of the intelligentsia - the deprivation of the previously high honor and dignity - led to a decrease in its social activity. The unclaimed mass of previously revered people lowered their heads, withdrew into themselves, becoming apathetic to everything.

Here, in brief, are, in our opinion, the main reasons why we, the Russian people, came to the current soulless, selfish bourgeois society. It only remains to add that until 1917, the bourgeoisie with its liberal idea existed in Russia, but it was never dominant. In those days, the state system was not a bourgeois egoistic, but an aristocratic system of values, in which individualism and selfishness were not a priority, and the highest virtues military valor, service to faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland were considered. From all that has been said, only one conclusion follows: if we want to survive on Earth as a nation with our own state, then the liberal idea should be replaced with a more fruitful one, because otherwise it will destroy us.

A new idea for organizing society is new system views on the universe, fundamentally new thinking, which should combine materialism and idealism, science and religion, the spiritual and the material. This process of unification of what until recently seemed incompatible is already underway in the minds of progressive people.

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In many criminal men's tattoos women appear. Moreover, the drawing does not necessarily symbolize love or lyrical feelings.

Criminal tattoo catalog

Criminal painting is characterized by the absence of a semantic connection to the drawing or text. A half-naked woman with a flower can symbolize cruelty, the euphonious “GOD” means “has been condemned by the state,” and the cat tattoo indicates “the native prisoner.”

Here is a classic catalog of tattoos that were most often found among professional criminals.

The meaning of tattoos

1. Half naked woman in hussar garb, sitting on a cannon with a burning torch in her hand. “There are two beautiful things in the world - love and death.” Symbolizes loyalty to a woman and the hidden threat of revenge for betrayal. Apply to the chest or back.

2. Nude woman tied to a flaming pillar. "Death for treason." Means that the wearer of the tattoo was convicted of murdering a woman. Logs can mean a sentence. Place of tattoo: chest, thigh.

3. Executioner executing naked women. The tattoo is sometimes supplemented with the abbreviation “GOD” (see). Symbolizes hatred of laws and administrative authorities.

4. Woman and Devil. “Love and hate (good and evil) are always there.” It means that the owner of the tattoo was imprisoned because of a woman. Apply to the chest or thigh.

5. Woman on wings. The tattoo is small in size and placed on the wrist. Symbolizes good luck, fortune, random luck. Most often found among thieves.

6. Nude woman with burning with a torch in hand, prison bars, snake, cross, human skull, axe, money. "Nothing lasts forever in this world." "All the will of God". Camp authority tattoo. May be accompanied by a text about the frailty of worldly existence. Apply only to the chest.

7. Fragment of thorny wire. A generalized symbol indicating that the owner of the tattoo has been through a correctional labor institution. Apply to the wrist.

8. Executioner with an ax, half-naked woman, chopping block. The tattoo is found on people convicted of murdering a relative (or relatives). The secondary meaning is "Death to the traitor." Apply to the chest.

9. Medieval helmet. A symbol of struggle, brotherhood, determination. At first it was applied only to the wrist, but now it is found on the shoulder and thigh. Indicates a thief or robber.

10. Bayonet. The oldest symbol of the thieves' world. Symbolized threat, warning, strength. It was applied to the wrist, forearm, and sometimes to the thigh. The tattoo was common among repeat offenders. Today it is observed extremely rarely.

11. Nude woman crucified on a cross with the inscription “ Amen" “I took full revenge for the betrayal.” An abstract symbol of revenge (not necessarily against a woman). The tattoo is observed among thieves' leaders and is applied to the chest or thigh.

12. Prison lattice, rose and dagger. The owner of the tattoo served time for hooliganism in a correctional labor colony. Apply to the forearm or shoulder. If the dagger and rose are without bars - “Blood for treason.”

13. Girl's head. “I met my coming of age at VTC.” The place of the tattoo is the shoulder, less often - the chest.

14. Nude woman on a winged wheel. " Wheel of Fortune" Symbolizes faith in luck. Apply to the chest.

15. Scull pierced by a dagger, a rose, a snake entwining a dagger. Thief symbol. "Our life is a struggle." A crown over a snake indicates a tattoo of a thieves' authority - a thief in law, a ruler, an observer. It is found on the shoulder, less often on the chest.

16. Cross with chain. It is punctured in the upper part of the chest and indicates faith in one’s fate. If the cross is depicted as a suit of clubs, then the owner of the tattoo is a thief.

17. Nude woman entwined with a snake, with an apple in hand. Biblical story about the tempting serpent. “A woman pushed her into committing a crime.” "Woman Tempter" Apply to the chest, shoulder. The tattoo is sometimes found among passive homosexuals (usually on the back).

18. Hand with a tulip, entwined with barbed wire. “I met 16 years old at VTC.” The place of the tattoo is the shoulder.

19. Hands in shackles holding a rose. “I met 18 years old in the VTK” (the shackles symbolize a “full-fledged criminal”). Apply to the shoulder.

The last two tattoos are also common among women.

  • Catalog:

20. Mermaid at anchor. It is found among sailors and among persons serving sentences for rape or indecent assault. Less common in passive homosexuals. The tattoo is applied to the chest or back.

21. Pitchfork. One of the oldest criminal symbols in Russia. At first it served as a distinctive sign large raspberries and thieves' authorities. It was left on prison walls, used as a means of communication. Later it began to be applied to the shoulder, thigh or forearm. Symbolizes threat, strength. Now it is rare.

22. Eight pointed star. Tattoo of camp authorities - thieves in law, denied, godfathers. Apply under the collarbone.

23. Half-naked woman sitting on magic ball . There is a crescent moon above your head. Symbolizes faith in otherworldly forces. Apply to the chest or back. Found among Muslims and Jews.

24. Bear holding a medieval ax with an image of a suit of clubs. Indicates a safecracker - a burglar. It may also mean that the convict served his sentence at a “logging camp” - in a correctional facility specializing in logging. “The law is the taiga, the ladle is the norm, the bear is the prosecutor.”

25. Crossed arrow and key. Symbol of an apartment thief - a burglar. Apply to the forearm or thigh.

26. A woman with bare breasts and an index finger pressed to her lips. "Silentium!" - " Silence! Symbolizes distrust of a woman. “As long as there are women in the world, there will be no secrets.” Apply to the chest.

27. Star of David entwined with a winged snake. The owner of the tattoo is a Jew and belongs to the winged camp authorities.

28. Saber without scabbard. The tattoo symbolizes aggressiveness and secret threat. Apply to the forearm and wrist. A saber in a sheath means that the criminal is “tied up.” Very rare.

29. Inscription Hoc est in votis. “Don’t love money - they’ll ruin you, don’t love women - they’ll deceive you, but love God (or freedom).”

30. Woman, gun, money, bottle, syringe, knife, cards. “This is what we love” or “This is what destroys us.” Symbolizes wild life, wastefulness.

31. a lion surrounded by medieval weapons - sword, axe, bow, arrows, mace. Symbolizes strength and power. A book lying in front of a lion signifies wisdom. "Cruel, but fair." Authority tattoo. It is almost always applied to the chest.

32. Flying Demon. The picture can be supplemented with the inscription “Fatum” (rock). Applied to the chest and means cruelty. "My god is an evil Demon." “Satan will pay for your sins.” Found in bulls, fighters, denied.

33 and 34. Tattoos of drug addicts. Genie, flying out of the jug. Apply to the chest, shoulder or front of the thigh. Spider in the web may break out on the head under the hair. A spider without a web means a pickpocket.

35. Three cards pierced by an arrow. The badge of a card sharper.

36. Eagle on the top of the mountain. Symbol of power and freedom. Tattoo of camp authorities.

37. Crap. The tattoo belongs to the so-called “grins” and symbolizes hatred of administrative structures. Apply to the chest. Accompanied by anti-state texts.

38. Amur with a bow, a tempting serpent, doves, a heart pierced by an arrow. Artistic tattoo. "Tempted by you forever." Apply to the chest or back.

39. The Dragon flying over the castle. Tattoos are found among plunderers of state or collective property, “guild workers.” It also means complete confiscation of property. Apply to the chest and back.

40. " CAT - a native prisoner" The image of a cat is painted by repeat offenders who compare themselves to this animal. A cat combines pride and affection for home (a thief's home is a prison). The drawing can be accompanied by texts like “And here I am at home.”

41. Symbol of Pharaoh's power. At first I met only with camp authorities. Then the tattoo began to be tattooed by thieves who resell stolen items. Now it is rare. Applied to hands.

42. Burning crucifix With a woman. “A woman pushed her into committing a crime.” “I will take revenge for betrayal.” "Convicted of murdering a woman."

43. Running deer. "I was born free and I will die free." Applied to the chest and indicates a tendency to escape.

44. Knights. "Strength and loyalty." Apply to the chest.

45. Cowboy with a naked girl on a horse. The drawing may be accompanied by the abbreviation “OMUT” (“It’s hard to leave me”). It means a propensity for risk and adventure. The tattoo is applied to the chest.

46. ​​" Cowgirl" - cowboy girl. “The world is ruled by gold and audacity.” Common among malicious violators of camp regulations.

47. Woman, rose, dagger. "Revenge for betrayal." Place of tattoo: forearm.

48. A woman with a sword, stringing hearts. "She broke the heart". " Heartbreaker" The tattoo is dedicated to the lady of the heart and is applied to the chest or thigh. Also found in women. The number of hearts indicates the number of men conquered.

49. Woman in a horseshoe, entwined barbed wire. “I owe the prison to a woman.”

50. Hand in shackles squeezing a knife. “A hand to the thief, a knife to the prosecutor.” “Execution will correct me.” Symbolizes cruelty and violence. The tattoo is found among those who denied it, godfathers.

51. Cross engulfed in flames, with the inscription “Believe in God, not communism.” Political tattoo. As a rule, it was applied by political prisoners (see the chapter “Political tattoos”).

52. " This is what's left of us" The owner of the tattoo spent years in prisons and camps (the number of barbs on the wire may indicate his length of correctional labor). The secondary meaning of the tattoo is “I will take revenge on the cops for everything.” Found on the chest and back.

53. A prisoner crying behind bars. “Cursed be the one from century to century who decided to correct a person with prison.” Apply to the chest or back. Like the previous tattoo, it indicates a camp old-timer.

54. " Well, cop, wait a minute!» Caricature of a police officer. Often the wolf is depicted in a uniform cap, jacket and sword belt. Apply to the thigh and lower back.

55. Dancing Skeletons. Symbolizes risk, fearlessness, contempt for death. The tattoo first appeared in Mexico and was “imported” to the Soviet Union in the 60s. The place of tattooing is the shoulder or chest.

56. Neptune. Strength and authority. “Pity for a person humiliates a thief.” The drawing is also found among sailors.

57. Indian. "Deprived of civil rights." Similar tattoos were applied by political prisoners and dissidents.

58. sailboat. "The Eternal Vagabond" or "The Eternal Wanderer." Points to the guest performer. White sails mean a thief, black sails mean a gopnik. Sometimes the number of masts indicates the number of convictions. Apply to the chest and thigh.

59. Fighting bulls. "Who is stronger is right". Symbolizes aggression, the struggle for power. Inflicted by camp authorities. The drawing may be accompanied by text. The place of the tattoo is the chest.

60. Tiger head. "Cruelty and rage." The tattoo bearers are bulls and fighters (persons who commit physical violence on the orders of a thief in law). Found on the chest and shoulder.

61. Latin letter"D", tiger holding a skull in its paw, crown, suit of spades. Symbolizes violence. The tattoo is typical for Gopniks.

62. Gladiator. Inflicted by bulls and fighters. Most often - on the chest. Blood may drip from the sword, which indicates a fighter with “experience.”

63. Pirate with a knife in his teeth. On the knife is the inscription “IRA” (“I’m going to kill activists”). The tattoo is found in the denied person. The camp asset is the Internal Order Service (“IPS”). Denialists call this service “The bitch went out for a walk” and “The bitch went out for half” (early release).

64. Hands in shackles clutching a cross with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Symbolizes faith in the brotherhood of thieves, devotion to the thieves' business.

65. Monk with a goose feather. Indicates a “scribe” - a pickpocket who commits thefts with the help of sharpened objects - a razor, coins, rings.

66. Eagle with a suitcase in his claws. Means a guest performer. If a woman is in the clutches - “Convicted of rape.” A tattoo may indicate a tendency to escape.

67. Woman with snake on the neck. Implies cruelty and violence. Found among eastern peoples.

68. Napoleon. A symbol of power and adventurism.

69. Bug. “I wish you a successful theft.” Pickpocket tattoo. It is applied between the thumb and index finger. Instead of a beetle, a spider without a web or a flea can be depicted.

70. Hand with a dagger piercing the devil. Tattoo of anti-Semites. “Beat the Jews, save Russia!”, “The murder of a Jew is not a crime, but the cleansing of the world from the messengers of Satan.” Such tattoos were considered political and were destroyed.

71. The devil with the bag. “There was happiness, but the devil took it away.” The owner of the tattoo has extensive experience as a thief.

72. Woman with bare breasts. On the chest there is an amulet in the form of the letter “M” and a crown. " Revenge for betrayal" Symbolizes aggressiveness, violence, cruelty.

73. Weeping Muse. The tattoo symbolizes wandering, unrecognized talent, disappointment. Also found in women.

74. Griffin. "Keeper of Secrets" Distributed among eastern peoples.

75. North- “I served my sentence in the North.”

76. Eagle between two trees of different climate zones. Denotes a touring thief and a tendency to escape. The skull in claws symbolizes violence.


Many people nowadays want to decorate their body with tattoos. For some, this is just decoration, but for others, they are made with meaning, because it was for various ritual and sacred actions that they were made at the very beginning.

One of the common motifs among modern tattoos are masks..

The guys

If a mask tattoo is found on guys, then the meaning here is derived from secrecy. The person seems to take on another role in order to hide his true essence. These do not necessarily have to be theatrical attributes, since tattoos can contain images of other types of masks. This approach shows that reincarnation is characteristic of man and he is aware of the impermanence of human essence.

It is also worth considering exactly how the mask is depicted. If it is an aggressive design with horns, sharp angles, teeth, and also has a demonic connotation, then this already says more about the person himself. These masks are protective and tattoos with such images are designed to protect their owner.

Behind the pompous aggressiveness lies the desire to isolate oneself from outside world. But even a joyful and friendly mask does not indicate a person’s complete openness.

The meaning may vary if the tattoo itself was done as a tribute certain culture. For example, the Japanese Hanya mask, which in the original can be deciphered as a symbol of love revenge and all-consuming passion, can only be made out of love for oriental motifs.

For girls

For girls, mask tattoos can take on slightly different symbolism. Here it is more relevant to talk not about protection under a mask, but about the duality of nature. After all, every woman considers herself an actress and theatrical masks in the form of tattoos can emphasize this.

It is worth noting that women often have not one image, but several masks together. Masks from the Venetian carnivals are often found.

They have characteristic shape and are easily recognized, therefore, many consider them just a beautiful decoration. In fact, the meaning of such a tattoo hides the equality of all people. Since at the carnival she could be hiding behind her as a merchant, coachman or even a doge.

Double options, when a sad and cheerful mask is depicted at the same time, shows the fickleness of life. This tattoo says that in life there are both black and white stripes. They are more inherent strong people who are ready for any tests of fate.

Prison meaning

In prison, tattoos play a big role because they say a lot about a person. Some of them must be earned, others are a sign of shame, while in freedom neither one nor the other will have such a strong meaning for ordinary people. The most common tattoo in the zone is with two masks.

One of them, usually the one on the left, expresses joy, and the second - sadness. Here the meaning can be deciphered as the person’s mood when he was free, the left mask, and when he went to prison, the right one. Like many other prison options, they are not distinguished by the sophistication of their forms and great detail, as they are made using handicraft methods.

The fashion for decorating one's body through tattoos has now spread to all levels of society, while previously it was the advantage of people in the criminal world or the world of prisoners. This article will cover the topic "Prison tattoos and their meaning."

A little history

It is worth saying a few words about the world of prisoners and their foundations. So, in Russia this is actually the second government, which, naturally, is an anti-system, an opponent of the current managers of the country. It may be interesting that such a situation exists only in two other countries – Papua New Guinea and South Africa. As for Russia, this dates back to the 18th century, when a criminal hierarchy was formed in response to the restoration of the Prussian bureaucratic system. So, in order to be different and have their own designations, the thieves and criminal world came up with their own language, which they borrowed partly from small traders - ofeni, and partly from Jews, who at that time were also an oppressed people. And, naturally, the place in the criminal hierarchy of any prisoner is determined by his tattoo.

Types of Tattoos

When studying prison tattoos and their meaning, it is worth saying that they are all divided into three main types. First: official drawings that allow you to distinguish a person at higher levels of the prison hierarchy. It is worth saying that not everyone can get tattoos on the zone. Such an honor must be earned, or it will be a forced drawing. The second type is porticos. These are drawings that were made by prisoners independently from various available means, by self-taught people and not by specialized craftsmen. And the third type of tattoo: impudent ones, which were tattooed as a certain shameful sign to the prisoner solely under duress. These are prisoners of the lowest hierarchy who were convicted under certain laws or did not comply with the principles of the prison world.


So, let’s consider the topic “prison tattoos and their meaning” further. First of all, I would like to say that the prisoners could write any type of inscription on themselves. But mostly these are not complete phrases, but their shortened form, understandable only underworld option, which was deciphered by capital letters. As an example, on the body of those who served time you can see the words “BURN”, which is deciphered by the first letters of what is written: the state condemned them to slavery forever, “BELL” - know the thieves, they will teach you very cool, “CAT” - the original inhabitant of the prison, or “BREAD” “I will keep my love forever. There are many such inscriptions, some of them may disappear due to their irrelevance (for example, inscriptions about Soviet power), but new ones arise from time to time.


Prisoners can write all over their bodies. Thus, prison tattoos are often placed on the legs. The first drawing, which seems very important to many prisoners, is the stars on their knees, they are also commonly called “stars of lawlessness.” There are different variations, but the meaning is always the same: “I will never kneel in front of someone.” This is a freedom-loving tattoo that tells convicts that they are rebellious and independent no matter what. However, not everyone will be able to complete this drawing; such an honor must be earned by “correct behavior” from the point of view of prisoners in prison. If a person has such a tattoo, but he has given in, it can simply be cut off with the skin from the knees of the guilty criminal. Also, prisoners were very fond of melting various chains and shackles on their feet, which meant that even if they were free, they still considered themselves prisoners. The image on the leg of a policeman's shoulder strap, pierced with a dagger, meant “the urine of the cops,” but did not identify the prisoner according to his place in the hierarchical structure.

Tattoos on arms and shoulders

It is also worth considering the meaning of prison tattoos on the arms. So, the first of them is an epaulette, which is placed on the shoulders. They were worn by people who, according to thieves' laws, had distinguished themselves well; this was a sign for certain services to the community. It is very difficult to earn such a tattoo, but it raised the prisoner to a certain level in the criminal hierarchy. Important also had subclavian stars, which were deciphered in two meanings: they could designate both a thief in law and a “denier,” a person who opposes the prison order. Pickpockets painted drawings in the form of beetles on the hands. You could also write the word “BUG”, which meant “I wish you successful thefts.” Next, it is worth considering the meaning of prison tattoos “spider”, “cat with a key”, “bat”. The spider also denoted a person from the world of thieves (sometimes a drug addict). If a spider crawls upward along its web, this means that the person will continue to steal, but if it crawls downward, it means that he has “given up with theft.” Burglars painted cats with keys on their hands. Well, another symbol of the thief was Lenin, or rather his profile, which could be drawn on the shoulder or on the chest. Everything comes from the decoding of the word: “THIEF” - Leader of the October Revolution. Night thieves painted bats on their bodies.


It is also important to consider the meaning of prison tattoos on the fingers, because these are special designs by which one can determine the status of a person who was in prison. So, the most important designs on the fingers are rings. They exist here great amount, some may seem very similar to an unknowing person, but in fact they distinguish people of completely different criminal castes. Drawings on index finger right hand distinguish a train thief who commits thefts on the road, special additions can tell how cruel he is and what methods he uses. For example, a black triangle indicates that a person is particularly cruel. Thieves in law, special criminals, and repeat offenders put designs on their middle fingers. People are respected in a criminal environment, leaders draw tattoos on their thumbs, this can also distinguish a specialist in a certain field or an expert. Rhombus squared on ring finger distinguishes a criminal of the lower class, who is considered low for certain actions and can be forced to commit sodomy, that is, “omitted.” If a person is corrected, the diamond may be shaded, which will indicate that the person was punished according to criminal laws. The letter "C" on middle finger They are forcibly inflicted on those persons who are commonly called “those who are tied up,” that is, those who cooperate with law enforcement agencies. For such a tattoo you can suffer severe punishment not only in prison, but also in the wild. In special schools, boys can get tattoos in the shape of a rhombus, with a dot in the upper corner and a cross at the bottom. This denotes authority among teenagers, one of the highest in the teenage hierarchy. This is far from full list tattoos on fingers, there are a huge number of them for every member in the criminal environment and among prisoners.


Considering prison tattoos and their meaning, it is worth saying that very often prisoners apply designs with religious meaning. So what do they mean? mother of God, applied mainly to the back or chest, can mean a talisman against any evil, or that a person took the path of a criminal too early, at a young age. Great value has a stuffed church on the body of the criminal. So, the number of domes means the number of prisoners per zone or the number of years spent in prison. Criminal authorities applied crucifixes of various sizes to their bodies; this distinguished a prisoner of the highest criminal hierarchy, and it was a great honor to earn such a tattoo. Prisoners could also ring their own bells. This meant that the person served his entire sentence in the zone, that is, “from bell to bell.” They could also draw monks who write. This meant a scribbling thief who could scribble any letter without any problems, or it meant a person who mastered working with sharp objects such as a razor or knife.


Prison tattoos could also be extremely simple. So, great importance have dots stamped on the prisoner's body. What could they mean? The five-point tattoo is very popular; four points on the edges represent the prison walls, and the fifth, in the center, represents the prisoner himself. It was stuffed mainly between the index and middle fingers, which meant that the person had been in the zone. Just three full dots can mean a person who enjoys leading a life of crime and perceives himself as a bandit. If the person who got such a tattoo is religious, it can mean the Holy Trinity.

A tear

Considering further the meaning of prison tattoos, one cannot fail to mention the tear applied to the area around the eye (however, this design is mainly of European and American prisoners). It has several meanings. So, first: the person received a sentence for violating the law, that is, he simply ended up in prison. Second: the tear symbolizes the murderer. If it is not painted over, this may mean an attempted murder or that the prisoner’s friend has died and retribution will follow.

About love

Many will find it interesting prison meaning rose tattoos. So, this is the ruined youth of the person sitting. And since this is a flower of love, it is not difficult to guess what else a rose can mean. So, if it is drawn next to a dagger, it means blood for treason. Shaggy thieves, that is, those who are imprisoned for rape, can simply fill their hearts. Anyone who has sworn to take revenge for desecrated love will draw on himself a heart pierced by one or two daggers.

Animals and birds

The prison meaning of a wolf tattoo is very interesting. The abbreviation alone can tell you what it means. "WOLF" - a thief's shortness of breath, a cop's cap. Distinguishes people who hate law enforcement officers and are ready to deal with them at any time. If a prisoner tattoos a tiger on his body, it means that he is angry with everyone, especially with the authorities. This can also distinguish a person who is quite cruel and evil. A drawn cat is a symbol of thieves. If he also has a bow, this means that the person has sold himself to the cops, for which he can be punished from time to time by the inhabitants of the world of prisoners. The profile of a bull denotes a person who is a fighter and can act on behalf of the main authority in various fights. This drawing also distinguishes a cruel person who quickly becomes enraged. What does a scorpion tattoo mean? Prison has several meanings various options. So, it can simply indicate a zodiac sign, but this is its most harmless meaning. Such a tattoo can identify a former special forces soldier. If the scorpion’s claws are open, it means that the person was a participant in hostilities (which is welcomed in the zone). Scorpio is also stuffed by those who were in solitary confinement. If the scorpion is drawn at gunpoint, this means a person who participated in the fighting in Chechnya.

Other drawings

Masks stuffed on the body of a prisoner indicate the mood of the person himself before and during his imprisonment (joy and sadness). Pirates are filled by people who are imprisoned for robbery. Jokers or cards are drawn on the body by gambling people who ended up in the zone for the same reason. A knife in the neck will tell others that a person cut someone off, while swastikas or Nazi symbols are tattooed by those who do not agree with the modern government.

Thieves tattoos and their meaning

Today it has become quite fashionable to decorate your body in a variety of ways. One option to change your appearance is a tattoo. This is the process of applying a design to the human body by introducing special paint under the top layer of skin. This process is quite traumatic and subsequently this body pattern can only be removed surgically. Initially, tattoos were used by ancient peoples to decorate and determine clan membership and status in the hierarchical ladder among fellow tribesmen. Today tattoo is used as one of the trends contemporary art– body art, as well as in criminal circles to determine the status of a person occupying a certain “position” in this environment.

The common man is often interested in the question of this type of tattoo. Representatives of state law enforcement agencies even defend entire dissertations on the topic “Thieves’ tattoos and their meaning.” Studying this topic is very important and useful for employees of relevant services. In a criminal environment, tattoos are applied for a reason. Each of them has its own specific meaning. And a person belonging to this environment does not have the right to apply the design he wants. This process takes place strictly under the control of “seniors in rank”.

So, let's try to understand the meaning of some of the most common thieves tattoos. First of all, it is necessary to note the fact that the name of the body art is “tattoo” and, unlike body art, which can be made in multi-colored colors, it is done only in blue and black. Let's start with the most famous tattoo in the form church domes. Their number is equal to the years that were spent outside the walls of the correctional institution. They can be pinned on the chest, back, and legs. A tattoo in the form of a knife, which is shackled, denotes a crime committed by this person in prison. As a rule, its place is on back side ankles.

What do thieves tattoos mean?

Tattoos in the form of a bull, located on the right side of the chest, are mainly tattooed on “sixes”. They do all the cruel and dirty work, that is, physical violence, punished by the thief in law. This drawing means that its bearer is cruel and furious. Bat, pinned in the same place, means that this person is a thief who hunts in the dark. A tattoo on the shoulders in the form of fascist shoulder straps with the presence of a swastika can be regarded as belonging to a Nazi organization. But this is far from true. This figure means that this person expresses protest against modern government. The letters “SS” present here can only mean “Retained Conscience.”

The depicted bells all over the back indicate the fact that this criminal served his freedom in prison “from bell to bell.” If a criminal has star tattoos on his knees, this means that he is not going to kneel before the law. A cat with keys in its mouth, located on inside forearm, indicates the fact that the “profession” of this criminal is burglary, the so-called burglar.

Thieves tattoo – mother of god all over the back - became a criminal at a young age Blatnaya tattoo - stars on the shoulders - may be a sign of a thief in law Blatnaya tattoo - subclavian star - denied everything cop-like
Blatnaya tattoo – Epaulet – badge of merit Blatnaya tattoo cat and keys – burglar thief (apartment thief)

Of course, it is almost impossible to list all the variety of tattoos that fit the theme “Thief tattoos and their meaning.” In fact, there are a huge number of them, and in order to understand them thoroughly, you need to study a lot of special material, which is painstakingly collected over many years.

What does the "S.E.R" tattoo mean?

are you confused? I know S.E.R. - Freedom Is Paradise - 2 years ago


A supporter of United Russia, probably.

But in general, GenTos is right in telling you that it was the SER tattoo, an abbreviation for “Freedom is Paradise,” that was widespread among Soviet, and subsequently among Russian prisoners.

P.S. Yeah, they corrected it, so, yes, the only option is “Freedom is paradise.”


Freedom is paradise, interpretation of the "S.E.R" tattoo

This tattoo was shown in the dramatic film by Sergei Bodrov Sr. in 1989. The film tells the story of a difficult teenager who runs away from a special school in search of his father.

A tattoo with a pistol in this art is a fairly new phenomenon, and therefore rare. This tattoo is equally suitable for boys and girls; gender discrimination can only manifest itself in the method and color, shape and style of the image. After all, girls, as a rule, make pistols small and originally beautiful, often in decomposition with other female symbols, and guys can make them simple, but very large. In general The meaning of a gun tattoo is to express somewhat hooligan feelings, expressing one’s danger and emancipation, indifference and self-confidence. For girls, a pistol is a sign of independence and some audacity.

Tattoo guns can be divided into two types: double and single. A couple of pistols (most often revolvers) have become something of a Wild West style; they are often depicted crossed. Single pistols come in many varieties and types, and are often perceived as a means of psychological protection against provocations and insults. This tattoo is often made by servicemen, people who spent a lot of time with weapons, fought and killed. For them it is a memory of the past and hope for the future.

The meaning of a gun tattoo on a zone is also not simple. Oddly enough, the prisoners did not portray him as a threat, to emphasize their danger, and most often he was a sign of regret. That is, along with such objects as cards, alcohol, syringes, girls, it symbolized “what is destroying us.” Therefore, a gun tattoo may be imbued with some regrets about one’s criminal actions. But if they depict a pistol with a rose, it means blood for treason.

If we talk about the places where this tattoo is applied, then the areas where people actually carry weapons dominate here: the lower abdomen (behind the belt), the thigh (for girls), but they are also often found on the back, on the chest, and small ones on the shoulder.

The gun is a manifestation of freedom, seriousness and playfulness at the same time. The specific meaning depends on how you depict this symbol, in what context and in what zone. But if you want to feel like a secret agent, a fearless cowboy, or a hunter, then a gun tattoo is exactly what you need.

Tattooha 2017. Tattoos and their meanings, photos, sketches

Cards gun girl syringe alcohol

The meaning of some tattoos It’s quite difficult to explain, and some of them would be better never known, but let’s try.

In this article we will look at photographs of tattoos that are this moment I have it on hand. I can’t know all the meanings of tattoos, because my specialty is artistic tattooing. Therefore, I will not describe everything. If you find an error, write your version in the comments.

At the dealerships you can find a whole collection of markings for tattoos on discs. Here we will look at some of them. And I wish you never see them in your life :)

To begin with, it must be said that TANK differs from modern tattoo culture in its primitivism and monochromatic nature. Although there are masters who still paint real masterpieces, due to prison fashion, the images are usually made in a characteristic blue color. The quality of tattoos also leaves much to be desired in 90% of cases. We usually see rather dull, washed out and disproportionate specimens.

Prison tattoos - meaning. We decipher the photographs.

Tattoo "Epaulette"- a badge of honor for serious matters.

Tattoo "Mother of God"— the prisoner took the path of thieves at a young age. Sometimes it means a talisman against some kind of misfortune, misfortune, or failure.

“Subclavian stars” on the shoulders have 2 meanings:

1. Denied. A prisoner who denies prison rules.

The CAT is a symbol of good luck and indicates the owner’s caution.

Abbreviation K O T - Indigenous Prison Occupant.

A CAT WITH A BUTTERFLY is also a symbol of pickpockets. Previously, guilty pickpockets were forcibly added to the image of a cat’s head with a bow-butterfly, which meant “knitted”, that is, an activist who had sold out to the “cops” and had put on a bandage. Today, cats with a bow are pricked by everyone who wants to, and the shameful significance of the butterfly is forgotten.

« Bug" - this tattoo pickpocket symbol. Meaning abbreviations ZH U K - I Wish U Dachnykh Theft.

It is often applied to the hand, but can also be applied to other parts of the body.

" Church "— from this tattoo you can find out the number of years spent in prison. The number of domes means how many walks the prisoner made or how many years he served in prison. It should be added that not everyone is allowed to get this tattoo.

Prison tattoo "Tiger"- embittered at the authorities, the state, the police, as well means cruelty and rage its owner. The owner's recklessness is guaranteed.

#Sailboat — means in prison slang- “tourist”, i.e. A THIEF who only works in another city. Not where he lives.

« Spider in the web" - the prison symbol of a thief. You need to know that if a spider crawls up, it means “I have been stealing and will steal.” If down, then “Stole and quit.” Often means drug addict symbol. It is also used in civilian life.

“Rising Sun” is an interesting tattoo that means freedom. Those. a memorial sign for the owner about his specialness.

« CAT WITH KEYS"is a professional burglar.

Prison tattoos and their meaning - continued

Crucifixion means that its owner is a crime boss.

Eyes on the chest- stands for “Looking for bitches” in the jargon.

Tattooing a Bell means that the owner of the tattoo has served his entire sentence “from bell to bell.”

Eyes on the buttocks- its owner, belongs to the lowest caste of prisoners, lowered.

Tattoo Lenin and Stalin on the chest serve as protection from security officer bullets. Bandits in the USSR believed that the security officers would not shoot at the image of the leaders. Now it's getting hot ordinary people for banter.

Lenin is also a symbol of a thief. VOR - Leader of the October Revolution.

Stars on their knees mean that the owner will not kneel before the law.

The meaning of prison tattoos on IVANTATTOO.RU

The meaning of a tattoo with swastika symbols, Nazi symbols is a protest against the current government, and does not necessarily indicate that the owner belongs to Nazism or fascism.

Runes - Disagreement with the state, with the regime, expression of their protest.

The letters SS in the tattoo mean S guarded with conscience.

SIR - stands for S Freedom E to Paradise.

KNIFE IN BARBED WIRE - Committed a crime in prison.

Rose - Wasted youth.

Cards, gun, girl, syringe, alcohol, etc. means “This is what is destroying us.”

Bat - denotes a night thief.

Bearers of tattoos are persons inflicting physical violence on the orders of a thief in law. In slang they are called bulls and fighters.

tattoo BARS, means B e A active - D e r S u c.

A monk writing a book with a pen is a clerk, scribbler, pickpocket who works well with a razor or other sharpened objects.

Knife in the neck - Means that the owner of the tattoo cut someone off.

Shackles - One shackle - 5 years imprisonment.

Rose and dagger - Blood for treason.

Sight - Shoot, security officer, don’t miss.

Joker - Gamer, lover of gambling.

WOLF - In ora O shortness of breath for the lieutenant Cap.

Prison tattoos and their meaning.

SHA - Shali A restant. They say there is still not enough NZM - N o Know the Measure. Small letters on the little finger.

Gold - Remember, O one day People O put You O alone (alone).

The meaning of the Scorpio tattoo is not known for certain, but based on the comments below, this tattoo has several meanings. In the end, I decided to collect all the values ​​​​given in the comments so that everyone could choose whatever they liked.

Scorpio tattoo meanings:

  1. just a zodiac sign.
  2. tattoo of a special forces soldier, and if Scorpio’s claws are open, then he participated in combat operations.
  3. the prisoner was in solitary confinement.
  4. More like a drug addict tattoo. Indeed, if the sting is raised, he is an active drug addict; if it is lowered, he has given up.
  5. Apparently Scorpio in the sight means participation in hostilities (Chechnya/Afghan).

LHVS - Liars X uy V oram S freedom or I love X alva V arenye Sugar but this is most likely just a joke.

Theatrical masks - show the mood before and after prison.

Prison tattoos and their meanings - to be continued.

Although the development of technology makes itself felt over time, and there are more and more masters in the zone capable of creating real masterpieces. We also recommend reading: what do aggressive tattoos mean?